The training of future english teachers: professional socialization and the entrance to profession
Considers problem of professional socialization of future teachers of foreign languages. Named the problems of the modern educational system related to the process of professional socialization of students. Studying role of professional socialization.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.08.2021 |
Размер файла | 20,9 K |
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Donbas state teachers' training university
The training of future english teachers: professional socialization and the entrance to profession
Svitlana Sechka, candidate of pedagogical sciences, the associate professor
Donetsk region
Світлана СЄЧКА, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент
Донбаський державний педагогічний університет Донецька обл.
У статті розглядається проблема професійної соціалізації майбутніх викладачів іноземних мов. Автором наголошено на важливості цього феномену в рамках освітнього процесу та подальшої професійної діяльності фахівця. Окремо визначено принципи формування професійних навичок майбутнього фахівця сфери іноземних мов. Автор підкреслює, що успішна професійна соціалізація є умовою для ефективної діяльності майбутнього педагога. Названо основні проблеми сучасної освітньої системи, що стосуються процесу професійної соціалізації студентів. Для майбутніх викладачів іноземних мов вона включає процес формування певних якостей особистості-професіонала, до яких можна віднести: рівень загального інтелектуального розвитку (професійне мислення) рівень організації діяльності фахівця; культура спілкування; рівень володіння принципами професійної етики, формування професійного такту й майстерності. Автор вирішує проблему, яка полягає в тому, що для формування в підростаючого покоління нової, цілісної свідомості в педагога має бути сформований високий професіоналізм, нове педагогічне мислення, висока духовна і моральна культура, тобто завданням професійної підготовки полягає в засвоєнні студентами системних знань і практичних умінь, які дозволять оволодіти критеріями оцінки соціальних і природних явищ, феноменів культури. Складність і багатоаспектність соціалізації особистості обумовлює необхідність виділення і вивчення конкретних її видів. Диверсифікація поняття “професійна соціалізація" обумовлена тим, що саме через професійну освіту і трудову діяльність відбувається передача досвіду і відтворення трудових відносин, входження людини у світ професійної діяльності, оновлюється соціально-професійна структура суспільства. Численні дослідження показують, що соціалізація має складну природу, різноманітні форми, однією з яких є професійна соціалізація. Інтерес до вивчення професійної соціалізації вченими різних наукових напрямків (психології, філософії, культурології та педагогіки), що дозволяє досліджувати різні аспекти професійної соціалізації, підкреслює суспільну значущість проблеми дослідження. Професійна соціалізація формує потенціал успішного включення індивіда в процес трудової діяльності й підтримки високого рівня професійної мобільності протягом усього життя.
Ключові слова: професійна соціалізація, освітній процес, якість, особистість, професія.
The article considers the problem of professional socialization of future teachers of foreign languages. The author emphasizes the importance of this phenomenon in the educational process and further professional activity of the specialist. Separately, the principles of formation of professional skills of the future specialist in the field of foreign languages are determined. The author emphasizes that successful professional socialization is a condition for the effective operation of the future teacher. The author also named the main problems of the modern educational system related to the process of professional socialization of students. Professional socialization of future teachers of foreign languages includes the process of forming certain qualities of a professional personality, which include: the level of general intellectual development (professional thinking), the level of organization of the specialist; culture of communication; level of mastery of the principles of professional ethics, formation of professional tact and skill. The author solves the problem, which is that for the formation of the younger generation a new, holistic consciousness of the teacher must be formed high professionalism, new pedagogical thinking, high spiritual and moral culture, ie the task of training should be to equip students with systematic knowledge and practical skills that will allow them to master the criteria for assessing social and natural as well as phenomena, cultural phenomena. The complexity and multifaceted nature of the socialization of the individual necessitates the selection and study of its specific types. Diversification of the concept of "professional socialization" is due to the fact that it is through professional education and work is the transfer of experience and reproduction of labor relations, there is a person's entry into the world of professional activity, renewed socio-professional structure of society. Numerous studies show that socialization has a complex nature, various forms, one of which is professional socialization. The interest in the study of professional socialization by scientists of different scientific fields (psychology, philosophy, culturology and pedagogy), which allows to study various aspects of professional socialization, emphasizes the social significance of the research problem. Professional socialization forms the potential for successful inclusion of the individual in the work process and maintaining a high level of professional mobility throughout life.
Key words: professional socialization, educational process, quality, personality, profession.
An important stage of human activity is integration into the professional environment, which, in turn, is a long and unique process. Successful and high-quality professional socialization of future foreign language teachers is a priority of all higher education institutions, in the process of which, there is an improvement of personality, achievement of special characteristics and knowledge, formation of goals and strategies of professional activity. Such factors ensure the adaptation of the future foreign language teacher to the working and professional working conditions.
The humanization of professional training involves, above all, the subjective development and self-development of the future teacher, ready not to broadcast a certain amount of knowledge and skills, but at a high professional level, to implement modern educational requirements, to creatively carry out their activities.
The period of professional training of a young person coincides with the period of his youth, when the most intensive processes of social cognition and social formation of the individual, carried out during socialization through the acquisition of new socio-cultural knowledge and skills expanding in the fields of activity and communication.
The didactic orientation of the university on the training of subject teachers has led to the fact that having a sufficient amount of theoretical knowledge, he is not able to apply this knowledge in practice, and does not have the skills of orientation in the social environment.
Formulation of the problem. The problem is that for the formation of a new, holistic consciousness in the younger generation, the teacher himself must be formed high professionalism, new pedagogical thinking, high spiritual and moral culture, ie the task of training should be to equip students with systematic knowledge and practical skills that will to master the criteria for assessing social and natural phenomena, as well as cultural phenomena.
Methods of research. This is possible under the condition of reorientation of the orientation of professional training from didactic to educational. It is necessary to perceive education and upbringing as a sphere of social reality, and the educational institution as a special social environment in which not only in the classrooms, but also outside them is the process of social and professional knowledge of the future specialist.
The artificial division in the domestic pedagogy of the objective holistic pedagogical process into teaching and education has become the reason for the same division of the holistic process of teacher training, in which priority is given to teaching.
In the process of professional socialization, people acquire qualities and characteristics that allow them to act effectively within a certain social group. In our case, we consider a special social group, which is divided into two subgroups, namely: a specialist in education, as well as a specialist in foreign languages.
Increasingly, a foreign language is studied not only for general communication, but also to improve the professional level and expand business skills. This is due to the reform of political, economic and cultural spheres of activity, their focus on a common partnership with foreign countries, as well as with modern international standards.
Relevance of research. The development of foreign economic relations, the establishment of departments and faculties of international business, tourism, international economic and legal relations in universities, puts before universities the need to find new approaches to teaching a foreign language in order to prepare a high quality specialist whose skills increase through foreign language skills. These factors determine the urgency of the problem of professional socialization of the future specialist in the field of foreign languages, and its allocation to a special social group.
It should be noted that the professional socialization of future foreign language teachers as a psychological and pedagogical problem should be considered not only through the range of pedagogical concepts, but also through socio-philosophical aspects in order to fully understand its essence, purpose and content. Professional socialization of future foreign language teachers is an integral part of a complex and multifaceted process - socialization which will address our research problem.
The subject of research is the modern educational environment as a space of initial activity of the future teacher of foreign languages.
The object of study is professional socialization as a process of adaptation of the specialist's personality to the future professional environment.
The aim of the study. Successful professional socialization of future teachers of foreign languages involves the study of the essence, direction and content of the process of entering a young specialist in the social environment, which is a meaningful socio-pedagogical space.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The first who contributed to the study of socialization were scientists who tried to analyze personal processes occurring under the influence of society, among them are: F. Giddings, E. Durkheim, G. Tarde, T. Parsons. The researchers focused on the study of the process of interaction between the individual and the social environment. The main position of the first theories on the socialization of the individual was that in this process society acts as a subject, and the individual as an object of its influence.
Thus, F. Giddings considered socialization as a process of forming a person's social environment in accordance with their goals. It is obvious that this vision of socialization does not correspond to modern views on this phenomenon, but it is important to take into account in the historical and sociological aspect of this issue (Nida, 1974).
The issue of professional socialization in the educational space was considered by domestic scientists, such as: I. Vorobyova, S. Kuchma, Zapesotskiy, I Strakhov. and others.
Results and discussion
The complexity and multifaceted nature of the socialization of the individual necessitates the selection and study of its specific types. Diversification of the concept of “professional socialization” is due to the fact that it is through professional education and work is the transfer of experience and reproduction of labor relations, is the entry of man into the world of professional activity, renewed socio-professional structure of society. Numerous studies show that socialization has a complex nature, various forms, one of which is professional socialization. The interest in the study of professional socialization by scientists of different scientific fields (psychology, philosophy, culturology and pedagogy), which allows to study various aspects of professional socialization, emphasizes the social significance of the research problem. Professional socialization forms the potential for successful inclusion of the individual in the work process and maintaining a high level of professional mobility throughout life. In the normal process of professional socialization, society ensures continuity in the transmission from generation to generation of professional attitudes, values, professional skills and abilities, skills, as well as a gradual entry into human professional life, achieves stability of the economic system. The complexity and multifactorial determination of the process of professional socialization determines the consideration of this process in many related disciplines.
Professional socialization of future foreign language teachers at the stage of higher education is based on a personality-oriented approach to the essence of professional development and personality formation. This approach forces to consider the process of professional socialization of future teachers of a foreign language in its specific manifestations: social, cognitive, communicative activities.
Thus, the specifics of professional socialization of future foreign language teachers allowed us to define it. This is the process of mastering the norms, knowledge, traditions of the foreign language environment in a specially organized "micro society", in which future professionals in the educational process learn, and later implement, the value attitude to further professional activity.
In pedagogical practice, we observe a phenomenon when the process of professional socialization of future foreign language teachers is usually accompanied by serious socio-psychological, economic, moral and other problems.
Modernization of higher professional education, socio-economic challenges of modern multicultural society have revealed the following contradictions in the field of foreign language teaching for professional purposes:
- between the historically formed technocratic approach to the student as an object of obtaining a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities and the orientation of modern society to ensure the conditions of selfdetermination and self-realization of each;
- between the international requirements for the quality of foreign language communication skills required for a specialist to enter the single world market of labor and education in the conditions of two-level model of higher education, and insufficient development of scientific-theoretical and practical bases for teaching business foreign language communication in a higher professional institution of non-language type;
- between declaring the need for the implementation of the pedagogical process aimed at the entry of the individual into the culture within the educational institute, and the insufficient development of pedagogical support of this process by means of foreign language business communication.
Social significance and insufficient theoretical development have determined the need to solve the following problem - how to make a "specialty" a personally significant profession? What pedagogical factors of business foreign language communication contribute to the professional socialization of the individual.
In pedagogical universities, in foreign language departments, a certain percentage of students are eliminated at the stage of professional socialization, on the basis of psychological and social problems. In our opinion, such a process is associated with insufficient mastery of knowledge of the teaching staff of educational institutions to ensure the effective process of professional socialization. professional socialization teacher educational
A certain problem exists not only at the level of domestic pedagogy, but also in the world. The world community, in particular teachers in the United States and Great Britain, paid special attention to the problem of professional socialization of future foreign language teachers. Since the 1950s, scientists have drawn attention to the large percentage of young professionals who left their professional activities in its early stages (Kussmaul, 1995: 45).
Gradually, this problem has become more global and many scientists around the world have conducted research on this issue. In particular, in the UK, this issue was considered in the context of the problem of morality of future professionals in the field of foreign languages. In England and the United States, this problem was analyzed in the framework of motivation of future professionals in the field of education (Newmark, 1995).
For our study, Steve Dinham's opinion is indicative that 30% of young foreign language teachers leave their professional activities at the initial stage, during the first five years of work. Such drop-out statistics have not only negative economic consequences, but most importantly - a negative impact on educational and social processes in general (Newmark, 1995).
Thus, the researchers came to the conclusion that such negative processes are caused by poor quality of the process of entering the profession, ie professional socialization of future professionals. This means that such a problem must be solved in advance by using a certain scientific approach.
To prepare a future specialist for further professional activity means to organize his life in an educational institution and to lay a social and professional basis (knowledge, experience, values) for his future activity as a teacher of a foreign language in the educational process.
An important component of our study is such a component of the process of professional socialization of future foreign language teachers as professional skills, which affects the nature of professional activity. The professional skills of foreign language teachers in the educational environment are embodied in the following aspects:
- At the level of mastery of professional skills, components of the technology of professional activity and ensure the effective performance of professional duties.
- At the level of mastering the knowledge of their field, which includes understanding the essence of their own work, expanding the general worldview, acquiring knowledge of sciences that are close to the profession.
- In the personal qualities of a specialist, the indicator of which is thinking, reflection, self-esteem, creative approach to work, value approach to the activities of a professional. In modern pedagogical educational institutions, the process of entering the profession of future foreign language teacher is reduced to general theoretical knowledge.
One of the most important elements of professional skills of future foreign language teachers is the formation of professional tact. The term "tact" means a way of human behavior. Important for our study is the definition of tact within the educational environment iV Strakhov, who noted that pedagogical tact is a measure of pedagogical expediency in the application of educational influence, which is expressed in their optimization, delicate adaptation to the peculiarities of each situation and individual identity (Delisle, 1981: 21).
Thus, the professional tact of future foreign language teachers is manifested in various skills, such as: the ability to find the best solution in difficult situations, solve the problem without oppressing another participant in the professional process, general culture and language culture of professional communication, tolerance, etc. n.
The educational system also underestimates the importance of students learning social experience, norms and values of culture. All this, in turn, affects the effectiveness of the process of professional socialization of the future specialist, as well as his worldview, social and moral principles.
The professional socialization of a future foreign language teacher depends not only on the relevant technologies and performance evaluation criteria, but also on the values and purpose of the professional activity. This process occurs as a result of mastering a multilevel set of norms, the essence of which can be determined by the formula: “values-meta-means-methods- resources-objects” (Savchenko, 1997: 5).
This complex is mastered by students together with a group of disciplines within the relevant system, which aim to combine all the aspects mentioned by us and to form the appropriate qualities of a specialist.
Conclusions and prospects of research
Our study allows us to conclude that the professional socialization of future teachers of foreign languages includes the process of forming certain qualities of the individual-professional, which include: the level of general intellectual development (professional thinking) the level of organization of the specialist; culture of communication; level of mastery of the principles of professional ethics, formation of professional tact and skill.
So, professional socialization of foreign language teachers in is taking place due to: the study of scientific subjects and the application of methods that have essential for the development of the ability to work as a teacher; orientation on the sciences of teaching and learning special subjects; development high functional language skills; development of ability to work in a group, to communication, independent acquisition of knowledge, passing long-term internship. Further consideration, in our opinion, requires methods of teaching a foreign language.
1. Савченко А. Я. Дидактика начальной школы. К. Абрис. 1997. 420 с. 185
2. Delisle J. L'Enseignement de l'interprйtation et de la traduction. Ottawa:
3. Editions de l'Universitй d'Ottawa., 1981.321 p.
4. Kussmaul P. Training the Translator. L.: John Benjamins Publishing Co, 1995. 145 p.
5. Newmark P. A Textbook of Translation. C.: Library of Congress Cataloging-inPublication Data, 1995. 457 p.
6. Nida E. The Theory and Practice of Translating. C. Taber. - N.Y.: Brill, Leiden, 1974. 195 p.
7. Tricas M. Manual de traduccion francйs-castellano. B.: Gedisa S.A, 1995. 430 p.
1. Savchenko A. Ya. Didaktika nachal'noj shkoly. K. Abris. 1997. 420 s. 185
2. Delisle J. L'Enseignement de l'interprйtation et de la traduction. Ottawa: Editions de l'Universitй d'Ottawa., 1981.321 p.
3. Kussmaul P. Training the Translator. L.: John Benjamins Publishing Co, 1995. 145 p.
4. Newmark P. A Textbook of Translation. C.: Library of Congress Cataloging-inPublication Data, 1995. 457 p.
5. Nida E. The Theory and Practice of Translating. C. Taber. - N.Y.: Brill, Leiden, 1974. 195 p.
6. Tricas M. Manual de traduccion francйs-castellano. B.: Gedisa S.A, 1995. 430
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