The peculiarities of using fiction films in teaching the practice of oral and written language of higher school students
The specifics of the language of authentic feature film: the use of spoken language characters, dialogic language, its saturation with idioms, slang, abbreviations. Pedagogical potential of English language teaching methods based on films.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.08.2021 |
Размер файла | 22,1 K |
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Donbas state teachers' training university
The peculiarities of using fiction films in teaching the practice of oral and written language of higher school students
Svitlana Ryzhkova,
the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the associate professor
The study revealed the great potential of methods of teaching English on the basis of authentic feature films, which is realized through the clarity of video materials, encouraging different means of perception, creating on their basis language situations closest to real, aesthetic function of cinema. The film was considered as a means of visualization: visual, auditory, verbal. It was also shown how to use a feature film to motivate students to communicate in the classroom, learn English and education in general. The paper found that feature film can be used in various fields of English language teaching. It is an effective means of developing skills of oral communication, listening, teaching vocabulary, grammar, writing, socio-cultural and regional aspects. Each area of study was considered separately. The paper considers aspects that need to be considered when using feature films in teaching English: technical characteristics of videos, organization of lessons based on films, the most effective use of films, learning difficulties and other problems that teachers may face when using feature films in training. In this work, the following criteria for the selection of feature films were defined: compliance of the language content of the film with the level of knowledge of students; compliance of the content with educational goals; compliance with the interests, psychological, age and social characteristics of students; language saturation; the ratio of sound and visual range; reflection of socio-cultural, country studies specifics; informational, artistic value; movie duration. Properly selected films contribute to the formation of intercultural competence of students, the development of artistic, aesthetic and cognitive needs and motives, as well as the formation of intellectual, linguistic, cultural, communicative abilities.
The specifics of the language of authentic feature film were considered in the work: the use of spoken language by the characters, the dialogic nature of the language, its saturation with idioms, slang, abbreviations.
As a result of the research it was established that the pedagogical potential of the methods of teaching English on the basis of feature films can be realized through the educational and methodological complex, which includes the feature films themselves, forms of working with them, tasks for each film.
Key words: feature film, communication, competence, education, foreign language.
Особливості використання художніх фільмів при навчанні практики усної і писемної мови студентів вищої школи
Світлана Рижкова,
кандидат педагогічних наук,
Донбаський державний педагогічний університет,
Донецька обл.,
м. Слов'янськ
Під час дослідження було виявлено великий потенціал методики викладання англійської мови на основі автентичних художніх фільмів, який реалізується через наочність відеоматеріалів, заохочення різних засобів сприйняття, створення на їх основі мовних ситуацій, найбільш наближених до реальних, естетичну функцію кіно. Фільм був розглянутий як засіб наочності: зорової, слухової, словесної. Також було показано, як використовувати художній фільм для мотивації учнів до комунікативної діяльності в класі, вивчення англійської мови й утворення взагалі. У роботі було встановлено, що художній фільм може бути використаний в різних галузях навчання англійської мови. Він є ефективним засобом формування навичок усного спілкування, аудіювання, навчання лексиці, граматиці, письму, соціокультурним і країнознавчих аспектів. Кожна область навчання була розглянута окремо. У роботі були розглянуті аспекти, які необхідно враховувати при використанні художніх фільмів у викладанні англійської мови: технічна характеристика відеоматеріалів, організація уроків на основі фільмів, найбільш ефективне використання кінофільмів, труднощі при навчанні та інші проблеми, з якими може зіткнутися вчитель при використанні художніх фільмів в навчанні. У даній роботі були визначені наступні критерії відбору художніх фільмів: відповідність мовного змісту фільму рівню знань учнів; відповідність змісту навчальним цілям; відповідність інтересам, психологічним, віковим і соціальним особливостям учнів; мовна насиченість; співвідношення звукового і зорового ряду; відображення соціокультурної, країнознавчої специфіки; інформаційна, художня цінність; тривалість фільму. Правильно відібрані фільми сприяють формуванню міжкультурної компетенції учнів, розвитку художньо-естетичних і пізнавальних потреб і мотивів, а також формування інтелектуальних, лінгвістичних, культурологічних, комунікативних здібностей.
У роботі була розглянута специфіка мови автентичного художнього фільму: використання персонажами розмовної мови, діалогічність мови, її насиченість ідіомами, сленгом, скороченнями. В результаті дослідження було встановлено, що педагогічний потенціал методики викладання англійської мови на основі художніх фільмів може бути реалізований через навчально-методичний комплекс, що включає самі художні фільми, форми роботи з ними, завдання до кожного фільму.
Ключові слова: художній фільм, комунікація, компетенція, навчання, іноземна мова.
Main part
Today, learning of foreign languages, is becoming a necessary component of the intellectual and practical activities of most people, as well as the training of professionals in various fields. The main purpose of training is the formation of communicative competence which includes not only the ability to communicate in English orally or in writing but also the ability to conduct a dialogue between cultures (knowledge of their own culture and the culture of the language that is studied). There are also strategic, educational, upbringing and development goals.
Success in learning of the English language largely depends on the teacher's method of work, his ability to use various modern technologies in the context of solving educational problems.
The rapidly growing flow of scientific information, which volume is constantly increasing, motivates to look for new, more effective methods, teaching aids that would give more information for the same unit of study time, as well as to present it more vividly, accessible and emotionally so that it is easier perceived and better remembered by students.
The analysis of scientific works. Analysis of native and foreign methodological literature revealed the great potential of methods of teaching English on the basis of authentic fiction films. The role of audiovisual aids in teaching of foreign languages is pointed in the works of native psychologists (I. Zimnya, A. Leontiev, etc.) and foreign scientists (B. Bliss, S. Cunningham, D. Cotton, R. Cooper, J. Rose, J. Sherman, D. Evans, etc.). These authors recognize the possibility of using electronic sound tools to increase the efficiency of information perception, diversity in the learning process, management of cognitive activity of students, activation of mental processes, increasing motivation to learn. The advantages of teaching English on the basis of fiction film, selection of videos and methods of working with them are revealed in the pedagogical works of foreign authors (F. Stiller, M. Allan, D. Stewart, Yuming Wang, A. Baratta, S. Jones) and native scientists (L. Samarova, I. Kuzmina and others). Many native and foreign scientists have developed textbooks for teaching English on the basis of native films (O. Oksentyuk, E. Schneider).
The relevance of work lies in the growing need to use authentic feature films in teaching English, which becomes apparent in connection with the constant presence of media in everyday life. The current situation requires teachers to rethink critically the possibilities of this genre in order to use it more effectively in the process of language learning.
Research problem: to analyze the peculiarities of using fiction films in the learning process of the English language.
The object of research - the process of formation of communicative competence of students.
The subject of research is an authentic fiction film as the means of teaching English.
The purpose of research is to identify the effectiveness of the use of fiction films in teaching English, to show the basic techniques and methods of teaching English on the basis of films.
Research methods. Theoretical (analysis of scientific literature) and practical (scientific observation and generalization of pedagogical experience) research methods were used during the research.
The results and discussions. Today, the most important goal of learning English is to achieve communicative competence for further communication with native speakers of this language. In this regard, it is also important to give students a clear idea of life, culture, language realities of English-speaking countries. To form communicative competence outside the language environment is a rather difficult task. For this purpose, the use of authentic materials, in particular fiction films has great importance.
Authentic is understood to be material created by native speakers for their fellow citizens without any processing and adaptation used in the educational process, which focuses on a communicative approach for learning a foreign language outside the language environment.
Video materials (videos) - any television production (news, talk shows, interviews), as well as feature, documentary, animated films that are recorded on film or digital media and used as didactic material.
Multimedia learning tools include the means to create, store, process and reproduce digital information of various types. The main feature of multimedia is the significant volume and variety, the complex nature of their presentation, as well as the possibility of direct access to them.
The use of these tools in the classroom ensures the efficiency of obtaining the necessary information, which significantly separates them from other sources of information: reference books, books, audio recordings (Жогліна, 1998).
The use of video materials in teaching a foreign language is based on the main methodological principle - the principle of clarity. Perception and processing of information when watching movies are carried out in the form of auditory-visual synthesis, on the basis of which was created and developed audiolingual and audiovisual methods of teaching foreign languages. Videos and movies create learning conditions as close as possible to the language environment, and reproduce the language situation by sound and visual means. These features of films allow to use them for the purpose of intensification of educational process and giving it the maximum communicative orientation.
Unlike sounds or printed texts, which can have a high informative, educational, educational and developmental value, videos also contain visual information about the scene, appearance in nonverbal communication (body language, facial expressions, gestures, intonation) of interlocutors in a particular situation, which depend on the age, gender, individual characteristics of the speakers. Visual clarity helps to better understand and remember both factual information and purely linguistic features of language in a particular context.
Verbal, acoustic signs (sounds, silence, music), non-verbal language, images of characters and their condition in the film help students to perceive information synchronously, while in literature it is presented linearly.
The film also demonstrates a huge number of objects and phenomena of the outside world and thus unobtrusively introduces students to the accompanying information. Visual transmission of reality in the film puts it in first place among other means of communication in similarity with reality (Жогліна, 1998: 10).
Another advantage of feature films over literary works is their strong emotional impact on people, which allows films to convey information more vividly and voluminously, as well as to serve as a means. increase student motivation. The film stimulates students to communicate in a foreign language, educational and creative activities. When working with the film, you can conduct various activities in the classroom, such as tasks performed in pairs or in groups, discussions, dramatizations that help students feel more free when talking and performing.
Feature films provide great opportunities for analysis based on the comparison of cultural realities and characteristics of human behavior in different situations of intercultural communication (provided that the selected materials provide the necessary basis for such a comparison).
English linguist Margaret Allan mentions another positive quality: the ability to divide the film with video equipment into the required number of parts depending on the goals, individual needs and characteristics of students and continue to work with each fragment separately (Allan, 1985).
According to IV Terekhov, authentic films used in the educational process have a significant potential for the implementation of the basic principles of learning:
- principle of communicative and intercultural orientation;
- principles of clarity and accessibility;
- principle of taking into account the age characteristics of students;
- principle of stimulating and developing students' thinking;
- principle of conscious activity of students;
- principles of combination of different methods and forms of training depending on the tasks and content of training and compliance of methods and techniques of the purpose of training;
- principle of connection of theory with practice (Терехов, 2011).
The specifics of the implementation of these principles is as follows:
1. The use of films in learning creates a language environment in the learning environment, their viewing is a natural communication, a sign of which is language behavior in a particular social situation.
2. Feature films demonstrate the language behavior of native speakers and their extralinguistic factors through the visual range, making it more visual and understandable. Also, the availability of material is ensured by modern media formats that optimize the work with the film.
3. There are a variety of videos aimed at people of all ages, many modern English-language films are aimed at young audiences and cover a wide range of topics.
4. Stimulation and development of thinking is carried out by choosing a variety of tasks for films.
5. The film, selected taking into account the needs of students, arouses their personal interest in its viewing and performance of tasks.
6. There is a gradual transition from intensive work with video clips during the lesson to extensive watching movies at home, from the dominant role of the teacher, who first introduces students to patterns of speech behavior of native speakers, with their further analysis and performance of tasks for recognition and reproduction, to independent work. students to find samples, their analysis and use in creative tasks.
7. The method of organizing the educational process is based on students' theoretical understanding of the language behavior of Englishspeaking people, the development of the ability to perceive and interpret it, imitation and training of patterns in role-playing situations and further application of knowledge in professional, academic and interpersonal communication with native speakers (Терехов, 2011).
It has been scientifically proven that the effectiveness of learning depends on the extent to which all human senses are involved in the process of information perception. The more diverse the sensory perception of the material, the stronger it is absorbed. This pattern found its expression in the didactic principle of clarity, which was first theoretically substantiated by Comenius.
Visual education, according to kD Ushinsky, is a learning that is based not on abstract ideas and words, but on specific images directly perceived by the student (Ушинський, 1952).
For the effective use of clarity in the educational process, it is necessary that it be not only an illustration to a particular topic, but also be a source of new knowledge, function as a means of learning about the world around us. This task is successfully performed by a feature film. As a means of visualization, the film provides students with country information, knowledge of psychology and other aspects of life that expand the overall worldview.
Visibility plays an important role in activating attention, which is the most important condition of all mental processes. Attention is the focus of consciousness on any object or phenomenon of reality. It is inextricably linked with auditory and visual perception.
The use of audiovisual teaching aids, in particular feature films, as a source of knowledge are certain mental processes. The teacher introduces into the class such stimuli that strongly affect the senses of students, thoroughly rebuilding their mental functions. Visual and auditory analyzers take part in the process of perception, which contributes to obtaining more complete and accurate ideas about the studied issues.
In the first place in terms of significance and efficiency in the application of technical means of learning are combined visual-auditory types of perception, followed by visual and, finally, auditory. Simultaneous influence of a complex of stimuli on different analyzers has a special power and emotionality. Therefore, the student's body, when perceiving information through video, is under the influence of a powerful flow of qualitatively unusual information, which creates an emotional basis, on the basis of which it is easier to move from a sensory image to logical thinking, to abstraction.
Connection to the process of perception of the visual analyzer, along with the auditory, saves learning time, increase the amount of transmitted information. It is scientifically proven that the human senses have different sensitivity to external stimuli. Most people have the greatest sensitivity to the visual organs, which transmit to the brain almost 3-5 times more information than the auditory organs, and almost 13 times more than the tactile organs. Accordingly, of all the types of memory, most people have the best developed visual memory.
Conclusion. The use of video materials in teaching a foreign language is based on the main methodological principle - the principle of clarity. Perception and processing of information when watching movies are carried out in the form of auditory-visual synthesis. Videos and movies create learning conditions as close as possible to the language environment, and reproduce the language situation by sound and visual means. These features of films allow to use them for the purpose of intensification of educational process and giving it the maximum communicative orientation.
Unlike sounds or printed texts, which can have a high informative, educational, upbringing and developmental value, videos contain visual information about the scene, appearance and non-verbal communication (body language, facial expressions, gestures, intonation) of interlocutors in a particular situation. depend on age, sex, individual characteristics of speakers. Visual clarity helps to better understand and remember both factual information and purely linguistic features of language in a particular context.
The film also demonstrates a huge number of objects and phenomena of the outside world and thus unobtrusively introduces students to the accompanying information. The visual transmission of reality in the film puts it in first place among other means of communication in resemblance to reality.
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3. Леонтьєва Т.П. Досвід і перспективи застосування відео в навчанні іноземних мов. Мінськ. Наука 1995. 306 с.
4. Терехов І.В. Вивчення мовної поведінки носіїв мови на матеріалі сучасного британського кіно: Автореф. дис. канд. пед. наук: 13.00.02. Тамбов. 2011. 195 с.
5. Ушинський К.Д. Збірка творів. М. Наука. 1952. 401 с.
6. Ушинський К.Д. Людина як предмет педагогічної антропології: Досвід педагогічної антропології. М. Педагогіка. 1990. 206 с.
7. Щербакова І.А. Кіно в навчанні іноземних мов. Мінськ. Вища школа. 1984. 289 с.
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feature pedagogical english film
1. Antonova I.V. Pereglyad avtenty'chny'x xudozhnix fil'miv, yak sposib vdoskonalennya komunikaty'vnoyi kompetenciyi v oblasti anglijs'koyi movy'. Molody'j vcheny'j. #6. T.2. 20111 250 s.
2. Zhoglina G.G. Rozvy'tok umin' komunikaty'vnoyi kompetenciyi na osnovi vy'kory'stannya avtenty'chny'x videodokumentiv (franczuz'ka mova, movny'j vuz): Dy's..kand.ped.nauk: 13.00.02. Pyaty'gors'k. 1998. 210 s.
3. Leont'yeva T.P. Dosvid i perspekty'vy' zastosuvannya video v navchanni inozemny'x mov. Mins'k. Nauka 1995. 306 s.
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5. Ushy'ns'ky'j K.D. Zbirka tvoriv. M. Nauka. 1952. 401 s.
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7. Shherbakova I.A. Kino v navchanni inozemny'x mov. Mins'k. Vy'shha shkola. 1984. 289 s.
8. Allan M. Teaching English with video. London. Longman. 1985. 153 p.
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