The ways of forming of social competence on Ukrainian language lessons in modern educational area

Shows the place of social competence in the system of key competencies when applying the competence-based approach in the process of learning the Ukrainian language. Methods for the formation of social competence in the classroom have been determined.

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Дата добавления 26.08.2021
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The ways of forming of social competence on Ukrainian language lessons in modern educational area

Natalia Gromova,

The candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Sumy state pedagogical university of A. Macarenko Sumy, Sumy region


The article shows the place of social competence in the system of key competencies in the application of the competence approach in the process of learning the Ukrainian language, as well as identifies the means, conditions and methods of forming social competence on the lessons. The author notes that the strategy of modern pedagogical education which is based on the need to develop various competencies and subjective development and self-development of the student and teacher, able to go beyond regulatory activities and carry out innovative, creative processes, involve changes in the educational process. Understanding the problems of modern school allows the author to conclude that it is necessary to build a system of educational space that would optimally take into account not only the peculiarities of professional development, but also the patterns of personal development, the formation of socially significant competencies of students. The formation of social competence should be a key task in the modern competence approach because a high level of its formation is the key to successful self-realization of a person in all spheres of society and a condition for achieving a level of self-transcendence in personality development. The very achievement of the level of self-transcendence requires the objective need of a person in the transformation of the world around him, with its changes and development. The author emphasizes that the organization of the educational process today creates the conditions for the formation of students' experience of independent solution of cognitive, communicative, organizational, social, creative, moral and other problems that make up the content of education. In this case, the actual content of education is to form a didactically adapted social experience of solving such problems. competence language ukrainian

It is determined that one of the lines of implementation of the competency approach is to strengthen the applied, practical nature of all education, including the process of learning the Ukrainian language.

According to the author's view, the process of learning the Ukrainian language is filled with such tasks and activities, which implementation without the actualization of the pedagogical position of the student as a holistic vocational education, is impossible.

Kev words: competence approach, key competencies, social competence, communicative competence, forms of learning.

Шляхи формування соціальної компетенції на уроках української мови в сучасному освітньому просторі

Наталія ГРОМОВА,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент

Сумський державний педагогічний університет ім. А.С. Макаренка

Суми, Сумська область


У статті показано місце соціальної компетенції в системі ключових компетенцій при застосуванні компетентнісного підходу в процессі вивчення української мови, а також визначені засоби, умови і прийоми формування соціальної компетенції на уроках. Автор зауважує, що стратегія сучасної педагогічної освіти, в основі якої лежить необхідність оволодіння різними компетенція ми, і суб'єктивний розвиток і саморозвиток особистості учня і педагога, здатного виходити за межі нормативної діяльності та здійснювати інноваційні, творчі процеси, передбачає зміни в освітньому процесі. Осмислення проблем сучасної школи дозволяє зробити висновок автору про необхідність побудови такої системи освітнього простору, яка оптимальним чином ураховувала б не тільки особливості професійного становлення особистості, а й закономірності особистісного розвитку, формування соціально-значущих компетенцій учня. Формування соціальної компетентності має стати ключовим завданням у сучасному компетентнісному підході, бо високий рівень її сформованості є запорукою успішної самореалізації особистості в усіх сферах життєдіяльності суспільства й умовою досягнення рівня самотрансценденції в розвитку особистості. Саме досягнення рівня самотрансценденції вимагає об'єктивну потребу індивіда в перетворенні навколишнього світу, у його зміні й розвитку. Автором наголошено, що організація освітнього процесу сьогодні полягає у створенні умов для формування в учнів досвіду самостійного рішення пізнавальних, комунікативних, організаційних, соціальних, креативних, моральних та інших проблем, що становлять зміст освіти. При цьому власне зміст освіти полягає у формуванні дидактично адаптованого соціального досвіду вирішення таких проблем.

Окремо відзначено, що однією з ліній реалізації компетентнісного підходу є посилення прикладного, практичного характеру усієї освіти, в тому числі і процесу вивчення української мови.

З огляду цих позицій, на думку автора, процес вивчення української мови наповнюється такими завданнями і видами діяльності, реалізація яких поза актуалізацією педагогічної позиції студента як цілісної професійно-особистісної освіти, неможлива.

Ключові слова: компетенстністний підхід, ключові компетенції, соціальна компетенція, комунікативна компетенція, форми навчання.


A distinctive feature of the modern stage of development of society is the rapidly developing of innovative transformations of various spheres of human life, including social one. Nowadays society and the state require a person to be able to socialize in a rapidly changing society and to own universal methods of action. This is one of the reasons why, regardless of the classifications of key competencies, are interesting for scientists, who pay significant attention to social competence as the ability for social interaction in different life spheres and the unity of social adaptation and mobility.

Innovations in education of our country show the way for the school to find ways and means of development the personality's ability to adapt and ensuring its social competence. Social competence considers in social skills or responsibilities that enable a person to adequately fulfill social norms and rules. Researchers have found that social competence, firstly, reflects the interaction of a person and society; secondly, it implies the possession of a person by means of interpersonal interaction; thirdly, it includes several components; fourthly, it implies taking into account the ratio of one's own aims and the needs of the whole society.

The analysis of scientific works. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the problem of research of the question of forming of social competence are analyzed in the works by: A. Aronova, V. Basheva,

A. Belkin, V. Bezrukova, F. Bender, V. Demina, E. Zeer, G. Ibragimov, V. Landsheira, N. Milovanova, S. Molchanova, V. Nesterova and others.

Methods of research

The analysis of the pedagogical situation made it possible to single out a number of contradictions:

-between the needs of modern society for socially competent citizens and the unwillingness of school education to fully realize this need;

-between the practical need of students to adapt to the modern social situation and the insufficient level of readiness for it due to the underdevelopment of social competence;

-between the needs of students to be adequate to the real situation of social interaction and the lack of social competencies for its implementation;

-between the requirements of society for the functional literacy of graduates in situations of communication and cooperation and insufficient attention to the methods of interactive interaction, in particular, in social studies lessons.

On the basis of the revealed contradictions, the research problem was formulated as follows: the possibilities of interactive methods of interaction, adequate to the internal needs of students, in the formation of their social competence. Based on the identified contradictions and the actualized problem, the topic of the pedagogical research was determined.

The results and discussions. Social competence does not exist outside of a particular society. It depends on the main characteristics of life of certain society: economic and political life, historical and cultural norms, the organization of social relations. Social competence is not only a certain socialization of a person, but also the ability to achieve success using social resources.

Psychologists complete social competence into a number of the following individual abilities: communicative competence, social entrepreneurship, general legal and economic literacy, the ability to understand the hidden, shadow features of society, the ability lead (social confidence), the ability to understand social roles and interpersonal relationships, the ability to establish long-term partnerships, the ability to manage their own image (Gorodyanenko, 2002: 15).

The aim of teaching the Ukrainian language is the formation of communicative competence considers in the ability to use the language as a means of intercultural and interpersonal communication, the academic discipline "Ukrainian language" is the subject of the school curriculum, which makes the main and significant contribution to the formation of social competence of students. Success in communication is not possible without the formed social competence of students, that aims the formed ability to interact with others and a sense of self-confidence, as well as the ability to take on various social roles and the ability to cope with the current situations.

In our opinion, social competence, as a structural component of Ukrainian language communicative competence must be deeply analyzed because this is the ability that serves to disclose the language in the context of intercultural and interpersonal communication. It is necessary to make every effort to develop social competence, as there is a problem of participation in dialogue, knowledge or ignorance of the peculiarities of communication with certain social groups and it is important to ensure tolerance and safety of communication for both parties. It is important to instill to students the interest in studying and understanding the culture of our country, an interest in finding a compromise in difficult situations, because it enriches the personality of students with social and cultural knowledge, and also helps to use the accumulated communication skills in future (Kumar, 1995:73).

The inclusion of a social component during the teaching students the Ukrainian language in general education serves to form a holistic picture of the world among students by expanding the level of students' knowledge in various activities, familiarizing with their cultural heritage, educating a to be patriot of our country and a citizen of the world, respecting the views and opinions of the interlocutor, capable of free interpersonal communication.

Awareness of the specifics of society, the development of a sense of tolerance for other views, broadens the horizons of students, increases the level of their general culture and motivation to learn the language. By including in the educational process the use of elements of collective activity and to intensify the educational process, using the latest teaching methods and techniques, improving educational skills and skills of independent work, group forms of cooperation, the teacher will be able to make the content of teaching students the Ukrainian language more effective, focused on personal attitudes student (Gorodyanenko, 2002: 26).

The modern state standard of general education sets tasks for achieving qualitatively new goals in the study of the Ukrainian language, namely: the development of communicative competence and all its components, where a special place is occupied by social competence, the formation and development of which makes it possible to familiarize students with a new social experience using Ukrainian language. Thus, forming social competence means teaching students to interact with each other in the educational process while performing various communication tasks.

Today, in the practice of teaching the Ukrainian language, individual, frontal and group forms of organizing the educational process are distinguished. The individual form of organizing the work of students means that the student independently performs tasks that are the same for the entire class without contact with other students, but at the same pace for all. The individual form of work is used at all stages of the lesson, to solve various didactic tasks: the assimilation of new knowledge and their consolidation, formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, for repetition and generalization of the passed material. It is most typical for doing homework. However, for the formation of social competence, this form has a significant disadvantage - when working on an assignment, a student is isolated from other students and only he is responsible for the success of this exercise. With this form of organization of educational activities, the student does not contact with other students, and it prevents him from learning to be in society, to resolve disputes and problems, and to be part of a team. The frontal form of organizing the educational activities of students is such a type of activity in the lesson in which all students of the group, under the direct guidance of the teacher, perform a common task.

The work is carried out with the whole class at the same pace. In the process of telling, explaining, showing, the teacher seeks to simultaneously influence all those present persons. The frontal form of organizing the educational activities of students during the lesson helps to establish close relations between the teacher and the class, joint friendly work of students, during which common participation in solving not only educational, but also educational tasks, mutual assistance, the formation of sustainable cognitive interests, allows you to use a variety of methods and techniques for enhancing the learning process. More often it is used at the stage of primary assimilation of new material, with a problematic, informational and explanatory-illustrative presentation, this form allows you to attract a maximum of students to active educational and cognitive activities (Crystal, 2007: 101).

Methodologists consider group educational activity of students to be one of the most successful ways of forming social competence. And this is not accidental, because educational activity is collective in nature and is a system of socially organized interactions, relationships and communication (Gorodyanenko, 2002:31). Psychologists have proven that joint activity in the collective of students and teachers themselves is the initial form of individual activity and determines their mastery of such actions as goal-setting, planning, control and assessment, without which learning is impossible. To concretize educational actions, let us turn to the structure of group educational activities, which consists of the following links:

1. The motivational-orienting link assumes that students jointly analyze the conditions and their capabilities, and also accept or set themselves a single educational task.

2. Executive link updating existing knowledge when performing a number of educational activities and tasks collectively or individually. Mutual support and exactingness towards each other, the ability to adequately self- criticize, a sense of responsibility for the result of a common cause are especially needed here.

3. Control and evaluation link-mutual control over the implementation of the actions of the previous stage and assessment of the results of joint work. Group work is used, as a rule, when performing speech exercises and tasks for the joint search for information and collective solution of the problem situation. Pair work, as one of the types of group work, is mainly used to perform exercises of various types: language and conditional speech (Gower, 1995:64).

In practice, pair work is widely used to train language material, when students are offered cards with exercises for substitution, filling in the gaps, transformation, etc. The organization of pair work to perform truly communicative exercises is often uncontrollable, which is often the cause of negative results. Pair and group work creates favorable conditions for the formation of skills and abilities of foreign language communication. In foreign language lessons, it is necessary to be able to specially organize, namely, to find an effective form of interaction between the participants and to select adequate means of managing them by the teacher. The content of joint learning activities influences skills and abilities that are part of social competence. Taking into account the specifics of the academic discipline "foreign language", the components of the content of collective educational activity can be distinguished:

1. Knowledge of the language material, the peculiarities of its functioning, as well as possession of the skills of its use in communication situations.

2. Methods for acquiring linguistic knowledge, speech skills and abilities, as well as techniques for self and mutual control.

3. Possession of cooperation techniques (joint solution of speech problems for imitation, substitution and reproduction). Based on the above, it is necessary to single out such skills and abilities that are part of social competence such as the ability to work together to achieve a common goal, support each other, the ability to adequately self-criticize, assess your personal contribution to the success or failure of a common cause, jointly analyze the conditions of the situation and correlate them with possibilities.


Thus, in order to form the social competence of students, namely the ability to live in society, on the lessons of the Ukrainian language, it is necessary to use such forms of organization of education that could simulate a real situation of communication that would give students the opportunity to interact with each other, listen, defend their point of view, adjust their behavior and subordinate their interests to the interests of society, as it happens in real life.

To train a student who is able to see, formulate problems, choose ways and means to solve them, emphasis should be placed on the development of technologies that contribute to the formation and development of problem thinking, mental activity. These include problem-based learning (in different types and combinations); problem lectures; problem seminars; educational discussions; search laboratory works; research work aimed at finding new solutions to fundamentally new problems; organizational and activity games; organization of thought groups in small and large groups.


1. Городяненко В.Г. Соціологія: під. для студ. вищ. навч. зак. К. Вид. центр "Академія" 2002. 560 с.

2. Bose M. A text book of English Language Teaching for Indian Studentsю Ch. New Century Book House. 2005.440 p.

3. Crystal D. English as a global language. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2007.253 p.

4. Gower R. Teaching Practice Handbook. L. Macmillan Heinemann. 1995. 334 p.

5. Kumar J. Studies in Language Testing 2. Cambridge. University Press. 1995. 150 р.

6. References

7. Gorodyanenko V.G. Sotsiologiya: pid. dlya stud. vysh. navch. zak. K. Izd. tsentr "Akademiya" 2002. 560 s.

8. Bose M. A text book of English Language Teaching for Indian Students. Ch. New Century Book House. 2005.440 p.

9. Crystal D. English as a global language. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 2007. 253 p.

10. Gower R. Teaching Practice Handbook. L. Macmillan Heinemann. 1995. 334 p.

11. Kumar J. Studies in Language Testing 2. Cambridge. University Press. 1995. 150 р.

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