Formation of professional personal qualities of the future teachers-philologists
The goal of the article clearing up the model for the formation ofprofessional personal qualities of the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature at the modern stage of education development. During the study of professional disciplines.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.09.2021 |
Размер файла | 18,9 K |
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Khmelnytskiy Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy
Formation of professional personal qualities of the future teachers-philologists
Svitlana Kutova, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Department
Inna Nikitova, Ph.D. (Philology), Associate Professor of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Department
Education in Ukraine involves the improving the technology of education, bringing it closer to the requirements of modern society, which requires highly educated, intelligent, self-sufficient citizens, who, fluently in Ukrainian, affirm its state status. In connection with the radical changes, occurring in society, the problem of training teachers is especially relevant today. The issues of the forming of teacher's personal qualities which will provide high effectiveness of their professional-pedagogical activity under the new social-economic conditions are of a great importance. One of the most actual problems of our time becomes the awareness of the need for a new humanistic paradigm of education, which creates a special atmosphere with an aesthetic and ethical attitude towards people, the world, culture, aims to create such a specialist in Ukrainian language and literature, the level of training which combines education, professionalism, spirituality, moral education, personality development of teacher in accordance with the spiritual values of national and universal culture. In connection with this, the problem offorming the personality of the future teacher, who is the intermediary between the knowledge and the student, and on whom depends how effectively the educational innovations will be promoted, has been actualized.
The goal of the article is clearing up the model and conditions for the formation ofprofessional personal qualities of the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature at the modern stage of education development.
To achieve the goal we characterized the conditions of formation ofprofessional personal qualities of the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature at the present stage of education development: during the study of professional disciplines (use of active teaching methods, advanced technologies, etc.); scientific work; passing of pedagogical practice, individual training. Among the basic principles of forming the educational material ofthe discipline we determined the professional orientation and the principle ofsystematicity, which should be understood both as a reflection of the systematicity of language, and as provision of ` `interconnectivity and interdependence" ofknowledge, their qualitative integrity. Practice occupies special place in the system ofprofessional training of thefuture teachers-philologists: it provides the combination of theoretical training with practical activity. Thus, the formation of professional personal qualities should be one ofthe main tasks ofpreparation ofthefuture teachers-philologists. It should be carried out both during the educational activity at the interdisciplinary level and in the educationalprocess of higher educational institutions. It is necessary to create the proper conditions for the study of professional disciplines, pedagogical practice, individual training and to direct students-philologists on the self-evaluation of professionally significant qualities.
Keywords: modern pedagogical education; professional training; philological disciplines in higher educational institutions; innovative methods and technologies of teaching; scientific activity ofstudents; pedagogical practice; an educational process in higher educational institutions.
professional teacher education
Світлана Кутова, кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедри української мови та літератури Хмельницької гуманітарно-педагогічної академії Інна Нікітова, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри української мови та літератури
Хмельницької гуманітарно-педагогічної академії
У статті висвітлено моделі й умови формування професійних особистісних якостей майбутніх учителів української мови та літератури; охарактеризовано умови формування професійних особистісних якостей майбутніх учителів української мови та літератури на сучасному етапі розвитку освіти: під час вивчення фахових дисциплін (використання активних методів навчання,новітніх технологій тощо); наукової роботи; проходження педагогічної практики, індивідуального навчання.
Ключові слова: сучасна педагогічна освіта; професійна підготовка; філологічні дисципліни у ЗВО; інноваційні методи та технології навчання; наукова діяльність студентів; педагогічна практика; виховний процес у ЗВО.
Presentation of the problem
At the problems of the Ukrainian people cultural-educational present stage of development of society ones are rather acute. The development of Ukraine, among the political, socio-economic democratization of public life, revival of national culture, strengthening of European integration processes, and the reform of market relations have identified new requirements for education in the twenty-first century. The main directions and requirements for the modern organization of the educational process at school are determined by the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, the National Doctrine of the Development of Education in Ukraine, the National Program “Education” (Ukraine of the XXI Century”), the Concepts of Language Education and the State Standard of the basic and full general secondary education.
Education in Ukraine involves improving the technology of education, bringing it closer to the requirements of modern society, which requires highly educated, intelligent, self-sufficient citizens, who, fluent in Ukrainian, affirm its state status.In connection with the radical changes, occurring in society, the problem of training teachers is especially relevant today. The issues as for the forming of teacher's personal qualities which will provide high effectiveness of their professional-pedagogical activity under the new social-economic conditions are of a great importance. One of the most important tasks of the education industry at present is the development and realization of personality-oriented model of teacher education designed to prepare highly qualified teachers who are able to demonstrate high professionalism, to be competitive, to promote socialization of their students, to form of general culture of personality. For this reason it is necessary to make an informed choice of their profession and continue to learn the professional educational programs, to use a variety of methods, techniques, means of training and education.
Everything, which is mentioned, applies directly to teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, because the levels of education and training of students depend on their knowledge, skills, culture, educational activities. One of the priority directions of training of highly qualified teachers of linguistics is to increase the ability to use the latest technologies and methods of teaching, the formation of learning and speech skills. The efficiency of this process is provided by the “free conscious choice of philological specialty and holistic system of training in higher pedagogical educational establishment on different educational-qualification levels” [4].
Analysis of the latest publications and researches. The problem of professional training of a teacher-philologist is widely presented by domestic and foreign scholars. Scientists have developed conceptual ideas for the new strategy of professional training of students of higher educational institutions (A. Abdullina, S. Arkhanhelsky, N. Kuzmina, V. Slastionin, P. Pidkasystyi and others ) Scientific studios of L. Babenko, N. Voloshyna, I. Tazuna S. Karaman, L. Matsko, E. Pasechnik, P. Pentiluk, A. Semenov, T., Semenenko, Sperantski-Skarga Stepanishina, Tokman, V. Shular etc. are devoted to separate aspects of training future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature; the problems associated with the formation of personal qualities of the future teachers are disclosed in the writings of O. Bondarevska, I. Zymnia, I. Ziaziun, L. Kondrashova, and others. A. Aleksiuk, S. Batyshev, A. Beliaieva, R. Hurevych, N. Nychkalo etc. devoted their works to the study of the issue of professional development of personality. However, there are few researches, which would provide the coherent model for the formation of professional personal qualities of the future teacher of Ukrainian language and literature under the conditions of pedagogical institution.
Formation of the goals of the article.T he goal of the article is to clear up the model and conditions for the formation of professional personal qualities of the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature at the modern stage of education development.
Presentation of the main material
One of the most actual problems of our time becomes the awareness of the need for a new humanistic paradigm of education, which creates a special atmosphere with an aesthetic and ethical attitude towards people, the world, culture, aims to create such a specialist in Ukrainian language and literature, the level of training which combines education, professionalism, spirituality, moral education, personality development of teacher in accordance with the spiritual values of national and universal culture. In connection with this, the problem of forming the personality of the future teacher, who is the intermediary between the knowledge and the student, and on whom depends how effectively the educational innovations will be promoted, has been actualized. Thus, the role enhanced of modern higher pedagogical education, which should realize the function of preservation and reproduction of humanistic traditions of domestic and world culture, providing opportunities for students to master the system of anthropological knowledge offered in the courses of psycho-pedagogical, socio-humanistic and culturological disciplines based on problemmeaningful relationships. The teacher should teach the Ukrainian language and literature in the context of the development of modern culture. As for the technology training of teachers, academician V. Ziaziun says that it is necessary to prepare everybody individually because “the teaching profession, according to Kostiantyn Ushynskyi, is a creative profession...we need to have a sense of satisfaction that we live in a society, to know the national culture and how this culture to present...Without the national qualities it is impossible to raise the personality”. Especially culture, art have an enormous capacity to influence on a person by a mystery of beauty. L. Miller says: “The Revival of culture of the real interest to literature is impossible without a return to aesthetic criteria” [2, 6].
There is a great number of classifications of professionally-important qualities of the teacher in scientific literature. Professionally-personal qualities of the teacher are systematized by the researchers according to different principles: pedagogical functions (qualities, related to educational or educate activity); the degree of meaningfulness (obligatory, important, desired); the orientation (on themselves, on others, on profession); the sphere of their use (poly-professional, general pedagogical, special) etc. It is especially important that the future teacher worked “on such synthesis of qualities and properties of the personality, which will enable to carry out the professional activity without superfluous emotional tension: pedagogical optimism, confidence in themselves as teachers, absence of fear before children, self-control, absence of emotional tension, presence of volitional qualities (purposefulness, selfpossession, decision)” [3, 50].
To our opinion, the process of forming professionally-important qualities of the future teachers-philologists will be most effective, if to create necessary conditions during the study of professional disciplines, passing of pedagogical practice, individual studies, and to orient them on the self-evaluation of professionally-important qualities.
Multilateral, the living essence of the native words have to be taken into account in the teaching of linguistic disciplines. The course of modern Ukrainian literary language is a kind of center of historical and linguistic training and the formation of linguistic thinking of students of faculties of Ukrainian Philology of the higher pedagogical institutions. Among the basic principles of the educational material of the discipline is the systematic and a professional orientation, moreover the principle of systematic should be comprehended not only as a reflection of the system language but as the providing of interconnected mutual and stipulation (R. Haisin) of knowledge, their quality and integrity. The principle of professional orientation is focused on the preparation of knowledgeable, creative professional who is able to see and evaluate trends and dynamics of changes in the language and the science of language [8].
Successful teaching of philological disciplines involves knowledge as the same (observation, sense of the subtext of the speech, analytical and synthetic of thinking, richness of vocabulary), and different qualities (speech, phonetic hearing, the ability to phonetic, morphological, syntactic analysis of words, understanding the means of artistic speech; for the literature - developed empathy, creative thinking, imagination, artistic taste). Of course, the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature need to have the above mentioned skills. In addition, to successfully develop skills, it requires constant work on oneself and teacher's help in the faculty of psycho- pedagogical and philological disciplines. It should be noted that during the development of each group of items it is advisable to use interdisciplinary connections between them.
Proper training of the future teachers-philologists depends on the accounting lecture series of the achievements of modern linguistics and literary science, educational creative experience, the characteristics of the methods of organizing and conducting classes. It is necessary to move away from traditional transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student. So, T. Semenenko emphasizes that effective training of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature requires the introduction in the educational process of the higher school of innovative forms of learning (lectures, information, problems of lectures, lecture-visualization, and special seminars, special research, colloquiums, tutoring, classes of different types of practices and work in research groups) [5].
Equally important is the use an active learning methods in a higher school (creation of problem situations, discussions, business and role-playing games, analysis of incidents, case study, heuristic conversation, etc) implementation of which each student actively produces, remake the educational information which is offered in this form, that it provides better (in comparison with application of traditional methods) in the results of learning.
In the process of conducting lessons of philological cycle, to our opinion, it will be effective to use the technologies of the inverted studies. There are different ways to implement “flipped learning”, but they all are based on one basic principle: the direct study of the theoretical material takes place remotely, and the critical discussion of the learned, practice and application is carried out in the classroom [10]. Thus, students perform tasks that require more complex cognitive activity in the classroom under the direction of the teacher. At the same time, the role of the teacher is also changing - he or she becomes a facilitator, coach, consultant. The “flipped” learning model relates to mixed learning (blended learning) [9], which can be used both for distance learning and for support of full-time learning, and it involves the use of distributed informational-educational resources, using asynchronous and synchronous learning elements in combination with active learning methods. In the system of professional training of teachers- philologists an important role belongs precisely to conducting control works, testing.
An important stage is the scientific activity of the future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature, which should be carried out throughout the entire period of study This is expeditionary (folklore, literature and local history, dialects, ethnography) work and teaching practice, extracurricular and independent activity. The specified process is connected with the face that a teacher is important to orient in the wider professional information, he or she knows modern scientific concepts, is able to bring to the scientific research young students. The function of the researcher is one of the leading for the teachers of Ukrainian language and literature of the third Millennium.
Special place in the system of professional training of the future teachers of language and literature belongs to the teaching practice. It “plays a key role in the formation of comprehensively educated specialists, it is an integral part of the educational process, providing the connection of theoretical preparation of the future teachers-philologists with their practical activity in secondary schools of different types” [7].
During the course of pedagogical practice, students master practical pedagogical activities with the elements of research activities [6].
As a rule, after the teaching practice most students continue to communicate with the pupils and teachers of “their” class. It should be stimulated, because especially during the IV-V years of study the students realize their future professional activity. In addition, subjects, which will be taught by the future teachers of linguistics, are emotional in nature and it is important to emphasize the need for close personal relationships between the teacher and the pupils for successful implementation of professional activity.
It is also important (and it should be emphasized) that pedagogical practice mustn't be copied from the works of the teachers of linguistics. It should be based on the development of skills to search the solutions of philological tasks independently. It should be noted, that the ability to adequately evaluate themselves as teachers, students begin to form after their first experience of work in school, and especially - during the first pedagogical practice. Therefore, it is important to start this type of work as early as possible, to organize it methodically correctly, to teach students to analyze the results of their pedagogical activity in the process and after the practice.
We should note that an important aspect in forming the professional-personal qualities of the future teacher-philologist is the educational work, as the future professionals should be prepared for its implementation as teachers and educators. Therefore, the first stage of preparation to conducting educational activity in school is to attract students to participate in extracurricular activities. According to L. Bielikova, today it is necessary to look for the new targets and approaches in working with students. This necessity involves “reviewing the whole system of educational work, the search for adequate forms and methods of extracurricular activities based on the study of directions of the future specialists” [1, 51].
Educational work with the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature has its own specifics. Special attention is paid to vocabulary and speech enrichment, the increase in general and speech culture of students-philologists, as well as the quality of the process of self-education and formation of motives of professional self-development. For this it is useful to apply such forms of educational work, as dance contests, performing arts, poetry and humor festivals, publishing collections of art works of students, creating a faculty theatre of fashion and the competitions of creative projects, associated with the successful future professional socialization.
Conclusions and perspectives of the further researches
Thus, the formation of professional personal qualities should be one of the main tasks of preparation of the future teachers-philologists. It should be carried out both during the educational activity at the interdisciplinary level and in the educational process of higher educational institutions. It is necessary to create the proper conditions for the study of professional disciplines, pedagogical practice, individual training and to direct students- philologists on the self-evaluation of professionally significant qualities.
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