Analysis of cultural-educational and pedagogical activity of Ostap Makarushka

It is mentioned that the figure of Ostap Makarushka - a scientist, teacher, publicist, translator belongs to the galaxy ofprominent Ukrainian educators, cultural-educational figures of the second half of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century.

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Analysis of cultural-educational and pedagogical activity of Ostap Makarushka

Kateryna Binytska, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Pedagogy Department Khmelnytskiy Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy Yaroslav Nahorniy, Ph.D.(Philology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department, Khmelnytskiy Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

The article analyzes the cultural-educational and pedagogical activity of Ostap Makarushka. It is mentioned that the figure of Ostap Makarushka - a scientist, teacher, publicist, translator, public-educational and state figure belongs to the galaxy ofprominent Ukrainian educators, cultural-educational figures of the second half of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century. It is noted that, unfortunately, today Ostap Makarushka's personality is little known in pedagogical science of Ukraine, and his contribution to the development of the national education system is poorly researched. The article describes the main directions and the content of Ostap Makarushka's pedagogical and public education activity. In the course of the study the following methods have been used: comparative-relative, historical- retrospective and the method of theoretical generalization. The comparative-relative method allowed comparing events, information andfacts, to trace the genesis of Ostap Makarushka's outlook. The historical-retrospective method has allowed characterizing the content and directions of Ostap Makarushka's pedagogical and social-educational activity. The method of theoretical generalization has made it possible to generalize the pedagogical views of Ostap Makarushka, to formulate conclusions, to substantiate the prospects of creative use of his pedagogical heritage.

It is emphasized that his life and career is a striking example of altruistic service to national patriotic ideas, selfless devotion, and desire to contribute to solving contemporary problems in the field of education.

It is stated that the views and scientific works of O. Makarushka are relevant for the modern education system, as at the present stage of the state development it became necessary to carry out systematic measures aimed at forming the sense ofpatriotism and enhancing national-patriotic upbringing of children and youth - forming a conscious Ukrainian, acting on the basis of national and European values.

Keywords: Ostap Makarushka; a pedagogue; an education; views; public-outreach activity.


Катерина Біницька, доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки Хмельницької гуманітарно-педагогічної академії Ярослав Нагорний, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Хмельницької гуманітарно-педагогічної академії

У статті проведено аналіз культурно-освітньої та педагогічної діяльності Остапа Макарушки. Зазначено, що до плеяди визначних українських педагогів, культурно-освітніх діячів другої половини ХІХ - першої половини ХХ століття належить постать Остапа Макарушки - вченого, педагога, публіциста, перекладача, громадсько-освітнього та державного діяча. Зазначено, що на жаль, на сьогодні постать Остапа Макарушки є маловідома в педагогічній науці України, а його внесоку розвиток вітчизняної системи освіти є малодосліджений. Охарактеризовано основні напрями і зміст педагогічної та громадсько-просвітницької діяльності Остапа Макарушки. У процесі дослідження були використані такі методи: порівняльно-зіставний, історико-ретроспективний та метод теоретичного узагальнення. Порівняльно- зіставний метод дозволив провести зіставлення подій, відомостей і фактів, простежити генезис світогляду Остапа Макарушки. Історико-ретроспективний метод дозволив охарактеризувати зміст і напрямки педагогічної і громадсько-просвітницької діяльності Остапа Макарушки. Метод теоретичного узагальнення дав можливість узагальнити педагогічні погляди Остапа Макарушки, сформулювати висновки, обґрунтувати перспективи творчого використання педагогічної його спадщини.

Ключові слова: Остап Макарушка; педагог; освіта; погляди; громадсько-просвітницька діяльність.

Formulation of the problem

The European vector of Ukraine's development has caused the need to modernize the education system, which, as stated in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, will stop the negative trends, turn the Ukrainian school into a lever of social equality and cohesion, economic development and competitiveness of Ukraine. A powerful state and a competitive economy will be provided by a united community of creative people, responsible, active and enterprising citizens. Such people should be prepared by the secondary school of Ukraine [4]. This, in turn, requires the revision, rethinking and objective coverage of the historical-pedagogical process in Ukraine, creative use of historical experience as one of the important conditions for the progress of pedagogical science to develop the scientific foundations of the modern educational system.

Of particular importance for the reproduction of the history of the formation and development of the national education and pedagogical thought in Ukraine as a holistic process is the study of the scientific-pedagogical heritage of pedagogues, public and educational figures of the second half of the nineteenth - first half of the twentieth century, who made a significant contribution to the domestic pedagogical science. It was during this period that in the public consciousness of Ukrainians the idea of the necessity of building an independent Ukrainian state and national school was affirmed. It caused the national pedagogy to intensify the process of searching for the conceptual foundations of creation of the national education and training system, the first projects of the Ukrainian national school have been worked out, the scientific foundations of its nationalization and development have been substantiated. cultural educational pedagogical makarushka

Ostap Makarushka - scientist, publicist, public- educational person and statesman belongs to a galaxy of outstanding pedagogues, cultural-educational figures of the second half of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century [3].

Analysis of recent researches and publications. With Ukraine's independence, scientists have been able to study the intellectual heritage of Ukrainian figures who have been forgotten for ideological reasons. In recent years, a considerable number of publications have been published covering the public, publishing and political activity of O. Makarushka. The publications of L. Bodak, S. Helei, V Pienov and others deal with the life and activity of O. Makarushka. It should be mentioned that the analysis of domestic pedagogical studies showed that, unfortunately, Ostap Makarushka's figure is little known in the pedagogical science of Ukraine, and his contribution to the development of the national educational system is poorly researched.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the main directions and the content of Ostap Makarushka's pedagogical-public education activity.

Presentation of the main research material

In the process of the study, the following methods have been used: comparative-relative, historical- retrospective and the method of generalization. The comparative-relative method allowed to compare events, information and facts, to trace the genesis of Ostap Makarushka's outlook. Historical-retrospective method has allowed to characterize the content and directions of Ostap Makarushka's pedagogical and social-educational activity. The method of theoretical generalization has made it possible to generalize the pedagogical views of Ostap Makarushka, to formulate conclusions, to substantiate the prospects of creative use of his pedagogical heritage.

Makarushka Ostap (9.VIIII. 1867, town of Yavoriv, Lviv region - 21 .XI.1931, city of Lviv) - Ukrainian teacher, scientist, philologist, publicist, cultural- educational figure. In the years 1894 - 1905 he was teaching at Lviv and Colomyia Gymnasiums, since 1910 he works as a director of Lviv Women's Seminary. He is the author of works on linguistics and pedagogy. He wrote several manuals in Latin and Ancient Greek for Gymnasiums [9].

His life and career is a striking example of altruistic service to national patriotic ideas, selfless devotion, desire to contribute to solving contemporary problems in the field of education. Ostap Makarushka is a selfless, tireless worker, a humble, demanding person, prominent citizen and patriot of Ukraine - so he was characterized by his associates [2].

Ostap Makarushka is a true patriot, philanthropist and creator of national culture, education and school system. In his scientific pedagogical works, he addresses the question of what a modern school should be. Thus, in his article “Fundamentals and Direction of National Education” [6] O. Makarushka substantiates the need to educate young people in their love to their land, their mother tongue, their ancestors, their native history, literature, art, native customs, culture, everything that was acquired and built by the previous generations - this is how the main tasks of the school are outlined [7, 14 - 26].

The article “Essence and Task of Literature with the View to Ukrainian-Russian Literature” is important for the development of national-patriotic education. It was published in the magazine “Teacher”, edited by Ostap Makarushka Ukrainian Pedagogical Society (1904). The article offers scientific-methodical recommendations that are still relevant today [2, 510].

In his scientific works O . Makarushka substantiated the values of national-patriotic education. The future of our young state depends on the youth, imbued with a national-patriotic idea, enlightened, conscious and proud of the heroic past of their own people. Mentioned foundations of the essence and the content of patriotic education will help pedagogues to educate and teach nationally conscious citizens with a meaningful and comprehended life position. Under the conditions of the Ukrainian state development, the upbringing of the patriot influences the history, future destiny and place of Ukraine in the family of European peoples. The patriotic feelings embedded in the young people subsequently shape the character of the young person, the way he or she thinks, influence behavior and actions. Accumulated experience and traditions of the Ukrainian people O. Makarushka has popularized and argued through the active use by teachers. The purpose of organizing national holidays is the systematic and purposeful instilling of love for the native land, attraction to national sources and family traditions. The freedom-loving and hard¬working Ukrainian people created a distinctive culture, embedded in holidays, customs and folklore compositions.

The main factors of folk wisdom are its humanistic orientation, which includes the education of students such traits as sensitivity, respect, humanity, justice. Such characteristics of people as laziness, drunkenness, pride, betrayal, theft, indifference are condemned and ridiculed [1, 24 - 25]. O. Makarushka emphasizes the importance of public holidays at school in his manual "Science of Education”. If the school celebrates national holidays, then it participates in the life of its people, and the youth grows stronger with that life. It is in the national holidays that the school possesses over the young soul the power that deeply sinks into the soul of the child and remains in the memory forever. Caregivers together with children prepare and spend holidays, forming their own position, dignity, holiness and beauty. With the real inspiration and interest, the pedagogue gives noble thoughts to the young soul, not as their mentor, but as a benevolent senior friend and companion [6, 27].

Calling the school “a small world of sociable coexistence”, A. Makarushka believed that in order for a successful “school science”, it must be governed by order and tranquility [6, 104].

O. Makarushka also paid special importance to physical education, which develops not only health, strength, but also “obedience, willpower, enthusiasm” [6, 8]. “Body-training” is very important because it envisages development of a healthy, harmonious personality, “a person-defender, who masters all the hardest manifestations and strokes of life in cold way and with triumph” [6, 14]; it promotes the development of mental abilities of children, which is the basis of labor, attention, memory. At the same time, he considered it an important tool for the development of spiritual strength and one of the main factors of character formation.

O. Makarushka believed that the teacher is called to be first and foremost a tutor of young people, since his or her main task should be upbringing, since education is only a means of education (“educational guide”), “he or she influences mostly by respect, which rises the teacher in the eyes of the youth, by the model that exposes the teacher by the own example, by behavior and moral warmth by which he or she animates all the educational efforts and work” [6, 130]. The pedagogue attributes the special character traits of the teacher, such as patience, justice, gentleness, conscientiousness and industriousness, love of the homeland, unpretentiousness and modesty, within which the valeological education of children and young people is ensured [8, 116].

The school, according to the pedagogues, should take care not only of the intellectual development of the child, but also of the education of a good character. O. Makarushka divided the means of education of character into involuntary ones (“order, prohibition, obedience, occupation, punishment and supervision”) and inducing (“advice, warning, assignment, example, teaching, habit, reward and lecture”). Among the means of character formation, particular importance was paid to the content of educational subjects, school self-government, which were intended to promote the development of independent critical thinking and creative activity [5, 11 - 12].


It should be noted that the views and scientific works of O. Makarushka are relevant for the modern education system, since at the present stage of the state development it became necessary to carry out systematic measures aimed at forming the sense of patriotism and enhancing national- patriotic upbringing of children and young people - forming a conscious Ukrainian, acting on the basis of national and European values. The study of the little- known pages of life and activity of Ukrainian scientists, pedagogues, socio-political figures whose pedagogical views are appropriate to use in the activity of modern educational institutions of Ukraine require further studies.


1. Бодак Л. Теоретико-методичні засади виховання у педагогічній спадщині О. Макарушки Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика: зб. наук. праць. Вип. 24 (1-2018). Ч. 1 / М-во освіти і науки України, Кам'янець-Поділ. нац. ун-т ім. Івана Огієнка, Ін-т педагогіки НАПН України; гол. ред. В. М. Лабунець та ін. Кам'янець- Подільський, 2018. С. 23-28.

2. Гелей С. Д. Українське педагогічне товариство “Рідна школа” - національний символ українського шкільництва в Г аличині (1881-1939). Україна: культурна спадщина, національна свідомість, державність. 2017. Вип. 29. С. 496¬519.

3. Записки з часу війни. Остап Макарушка. URL: ostap-makarushka3 (дата звернення: 17.05.2019).

4. Концепція “Нова українська школа”. URL: (дата звернення: 17.05.2019).

5. Левицька Л.Я. Етнопедагогічні аспекти виховання характеру в українській педагогіці Галичини (1919 - 1939 рр.) : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук.: 13.00.01 / Житомир. держ. ун-т ім. І.Франка. Житомир, 2007. 20 с.

6. Макарушка О. Наука виховання : підручник для шкіл і родин. Львів, 1922. 155 с.

7. Макарушка О. Основи і напрям народного виховання. Наша школа. 1916. Р. VII, зш. 2 і 3. С. 14-26.

8. Пєнов В. В. Розвиток валеологічної освіти на півдні України (кінець ХІХ - перша половина ХХ століття): дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.01 / Кіровоградський держ. пед. Ун-т ім. Володимира Винниченка. Кропивницький, 2017, 236 с.

9. Web-мультимедіа Енциклопедія. “Історія педагогіки”. URL: http://Webhp.Kspu.Edu/Joomla/ Index.Php?Option=Com Glossarv&Func =Displav &Letter=%Cc&Itemid=76&Catid=44&Page=1 (дата звернення: 06.07.2019).


1. Bodak, L. (2018). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady vykhovannia u pedahohichnii spadshchyni O. Makarushky [Theoretic-Methodical Bases of Upbringing in Pedagogical Heritage of O. Makarushka]. Pedagogical Education : Theory and Practice : Collection of Scientific Works. Issue 24 (1-2018). Part 1 / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiyenko National University, Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine ; editor-in-chief V. M. Labunets and others. Kamianets-Podilskyi, рр. 23-28. [in Ukrainian].

2. Helei, S. D. (2017). Ukrainske pedahohichne tovarystvo “Ridna shkola” - natsionalnyi symvol ukrainskoho shkilnytstva v Halychyni (1881-1939). [Ukrainian Pedagogical Society “Ridna Shkola (Native School)” - National Symbol of Ukrainian Schooling in Galicia Region (1881-1939)]. Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Consciousness, Statehood. No.29, pp.496-519. [in Ukrainian].

3. Zapysky z chasu viiny. Ostap Makarushka [Notes from War Times. Ostap Makarushka]. Available at: podiyi/item/143 8-ostap-makarushka3 (Accessed 17 May 2019). [in Ukrainian].

4. Kontseptsiia “Nova ukrainska shkola” [Concept “New Ukrainian School”]. Available at: https:// (Accessed 17 May 2019). [in Ukrainian].

5. Levytska, L. Ya. (2007). Etnopedahohichni aspekty vykhovannia kharakteru v ukrainskii pedahohitsi Halychyny (1919 - 1939 rr.) [Ethno- Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching Character in Ukrainian Pedagogy of Galicia Region (1919 - 1939]. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. [in Ukrainian].

6. Makarushka, O. (1922). Nauka vykhovannia : pidruchnyk dlia shkil i rodyn [Science of Teaching : Manual for Schools and Families]. Lviv. [in Ukrainian].

7. Makarushka, O. (1916). Osnovy i napriam narodnoho vykhovannia [Foundations and Direction of Folk Upbringing]. Our School. R. VII, Parts 2 and 3. pp. 14-26. [in Ukrainian].

8. Pieno, V. V. (2017). Rozvytok valeolohichnoi osvity na pivdni Ukrainy (kinets XIX - persha polovyna XX stolittia) [Development of Valeological Education in the South of Ukraine (Late 19 - First Half of 20 Century)]. Candidate's thesis. Kirovohrad Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University. Kropyvnytskyi. [in Ukrainian].

9. Web-multymedia Entsyklopediia. “Istoriia pedahohiky” [Web Multimedia Encyclopedia. “History of Pedagogy”]. Available at: http:// Webhp.Kspu.Edu/Joomla/Index.Php?Option=Com_ Glossary &Func= Display& Letter=%Cc &Itemid =76&Catid=44&Page=1 (Accessed 06. Jul. 2019). [in Ukrainian].

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