Structural components of formation of future bachelors in physical education and sports for coaching activity

Structural components of the formation of future bachelors in physical culture and sports of coaching. The structural components include: cognitive and creative, design and diagnostic, organizational, informative and communicative, analytical components.

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Дата добавления 09.09.2021
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Dmytro Zaiets, postgraduate student

A coach of the national curling disabled athletes team

Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


In the article, the structural components of the formation of future bachelors in physical culture and sports of coaching, corresponding pedagogical functions and indicators on the basis of the scientific literature analysis are determined. The structural components include: cognitive and creative, design and diagnostic, organizational, informative and communicative, analytical components. It is stated that the cognitive and creative component is realized through educational, cognitive, research, creative functions. The informative and communicative component is realized through informative, communicative, perceptual, interactive, suggestive, stimulating functions. The design and diagnostic component is implemented through diagnostic, prognostic, design and modeling functions. The organizational component is implemented through organizational, managerial, controlling, guiding functions. The analytical component is implemented through: evaluative, analytical, corrective functions. It is determined that the reflexive function is common to all components of the coaching. It is determined that the indicator of the formation of the cognitive and creative component is general pedagogical, special, coaching knowledge; motivation for educational and cognitive activity; value attitude to professional activity; ability for professional creativity. An indicator of the formation of informative and communicative component is the ability of didactic processing of educational material; mastering methods of education and training; possession of pedagogical communication styles. An indicator of the formation of the design and diagnostic component is the ability to carry out sports and pedagogical diagnostics, the ability to design and model the training process. An indicator of the organizational component formation is the ability to organize, direct, control the training process; possession of sports and pedagogical technologies; adequate professional evaluation and self-assessment; ability to adjust the results of professional and pedagogical activity; knowledge of evaluation of the achieved results. Adequate professional evaluation and self-assessment are an indicator of the analytical component's formation; ability to adjust the results of professional and pedagogical activity; knowledge of evaluation of the achieved results.

Keywords: structural components, readiness formation, future bachelors in physical culture and sports, coaching.

structural components formation bachelors physical culture

Introduction. The modern educational policy of our country determines the important task of higher education to train a competent, competitive specialist, who is able to fulfill professional tasks in the complex economic and socio-cultural conditions of Ukrainian society. The socio-economic development of the Ukrainian state, the processes of integration into the pan-European educational space create the new requirements for the quality of training of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports. As indicated by O. Voitovska, S. Tolochko, N. Bordyug, in a competitive environment, the higher chances of success has a specialist with advanced knowledge and technology activities (Voitovska, Tolochko, Bordyug, 2018: 345). The system of training sports pedagogues of the future, according to A.V. Svatyev, should be aimed at forming a self-sufficient position of a trainerteacher, which is based on the ability to model and carry out activities autonomously, independently, on the basis of their own outlook, but without going beyond the already proven pedagogical and sports axioms (Svatyev, 2012: 54).

Theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of specialists in physical education and sports were researched by such national scientists as A.Yu. Azhippo, G. M. Arziutov, O.M. Vatseba, M.Ya. Vilensky, A.Ts. Deminsky, P.B. Dzhurinsky, R.P. Karpiuk, T.Yu. Krutsevich, L.P. Suschchenko, O.V. Tymoshenko B. M. Shiyan and others. E. N. Prystupa has devoted his research to the identification of globalization trends in the training system for professionals in the field of physical education and sports in Europe (Prystupa, 2004: 125).

New research programs in physical culture and sports pedagogy to train future coaches were developed by Armor K.M., Chambers F.C. (Armor & Chambers, 2014: 855) and Kirk D., Haeren L.T. (Kirk & Haeren, 2014: 899). It was conducted a research on the training of future coaches and the development of sports education in Europe Clarke G., Quill M. (Clarke & Quill, 2003: 253) and others.

The functions of the coaching were explored by many scientists, in particular Yu. A. Kolomoytsev, I. N. Resheten, M. I. Frolova, N. L. Zharykov, N. M. Sumarokov, G. A. Ovchinnikov, V. M. Koretsky, V. M. Kornilov, G. I. Savekov, E. N. Petrenko, V. G. Prokhorov, A. A. Derkach, A. A. Isaev, V. S. Keller and others.

The purpose of the research is to determine the structural components of the formation of future bachelors in physical education and sports for coaching, the corresponding pedagogical functions and indicators on the basis of the scientific literature research.

Research methods and techniques. Research methods are the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature in order to determine the structural components of the formation of future bachelors in physical culture and sports for coaching, their corresponding pedagogical functions and indicators.

Results and discussions. Let us consider the structural components that distinguish scientists in coaching of future professionals.

A scientist O. V. Fedyk identifies the following structural components in coaching: Gnostic component of the activity of the coach (studying the special literature, experience of leading coaches, theory and methods of sports training, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, biochemistry, analysis of relationships with the athlete, analysis and correction of their activity depending on the results of the students' mastering of the material); a constructive component that covers the planning of activities and personal actions of each athlete, the distribution of training material per week cycle, month, year; determination of the sequence of assimilation of sports equipment, exercises, loads; preparation of individual and collective tasks for each training, as well as operational planning; an organizational component that represents the actions of the trainer, ensuring the implementation of his plans in practice: the organization of the regime and the preparation of training facilities; regulation of loads, the organization of the athlete's activity in the acquisition and execution of sports movements and exercises, the organization of relationships in the sports team; the communicative component of the coach's activity is his / her readiness for constant relationships, desire to achieve positive emotional shifts in the interlocutor and enjoyment of communication; to promote good interpersonal relationships between athletes, their parents, the hildren and Youth Sports Schools administration, colleagues, as well as spectators at competitions, judges, doctors, etc. (Fedik, 2003: 125).

T. V. Chopik distinguishes the following structural components in coaching: orientation and motivational, functional, and control and evaluation components. Orientational and motivational component is the pursuit of professional growth, a display of strong interest and a positive attitude towards future professional activity. The functional component is to use the results of professional training in a modular special course in situations of professional direction. The control and evaluation component consists in the completeness and depth of knowledge of the content of professional disciplines (Chopik, 2014: 52).

On the basis of present ideas in modern pedagogy about the structure and content of pedagogical activity (A. M. Alekseyuk, Ya. Ya. Bolubash, V. I. Bondar etc.), analysis of works devoted to the problem of preparing students for coaching (M. S. Burenko, N. V. Gushchina, V. L. Dementyev, M. L. Kulikov, M. N. Nikitan, V. O. Ponomaryov, R. N. Teryokhin, O. V. Khurtenko, etc.), of our own coaching practice, we have determined the structural components of forming the readiness of future bachelors in physical culture and sports of coaching, corresponding pedagogical functions and indicators: 1. Cognitive and creative. 2. Design and diagnostic. 3. Organizational.4. Informative and communicative. 5. Analytical.

Each component has different functions.

The cognitive and creative component is realized through educational, cognitive, research, creative functions.

The informative and communicative component is realized through informative, communicative, perceptual, interactive, suggestive, stimulating functions. The design and diagnostic component is implemented through diagnostic, prognostic, design and modeling functions.

The organizational component is implemented through organizational, managerial, controlling, guiding functions.

The analytical component is implemented through: evaluative, analytical, corrective functions. Common to all components in the structure of coaching is a reflective function. Structural components of formation of future bachelors of physical education and sports for coaching are presented in pic. 1.

Pic. 1 Structural components of the formation of future bachelors in physical education and sports for coaching

Let us dwell on the indicators of the formation of each component in the structure of coaching in accordance with their inherent functions.

1. Cognitive and creative component.

Indicators of the formation of educational and cognitive functions are the presence of a system of knowledge (general pedagogical and coaching) and the motivation for educational and cognitive activity in the coaching sphere and value attitude to the process of cognition.

An indicator of the formation of the research function is the formation of scientific and pedagogical thinking, in other words, the ability to understand and evaluate, analyze, correlate, compare scientific and pedagogical information, to draw adequate conclusions from the information obtained, and so on.

Indicators of creative function formation are formed skills of scientific research activity in the professional sphere: mastering the methods of pedagogical research, ability to put pedagogical experiment and interpret the obtained results; willingness to create and implement new science-based approaches to the organization of the training process, a valuable attitude to professional activity, the ability for professional creativity.

2. Informative and communicative component.

An indicator of the formation of the informative function is the ability of didactic processing of educational material, in other words, the ability to select, construct and present educational information in an accessible and attractive form, taking into account the level of age, mental and intellectual development of the child and mastery of teaching methods.

Indicators of the formation of the communicative function are knowledge of the basics of communicative theory, understanding of the specifics of sports and pedagogical communication, mastering the basics of public speaking, possession of methods of formation the consciousness of the individual, the ability to overcome communication barriers, objectively existing between the teacher and the students.

Indicators of the formation of perceptual function are extraversion, ability to empathize, that is, to sympathy, empathy, perception of the mental state of students and their parents.

An indicator of the formation of an interactive function is the possession, methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of the individual, the ability to use different styles of pedagogical communication and interaction, the ability to manage the development of the pedagogical situation; tolerance.

An indicator of the formation of suggestive function is the ability to suggest, to the emotional-volitional influence on students. An indicator of the formation of a stimulating function is the ability to use methods of stimulation in the training process.

3. Design and diagnostic component.

An indicator of the formation of the diagnostic function is the ability to perform complex psychological and pedagogical and sports diagnostics of the level of development of the child, to evaluate its sports capabilities.

An indicator of the formation of the prognostic function is the ability to determine the prospects and opportunities of the child, to predict the minimum, optimum and maximum levels of athletic achievement and the most likely difficulties that a young athlete in his career may face. An indicator of the formation of the design function is the ability to design the training process, to design its individual parts in accordance with the real training situation, depending on the level of development and functionality of students. An indicator of the formation of the modeling function is the ability to model the training process as a pedagogical system.

4. Organizational component.

An indicator of the formation of the organizational function is the ability to organize a sports section in a comprehensive school, sports holidays, competitions and more.

Indicators of the formation of the managerial function are the ability to rationally and effectively manage the training process, the possession of sports and pedagogical technologies, traditional and innovative methods and techniques of training organization.

An indicator of the formation of the controlling function is the ability to control the training process as a whole, the training and competitive activities of individual students.

An indicator of the formation of the guiding function is the ability to see the perspective of the student's development and to show it to the student.

5. Analytical component.

An indicator of the formation of the evaluative function is the possession of existing methods and techniques of assessing the achieved results, in other words, the ability to objectively evaluate the results of the students, correlating the results with their real capabilities.

An indicator of the formation of the analytical function is the ability to analyze the results of the training process, in particular, the ability to see the causes of successes and failures, to recognize the mistakes, to identify the reasons that led to them.

An indicator of the formation of the corrective function is the ability to eliminate pedagogical mistakes.

An indicator of the formation of a reflexive function is the presence of adequate professional assessment and self-esteem, in other words, the ability to objectively assess their professional level, the level of achievement of their students, the results of their professional and pedagogical activity.

The main (basic) indicators of the preparedness of future bachelors in physical education and sports for coaching are presented in Table 2.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the coaching of future bachelors in physical culture and sports have clearly expressed specific features and can be considered as an independent type of professional and pedagogical activity.

Table 2

The main (basic) indicators of the formation of future bachelors in physical training and sports of coaching

Cognitive and creative

Informative and communicative

Design and diagnostic



- General pedagogical, special coaching knowledge;

- motivation to educational and cognitive activity;

- Value attitude to professional activity;

- the ability to professional creativity

- Didactic processing skills to the educational material;

- possession of methods of education and teaching;

- possession of styles pedagogical communication

- Ability to

exercise sports pedagogical diagnostics,

- ability to

design and

model training


- Ability to organize, direct, control the training process;

- possession of sports and

pedagogical technologies; -

adequate professional evaluation and self-assessment;

- ability to adjust the results of professional and pedagogical activities;

- possession of methods of evaluation of the achieved results

- Adequate professional evaluation and selfassessment;

- the ability to adjust the results of professional and pedagogical activities;

- possession of methods of

evaluation of the achieved results

Conclusions. In the article, the structural components of the formation of future bachelors in physical culture and sports of coaching, corresponding pedagogical functions and indicators, on the basis of the scientific literature analysis are determined. The structural components include cognitive and creative, design and diagnostic, organizational, informative and communicative and analytical components. It is stated that the cognitive and creative component is realized through educational, cognitive, research, creative functions. The informative and communicative component is realized through informative, communicative, perceptual, interactive, suggestive, stimulating functions. The design and diagnostic component is implemented through diagnostic, prognostic, design and modeling functions. The organizational component is implemented through organizational, managerial, controlling, guiding functions. The analytical component is implemented through: evaluative, analytical, corrective functions. It is determined that the reflexive function is common to all components of the coaching. We see the prospects for further research in defining and theoretical substantiating the pedagogical conditions of forming the readiness of future bachelors in physical culture and sports for coaching.


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У статті на основі аналізу наукової літератури визначено структурні компоненти формування готовності майбутніх бакалаврів з фізичної культури і спорту до тренерської діяльності, відповідні їм педагогічні функції та показники. До структурних компонентів віднесено: пізнавально-творчий, проектувально-діагностичний, організаційний, інформаційно-комунікаційний та аналітичний. Зазначено, що пізнавально-творчий компонент реалізується через навчальну, пізнавальну, дослідницьку, творчу функції. Інформац/йно-комунікац/йний компонент реалізується через інформаційну, комунікаційну, перцептивну, інтерактивну, сугестивну, стимулюючу функції. Проєктувально-діагностичний компонент реалізується через діагностичну, прогностичну, проєктувальну і моделюючу функції. Організаційний компонент реалізується через організаційну, управлінську, контролюючу, направляючу функції. Аналітичний компонент реалізується через: офнну, аналітичну, коригувальну функції. Визначено, що загальною для всіх компонентів тренерської діяльності є рефлексивна функція.

Зазначено, що показником сформованості пізнавально-творчого компонента є загально-педагогічні, спеціальні, тренерські знання; мотивація до навчально-пізнавальної діяльності; ціннісне ставлення до професійної діяльності; здатність до професійної творчості. Показником сформованості інформаційно- комунікаційного компонента є вміння дидактичної обробки навчального матеріалу; володіння методами виховання і навчання; стилями педагогічного спілкування. Показником сформованості проеєктувально-діагностичного компонента є вміння здійснювати спортивно-педагогічну діагностику, вміння проєктувати, конструювати і моделювати навчально-тренувальний процес. Показником сформованості організаційного компонента є вміння організовувати, спрямовувати, контролювати навчально-тренувальний процес; володіння спортивно-педагогічними технологіями; адекватна професійна оцінка і самооцінка; вміння коригувати результати професійно- педагогічної діяльності; володіння способами оцінки досягнутих результатів. Показником сформованості аналітичного компонента є адекватна професійна оцінка і самооцінка; вміння коригувати результати професійно-педагогічної діяльності; володіння способами офнки досягнутих результатів.

Ключові слова: структурні компоненти, формування готовності, майбутні бакалаври з фізичної культури і спорту, тренерська діяльність.

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