Listening as one of the ways to teach a foreign language to foreign students
Activity, psychological components of the listening process, which determine the success of learning a foreign language of students. Rationale for the emergence of the greatest mental stress, active mental activity of the student during the audition.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.09.2021 |
Размер файла | 25,8 K |
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Listening as one of the ways to teach a foreign language to foreign students
Natalma Ushakova,
Senior teacher
Olha Artiomova,
Senior teacher
The article, based on the analysis of the scientific literature, identifies the activity and psychological components of the audition process, which determine the success of learning a foreign language to foreign students. The significance of scientific research to increase the effectiveness of education of foreigners is due to the numerous difficulties of linguistic and extralinguistic nature, which are faced by a novice student during the inclusion in the new educational environment. The formation of communicative speech recognition competence to the level of adequate perception and understanding of the educational lecture is one of the urgent needs and conditions for the success of professional training of foreigners.
The article considers the functioning particularities of the processes by which the success of information oral perception is ensured, and the difficulties caused by the insufficient level of these mechanisms' formation for the message perception in a foreign language. The authors substantiate the emergence of the greatest in comparison with other types of speech activity mental stress and active mental activity of the student during speech recognition.
According to the authors, the components separation of the oral communication perception process determines the choice of an effective system of tasks and exercises to eliminate inconsistencies in the listening mechanisms development and the necessary skills and competences formation, taking into account individual characteristics and needs of foreign students. The authors also conclude that the language training construction should take into account the past personal experience of language migrants and personal preferences that they use to acquire communicative competencies, in particular in the speech recognition. It is noted that the teacher's task is to organize and manage the student's educational activities, focusing his or her activities on achieving the desired result when solving specially organized educational tasks of varying complexity, the purpose of which is to master the subject knowledge, practical skills, development of his personality in this activities and communication with other people.
The article emphasizes that the consistent formation of audition skills and competences in accordance with the basics of personal-centered and activity approach of building the language training process is one of the effective ways to achieve the required level of communicative competence in the speech recognition field.
Key words: foreign students, language training, speech activity, speech recognition, audition skills, personal-centered and activity approach.
Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
Аудіювання як один із способів навчання нерідної мови іноземних студентів
Наталія Ушакова,
старший викладач
Ольга Артьомова,
старший викладач
м. Харків
У статті на основі аналізу наукової літератури визначено діяльнісні та психологічні компоненти процесу аудіювання, які обумовлюють успішність навчання нерідної мови іноземних студентів. Актуальність наукових пошуків підвищення результативності навчання іноземців обумовлюється чисельними труднощами лінгвістичного та екстралінгвістичного характеру, з якими стикається студент-початківець під час включення в нове освітнє середовище. Формування комунікативної компетенції аудіювання до рівня адекватного сприйняття та розуміння навчальної лекції є однією з нагальних потреб та умов успішності професійної підготовки іноземців.
У статті розглядаються особливості функціонування процесів, за допомогою яких забезпечується успішність усного сприйняття інформації, та труднощі, що викликаються недостатнім рівнем сформованості цих механізмів для сприйняття повідомлення нерідною мовою. Авторами обґрунтовується виникнення найбільшої у порівнянні з іншими видами мовленнєвої діяльності психічної напруги та активної розумової діяльності студента під час аудіювання.
На думку авторів, виокремлення складових процесу сприйняття усного повідомлення визначає вибір ефективної системи завдань та вправ для усунення невідповідності розвитку механізмів аудіювання та формування необхідних навичок та вмінь, враховуючи індивідуальні особливості та потреби студентів-іноземців. Автори також приходять до висновку, що побудова мовної підготовки повинна враховувати минулий особистий досвід мовних мігрантів та особистісні вподобання, які вони застосовують для набуття комунікативних компетенцій зокрема в аудіюванні. Зазначено, що завданням викладача є організація та управління навчальною діяльністю студента, орієнтація його діяльності на досягнення бажаного результату під час вирішення студентом спеціально організованих навчальних завдань різного ступеню складності, метою яких є засвоєння студентом предметних знань, практичних умінь, навичок, розвиток його особистості в цій діяльності та спілкуванні з іншими людьми.
У статті наголошується, що послідовне формування аудитивних навичок та вмінь у відповідності до основ особистісно-діяльнісного підходу побудови процесу мовної підготовки є одним з ефективних способів досягнення необхідного рівня комунікативної компетенції в області аудіювання.
Ключові слова: іноземні студенти, мовна підготовка, мовленнєва діяльність, аудіювання, аудитивні вміння, особистісно-діяльнісний підхід.
Main part
Introduction. The process of non-native language training at the basic stage should always correspond to the communicative needs of the foreign students that came to get a higher education in the higher educational establishments in Ukraine. This applies not only to an educational and professional communication sphere but also to a culturological and social one.
During the studies at the preparatory faculty, every foreign student should pass all the stages of communicative and professional formation of competence, within a short period of time, using the language of the country where he will continue further studies.
The professional education is a first ladder of the career development for the foreign students, a way to their competitive recovery in the employment market. The main element of the specialists training that is carried into effect in the educational and cognitive student's activity is to acquire knowledge, skills and competence in the professional sphere.
The number of foreigners getting their higher education in the Ukrainian HEE is increasing as of late. The technological and medical education fields stay the most attractive, while English or Ukrainian are chosen as the language of study. The goal of the preparatory faculty education is to adapt a foreigner for a further non-native language professional education, to correct the scholastic attainments level. A.I. Surygin finds the pre-university training pedagogical system particularity in the fact that the studying process is performed in non-native language and non-native social environment for students (Surygin, 2001: 14). The language is a way to get certain professional field-oriented knowledge. Therefore, the productivity of the educational and cognitive students' activity, as at pre-university so university stage, is defined by the linguistic skills maturity level. Moreover, a serious problem for students in achieving good results in the first months of studying consists in the considerably out-stretched in time arrival and in the instable quantitative state of the group.
The educational and professional intercommunication of the foreign students is performed in different forms of educational lessons, among which the dominating form is a lecture. O.S. Kuzina, I.A. Zimniaia, V.P. Pavlova emphasize that audition of the lectures is a specific students' activity form that is carried into effect by such a type of linguistic activity as speech recognition (Zimnyaya, 1989: 36).
The linguistic activity training and speech recognition as one of its kinds is exposed by scientists from different perspectives. The psychological and pedagogical basics of the training and cognitive activity are defined in the works of L.S. Vygotskii, P.Y. Galperin, M.V. Daver, O.M. Leontev, A.K. Markova, S.L. Rubinstein, N.F. Talyzina, I.S. Iakimanskaia etc. The psycholinguistic tricks in the learning of the non-native language were analyzed in the works of V.O. Artemov, T.I. Zhinkin, I.A. Zimniaia, O.O. Leontev, O.R. Luriia, O.M. Sokolov, the linguistic and methodological basics in the learning of the non-native language by students nonphilologists were analyzed in the works of T.O. Vishniakova, N.D. Galskova, T.I. Kapitonova, O.D. Mitrofanova, Y.I. Passov, A.M. Shchukin, scientific and methodological tricks of manuals creating for the linguistic activity skills formation were analyzed by A.R. Arutiunov, M.M. Vatutnev, N.I. Gez, E.Y. Sosenko, N.I. Ushakova. Lingustic and didactic characteristics of the scientific text were elaborated by M.M. Kozhina, N.A. Mets, O.D. Mitrofanova, T.B. Odintsova, logical and denotation structure and linguistic characteristics of the scientific text were exposed by T.I. Dridze, K.I. Motina, N.V. Pirotti and others.
A wide circle of scientists' interests emphasizes that all the aspects of the speech recognition as a kind of linguistic activity are important to perform the educational and professional intercommunication, though the difficulties of training the foreign students to recognize the speech of a scientific lecture at the initial stage is presently topical. The achievements of a first-year foreign student are significantly dependent on his capability to understand the lectures material of the professionally oriented disciplines.
The speech recognition of the lecture's material for a first-year foreign student is complicated because of the language proficiency insufficient level, the absence of auditive skills and competence. The difficulty to perceive the information orally in a usual for a native speaker speed, full or partial absence of the language means regulation used by the lecturer, the inability to repeat the unclear information, the particular structure composition of the scientific audio text, all this needs a successive and consistent work at the preparatory faculty. That is why the training of the foreign students to recognize the speech is a scientific challenge of current interest.
The aim of the article is to expose the topical tasks of the training of the foreign students to recognize the speech at the initial stage of learning Ukrainian or English as a foreign language.
Methods and methodologies of the study. Psychological mechanisms that ensure the speech recognition and its activity structure induce the relevance to choose the person-centered and activity approach for training the speech recognition. I.A. Zimniaia exposes the person - centered and activity approach as a unity of person-centered and activity components in the pedagogical activity. The person-centered approach foresees that mental processes are considered as such that belong to a certain human. The activity approach demands the teacher to define the training tasks, training actions needed to perform these tasks, to organize actions fulfillment on grounds of a certain operation mechanism and a certain algorithm (Zimnyaya, 1989: 35). That is why the scientists define the person-centered and activity approach considered from the perspective of someone who is studying. The person learning organization takes center stage: his or her aims, motives, psychological and cognitive particularities.
The organization of educational and cognitive activity stipulates that the teacher matches his or her activity with the student's needs, motives, intelligence; takes into account his or her international, age specific, personal and psychological particularities (Ushakova, 2009:31). As I.A. Zimniaia states, the teacher's task is to organize and manage the learning activity of a student, his or her activity commitment to achieve the desired result during solving of different difficulty level specially organized learning tasks, which aim is to acquire thematic knowledge, practical competence, skills, development of his or hers personality in this sphere and in communication with others (Zimnyaya, 1989: 186).
Knowledge acquiring should not be considered as a goal in itself but as a ladder to the personality development of a student with a choice in the educational process (content, sort, forms, means, volumes, individual or group activity speed, personality positions and roles) (Ushakova, 2009:46). The education should be grounded on the foreign student's previous personal experience and take in consideration personal-centered senses he or she uses to realize and apply this knowledge. The student's cognitive style and teacher's training style should be coordinated in the educational process.
That's why the topical task of any teacher is to learn individual cognitive ways, communicative, educational and meta-cognitive strategies of a student (planning, self-direction, use of analogies, synonyms, paraphrasing, selfassessment, selective attention etc.) (Ushakova, 2009:52). According to M.V. Daver, taking in consideration and development acquiring of native and intermediary language strategies (for instance, French for a considerable number of Arabic students) accelerates overcoming of difficulties linked to the language resources deficiency and providing communication persistence at the initial stage of learning (Daver, 2006:76).
The activity approach basic principles are formulated in the works of L.S. Vygotskii, S.L. Rubinshtein, O.M. Leontev, that considered a personality in the quality of a subject that is formed and developed in the activity and defines the nature of this activity. The fundamental principles of the activity theory were formulated by O.M. Leontev. The activity category consideration in psychology is based on the initial position about its personal-centered and social character. The scientist notes that activity in all its different forms, in its realization different conditions can't be addressed separately from social relations, because the activity of a certain individual doesn't exist without social relations.
Every human being life consists of the activity complex or system, hierarchy; all of which substitute each other and are aimed at some needs satisfaction. One activity is separated from another one by its subject that gives it a certain orientation. So, the subject is a real motive of the activity. The motive can be real or ideal that exists only in someone's imagination, in thought. The motive stops existing in case of this need satisfaction, the activity stops or becomes another activity that has a different subject.
The contemporary pedagogic distinguishes several motives groups: educational and cognitive ones that prompt a personality to take an interest in knowledge, use intellectual capacities, favors the self-sufficient cognitive activity formation, and social ones that prompt to studying as a way of selfempowerment in the society, personal well-being, mode of existence improvement (Rezvan, 2007:112).
The educational activity is an active and creative process that exists due to the cognitive need formation that is directed to the subject, which is a certain knowledge field. A product of the educational and cognitive activity is generated firstly in human conscience as a desired result. A mental product pattern should exist the way a human can act in the direction of this pattern achievement: manage his or her activity while comparing the pattern to the intermediary results. The educational and cognitive activity is operated by a number of steps, each of which has an intermediary goal inferior to the general one and aiming towards its achievement. Every action is operated by a number of operations that are ways and means to achieve the goal and are defined depending on the specific situation and circumstances.
The activity structure has a dynamic nature that provides with a possibility to transform its hierarchy units: activities automatism leads to their transition to the operations, and a certain action complexity leads to its splitting into several separate actions. Action formation is to create a mental pattern that is action transition to the subject mental activity. The action formation process main characteristic is its awareness. In its turn, the conscious activity demands the student to form his or her skills to plan, organize, and exercise judgment in interpreting his or her own actions and achievements. This fact ensures a possibility to gradual and consecutive conscious formation of the operations and actions in the educational and cognitive activity.
Results and discussions. The modern speech recognition methodology is defined as a receptive kind of oral activity, oral message sensing mechanism consisting of both simultaneous language form identification and statement content comprehension (Azimov, 2009: 25). These process difficulties are linked to individual particularities of mental mechanisms functioning that realize the speech recognition. Oral message perception comes amid bigger mental tension and mental activity of a student in comparison with other kinds of oral activity. Speech recognition depends on the psychophysiological mechanisms formedness that work in close relation and determine each other: short-term and long-term memory, mechanisms of probable anticipation, inner pronunciation, concept identification, stream of language selection, adaption etc.
Among them we should emphasize a short-term memory as a very important one for the speech recognition process, the one that is responsible for the retention in mind of the sequence of sounds before its recognition, comprehension and transition to a long-term memory. According to N.I. Zhinkin, the long-term memory keeps the results of reality perception by human, has an unlimited volume and allows keeping information during the whole life (Zhinkin, 1958:69).
The mechanism of probable anticipation allows predicting the end of the word, phrase after hearing their beginning. The functioning of this mechanism is defined to a considerable extent by the oral and language experience of the listener. This mechanism is formed by the means of the native language at first, so, the foreign student that takes part in other language educational and professional communication and doesn't have enough experience in the intercommunication, feels considerable difficulties in predicting. These difficulties are linked to the linguistic characteristics of the message: phonetic, lexical, and grammatical.
Lecture message sensing mechanism answers its comprehension. The comprehension appears as a result of understanding mechanism, the essence of which lies in the fact that a certain sound subsequence is distinguished by the listener from the stream of language in case of finding correspondence between the sound subsequence and the sense. The subsequence volume answers the sound, word, phrase, sentence, text. The formedness absence of the phonetic, lexical, grammatical skills forces the listener to split the stream of language into separate sound sections missing accomplished sense: sounds, syllable, separate words. A simultaneous perception of the message and its comprehension answers the automatic recognition of the linguistic form and concentration on the sense comprehension, therefore, evidences the perception functioning sufficient level.
Several information sections grouping to a bigger one and establishment of a whole new sense leads to an amplified unit formation of the information acquired that increases the operative memory retention volume. The scientists distinguish the mechanism of the notion identification and receding that compares the sound signals to the samples stored in the long-term memory. Since the sound pattern is primary to acquire language, the sound and articulatory correspondence identification is defined by the work of the inner uttering mechanism. It is a fact that inner uttering has a large-scale nature during the perception of new, incomprehensible information, because the sound and articulatory correspondences establishment is not simultaneous (Passov, 1989:185).
According to L.P. Klobukova and I.V. Mikhalkina the teacher should pay attention to the selection mechanism formation consisting in student's capacity to distinguish a useful sound signal giving information from clogs, especially during the lecture, and to the development of adaptation mechanism helping perceive human speech with different voice parameters
successfully (Klobukova, 2002).
The speech recognition has an activity-related nature showing in the phase structure, its motivations and orientations to the student's cognitive needs satisfaction by means of a foreign language and own cognitive strategies.
The particularity of the first phase, a stimulating and motivating one, is that the main motive of this student's activity is his or her communicative and cognitive need. The motivation element is defined significantly by the activity of other communication participant, which is lecturer, because the goal of the audition is reconstruction and comprehension of the lecturer's thought (Zimnyaya, 1989:179).
During the second one, an analytic and synthetic audition phase, the perceptive and semantic treatment of audio information, sensing of the message, takes place: from an initial, sometimes false understanding, through the analytic information treatment performing based on person - centered linguistic experience; to the final establishment of message sense in conformity with to communication situation. This phase is provided with the operative mechanism that contains operations of another's thoughts inner filling: selection, comparison, establishment of inner notional correspondences, sense relations.
The third phase is an executive one. Its result is an audition product, a thought process that is formed in a person's conscience. The audition has a specific result, which is the comprehension or incomprehension of the linguistic message. It can be operated in another kind of activity of the same person, for instance, as a respective speech, verbal or non-verbal reaction of consent-disagreement etc. The main particularity of the speech recognition is its inner realization that complicates the listener's activity coordination by the teacher.
The audition training has three levels: level of the perception base formation, level of the audition development as a kind of linguistic activity, level of the oral communication mastery (Elukhina, 1989:30). The audition perception base mastery serves as the basis for skills and competence of the speech recognition as a linguistic activity. It contains articulatory skills and speech hearing formation. The goal of this stage is to form and develop the perception mechanisms of sound, syllable, word, phrase, sentence, micro text. The speech hearing development stipulates for a development of both phonetic and intonation hearing. The general audition skills at the second stage should bring about student's capacity to speak foreign language. The education on this stage goes using the materials of limited in volume and difficulty textual unities. The result of the second education stage should be the student's capacity to fully and exactly understand easy oral messages, define semantic center of the sentence, distinguish the main and secondary information, separate the text into semantic parts, find author's position towards the message facts. The work stage corresponding to the real communication requires the student to be able to take part in the communication as a listener, and also to be able to define the communicative intent of the one who is speaking. The specified levels determine each other's development and constitute the hierarchy system.
The speech recognition skills formation is a gradual and consistent process, the final goal of which is to form a capacity to perceive other language speech in real communication conditions according to the communication goal - lecture information retention of the professional subjects. The speech recognition training requires respect to the consistency in the process of the skills and competence formation of this linguistic activity kind provided that the student transits from the elementary to more complicated ones, from easy to more difficult ones.
Summary. The speech recognition training should happen considering the psychological particularities and activity-related structure of a certain kind of linguistic activity. The formedness level of the indicated mental and physiological mechanisms has a significant impact on the audition performance. The lectures audition training in specialty is impossible without forming an active and independent student's position during the learning process. The organization, especially self-organization of the student's activity is an influential factor of the learning performance. The person-centered and activity approach to the speech recognition training should take into account the psychological personality characteristics, communicative and cognitive needs satisfaction of the foreign students. The vector of the further research is the development of the speech recognition competence model of the foreign students at the initial stage of learning Ukrainian or English as foreign language considering their psychological particularities and activity-based structure of this linguistic activity.
audition learning language student
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