Optimization of cooperation between social work specialists and pedagoges of pre-school educational establishments

Consideration of problem of establishing a partnership, constructive professional communication between teachers of pre-school establishments and specialists in social work in the formation of a fully-developed, socially-protected pre-school child.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 17.09.2021
Размер файла 54,8 K

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Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University

Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University,


PERKHAILO Nelia -- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Senior Lecture of the Social Pedagogy and Social Work Department,

ROZHKO-PAVLYSHYN Tetiana -- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Lecture of the Pedagogy and Methods of Primary and Pre-school Education

Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Ternopil


communication teacher social work

Considering the need for a substantive and technological upgrade of the social work system, which should meet the challenges of the time, to the demands of society, there is a need to find ways for its optimization, in particular, at the stage of primary socialization of the younger generation - in pre-school establishments.

The proposed article elucidates the current problem of establishing a partnership, constructive professional communication between teachers of pre-school establishments and specialists in social work in the formation of a fully-developed, socially-protected pre-school child, improving cooperation with parents, preventing professional burnout of workers, etc.

It presents the results of study of the existing cooperation between teachers of pre-school establishments in the process of social upbringing of children, social- pedagogical work with their parents; identifies typical drawbacks and difficulties in the activity of specialists of the mentioned sphere: lack of social pedagogues on the staff of pre-school institutions as well as resources available to them, limited nature of the stereotypedforms and methods used, weak link with social workers, etc.

The reasons and consequences of reducing the educational potential of the family, the quality of communication in it, are related to the inadequate level of social experience of parents, their communicative culture; lack of readiness for a constructive dialogue with teachers and specialists in the social sphere. The authors determined the conditions for optimizing cooperation between social work specialists and teachers of pre-school establishments, which requires introduction of a social teacher's position in the pre-school establishments; formation of positive motivation for cooperation and effective professional communication in the pedagogical and social specialists; preparation of future specialists (educators and social workers) for social partnership; diversification of technologies for such cooperation.

The logic of qualitative transformation of professional cooperation between teachers of pre-school establishments and specialists in social work involves a holistic rethinking of the content and methods of their work: from the motivation, the conscious need for such interaction - to mastering the relevant tools, algorithm of activities and their creative use, which must be first and foremost provided in the process the professional training of future specialists; and continuous improvement - through the self-development of employees.

The publication outlines the perspectives of solving the problem of improving the interaction of specialists in the direction of socialization of children of pre-school age, interaction, coordinating efforts of subjects of social influence, personal professional development. It reveals features of the most productive educational discourse that unites and strengthens the possibilities of innovative, integrated, contextual, active learning.

Key words: educator; specialist in social work; pre-school establishment; social partnership; professional communication; conditions for optimization of cooperation of specialists.



ПЕРХАЙЛО Неля -- кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедри соціальної педагогіки і соціальної роботи, ДВНЗ «Переяслав-Хмельницький ДПУ ім. Григорія Сковороди», Переяслав-Хмельницький, Україна

РОЖКО-ПАВЛИШИН Тетяна - кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри педагогіки і методики початкової та дошкільної освіти, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка, Тернопіль, Україна

З огляду на необхідність змістово-технологічного оновлення системи соціальної роботи, яка має відповідати викликам часу, запитам соціуму, виникає потреба в пошуку шляхів її оптимізації, зокрема, на етапі первинної соціалізації молодого покоління - у закладах дошкільної освіти.

Пропонована стаття присвячена актуальній нині проблемі налагодження партнерської взаємодії, конструктивної професійної комунікації педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти та фахівців із соціальної роботи у формуванні всебічно розвиненого, соціально захищеного дошкільника, покращення співпраці з батьками вихованців, попередження професійного вигоряння працівників тощо.

Наведено результати вивчення практики реальної співпраці педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти в процесі соціального виховання дітей, соціально- педагогічної роботи з батьками вихованців, встановлено типові недоліки та труднощі в діяльності фахівців названої сфери: відсутність соціальних педагогів у штаті дошкільних закладів, недостатність наявних у них ресурсів, обмеженість використовуваних стереотипних форм і методів, слабкий зв'язок із працівниками соціальних служб тощо.

Висвітлені причини й наслідки зниження виховного потенціалу сім 'ї, якості спілкування в ній, пов'язані з недостатнім рівнем соціального досвіду батьків, їхньої комунікативної культури, неготовністю до конструктивного діалогу з педагогами та фахівцями соціальної сфери.

Автори визначили умови оптимізації співпраці фахівців із соціальної роботи та педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти, що передбачають обов'язкове введення до штатного розпису дошкільних закладів посади соціального педагога; формування в педагогічних і соціальних фахівців позитивної мотивації до співпраці й ефективного професійного спілкування; підготовка майбутніх фахівців (вихователів та соціальних працівників) до соціального партнерства; урізноманітнення технологій такої співпраці.

Логіка якісного перетворення професійної співпраці педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти та фахівців із соціальної роботи передбачає цілісне переосмислення змісту та способів їхньої діяльності: від мотивації, усвідомленої потреби у такій взаємодії - до оволодіння відповідними інструментами, алгоритмом дій та творчого їх використання, що передусім повинно забезпечуватися в процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців, а безперервно вдосконалюватися - шляхом саморозвитку працівників.

У публікації окреслені перспективи вирішення проблеми вдосконалення взаємодії фахівців у напрямі соціалізації дітей дошкільного віку, взаємодії, координації зусиль суб 'єктів соціального впливу, власного професійного розвитку. Розкриті особливості найбільш продуктивного освітнього дискурсу, що об'єднує й підсилює можливості інноваційного, інтегрованого, контекстного, активного навчання.

Ключові слова: вихователь; фахівець із соціальної роботи; заклад дошкільної освіти; соціальне партнерство; професійне спілкування; умови оптимізації співпраці фахівців.


Among the topical issues of a number of socionomic sciences, the problem of proper upbringing of the younger generation, the formation of a conscious, socially- active, fully-developed personality occupies a prominent place. In practice, these tasks are implemented by a number of social institutions - the family, institutions of education and culture, social services, public organizations, etc. However, as convinced by experience, their goals and methods often differ significantly. Moreover, due to the inconsistency of positions they sometimes even contradict, for example, in seeing ways of juvenile development, shifting each other's responsibility for problems in raising children, etc.

The outlined tendencies are intensified by complex social processes associated with economic, cultural and spiritual crises, thus increasing the number of material- domestic problems caused by impoverishment and war, decline of the intellectual potential of the nation, its outflow abroad, low social activity of citizens, etc. In this context, a special attention needs to be given to raising children of pre-school age as the most vulnerable stratum, to timely and comprehensive solution of their problems at the stage of pre-school establishments.

A detailed study of these issues involves changing the methodological approaches, going beyond the traditional boundaries of a particular branch, own theories, models and methods of which do not meet today's practical purposes any more (Halian, 2018, p. 106). That is, there is a need to highlight the issue of establishing a partner cooperation, coordinating the efforts of the entities involved in ensuring the optimal conditions for harmonious development, education, social protection of preschoolers - families, educators of health centers and specialists in social work.

Analysis of recent research

Today, changing the vector of scientific research in the field of pre-school education is linked with: update conceptual approaches, content of pre-school education; education on the basis of personality-oriented pedagogy; the formation of life skills of pre-schoolers, responsibility, independence, partnership.

Research on theoretical substantiation and practical solution of the problem of socialization of a child in a pre-school institution, updating the needs of integration of the efforts of specialists of various spheres - pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, sociology, physiology - is a special place in the scientific work. Modern studies open up the prospect for creating synthetic, complex approaches, theories and concepts (Frodeman, Klein, & Mitcham, 2010), in a single focus dwelling on education and personal development, transforming pedagogy into poly-paradigm science (Snopkova, 2015, p. 112).

In the context of social discourse, the phenomenon of child upbringing is comprehended by the authors of the works on the peculiarities of social and pedagogical activity in pre-school institutions (T. Alekseenko, O. Bezpalko, and others); theoretical and practical principles of socialization of pre-school children (T. Poniman- ska, I. Rogalska-Yablonska, etc.); the preparation of future educators for the social- lization of children (N. Havrysh, N. Sayko, etc.), social-pedagogical work with orphans (S. Kurin), etc. However, the wide range of problems studied still leaves out the issue of partnership between Pre-school Education Institution (PEI) educators and social work specialists. An interdisciplinary approach to analyzing the pedagogical reality of pre-school education extends the boundaries of knowing the essence of cooperation between different professionals - educators and social workers (Halian, 2018).

The purpose of the article is to determine the conditions for optimizing the cooperation of specialists in social work and teachers of pre-school establishments.

Presentation of the main research material

Modernization of pre-school education as the first stage of the formation of a child's personality, a powerful institute of its socialization, becomes of great significance today. This is evidenced by a number of normative and legal documents, among them: the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, the State Target Social Program for the Development of Pre-school Education for the Period until 2017, the National Program for the Education of Children and Students in Ukraine, the Laws «On education» and «On pre-school education» (Art. 7), updated basic component of pre-school education, etc. According to them, the institution of pre-school education is responsible for increasing the children's status in society, protecting their interests, realizing needs and requests, preparing for functioning in society, adapting to its conditions, developing resistance to negative factors - formation of the principles of social competence of the juveniles. The task of pre-school children's socialization integrates into a holistic complex the various activities of the PEI, among them: preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and spiritual health of the child; the respect for the national traditions and customs, the language (state, regional, minority languages), national values, self-conscious attitude, environment and environment; formation of the child's personality, development of their creative abilities, acquisition of their social experience; ensuring social adaptation and readiness to continue education; implementation of social-pedagogical patronage of a family, etc. («Zakon Ukrainy», 2018).

A prerequisite for the successful self-realization of the personality in life is readiness for productive communication. V. Pomyluiko defines this quality as a social and communicative competence, that is, the ability to relate one's own aspirations with the interests of other people and social groups through the establishment of partnerships and effective communication within the framework of socially-acceptable behavior (Pomyluiko, 2017, p. 179). A. Koch notes that children in pre-school establishments are faced with adult rules and norms to create a status of peer group and at the same time they seek to form a social identity and maintain a positive relationship with their mentors. A child, who manages to balance the expectations of adults and their peers, feels happiness and comfort surrounded by others (Koch, 2018).

According to I. Lutsenko, in a pre-school institution it is necessary to form children's skills of productive communicative interaction, which is realized through spatial, emotional, speech and interactive contacts. For this purpose, educators should be able to organize communication with the child in the format «Equal to Equal»; satisfy its needs in the process of verbal and non-verbal (touching, stroking, caressing) interaction; to support emotional, empathic communication due to attention to the emotional state of the pupils, the influence on them, the awakening of confidence, openness, the exchange of positive emotions; to form skills to analyze and predict conditions, course, results of communication; it is advisable to change the motivational sphere of pre-school children, to involve them in joint speech and practical actions, collective activities, etc. (Lutsenko, 2012).

In such a way, the educator realizes socially necessary positions for children through a personality-oriented communication, such as understanding, recognition and acceptance. Upon mastering them each one of us learns how to interact with the environment, to function in society. In addition, scholars point out, that the formed knowledge and skills of preschoolers are subsequently transformed into such socially important characteristics as: the desire to communicate or avoid it, readiness for cooperation, mutual help, being open to people (Magnuson et al, 2016). In the absence of these qualities, the person is inclined to conflict, isolation, aggression, etc. In other words, with the help of a communicative component, not only the purpose, content and technological provision of pre-school education, but also its social role, to which every teacher should be ready, is expressed. As the effectiveness of the process of socialization of minors to a large extent depends on the child's social environment, it is necessary to establish productive interaction with the parents of the pupils, bringing together the efforts of various specialists and the family.

The family is the first and most important medium in which the child acquires vitality, primary social experience. Full-scale family upbringing is possible on the condition of the spouses' readiness for conscious paternity, the desire and opportunity to provide financial support for the child, a high educational potential of the family, the culture of communication, etc. This creates the necessary eco-social conditions for the development of a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy child, the atmosphere of emotional safety, love, mutual understanding, sensitivity, benevolence, attention and respect for the feelings of the children, creating personal and social responsibility.

However, the experience shows that not all families have a set of mentioned preconditions for successful upbringing, and, even if they had, most of them are still not able to fully realize their tasks. As a rule the reasons are: 1) lack of parents readiness for this social role (lack of experience, in particular, family upbringing, life competence, low general, communicative, conflict resolution culture, etc.); 2) deviations in the health or behavior of parents, the presence of bad habits, immoral way of life, etc.; 3) unhealthy psychological atmosphere, conflicts, violence, indifference, etc.; 4) use of excessive severity towards a child (physical punishment, psychological pressure, grudging) or indulgence, impunity, «extra-care»; absence of unified requirements for raising a child, inconsistency in their implementation; 5) parents' unwillingness to overcome difficult life circumstances (loss of work, illness, material difficulty, etc.). It should be noted that paternal mistakes in the upbringing of children do not only have short-term consequences (insults, conflicts, alienation), but also long-term negative life prospects, changes in the emotional sphere, and social experiences of children.


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