The role of the web-based distance learning environment in the education of future lawyers

The study of the features and essence of the web environment of distance learning. The implementation of web services and distance learning systems in the educational process of educational institutions of the country, including the Law Faculty of NAU.

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Дата добавления 16.09.2021
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O. Voronova, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

V. Filinovych, Candidate of Law

Classic Private University., Ukraine National Aviation University

Purpose: the purpose of this research is the study of the essence of the web environment of distance learning and the implementation of web services and distance learning systems in the educational process of educational institutions of the country, including the Law Faculty of NAU. The methodological basis of the research comprises general-scientific and specific-scientific (i.e. special) methods. The use of these methods provided an opportunity to analyze the factors influencing the web -based distance learning environment for the training of law students. Results: based on the analysis made by the authors of the study, it is possible to conclude insufficient training of the personnel in educational institutions. A large number of low -skilled specialists are involved in the work in this field, who, even with the skills of pedagogy, do not know and do not understand information technology. The effectiveness of such training can be small, thus forming the opinion of ordinary people that distance learning will not be able to give a good result. But w ith the proper approach of the management of educational institutions, the situation can be corrected. To do this, it is necessary to actively implement in the educational process of distance learning systems, to hold workshops and lectures for staff, where educators will be taught to interact with the web environment for the organization of distance learning of future lawyers. Discussion: the authors suggest to improve the educational process at the Faculty of Law following the challenges and threats of today, i.e. the coronavirus pandemic, and the like. Regarding the educational training of future lawyers, it is necessary to involve world-renowned services and tools that will help make the web environment of distance learning the most favorable, transparent and understandable for every educator and student.

Keywords: distance learning; web-based distance learning environment; educational technologies; distance learning; legal education; training of lawyers.

distance learning web environment

Problem statement and its relevance. The modern technologies, namely information technologies such as the World Wide Web and online communication systems, allow educational institutions to introduce distance learning, thereby expanding the coverage of the population and providing an open environment for learning at any time. Accordingly, the number of different distance learning courses is increasing every day. Research in the field of distance learning using the web environment is currently not yet systematic and critical. However, active work in this area is underway.

This is obvious because the growth in the increase in the number of online courses automatically expands educational opportunities. This also applies to the education of future lawyers.

Analysis of research and publications. The issue was studied by T. Mshvidobadze, T. Gogoladze, M. Tsedryk, P. Firsova, T. Pavlichenko, D. Valentine and other scientists.

Purpose of the article. In this article, the authors want to reveal the features and essence of the web environment of distance learning and critically evaluate main distance learning systems for their subsequent use in the educational process of universities and institutions of the country, including the Law Faculty of NAU.

The presentation of the main material. Today, a large amount of software has been developed for the educational sphere, both commercial and free. These include, among other things, distance learning systems with both advantages and disadvantages. For the practical application of educational web resources to prepare future lawyers, issues of technical support, periodic updates, clarity of the interface, and the like are important. In this regard, our paper will consider the most relevant platforms and services of the web-based distance learning environment.

Before proceeding to consider the essence of the subject matter, the main categories should be defined, namely distance learning or distance-form of education (hereinafter referred to as DFE) and directly the web environment of distance learning (hereinafter referred to as WEDL). Understanding their essence and features is important since for the education of future lawyers (law students) at the Law Faculty of National Aviation University today, it is the remote (distance) model of education that is used. This is caused by the COVID-19 pandemic around the world and in Ukraine in particular.

As to the first term, the opinions of scientists and practitioners for the most part coincide. For example, according to T. Mshvidobadze and T. Gogoladze, distance learning is a method that allows most or all of the student's training to take place outside the classroom, using paper resources, video, teleconferences, computer training, or online sessions on the Internet. At the same time, these scholars practically equalize such concepts as "distance learning", "digital school", "distributed learning", "home learning", and "independent learning" [3, p. 133].

G. Berg and M. Simonson consider that distance learning is a form of education in which the main parts are the physical separation of educators and learners during practice and the use of multiple technologies to provide communication between them. Distance learning has traditionally been geared towards non-traditional learners such as fulltime workers, military staff, and non-residents or individuals in remote regions who cannot attend classroom lectures. At the same time, these scholars equalize distance learning with e-learning and online education (learning) [1].

We can also refer to regulatory sources. So, according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on Approval of the Regulations on Distance Learning № 466 dated 04.25.2013:

DFE is a form of organization of the education process in educational institutions that implements remote learning. At the same time, the Far Eastern Federal District allows a student to a graduate to obtain a state-recognized certificate of the received educational or educational qualification level.

WEDL is a system-organized set of web resources of academic disciplines (programs), web resource management software, means of interaction between subjects of distance learning, and management of distance learning [7].

However, many people confuse the concepts of online learning and distance learning. It is important to understand that they are not the same. Thus, both of these learning strategies assume that students will receive an education using computers or similar devices. Actually, this is where the similarities end.

Generally speaking, there are 3 main distinctions between online education and distance learning, namely:

1) location. In online training, learners can be in the classroom with the professor and solve various problems of digital lessons. In distance learning (also DL), learners work remotely (for example, from home) online, and the professor gives them the assignment in digital form;

2) type of interaction. In online learning (also - OL), interaction between learners and the lecturer is carried out regularly, since OL is just one of the teaching methods used along with other approaches. And with DL, there is usually no personal interaction between the subjects. And for communication, digital forms of interaction are used, for example, using Google Meet, Zoom, and other platforms for video conferencing, various messengers (such as Telegram, Viber, Facebook Messanger, etc.), learning management systems in a particular educational institution, and the like;

3) pursued goals. OL is not used as the only educational strategy but is consolidated with the other methods. It complements the education opportunities already available. DL takes place online and is not a variation of the pedagogy style of a particular specialist [4].

Despite the obvious benefits of distance learning, there are challenges that need to be discussed. These include quality of instruction, hidden costs, misuse of technology, and inappropriate attitudes from faculty, students, and administrators. Each of these factors affects the overall quality of distance learning as a product.

So, R. Falowo among the problems of DL names such as: alienation and isolation of students, lack of effective advice, expenses (financial expenses for training), insufficient feedback from teachers, insufficient student service support, lack of experience, disappointment in learning [2, p. 323].

Within the framework of distance learning, two directions are developing today: synchronous and asynchronous.

1. Synchronous provides training in real-time using "classes" and services. The parties to the interaction should have direct access to the World Wide Web, where training is carried out using special services such as webinars, chats, video conferences, and the like.

2. Asynchronous provides the ability to choose an individual learning path. With it, the parties to the interaction do not require a network connection. This, for example, e-mail, various forums, and the like. It is this approach that has gained particular popularity in the distance e-learning system [5, p. 99].

Now let's move on to consider the main webservices used today to organize distance learning at the law faculty of NAU and most law faculties and research institutes of other universities. These are the following: social networks and network communities; distance learning systems; platforms with Wiki technology; video communication services and other special services [6].

Next, we would like to consider the most commonly used distance learning system and video communication service.

In general, one of the most popular in the world is such a distance learning system as Moodle. Its essential advantage is that it is free. This system belongs to Open Source systems, that is, the program code is freely available. Thus, specialists can create additional extensions or modules for the specified distance learning system.

But at the Law Faculty of NAU, such a system as Google Classroom received the greatest demand. It made serious competition for Moodle in 2020. This service is also free. Due to the induction of quarantine in Ukraine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most universities (including NAU) and other educational organizations have turned to use the specified distance learning system. This is not unexpected, because the system is not only free but also quite easy to use, does not require installation on a separate server, is accompanied by a large number of clear instructions, and has a wide range of tools.

Among the features of the Google class, the following should also be noted:

- using additional services-tools from the same developer will allow you not to "enter" different accounts, wasting time, and remembering additional data. You can easily log into Docs from your Google account (traditional Word, Excel, Powerpoint in web format, and, importantly, without the need to additionally purchase licensed Microsoft Office software, as required by the offline version of these programs); into Disk (voluminous free digital storage medium), and the like;

- multilingual system (support for many languages);

- good realization of the traditional needs of the educational process - you can publish theoretical material, create tasks or assignments for tests, questions, put marks in a register, use a folder automatically created on a disk, a calendar;

- clear and unencumbered platform interface and the like.

However, the system also has disadvantages, for example:

- to attract students or other teachers to your Course, you must provide them with a special code. Often, the system does not want to accept this code, which creates problems with access to the platform. it is impossible to simply provide a regular link to the Course;

- the arsenal of educational elements is not wide enough. For example, the authors of this study personally encountered the problem of the impossibility of creating tests with a countdown. Even if you set the final provision of work, students were still able to hand over the work after its expiration. Such work, however, was labeled "Delivered with a delay". Therefore, the author used third-party testing services such as Master-test and Mentimeter.

But we should bear in mind that Google Class was created specifically for the organization of collaboration, and not for education control, so we can say that the developer company coped with this goal perfectly well.

Conclusion. Thus, today distance learning is experiencing a period of rapid development not only in Ukraine but also in most countries of the world, which is caused, among other things, by the coronavirus pandemic. An increasing number of educational organizations are introducing distance learning technologies into the educational process.

The web environment is becoming an integral part of the educational process. It helps to make distance learning better, more accessible, understandable, and more.

Today, using the web-based distance learning environment is a prompt and adequate response to the global challenge posed by the spread of COVID-19. The web-based distance learning environment provides teachers with a universal toolkit for creating educational content, its active use, and assimilation by students.

As a practical implementation of distance learning technology at the National Aviation University , work is underway to introduce an educational web portal on the Moodle platform. This will allow achieving excellent and significant results in the field of distance learning, attracting more people who want to get a quality education.

Also, the professors of NAU, especially of the Faculty of Law, for most of 2020 actively used the Google Classroom platform when working with students of all forms of education. With the help of it, lectures were held, assignments were given for the practical assimilation of the material, communication with students was carried out, control over their progress in learning seemed to be modular tests and exams. All materials for the courses developed by the University teachers comply with the concept of organizing high-quality electronic distance education.

Thus, the introduction of distance learning technologies from the web environment into the educational process solves several problems in the field of education, including in the professional training of law students. It will help not only to realize many specialists the need to keep up with the times but also to increase the motivation of teachers to develop their professional skills and qualities. Mastering the principles and technologies required to create training courses and electronic educational resources will bring the educational sector of Ukraine to a new level.


1. Berg G.A., Simonson M. Distance learning. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 2019. URL: learning/Academic-issues-and-future-directions.

2. Falowo R.O. (2007). Factors impeding implementation of web-based distance learning. AACE Journal. № 15(3). P. 315-338.

3. Mshvidobadze T., Gogoladze T. About webbased distance learning. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS). 2012. № 3. С. 133-143. 2012.3313

4. Stauffer B. What's the Difference Between Online Learning and Distance Learning? Applied Educational Systems. 2020. URL: learning

5. Аминула Л.Б., Чайка Л.В. Электронное дистанционное обучение с использованием серви- сов WEB 2.0. Вестн. Астрахан. гос. техн. унта. Сер. управление, вычисл. техн. информ. 2016. № 1. С. 98-104.

6. Золотухин С. 8 систем дистанционного обучения: какую выбрать школе, репетитору, тренеру? Eduneo. 2019. URL: obucheniya-obzor/.

7. Про затвердження Положення про дистанційне навчання: Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 25 квіт. 2013 р. № 466. URL:


О.В. Воронова, В.В. Філінович

Класичний приватний університет

Національний авіаційний університет

Метою даного дослідження є вивчення сутності веб-середовища дистанційного навчання та впровадження веб-сервісів і систем дистанційного навчання в освітній процес наукових установ країни, в тому числі юридичного факультету НАУ. Методологічною основою дослідження є загально- наукові та спеціальні методи. Використання цих методів дало можливість проаналізувати фактори, що впливають на інтернет-середовище дистанційного навчання для кращої освітньої підготовки студентів юридичних факультетів. У якості результату дослідження, на підставі аналізу, проведеного його авторами, можна зробити висновок про недостатню підготовку кадрів в освітніх установах. До роботи в цій сфері залучено велику кількість низькокваліфікованих фахівців, які, навіть володіючи педагогічними навичками, не розуміються на інформаційних технологіях. Ефективність такого навчання може бути невеликою, а це, в свою чергу, формує у звичайних людей думку про те, що дистанційне навчання не зможе дати хорошого результату. Але при правильному підході керівництва освітніх установ ситуацію можна виправити. Для цього необхідно активно впроваджувати в навчальний процес системи дистанційного навчання, проводити семінари і лекції для співробітників, на яких педагогів будуть навчати взаємодії із веб-середовищем для організації дистанційного навчання майбутніх професіоналів. Обговорення: автори пропонують вдосконалити навчальний процес на юридичному факультеті із урахуванням викликів та загроз сьогодення, наприклад, пандемії коронаві- русу тощо. Що ж стосується освітньої підготовки майбутніх юристів, необхідно задіяти всесвітньо відомі сервіси та інструменти, які допоможуть зробити веб-середовище дистанційного навчання максимально сприятливим, прозорим і зрозумілим для кожного освітянина та студента.

Розвиток новітніх інформаційних технологій дозволив навчальним закладам впроваджувати дистанційні форми навчання. Це, в свою чергу, дало змогу розширити коло осіб, які бажають отримати спеціальну освіту, шляхом використання переваг відкритого середовища для навчання у будь-який час. Дослідження та аналіз у сфері дистанційного навчання за допомогою використання веб- середовища на даний момент ще не мають систематичного і критичного характеру. Але активна робота у цій сфері ведеться, бо це дає змогу розширити освітні можливості.

Авторами даного дослідження було детально розглянуто найбільш актуальні платформи та сервіси веб-середовища дистанційного навчання, що безпосередньо використовуються під час освітньої підготовки студентів - майбутніх юристів.

Ключові слова: дистанційне навчання; веб-середовище дистанційного навчання; освітні технології; юридична освіта; підготовка юристів.

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