Development strategies of pedagogy of partnership in educational process of small schools in Ukraine and abroad: a comparative aspect

Discusses the strategies of spreading pedagogy of partnership, which provides for cooperation between all participants in the educational process, the presence of a com pact approach, the integration of students’ educational and social work in order.

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Development strategies of pedagogy of partnership in educational process of small schools in Ukraine and abroad: a comparative aspect

Prokopiv Liubov -- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Bohdan Stuparyk Pedagogy Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Stynska Viktoriya -- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Bohdan Stuparyk Pedagogy Department, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

The article discusses the strategies of spreading pedagogy of partnership, which provides for cooperation between all participants in the educational process, the presence of a com pact approach, the integration of students ' educational and social work in order to prepare them for the future life, to educate conscious citizens with a system of value orientations, to attract young people to cooperate with society, parents, teachers and the like.

The attention is focused on the fact that the European experience of introducing pedagogy of partnership in small schools includes: introducing new approaches to school management, partnership between teachers and students, solving problems of schools and society, the need to participate in volunteering, searching for grants to attract young teachers who are able to work in remote regions, the possibility of distance education.

It is argued that at the present stage, the understanding of the pedagogy of partnership in European countries is somewhat modified in connection with the challenges of the modern world, in particular, with the growing number of immigrants to the Nordic countries. European countries are developing educational support programs for educational partnerships. These are programs of study and professional teamwork, where specialists in various academic disciplines cooperate to achieve a common goal - equal cooperation between family and school.

It is proved that in small schools in Germany, which are fairly autonomous, the experience of partnership pedagogy is unique.

An assessment of the experience of the Israel school is given. There are many public organizations for collaboration between teachers and students (Pop). Here, following the principles of pedagogy of partnerships schools and organizations are provided with: professional development; leadership training; strong professionals; valuable resources; culture heals; changing approaches to teaching practice.

The authors, on the basis of the studied experience, conducted a study that included the introduction of the basic principles of partnership pedagogy into the practice of small schools. The analysis showed the need for cooperation pedagogy.

It is argued that the pedagogy of partnership in the educational environment of small schools of Ukraine has a chance to exist in terms of cooperation between authorities, the public, scientists, philanthropists, school leaders, the teaching community, parents, who through mediation and fundraising will be able to open grant programs, which will help to preserve the small school and village.

Attention is drawn to the fact that a small school in the conditions ofpartnership pedagogy has the right to development subject to the initiation of partnerships. This study underlines the fact that small schools should carry out the educational process in social cooperation by involving local authorities. Of course, in urban schools such cooperation priorities are significant.

Key words: pedagogy of partnership; community influence; new Ukrainian School; small school; school for minorities; family; community.


ПРОКОПІВ Любов -- кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки імені Богдана Ступарика, ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», Івано-Франківськ, Україна

ЄТИНСЬКА Вікторія -- кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки імені Богдана Ступарика, ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», Івано-Франківськ, Україна

У статті розглядаються стратегії поширення педагогіка партнерства, яка передбачає співпрацю між усіма учасниками освітнього процесу, наявність компетентнішого підходу, інтеграцію освітньої та громадської роботи учнів з метою їх підготовки до майбутнього життя, виховання свідомих громадян, що володіють системою ціннісних орієнтацій, залучення учнівської молоді до співпраці з громадою, батьками, учителями тощо.

Акцентується увага на тому, що європейський досвід запровадження педагогіки партнерства у малих школах передбачає: запровадження нових підходів в управлінні школою, партнерство між учителями та учнями, вирішення проблем школи й громади, необхідність участі у волонтерстві, пошук грантів для залучення молодих учителів, які здатні працювати у віддалених регіонах, можливість дистанційної освіти.

Аргументовано, що на сучасному етапі розуміння педагогіки партнерства у європейських країнах дещо видозмінюється у зв 'язку з викликами сучасного світу, зокрема із зростаючою кількістю іммігрантів до країн Північної Європи. У європейських країнах розробляють програми підтримки педагогіки партнерства у сфері освіти. Це програми навчання та професійної командної роботи, де фахівці з різних навчальних дисциплін співпрацюють для досягнення спільної мети - рівноправної співпраці між сім'єю та школою.

Досліджено, що у малих школах Німеччини, які є достатньо автономними, досвід педагогіки партнерства є унікальним.

Надано оцінку досвіду Ізраїльської школи. Тут чимало громадських організацій для спільної роботи з учителями та учнями (Pop). Тут, дотримуючись принципів педагогіки партнерства пропонують школам та організаціям: професійний розвиток; лідерську підготовку; сильніші професіонали; цінні ресурси; культура лікує; зміна підходів до педагогічної практики.

Авторами на основі вивченого досвіду, було проведене дослідження передбачало впровадження в практику роботи малих шкіл основних принципів педагогіки партнерства. Результати аналізу показали необхідність у педагогіці співпраці.

Аргументовано, що, педагогіка партнерства в освітньому середовищі малих шкіл України має шанс на існування за умов співпраці органів влади, громадськості, науковців, меценатів, керівників навчальних закладів, педагогічної громадськості, батьків, які через посередництво та залучення фінансів зможуть відкрити грантові програми, допомогти зберегти малу школу і село. Акцентується увага, що мала школа в умовах педагогіки партнерства має право на розвиток за умови ініціювання партнерських стосунків. Це дослідження підкреслює той факт, що малі школи мають здійснювати освітній процес у соціальній співпраці через залучення місцевих органів влади. Безумовно, у міських школах такі пріоритети співпраці є значнішими.

Ключові слова: педагогіка партнерства; вплив громад; нова українська школа; мала школа; малочисельна школа; сім'я; громада; зарубіжний досвід.

strategies pedagogy partnership educational


The pedagogy of partnership has become widespread in the modern Ukrainian educational system. It provides for cooperation between all the participants of the educational process, the presence of a competent approach, the integration of educational and social work for students in order to prepare them for the future life, educate conscious citizens with a system of value orientations, attract young people to cooperate with society, parents, teachers and the like. This is stated in the Law of Ukraine «On Education»; the philosophy of education is changing. Partner collaboration comes first, not the content aspect of learning.

The pedagogy of partnership, as indicated in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, changes its attitude to the object-object education, places the individual on the first place in society. In particular, the Concept states that the basic principles of the pedagogy of partnership are: respect for the individual; goodwill and positive attitude; trust in relationships; dialogue - interaction - mutual respect; distributed leadership; principles of social partnership (equality of the parties, voluntary acceptance of obligations, compulsory implementation of agreements) («Nova ukrainska shkola», 2018).

In connection with the European integration of Ukraine, there is an urgent need to introduce the pedagogy of partnership in the educational system of Ukraine, in which a small school has a special place. The issues of cooperation with communities, parents, the question of strategies of cooperation between students and parents etc. are not sufficiently untied here.

In regard to this the experience of countries of near and far abroad is necessary. In the European educational system we find evidence of significant achievements in the partnership pedagogy. That is why there is a need to study the existing experience.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The integration of the educational space in the context of partnership pedagogy has been widely studied in modern education. In particular, the important aspects of the pedagogy of partnership are explored by S. Amonashvili. The scientist focuses on the main idea of partnership pedagogy - the rejection of authoritarianism in education and training (Amonashvili, 1996). Psychological readiness for partnership as a precondition for the formation of partnerships in resolving conflicts is analyzed by N. Poviakel (1998). He analyzes the peculiarities of pedagogical interaction, in particular in pedagogy, studies the positions and ways of cooperation between partners, control issues in partnerships; considers the factors that help in the development of partnership.

The author studies in detail the capacity for partnership interaction of future teachers, which is understood as the ability of an individual to interrelate on the principles of partnership, coherence, and overall success (Kokhanova, 2011). The main ideas of partnership pedagogy are analyzed by T. Kravchynska. The scientist identifies the main ideas and principles of partnership pedagogy at the present stage of development of the Ukrainian school (Kravchynska, 2017).

L. Prokopiv analyzes some peculiarities of work of Polish small schools in the context of partnership pedagogy. The author disclosed in detail the cooperation of pupils and teachers with public organizations and parental committees of Poland (Prokopiv, 2017). Relevant issues of partnership pedagogy in the Carpathian educational space are studied by S. Dovbenko, Yu. Moskalenko. In particular, the authors point to the lack of focus of the partnership pedagogy on the formation of the ability to use gained knowledge in life and practical activities (Dovbenko & Moskalenko, 2017).

Among foreign scholars, E. de Brune, T. Willemsea and others deal with the problems of partnership pedagogy. Scientists argue that not always future teachers are able to establish partnership relations between family and school. Scientists emphasize the benefits of partnership pedagogy for primary school teachers (de Brune, Willemsea, Haem, Griswold, Vloeberghs, & van Eynde, 2014).

In their works, T. Willemsea and others explore the peculiarities of cooperation between educational institutions, teachers, and families that can influence pupils, in particular their social development and sense of well-being at all levels of education. Scientists argue that, despite evidence of positive results from family participation in education, its potential in schools is still ignored (Willemse, Thompson, Vanderlinde, & Mutton, 2018).

The pedagogy of partnership in small schools was not the subject of a separate study in pedagogical science, which led to the choice of the topic of publication. Note that this research is the authors' continuation of a series of articles on this issue (Prokopiv, 2017; Stynska, 2017).

Main purpose of the article - finding out the features and testing the theoretical and practical approaches to the implementation of the pedagogy of partnership in the conditions of the modern educational space of small schools.

Task: 1) to characterize peculiarities of the pedagogy of partnership in Ukraine and abroad; 2) clarify the main provisions of partnership activities as an effective tool for maintaining and improving the activities of small schools; 3) to identify the productive aspects of the implementation of partnership pedagogy in the education- nal space of small schools in Ukraine.

Methods of the research

Analyzing the scientific base of the research we used the following methods: analysis of scientific and educational-methodical literature with the purpose of theoretical justification of the issues of partnership pedagogy in the modern educational space; method of pedagogical reconstruction; focused interviews, sociological studies with the participation of sociologists, teachers, parents, the public; representative survey; presentation of the results of the research, analysis of the assessment of done. Statistical data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics methods. In the publication, we will use the term «small school» (in Ukraine, «school of minorities»), which is more common in foreign countries.

The experiment was attended by workers of 5 small schools in Ivano-Frankivsk region, representatives of student and parental school assets (Verkhovyna district, Velykyi Khodak village, Dolyna district, Myslivka village, Kosiv district, Richka village, Rohatyn district, Nyzhnia Lypytsia village, city of Yaremche, Voronenko village). The survey sample - 200 respondents in proportion to the quotas: the statistical volume of the settlement, the percentage of school employees, the percentage of parents, the percentage of students. Statistical data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics methods.

Results of theoretical analysis

The concept of a new Ukrainian school provides for basic approaches to understanding partnership pedagogy as «communication, interaction, and cooperation between teacher, student, and parents» («Nova ukrainska shkola», 2018). In this context, the issue of development of partnership pedagogy is especially relevant in small schools that do not survive at the expense of the state, and only communities and parents are able to keep them (Prokopiv, 2017). These problems concern not only Ukraine, but also Poland, Germany (Karpenko, 2016), Sweden, Finland, the USA, etc. We should study this experience in detail (Jimerson, 2006), but its rapid implementation depends on the material status of our state, community's awareness of the role of the small school.

In the modern educational situation of different countries there are different approaches to the strategy of development of partnership pedagogy, but its understanding and various educational practices are different. The European experience in introducing partnership pedagogy in small schools includes: introducing new approaches to school management, partnership between teachers and students, solving school and society problems, the need to participate in volunteering, searching for grants to attract young teachers who are able to work in remote regions, the possibility of remote education (Samel, 2018).

In the context of reforming modern school education in Ukraine in small schools, the pedagogy of partnership is the rational source of its survival. In Ukrainian science, partnership pedagogy is interpreted as a partnership in education (Kokha- nova, 2011); pedagogy of tolerance (Dovbenko, 2017); professional interaction. We should analyze its understanding by foreign scientists. In the USA, Belgium, scientists emphasize on the interpretation of «partnership pedagogy» as the professional development of teachers for cooperation with families (Willemse et al., 2018), as the ability to be competent to cooperate, gain experience in the field, the opportunity to cooperate in short-term and long-term projects. At the same time, teachers of schools in these countries, according to scientists, feel unprepared for the pedagogy of partnership (de Bruine et al., 2014).

An important aspect of partnership pedagogy is reactions «to global and social events, such as the growth of technology and social media, globalization and growing diversity, growth of global citizenship, migration or changing issues related to equality, also education» (Hansen, 2011). There are interesting questions of partnership pedagogy in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain and Finland. There are special training programs for teachers on pedagogy of partnership, which is understood as establishing dialogue and cooperation with teachers-educators, and schools and teachers, on the other hand, the education administration develops and supports a common vision of education problems for parents, teachers, and the public (European Commision, 2013).

At the present stage, the understanding of the pedagogy of partnership in these countries is somewhat modified in connection with the challenges of the modern world, in particular with the growing number of immigrants in the Nordic countries, «which are a challenge to the traditional views of teachers on family life, cultural sensitivity, which is necessary when interacting with students from different families» (Evans, 2013). Compare: in Ukraine, on the contrary, there is a situation when parents, migrating abroad, leave children to relatives. The pedagogy of partnership in its classical understanding is totally absent here. As in Europe, the United States, and in Ukraine there is a problem of cultural sensitivity, interaction and understanding of students and their relatives.

That is why it is so important to develop a scientific base for this problem. European countries are developing educational support programs for educational partnerships. These are programs of study and professional teamwork, where specialists in various academic disciplines cooperate to achieve a common goal - equal cooperation between family and school (Willemse et al., 2018). In particular, such programs concern: the training of professional teachers competent to work with parents; introduction of a partnership education training program as an important component of the school educational organization; cooperation of future teachers with parents outside of normal communications; parent and teacher continuing education programs (Willemse et al., 2018).

For a more detailed understanding, let us analyze the strategies of partnership pedagogy in the countries of Europe and the USA. Polish experience deserves special attention. As the inspector of the Poznan Education Council P. Vantukh notes, the pedagogy of partnership is when «students, parents and teachers are united by a common goal and aspirations. Such cooperation is voluntary between all interested like-minded people who are equally responsible for the result». Among the basic rights and duties of parents in a partnership in Poland, he defines:

* the right of parents to give their opinions and advice to the authorities;

an adoption by the parental council of preventive programs for the school. Among the measures that should be taken are preventing alcohol, smoking, drugs, various threats from social networks;

the acceptance by parents of the principles of psychological assistance to students and the conditions for cooperation with various institutions.

However, as P. Vantukh notes it works differently in practice. In small schools where parents are not active enough, there is a practice when, firstly, teachers themselves compile this program without the participation of parents; secondly, there are still not enough schools where parents understand what kind of cooperation program with students they want. But there is progress, because there are already discussions on this topic (Topol, 2018). This situation is typical for the majority of small schools in Ukraine.

Together with the rights parents have their responsibilities: the responsibility of attending school by students, their proper appearance, and presence of school supplies. And the Parent Board is Compulsory in small schools in Poland. Conducting an audit is an important mission of partner pedagogy. For doing this there are different anonymous surveys, a survey of parents, teachers and students, focus interviews with participants of the educational process and observation of the lessons. We study how the school implements what is recorded at the level (Topol, 2018). The director should present a vision: what he wants to do in education, cooperation with parents, local governments, teachers, and about the financial situation. This vision is public. More strategies for the pedagogy of partnership in small schools in foreign countries are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Strategies of pedagogy of partnership in small schools abroad

Strategies of pedagogy of partnership in small school


the government controls and organizes a special training system for parents and society


are managed by public associations of parents, and the quality of education in there, according to experts, is significantly higher than in state schools


Training is based on professional training programs for parents, teachers, and society


Cooperation of school consolidation by transferring an educational grant to the level of municipalities, their responsibility for schools.


Close cooperation with parents, equal responsibility for students, organization of conferences for parents, students and teachers


Government partnership education programs that train teachers who know and understand family relationships well. The idea of partnership between family and school, based on mentoring, family leadership of school, which reproduces the relationship of power with teachers


is introduced in terms of financing small schools with municipal authorities, employers, etc.

There is the pedagogy of partnership in the USA. Firms and enterprises forge partnerships with small schools, provide their own future with a promising work force, which is the result of a practical contribution to the quality of education. The subjects of partnership in rural America are teachers, workers of village council, libraries, a first-aid post, representatives of public organizations, private entrepreneurs, and the like. Effective in the United States was the «Partnership for Rural Improvement program», which operated in Washington State. Subsequently, in the United States began to work network of programs «Partnership», where universities were as partners. Employees and students of the school, for example, had round-the-clock access to university lectures and, using interactive methods, were able to carry out educational communication live. The program covered about 160 small US schools (Kellogg, Hagood, & Lassey, 1980).

School enterprises were located in 18 states, and their work was covered in such well-known periodicals as the New York Times, Atlanta Journal, and others.

After analyzing the experience of organizing the pedagogy of the US partnership, let us highlight its progressive tendencies:

applying the strategy of cooperation between the school and the community in the choice of study programs;

organization of free training for community members and parents;

community involvement in real affairs and practical cooperation based on professional competence;

organization of reflective activities in accordance with the specific goals of education in small schools;

organizing partnerships based on professional competence for the prosperity of the nation.

In small schools in Germany, which are fairly autonomous, the experience of partnership pedagogy is unique. Conferences are held at each educational institution from parents, students and teachers. Each «force» has its own equal delegates. Such a conference forms the vector of school development and resolves all issues that arise during the year. This is money, and approbation of various forms of education. As for the latter, they organize professional conferences, where they choose, for example, textbooks. We have a wide choice, because the market is saturated. Each decision is made by majority vote («Pedahohika partnerstva», 2018).

There is an interesting experience of the Israel school. There are quite a few public organizations for collaboration with teachers and students (PoP). Here, following the principles of pedagogy of partnerships schools and organizations are provided with:

professional development: the introduction of intensive programs and coaching for teachers;

leadership training: supporting the professional development of managers, staff, and teachers;

strong professionals: improving their own professional practice on the basis of continuous professional examination;

valuable resources: a set of materials for educational leaders;

culture heals: helping educational organizations to build a culture that reflects their core values, strengthening the relational components of this organization using a unified language and basic pop practices;

changing approaches to teaching practice (Cook & Orit, 2018).

The strategy of partnership pedagogy in Canada is somewhat different. Its development took place as early as in the 1980s of the 20th century, when inclusive education was becoming a component of the general school curriculum. Before that, children with special needs could not assert their rights. Therefore, the Government of Canada decided to include its representatives in the training system. The parents created a separate committee, whose members had certain initiatives. Usually, directors, teachers and students were invited to such meetings. In a small Canadian school there clearly works the principle of the triangle: student-school-parents. Their views do not intersect, they do not conflict. The director is ready to listen to everyone, but a separate part of the meeting is responsible only for its competence. Parents cannot, for example, indicate to teachers which textbooks their children should use for study. This is pointed out at the legislative level; there is a specific division of duties. It has to be said that Ukraine also has the experience of partnership pedagogy. For example, there is the Park School «BeHappy» - an alternative democratic school in Poltava, created in accordance with the analogy with other alternative schools in Europe and other countries of the world. The park-school forms children' ability to learn, use the knowledge gained in practice and develops the ability to self-organize.

We have the experience of the small private school «The First Swallow», which is in Ivano-Frankivsk, where not only parents-teacher-society groups, but also organized cooperation with local authorities works there.

Results of empirical research

On the basis of the studied experience, we conducted a study that included the introduction of the basic principles of partnership pedagogy into the practice of small schools, namely:

respect for the individual: democratic and humane attitude towards the child (child-centeredness), ensuring his rights to dignity, self-identification, respect for himself;

goodwill and positive attitude. Teachers in a small school as well as parents are examples of morality, decency, and respect for others;

trust in relations between all participants in the educational process - the community, teachers, students; between school administration and teachers; between community organizations, local authorities and the school. «Innovative technologies of trust», «social networks», monitoring public control bodies are considered as important tools for the settlement and development of partnership pedagogy in these conditions (Dovbenko & Moskalenko, 2017);

interaction and understanding between parents and students. Technology of cooperation involves the creation of a new high-grade triangle: parents-students- teachers;

pedagogical optimism, openness, sincerity and naturalness in communication, perception of students as partners, and parents as colleagues, desire for mutual understanding and cooperation;

distributed leadership, which is responsibility for oneself and for another. distributed leadership provides for an equal relationship between: a school and society; student and teacher;

social partnership development of skills for strict compliance;

conducting diagnostic and marketing research to identify and meet the educational needs of parents and students.

Communication, interaction and cooperation are the basis of partnership pedagogy, as noted by S. Dovbenko and Yu. Moskalenko. The school should initiate a new, deeper family involvement in building the child's educational trajectory. Partnerships are the precondition for the partnership pedagogy. There are relevant projects that carry out the study of the influence of pedagogy of partnership in the educational space (Steam-education, Moped etc).

Having worked through the international experience of partnership pedagogy, we developed a regional experimental research project «Small Schools of the Carpathian Region. Innovative Approaches to Functioning and Development Prospects», which included, among other things, the development of materials in support of the partnership pedagogy, for primary and high school students.

In each of the small schools (5 small schools of Ivano-Frankivsk participated), on the basis of partnership pedagogy, projects were developed to create: joint public school societies; social partnership as a component of community schools; analytical centers and volunteer councils; methodological recommendations were developed for conducting educational trainings, etc;

This project began during the round table «Small Schools of the Carpathian Region. Innovative Approaches to Functioning and Development Prospects», with recommendations provided for district education departments. On the basis of the work done, we have developed the components of the implementation of the pedagogy of partnership in the conditions of small schools that are presented in Fig. 1.

As can be seen from fig. 1, the principles of the pedagogy of partnership are effective in conditions of openness, when all its components are taken into account. We have developed a survey for students, focus interviews for parents and society to find out the level of partnerships, their role in the local community, as well as opportunities for partnership at the local level. The student questionnaire included questions that were intended to identify characteristics related to school and family (students had to form associations for their understanding of the school and family); students' understanding of the level of parent-school cooperation; identification of the necessary effective technologies of cooperation.

Fig. 1. The components of the implementation of the pedagogy of partnership in the conditions of small schools of Ukraine

The questionnaire for parents provided for their understanding of school and family relationships - they had to form associations to the words «school», «family»; frequency of school attendance; parent-school cooperation in joint decision making; cooperation of parents and society. A teacher questionnaire outlined a question to clarify organizational collaboration; clarifying the climate of cooperation with school management; features of the partnership between the school and society. The questionnaire addressed to the local community - the mayor's office and local councilors, included a question on the perception of the role of the school; their own influence on the school, joint cooperation. The results of the study are presented in Figure 2.

The results achieved in our study confirmed the hypothesis of the study. As can be seen from the figure, small schools need support and are ready to develop with the help of partnership. From 20 % to 34 % of respondents still hope for state support. Despite the large expenditure of funds, small schools should not be closed. This is evidenced by respondents. This sample is not systematic, but it encourages us to further study of the problem.

Fig. 2. Results of the focused interview

Conclusions and further researches directions

So, the pedagogy of partnership in the educational environment of small schools in Ukraine has a chance to exist under the conditions of cooperation of authorities, the public, scientists, philanthropists, school leaders, the teaching community, parents who, through mediation and fundraising, can open grant programs in order to preserve the small school and village.

The pedagogy of partnership is a new and promising educational unit both in Ukraine and abroad. It depends on the peculiarities of cooperation between the subjects of the educational process, is realized through the activity, and provides for education, leisure and personal security.

Conducting research, we came to the conclusion that a small school in the conditions of partnership pedagogy has the right to development subject to the initiation of partnerships. This study underlines the fact that small schools should carry out the educational process in social cooperation by involving local authorities. Of course, in urban schools such cooperation priorities are significant.

Among the strategic directions for the development of small schools in Ukraine we see the development of the concept of the educational process in small schools in the context of innovative educational policy of the state; introduction of coaching, distance training courses for parents, teachers and society, etc. into the educational space; studies of the state of social and pedagogical support of the family and the study of the ways of interaction between the «school-family-community» complex; the study of the peculiarities of professional training of teachers, educators, practical psychologists at the university for work in small schools; rendering social, psychological, pedagogical and scientific and methodological assistance to teachers; a comparative analysis of scientific concepts, approaches, developments and practical experience on the existence and functioning of a small school of Ukraine with the EU countries; the organization of social partnership as a component of the activities of community schools; the formation of a common infrastructure (sharing of sports fields and libraries, computers and other equipment); creation of an analytical center (Board of Trustees), which coordinated the activities of small schools in the region; the work of volunteer groups; carrying out methodical seminars, competitions, trainings.

The promising areas of our research are the formation of a culture of personality, a vital moral position, the formation of mutual relations of cooperation in the educational process.


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