Modern tendencies of pedagogical interaction in the course of organizing independent work of bachelors

Formation of the readiness of university graduates to independently search for the necessary information and knowledge with a view to their further application in the professional sphere. Studies on the organization of independent work of bachelors.

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Дата добавления 29.09.2021
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Orenburg State University


Sakharova N.S., Raptanova I.N




Формирование готовности выпускников вузов к самостоятельному поиску необходимой информации и знаний с целью дальнейшего их применения в профессиональной сфере является приоритетной задачей современного высшего образования. В связи с этим, исследования, посвященные организации самостоятельной работы бакалавров, приобрели особую актуальность и приоритетную направленность. Являясь главным источником информационно-когнитивного потенциала повышения эффективности подготовки бакалавров, самостоятельная работа должна быть представлена в виде целостной системы ее организации. Определению роли преподавателя в организации самостоятельной работы также уделяется особое внимание. Другими словами, между преподавателем и бакалаврами должно быть организовано определенное педагогическое взаимодействие. Современные тенденции педагогического взаимодействия сводятся к субъект-субъектному типу взаимоотношений. Данный тип взаимоотношений характеризуется организационными, направляющими и корректирующими функциями преподавателя. Субъектная позиция бакалавра заключается в умении поставить цель, предпринять шаги с целью ее достижения, а также в умении управлять этим процессом. Избираемые преподавателем технологии дают возможность увеличить долю самостоятельной работы бакалавров по поиску новой информации, овладению профессионально-значимыми знаниями. Примером таких технологий является технология симуляции, представляющая собой строго выстроенный алгоритм действий, соблюдение которых способствует формированию необходимых компетенций бакалавров, а также ряда профессиональных и личностных качеств. Организация самостоятельной работы средствами технологии симуляции способствует развитию субъект-субъектного педагогического взаимодействия между преподавателем и бакалаврами. Данный вид педагогического взаимодействия стимулирует инициативу, творчество бакалавров, формирует их способность к самообразованию, самоидентификации. Применение технологии симуляции в процессе организации самостоятельной работы существенно меняет характер взаимоотношений преподавателя и бакалавров. Субъект-субъектное взаимодействие является высшим уровнем педагогического взаимодействия, в котором преподаватель и бакалавр вступают в отношения взаимодействия на основе понятий совместности и кооперативности.

Ключевые слова: педагогическое взаимодействие, организация, субъект-субъектное взаимодействие, самостоятельная работа, субъектная позиция, технология симуляции


independent work bachelor university

Formation of the readiness of university graduates to independently search for the necessary information and knowledge with a view to their further application in the professional sphere is a priority task of modern higher education. In this regard, studies on the organization of independent work of bachelors have acquired particular relevance and priority. Being the main source of information and cognitive potential for increasing the effectiveness of training bachelors, independent work should be presented in the form of an integral system of its organization. Special attention is also paid to the definition of the teacher's role in organizing independent work. In other words, a certain pedagogical interaction should be organized between the teacher and the bachelors. Modern trends in pedagogical interaction are reduced to the subject-subject type of relationship. This type of relationship is characterized by the organizational, guiding and corrective functions of the teacher. The subjective position of a bachelor is the ability to set a goal, take steps to achieve it, as well as the ability to manage this process. The technologies chosen by the teacher make it possible to increase the proportion of independent work of bachelors in search of new information, mastering professionally significant knowledge. An example of such technologies is simulation technology, which is a strictly built algorithm of actions, the observance of which contributes to the formation of the necessary competencies of bachelors, as well as a number of professional and personal qualities. The organization of independent work by means of simulation technology contributes to the development of subject-subject pedagogical interaction between the teacher and bachelors. This type of pedagogical interaction stimulates the initiative, creativity of bachelors, forms their ability for self-education, self-identification. The use of simulation technology in the process of organizing independent work significantly changes the nature of the relationship between a teacher and bachelors. Subject-subject interaction is the highest level of pedagogical interaction, in which the teacher and the bachelor enter into an interaction relationship based on the concepts of compatibility and cooperativity.

Keywords: pedagogical interaction, organization, subject-subject interaction, independent work, subject position, simulation technology

The main text

Modern trends in higher education are focused on the formation of a bachelor's personality capable for self-education, self-development, independent acquisition of new knowledge, making independent decisions, determining the content of their activities and finding the ways of implementing them. In this regard, independent work becomes a priority form of the educational process.

Independent work, being a universal way of educational activity of bachelors, presupposes not so much the assimilation of knowledge by them, as the expansion of the boundaries of their perception and understanding of the world around them and themselves [19].

It should be noted that independent work of a bachelor does not mean his self-education along an individual path, but his systematic, independent activity controlled by the teacher [10].

That is why, independent work often is considered in the context of its organization: 1) «... as a means of logical and psychological organization of independent cognitive activity»; 2) «... an activity organized by the student himself due to his internal cognitive motives...»; 3) «... any active activity of students organized by the teacher, aimed at fulfilling the set didactic goals...» [11, 19,12].

In this regard, the question arises about the most effective ways how to organize it.

Besides, there are a number of pedagogical conditions under which the organization of independent work will be more productive and effective. These conditions include:

1. positive motivation of bachelors;

2. clear statement of goals and an explanation of the way to achieve them;

3. determination of reporting forms, scope of work, deadline;

4. determination of types of consulting and evaluation criteria;

5. awareness of new knowledge gained by bachelors as a personal value.

Based on the foregoing, the formation of the personality of a bachelor in the course of independent work occurs in close interaction with the teacher's creative activity [3].

Pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a bachelor in classical pedagogical traditions (A. Disterweg, Ya.A.Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky) was considered within the scope of subject-object relations (teacher-subject, bachelor-object).

In our study, the term «pedagogical interac- tion» is accepted as an entity, although it should be recognized that the term «pedagogical communi- cation» exists in the psychological and pedagogical literature (Sh.A. Amonashvili, I.A. Zimnyaya, A. Kharaeva). We believe that «pedagogical communication» and «pedagogical interaction» in its substantive essence goes back to the single phenomenon of «communication». In the interpretation of Lomov, «communication is not superimposing on one another parallel developing (« symmetrical») activities, namely the interaction of entities entering into it as partners.» Based on this definition Lomov identifies «communication» and «interaction» [9]. I.A. Zimnyaya believes that communication is a form of interaction, thereby expanding the scope of the latter [19].

Analysis of the aspects of pedagogical communication, conducted by I.A. Zimnyaya and L.A. Kharaeva allows us to raise the question that it represents a specific form of social interaction of people, «organically combining elements of personality-oriented, socially-oriented and group-oriented subject-oriented communication, as well as axial and retial types of communication, pedagogical communication, as it were, includes, «covers» all these types of communication, while not being an additive formation. Pedagogical communication forms a synthesis of their basic characteristics, finds expression in a new qualitative content and determines the nature of the interaction of subjects of communication»[19].

Pedagogical communication can be considered as a combination of three concepts: the means of organizing the student's educational activities, learning objectives, goals and means at the same time as applied to the learning process. At the same time, pedagogical communication can be interpreted as a certain way of organizing training that meets the requirements of the main social task of education - personality formation [16].

We believe that, in comparison with pedagogical communication, the concept of pedagogical interaction is wider. Information, methods of its transfer and assimilation, as well as socially and professionally significant values, here is what makes communication an interaction.

Pedagogical interaction, as the external environment for the functioning of the system of foreign language competence, provides external conditions for the laws of its development. We distinguish the following external conditions for the development of the system of foreign language competence:

- interpersonal interaction «teacher-bachelor»;

- informational interaction;

- interaction within the framework of orientation to socially significant values.

Interpersonal interaction «teacher - bachelor» reflects the pedagogical component of the interaction.

Modern trends in pedagogical communication at the level of interpersonal relationships come down to a pattern of subject-subject relationships. The subjects of the educational process, the teacher and the bachelor, enter into a relationship of interaction based on the concepts of compatibility, cooperativeness.

According to Volkova's interpretation, the subject is viewed as a carrier of activity, as an individual with the ability to consciously self-regulate and self-develop in this activity. Activity in this case is considered as an initiative effect on the environment, on other people and oneself [17].

Personal activity depends on the motives of her behavior and is characterized by oversituationalism. In other words, a process can be called active if it is directly dependent on the subject. The position of the subject is characterized by the presence of stable internal motivation.

The subject position of the participants in the educational process is ensured while the compliance with the following conditions:

- the context of subject-subject relationships should be presented in the form of a system of activity, in which everyone interacts in constantly changing situations of an educational nature;

- subject-subject relationship should be aimed at the development of educational needs, interests of bachelors, allowing them to successfully adapt and self-actualize in life and educational situations;

- the organization of the educational process should be implemented on the basis of the constant involvement of each participant in the process in the system of relations.

The nature of the interaction of the subjects of the educational process reflects the dynamics of its development. The key to successful pedagogical interaction is cooperation, thanks to which all participants in the educational process become subjects of an equal exchange of educational meanings [8].

Based on the scheme of pedagogical communication proposed by I.A. Zimnyaya, it follows that the nature of the connections coming from the teacher is direct, and the feedback coming from the bachelor is indirect. The direct interaction between the teacher and the bachelor is reflected in the organizational, guiding and corrective functions of the teacher. However, I.A. Zimnyaya determines the general characteristics of the interaction between teacher and bachelor: focus, activity, motivation of their activities [19].

Subject - subject relations «teacher-bachelor» express the function of complementarity, that is, the interdependence and complementarity of the activities of both subjects of the educational process. Subject-subject relations are determined by the nature of educational and cognitive activity, their individual psychological characteristics and the relationships in which each of them enters into a teaching or student team.

The pedagogical interaction «teacher-bache- lor» is also determined by the type of subject-subject relations, with the only difference being that the bachelor's personality and value relationships are central to the system of foreign language competence. The nature of the relationship between teacher and bachelor is determined by the degree of parity of trust, parity of participation in the educational process. The teacher, as the subject of pedagogical interaction, during the development of the foreign language competence system presents the knowledge system and value system, including the foreign language as the main value, transforming them through their own consciousness and own scale of value relations. In such a transformed form, the student receives them as part of the educational process [13].

Subject-subject parity relations within the framework of pedagogical interaction provide a general pattern of its development. The interaction «teacher-bachelor» is the main component of the external environment in which a foreign language competence of a bachelor develops. The specificity of the discipline «foreign language» lies in the inextricable connection of target and instrumental functions, that is, a foreign language acts both as a goal and as a means of learning. The combination of target and instrumental functions in the knowledge of a foreign language reveals the difficulties of the psycholinguistic order in the aspect of bachelors' perception of linguistic facts and phenomena by means of a foreign language. In this regard, the role of a teacher of a foreign language and his professional ability to create parity subject-subject relations with students is of particular importance [14].

However, pedagogical interaction is not limited to the framework of interpersonal relationships «teacher-bachelor». Information interaction, complementing interpersonal interaction within the framework of the pedagogical environment, is one of the most important ways of organizing intra-system connections of foreign language competence.

Interpersonal and informational interaction is mediated by the orientation of bachelors' personalities to socially and professionally significant values of society and the formation of a system of their value relations in the course of knowledge of a foreign language and the development of foreign language competence.

The orientation of the bachelor's personality on socially and professionally significant values determines the ways of forming interpersonal subject-subject relations and the degree of selectivity in the perception and reproduction of the information flow.

An analysis of the results of our study allows us to state that the system of socially and professionally significant values, as well as the formation of personal value relationships, determine to the greatest degree the pattern of development of a foreign language competency system. Orientation to different values at different times, the formation of certain value priorities explains the logical change of one stage of development of the foreign language competence system to another, a completely new one.

The personality of the teacher, as a means of external influence, due to its professional and psychological characteristics, is able to control the bachelor's communicative goal-setting, the formation of his value relationships and the flow of information flows. So, socially and professionally significant values, the personality of the teacher, the motivation of the teacher influence the personality of the bachelor, form his value relationships [15].

As mentioned, learning a foreign language in the framework of a competency-based approach intends to form the bachelors' communicative competence.

The teacher is intended to help the bachelor in the formation of this competence. To achieve this goal, the teacher uses various technologies, the implementation of which involves the active participation of all subjects of the pedagogical process.

This form of cooperation corresponds to the subject-subject level of pedagogical interaction, since it is characterized by such signs as conscious activity, the ability to set goals and reflection, freedom of choice and responsibility for it [5].

In our study, we examined the interaction of a teacher and a bachelor in the process of organizing independent work by means of simulation technology.

Simulation technology is described as: «... a strictly built, structured scenario with tested rules, tasks and strategies that are carefully designed to develop the learner's specific competencies» [1, p. 198].

The essence of simulation technology is defined as: «... the creation in the educational process of various kinds of relationships and conditions of real life, where students are not passive objects, but the subjects of their activities» [7], [18].

As the basis of the usage of simulation technology, like any other technology, researchers put the idea of complete controllability of learning, reproducibility of typical educational cycles. The technology always presupposes the specificity of the set goals, the optimality of the procedures for achieving them, feedback, correction, and the di- agnosability of the results [2].

So, Jones, Ken distinguishes several levels of simulation [4]:

the first level is reaction the second is learning, the third is behavior, the fourth are results.

This simulation model focuses on the perception and life experience of a bachelor who strives to maximize his capabilities, open to the perception of new experience, capable of making informed and responsible choices in a variety of life situations. The foregoing allows us to talk about simulation technology as a personality-oriented technology.

The main advantages of simulations include the ability to meet the needs of bachelors for realism, the ability to increase motivation, and reduce the communication barrier.

In the course of applying the simulation technology, the teacher forms motivation for learning, sets goals, organizes the educational process, establishes feedback with bachelors, and exercises control. Thus, it organizes the independent work of bachelors.

Through the use of simulation technology as a means of accumulating experience in creative and scientific and informational activities, bachelors can develop the internal and external selforganization of a future professional who is ready to actively transform the information received and build an individual path of their professional activity.

The advantage of this technology is that it targets the bachelor as a person, takes into account his interests, age and experience. The main task is not only sharing of knowledge, but the organization of the bachelors' independent activities on mastering the methods of analysis and generalization of educational material using simulation technology.

The training of bachelors of OSU in the distance learning mode allowed in practice to prove the effectiveness of the use of simulation technology.

Bachelors of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering were invited to study the architectural features of London by completely immersing themselves in the atmosphere of the city.

At the initial stage, the teacher set goals, gave relevant recommendations, indicated the necessary sources of information ( watch?v=m9EClKA1VeQ).

In the process of independent performance by the bachelors of the assignment, the teacher carried out individual monitoring, adjustment. This stage is characterized by feedback.

At the final stage, bachelors presented works with a description of the architectural and design features of the style using examples of famous structures of London. At this stage, self-esteem takes place by bachelors of their activity, acquired professional knowledge, personal qualities are revealed.

This type of work requires a high degree of synthesis of foreign and special professional knowledge, a sufficiently high level of information awareness.

Simulation technology presupposes the ability to professional self-determination, independent actions, reflection of educational activities from the perspective ofthe subjectivization ofthe learner and his active role.

Besides, simulation technology develops the activity and personality aspects of the autonomy of bachelors studying foreign languages in non-linguistic specialties of a multidisciplinary university.

The operational aspect is associated with the bachelors' possession of the methods and means of organizing foreign language activities, managing it, systemic value-setting, evaluating the results of activities and evaluating the results of the development of foreign language competence.

The personal aspect mediates the ability of the bachelor to reflect, process feedback, and also to make decisions on improving foreign language activities. The personal aspect of autonomy determines the ability to reveal latent opportunities that determine the success of the development of foreign language competence and the ability to transfer the experience of educational foreign language activities to other areas of activity, including creative.

The principle of creativity, implemented in the organization of the educational process, focused on the development of foreign language competence of students, involves the formation of the creative potential of the individual.

Focusing on himself as a subject of the social environment, a person selects, accumulates, generalizes and synthesizes various types of knowledge, transforms them into skills, manages his own activities and projects his future.

Information is transferred to the learner as part ofthe teacher-student pedagogical interaction in the form of transformation under the influence of the teacher's value relations. Consequently, the personality of the teacher also acts as a socially significant value, although in a slightly different perspective - from the point of view of the generator of value priorities, foreign language knowledge and information. The personality of students in terms of social significance rather reflects the position of the recipient. At the same time, it is impossible to deny the mutual influence of the personality of the student and the teacher in the aspect of the exchange of foreign language knowledge, information, value ideas.

Thus, the modern tendencies of pedagogical interaction in the course of organizing the independent work of bachelors are reduced to the scheme of subject-subject relationships. The subjects of the educational process, the teacher and the bachelor, enter into a relationship of interaction based on the concepts ofcompatibility, cooperativity, two-way purposeful communication.

The application of simulation technology when organizing independent work of bachelors contributes to the development of subject- subject relations between the participants of the educational process. This type of pedagogical interaction stimulates bachelors' initiative, creativity, form their ability for self - education. It helps bachelors to develop their own educational strategy.

Subject-subject interaction is the highest level of pedagogical interaction, characterized by the cooperation of a teacher and a bachelor, partnerships and a reflective type of managerial activity.


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