Innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution: factors for the formation
The combination of a range of pedagogical conditions - an important factor in the formation and the support of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution. The model of training of the innovator manager.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.09.2021 |
Размер файла | 16,4 K |
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Innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution: factors for the formation
Dmytro Kozlov
Dmytro Kozlov Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University
The article offers the classification and analysis of the factors for the formation of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution. A set of relevant factors is presented at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the innovative culture formation on the basis of systematic and comparative analysis of scientific literature. The first level includes the action of global, state-political, economic and scientific- technological, axiological and socio-cultural factors. It is emphasized that their importance is pointed out by the ability to determine the overall trajectory of world innovative development in general, and the state in particular, to outline the perspective directions of evolution of the innovative society. It is revealed that the innovatively ordered and innovatively directed system of the professional education and management training, quality management of educational innovations, availability of the system of quality assurance of education and postgraduate pedagogical education and self-education of management personnel are the factors, that belong to the meso-level. It is proved that the micro-level accumulates a systematic interaction of numerous factors at the local level (educational institution, manager's personality, self-development), that are equally effective. Innovative culture at the educational institution level is formed due to its national and foreign policy, organizational and management activity, resource support, psychological climate, as well as personal qualities of the subjects of innovative activity. The opinion that among the key factors for the formation of innovative culture of the future manager, the pivotal one is the training system, that has an innovation-oriented vector of development.
The main factor in the development of innovation culture is the professional training of innovators. Therefore, the development of the innovative culture of the future head of the educational establishment depends directly on the scientific-theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the model of training of the innovator manager. In our opinion, such training should focus on the development of innovative culture in several stages: motivational-cognitive, professional-practical, creative-activity and professionally relevant. The main task of this training is to develop a new type of modern leader with a high level of innovative culture and a significant proportion of the intellectual component in the human capital of the individual.
It is stated that the main factor in the development of innovative culture is the professional training of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution, which depends directly on the scientific-theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the innovator-manager's model of training. We believe that this training should focus on the development of the innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in several stages: motivational-cognitive, vocational-practical, creative-activity and vocationally relevant.
Key words: innovative culture, innovations, general secondary educational institution, future manager of the general secondary educational institution, factors of development, macro-, meso- and micro-levels of innovative culture development.
manager pedagogical innovative
У статті запропоновано класифікацію та аналіз чинників становлення інноваційної' культури майбутнього керівника закладу загальної середньої освіти. На основі системного та компаративного аналізу наукової літератури сукупність відповідних чинників представлено на макро-, мезо- та мікрорівнях розвитку інноваційної культури. До першого рівня віднесено дію глобальних, державно-політичних, економічних та науково-технологічних, аксіологічних та соціокультурних чинників. Підкреслено, що їхня важливість визначається здатністю встановлювати загальну траєкторію інноваційного розвитку світу загалом та держави зокрема, окреслювати перспективні напрями еволюції інноваційного суспільства. Виявлено, що до чинників мезорівня належать інноваційно впорядкована та інноваційно спрямована система професійної освіти та підготовки управлінських кадрів, якісне управління освітніми інноваціями, наявність системи забезпечення якості освіти, післядипломна педагогічна освіта та самоосвіта керівних кадрів. Доведено, що не менш дієвими є чинники мікрорівня, які акумулюють системну взаємодію низки факторів на локальному рівні (заклад освіти, особистість управлінця, його саморозвиток). Інноваційна культура на рівні закладу освіти формується завдяки його внутрішній та зовнішній політиці, організаційно-управлінській діяльності, ресурсному забезпеченню, психологічному клімату, а також особистісним якостям суб'єктів інноваційної діяльності. Висунуто думку про те, що з-поміж ключових факторів розвитку інноваційної культури особистості майбутнього керівника виняткове значення належить наявності системи професійної підготовки, яка має інноваційно-орієнтований вектор розвитку.
Зазначено, що основним чинником розвитку інноваційної культури є професійна підготовка майбутнього керівника закладу загальної середньої освіти, яка безпосередньо залежить від науково -теоретичного обґрунтування та практичної реалізації моделі підготовки інноватора-управлінця. Вважаємо, що означена підготовка повинна бути зосереджена на розвитку інноваційної культури майбутнього керівника закладу загальної середньої освіти за кількома етапами: мотиваційно-когнітивний, професійно-практичний, креативно-діяльнісний та професійно-релевантний.
Ключові слова: інноваційна культура, інновації, заклад загальної середньої освіти, майбутній керівник закладу загальної середньої освіти, чинники розвитку, макро-, мезо- та мікро рівні розвитку інноваційної культури.
In the today's society, innovation and innovative personality culture are dialectically attributed. On one hand, they are key factors in the development of all life spheres, on the other hand, the level of their formation is recognized as a qualitative characteristic of progress, its resultant achievement. Regarding innovative culture as an essential trajectory of modern human progress, amplifies an issue of the factors of innovative culture formation, that its command is a necessary personal and professional quality. The issue of ways, factors and conditions for the formation of innovative culture in the educational environment is of particular relevance, in particular its place in the structure of the personality of a head of an educational institution, because his/her level of involvement in innovation, positive motivation to build an innovative educational environment is the basis for determining the accomplishment the mission of the agents and creators of the agents of the New Ukrainian School.
State of problem development
Thematization and analysis of the problems of the formation of the personality innovative culture are presented in many studies of pedagogical as well as of economic, philosophical, cultural, and sociological content. This is due to the recognition of innovation and innovative culture as an integral part and main strategy of human progress in the 21st century. In pedagogy, cognition and consideration of factors, directions, ways and peculiarities of formation of the personality innovative culture as a whole have been investigated in the scientific works of foreign scholars (V. Akopov, K. Anufriev, V. Dolgova, E. Zaitseva, S. Polyakov, I. Tsvetkova, etc.) and domestic scientists (V. Andrushchenko, L. Vashchenko, L. Danilenko, L. Dychkivska, V. Kurylo, V. Kremen, O. Maruschenko, T. Sorochan, O. Chumak, O. Starovoit, O. Shapran, L. Shtefan, etc.). At the same time, the issue of factors of the innovative culture formation in the context of the personality development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution was considered in a casual and sporadic manner, which motivates the relevance of the presented research.
Formulation of research goals
The purpose of this study is to identify and to analyze the factors of the innovative culture formation of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution, consideration of the peculiarities of the ratio of a number of factors to achieve a high level of personality innovative culture.
Research methods: theoretical (analysis, generalization, systematization of scientific sources from an angle of view investigated problem); empirical (experiment to activate cognitive activity of primary education applicants).
Results and discussions
There are numerous approaches to the factors determining of the innovative culture formation in the scientific and pedagogical literature. Thus, the modern researcher V. Dolgova distinguished objective, subjective and objectively-subjective factors. The scientist attributed the existence of a large innovation cycle in the political, economic and social spheres to the objective factors, embracing the innovation of all life spheres of a modern individual. According to V. Dolgova, subjective factors of the innovative culture formation include internal psychological factors of formation of readiness for innovative activity (person's activity, orientation on production and introduction of innovations, individual-typological personalities, value orientations and moral qualities); external psychological factors of the development of group subject of innovation activity (group value standard, social initiative, positive interpersonal relations, organization) and external psychological factors of collective subject of the innovation activity development (cooperation of groups, creation of favorable innovation climate, improvement of management system of collective introduction of innovative technologies, stimulation of group creative activity). Instead, the researcher attributed scientific-methodological, educational-material, organizational factors to the objectively-subjective factors [3, p. 33-39].
O. Starovoit paid considerable attention to the recognition of the factors of the innovative culture formation. The main ones were the formation of a democratic social environment; development of social standards and ethics of innovation; educational and psychological-pedagogical support to the process of the formation of the personality innovative culture; legal regulation and economic- investment promotion of the innovative culture development [12, p. 32].
We justify the classification of the factors that hinder the development of innovative culture, proposed by K. Anufriev. The researcher distinguished the factors of macro- and micro-levels. The first ones were distinguished as the discrepancy between the high-tech economy and the structure of graduates' professional competencies; limited access to mega grants and state funding for the development of innovative products and services; lack of a national strategy for the human capital formation that would have both educational and social components. At the same time, K. Anufriev attributed the lack of innovative personnel development strategies, inertia of the existing organizational structure of companies in the transition to new technologies, saving of funds for innovative development, absence of specialists and personnel management effective organizational-managerial and personnel innovations; lack of staff consolidation in the field of cross-industry interaction to the factors of microlevel. It is valuable to consider the conclusion of the researcher, that overcoming the inertia of traditional culture and its reorientation towards innovation depends on the quality of human capital management, as well as on the radical change of professional requirements to the personnel of innovative institutions and organizations [1, p. 35].
In general, researchers include scientific-technological, economic, political, institutional, social, cultural-ideological factors in the formation of innovative culture. Scientific interest is the classification of the factors of formation of innovative culture, proposed by N. Simchenko and G. Mokonko and identified the following groups of factors: by nature of influence; by functional characteristics; by the level of formalization of the results of influence (formal, informal); by the level of economic impact etc. [11].
That is why, in our opinion, the presentation of the factors of the formation of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution can be done according to macro-, meso- and microlevels, each of them is not inferior in its influence to the other ones.
The macro-level of the factors of innovative culture formation lies in the dimension of global, state-political, scientific-technical, eco-political components of innovative development. It is undeniable that innovation in the modern world is not seen as an end in itself, but as a tool to stimulate growth and to achieve the priorities of sustainable development [4, p. 4]. The macrolevel of innovative culture is represented by such subjects as the population of a city, country, continent, which has a positive attitude to innovation, perceives the conditions of the competitive environment and is actively involved in the production and distribution of a new product [5, p. 327].
The content of the global component for the formation of innovative culture is to maximize the dynamism of innovation development, the society' awareness of its global scale and the exceptional role in ordering the modern civilizational dynamics. The priority of innovative culture is discussed in such international documents as the Frascati Guide, the Oslo Guide, the Green Paper on Innovation in Europe, the First Innovation Action Plan in Europe, the Charter of Innovative Culture, and a number of Roman Club reports, etc. Leading thinkers and the political establishment call upon humanity to grasp the essence of innovation, their naturalness, in the present stage of the world progress.
The state-political component that support innovation at the state level are of great importance for the development of the innovation sphere in Ukraine. Among the state documents that emphasize the civilizational importance of innovation, in particular, should be named “Strategy for the development of innovative activity for the period up to 2030”, Laws of Ukraine “On Innovation Activity”, “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity”, “On the Priorities of Innovation Activity in Ukraine”, etc. The relevant regulatory framework emphasizes that the development of the country's innovation potential is not only a dynamic economic breakthrough and technological success, but also plays a key role in the security and sovereignty of the state, its competitiveness in the modern world [12, p. 16].
Macro-level factors include the formation of the state innovation strategy and the state innovation policy, the creation of a favorable innovation climate for the perception of innovations in society, recognizing them as a necessary component of modern activity, increasing the level of innovative activity of the country, etc. [13, p. 284].
The reform of the New Ukrainian School is of great importance for the introduction of innovations in the modern Ukrainian education, for the society to realize the importance of innovative culture of teachers, organizers and managers of education, that highlights preparation of a new teacher and the manager-innovator, whose individual educational philosophy would be based on innovative culture.
The scientific-technological and economic components of general innovative development are extremely important for the formation of innovative culture. The indicators of scientific-technological component are the level of industrial and technological development of the country, the presence of a set of organizational-economic efforts, covering the conduct of effective state examination of the innovation policy; improving the protection of intellectual property rights and patent protection procedures; providing a favorable climate for the creation of full-cycle; development of innovative infrastructure, the personnel training and the retraining; ensuring the commercialization of scientific results; expansion of international cooperation in the field of scientific development and innovation, etc. [13, p. 289-290]. Economic components for the development of innovative culture include developed innovative infrastructure, international competition in the world market, developed business and cooperation between the public and private economy sectors, formation of regional innovative infrastructure etc.
Economic and social components are crucial in the formation of innovative culture for both individuals and society, as they provide the material and production basis for innovation processes and determine the economy nature, the taxation system and the specificity of economic relations, the extent of economic support, the overall market structure, the size and pace of its growth, investment processes and more. Instead, the list of social factors includes the personnel qualification characteristics, the specifics of social relations, the nature of thinking and creativity, organizational culture, leadership styles of innovation processes, etc. [7, p. 95-96].
The success of integrating innovation into a broad educational- pedagogical process and the innovative culture formation also depends on the factors of the meso-level, which, in our view, should include the presence of the innovatively organized and innovatively oriented system of professional education and training of management personnel, quality management of the quality system and innovation. In innovation management, the main goal is to identify global innovations, identify the scope for their potential implementation, and create the conditions for mass innovation in the educational setting. Positive factors for the formation of innovative culture at the meso-level include the ability of managers to identify and evaluate economic, social and technological changes in the external environment; orientation of managers on the long-term perspective and clear strategic goals; continuous search for the new and introduction of innovations in the production process; ability to analyze and implement new ideas [13, p. 289].
The main factor in the innovation culture formation is the professional training of innovators [2; 4; 6; 14]. The main task of this training is to develop a new type of a modern manager with a high level of innovative culture and a significant proportion of the intellectual component in the human capital of the individual.
An important factor in the formation and the support of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution is the combination of a range of pedagogical conditions, in particular: pedagogical management of the educational process of a manager-innovator; creation of a system of purposeful professional development in the information-development educational space; introduction of pedagogical audit in the activities of higher education and institutional audit of the activities of the general secondary educational institution, which, in particular, involves introspection by the manager of his/her own innovative activity; marketing of educational services; monetization of knowledge, skills, learning technologies and methods; multilevel practical training on the basis of interaction, cooperation and co-creation of institutions of higher and secondary education using virtual learning opportunities; content integration and leadership in the training process.
The development of innovative culture and innovative behavior of an educational manager in terms of professional education should conform to a system of principles, among which the modern researcher I. Betz singles out the following: the principle of reflection of a teacher on his/her own psychological and pedagogical experience; the principle of forming an educator's orientation-seeking position; the principle of formation a holistic approach to the analysis of problematic pedagogical situations; the principle of formation the ability to solve tasks collectively with other participants [2, p. 60].
An important factor in the formation of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution is the presence of an innovatively directed system of Postgraduate pedagogical education. Thus, N. Murovana, analyzing the organizational and pedagogical conditions of development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution, determines criteria for the development of innovation in the process of Postgraduate education at the level of the content of training and teaching methods [9, p. 200]. It is important to emphasize that the factor of Postgraduate education in enriching innovation culture is one of the most important, because it is the form of development and self-development of the personality of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution that allows to follow the principle of education continuity and its andragogization, that is crucial in the process of monitoring.
The development of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution largely depends on the factors of the microlevel. They include, in particular, the level of formation and validity of the strategy of innovative development of the institution in which the manager performs managerial responsibilities. Its structural elements include the passport of the development program (list of goals and objectives, determination of achievements and problems, personnel features and methodological support of the educational process); information certificate on the institution (description of its main characteristics, presentation of its historical, organizational-pedagogical and management attributes); analysis of the previous period of the institution development (introspection of the level of innovative institution orientation, determination of development ways of its innovation system); the concept of the educational institution development program (defining ways and stages of innovation implementation); organization of program management and control over its organization [10, p. 11].
That is why the micro-level of factors of development of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution accumulates systematic interaction of a number of factors at the local level (educational institution, personality of the manager, his/her self-development). Innovative culture at the educational institution level is shaped by the institution's internal and external policies; organizational and management activities; resource provision; psychological climate, etc. The internal policy of the educational institution should be oriented to increase its innovative activity and competitiveness, to implement the basic principles of innovative activity of the state. Instead, organizational and management activity should be based on the understanding of the modern educational institution as an open system, which itself develops according to synergistic principles. Finally, an important condition for the innovative culture formation at the micro-level is the creation of an appropriate motivational and psychological climate. According to R. Milenkova, the main strategy is building the nature of interaction between the organizers and the participants of innovative processes in the educational institution, which leads to the discovery of creative potential, self-knowledge, self-development [8, p. 137-140].
The micro-level of the factors of the innovative culture formation allows updating the idea that the exceptional value in the process of assimilation, processing and creation of innovative and cultural values belongs to the subject of innovative activity. Therefore, the main resource and factor of selfdevelopment of innovation culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution is the personality, who is promoted or not promoted by his/her personal qualities, professional competences, level of development, outlook and other structures of individual experience.
It is important to emphasize that the success and effectiveness of the process of formation of innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution depends not only on individual factors, but also on their systemic interaction. Innovative culture, as a special culture form, implies a close relationship with its other components, especially legal, managerial, entrepreneurial, corporate, etc. [14, p. 163]. Therefore, the factors for the formation of innovative culture must be consolidated. The authorities, civil society, economic resources, creative and intellectual potential of the educational entities are united for sake of the formation of innovative culture.
Conclusions and prospects for future research
Currently, the importance of the innovative culture formation of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution is beyond doubt. Its importance is primarily due to the fact that it is the innovative manager who acts as a key factor in the production, repetition, dissemination, implementation and support of innovation, plays a key role in engaging the teaching staff and the educational environment in the interest in innovation. Furthermore, the preparation of such manager depends on a number of factors, which can be classified into three: macro-, meso- and micro- levels. The main criterion for justifying such a classification is the synthesis of levels and spheres of influence. At the first level, the effects of global, statepolitical, scientific-technological and social, economic components were analyzed. Their importance is singled out by the ability to determine the overall trajectory of innovative development of the world in general and of the state in particular, to outline perspective directions for the development of the innovative society. Relevant mark is primary, and, therefore, play a crucial role in the emergence of innovative managers. It is determined that the factors of the meso-level include the innovatively organized and innovatively oriented systems of professional education and management training, quality management of educational innovations, availability of quality assurance systems and Postgraduate pedagogical education and self-education of management personnel. Moreover, it is proved, the crucial factor in the development of innovative culture of the future manager's personality of the general secondary educational institution is the presence of the university training system that has the innovation-oriented vector of development. At the same time, micro-level factors that accumulate a systematic interaction of a number of components at the local level (education institution, manager's personality, self-development) are equally effective. It is found out that innovative culture at the educational institution level is formed due to the internal and external policy of the institution, organizational and managerial activity, resource support, psychological climate, as well as the personal qualities of the subjects of innovation activity.
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статья [17,5 K], добавлен 30.03.2010Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.
курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.
курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.
курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.
презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).
реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015