Preparation of future masters of elementary education to the formation of a successful personality of junior schoolchildren

Theoretical and methodological bases of preparation of specialists of primary education for formation of successful personality of junior schoolchild in the context of requirements of the new State standard. Forms, methods, means of raising a child.

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Дата добавления 06.10.2021
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Размещено на

Ternopil National Volodymyr Hnatyuk Pedagogical University, Maksym Ukraine; Kujawy and Pomorze University of Bydgoshch, Bydgoshch, Poland

Associate Professor of Pedagogy Department, Khmelnytsky Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

Preparation of future masters of elementary education to the formation of a successful personality of junior schoolchildren

Yankovych Oleksandra

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Head of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary and

Pre-school Education

Binytska Kateryna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


successful personality junior schoolchild

Based on the study of scientific sources, analysis of empirical researches, the article substantiates theoretical and methodological principles of the preparation of future specialists of elementary education to the formation of a successful personality of junior schoolchildren in the context of the requirements of the new State Standard of Elementary Education. It is shown that the formation of key competences for pupils of elementary school age is a prerequisite for the upbringing of a successful child in the primary school. The emphasis is on praxeological, technological, humanistic, systemic approaches to the training of primary education specialists.

The integrated course «Organization of successful activity» taught at the institutions of higher pedagogical education has proved its expediency and effectiveness. It combines knowledge on pedagogy, psychology, praxeology, philosophy, biology, sociology, history of the peculiarities of the formation of the personality of progress. The article studies experience of teaching this course in the Master's program of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University and substantiates the necessity of preparing future teachers in two directions: formation of a successful personality of the future specialist of elementary education and mastering the method of formation of a successful student. It also covers the forms, methods, and means of child upbringing that achieve the goals in the chosen activity (course of classes «Climb to the peak of success»; use of games, exercises, review and analysis of films about successful people with disabilities; multimedia presentations on the success of children from long families, orphans). The training of future masters of elementary education to the formation of a successful personality of a student in the first grade school is shown schematically as well as the related problems of such training. The authors analyze the results of pedagogical measurements of students' readiness for upbringing of a successful student and the level of the future teacher's success. Positive experience of studying the subject «Organization of successful activity» is elucidated (student's definition of life goals in accordance with the requirements for goal-formation, mastering of methods and technologies for overcoming obstacles, achievement of success, development of a desire for self-development, increase of the coefficient of success, creative performance of one's work). It is necessary to achieve internal harmony in the process of implementation of goals. The article also determines promising directions of application of positive ideas in the modern educational space: introduction of special educational courses on praxeological training of future teachers; mastering students' technology in solving life problems and their implementation in primary education institutions; the introduction of cardiac pedagogy in the curriculum of elementary and primary school.

Key words: success; successful personality of junior school age pupils; successful activity; pedagogy of success; school of first degree; preparation of future masters; key competencies; pedagogy of heart.

Підготовка майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти до формування успішної особистості молодшого школяра

Янкович Олександра -- доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри педагогіки і методики початкової та дошкільної освіти, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка, Тернопіль, Україна; Бидгощ, Польща

Біницька Катерина -- кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки, Хмельницька гуманітарно-педагогічна академія, Хмельницький, Україна


У статті на основі студіювання наукових джерел, аналізу емпіричних досліджень обґрунтовано теоретико-методичні засади підготовки майбутніх фахівців початкової освіти до формування успішної особистості молодшого школяра у контексті вимог нового Державного стандарту початкової освіти. Показано, що сформованість в учнів молодшого шкільного віку ключових компетентностей для життя є умовою виховання успішної дитини в основній школі. Акцентовано увагу на праксеологічному, технологічному, гуманістичному, системному підходах до підготовки фахівців початкової освіти.

Доведено доцільність та ефективність вивчення у закладах вищої педагогічної освіти інтегрованого курсу «Організація успішної діяльності», у якому поєднано знання з педагогіки, психології, праксеології, філософії, біології, соціології, історії про особливості формування успішності особистості. Висвітлено досвід викладання курсу у магістратурі Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Обґрунтовано необхідність підготовки майбутніх учителів у двох напрямах: формування успішної особистості майбутнього фахівця початкової освіти та оволодіння методикою формування успішного учня. Висвітлено форми, методи, засоби виховання дитини, яка досягає цілей у вибраному виді діяльності (проведення циклу занять «Сходження до вершини успіху»; використання ігор, вправ, перегляд та аналіз фільмів про успішних людей з обмеженими можливостями; мультимедійних презентацій про успіх дітей з багатодітних родин, сиріт).

Схематично відображено підготовку майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти до формування успішної особистості учня у школі першого ступеня. Показано проблеми такої підготовки. Проаналізовано результати педагогічних вимірювань готовності студентів до виховання успішного учня та рівня успішності майбутнього вчителя. Висвітлено позитивний досвід вивчення навчальної дисципліни «Організація успішної діяльності» (визначення студентами життєвих цілей згідно з вимогами до цілеутворення; оволодіння методиками й технологіями подолання перешкод, досягнення успіху; розвиток прагнення до саморозвитку, підвищення коефіцієнта успіху, творчого виконання роботи).

Доведено необхідність досягнення внутрішньої гармонії у процесі реалізації цілей. Визначено перспективні напрями застосування позитивних ідей у сучасному освітньому просторі: упровадження спеціальних освітніх курсів з праксеологічної підготовки майбутніх учителів; оволодіння студентами технологією розв'язування життєвих задач та її реалізації у закладах початкової освіти; упровадження педагогіки серця у процес підготовки фахівців початкової освіти та школу першого ступеня.

Ключові слова: успіх; успішна особистість учня молодшого шкільного віку; успішна діяльність; педагогіка успіху; школа першого ступеня; підготовка майбутніх магістрів; ключові компетентності; педагогіка серця.


The Ukrainian elementary school is undergoing fundamental changes, the benchmarks of which are laid down in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, the State Standard of Elementary Education, adopted in 2016-2018. Now the main task of the very institution of elementary education is not that the student receives sound knowledge in the widest possible range of knowledge but in shaping the personality of a pupil capable of successful life self-realization, which is inherent in «being initiative, ready to take responsibility for their own decisions, able to organize own activities to achieve these goals, aware of the ethical values of effective cooperation, ready for the implementation of initiated ideas, and make own decisions» («Derzhavnyi standart», p. 4). L. Benade emphasizes that since the 1990s, the nationnal curricula and education systems have called for the use of cutting-edge technology and the transfer of pedagogy to more constructivist paradigms that aim at developing competencies rather than acquiring knowledge (Benade, 2014).

The interest in the success of the child of the junior school age is evident: from the first success in the school begins the path that will ensure the achievement of life goals in the future, and vice versa, the first failures can lead to painful frustrations, undervalued self-esteem, passivity, and subsequently cause deviant behavior. It is this idea that can be traced back to W. Glasser, who wrote: «It is here [in the elementary school classroom] that the child most often forms the lifelong conception of himself as a successful or failing person. That's why the impact of school failure is so devastating: it attacks and destroys the child's initial identity as a successful person» (Glasser, 1973, p. 39).

The success of a student and even an adult is not just their personal matter. It is well known (as proved by the American scientist J. McClelland), the success of individual citizens contributes to the development of the country, and vice versa, the economically strong country creates conditions for the effective work of every person living in it (Lukashevich, 1998, p. 88). Consequently, the state structures should help adult people and children in their life self-realization. In the radical transformations of a new Ukrainian school, a teacher plays an important role. And, consequently, their training in higher educational institutions, changes in the content, forms, methods of the educational process is under close scrutiny. A particular attention is paid to the elementary school teacher, his readiness to form key competences in junior pupils, the formation of which is a prerequisite for the upbringning of a successful primary school student.

Analysis of recent publications and sources

The problems of formation of the success of children and young people are studied in the works of J.A. Comenius, C. Dweck, J. Korchak, J. Dewey et al. J. MacBeath focuses attention on the role of teachers and schools in achieving the child's success and happiness: «The future happiness and success of the children and young people and of the societies in which they live depends on the schools and the teachers and staff within them» (MacBeath, 2012, p. 4). Important to our research are the ideas of J. MacBeath about the need for an apprentice to learn from the experience of overcoming difficulties as a factor in achieving success in the future. In this context, J. MacBeath notes: «The experience to deal with failure is a very telling indicator of school success and success in later life, whose seeds of which are planted early. That every failure is a learning opportunity has gained the status of a cliche, but can only become a classroom reality when failure no longer carries high stakes penalties» (MacBeath, 2012, p. 61).

The issues of the formation of the success of elementary school age children are covered in the writings of Sh. Amonashvili, W. Glasser, O. Maksymova, V. Su- khomlinsky, S. Frenne and others. Introducing the term «pedagogy of the heart», V. Sukhomlinsky recommended focusing on social demands in the choice of activities: «since childhood, a person must learn the joy of creativity for people» (Sukhomlynskyi, 1911, p. 320).

In the context of the problem under consideration, O. Maksymova's idea about the formation of a successful personality of six-year first-graders deserves a special attention. The scholar considers success as an achievement of the desired goal (subjective component) by applying mental or physical efforts and justifying the expectations of others (the objective component), and draws attention to the need for the development of the moral sphere of children (Maksymova, 2013, p. 29). According to this definition, we consider that successful is a pupil of the junior school age whose performance corresponds to the defined goals; which he and his environment consider successful based on modern social norms, customs, values, standards.

The urgency of the problems of achieving success of younger students determines the feasibility of preparing future primary education specialists to formation of a successful child. O. Yankovych has found out the forms and methods of praxeological training of future teachers in higher education institutions in Ukraine and Poland, which consists in the development of the ability to effectively organize pedagogical activity and form the knowledge and skills in the pupils necessary for the achievement of life's success (Yankovych, 2011, p. 32). However, the problems of the preparation of future Masters of elementary education to the formation of a successful student personality are not sufficiently explored. On the other hand, scientists do not initiate introduction of this special educational subject in a higher institution in order to realize this task.

The purpose of the research: based on the study of scientific sources, the analysis of empirical studies to substantiate theoretical and methodological principles of training future specialists in primary education to the formation of a successful personality of junior schoolchildren, to identify the problems of such training and promising directions of their solution in the modern educational space.

Integrated course «Organization of successful activity» in the preparation of future Masters of elementary education

Training of future specialists in primary education (in our study, these are the students of the Master's program) to the formation of a successful personality of a junior school pupils is an interdisciplinary, complex problem. As the analysis of the sources (Maksymova, 2013; Karpenko, 2015; Yankovych, 2017) and our scientific research shows, it needs to be addressed in conjunction with the preparation for the formation of key competencies of pupils in the new Ukrainian elementary school: the ability to learn throughout life (defining own learning objectives and ways to achieve them, learning to work independently and in a team), information and digital competence (mastering the basis of digital literacy for development and communication), entrepreneurship and financial literacy (ability to generate new ideas), innovation (open to new ideas), social and civic competence (ability to work with others on the result, prevent and resolve conflicts, to reach a compromise, careful attitude towards their own health and other people's health, healthy way of life) (State Standard of Elementary Education, pp. 3-4). In fact, the formation of all key competencies of the pupils provides them with the ability to become a successful person, and the preparation of teachers for the education of a successful child can be taught as preparation for the formation of key competences of the new Ukrainian school. After all, it is literally stated in the Concept of the new Ukrainian school: «Key competencies and cross-cutting skills create the «canvas», which is the basis for successful self-realization of a student - as a person, a citizen, a specialist» (Hryshchenko, 2018, p. 12). In turn, K. Ananiadou and M. Claro state that in the OECD countries there are several teacher training programs aimed at learning or developing the skills of the 21st century, although there are several teacher training initiatives that focus on the development of pedagogical skills of pedagogical workers, most of which is optional (Ananiadou & Claro, 2009).

The upbringing of a successful personality of a junior school pupil against the background and in conjunction with the formation of key competencies determines the relevance of the introduction of an integrated course «Organization of successful activity» in the educational professional Master's program. During its study one should consider the problems of formation of a successful personality of a Master student and its preparation for the formation of a successful personality of a pupil.

Such a subject is studied at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. We came to the idea of introducing a separate course on success by analyzing sources on the development of praxeology (the science of effective work), pedagogical praxeology, many years of experience in the implementation of the technology «Organization of successful activity» at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University during the study of the educational discipline «Educational technology» for future bachelors (Yankovych, 2010, p. 129). At the current stage of implementation of the State Standard of Elementary Education, a separate subject is more appropriate, which facilitates preparation for the formation of a successful personality of a junior school pupil. Following the principle of continuity, we believe that it is appropriate at Master's level.

Throughout the study of the experimental discipline we use, in addition to praxeological and technological approaches, humanistic, pragmatist, systematic approaches to train future Masters. The content of the course is constantly improved on the background of innovation in higher education.

In modern institutions of higher education, the spectrum of directions, forms and methods of forming the personality of the future specialist is expanding. In particular, it is the opening of the club of successful people, the implementation of specially created programs on the issues of success, the deployment of scientific research in this area, the development of methodological aids, the involvement of students in various activities (sports, cultural and educational activities, artistic, holiday events that meet the principles of pedagogy etc.), in which they show their abilities and talents.

During the study of the discipline «Organization of successful activity» the theoretical aspects of success (the main factors, the rules and requirements for the definition of goals, the algorithm of actions, the psychology of success, the history of successful people in Ukraine and the countries with a high index of human development, diagnostics of success), and the methods of formation a successful personality of junior school pupils in elementary school (holding a cycle of lessons «Climbing to the peak of success», which involves creating motivation for students, searching for the scope of their abilities and talent s, learning about success, forming praxeological skills - effective activity organization skills, discussions, games, exercises to improve success factor, reflection on the results, the use of methodological support of cycle training for children). An interest in analysis of the typology of people, isolated on the basis of their focus on success: «winners, non-winners, losers»; «princes and frogs» (psychologist E. Burns), «climbers», «statics», «passive» (sociologists N. Ashton, D. Field), and activities to be performed to become «the winner», «the prince» or «climber».

The value of this integrated course also lies in the fact that it incorporates the knowledge of social pedagogy (factors of success of people with special needs, former unemployed persons), psychology (development of positive thinking, motivation for successful work), philosophy (philosophical aspects success), biology (the development of the instinct of success, the fixation at the genetic level of the desire to be the best), sociology (the identification of types of people in society, depending on their attitude to success) etc. Since integration of knowledge is a topical issue in junior school, then the study of the integrated university course contributes to simultaneous preparation for integrated learning.

During the study of the discipline, controversial issues are resolved, in particular the role of competition, competitiveness in achieving the goal. We regarded competition as an incentive to act on the one hand, and on the other, as a danger to the formation of a successful personality of junior schoolchildren as well as future teachers. In particular, we analyzed the ideas of the Polish teacher M. Lopatkowa (M. Lopatkowa) that children (same can be reasoned about students) do not inherit equal chances of success (Lopatkowa, 1992, p. 160). 12-13 % of junior schoolchildren possesses a low level of mental abilities and, therefore, can form a low selfesteem against the background of the more successful classmates (Glier, 2013, p. 47). There is a good reason to assume that in schools and in universities, comparisons and competition must be avoided, although we realize that it is not possible to do so at present for various reasons, and even children, at the subconscious level, compare themselves with their peers.

Another problem in forming the success of the personality of the future specialist is the constant pursuit of success (victory in the competition, contest etc.), but at times it can lead to the loss of the main thing a person needs - love and inner harmony.

One of the most difficult problems in the course of studying was to increase self-esteem, to overcome envy, to get rid of laziness, to master the technique of overcoming obstacles. We came to the conclusion that a person's own achievements is the best preventive measure of negative actions and thoughts; the catalyst of true joy for the achievement of friends. As for the obstacles, they must learn to overcome - to bypass, destroy, work out every option to turn them into luck etc.

As the university students were mastering the method of forming a successful personality of a junior school age pupil, they paid attention to collaboration with parents; in particular, during the pedagogical practice they used teaching support materials of «success lessons», contributing to its development.

Diagnostics of readiness to form a successful student personality and the level of success of the future teacher

A significant place in the process of mastering the subject was given to the diagnostics of readiness for the formation of a successful personality of the student and the level of success of the future teacher. In addition to using a variety of techniques (A. Rean «Motivation for success and fear of failure», T. Ehlers «Methods of diagnosis of personality motivation to succeed» etc.), we conducted interviews and student surveys (Fig. 1 shows preparation of future Masters of elementary education for the formation of a successful pupil in an elementary school).

Before studying the course «Organization of successful activity» university students were asked to answer a series of questions. Namely: Do you consider yourself a successful person? Do you have certain life goals and do you know the rules (requirements) to determine your life goals? Do you know conflict resolution strategies and can you depict the Thomas-Kilmann diagram? Are you ready to educate a successful student? What forms and methods do you use?

The survey, conducted during the 2016-2018 at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University and Khmelnytsky Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy was attended by 67 full-time and 98 part-time students.

First of all, we defined how the concept of «success» is understood by future specialists in elementary education. We were urged by research results of O. Maksymova who showed how the concept of «success» was understood by parents of the six-year-old first graders, since the vocabulary of children is mostly formed in the family: «Among respondents 35 % were unable to give a general definition of the term, 18 % evaluated it with a sense of satisfaction, 8 % of parents replaced it by the notion of luck, 9 % associated success with a good position in society, respect from others. And only 30 % identified success as a goal achievement. However, none of the respondents indicated that efforts should be made in order to succeed» (Maksymova, 2013, p. 58).

In conversation with the Master-program students we found out that they correctly understand who can be called successful: the result of the activity corresponds to the defined goals. At the same time, they indicated that the success is also accompanied by positive emotions. The students (all were female representatives) are also aware that there are several goals for a person and success in one particular kind of activity does not mean success at all. Upon reaching this important conclusion, the students noted that one should not lose optimism if something cannot be achieved. We must constantly look for new areas of application of our abilities.

During the survey, 135 (82 %) respondents indicated that they considered themselves successful, 30 (18 %) did not. Obviously, the negative decision was influenced by the fact that the goals that were leading in life were not realized.

There were obviously contradictory answers. For example, 142 (86 %) of respondents believe they can solve conflicts, but none of them could reproduce Thomas-Kilmann diagram or name strategies to solve them.

147 (89 %) of respondents have definite life goals, but among the requirements for goal-setting there are one or two, sometimes three (reality, particularity). Measurement, localization in space and time, accuracy in the formulation are not indicated in their answers.

All the students share the thought that life is dynamic; therefore, it is necessary to constantly search for new activities for success and material independence. However, the students need to acquire new competencies and skills that can subsequently become useful in professional activities and allow them to be competitive. In particular, it can be learning foreign languages to obtain relevant certificates, acquirement of manual labor skills (embroidery, weaving, applique), testing themselves in the role of animators and so on - but only a small percentage of students (10 % less) are willing to do it.

During the study of «Organization of successful activity» we focused on the specifics of the success of primary school age pupils, based on research results of I. Buzhyna, O. Kobernyk, E. Maksymova etc., the works of the founders of «pedagogy of heart» V. Sukhomlynsky, M. Lopatkowa, as well as own studies. At the same time, attention was paid to the fact that younger pupils need love, kindness; without which it is problematic to succeed. In this context, we analyzed and implemented developed by O. Kobernyk innovative technology for solving everyday problems in terms of upbringing respectful attitude to other people (Kobernyk, 2018, pp. 185186). In our opinion, the aspect of respectful attitude towards another person requires further scientific research precisely when considering the issues of success in the personality of a pupil of junior school age.

Having analyzed the scientific and empirical researches, we found that in working with junior pupils the following features of the formation of a successful personality should be taken into account: the choice of the student's activity is carried out under the influence of parents and teachers; it will be successful provided that the pedagogy of partnership and pedagogy of the heart are implemented in the educational process; when choosing an activity, you need to use toys, pictures, games that help identify the interests and needs of the child; to bring up a successful child should be combined with the formation of her humane position (on their own initiative to help others, share with peers deriving pleasure from it. It is worth taking into account the gender differences of children: girls are more sensitive than boys to the rebukes and praises of the grown-ups, take closer to the heart evaluating judgments of their peers and quicker show anxiety and fear). At the same time, boys usually overestimate their success, do not center on failures for long, seek to govern and lead (Maksymova, 2013, pp. 22-23).

Of course, the study of the subject «Organization of successful activity», and within its framework mastering the ability to form a successful personality of a junior student, contributes to increasing the level of readiness of future specialists for such work in the first grade school, since they learn how to determine the goals, what exercises to perform, how to develop motivation, personality traits to succeed. After all, each experiment, accompanied by the efforts of the researchers, brings some positive changes. But, in our opinion, the main thing in our work was not an increase in the level of readiness for the formation of a successful student. The main thing was the lessons we learned during scientific research.

Analysis of the results of experimental research

When we started the experiment, it was considered that the main difficulty would be to encourage graduate students to identify new goals, engage in activities in which they would succeed, which would become like a springboard for further goal-setting and work on goal realization.

However, it turned out that this was not the case. The most difficult thing is to try to increase own success rate by developing a number of personality traits and competencies (communicability, organization, teamwork, initiative and entrepreneurship, creativity) through the implementation of appropriate exercises («Positions of a successful person», «Time control», «Compliment», «Day without criticism», «Smile», etc.). Then this shortcoming is transferred to the educational work with the pupils. O. Kobernyk emphasizes the lack of use of the practice in working with schoolchildren (18 % of teachers apply this method) (Kobernyk, 2018, p. 184).

At first glance, a great distance lies between self-development through exercises and professional success. Sometimes a young person believes that this distance is insurmountable. The hardest thing about succeeding is to change oneself, to believe in oneself, overcoming many defeats; choose difficult work to learn how to overcome obstacles. Young people want to be successful today, materially independent and happy. The argument that one needs to work hard, probably even get a lot of defeats to succeed in the future - seems way too weak.

The form of work with graduate students «Round Table with a Successful Person» was not quite effective, first of all with primary school teachers who competed in the «Teacher of the Year» competitions. The students were convinced that the main factor of their high achievements were primarily good innate abilities. The innate talent wants to develop itself. The future teachers noted that if there was no such natural talent, then the interest in the experience of a successful person was lost.

In addition, the experiment has shown that it is necessary to pay attention to and take care of each teacher, because only in this case their pupils will be taken good care of. This attention should be primarily on the part of the government as well as close friends, school personnel who would show their support. However, this is not the case yet.

There is another problem the class filling. The teacher has to identify the goals weekly with the children and discuss how they have been reached at the end of the week. But the teacher has more than enough work: do students have ten key competencies for life (linguistic, mathematical, able to study, etc.)? Therefore, in the very busy schedule of the teacher's workload, there are only a few minutes per day spent with each child. It is extremely hard to find time to talk about what is successful and what is not. Here it is to ascertain that success is something what is achieved mostly with the help of the family. Teaching work is a push, not a systematic support for every younger student; it is organization of a class towards good deeds, in which everyone will find himself. This is direction, it is not care. Thus, everything should be well-planned, balanced and calculated to hit the mark.

Instead of this, in our experiment most effective were stories and films about well-known personalities from large families, orphans, people with special needs, who succeeded in those kinds of activities that, at first glance, require good health: dancing, performing skills in musical creativity, farming. The Master students demonstrated films about such people not only during their practice, but also in conversations with their pupils - younger schoolchildren. Stories and films about successful individuals with special needs encourage action, deny time wasting, complains about own weaknesses, lack of talent from God etc.

There are other positive aspects of our experiment. The students came to the conclusion that one who creatively performs any work is successful; regards failure as a push to action and believes in own abilities. Once succeeded, he commits himself to help climb to the top to the ones who cannot do it single-handedly.

In fact, in this way a formula for overcoming envy was derived: by succeeding, help other people be successful (at least to one person). Under such conditions, a successful person is perceived as an assistant. It is clear that help should not be provided at one's cost. But giving a hand to the person who moves upwards if such an opportunity arises is worth a try.

In addition, we have substantiated that it is necessary to constantly keep selfdevelopment, acquire new skills, competencies, since the occupied prestigious place in the service hierarchy may not be stable. The requirements for specialists, working conditions, reforms in the socio-economic, educational and cultural sphere are changing; therefore, one must have the ability to respond to challenges, to choose new types of activities.

Experimental work, the study of scientific sources made it possible to identify prospects for the implementation of positive ideas in the educational space: the introduction of special educational courses contributing to the praxeological training of future teachers; formation of value-based attitude towards people as a necessary condition for success; the need to educate the child in an environment of love and introduction of the pedagogy of the heart.


The training of future primary school teachers (Master's students) to form successful pupils is an interdisciplinary, complex problem that can be solved in conjunction with the preparation for the formation of key competencies of students in the new Ukrainian elementary school, and is carried out in two ways: formation of a successful personality of the future specialists of the elementary school education and mastering the forms, methods, means of child upbringing, who will achieve the goals in the chosen activity; conducting a series of classes «Climb to the Pinnacle of Success»; use of games, exercises, diagnostic techniques; viewing and analyzing films about successful people with inclusions, multimedia presentations on the success of children from large families, orphans.

To this end, it is expedient to introduce an integrated course «Organization of successful activity» in the institution of higher education, realization of systemic, praxeological, technological, humanistic approaches in the process of preparing for the formation of a successful personality.

The main problems that are solved during the study course are the creation of motivation for work, self-esteem enhancement, adherence to goal-setting requirements when defining goals, regular exercises to increase the success rate, mastering the method of overcoming obstacles, taking into account the features of elementary school-pupils in formation of their success, in particular the need to educate in the environment of love, the introduction of pedagogy of the heart. Prospects for further study we see in the design of technology for the development of a successful personality of the junior school pupil.


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