Psycholinguistic Peculierities of the Assimilation of Angloamericanisms by the Speakers of Ukrainian-English Bilingualism

The problem of psycholinguistic features of the use of Anglo-American borrowings. Analysis of their assimilation by students in the context of educational bilingualism. The influence of a foreign language on the perception and understanding of borrowings.

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Дата добавления 07.10.2021
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Psycholinguistic Peculierities of the Assimilation of Angloamericanisms by the Speakers of Ukrainian-English Bilingualism

Tetyana Leleka

Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor

Olena Moskalenko

Dr. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


The article deals with the problem of psycholinguistic peculiarities of the use of the American-English loans. The main task of the research is to educe the features of their assimilation by the students in the conditions of educational bilingualism. The knowledge of a foreign language can affect the perception of the loans and can distort their understanding.

Speaking about the angloamericanisms, we mean, first of all, the lexical loans, transferring of words from one language into other with adaptation in the system of the language-recipient. An angloamericanism - an absolute language universal, presented by the class of the adopted lexical units that is fixed in the dictionaries of the Ukrainian language, and assimilated in its system.

As an examinee the students of foreign languages and flight operations faculties were involved, as the example of the carriers of artificial bilingualism. The psycholinguistic and associative experiments are used. It contains such procedures: preselection of the newest loans, and also producing to the participants of the experiment of the list of the tasks, including the description of associations.

Initial position of our experimental research is a hypothesis that the mastered enough word in an individual lexicon, firstly, is perceived as acquainted, secondly, easily enters into associative connections with other words, thirdly, does not cause large difficulties in description of its semantics.

An experimental list consists of twenty-three words related to the most frequent thematic subsystems in the adopting language: business, economy, entertainments, sport and fashion.

Free associative experiment provides the material for building associative fields of certain concepts, reconstruction of fragments of language and conceptual pictures of the world.

The students had to define if the words acquainted or unknown; to write down an associative reaction; to explain the value of the word; to write down a sentence with the loan.

The comparable analysis of results of questioning of the informants showed that the assimilation of the loans is high enough. However, the students showed large creativity in determination of semantics and in presentation of associative reactions on the loans, which testify to aspiration to show their linguistic abilities.

Key words: psycholinguistics, loan, angloamericanism, language universal, assimilation, associative experiment, educational bilingualism.


У статті розглядається проблема психолінгвістичних особливостей використання англоамериканських запозичень. Основне завдання дослідження полягає у висвітленні особливостей їх асиміляції студентами в умовах учбового білінгвізму. Знання іноземної мови може вплинути на сприйняття запозичень і може спотворити їх розуміння.

Говорячи про дослідження анґлоамериканізмів, ми маємо на увазі, передусім, лексичні запозичення, переміщення слів з однієї мови в іншу з асиміляцією в системі мови-реципієнта. Англоамериканізм - абсолютна мовна універсалія, що представлена класом асимільованих лексичних одиниць, які закріплені в словниках української мови та увійшли в її систему.

У якості респондентів було обрано студентів факультету іноземних мов та факультету льотної експлуатації, які є прикладом носіїв штучного білінгвізму. У дослідженні використано психолінгвістичний та асоціативний експерименти: попередній вибір найновіших запозичень, перелік завдань з ними, а також опис вільних асоціацій.

Початковою позицією нашого експериментального дослідження є гіпотеза про те, що достатньо асимільоване в системі мови слово, по- перше, сприймається як знайоме, по-друге, легко вступає в асоціативні зв'язки з іншими словами, по-третє, не викликає великих труднощів при описі його семантики.

Експериментальний список складається з двадцяти трьох слів, що відносяться до таких тематичних підсистем: бізнес, економіка, розваги, спорт і мода.

Студенти мали визначити, чи знайоме слово, чи ні; записати асоціативну реакцію; пояснити значення слова; написати речення з ним.

Порівняльний аналіз результатів опитування респондентів показав, що асиміляція англоамериканізмів достатньо висока. Проте студенти показали велику творчість при визначенні семантики та в поданні асоціативних реакцій на запозичення що свідчить про прагнення показати свої мовні здібності.

Ключові слова: психолінгвістика, запозичення, англоамериканізм, мовна універсалія, учбовий білінгвізм.


anglo american borrowing perception educational bilingualism

Лелека Татьяна, Москаленко Елена. Психолингвистические особенности ассимиляции англоамериканизмов носителями украинско-английского учебного билингвизма

В статье рассматривается проблема психолингвистических особенностей использования англоамериканских заимствований. Основная задача исследования - выявить особенности их усвоения студентами в условиях учебного билингвизма. Знание иностранного языка может повлиять на восприятие заимствований и может исказить их понимание.

Говоря об исследовании англоамериканизмов, мы имеем в виду, прежде всего, лексическое заимствование, перенос слов с одного языка в другой с адаптацией в системе языка-реципиента. Англоамериканизм - абсолютная языковая универсалия, представленная классом ассимилированных лексических единиц, которые фиксируются в словарях украинского языка и входят в его систему.

В качестве испытуемых участвовали студенты факультета иностранных языков и студенты факультета летной эксплуатации, как пример носителей искусственного билингвизма. В исследовании использован психолингвистический и ассоциативный эксперименты, а именно: предварительный отбор новейших англоамериканских заимствований, а также список заданий с ними, включая описание свободных ассоциаций.

Исходное положение наших экспериментальных исследований - гипотеза о том, что достаточно ассимилированное заимствование, во-первых, воспринимается как знакомое, во-вторых, легко входит в ассоциативные связи с другими словами, в-третьих, не вызывает больших трудностей в описании его семантики.

Экспериментальный список состоит из двадцати трех слов, относящихся к наиболее употребляемым тематическим подсистемам языка: бизнес, экономика, развлечения, спорт и мода.

Студентам необходимо было определить, знакомы слова или нет; записать ассоциативную реакцию; объяснить значение слова; записать предложение с заимствованием.

Сопоставительный анализ результатов опроса респондентов показал, что ассимиляция заимствований достаточно высока. Однако студенты проявили большую креативность при определении семантики и предоставлении ассоциативных реакций на англоамериканизмы, что свидетельствует о стремлении показать свои лингвистические способности.

Ключевые слова: психолингвистика, заимствование, англоамериканизм, языковая универсалия, ассимиляция, билингвизм.


The active process in the Ukrainian language is the borrowing of foreign language vocabulary, which has a certain specificity, which, of course, is not limited exclusively to its intensity.

For the works of the late XIX - early XX century, which addressed the problems of borrowing, the disclosure of linguistic characteristics in connection with cultural is characterized. The borrowing process is considered in connection with the contacts the languages. The borrowed words are fixed in the language after a certain minimum of bilateral contact of languages, therefore their analysis must begin with the study of behavior of people who speak two languages. The bilingualism can be the basis of borrowing (Leleka, 2013: 57). Of course, the elements of one language cannot go over to another if there are no connections between their carriers.

Yu.O. Molotkina (2017) emphasizes that the problem of usage of anglicisms is relevant to the contemporary Ukrainian linguistics. The reason for that is the leading role of English on international stage and the intensity of globalization process. However, these days borrowing of anglicisms has become much more dynamic. This led to the excessive usage of English loanwords. Due to the difficult political, social and language situation in Ukraine, using of anglicisms damages the purity of Ukrainian language and distorts the linguistic norm. Borrowing of English lexemes is very complicated because it has linguistic, social and psychological aspects so this problem needs further review (Molotkina, 2017: 96).

The loan word can be defined as transposed from another language of the token, but its form in the recipient language must be in more or less complete diagonal correspondence with the foreign sample (Leleka, 2013: 70).

The problem of bilingualism and assimilation was researched by many scholars. The results showed that if interlocutors use different languages for a long time interinfluence appears at all levels of language system (phonetic, lexical, phraseological, grammatical, etc.), which is defined as code switching with elements of interference (Sheludko, 2016: 79).

Hristo S. Kyuchukov conducted a research of the types of bilingualism: Turkish-Bulgarian, Romani-Slovak and Russian-German. He develops the idea that all the processes of transfer of knowledge from one language to another, comparing the language phenomenon in both languages, help bilinguals from early age to develop their cognitive abilities (Kyuchukov, 2016: 159).

N. Mukan, Ju. Shyika, O. Shyika studied the development of bilingual education and have determined main preconditions of bilingualism and bilingual education development: political and historical preconditions; economic preconditions, cultural preconditions. religious preconditions, lingual preconditions, social preconditions (Mukan, 2017: 37).

N. Ringblom in her study points out that one of the main challenges is to analyze the deviations in the speech of bilingual children, predict what may happen next and then create a methodology for teaching. A good narrative instrument is needed that is easy to handle and use in teaching, even by the people who are not trained as linguists (Ringblom, 2016: 180).

Developing the idea of bilingualism, J.D. Cowden, D.A. Thompson, J. Ellzey, M. Artman have presented the CHICOS program as an example of how one residency program is working to ensure and improve the competency of residents' language skills, while protecting patient safety and quality. Although approaches may vary, a key aspect - ensuring resident language competency (Cowden, Thompson, Ellzey &Artman, 2012: 892).

Even so, the important point remains that speakers use some vocabulary only in some situations and not in others. Perhaps a contextdependent adjustment of relative language activation could be arranged via the task/decision system (Dijkstra, Wahl, Buytenhuijs, Vanhalem, Al-jibouri, de Korte &Rekkd, 2018: 3).

As we can see, the problem of mastering of loan words Ukrainianspeaking individuals has always attracted the attention of linguists. Personality and motivation have been identified as influential variables associated with foreign language learning (Hsin-Yi Liang &Kelsen, 2018: 755). This question is also relevant nowadays, when all the increasing number of English loans is included in all fields of our lives (Treffers-Daller, 2011: 4). The development of science and technology, medicine, information technology, the establishment of personal contacts between Ukraine and the Western world contributes to the continuity and sustainability of this process.

The purpose of the experimental study is to identify features of the functioning of angloamericanisms in the individual consciousness of the native speakers. The most interesting thing for us was how it functions borrowed in the individual consciousness. Students of the Foreign Languages and flight operations faculties (the first, second and third year students) as the example of artificial bilingualism were involved as subjects.

Materials and methods

The following procedures were used to organize and conduct the experiment, such as: preliminary selection of the latest angloamericanisms most commonly found in the analyzed texts of the Ukrainian media, as well as the presentation of the list of words to the participants of the experiment and the execution of the list of tasks.

The experiment, traditionally considered to be the most objective method of research, has its specific character in psycholinguistics. The proportion of direct experimental techniques (when the recorded changes directly reflect the investigated phenomenon) is small. But the so-called indirect methods are used, where conclusions are made indirectly, which reduces the effectiveness of the experiment: psycholinguistic experiment was used to check the reliability of the model of language ability or speech activity; associative experiment (free associative experiment): respondents are given a word or a whole set of words and they say that they need to answer the first words that come to mind (Pautova, 2007: 150).

Also, a method of classification related to the construction of different kinds of classifications was used.

With regard to the metaphorical statement of U. Sepir about the psychological guideline of the recipient language, we can see from its examples that the word-building models of language are used: borrowed words are well-assimilated in languages in which the words have a simple structure and do not decompose into parts, in much less - in languages with productive models (Leleka, 2013: 22).

Associative experiment is used in various fields of knowledge: linguistics, psychology, sociology, and others. The use of this method varies depending on the purpose and objectives of a particular science. Linguist is interested in a system of semantic and grammatical relationships, images of consciousness, motives and assessments. The philologist first analyzes the linguistic form that assimilates, in the center of his attention - language factors. Psychologists, despite the diversity of the use of the associative experiment, aim at identifying the motivations of man, his trains, complexes, installations.

Free associative experiment is a rather simple and at the same time an effective means of research in psycholinguistics. He provides the material for building associative fields of certain concepts, reconstruction of fragments of language and conceptual pictures of the world. Studies on the brink of scientific disciplines are held for a relatively short time, they have intensified in world science in the second half of the past, and especially in the current century. In recent years, intelligence in psycho- and sociolinguistics has revived in Ukraine (Masenko, 2007: 10).

During a free experiment, the interviewer is offered an isolated word with the task to respond to him by the first word that appears in the head with the resulting source word (Taranenko, 2014: 80).

An important role in the history of psycholinguistics was played by experiments by linguist A. Tumba and psychologist K. Marbe, who demonstrated that the verbal association is not only a psychological but also a linguistic phenomenon (Denysevych, 2011: 95).

The practical impetus for the development of associative issues was the practical needs of both psychology and linguistics: the practice of psychoanalysis, the needs of psychiatry, the development of new methods of teaching foreign languages, studying the processes of occurrence and reproduction of speech, interest in the analysis of speech consciousness and the construction of models of world paintings, representatives of different cultures and social groups (Spyrydonova, 2015: 153).

It is believed that the association in conducting a free associative experiment is influenced by two factors: linguistic - the character of the stimulating word and pragmatic - the influence of the person conducting the experiment. Free associative experiment is proven and the most popular among all psychological methods, but it should be remembered about the factors that can significantly affect the results of such research (Denysevych, 2011: 95).

Our study preferred the written form of an experiment that has certain time constraints and contributes to the discovery of spontaneous associations, while in writing there are factors that complicate spontaneous responsiveness.

The individual form enables to record the response time and deprives other people of the respondent's response. One of the most complex and under-researched problems of carrying out an associative experiment is the creation of a stimulus list.

Our stimulus list contains 23 words-stimuli belonging to the most frequent thematic subsystems of the language: business, economy, entertainment, sport and fashion. These words were obtained by a solid sampling from the analyzed texts of the Ukrainian-language media of 2010-2018: блокбастер, бренд, брифінг, джогінг, дилер, дистриб 'ютор, дрес-код, керлінг, котедж, менеджер, офф-шор, пабліситі, паркур, прайм-тайм, принт, рейдер, свіфт, сейшн, тренд, флешмоб, хепенінг, чіпси, шейкер.

The study was attended by 200 informants, residents of Kropyvnytskyi region: students of the Foreign Languages and flight operations faculties (the first, second and third year students) of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University and Flight Academy of National Aviation University as the example of artificial bilingualism were involved as subjects.


For today it is important that a significant part of the loans in the Ukrainian language are English and American. In general, the penetration into any language of foreign words - the phenomenon is well-founded, it is natural, as during the rise of cultural and economic relations, the development of relations between the states is familiar with the new realities of life, the acquisition of foreign language words (Zalevskaya, 1990: 32).

Mass media and information intensify cultural and linguistic convergence: words that denote political, economic, cultural and social upheavals, sports events are instantly absorbed in other languages. Thus, language contacts lead to a coincidence in the lexical composition of language, to the formation of an international stratum (Shumova, 1994: 27).

In the research, we propose a term to refer to such loan words - angloamericanisms, since they correspond to the tendencies of the borrowing process that are observed at the present stage of development of the Ukrainian language.

We mean, first of all, lexical loan, that is, moving words from one language to another with the adaptation in the system of language, because, as M. Stepanova noted, «... a person thinks and expresses his thoughts in words, and not in their constituent parts, since the structural units of the word are related to the reflection in the consciousness of human objects and phenomena of reality» (Leleka, 2013: 42).

Thus, linguistic borrowing is a multilateral phenomenon involving units of different levels of the structure of the language. Given the primacy of the word as the basis for the borrowing process, we will call angloamericanisms the words that came into the Ukrainian language. This definition corresponds to the tasks set forth in the work. It is an absolute universal, represented by a class of borrowed lexical units, which are recorded in the dictionaries of the Ukrainian language, assimilated in the systems of the language-recipient.

The starting point of our experimental study is the hypothesis that a sufficiently mastered word in an individual lexicon is first perceived as familiar, and secondly, easily enters associative relationships with other words; thirdly, it does not cause much difficulty in describing its semantics.

In accordance with this, our experimental study included the following tasks for the subjects: 1) to determine if the angloamericanism familiar or not; 2) to write an associative reaction; 3) to explain the meaning of the loan; 4) to write the sentence with it.

The experimental list consists of twenty-three loans: блокбастер, бренд, брифінг, джогінг, дилер, дистриб 'ютор, дрес-код, керлінг, котедж, менеджер, офф-шор, пабліситі, паркур, прайм-тайм, принт, рейдер, свіфт, сейшн, тренд, флешмоб, хепенінг, чіпси, шейкер, belonging to the most frequent thematic subsystems of the language: business, economy, entertainment, sport and fashion. These words were obtained by a solid sampling from the analyzed texts of the Ukrainian-language media of 2010-2018.

The analysis of the results of the first task shows that most of the words under study, according to the test subjects, has a minimal degree of novelty (Table 1).

So, among the 23 angloamericanisms, about 75% are familiar. The loan turned out to be the least known in the group of nominations for concepts related to business is свифт (swift). This word is widely used in the banking environment. Since 2014, it has become frequent in the media, especially in TV shows about the financial and economic situation in Ukraine. The value of this lexical unit is defined as автоматизована система міжнародних платежів (SSIS, 2006: 613). At the same time, the questionnaire showed that 95% of the subjects did not know the meaning of this word. 10% of students translated the English word into Ukrainian (швидкий, швидко).

Table 1. The degree of the novelty of the loans


The degree of novelty %


The degree of novelty %


The degree of novelty %















































Transcription of the English word session in the Ukrainian language сейшн, such as зібрання молоді з розважальними цілями, says that the word is not assimilated in the Ukrainian language, since 95% of the respondents said they did not know it. Among the most commonly used associations is концерт, фестиваль found in 30% of students, 40% associated it with музика, 30% associate it with сесія.

The second place was the word пабліситі (англ. publicity) - 1) реклама, популярність; 2) публічність, відкритість; 3) інтенсивне стимулювання попиту на товари й послуги численними публікаціями, схвальними рецензіями, активною рекламою тощо (SSIS, 2006: 509).

90% of respondents do not understand the meaning of the loan at all, and 10% of students gave him an association of публіка, публічний, which only partly correspond to the semantics of the loan.

There was also an unknown loan for students: гепенінг (happening) - різновид мистецтва дії (SSIS, 2006: 580). 5% of the students associate it with the association посмішка, 5% said that it is something that is associated with щасливий кінець. 30% of young people translated the word from English and linked its meaning with the English word to happen.

The word керлінг (гра на льоду між двома командами, мета якої розташувати важку гранітну шайбу ближче до цілі, ніж шайба команди-супротивника (SSIS, 2006: 754) is not familiar. 80% of respondents do not know it.

It is necessary to distinguish a group of angloamericanisms which are familiar to speakers of the Ukrainian language, but they determine their meaning incorrectly. The words of this group make up almost 40% of the loans.

For example, дистриб'ютор (юридична або фізична особа, якій дають виключні права на гуртову купівлю й перепродаж певних товарів або послуг у межах певної території або ринку (DEA, 2010: 230), correctly interpreted by only 10% of respondents. Others make it synonymous with words продавець, торговий представник. The loan дилер (фізична або юридична особа, що здійснює перепродаж товарів, а також цінних паперів), is wrongly interpreted by 80% of students, only the main seme `посередник' is left. 10% of students give him the seme `незаконний'.

Офшор - тип компанії, що була створена або зареєстрована на території іноземної, зазвичай невеликої держави, яка надає іноземним учасникам податкові пільги для здійснення фінансово- кредитних операції (DEA, 2010: 508). 50% of respondents interpret angloamericanism as гроші за кордоном, and 20% distinguish it as особливі умови or країна з особливими умовами для фінансових операцій.

90% of respondents consider the main seme of the word шейкер to be перемішувати, трясти, but angloamericanism means пристрій для приготування змішаних напоїв і коктейлей за допомогою струшування (SSIS, 2006: 678).

Брифінг - коротка прес-конференція, присвячена певному питанню (SSIS, 2006: 120). 50% of respondents identified the loan as коротка дискусія, 20% explained as щось коротке, according to the English word brief.

Прайм-тайм - найкращий, найдорожчий і найзручніший час для розміщення й випуску реклами, передвиборчої та іншої агітації на радіо й телебаченні, коли ці передачі охоплюють найбільшу кількість людей; найкращий ефірний час на телебаченні (DEA, 2010: 556). 80% of students interpret only as найкращий час, translating the English word without explaining the meaning of the loan.

The analysis of the perception of the semantics of the lexical unit of принт allowed to distinguish two roughly equal in terms of the number of answers of the respondents. 50% of students have reproduced the vocabulary definitions of this angloamericanism: надрукований малюнок or зображення на матерії. The rest did not specify the adverbial seme in the semantics of the word and determined the meaning in the following way: друк, малюнок, картинка, відбиток. As we see, basically, such an interpretation corresponded to the translation of this lexical unit from English into Ukrainian.

By now, the word тренд assimilated in the Ukrainian language, and in modern dictionaries defined as тенденція, головний напрямок розвитку (SSIS, 2006: 615). Almost 90% of students know this angloamericanism. At the same time, the described reactions to the word were diverse. Approximately 5% of the definitions had no exact match, but in general they expressed the same meaning. 90% of the responses corresponded to the vocabulary definition, however, only 20% of the students introduced as the synonyms of the loan тенденція and напрямок. The main word association - мода.

As a result of the analysis of the data of the third task: to explain the meaning of the word, the total number of definitions we received from both groups is 130 of the 200 possible. The refusal of defining is the most objective proof of the semantic non-assimilation of the word in the consciousness of the individual (Fomichenko &Pelih, 2012: 47). Most of the words we received are more or less close to their vocabulary definitions. It is also worth noting that in the wrong definitions there are semantic components that unite them with the correct ones.

For example, to the word дилер in addition to the correct definition, some testers gave the following definition: незаконне постачання товару.

Consequently, the degree of perception of borrowing is not always associated with the correct understanding of the word (Table 2). The conducted analysis of the previous results according to the degree of novelty and the number of the right definitions shows such results.

When comparing the definitions of angloamericanisms submitted by the respondents, it was found that almost 45% of their meanings relate to the meanings of English words, and not the meaning of the loans that assimilated and became the part of the lexical system of the Ukrainian language. For example: students used derivative words and explained another word that was clear: гепенінг - траплятись, to happen (to take place, usually without been planned (DEA, 2006: 648), пабліситі - публічний, public (available for people in general to use (DEA, 2006: 1138), шейкер - трясти, to shake (to make lots of quick small movements up and down, or side to side (1302), брифінг - короткий, brief (lasting only for a short time (DEA, 2006: 167), прайм тайм - головний час, prime (the most important (DEA, 2006: 1118), time (the quantity that you measure using a clock (DEA, 2006: 1505).

Table 2. The degree of the novelty and understanding of the loans


The degree of novelty, %

Degree of understanding of meaning, %






































































Also the respondents mentioned the different meanings of the English words: свіфт - швидкий, swift - happening quickly or immediately (DEA, 2006: 1453), офшор - не на суші, offshore - in the sea but not near the cost (983), сейшн - сесія, session - a period of time for a particular activity (DEA, 2006: 1296).

As it turned out, even with the successful completion of the third task (giving a definition of a word), some subjects refused to write a sentence with the given word, motivating it by the fact that they could not think of anything or never used it in speech. In one case, out of 200 possible as a sentence with a word shaker was presented with a quote from the song of the band Train: «Shake it up. Shake up the happiness». This testifies to the fact that the support for the English-language prototype for the students of Ukrainian-English educational bilingualism is still one of the main means of identifying the significance of the loan.

The analysis of associations of the studied words allowed to identify the following strategies for their identification:

1. attribution to a certain situation: блокбастер - світова прем 'єра, шейкер - бармен, дрес-код - театр, принт - футболка;

2. direct definition of the meaning of the word: офшор - берег, джогінг - біг, котедж - будинок, менеджер - керуючий;

3. categorization, classification or subjection to a more general notion: блокбастер - фільм, дилер - торгівля, тренд - мода, керлінг - спорт;

4. use of English etymons as a basis: шейкер - трясти, гепенінг - траплятись.

As a result of the analysis of the data of the second task, we conclude that association with the English prototype may lead to incorrect conclusions about the meaning of the loans.

5. Illustration by example: свіфт - письменник Дж. Свіфт;

6. interpretation in terms of emotional attitude: чіпси - хімія, шкідлива їжа, рейдер - поганець;

7. providing associations that are not related to the meaning of the word at all: гепенінг - посмішка, керлінг - швабра, брифінг - робота, прайм-тайм - газета.

It is worth noting that almost all the associations of the words being studied are nouns. Reactions of verbs are limited by the following examples: шейкер - трясти, взбивати; adjectives - прайм- тайм - ідеальний, найкращий, брифінг - короткий; adverbs - смачно, дорого etc.

Quite interesting are associations to the loan менеджер - офіс (20%), керуючий (80%); чіпси according to almost 80% of respondents have associations шкідливий (70%), хімія (10%); котедж - заміський будинок (60%), природа (20%), свіже повітря (10%).

The word рейдер, according to 30 percent of students is associated with пограбування, 10% believe that рейдери захоплюють лише землю.

The result of the experiment was 4600 reactions.

So there is the analysis of the most widespread associations connected with the angloamericanisms (Table 3).

Table 3. The loan associations


The most widespread associations


мода, популярність, одяг


підлітки, небезпека, стрибки


одяг, стиль, марка


спільна справа, танці, багато людей




екзамен, концерт, музика


малюнок, картина, на одязі, футболка, тканина, надпис, друкувати


вторгнення, захоплення, поганець, незаконно, захват


дім, природа, свіже повітря, житло, дорого


картопля, смачно, ожиріння, некорисно, фаст-фуд, шкідливо, хімія, алергія.


публічний, громадськість


гроші, продає




головний, офіс, керівник


на морі, зберігати гроші, рахунок, економіка


фільм, кіно, бойовик


коктейль, трясти


чорно-білий, стиль одягу, робота


боулінг, спорт, гра


pозмова, обговорення, війна


час, година, телебачення, головний час


траплятись, політика, щасливий кінець


бігти, біг, спорт

In the analysis of associations of respondents for angloamericanisms, it was discovered that not always the reaction to a word that correlates with its vocabulary may mean its correct interpretation, as confirmed by 60% of students. As a result of the statistical and content analysis of the data obtained, we arrived at the following conclusions: bilingualism affects the perception of a foreign word; bilinguals often use the strategy of appealing to the English etymon in identifying the alleged loan. Sometimes this strategy leads to the wrong semantisation of the word due to the discrepancy between its semantics and the word-formation structure. The number of failures can serve as a criterion for learning of a foreign language. In accordance with this criterion, the absolute majority of the words under study are semantically mastered. The analysis of sentences with the presented words testifies to the insecurity of associative ties with words, and on the defective structure of words one can judge about their incomplete semantic assimilation in the individual lexicon, for example: «Сьогодні мій дилер принесе мені цю річ», «Офшор чиновників дуже великий», «Наша команда перемогла у брифінгу». The small number of associations in the similarity of wordforming models, as well as the almost complete absence of associations with verbs and adjectives, seems to be a sign of some isolation of the words under investigation in an individual lexicon.


Thus, on the basis of the conducted experiment, we can summarize the following intermediate results of the study on the perception of foreign language vocabulary in the student educational bilingual society.

First, knowledge of foreign languages influences both positive and negative on the understanding of the semantics of the loans in their native language. Knowledge by the linguists of the semantic volume of the borrowed unit determines the variety of associative reactions to the word, and sometimes its misinterpretation.

Secondly, a comparative analysis of the results of the survey of informants showed that the number of the reactions to the recognition of the borrowed vocabulary is quite high, approximately 75%. However, students showed great creativity in defining semantics and in representing associative reactions to the loans. 45% of respondents tried to explain the importance of borrowing on the basis of knowledge of the English language. The associations that coincide with vocabulary definitions do not always mean that respondents can correctly explain the meaning of a word. The result of the experiment was 4600 reactions. For all the words-stimuli, the frequency of the use of one or another word was calculated. The most frequent reactions became nuclear, less frequent - peripheral ones.

Analysis of the results of the free associative experiment allows us to reconstruct the associative field of the studied concepts. It turns out that the principle of semantic organization of the associative field is similar to the principles of the organization of the semantic field.

Common fragments of the lexical, terminological and associative values reflect semantics at the level of the language, and the differences that appear in the associative field (periphery) reproduce the individual specificity of the reception of the speakers, reflecting the level of speech and outlining the prospect of further development.


anglo american borrowing perception educational bilingualism

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