Boxing coach-to-be professional training at higher educational institutions

Substantiation of specific features and content of professional and practical training of the boxing coach in higher education institutions of Ukraine. An integral multicomponent system, which is aimed at forming a comprehensively developed specialist.

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Дата добавления 07.11.2021
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Boxing coach-to-be professional training at higher educational institutions

Alexander Khizhnyak


Poltava National Pedagogical University

named after V.G. Korolenko


boxing coach higher education

У статті обґрунтовано специфічні риси та зміст професійно-практичної підготовки майбутнього тренера з боксу у закладах вищої освіти України. Констатовано, що підготовка майбутніх тренерів з боксу є цілісною багатокомпонентною системою, яка спрямована на формування всебічно розвинутого фахівця. Зміст професійної підготовки майбутніх тренерів з боксу визначає перелік та обсяг нормативних і вибіркових навчальних дисциплін, послідовність їх вивчення, конкретні форми проведення занять тощо. Встановлено, що практико-орієнтований підхід спрямований на надбання не тільки знань, але й умінь, навичок і досвіду практичної діяльності. Аналіз комплексу літературних джерел дозволив установити, що досить часто практико-орієнтований підхід дослідники розглядають як метод викладання і навчання в поєднанні з практичною діяльністю, орієнтацією навчального процесу на кінцевий продукт навчання - формування і розвиток професійних компетенцій. Практико-орієнтований підхід у дослідженні визначено одним із найефективніших засобів професіоналізації підготовки тренера з боксу, оскільки він максимально наближує студентів до майбутньої професійної діяльності; його сутність полягає в організації навчального процесу в контексті майбутньої професії шляхом відтворення у формах і методах навчальної діяльності студентів реальних психолого- соціальних ситуацій, що супроводжують професійну діяльність тренера. Це орієнтує на принцип композиційного проєктування як один із чинників підвищення якості підготовки майбутніх фахівців. Доведено, що комплекс навчальних практик має стати головним системотвірним ядром професійної підготовки тренера.

Ознаками практико-орієнтованого підходу визначено спрямованість навчальних програм на вимоги ринку праці, реальну практичну орієнтацію курсових робіт і дослідницьких проєктів; активне залучення фахівців-практиків в навчально-тренувальний процес факультету фізичного виховання. Комплекс навчальних практик має стати головним системотворчим ядром професійної підготовки тренера. Проведено класифікацію навчальних практик, досліджено їх обсяг та змістове наповнення. Перспективи подальших досліджень визначено у спрямуванні комплексу навчальних практик на спортивну спеціалізацію майбутнього тренера з боксу та в розробці інтеграційної сітки навчальних дисциплін.

Ключові слова: майбутній тренер з боксу, професійна підготовка тренера, практико-орієнтований підхід, навчальні практики, наскрізна програма з практик.

Boxing coach-to-be professional training at higher educational institutions

Oleksandr Khyzhniak, postgraduate student of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University.


The specific features and content of boxing coach-to-be professional training at Ukrainian higher educational institutions are substantiated in the article. It is established that boxing coach-to-be professional training is an integrated multicomponent system that is aimed at harmoniously developed specialist formation. The content of boxing coach-to-be professional training determines the list and volume of normative and elective disciplines, the sequence of their learning, specific forms of study, etc. It is established that the practice-oriented approach is aimed at getting not only knowledge but skills and practical experience. The analysis of the complex of literary sources made it possible to establish the fact that practice-oriented approach is fairly often considered by the researchers to be the method of teaching and learning in combination with practical activity, the orientation of educational process to the final education product that is the formation and development of professional competences. In this research, a practice-oriented approach is considered to be one of the most effective means of professionalization of boxing coach-to-be training since it brings the students as much as possible to future professional activity. It is aimed at the organization of the educational process in the context of the future profession by reflection in forms and methods of students ' educational activity of real psychological and social cases which accompanies the professional activity of a coach. It focuses our attention on the composite design principle as one of the factors of increasing specialists-to-be training quality. It is proved that a complex of practical works is to be the heart of professional training of a coach. The classification of educational practices is carried out; their volume and content are investigated. We see prospects for further research in the direction of a set of educational practices for the sports specialization of the boxing coach-to-be and in the development of an integrated network of disciplines.

Keywords: boxing coach-to-be, coach professional training, practice-oriented approach, practical work, cross-cutting practical work program.

Problem statement

At the current stage of development and reform of Ukrainian higher educational system the demands for the quality of professional training of specialists of different type are growing. In particular, it concerns the coaches-to-be.

According to the Standard of Higher Education in Ukraine on the first (bachelor) level of higher education of the field of knowledge 01 Education/Pedagogics and specialty 017 Physical Training and Sports the integral competence of coach-to-be are considered to be the ability to accomplish the complex special tasks and solve practical problems in the field of physical training and sports or in educational process which requires using of physical training and sports theories and methods and can be characterized by complexity and condition uncertainty [4].

The boxing coaches-to-be training at higher educational institutions demands the use of corresponding approaches which meet the modern needs of pedagogical science and practice. The boxing coach-to-be training for the specialty 017 Physical Training and Sports is characterized by relatively new strategy on the first (bachelor) and the second (master) levels.

Publications analysis

The analysis of publications which gave a start to solving of the problem of professional training of boxing coach-to-be showed that the stated problem was the subject of investigation of Ye. Pavliuk, T. Lakhmaniuk, A. Sydorov, B. Losyn, T. Chopyk and others. The importance of boxing in the system of physical training of the students is investigated in the works of A. Kachurin, A. Atyl, O. Krylovskyi, V. Nazymok and I. Yurchenko. At the same time it is established that the majority of research papers in the indicated field have theoretical, descriptive character; elaboration of real professional training programs which may be used in educational process, in fact, are lacking.

The aim of the research is the substantiation of specific features and content of boxing coach-to-be professional training at Ukrainian higher educational institutions.


The study of the works of Ukrainian researchers made it possible to establish the fact that that modern higher education system (including coach training) is overly theoretical inasmuch as professional training cycle prevails over practical and methodical one. At the same time S. Bobrakov admits that there is the insufficient correlation between theoretical and practical components of educational process: theory doesn't influence upon practical activity, and practical activity doesn't correspond with professional activity reality (Bobrakov, 2012).

A practice-oriented approach is often considered by the researchers to be a method of learning and teaching in combination with practical activity, orientation educational process toward the final education product that is the formation and development of professional competences (Bakhmetova, 2012).

A practice-oriented approach in the works of German researchers is considered to be an active form of professional training organization aimed at the use in theoretical and practical components, which is realized by means of saturation of educational process with the elements of professional activity (Warnek, 2007); as orientation of the content and methods of educational process toward the formation of practical activity skills of specialists-to-be (Post, 2010); as a system of educational problem cases, methodic and situation tasks directed to professional training of the specialists (Pietsch, 2010).

A practice-oriented approach is considered to be a method of learning and teaching in combination with practical activity aimed at the orientation of educational process toward the final education product that is the formation and development of competences (Obraztsov, 2003).

Integrating the researches of domestic educators, L. Petrenko notes that today we don't have any plain interpretation of educational essence of a practice-oriented approach. The author defines the following interpretations: - the formation of professional experience of the students in process of the deepening into the professional environment during the traineeship and prediploma internship; - job-oriented educational technologies directed toward the formation of knowledge, skills and characteristics of professional importance of specialists-to-be; - the formation of competences of professional and social importance in process of getting knowledge, skills, professional activity experience, etc. by the students (Petrenko, 2016).

A practice-oriented approach makes it possible to set the subject content of professional activity ensuring the conditions for transformation of educational activity of the student into the professional activity of the specialist (Maikovska, 2016).

A practice-oriented approach is based on the getting of coach-to-be subject knowledge in process of practical activity. At the same time, a practice-oriented educational and training processes are considered to be the common activity of a student and a teacher which is oriented toward the practical experience of coach-to-be and formation of skills for professional selfrealization.

A practice-oriented approach to the boxing coach-to-be training at higher educational institutions is oriented toward the formation of practical skills of the students, ensuring of the correlation between theoretical knowledge and real professional activity of the coach.

To accomplish the tasks of practice-oriented approach in the system of training of boxing coach-to-be is it considered necessary to define a system of principles:

the principle of use of practice-oriented tasks in educational and training process;

the principle of priority of practical training; orientation of tasks of educational disciplines to the system of practical work;

the principle of simplicity of the materials of practice-oriented tasks in process of practical work;

the principle of differentiation and individualization of educational and training process;

the principle of integration of educational materials with orientation toward the tasks of boxing coach future professional activity;

the ensuring of the flexibility and dynamism of updating of educational and professional programs of specialists' training of the specialty 017 Physical Training and Sports;

the use of modern forms and methods of boxing coaches-to-be training;

the principle of reflexion as a mean of perception of activity for future professional development of the coach.

The content of practice-oriented training of boxing coach-to-be at modern higher educational establishment includes: theoretical block (lectures, seminars, independent and individual work, term project, etc.); practical block (practical and laboratory work, training, participation in the competitions of different levels, practical work and traineeship, running the research projects within the scientific work of the department, student scientific group, participation in the round-table discussions with stakeholders).

Defining the functions of practice-oriented approach it is considered appropriate to point the classification of T. Bondarenko:

diagnostic function as the definition of educational motivation of the students;

educational function which assumes the use of the total combination of available resources of higher educational establishments for consolidation of general cultural and professional competences of the students as the main aim of practice-oriented education;

developmental function, oriented toward the development and actualization of characteristics of professional importance of the students and independent getting of new knowledge and skills;

integrant function which is aimed at achieving of the synergetic effect of getting, processing and systematization of knowledge and skills of the students in the disciplines under research (Bondarenko, 2013).

A practice-oriented approach orients the coach training process not only toward the formation of traditional knowledge and skills, but toward the getting of the experience of practical activity which can be achieved by the formation of professional competences (Yalalov, 2008). It actualizes the dynamic correlation between practice-oriented, competence, active and personal approaches.

The modeling of the real professional cases at higher educational institutions which train the boxing coaches-to-be on the basis of use of practice-oriented approach can be achieved by redistribution of theoretical, practical and methodical components of professional training.

A practice-oriented approach in professional training of boxing coaches-to-be provides the shifting of the focus on the practice which transforms the educational activity of the students into the activity of personal importance and gives the positive motivation for the future professional activity.

In professional training of boxing coach-to-be the system of practical work is considered to be the environment in which student gets the professional skills, educator develop subject-subject interaction and form the system of value orientations of the student.

That is why the important direction of modernization of sports education in training of boxing coaches-to-be at higher educational institutions is considered to be the system of practical work which should be the main professional and adaptive factor of the training.

Ye. Pavliuk suggests the following conditions of effective practical work of coaches-to-be: - precise setting of aim and types of activity; - appointing of practical work instructors for every single student or one instructor for few students; - reporting on practical work results after its completing; - stable collaboration between university (faculty) and general education schools, children and youth schools, schools of higher sports mastery. The researcher's note on the fact that practical work develops professional maturity of specialists-to-be and their ability to adapt for different professional conditions is very much to the point (Pavliuk, 2013).

The activity of students during practical work is considered to be an analogue of professional activity of a coach; it is adequate for educational activity content and structure, and organized under real conditions of sports school, that is why this activity should be based on professional knowledge and definite theoretical base. Theoretical education of coaches-to-be for their practical activity determines the structure of curriculum of specialists' training in the specialty 017 Physical Training and Sports.

Types and volume of practical work are determined by educational and professional programs, curriculums and educational process schedule. The main normative and methodic document which determines conceptual bases of practical training of coach-to-be, regulates the sequence, duration and timing of practical work, sets the aim, task and place of every type of practical work in the structure diagram of specialist's education is the cross-cutting practical work program.

The analysis of the curriculums of coaches-to-be training makes it possible to establish the fact that the system of practical training at higher educational institutions is characterized by crosscutting nature; at the same time, the different types of practical work are organized during the whole period of education on the first (bachelor) and the second (master) levels.

The organization of practical training of coaches-to-be is characterized by cross-cutting nature. Students do different types of practical work during the whole education period, since the second year of education:

Summer traineeship for bachelors of the specialty “017 Physical Training and Sports Traineeship in the specialty “017 Physical Training and Sports”;

Professional traineeship on the first (bachelor) level;

Professional traineeship in the third term on the second (master) level.

Every type of practical work has its specific tasks, structure, demands and definite types of activity. The general aim of the practical work is the formation of ability to use: theoretical knowledge for selection and orientation of sportsmen; modeling and programming basics in process of sportsmen training; successful supplying of education and training process; organization of recreational and sports events.

The specified aim is realized by solution of the following tasks: promotion the formation of the main professional and educational skills which are needed for the future professional activity of a boxing coach; familiarization of the students with the structure and content of the functioning of sports school and boxing training groups; making the clear idea of the content and character of activity of the head of sports school and the coach (organization, education, training, research, administrative, referee and agent); formation of organizational, planning skills and ability to organize the boxing training process in groups and control its effectiveness; realization of used educational techniques and methods of planning, organization and control of coach work on the basis of the analysis of normative, methodical and financial documents (Holub, 2018).

Conclusions and proposals

Thus, the boxing coach professional training is aimed at the development of general and professional competences, the ability to act in problem situations and to use theoretical knowledge, skills and personal experience in future professional activity. The specific features of practice-oriented approach is considered to be the orientation of the curriculum toward the labor-market demands, real practical focus of the term papers and research projects; active involving of practitioners to the educational and training process of the physical training faculty. The complex of practical work is considered to be the heart of coach professional training. The practical work types are classified; their volume and contents are analyzed. The prospect of the future researches is considered to be the orientation of practical work complex toward sports specialization of boxing coach-to-be and the development of integrated list of academic disciplines.


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10. Pietsch, S. (2010). Begleiten und begleitet werden. Praxisnahe Fallarbeit - ein Beitrag zur Professionalisierung in der universitдren Lehrerbildung. Kassel: Kassel University Press.

11. Post, E.-M. (2010). Der Einsatz von handlungs-, erfahrungs- und erlebnisorientierten Methoden in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerfortbildung von pдdagogischen Fьhrungskrдften zur Initiierung von Lernen. Studien zur Verknьpfung von Erfahrung, Reflexion und Transfer. Leipzig: Univ. Dass.

12. Warnek, D. (2007). Aktionsforschung und Praxisbezug in der Darf-Lehrerausbildung. Dagmara Warneke. Kassel: Kassel Univ. Press.

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  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

    презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

  • Peculiarities of English nonsense rhymes – limericks and how to use them on the classes of English phonetics. Recommendations of correct translation to save its specific construction. Limericks is represented integral part of linguistic culture.

    статья [17,5 K], добавлен 30.03.2010

  • Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).

    реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • University of Cambridge is one of the world's oldest and most prestigious academic institutions. The University of Cambridge (often Cambridge University), located in Cambridge, England, is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world.

    доклад [23,1 K], добавлен 05.05.2009

  • Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.

    курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

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