Democracy education the dialogos way: the case of Ukrainean teacher education

Research conducted among teaching staff from higher pedagogical education institutions within the project "Study of a culture of democracy in education in Ukraine, Norway and Palestine". Trainings designed with a dialogue approach and philosophizing.

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Дата добавления 11.11.2021
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Final comment

Democracy Education the Dialogos Way is part of the project Democracy Education in Ukraine, Norway and Palestine. The results of the project can of course be studied from many perspectives. For me, it is relevant to see the project as a new step in the bigger action research project work to justify and show the relevance of the Dialogos approach, this time regarding the enhancement of democratic ways of living together in a shared world. However, this has not been the main purpose of this essay. Rather, the purpose has been to discuss action research as a form of research that enhances phronesis as opposed to techne, dialogical and democratic ways of teaching as opposed to instrumental.

Important in this respect, is that edification towards wisdom and prudence cannot be taught directly. It requires active participation from the student, a will to wisdom and a willingness to put his or her horizon of understanding into play in the educational situation. Not the least, it requires teacher educators who are willing to do the same. The teacher educators and the students are in the philosophical dialogues as well as in the action research together, as am I. Again, I will let Socrates speak through the written dialogue of Plato's Republic: “But then”, Socrates says, “if I am right, certain professors of education must be wrong when they say that they can put a knowledge into the soul which was not there before, like sight into blind eyes”. His interlocutor agrees, and Socrates goes on to say that the capacity to learn exists in the soul already. The soul needs to gradually get adjusted to endure the light and the sight of being, he states. “Just as the eye was unable to turn from darkness to light without the whole body, so too the instrument of knowledge can only by the movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of being”. It has to “learn by degrees to endure the sight of being, and of the brightest and best of being, or in other words, of the good”. Thus, according to Socrates as we meet him in Plato, the faculty of sight already exists in the human being. It needs only to be re-awakened. “And must there not be some art which will effect conversion in the easiest and quickest manner; not implanting the faculty of sight, for that exists already, but has been turned in the wrong direction, and is looking away from the truth?”


1. Arendt, Hannah. (1963). Eichmann in Jerusalem: a Report on the Banality of Evil. London, the UK: Faber & Faber

2. Argyris, Chris, Robert Putnam, & Diana McLain Smith. (1985). Action science, concepts, methods and skills for research and intervention. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

3. Aristotle. (2004). The Nichomachean ethics. First published by Allen & Unwin 1953. Penguin Classics 1955. Further revised edition 2004. New York, the USA: Penguin.

4. Arneberg, Per and Lars Gunnar Briseid. (Eds.). (2008). Fag og danning - mellom individ og fellesskap [Scholarly disciplines and Edification - between the individual and the collective]. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

5. Brekke, Mary. (Ed.) (2010). Dannelse i skole og lwrerutdanning [Edification in school and teacher education]. Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget.

6. Bostad, Inga, and Tove Pettersen. (Eds.). (2006). Dialog og danning: det filosofiske grunnlagetfor luring. [Dialogue and Edification: the philosophical foundation for learning]. Oslo, Norway: Scandinavian Academic Press.

7. Carr, Wilfred, and Stephen Kemmis. (1986). Becoming critical: education, knowledge and action research. London, the UK: Falmer.

8. Coghlan, David, and Teresa Brannick. (2001). Doing action research: in your own organization. London, the UK: Sage

9. Dale, Erling Lars. (Ed.). (1992). Pedagogiskfilosofi [Philosophy of pedagogy]. Oslo, Norway: Ad Notam Gyldendal.

10. Dunne, Joseph. (1993). Back to the rough ground: 'phronesis' and 'techne' in modern philosophy and in Aristotle. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.

11. Eikeland, Olav, (2006). Phronesis, Aristotle, and Action Research. International Journal of Action Research 2(1):5-53

12. Eikseth, Astrid Grude, Carl F. Dons, and Ninna Garm. (Eds). (2012). Utdanning mellom styring og danning: et nordisk panorama [Education between management and Edification: A Nordic panorama]. Trondheim, Norway: Akademika.

13. Freire, Paulo. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York, the USA: Herter and Herter.

14. Freire, Paulo. (1992). Pedagogy of hope: reliving the pedagogy of the oppressed. London, the UK: Continuum.

15. Gadamer, Hans Georg. (1960) (2010). Sannhet og metode [Truth and method]. Oslo, Norway: Pax forlag.

16. Habermas, Jurgen. (1987). Knowledge and human interest. Cambridge, the UK: Polity Press.

17. Hadot, Pierre. (1995). Philosophy as a way of life: spiritual exercises from Socrates to Foucault. Malden MA: Blackwell.

18. Hagtvet, Bernt, and Gorana Ognjenovic. (Eds.). (2011). Dannelse: tenkning, modning, refleksjon : nordiske perspektiver pa allmenndannelsens nodvendighet i hoyere utdanning og forskning. [Edification: thinking, maturation, reflection: Nordic perspectives on the necessity of general Edification in higher education and research]. Oslo, Norway: Dreyers forlag.

19. Hansen, Finn Thorbjorn. (2002). Det filosofiske liv: et dannelsesideal for eksistenspwdagogikken. [The philosophical life: an educational ideal for the pedagogy of existence]. Kobenhavn, Norway: Gyldendal.

20. Hansen, Finn Thorbjorn. (2008). At sta i det apne: dannelse gennem fdosofisk undren og nwrvwr. [To stand in the open: Edification through philosophical wonder andpresence]. Kobenhavn, Norway: Hans Reizels forlag.

21. Hellesnes, Jon. (1975). Sosialisering og teknokrati: Ein sosialfilosofisk studie medswrleg vekt pa pedagogikkens problem. [Socialization and technocracy: A social philosophical study with a special focus on the problem of pedagogy]. Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal.

22. Hellesnes, Jon. (1969) (1992). “Ein utdana mann og eit dana menneske: framlegg til eit utvida daningsomgrep” [An educated man and a man of Edification: draft for an extended conception of Edification]. In Pedagogisk filosofi, edited by Erling Lars Dale (pp.79-103). Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal.

23. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2019). Philosophising the Dialogos Way toward Wisdom in Education. Between Critical Thinking and Spiritual Contemplation. London, the UK: Routledge Publishing Ltd.

24. Helskog, Guro Hansen (2017). Searching for Wisdom the Dialogos Way. In Amir, Lydia (2017): New Frontiers in Philosophical Practice. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd

25. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2015). The Gandhi Project: Dialogos philosophcal dialogues and the ethics and politics of intercultural and interreligious friendship. Educational action research, I, 1-20

26. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2014a). The healing power of dialogos dialogues: Transformative learning through dialogical philosophizing. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (11),79-83.

27. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Christian Stokke. (2014). Enhancing relational spirituality: dialogos dialogues in intercultural and interfaith education. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue. 2, 202-220.

28. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2014b). Moving out of conflict into reconciliation - Edification through philosophical dialogue in intercultural and interreligious education. Educational Action Research, 22 (3), 340-362.

29. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2013). Justifying action research. Educational Action Research, 22 (1-2014b), 4-20.

30. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Andreas Ribe. (2008). Dialogos-praktisk filosofi i skolen. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

31. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Andreas Ribe. (2009). Dialogos-veiledning for Iwrere og samtaleledere. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

32. Kimbriel, Samuel. (2014). Friendship as sacred knowing: overcoming Isolation. New York, the USA: Oxford University Press.

33. Klafki, Wolfgang. (1985) (2001). Dannelsesteori og didaktikk: nye studier [Theories of Edification and didactics: new studies]. Arhus: Klim.

34. Lewin, Kurt. (1946). Action research and minority problems. Journal of Social Issues 2(4), 34-46.

35. Lewin, Kurt. (1948). Resolving social conflicts: selected papers on group dynamics. New York, the USa: Harper.

36. Lewin, Kurt. (1951). Field theory in social science: selected theoretical papers. New York, the USA: Harper.

37. Lovlie, Lars, Klaus P. Mortensen, and Sven Erik Nordenbo. (Eds.). (2003). Educating humanity: Edification in postmodernity. Malden, Mass: Blackwell. Originally published as Lovlie, Lars, Svein Erik Nordenbo, and Klaus P. Mortensen (eds). 2002. Educationg Humanity: Edification in postmodernity. Journal of Philosophy of Education, Special Issue 36/3 Autumn 2002.

38. Lovlie, Lars. (2013a). Kampen om barndommen [Thefight about childhood]. In Ytringer: om likeverd, demokrati og relasjonsbygging i barnehagen, edited by Anne Greve, Sissel Morreaunet and Nina Winger (pp. 15-26). Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

39. Lovlie, Lars. (2013b). Verktoyskolen [The tool school]. Norskpedagogisk tidsskrift 97 (3), 185-198.

40. Lovlie, Lars. (2004). Lsreplan 2006 - fra enhetsskole til ensrettingsskole? [The curriculum of 2006 - from inclusion school to uniformity school?]. Bedre skole 4, 18-23.

41. Lovlie, Lars. (2000). Mot et utvidet danningsbegrep [Towards an extended conception of Edification]. In KULT - i kulturforskningens tegn: en antologi, edited by Hakon W. Andersen et al (pp. 211-228). Oslo: Pax.

42. Lovlie, Lars. (1994). Prosjektbeskrivelse. Skolen som kulturinstitusjon (Skole-KULT). [Project description. The school as a cultural institution (Skole-KULT)]. Retrieved June 18th 2013

43. Lovlie, Lars. (1979). Dialektikk og pedagogikk: en studie med utgangspunkt i Hegel: andens fenomenologi: arbeidsmanuskript, skrifter 22. [Dialectics and pedagogy: a study based in Hegel: the phenomenology of spirit]. Lillehammer, Norway: Oppland distriktshogskole.

44. Nielsen, Knut Aagaard, and Birger Steen Nielsen. (2006). Methodologies in action research: action research and critical theory. In Action research and interactive research: beyond theory and practice, edited by Knut Aagaard Nielsen and Lennart Svennson (pp. 63-87). Hamburg, Germany: Shaker Publishing.

45. Ohrem, Sugurd and Odd Haddal. (2011). Med livet som pensum. Danning og lwringsprosesser i folkehogskolen. [With life on the curriculum. Edification andprocesses of learning infolkehogskolen]. Oslo, Norway: Cappelen Damm akademisk.

46. Plato. 360 B.C.E. The Republic. Translated by Benjamin Jowett. The internet classics archive. Downloaded Aug. 21 2015

47. Rise, Svein. (Ed.). (2010). Danningsperspektiver: teologiske og filosofiske syn pa danning i antikken og i moderne tid. [Perspectives on Edification: theological and philosophical views on Edification in antiquity and in modern times]. Trondheim: Tapir.

48. Schmidt, James. (1996). The Fool's Truth: Diderot, Goethe, and Hegel. Journal of the History of Ideas 57.4.

49. Skjervheim, Hans. Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays (pp. 51-72). Oslo: Tanum.

50. Slagstad, Rune, Ove Korsgaard, and Lars Lovlie. (Eds.). (2003). Dannelsens forvandlinger [Transformations of Edification]. Oslo, Norway: Pax.

51. Slagstad, Rune. (2003). Dannelsens forvandlinger: et etterord [Transformations of Edification: an afterword]. In Slagstad, Rune, Ove Korsgard, and Lars Lovlie. (Eds.). Dannelsens forvandlinger (pp. 373-378). Oslo: Pax

52. Steinsholt, Kjetil, and Stephen Dobson. (Eds.). (2011). Dannelse: introduksjon til et ullent pedagogisk landskap. [Edification: introduction to a vague pedagogical landscape]. Trondheim, Norway: Tapir.

53. Stokke, Christian and Guro Hansen Helskog. (2014). Promoting dialogical democracy: Dialogos dialogues in Intercultural and Interfaith education. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 24 (2), 177-196.

54. Straume, Ingerid. (Ed). (2013). Danningens filosofihistorie [The history of the philosophy of Edification]. Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal akademisk.

55. Taylor, Charles. (1989). Sources of the self: the making of the modern identity. Cambridge, the UK: Cambridge University Press.

56. Taylor, Charles. (2007). A secular age. Cambridge, the UK: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

57. Tiller, Tom. 1999. Aksjonslwring: forskende partnerskap i skolen. [Action learning: Collaborative research in school]. Kristiansand: Hoyskoleforlaget.

58. Tiller, Tom, ed. 2004. Aksjonsforskning i skole og utdanning. [Action research in school and education]. Kristiansand: Hoyskoleforlaget.

Список використаних джерел

1. Arendt, Hannah. (1963). Eichmann in Jerusalem: a Report on the Banality of Evil. London, the UK: Faber & Faber

2. Argyris, Chris, Robert Putnam, & Diana McLain Smith. (1985). Action science, concepts, methods and skills for research and intervention. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

3. Aristotle. (2004). The Nichomachean ethics. First published by Allen & Unwin 1953. Penguin Classics 1955. Further revised edition 2004. New York, the USA: Penguin.

4. Arneberg, Per and Lars Gunnar Briseid. (Eds.). (2008). Fag og danning - mellom individ og fellesskap [Scholarly disciplines and Edification - between the individual and the collective]. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

5. Brekke, Mary. (Ed.) (2010). Dannelse i skole og lwrerutdanning [Edification in school and teacher education]. Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget.

6. Bostad, Inga, and Tove Pettersen. (Eds.). (2006). Dialog og danning: det filosofiske grunnlagetfor luring. [Dialogue and Edification: the philosophical foundation for learning]. Oslo, Norway: Scandinavian Academic Press.

7. Carr, Wilfred, and Stephen Kemmis. (1986). Becoming critical: education, knowledge and action research. London, the UK: Falmer.

8. Coghlan, David, and Teresa Brannick. (2001). Doing action research: in your own organization. London, the UK: Sage

9. Dale, Erling Lars. (Ed.). (1992). Pedagogiskfilosofi [Philosophy of pedagogy]. Oslo, Norway: Ad Notam Gyldendal.

10. Dunne, Joseph. (1993). Back to the rough ground: 'phronesis' and 'techne' in modern philosophy and in Aristotle. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.

11. Eikeland, Olav, (2006). Phronesis, Aristotle, and Action Research. International Journal of Action Research 2(1):5-53

12. Eikseth, Astrid Grude, Carl F. Dons, and Ninna Garm. (Eds). (2012). Utdanning mellom styring og danning: et nordisk panorama [Education between management and Edification: A Nordic panorama]. Trondheim, Norway: Akademika.

13. Freire, Paulo. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York, the USA: Herter and Herter.

14. Freire, Paulo. (1992). Pedagogy of hope: reliving the pedagogy of the oppressed. London, the UK: Continuum.

15. Gadamer, Hans Georg. (1960) (2010). Sannhet og metode [Truth and method]. Oslo, Norway: Pax forlag.

16. Habermas, Jurgen. (1987). Knowledge and human interest. Cambridge, the UK: Polity Press.

17. Hadot, Pierre. (1995). Philosophy as a way of life: spiritual exercises from Socrates to Foucault. Malden MA: Blackwell.

18. Hagtvet, Bernt, and Gorana Ognjenovic. (Eds.). (2011). Dannelse: tenkning, modning, refleksjon : nordiske perspektiver pa allmenndannelsens nodvendighet i hoyere utdanning og

19. forskning. [Edification: thinking, maturation, reflection: Nordic perspectives on the necessity of general Edification in higher education and research]. Oslo, Norway: Dreyers forlag.

20. Hansen, Finn Thorbjorn. (2002). Det filosofiske liv: et dannelsesideal for eksistenspwdagogikken. [The philosophical life: an educational ideal for the pedagogy of existence]. Kobenhavn, Norway: Gyldendal.

21. Hansen, Finn Thorbjorn. (2008). At sta i det apne: dannelse gennem filosofisk undren og nwrvwr. [To stand in the open: Edification through philosophical wonder andpresence]. Kobenhavn, Norway: Hans Reizels forlag.

22. Hellesnes, Jon. (1975). Sosialisering og teknokrati: Ein sosialfilosofiskstudie medserleg vekt pa pedagogikkens problem. [Socialization and technocracy: A social philosophical study with a special focus on the problem of pedagogy]. Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal.

23. Hellesnes, Jon. (1969) (1992). “Ein utdana mann og eit dana menneske: framlegg til eit utvida daningsomgrep” [An educated man and a man of Edification: draftfor an extended conception of Edification]. In Pedagogisk filosofi, edited by Erling Lars Dale (pp.79-103). Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal.

24. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2019). Philosophising the Dialogos Way toward Wisdom in Education. Between Critical Thinking and Spiritual Contemplation. London, the UK: Routledge Publishing Ltd.

25. Helskog, Guro Hansen (2017). Searching for Wisdom the Dialogos Way. In Amir, Lydia (2017): New Frontiers in Philosophical Practice. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd

26. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2015). The Gandhi Project: Dialogos philosophcal dialogues and the ethics and politics of intercultural and interreligious friendship. Educational action research, I, 1-20

27. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2014a). The healing power of dialogos dialogues: Transformative learning through dialogical philosophizing. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (11),79-83.

28. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Christian Stokke. (2014). Enhancing relational spirituality: dialogos dialogues in intercultural and interfaith education. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue. 2, 202-220.

29. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2014b). Moving out of conflict into reconciliation - Edification through philosophical dialogue in intercultural and interreligious education. Educational Action Research, 22 (3), 340-362.

30. Helskog, Guro Hansen. (2013). Justifying action research. Educational Action Research, 22 (1-2014b), 4-20.

31. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Andreas Ribe. (2008). Dialogos-praktisk filosofi i skolen. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

32. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Andreas Ribe. (2009). Dialogos-veiledning for lerere og samtaleledere. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

33. Kimbriel, Samuel. (2014). Friendship as sacred knowing: overcoming Isolation. New York, the USA: Oxford University Press.

34. Klafki, Wolfgang. (1985) (2001). Dannelsesteori og didaktikk: nye studier [Theories of Edification and didactics: new studies]. Arhus: Klim.

35. Lewin, Kurt. (1946). Action research and minority problems. Journal of Social Issues 2(4), 34-46.

36. Lewin, Kurt. (1948). Resolving social conflicts: selected papers on group dynamics. New York, the USa: Harper.

37. Lewin, Kurt. (1951). Field theory in social science: selected theoretical papers. New York, the USA: Harper.

38. Lovlie, Lars, Klaus P. Mortensen, and Sven Erik Nordenbo. (Eds.). (2003). Educating humanity: Edification in postmodernity. Malden, Mass: Blackwell. Originally published as Lovlie, Lars, Svein Erik Nordenbo, and Klaus P. Mortensen (eds). 2002. Educationg Humanity: Edification in postmodernity. Journal of Philosophy of Education, Special Issue 36/3 Autumn 2002.

39. Lovlie, Lars. (2013a). Kampen om barndommen [Thefight about childhood]. In Ytringer: om likeverd, demokrati og relasjonsbygging i barnehagen, edited by Anne Greve, Sissel Morreaunet and Nina Winger (pp. 15-26). Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.

40. Lovlie, Lars. (2013b). Verktoyskolen [The tool school]. Norskpedagogisk tidsskrift 97 (3), 185-198.

41. Lovlie, Lars. (2004). Lsreplan 2006 - fra enhetsskole til ensrettingsskole? [The curriculum of 2006 - from inclusion school to uniformity school?]. Bedre skole 4, 18-23.

42. Lovlie, Lars. (2000). Mot et utvidet danningsbegrep [Towards an extended conception of Edification]. In KULT - i kulturforskningens tegn: en antologi, edited by Hakon W. Andersen et al (pp. 211-228). Oslo: Pax.

43. Lovlie, Lars. (1994). Prosjektbeskrivelse. Skolen som kulturinstitusjon (Skole-KULT). [Project description. The school as a cultural institution (Skole-KULT)]. Retrieved June 18th 2013

44. Lovlie, Lars. (1979). Dialektikk og pedagogikk: en studie med utgangspunkt i Hegel: andens fenomenologi: arbeidsmanuskript, skrifter 22. [Dialectics and pedagogy: a study based in Hegel: the phenomenology of spirit]. Lillehammer, Norway: Oppland distriktshogskole.

45. Nielsen, Knut Aagaard, and Birger Steen Nielsen. (2006). Methodologies in action research: action research and critical theory. In Action research and interactive research: beyond theory and practice, edited by Knut Aagaard Nielsen and Lennart Svennson (pp. 63-87). Hamburg, Germany: Shaker Publishing.

46. Ohrem, Sugurd and Odd Haddal. (2011). Med livet som pensum. Danning og Iwringsprosesser i folkehogskolen. [With life on the curriculum. Edification andprocesses of learning infolkehogskolen]. Oslo, Norway: Cappelen Damm akademisk.

47. Plato. 360 B.C.E. The Republic. Translated by Benjamin Jowett. The internet classics archive. Downloaded Aug. 21 2015

48. Rise, Svein. (Ed.). (2010). Danningsperspektiver: teologiske og filosofiske syn pa danning i antikken og i moderne tid. [Perspectives on Edification: theological and philosophical views on Edification in antiquity and in modern times]. Trondheim: Tapir.

49. Schmidt, James. (1996). The Fool's Truth: Diderot, Goethe, and Hegel. Journal of the History of Ideas 57.4.

50. Skjervheim, Hans. Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays (pp. 51-72). Oslo: Tanum.

51. Slagstad, Rune, Ove Korsgaard, and Lars Lovlie. (Eds.). (2003). Dannelsens

52. forvandlinger [Transformations of Edification]. Oslo, Norway: Pax.

53. Slagstad, Rune. (2003). Dannelsens forvandlinger: et etterord [Transformations of Edification: an afterword]. In Slagstad, Rune, Ove Korsgard, and Lars Lovlie. (Eds.). Dannelsens forvandlinger (pp. 373-378). Oslo: Pax

54. Steinsholt, Kjetil, and Stephen Dobson. (Eds.). (2011). Dannelse: introduksjon til et ullent pedagogisk landskap. [Edification: introduction to a vague pedagogical landscape]. Trondheim, Norway: Tapir.

55. Stokke, Christian and Guro Hansen Helskog. (2014). Promoting dialogical democracy: Dialogos dialogues in Intercultural and Interfaith education. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 24 (2), 177-196.

56. Straume, Ingerid. (Ed). (2013). Danningens filosofihistorie [The history of the philosophy of Edification]. Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal akademisk.

57. Taylor, Charles. (1989). Sources of the self: the making of the modern identity. Cambridge, the UK: Cambridge University Press.

58. Taylor, Charles. (2007). A secular age. Cambridge, the UK: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

59. Tiller, Tom. 1999. Aksjonslwring: forskende partnerskap i skolen. [Action learning: Collaborative research in school]. Kristiansand: Hoyskoleforlaget.

60. Tiller, Tom, ed. 2004. Aksjonsforskning i skole og utdanning. [Action research in school and education]. Kristiansand: Hoyskoleforlaget.

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  • Порядок проведения урока "Education in Great Britain" в 10 классе. Коммуникативная компетенция как один из основных принципов преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе. План-конспект мероприятия "Valentine’s Day" по английскому языку.

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  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

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  • What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.

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  • Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.

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  • Контекстно-центрированный подход как один из ведущих в обучении иностранным языкам в профильных школах с экономическим направлением. Умения, формируемые на основе использования метода Case Study в процессе профессионально-ориентированного обучения.

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