Functioning of social and communication environment of higher education institution as a condition of future philologists’ training

The rapid spreading of information affects the specifics of communication and the nature of value-ideological directives. As a result, most graduates of higher education institutions, have poorly formed vital competencies and undeveloped social skills.

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Дата добавления 14.11.2021
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Functioning of social and communication environment of higher education institution as a condition of future philologists' training

Olha Bilychenko

Dr. Hab. in social communication, Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature

SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University” Sloviansk, Ukraine


The problem raised in the article is the difference between the increase in the requirements for efficiency and the acceleration of individual socialization on the one hand and the inadequate application of the interaction of a higher education institution social-communication environment and, on the other hand, its inadequate implementation in practice. In the work of education institutions, the process of a personality's socialization remains the prerogative of education which, under the condition of the traditional educational model, has become secondary in nature giving way to the priority of the learning process. This makes it possible to recognize the gradual development of culture, the presence of “information explosions” and the dynamics of information resources for cultural and civilization development. Information is a kind of instrument that contributes to the functioning and development of culture. It provides for collecting, storing, processing and spreading the knowledge that reproduces cultural phenomena. Modern civilization is called by most researchers as the informational one. This is due to mediaization of cultural environment when new technologies touch upon all spheres of life. New means of information have become not only transfer mechanisms but also a means of producing modern culture and the formation of an individual's value structures. philologist information vital

The rapid spreading of information affects the specifics of communication and the nature of value-ideological directives. As a result, most graduates of higher education institutions, in particular philologists, have poorly formed vital competencies and undeveloped social skills. They are not capable of self-realization in society and in the professional environment. The results of our research are the study of communication tools and the creation of a harmonious social-communication environment for socializing students. The successful implementation of the state's social order for the training of specialists with a high level of individual socialization depends on the level of a student's socialization, in particular, a philologist as a future specialist. In this context our proposed social and communication environment allows you to reach the system level of reality knowledge, to see and use the mechanisms of an individual's socialization.

Key words: professional training; socialization; higher education; philologists; teacher training.


Ольга Біличенко

доктор наук із соціальних комунікацій, професор, завідувач кафедри української мови та літератури, ДВНЗ «Донбаський державний педагогічний університет» м. Слов'янськ Донецької області, Україна


Проблема, порушена в статті полягає у розбіжності між підвищенням вимог до ефективності та прискоренням соціалізації особистості і недостатнім застосуванням взаємодії соціального-комунікаційного простору вищого навчального закладу. У роботі навчальних закладів процес соціалізації особистості залишається прерогативою виховання, яке за умови традиційної освітньої моделі поступилося першочерговістю процесу навчання. Як результат, більшість випускників вищих навчальних закладів, зокрема філологи, мають недостатньо сформовані життєві компетенції, не здатні до самореалізації в соціумі та в професійному середовищі. Результатами нашого дослідження є створення гармонійного соціально-комунікаційного простору з метою соціалізації студентів. В цьому контексті запропонований нами соціально-комунікаційний простір дозволяє вийти на системний рівень пізнання дійсності, відстежувати і використовувати механізми соціалізації особистості.

Ключові слова: професійна освіта; соціалізація; вища школа; філологи; підготовка вчителів.

Problem setting in general

Modern education is a social institution that performs social, informational, economic and cultural functions in a society in their new qualitative state. The social function of education is to participate in the processes of an individual's socialization and the reproduction of the society socio-status structure. In the modern society this socialization has a dual nature: both technologically cultural and political. The main contradiction here is that public socialization is aimed at forming a stereotype of a person's social legitimacy and its conscious inclusion in the system of social relations wh ereas the technological aspect has overcome the existing stereotype as its goal. Therefore, modern education should be aimed at solving this contradiction: the society needs an inflow of socially active members who are loyal to the existing socio-political structure and able to perform their functions at the appropriate cultural and technological level.

The priority task of educational policy is to develop an individual's personal potential. New standards and requirements to the system of education increase the level of attention to the personality of a modern specialist, his/her professionalism, the level of social mobility, and the process of personal and informational culture development.

The National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period of 2012 - 2021 emphasizes that the the need to develop an effective system of national education, upbrining, progress and socialization of the youth must be among the priorities of the state educational policy. This involves the development of new educational programs and models, effective mechanisms for interaction between educational institutions, educational establishments, and youth public organizations. In this regard special attention should be paid to the higher education link whose task is to prepare a future specialist who is ready for the life in a new social format that can adapt to social changes.

The urgent questions of student socialization are, first and foremost, their active mastery of knowledge and experience of previous generations, their shaping as specialists, the search for conditions of self-realization in society, formation, development and growth of an individual under the influence of education, upbringing and assimilation of culture elements, norms, values and social roles which are essential for this society and certain social communities.

It is on the level of a student's socialization, in particular, a philologist as a future specialist that, to a large extent, the successful implementation of the social state order for the training of specialists with a high level of an individual's socialization depends.

The formation of a philology student's world perfection personal sphere is carried out not only under the influence of the purposeful educational process, but also the specific socio-communicative environment of the university.

The main feature of a modern higher education institution's development in Ukraine is the development of its communication potential. Modern universities integrating into the world of information space cannot be effective and competitive without offering their educational services in the international information environment. Currently, high school communication takes one of the most important places in the formation and improvement of educational process. Global socio- communicative processes really have an active influence on the sphere of education, on the processes of exchanging scientific, educational and teaching information not only between teachers and students within the framework of one university but also involving other higher education institutions, public, state and non -governmental organizations into the interchange.

The formation and development of social intelligence, which is characterized by a number of communication environments with different conditions for the implementation of communication interaction which triggers the mechanism of an individual's socialization, is of particular interest in the functioning of social and communication environment.

The latest papers and publications on the problem. Considerable attention is paid to the issue of socialization and adaptation of students to the conditions of study at universities in modern scientific literature. In particular, the studies of T. Alekseeva, F. Berezin, Y. Bohonkova, N. Herasimova, V. Demchenko, L. Litvinova, V. Skrypnyk, I. Sokolova and others.

The research on the problem of social and educational communication has several directions:

the evolution of the information society (S. Zenkin, O. Znametseva, V. Zotov, O. Runov,);

problems of informatization of education and certain spheres of social and communicative practice, in particular educational (A. Vostrykov, M. Zekov);

features of social communications in the information society and their spatial subsystems, in particular universities (V. Ilganaeva, M. Kostele, T. Pocheptsov, A. Sokolov);

sociocultural approach to the phenomenon “communication environment” (S. Bondarenko, L. Zemlianova, V. Zotov, M. Izvekova, V. Mikhailova, S. Mikhailova, A. Nenashev, I. Rozina, O. Runov, S. Tikhonov, B. Shcherbin);

- modern communicative practices in the dynamics of social reality change (S. Konoplytskyi, D. Kutiuhin, G. Luginna, A. Manoilov, N. Reinhardt, L. Tiahunov).

Despite the multidimensionality of scientific research on the socialization of the individual, many areas of this complex issue remain unresolved.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically the effectiveness of socialization of students-philologists in the conditions of functioning of the social and communication environment of universities.

Presentation of basic research material. The changes, which took place at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, are profound and meaningful but, in general, they correspond to the historic progress of the informatization process which has a global character and encompasses all aspects of social life. This determines the fundamental transfiguration of culture senses, way and style of a person's life, transforming the social significance of activity and its effectiveness on the basis of implementing modern information and communication systems and technologies.

In today's socio-cultural conditions the communication process, which changes the peculiarities of human existence, comes to the fore. Scientists assert that since the end of the 20th century the change in the means of communication has led to such a phenomenon as globalization of information process.

The significance of mass information processes is that they enable the transformation of modern communication means negative stereotypes into positive ones from the point of view of global social development. An extraordinary array of cultural wealth accumulated by mankind is absorbed through modern information means of the growing masses. By enriching their memory with the knowledge of human genius and behavior models, they greatly increase the intellectual and cultural level of mankind and thus give impetus to further progress.

According to the definition by V. Ilhanaieva, social and communication environment is a symbiosis of natural-artificial relationships and the realities of social relations which are based on the mechanisms of person, society, and social intelligence development. The social and communication environment manifests the properties of being multilevel, nonlinear, and multimedium. It is supported by their dynamic development, transformation of communicative functions bearers, communication agents and mechanisms of intra-system interaction, ensuring the formation, development of social intelligence, achieving a higher level of “collective awareness” as the unity of highly developed “individual knowledge” of society members (Ilganaeva, 2009).

By F. Sharkov's definition, communication environment is the sphere where informational interchange is carried out with the help of communications; it is the environment where communication process takes place (Sharkov, 2003). M. Vasylyk defines it as a system of numerous communicative relations that arise between different communication agents, who can be represented by individuals, groups of people (large and small), and social institutions. Communication environment is characterized by intensity and number of interactions and the distance between the agents of communicative interaction (Vasylyk, 2003).

Communication environment - this term is not equivalent to communication environment: existing in the same communication space, an individual can move from one communication environment to another. A person can be simultaneously in different communication environments, for example, in the communication environment of virtual reality (communication on the Internet, computer games). And although these environments are sometimes extremely diverse, they are perceived by an individual as a whole.

While communication environment is created as a result of all humanity life and is rather conservative to change, communication environment is created by the efforts of a certain group of people.

Within the framework of a common social and communication environment, within the framework of a common noosphere, the internal world of Ukraine's higher education institutions communication environment will not be locked within a separate higher school, it will become one of the elements from which the general reality of the world is formed. Each element will act not only as an integral part of the noosphere but also as a model of culture environment, a version of its formation.

The sphere of education in modern conditions manifests itself as the most dynamic social subsystem that reproduces the models of socialization. Education actively reacts to social and communicational transformations the significance of which is intensified by informatization and differentiation emergence of a new market of educational services.

The problem of teacher training becomes particularly relevant in view of the profound and radical reforming changes that are perturbing the present. In this regard, the task of socializing future teachers, developing professional qualities and skills that ensures the high efficiency of their professional pedagogical activity in the new socioeconomic conditions is urgently required.

In general, any specialty offered by a tertiary institution should be considered as the most approached opportunity to develop and realize the ability of an individual,

his/her intellectual and creative potential. Specialties related to the training of future philologists include the complex interaction of social, academic, educational and didactic components along with the filling of their new content.

The peculiarities of student youth socialization process determine the stages of its course. We can distinguish three of its stages.

Adaptive (includes the first, partially second years) - mastering methods of teaching and professional activities, adapting to the new conditions of learning and communication.

Values and activity (includes partly the second, third and fourth years) - dispositive, when assimilation of the public content for professional activities takes place. This stage also implies further development and formation of a future specialist personality and, if necessary, correction of his/her individual qualities, as well as the elimination of contradictions between value orientations and ambitions of life, means of achieving them.

Professional (graduation year) - completion of a professionally directed personality's formation, his/her transformation into an active individual of socialization process.

The third stage of student socialization indicates the completion of professional training, the introduction of incentives for further improvement of creative work professional skills, and the acquisition of creative experience.

For students of philological specialties, all stages, factors, characteristics of the process of socialization, as well as for representatives of other specialties of student youth, are fully applied and justified in practice. However, in the presence of all the complex paradigm structural elements, introducing into the socium of multifaceted communication environment of a higher education institution, there are also significant differences, especially taking into account philological specifics.

So the development of the socialization structure features for the students of philological specialties should be considered as a kind of synthesis of psychological and pedagogical, sociological advances in conjunction with the latest achievements of the humanities. Based on the latest research in the field of education theory and communication a list of competences for a future philologist should include:

development of the worldview and preparation for the perception of oneself as a bearer of national values, for intercommunication with the help of language in search of solutions to global problems;

development of universal cultural values, cosmopolitan thinking, awareness of responsibility for the future of the country;

training ethically acceptable standards of self-expression in society;

mastering ethics and strategy of talking to people with different views and beliefs;

acquisition and development of skills to apply socio-cultural knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the situation of communication in the communication process;

development of the need for self-education.

A modern higher education establishment acts as the basic institution for creating fundamentally new models of communication. In the conditions of information flow activation, the purpose of the university activity is not only to accumulate, produce, preserve and distribute a certain amount of knowledge, but also to provide various forms of access to them regardless of the location of the user. It can be argued that universities are at the stage of the intensive forming of a new information and educational environment where priority is given to information exchange processes using the latest information technologies.

Modern higher education institutions are intensively involved in a unified communication system of society which, in turn, dynamically interacts with the global socio-cultural environment. Communication processes in society lead to the creation of social and communication environment.

However, the current state of higher education institution operation is marked by an intensive increase in personal information and educational environment that is characterized by totality of information, intellectual resources, information technology, communication infrastructure including different categories of actors. Information and educational environment, on the other hand, is a component of a higher education institution communication environment.

Understanding the nature of the communication environment structural components is an absolute necessity for the functioning of higher education institutions during the implementation of innovative educational technologies because modeling social and communication environment is a fundamentally important condition for innovative development of an educational institution.

The educational segment of information environment has a significant impact on the processes of communication in a higher education institution. In the context of communication educational environment can be considered as a combination of an individual's socialization educational conditions when he/she is an actor of the educational process as well as a set of criteria and programs of educational activity which constitute the sphere of systematized knowledge united on the content and structural levels.

On the basis of the above mentioned, the structure of a higher education institution communication environment comprises two main components: the communication environment and educational space, within which communication processes and information structures provide a targeted circulation of social information and knowledge in the space and time continuum of the society. Another most important element of a higher education institution communication environment is the system of communication groups which have different functions, statuses, needs, and values.

In the system of higher education the first communication level where the process of knowledge transfer takes place is realized between teachers and students. The second communication level is between dean offices and students where the process of organizing knowledge transfer takes place. The third communication level is the system of teachers and administration within which the definition of content and technology of education is carried out. The communication of the fourth level - it is rector and ministry - which defines the strategy of education development and the formation of regulatory principles.

The study of the communicative process between the listed elements of a system in a higher education institution reveals its functional properties. Thus, in the communication environment of a higher education institution there are four main agents with their statuses, interests, values, i.e. state, administration of a higher educational institution, teachers and students.

Among the main processes of communication we distinguish:

communication process of studying and teaching;

communication process of a higher education institution management;

communication activity of its divisions;

communication surroundings of a higher educational institution.

These processes should become strategic in the communication environment of a higher education institution and be based on the following principles:

unity of professional goals and objectives of all participants in the scientific and educational process, various subdivisions regardless of their informatization level;

systemic approach which provides for the balance of informatization process in the directions and the sequence of the implemented measures;

modularity, i.e. creation of information systems with various complexity, autonomy and degree of information provision;

technological ability when real economic opportunities of a university correspond to functions of the university, personnel potential and declared level of informatization;

dynamism, i.e. correspondence of the informatization level within the scientific and educational process to rapidly changing information needs, and the technical capabilities of meeting them.

The conclusions and the perspectives of further research. At the turn of the second and third millennia, the transition from industrial civilization to information al one was the impetus for the emergence of a new complex of scientific disciplines and areas that would become the scientific base of an information civilization. It is unacceptable not to take it into account in reforming education. Therefore, in the system of a person's socialization the communication components must dominate: the graduates of this system have to live and work in the information civilization where the main role is given to fundamental knowledge about the information processes in nature and society. To do this, in the educational process there, first of all, must appear such means of teaching, educational technologies and methods which allow to enter the system level of reality knowledge, to see and use the mechanisms of a person's socialization.

The further study of the higher education institution's social and communication environment opens up the prospects of in-depth study and identification of factors and trends of this higher education institution's development. The complex communication process looks like a multi-faceted entity which is defined by a multi-channel nature and represents the interaction of many objective and subjective factors. The main thing I would like to emphasize is that in the social and communication environment of a higher education institution there is a process of an individual's socialization the goals and forms of which are characterized by the requirements and expectations of the society.


Vasilik, M. A. (2003). The basics of communication theory. Moscow, the Russian Federation: Gardarika.

Ilganaeva, V. A. (2009). Social communications (theory, methodology, activity). Kharkov, Ukraine: Gorodskaya tipografiya.

Sharkov ,F. I. (2003The basics of communication theory. Moscow, the Russian Federation: Perspektyva.

Список використаних джерел

Василик М. А. (2003). Основы теории коммуникации. Москва, Российская Федерация: Гардарика.

Ильганаева В. А. (2009). Социальные коммуникации (теория, методология, деятельность). Харьков, Украина: Городская типография.

Шарков Ф. И. (2003). Основы теории коммуникации. Москва, Российская Федерация: Перспектива.

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