Egerton Ryerson and its influence on education development in Canada
E. Ryerson as the founder of the education system of the province of Ontario, an analysis of the main periods of life and career. Familiarity with the pedagogical views and specifics of management activities of the outstanding Canadian teacher E. Ryerson.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.11.2021 |
Размер файла | 22,8 K |
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Egerton Ryerson and its influence on education development in Canada
Mukan N.V. Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor,
Professor at the Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Huk L.I. Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Havrylyuk M.V. Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
The article deals with the pedagogical views and educational management practices of the prominent Canadian educator Egerton Ryerson who is considered be the founder of the public education system of the province of Ontario. The analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature which highlights different aspects of the problem under research has been carried out. The theoretical and methodological background of the research of pedagogical views and educational management of Egerton Ryerson have been justified. The retrospective analysis of social and historical, cultural, and educational factors (family upbringing, social environment, educational environment, priest, journalism, scientific research activity, self-development and selfimprovement) of E. Ryerson's personality development have been conducted. The main periods of his life and biography have been determined.
The sequence of educational reforms that have been implemented into the public school system in the spheres of: educational administration, organization of schooling (especially, components of educational process, such as: targeting (practical orientation of education), contextual (conformity of teaching materials to the values of Canadian society), operative (appropriate teaching methods), stimulating and motivating (introduction of laudable cards), controlling and regulating (introduction of new criteria and methods of evaluation), evaluative and productive (applying the theoretical knowledge into practice), standardization of the educational programs (state management of schooling; implementation of principles of education (compulsory, accessible, practical, religious and moral approaches, universal personal development); introduction of compulsory subjects; development of training organization logic; the use of variety of individual, group, oral, written evaluating method; organization of training for children with special needs) has been revealed. The realization of E. Ryerson's pedagogical views in the system of teacher training (establishment of the Normal school, setting standards for the teachers' certification, salary raise, introduction of the teachers' pension plans) has been researched.
Influence of E. Ryerson's pedagogical views and his management activity on the development of educational systems of other Canadian provinces and territories has been analysed.
Key words: Egerton Ryerson, educational reforms, Canadian public school system, pedagogical views, educational management.
Егертон Раєрсон та його вплив на розвиток освіти в Канаді
Мукан Н.В. доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки та інноваційної освіти Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Львів, Україна
Гук Л.І. кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Львів, Україна
Гаврилюк М.В. кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Львів, Україна
У статті розглянуто педагогічні погляди та специфіку управлінської діяльності видатного канадського педагога Егертона Раєрсона, який вважається засновником системи освіти провінції Онтаріо. Проведено аналіз науково-педагогічної літератури, що висвітлює різноманітні аспекти проблеми дослідження. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз соціоісто- ричних, культурних та освітніх чинників (сімейне виховання, соціальне середовище, освітнє середовище, священництво, журналістська та науково-дослідна діяльність, саморозвиток та самовдосконалення) розвитку особистості Е. Раєрсона). Визначено основні періоди його життєвого та творчого шляху.
Досліджено послідовність освітніх реформ, які були впроваджені у шкільну систему освіти у сферах: управління шкільною освітою, організація навчання (зокрема, компоненти освітнього процесу, серед яких цільовий (практична зорієнтованість освіти), контекстуальний (відповідність навчальних матеріалів цінностям канадського суспільства), операційний (відповідність методів навчання), стимулювально-мотиваційний (запровадження похвальних листів), контрольно-регулюючий (запровадження нових критеріїв та оцінювання), оцінно-результативний (практичне використання теоретичних знань), стандартизація освітніх програм (державне управління шкільним навчанням; реалізація принципів освіти (обов'язковості, доступності, практичного спрямування, релігійних та моральних засад навчання, загального особистісного розвитку); введення обов'язкових предметів; розвиток логіки організації навчання; використання різноманітних індивідуальних, групових, усних, письмових метод оцінювання; організація навчання для дітей з особливими потребами). Досліджено реалізацію педагогічних поглядів Е. Раєрсона у системі підготовки вчителів (створення Нормальної школи, визначення стандартів сертифікації вчителів, підняття заробітної плати, організація пенсійного фонду для вчителів).
Проаналізовано вплив педагогічних поглядів Е. Раєрсона та його управлінської діяльності на розвиток освітніх систем інших канадських провінцій та територій.
Ключові слова: Егертон Раєрсон, освітні реформи, система шкільної освіти Канади, педагогічні погляди, освітній менеджмент.
education management pedagogical
Problem statement. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in the reforming of education system and modernization of its management system which are supposed to be carried out in accordance with the preservation of the country's cultural and historical traditions. Among the key tools to complete the process, there is a respectful attitude towards national shrines, language, history, and culture. Evidence suggests that current trends of globalization, rapid social and economic, political transformations, as well as the crises that have taken place in recent decades in different countries of the world, require substantial reforms in the educational sphere. The process of reforming the education system should be carried out by considering its current state and forecasting future prospects. At the same time, the study of historical pedagogical experience and the theoretical substantiation of the possibilities of its transformation in the present conditions is of great importance. The search for an optimal model of the national education system as a means of disseminating and implementing national education priorities requires the development of an education system that combines the best achievements of the national education system and world trends in the education sector.
An important prerequisite is not the borrowing of existing educational models, but the use of those components that will increase the quality of the state education system and ensure the effectiveness of the educational reforms, as well as the competitiveness of the state education system in the world market. The educational systems of highly developed countries, including Canada are of a particular interest.
The modern pedagogical theory and practice of foreign countries, striving to ensure the pragmatic relevance of comparative studies. However, today there is an urgent need not only for the study of modern pedagogical reality, but also for the study of foreign historical and pedagogical experience, including the historical and pedagogical peculiarities of the development of education in Canada. As far as it is the country where in the 19th century the processes of the formation of a unified state and the formation of a national identity of the inhabitants of the country took place in parallel with educational reforms.
Thus, Canada might become a plentiful source of information on how to optimize the education system and accommodate it to the demands of the global community towards education.
In the context ofhistorical and pedagogical research special attention is paid to the analysis of works and life path of teachers, scientists, public figures, who made a significant contribution to the development of education systems. Fundamental study of their pedagogical views, objective assessment and deep comprehension of their scientific and pedagogical activities help to combine the classical heritage of the past with contemporary achievements of scientific thought.
Extensive research has shown that Egerton Ryerson is an educator, politician, public person and the founder of Ontario's schooling. The pedagogical principles of humanism introduced by the scholar, teaching methods, availability and necessity of school education, its monitoring, the comprehensive development of both mental and physical abilities of an individual, the cultural correspondence of training to the national interests of the country, were effectively implemented in education systems of other provinces and territories of Canada. Moreover, they significantly influenced the development of education systems of other countries.
The analysis of recent research and publications. What we know about education abroad is largely based upon comparative educational research. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature reveals that scientists research various aspects of education development in Canada (J. Althouse [1], N. Burwash, G. Hodgins [5], S. Houston [6], D. Wilson [18]).
A large and growing body of literature has investigated different aspects of pedagogical heritage and educational activities of E. Ryerson (L. Damania, A. Fiorino [4], V. Parvin [7], A. Prentice [8] etc.). However, such studies remain narrow in focus dealing only with some aspects of the problem under research.
Therefore, the awareness of the objective need for a comprehensive study, generalization and creative use of foreign historical and pedagogical experience and inadequate study of the activities of outstanding educators in foreign countries led to the choice of the topic of our research.
The research aim. The analysis presented in this article is drawn from a broader qualitative study, dedicated to the systematization of pedagogical heritage of Egerton Ryerson. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present the research results. According to the aim of the research the authors defined the following objectives: to conduct the retrospective analysis of social, historical, cultural, and educational factors which influenced the formation of E. Ryerson's personality, as well as to determine the main periods of his life and activity; to characterize the specificity of school system management development led by E. Ryerson.
Results. It has been found out that the Canadian education and pedagogical thought of the 19th century is characterized by a rapid development, which synchronized the social and political development of the country and large scale dynamic social changes [16]. They had a significant impact on the development of education systems of the provinces and territories of the country. In the process of retrospective study of Canadian education, a great attention is paid to the individuals who have had a significant impact on the formation and development of education. They are the following: Alexander Forrester as the founder of the education system of the province of New Scotland; John Jessop, whose pedagogical views are the basis for the development of the education system of the province of British Columbia; David James Goggin, who has made great efforts to develop the education systems of the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, etc. However, among all these figures, Egerton Ryerson, being a politician, public figure, educator, founder of the public school system in the modern province of Ontario, deserves special attention. On the basis of the laws which were introduced and adopted by E. Ryerson during 1844-1876, the system of schooling in Ontario and the system of education management were formed and the legislative framework was adopted [17]. Subsequently, they formed the basis for the educational laws of other provinces and territories of Canada.
The launching of school system in Canada is associated with the formation of the education systems of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec taking into consideration the historical patterns of settlement in the country. Particular attention is paid to the formation and development of the education system in English-speaking Ontario, former Upper Canada, as far as the education system of this particular province became a model for the formation of school education in other provinces and territories of Canada, and greatly influenced their development.
The results of the study indicate that education system formation in Upper Canada during the XVIII - early XIX centuries was influenced by four main factors: the political system of the province, through which the governor of the province had broad powers and could determine the educational policy in accordance with the needs of the province and its own vision for its development; the geographic location of the province, that is related to the proximity to the United States, which manifested itself in the use of the services of teachers of American descent and American school tutorial; the colonial dependence of Upper Canada on Great Britain, which caused the introduction of certain elements of education similar to the specifics of its education, as well as the promotion by government the opening of grammar schools which were intended only for the education of children of social elite. Among the important factors, we have highlighted the influence of the religious denominations of the early settlers of Upper Canada on the formation of the education system in Upper Canada. Most of the high officials belonged to the Anglican Church and supported the idea of creating such an education system that was to be controlled by the government and the church. However, much of the province population belonged to other branches of Christianity and did not want to admit the establishment of the Anglican Church control over education. As a result of the confrontation, the province education became completely subordinated by the government.
It is worth highlighting among the main factors that prevented the distribution of education among the population of Upper Canada, the permanent migration of its inhabitants, the need for expansion of new territory and the involvement of children in agricultural activities from an early age.
In the current study, we have investigated the social, historical, cultural, and educational factors of E. Ryerson personality development. The period of family education and training, dated from 1803 to 1824, is characterized by religious family education, education at the Hamilton grammar school, active learning, and the adoption of the father's loyalist views [15]. It was established that loyalty and methodology, which influenced the early development of the personality of the future teacher, headed for the foundation of his social and political and, later, pedagogical views.
The following period of 1824-1829 (clerical and journalistic activities) is characterized by clerical activity, during which E. Ryerson not only preached methodology, but also taught the Indian people practical skills (how to build houses, cultivate land, and grow various agricultural plants, etc.). The confrontation of the Methodist and the Anglican churches forced E. Ryerson to public speeches in defence of methodology. He published several articles in the newspaper “Colonial Lawyer”, and since 1829 E. Ryerson became the editor of the first Methodist newspaper “Christian Guardian”. During 1829-1844 E. Ryerson practiced journalistic and educational activities. In his articles, the author repeatedly drew attention to the importance of education for the population and called for the opening of educational institutions [17].
The period dated from 1844 till 1876 is related to the formation of pedagogical views of the educator, which were significantly influenced by his trips to Europe, during which he studied the education in foreign countries. This period is also characterized by E. Ryerson's management activities, in particular his duties on the position of the Head Governor of the province Ontario and the introduction of wide- ranging provincial education reforms.
The period of 1876-1882 is characterized by the scientific and theoretical generalization of pedagogical views and literary activities of E. Ryerson [11].
In addition to his educational laws, several hundreds of works, including articles, books, textbooks, pamphlets have been written by E. Ryerson over 50 years of his productive activity. All of them played a significant role in the formation of public opinion about the education system development not only in Ontario, but also in neighbouring provinces. The study found out that E. Ryerson's literary work was not limited to educational issues only. He was the author of books of political, economic, historical, and religious nature.
According to the current study, E. Ryerson's pedagogical views on school education system are reflected in “Special report on the system of education on the continent of Europe, in British Isles, and the United States of America” titled “Documentary history of education in Upper Canada” and were effectively implemented in Ontario public school system [14]. According to E. Ryerson, the principles of universal education for all inhabitants of the province, the practical orientation of education, the comprehensive development of mental and physical abilities of a child, religious education and morality should be the basis for an effective education system [12; 13]. School education should be free and compulsory for all residents, educators are to be highly skilled, and educational process must be intellectual one, aimed at the development and activation of students' critical thinking. The scientist believed that the school education was intended to give the child the knowledge that could be used in his further life.
E. Ryerson's pedagogical views were embodied in several legislative acts adopted during the period from 1844 to 1876. First, complex changes in the field of education management were carried out. The central body of the education management system was strengthened. The Law of 1846 clearly identified the responsibilities of the educational process participants for the first time. Educational leaders of the districts were the representatives of the government and followers of its educational policy. During 1846-1850s school boards, and several schools in a particular area which were subordinated to those boards, were authorized to receive funds from the community for the maintenance of these institutions by means of local taxes, to provide teachers with textbooks recommended for public schools, take care of the premises of these institutions, report on their activities. Clearly determined forms of reporting by the education authorities were established, and the government's share of education financing increased. The Law of 1871 established a system of free and compulsory schooling.
The results of the study show that E. Ryerson's pedagogical views have been reflected in the educational process, namely, in its components, such as: targeting (practical orientation of education), contextual (conformity of teaching materials to the values of Canadian society), operative (appropriate teaching methods), stimulating and motivating (introduction of laudable cards), controlling and regulating (introduction of new criteria and methods of evaluation), evaluative and productive (applying the theoretical knowledge into practice).
It was found that American textbooks which propagated republican ideas were forbidden for the use in schools to ensure that educational content was consistent with the ideals of Canadians. Instead of this, the Council for Public Education recommended to use Irish textbooks, which were not only compiled in accordance with the pedagogical and methodological requirements, but also taught the loyalty to the British monarchy. In 1868, based on Irish textbooks, Canadian national books for reading were compiled. These were the first textbooks based on the realities, social and cultural life of Canada [9].
It was determined that during the period of E. Ryerson's position as the Head of the province education authority, his main ideas concerning the system of professional training of public school teachers have been implemented. In 1847 the first pedagogical school (Normal School) in which teachers received professional pedagogical training was opened. As a result of the adoption of several legislative acts, the teachers' certification gradually passed under control of the provincial education authority. Much effort was put into the creation of the appropriate status of a teacher profession in society and in the minds of people inhabiting Ontario. Teachers' salary significantly increased, teachers were supplied with accommodation at schools, and pension fund was created. Due to the formation of an appropriate attitude and respect for a teacher profession, people began to pay special attention to education [1].
Thanks to active social, political, public, educational and managerial activities of E. Ryerson by the end of the 70's of the 19th century the Ontario School System was formed and served as an example for the formation of education systems for the entire English-speaking Canada.
Particular attention should be paid to thorough and consistent adoption of educational laws, and the implementation of pedagogical educational principles. In an effort to make school education compulsory, free to all residents, E. Ryerson provided its access without payment, and only later on, in 1871, he adopted the Law on compulsory school education.
Egerton Ryerson is one of the leading figures in the history of education of Upper Canada (present- day Ontario) and Canada. He fulfilled the duties of the Chief Manager of the Education Department of Ontario, developed, and improved its education system during 1844-1876s.
The present study has found out that the development of schooling system under the guidance of E. Ryerson was conducted in accordance with his pedagogical views, which are based on loyalty and methodology, leading pedagogical concepts of European countries and the ideas of humanism, namely:
- school education management (state financing, argumentation and consistency of laws in the field of education, the development of basic principles of school education, determining the qualification requirements for the teaching profession and licensing, unification of textbooks, opening of libraries, monitoring of school activities);
- principles of education (compulsory, accessible, practical, religious and moral approaches, universal personal development);
- compulsory subjects (in primary school - reading (reading techniques, reading comprehension), writing (calligraphy), arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), the basis of Christianity; in secondary school - grammar, geography, linear drawings, music, history, natural science, philosophy, foundations of mechanics, chemistry and astronomy, agriculture, human physiology, civil law, political economy);
- organization of training (logical combination of reading, spelling, writing, drawing with the purpose of simultaneous use of visual perception, physical actions and thinking; mutual, simultaneous and individual teaching methods);
- evaluating methods (individual, group, oral, written);
- training for children with special needs (establishment of boarding school for children with special needs; provision of state support and the establishment of schools for children with hearing impairments; funding mechanism for such schools from the state and local budgets; adequate teacher qualification; state provision of free education for children with visual impairments; appropriate school equipment; provision of special textbooks).
Conclusion and prospects for further research. The systematization of pedagogical heritage of Egerton Ryerson has been presented in the article. The current research has explored the social, historical, cultural, and educational factors which influenced the formation of E. Ryerson's personality. The main periods of the prominent Canadian scholar's life and professional activity have been outlined. The specificity of school system management development led by E. Ryerson has been characterized.
The study does not cover all aspects of the problem under research. Prospects for further research include the study of E. Ryerson's pedagogical views on adult self-education, the formation and functioning of the system of public libraries, the organization of teaching for children with sensory impairments, as well as the scientific and pedagogical heritage of other Canadian educators.
1. Althouse J. The Ontario teacher, a historical account of progress 1800-1910. Toronto : Ontario teachers' federation. 1967. 184 p.
2. Burwash N. The makers of Canada. Egerton Ryerson. Toronto : Morang & Co Limited. 1906. 303 p.
3. Damania L. Egerton Ryerson. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd. 1975. 59 p.
4. Fiorino A. The moral foundation of Egerton Ryerson's idea of education. Egerton Ryerson and his times /
5. N. McDonald, A. Chaiton (eds.). McMillan of Canada. 1978. P. 59-80.
6. Hodgins D. Ryerson memorial volume: prepared on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ryerson statue in the grounds of the Education department on the Queen's birthday, 1889. Toronto : Warwick & Sons. 1889. 146 p.
7. Houston S. E., Prentice. A. Schooling and scholars in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. University of Toronto Press. 1988. 418 p.
8. Parvin V. E. Authorization of textbooks for the elementary schools of Ontario 1846-1950. A thesis submitted in requirements for the Degree Doctor of Education in the University of Toronto. 1961. 235 p.
9. Prentice A. L., Houston S. E. (eds.). Family, school and society in the Ninetheenth century Canada. Toronto : Oxford University Press. 1975. 294 p.
10. Ryerson E. A report on a system of public elementary instruction for Upper Canada. Montreal: Lovell and Gibson. 1847. 207 p.
11. Ryerson E. A report on institutions for the deaf, dumb and blind in Europe and the United States, with suggestions for their establishment in Ontario, 1868. Documentory history of education in Upper Canada.
12. Hodgins (ed.). Toronto: L. K. Cameron. 1907. Vol. XXI. P. 168-175.
13. Ryerson E. Canadian methodism: its epochs and characteristics. Toronto : William Briggs. 1882. 465 p.
14. Ryerson E. Elements of political economy or how individuals and a country become rich. Forgotten Books. 2018.392 p.
15. Ryerson E. First lessons in agriculture for Canadian farmers and their families. Toronto : Copp, Clark & Co. 1871. 535 p.
16. Ryerson E. Special report on the systems of education on the continent of Europe, in the British Isles, and the United States of America. Documentory history of education in Upper Canada; G. Hodgins; Toronto : L. K. Cameron, 1907. Vol. XXI. P. 52-132.
17. Sissons C. Egerton Ryerson, his life and letters. Toronto : Clarke-Irwin, 1937-1947. 2 vol. 678 p.
18. Spragge G. Monitorial schools in the Canadas: 1810-1845. Thesis. University of Toronto. 1935. 196 p.
19. Thomas C. Ryerson of Upper Canada. The Ryerson press. 1969. 151 p.
20. Wilson D. The Pre-Ryerson years. Egerton Ryerson and his times. N. McDonald, A. Chaiton (eds.). McMillan of Canada. 1978. P. 9-42.
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презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 29.11.2014Порядок проведения урока "Education in Great Britain" в 10 классе. Коммуникативная компетенция как один из основных принципов преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе. План-конспект мероприятия "Valentine’s Day" по английскому языку.
контрольная работа [17,0 K], добавлен 06.12.2011Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.
курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012