The role of project education technologies in professional development of future speech pathologists
Principles of application of the method of educational projects in the training future special educators in higher education institutions, its effectiveness. Development of the educational project "Professional development of future defectologists".
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.11.2021 |
Размер файла | 21,9 K |
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The role of project education technologies in professional development of future speech pathologists
Maryna Kononova
Deals with theoretical study of the educational projects method application in the process of future speech pathologist studying. On the basis of the studied material generalization, the essence of the «educational project», «project method» concepts are determined. The basic requirements for the educational projects technologies organization in the process of future speech pathologists professional development are outlined. It is noted that the topics of projects for future speech pathologists should be directed to obtaining competencies in the field of diagnostic, correctional and pedagogical, social pedagogical and communicative activities with children with psychophysical development disorders and their families. The emphasis is on the fact that the use of the project method requires a tutor not so much teaching as creating conditions for students to show interest in cognitive activities, future profession, self-education, education orientation throughout their lives and the application of the knowledge gained in practice.
The developed educational project «Professional development of the future speech pathologist» is presented. Conclusions of the study on the educational projects application can be used both in the study of compulsory disciplines in the cycle of professional training in the educational-professional program, as well as in the additional, training cycle in specialty 016 - Special education. To determine the effectiveness of using the method of educational projects in the process of vocational training and development, an experimental verification was carried out according to certain criteria: cognitive creative, practical activity, motivational and value. The analysis of the research results showed that the experimental groups, which were participants of the specialty 016 - Special education, differ positive dynamics for each defined criterion of professional development, indicating the professional and personal changes that occurred under time of professional training, in particular, the use of the method of educational projects.
Keywords: speech pathologist; projects method; educational projects; pedagogical technology; training; professional development.
Марина Коконова
Роль технології проектного навчання у професійному розвитку майбутніх дефектологів
Розглядаються питання застосування методу освітніх проектів у процесі навчання майбутніх дефектологів у закладах вищої освіти. Визначено сутність понять «метод проектів», «освітній проект». Представлено розроблений освітній проект «Професійний розвиток майбутніх дефектологів». Зазначено, що висновки дослідження щодо застосування освітніх проектів можна використовувати як при вивченні обов'язкових дисциплін циклу професійної підготовки за освітньо - професійною програмою, так і вибіркових циклу підготовки за спеціальністю 016 Спеціальна освіта.
Для визначення ефективності використання методу освітніх проектів у процесі професійного навчання і розвитку проведено експериментальну перевірку за визначеними критеріями: інформаційно-оперативним, практично-діяльнісним та психолого-оперативним. Аналіз результатів дослідницької роботи засвідчив, що експериментальні групи, учасниками яких були студенти спеціальності 016-Спеціальна освіта і спеціальності 6.010105 Корекційна освіта другого - четвертого курсів, відрізняються позитивною динамікою за кожним визначеним критерієм професійного розвитку, що свідчить про професійні та особистісні зміни, які відбулися під час професійного навчання, зокрема через використання методу освітніх проектів. Доведено, що метод проектів спрямований на професійне становлення особистості майбутнього дефектолога через активні дії й створення суб'єктом власної стратегії навчання.
Ключові слова: дефектолог; метод проектів; освітні проекти; педагогічна технологія; навчання; професійний розвиток.
Main part
defectologists training education
Introduction. Constant changes in educational structures reinforce the relevance of the formation of a new generation teachers and professional activity style. It should be well understood that neither higher education, institutions nor postgraduate education institutions, nor a special school can now provide the stock of knowledge and necessary competences for a long perspective, since scientific and technological progress makes its own, everything acquired today is aging at a remarkable rate (Eaagym, 2012). Therefore, the future speech pathologist in the process of studying in higher education institutions should learn to supplement the necessary knowledge on their own and be prepared to teach these skills to their students.
Articulation of the problem. Therefore, in our research, we consider it relevant to explore the role of educational projects as a modern teaching technology in ensuring the high performance of the modern system of higher pedagogical education, in particular in the future speech pathologists professional development. Only a small amount of researches is devoted to the methodological and theoretical foundations substantiation of the speech pathologist's professional development directly. Analysis of these researches suggests that the educational projects method using in the future speech pathologists professional training in higher education institutions remains inadequately developed.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The results of the didactic and methodological literature theoretical review indicate increasing of the attention in the scientific community to the use of project training technology in the educational process. The project training ideas met in the works of domestic and foreign scholars (D. Dewey, W. Kilpatrick, E. Collings, L. Levin, J. Pitt and S. Shatsky).
A number of valuable research studies by scholars (O. Abdulina, I. Zimnya, V. Kan-Kalik, N. Nikandrov, V. Slastenin, I. Yakymanska and others) are devoted to the development of a project-based approach to the future teachers training, their professional skills and personality-relevant qualities formation.
In Ukrainian pedagogy theoretical and conceptual provisions of the project-based technology are studied by L. Bodko, N. Borisova, P. Vorona, N. Golub, M. Hryniova, Ye. Ivanova, O. Karbobanets, T. Kacherovska, O. Kovalenko, N. Kononets, N. Kurutz, M. Kukharkina, O. Pekhota, E. Polat, A. Pulina, G. Romanova, A. Rybina, N. Sas, G. Selevko, S. Sysoyeva, I. Stepanova, Yu. Khotuntsev, V. Chentsiv and others. In their works the essence of the project activity process, the corresponding technology and conditions of its introduction into the educational process are revealed.
The study purpose is to substantiate the theoretical and experimental justification of using the educational project method as a technology for vocational training and the future speech pathologists development, outlining some aspects of its implementation in the training process of higher education institutions.
Representation of the main material. In the modern pedagogical literature, we find the integral definition of the «project» concept as a universally large number of interconnected work types and forms with the specified time of beginning (start) and defined goals and objectives. Project completion will achieve the goals set. It is also necessary to determine the budget, resources and quality of the result (Гриньова, Сас, Ворона, 2010).
In scientific literature, scientists often use the «project method» term. Thus, according to O. Rybina's researches, the project method is a pedagogical technology targeted toward using and gaining of new knowledge (sometimes by self-education) (Рыбина, 2004).
M. Pavlova, J. Pitt, M. Gurevich, I. Sasova, note that the educational projects method is not an algorithm consisting of clear stages, but a model of thinking creativity and decision-making. It can be noted that the main importance of educational projects is that they direct the student to create an information product, and not only to study a certain discipline that is relevant in the future speech pathologists professional development process. Students individually or in mini-groups for a certain time must carry out cognitive, search, research, technological work on a given topic (Павлова, Питт, Гуревич, Сасова, 2003). At the same time, those projects should be aimed at obtaining competencies in the field of diagnostic, correctional and pedagogical, social and pedagogical, communicative activities, which have no analogues in the activity of the teacher working with normally developed children, or of those with a significant peculiarity (Гладуш, 2012).
Using the educational project's method, the project leader should create the necessary conditions for stimulating students to motivate their cognitive activities, future professions, self-education, orientation towards education throughout their lives, and the practical application of the knowledge gained during the training process. The teacher must have a high level of pedagogical skills, professional competence, creative abilities, and stimulate the students' cognitive interests and creative potential development.
It should be noted that now the project method idea has undergone some changes, since, born of the idea of free education and upbringing, now it becomes an integrated component of a fully developed and structured educational system in higher education institutions. But its essence remains the same: to stimulate the interest of students, future teachers-speech pathologists to certain problems involving the possession of a certain knowledge amount and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge through project activity, which involves solving these problems, the development of reflex thinking. According to A. Pulina, the reflex thinking essence is an eternal search for the facts, their analysis, reasoning over their probability, the logical facts construction for the new knowledge, for finding the solution to doubt, the confidence formation based on reasoned thinking (nynma, 2005).
In the context of the above mentioned issues, we have developed the educational project «Future speech pathologists professional development
The educational project «Future speech pathologists professional development» (hereinafter referred to as the Project) is implemented with the aim of introducing pedagogical innovations (in particular, task-based and resource-based training), modern information and communication technologies and world pedagogical systems of correctional education in order to increase the educational process efficiency of future speech pathologists training, independent work of students of HEI, orientation to education throughout life; indepth study of professional disciplines; formation of students professional competence, motivation for future speech pathologists professional growth.
Project objectives:
- The involvement of students, teachers and librarians of HEI in the effective organization of modern educational process, training of highly qualified speech pathologists;
- Student's acquisition of in-depth objective knowledge of professional disciplines, methods of working with pupils with special needs who need pedagogical correction, on issues of inclusive and IT
- education;
- Identification and introduction of new pedagogical technologies in correctional pedagogy, inclusive education;
- Iintroduction of forms, methods and means of training in the process of future speech pathologists training;
- Intensification of scientific and research and research activity of students with the purpose of their professional growth;
- Sharing of speech pathologists advanced pedagogical experience;
- Experience exchange among scientific and pedagogical staff of institutions of higher education;
- Creation of scientific and methodological support for the professional growth of future speech pathologists;
- Popularization of joint round tables, seminars, conferences, trainings, master-classes and workshops;
- Cooperation with other Ukrainian organizations, educational institutions, etc;
- Creation of pedagogical conditions and models of future speech pathologists professional growth.
Duration - throughout studying in higher education institutions with a focus on continuing education.
The Project implementing terms are:
- Creation of an electronic library of educational resources for the future speech pathologists professional growth.
- Performing open classes on professional disciplines.
- Master classes (trainings, round tables, workshops) for students.
- Conducting student conferences.
- Exchange of experience among teachers, psychologists, speech pathologists.
- Collaboration with other HEIs, educational institutions, general and special educational institutions, out-of-school educational establishments, pre-school establishments, educational complexes, rehabilitation centers.
- Involvement of students in scientific and practical conferences on inclusive education.
- Development of psychocorrection programs.
- Creating a professional development portal «For the speech pathologist», filling it with content, site promotion and popularization.
All Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine can participate in the Project: students-future speech patologists of all courses; scientific and pedagogical staff of of higher education institutions, educational institutions; psychologists, speech pathologists, librarians, methodologists; graduates of higher education institutions working in the specialty. Regional institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education, oblast and regional libraries, general education and special educational institutions, out-of-school educational institutions, educational complexes, and rehabilitation centers can also be invited.
O rganisational arrangements, seminars, master-classes, conferences, Internet conferences, joint round tables, trainings, virtual consultations, webinars on forms, methods, means, pedagogical technologies for professional growth of future speech pathologists are held for the Project participants. Efforts are being made to create electronic learning tools. Project promotion in the scientific environment is underway. A work on filling and promotion the professional growth portal «For the speech pathologist» and other electronic resources is being done.
Expected results of the Project implementation:
- Introduction of a new training system for future speech pathologists based on European and world standards;
- Introduction of forms, methods and means of training aimed at the continuous professional growth of future speech pathologists;
- The scientific and pedagogical staff and librarians professional level development, their pedagogical skills improvement;
- Improving the students' knowledge quality of specialized disciplines;
- Optimization of educational process in higher education institutions;
- Creation and development of the informational and educational environment for future speech pathologists professional growth (electronic educational resources, sites, distance learning courses, etc.);
- Involvement of future speech patologists in active selfeducation activities;
- Creation of pedagogical conditions for the future speech pathologists professional development;
- The development of structural-functional model of future speech pathologists professional growth.
Funding for the Project implementation and execution is carried out in accordance with the established procedure with the funds of the respective budgets and other sources of financing, including public charitable and other organizations and funds, sponsors, not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.
To determine the effectiveness of using the educational projects method in the vocational education and development process, we performed an experimental test on certain criteria: informational and operational, practical and activity, psychological and operational. Participants were students from the second to the fourth year of study of the specialty 016 - Special Education and the specialty 6.010105 - Correctional Education. They were divided into two groups: experimental (160 persons) and control group (140 persons) during the six semesters of study.
In the experimental group, the educational project technology was used in the format of studying compulsory and selective subjects, taking into account the specifics of the specialties curricula: «Special psychology», «Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and selection of children in special institutions», «Psychological and pedagogical help to the young children with risk factor», «Basics of training people with severe speech disorders», «Basics of correction and counseling», «'Correction and rehabilitation services», «Basics of correctional work with the inclusive education foundations». The determined criteria were investigated by objective, subjective and projective diagnostic methods (questionnaires, application forms, selfassessment methods), by indicators of academic success, by the results of students' work observation during the implementation of practical tasks at seminars, practical classes, and laboratory classes. Also taken into account: the attitude of students to the problem, communication features, etc. (specialties of mental activity).
The research results analysis showed that the experimental groups are characterized by positive dynamics for each defined criterion of professional development. Thus, the difference between the indicators according to the cognitive creative criterion at the end of the molding experiment is defined in favor of the experimental groups - 36.7% (high level), 34.9% (mean level). The dynamics of low level changes was 62.8%. The following dynamics of indicators of practical activity criterion was found: high level: +52%, mean: -2.4%, low: -51.3%. Dynamics of motivational and value criterion indicators: high level: + 36.8%, mean: -0.5%; and low: -33.4%. Thus, according to each criterion, there is a positive dynamics of changes, the control and experimental groups results have a significant difference. This reflects the professional and personal changes that have taken place during vocational training, in particular the using of educational projects method.
Conclusions and perspectives of further research. So, the
main idea of using the project method in the process of future teachers-speech pathologists professional development can be formulated as follows: I know why I need all that I get acquainted, and where and how I can apply this knowledge in future professional activities. The project method is aimed at the professional development of the future speech pathologist's personality through active actions and the creation of the subject of his own learning strategy. With the help of educational projects, interdisciplinary connections are realized; knowledge is acquired through the interaction of subjects of study with a teacher and with each other. It is necessary to emphasize the universality of project technologies, their suitability for use in teaching practically all disciplines of the specialty 016 - Special Education and the specialty 6.010105 - Correctional Education. Prospects for further exploration we see in the study of the impact of educational projects technologies on the process of professional development of future teachers of other specialties in terms of their training in higher educational institutions.
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