Universities’ policy of supporting students in academically diverse environment
The aim of this work is to review and analyse the support and development practices for students based on their educational background and academic performance. Practices of working with academically diversified students: international experience.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.12.2021 |
Размер файла | 38,5 K |
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The introduction of additional student support instruments should be accompanied by providing opportunities for the professional development of teachers. Working with high and low-achieving students requires different skills and mastery of teaching. At the same time, while a relatively large number of guidelines and manuals, and courses on working with gifted or low-achieving children exist for school-level teachers, teachers at Russian universities have limited access to support instruments.
Quality evaluation of the practice effectiveness is an essential additional element of comprehensive work with students under conditions of academic diversity. Such evaluation will allow administrators, researchers and teachers evaluate the adequacy of the resources they spend and identify the ways of improvement. The comprehensiveness of measures for dealing with academically diverse students should also be ensured by the involvement of both administrators and academic staff. Based on available student data, crossfunctional and sometimes interdisciplinary work on evaluating the effectiveness of current practices can serve as a way to provide the best educational opportunities outside the curricula for both the best students and those with academic difficulties.
In conclusion we should note that university policies in student support in the Russian context still remain a poorly investigated problem. For the further development of research in this field, it would be helpful to address how current federal policy affects university policy for student support; what incentives and obstacles it sets; how the institutionalization of new practices occurs, what practices are institutionalized, and what contributes to this; how student dropouts and university policies of supporting low- achieving students are connected, and how student support and development are reflected in university programs and strategies. Moreover, the technological development reveals new opportunities for universities to work with students, so the study of the effects and possibilities of using online technology and digitalization for comprehensive student support is becoming more relevant than ever.
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