Diagnostic methods of determining of would-be psychologists’ readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions

Analysis of the five main diagnostic methods of determining of would-be psychologists’ readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions. The use of diagnostic methods, results of its conducting. The testing to measure the Mekhrabian’s motivation.

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Diagnostic methods of determining of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions

Iryna Kalinovska, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Proceeding from the literature review and the empiric material the article describes five main diagnostic methods of determining of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions: `Intolerance- tolerance' (L. Pochebut), social and psychological mindset and instructions (O. Potiomkina), the characteristics of would-be psychologists' sphere of individual and personal relationship (R. Cattell), motivation of affiliation (modification of M. Magomed-Eminov's test), `Diagnostics of Social Empathy' (L. Zhuravliova). Characterized diagnostics aim to define the person's positive qualities and characteristics in the structure of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions (tolerance; social and psychological mindset and instructions, altruism, effectiveness, liberty and work; emotionality and will, intelligence and communicative abilities; affiliation; social empathy). The diagnostics are important, since in the process of professional activity a would-be psychologist works in an inclusive educational institution, is to take decisions and provide psychological support for a participant of educational process. Participant's behavior does not always coincide with personal views of a psychologist towards a definite situation. Simultaneously, the necessity to act in accordance with the current legislation to limits and corrects practical psychologists' and other participants' of educational process actions while taking decisions on their further correlation. The used diagnostic methods are correlated and mutually supplemented because each method describes only separate aspect person's positive qualities and characteristics in the structure of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions. Thus, their use is reasonable in correlation only.

Key words: diagnostic methods; the level of professional readiness; would-be psychologists; the work in inclusive educational institutions.

Problem statement and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

The Law of Ukraine `on Education' (2017) and the concept `New Ukrainian School' (2016) give a particular place to the education within the capacity of people with special educational needs. It stimulates in psychological and pedagogical sciences to find the approaches to work and realize the tasks for the research area. It also touches would-be psychologists' qualitative vocational training to work in inclusive educational institutions. Professional duty of the specialists is a qualified psychological accompany of the participants of educational process in inclusive educational institutions: the adaptation of pupils with special educational needs and them being a participants of the process. The gap in the vocational training of the would-be psychologists in higher educational institutions avoids their further professional activity. The monitoring of the vocational training of would- be psychologists to work in inclusive educational institutions includes the use of diagnostic methods system of the process.

Analysis of the recent researches and publications that describe the aspects of the problem and that are relied on by the author; identification of the previously unsolved part of the problem in general. The literature review analysis proves the fact that despite numerous studies on the specialty `Theory and methodology of the vocational education', there appears the lack of them on the determining of would-be psychologists' level of professional readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions in particular. Today would-be psychologists' diagnostic methods to implement inclusive education are described, including primary school teacher's (Demchenko, 2014) and others. Diagnostic methods of formation of would-be psychologists' readiness to professional activity are analyzed in the works (emotional competence (Voitsikh, 2017), professional self-improvement (Zavorotniuk, 2016) and others). Some studies describe the diagnostic methods of determining of would-be psychologists' personal readiness to professional activity in inclusive education (Yaraia, 2014) and others. The studies were made in the sphere of psychology and special education. But the practical methods for the determining of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions while being trained in higher educational establishments haven't been characterized yet.

Formulation purposes of the article (tasks statement). The purpose of the article is proceeding from the literature review and the empiric material and the article describes five main diagnostic methods of determining of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions.

The main material with full justification of the received scientific results

In order to determine would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions five main diagnostic methods were indicated and adapted to the research area: `Intolerance-tolerance' (Pochebut, 2005), social and psychological mindset and instructions (Potiomkina, 2004), the characteristics of would-be psychologists' sphere of individual and personal relationship (Cattell, 1983, 1984, 1990), A. Mekhrabian's motivation of affiliation (modification of M. Magomed-Eminov's test) (Mekhrabian, 2002), `Diagnostics of Social Empathy' (Zhuravliova, 2017, 2007). Thus, the diagnostics aim to the determining of the following person's positive qualities and characteristics in the structure of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions: tolerance; social and psychological instructions on altruism, effectiveness, liberty and work; emotionality and will, intelligence and communicative abilities; affiliation; social empathy. They are presented here diagrammatically (Figure 01).

Figure 1 - The diagnostics of person's positive qualities and characteristics in the structure of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions

Further the use of diagnostic methods and some results of its conducting are described.

The methodology `Intolerance-tolerance' (Pochebut, 2005) deals with the determining of general mental tolerance level as an element of the would-be psychologist's personal structure to work in inclusive educational institutions. Here tolerance is viewed as student's emotional state (would-be psychologist's), when he doesn't like personal qualities and behavior of other students, they are emotionally unsuitable for him. But the student shows tolerance and respect for the view of other would-be psychologist, keeps persistence for his unsuitable influence or manipulations. The diagnostics is important because in the process of professional activity to work in inclusive educational institutions, would-be psychologist will have to take decisions and provide psychological support for the participants of educational process, whose behavior won't often coincide with psychologist's personal views on the situation.

The methodology consists of sixteen statements that show would-be psychologist's tolerant and intolerant attitude. To estimate his consent/discord a student-respondent was offered four variants to answer: `completely agree', `agree', `it's difficult to answer', `don't agree'. In his questionnaire a respondent states the numerical meaning in accordance with his answer. While processing the results the points are summed up and the total indicates the would-be psychologist's determined level of the studied quality to work in inclusive educational institutions.

The methodology of social and psychological mindset and instructions that is an element of would-be psychologist'svaluative and motivated sphere to work in inclusive educational institutions (Potiomkina, 2004). The methodology aims to determine the level of social and psychological instructions: `altruism egoism', `process result', `freedom power', `labor money'.

The would-be psychologists were offered to indicate their consent/discord with the statement. In accordance with the summed up points on the given scales the following groups were identified: of high, average and primary would-be psychologist's motivation to work in inclusive educational institutions.

The importance of the diagnostics is in propaedeutic stating of the level of motivated and evaluative component of readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions in order to correct the given quality in further professional activity. In an inclusive educational institution as a specific one the instructions might be more urgent than in a traditional educational institution: a would-be psychologist will need to show the following personal qualities: altruism, the orientation on the positive result etc. Simultaneously, the act in accordance with the current legislation limits and corrects the actions of practicing psychologist and other participants of educational process in decision-making on their further correlation. Thus, separate `possible' and `impossible' aspects are the result of the current legislation but not the feelings, practicing psychologist's attitude and the regard of pupils with special educational needs (their parents). The salary of a psychologist who works in inclusive educational institutions doesn't include the additional payment for its complication. It promotes the current negative revaluation of psychologist's values.

The results of the use of diagnostics of social and psychological instructions are would-be psychologist's display of social (high and average level) and asocial (primary level) instructions. Thus, on the level of social and psychological instructions on `altruism ^ egoism' and `freedom ^ power', the students of tested and control groups who have the lack of social instructions, indicates the orientation on the freedom (8,61 %) and selfish tendencies (7,54 %). The rest of instructions (`process result', `labor money') have a weaker display. That proves the contradictions in the instructions which predominate in an adolescent but not student age. It stimulates in higher educational establishments the necessity to form would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions, because the mentioned social and psychological instructions are of urgent necessity to perform psychologist's duties to work with pupils with special educational needs.

The dynamics of students' distribution on the `social instructions' index from one year of studying to another was found out. Would-be psychologists of 1 -4 years of studying were the respondents of the survey. According to the outcomes of the stated stage of the survey, the display of social instructions is being slightly increased from one year of studying to another, having no statistically important difference, being similar for would-be psychologists of both tested and control group. Because of age psychological changes the positive changes perform the following only: in the process of maturing the students' -would-be psychologists' level of infant attitude to the social position is naturally descending.

The specific feature of R. Cattell's testing (Cattell, 1983, 1984, 1990) to characterize the sphere of would-be psychologist's individual and personal relations to work in inclusive educational institutions is his orientation on the display of relatively independent sixteen factors (scales, primary features) of would-be psychologist's personality. Each factor constructs several superficial features of a student.

The given testing consists of 105 questions with three variants of answer (a, b, c). The results of the methodology use help to identify psychological features of main substructures would-be psychologist's temper and character to work in inclusive educational institutions. Moreover, each factor performs qualitative and quantitative estimation of would-be psychologist's inner sense; it also describes its characteristic on the basis of students' interpersonal relations. Besides, some factors are possible to be combined into blocks according to three areas:

Emotional and volitional block: factors: C - emotional stability; O - the would-be psychologist's level of anxiety; Q 3 - inner tension; Q 4 - the level of self-control development; G - the level of social rate setting and organization.

Intellectual block: factors: B - the would-be psychologist's general level of his intelligence; M - the level of imagination development; Q x - tolerance to new radicalism in inclusive educational institutions.

Communicative block: factors: A - publicity, reserve; H - courage; L - the attitude of would-be psychologist to people in in inclusive educational institutions; E - the level of predominance-subordination; Q 2 - the dependence of would-be psychologist on a group; N - dynamics.

In fact, the three areas of the testing represent a partial quality of each main element of would-be psychologist's readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions; valuative and motivated (emotional and volitional block), cognitive (intellectual block), operated and activity-based (communicative block). Though the formative level of the valuative and motivated element of would-be psychologist's readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions was identified by the previous testing, the next two components need thorough study. Thus, the important part in the professional activity of a would-be psychologist to work in inclusive educational institution may have the knowledge of the special feature of the activity to act in the given conditions (intellectual block of the diagnostics). Simultaneously, communicative competence (communicative block of the diagnostics) is of urge importance for a would-be psychologist to work in inclusive educational institution, as it is the communication that is to help in the solving of different problems with participants of educational process.

The testing to measure the A. Mekhrabian's motivation of affiliation (modification of M. Magomed-Eminov's test) (Mekhrabian, 2002). It describes motivated trends of a would-be psychologist that are correlated emotionally and coincide with the need of affiliation (the desire to stay in friendly relations with other people (Slovnykinshomovnykhsliv, 2000, P. 84)):

the desire to communicate with other students (`desire to be accepted by others');

the fear to be pushed away by them (`fear to be pushed away by the community').

Accordingly, the would-be psychologists were offered two different tests: the first was to estimate the primary motivated tendency, the second - the next tendency. In the survey conducted the student who has the given need, has also the desire and satisfaction to communicate with other students. Additionally, his sense of life is the relations with them. Sometimes this need may be very important for a would-be psychologist over others. Affiliation for a would-be psychologist has to be of great need and importance, and the final goal, not to give away before those needs, the satisfaction of which separates students.

In the survey the testing is of double importance: firstly, to diagnose the motivation of affiliation; it is also an element of the would-be psychologist's personality structure to work in inclusive educational institution. Secondly, it is the given characteristics to be always analyzed, formed and corrected by would-be psychologists in the participants in inclusive educational institutions, in the pupils with special educational needs in particular. These pupils will always aspire to make friends with peers and solve interpersonal conflict, while having the fear to be pushed away by the community.

The studied would-be psychologists in accordance with the index `desire to be accepted by others', who were diagnosed with the testing to measure the motivation of affiliation, are divided into the following groups:

the would-be psychologists with the primary level of the motive `fear to be pushed away by the community' and the high level of the motive `desire to be accepted by others' (to make friends);

the would-be psychologists with the high level of the motive `desire to be accepted by others' and the high level of the motive `fear to be pushed away by the community';

the would-be psychologists with the average level of the motive `desire to be accepted by others' and the high level of the motive `fear to be pushed away by the community';

the students with the high level of the motive `fear to be pushed away by the community' - the primary level of the motive to have a desire to make friends with others. It is similar to the variants with the primary level of the motive `desi re to be accepted by others' and the primary level of both motives.

According to the survey, 5,26 % of the students (the would-be psychologists) have the primary level of the motive `desire to be accepted by others' and the high level of the motive `fear to be pushed away by the community' simultaneously. These students prefer staying alone and show active desire to contact with others. Thus, the would-be psychologists of the category in the accordance with the profession, in the communication with people have a neutral attitude to the very process of communication: receive neither positive, nor negative emotions; have no `vital importance' in communicating. The given statement put in doubt the chosen students' occupation and points on would -be psychologists' reinterpretation of the sense to obtain the education on the specialty, and having the possibility to change it.

The conventional group of the would-be psychologists with the average level of the motive `desire to be accepted by others' and the high level of the motive `fear to be pushed away by the community' includes 51,36 % of student as a result of the survey. It states the interpersonal conflict between the desire to help people and to avoid the process simultaneously - the fear to fail because of the situation uncertainty; the possibility for the event to be changed into a conflict or crisis; the fear to communicate with strange people. It is obvious that the students of the category in open conflicts, that are key professional situation for a would-be psychologist in an inclusive educational institution, take risks to take no correct decision, provide no correct psychological support for participants of educational process. That means not to perform their professional requirements. Instead, their personal conflict might be escalated and changed into `the burnout syndrome'.

The third group (with the high level of the motive `desire to be accepted by others' and the primary level of the motive `fear to be pushed away by the community') includes 43,38 % of would-be psychologists. The students show an active communication with the participants of educational process. They consider it to be not only a part of professional activity and duties but have positive emotions. The would-be psychologists are characterized by professional orientation to the work in inclusive educational institutions, because it is the affiliation that has to be a key feature of the occupation to work with the pupils with special educational needs.

The test `Diagnostics of Social Empathy' (Zhuravliova, 2007, 2017) Empathy as a form of behavior (a specific form of mental reflexing; comprehension and perception of psychological states of other people; sympathy (Shapar, 2007, p. 120)) is a passive type to contrast with group emotional identification, for example. But it has a sufficient impact on a would-be psychologist's social regulation to work in an inclusive educational institution. In order to estimate empathy as a personal psychological characteristic of a student one need to take into consideration the factors that mostly influence emotional sensitiveness and special features of emotional regulation: gender, age, emotional experience and social instructions of a would-be psychologist etc.

The questionnaire has six diagnostic scales of empathy that express would-be psychologist's attitude to parents, animals, elderly people, children, fiction characters, familiar and unknown people, connected with inclusive educational institutions. Using six variants of answers the respondent needs to estimate to what degree he agrees / disagrees with the 36 statements of the questionnaire. With the clear survey outcomes the further data arrangement aims to get quantitative index of would- be psychologist's empathy and its level.

The testing is a logical continuation of the first diagnostics (methodology `Intolerance-tolerance'), emotional and volitional block of the R. Cattell's testing. Simultaneously, it is the diagnostics that emphasizes on the social aspect of empathy which is necessary for a would-be psychologist to work in an inclusive educational institution.

The used diagnostic methodology is of interdependent and mutual complemented nature. It means that each method characterizes only a separate aspect of person's positive qualities and characteristics in the structure of a would -be psychologist's readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions. Thus, their use is reasonable only together.

Conclusions of the research and perspectives of further exploration of this direction

motivation psychologists readiness

Proceeding from the literature review and the empiric material five main diagnostic methods of determining of would-be psychologists' level of readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions are described: `Intolerance-tolerance' (L. Pochebut), social and psychological mindset (O. Potiomkina), the characteristics of would-be psychologists' sphere of individual and personal relationship (R. Cattell), motivation of affiliation (modification of M. Magomed-Eminov's test), `Diagnostics of Social Empathy' (L. Zhuravliova). Characterized diagnostics aim to define the person's positive qualities and characteristics in the structure of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions (tolerance; social and psychological mindset and instructions, altruism, effectiveness, liberty and work; emotionality and will, intelligence and communicative abilities; affiliation; social empathy). The outcomes of determining diagnostic of would-be psychologists' readiness to work in inclusive educational institutions stated the low level of the qualities. It shows up in primary motivation to work inclusive educational institutions; lack of tolerant attitude to children with disabilities; instability of social instructions; insufficient empathy etc. The mentioned information stimulates to search new forms, methods and tools to work within would-be psychologist vocational training of higher educational establishments to work in inclusive educational institutions.

The issue of determining and characteristic of the pedagogical conditions for would-be psychologist training to work in inclusive educational institutions may be suitable for active further professional search.


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КАЛИНОВСЬКА І. Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, Україна


У статті на основі аналізу наукових джерел та емпіричного матеріалу схарактеризовано основні діагностичні методики визначення рівня готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи у інклюзивних навчальних закладах.

Презентована діагностика має на меті визначити позитивні якості та характеристики людини у структурі готовності психологів працювати в інклюзивних навчальних закладах (толерантність; соціально-психологічне мислення, альтруїзм, ефективність, свобода та праця; емоційність та воля, інтелект і комунікативні здібності; належність; соціальна емпатія). Діагностика є важливою, оскільки в процесі професійної діяльності потенційний психолог працює в інклюзивному навчальному закладі, має приймати рішення та надавати психологічну підтримку учаснику навчального процесу. Поведінка учасника не завжди збігається з особистими поглядами психолога на певну ситуацію. Одночасно існує необхідність діяти відповідно до чинного законодавства з метою обмеження та виправлення дій практичних психологів та інших учасників навчально-виховного процесу, приймаючи рішення про їх подальше співвідношення. Використовувані методи діагностики співвідносяться та взаємодоповнюються, оскільки кожен метод описує лише окремі аспекти позитивних якостей та характеристик людини в структурі готовності потенційних психологів працювати в інклюзивних навчальних закладах.

Ключові слова: діагностичні методи; рівень професійної готовності; майбутні психологи; робота у інклюзивних навчальних закладах.

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    курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016

  • Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.

    курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013

  • Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.

    курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013

  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

    курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • The most common difficulties in auding and speaking. Psychological characteristics of speech. Linguistic characteristics of speech. Prepared and unprepared speech. Mistakes and how to correct them. Speaking in teaching practice. Speech, oral exercises.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 01.04.2008

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • University of Cambridge is one of the world's oldest and most prestigious academic institutions. The University of Cambridge (often Cambridge University), located in Cambridge, England, is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world.

    доклад [23,1 K], добавлен 05.05.2009

  • Peculiarities of English nonsense rhymes – limericks and how to use them on the classes of English phonetics. Recommendations of correct translation to save its specific construction. Limericks is represented integral part of linguistic culture.

    статья [17,5 K], добавлен 30.03.2010

  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

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