Concept of education in Asian countries as a synthesis of historical past and modern trends
Research of the features of the educational process and its philosophical principles in some Asian countries. Definition, detailed consideration of the essence of paradigms and principles of Education, countries that have received sharp economic growth.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.12.2021 |
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Concept of education in Asian countries as a synthesis of historical past and modern trends
Oleksandr Puhach
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy,
Socio-Political and Legal Sciences, SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University” (Sloviansk, Ukraine)
The article examines the educational process and its philosophical principles in selected Asian countries. Identifying and considering in detail the paradigms and principles of education as countries that experienced sharp economic growth in the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. And yet, in spite of prosperity and development, it is impossible to change the vector of the development of the mental consciousness of the country without the gradual reformation of educational competences and traditional Eastern traditions. Consequently, the main purpose of the article is to define the concept of education of the countries indicated and to highlight the contradictions between the progressiveness of economic development and the conservativeness of the educational process. The conclusions drawn will be additional and relevant to the dissertation research in a similar subject. Fundamental things will generally be considered, characteristic of the Asian region as a whole, which is most progressing and supplying more and more qualified personnel to the labor market, who are facing serious competition among other countries.
Keywords: concept of education; philosophy; educational process; pedagogy; mentality philosophical asian country education
аспірант кафедри філософії, соціально-політичних і правових наук Донбаський державний педагогічний університет (м. Слов'янськ, Україна)
У статті розглядається освітній процес і його філософські принципи в окремих азіатських країнах.Визначення і докладний розгляд парадигм і принципів освіти, країн, які отримали різке економічне зростання в другій половині двадцятого і початку двадцять першого століття.І, тим не менш, не дивлячись на благополуччя і розвиток, змінити вектор розвитку ментального свідомості країни неможливо без поступового реформування освітніх компетенцій і традиційних східних традицій.Внаслідок цього, головна мета статті - визначення концепту освіти позначених країн і підкреслення протиріч між прогресивністю економічного розвитку і консервативністю освітнього процесу.Зроблені висновки будуть додатковими і актуальними для дисертаційного дослідження зі схожою тематикою.Будуть розглянуті фундаментальні речі, характерні в цілому для азіатського регіону, який найбільш прогресує і поставляє на ринок праці все більш кваліфіковані кадри, які надають серйозну конкуренцію серед інших країн.
Ключові слова: концепт освіти; філософія; освітній процес; педагогіка; ментальність
аспирант кафедры философии, социально-политических и правовых наук Донбасский государственный педагогический университет
(г. Славянск, Украина)
В статье рассматривается образовательный процесс и его философские принципы в отдельных азиатских странах.Определение и подробное рассмотрение парадигм и принципов образования, как стран, которые получили резкий экономический рост во второй половине двадцатого и начале двадцать первого века.И, тем не менее, несмотря на благополучие и развитие, изменить вектор развития ментального сознания страны невозможно без постепенного реформирования образовательных компетенций и традиционных восточных традиций.Вследствие этого, главная цель статьи - определения концепта образования обозначенных стран и подчеркивания противоречий между прогрессивностью экономического развития и консервативностью образовательного процесса.Сделанные выводы будут дополнительными и актуальными для диссертационного исследования в схожей тематике.Будут рассмотрены фундаментальные вещи, характерные в целом для азиатского региона, который наиболее прогрессирует и поставляет на рынок труда все более квалифицированные кадры, которые предоставляют серьезную конкуренцию среди других стран.
Ключевые слова: концепт образования; философия; образовательный процесс; педагогика; ментальность
Statement of the task
The development of Asian countries has periods of economic prosperity, which alternate with a deep economic and social crisis. From backward agrarian developing countries, for several decades, countries such as South Korea, Singapore, Japan and China have turned into developed capitalist countries with a stable economy, which is reinforced by the priority of modern technologies, whose products are massively supplied to world markets, in high demand.
In parallel with unstable historical development, the educational system of the above countries did not always undergo reformist ideas, as a result of which there is a dissonance between economic well-being and conservatism of social movements that do not want to change traditions and foundations. For this, the following structure will be used in the article: consideration of the educational concept in South Korea, Singapore, Japan and China, search and argumentation of contradictions between modern world trends and local conservatism, and conclusions that will be drawn after analyzing the source base. The purpose of the study: disclosure of contradictions in the educational trends of Asian countries, which are manifested in the synthesis of modern know-how and conservatism of society.
Statement of the main material
It is worth starting the consideration of the formation of Asian countries from China, as with the oldest civilization on the continent. A relevant goal is to identify factors that affect the positive modernization of the educational system of China. Considering the current trends in the philosophy of education, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the historical development of society, and what factors influenced the formation of moral and ethical standards and worldview.
At the initial stage of historical development, the dominant philosophical trend of the country was Confucianism, whose stability ensured the invariability of the institution of education. This trend had a significant impact on the formation of the education system of ancient China.
One of the important persons in the history of Chinese philosophy, as well as in the philosophy of education, is Confucius. The ancient teacher of China is primarily known as the author of the doctrine, in the center of which is a person, as the main element on which the society of any country is based. Understanding this trend,
Confucius pays great attention to education, emphasized the need for study and comprehension of the accumulated information, urging people to use their knowledge in practice.
In traditional China, education, literacy and books occupied a special place, and academic officials formed a kind of caste, no less revered than the priests in other civilizations. Among the reasons for this worship:
• lack of caste of priests;
• high complexity in the study and mastery of hieroglyphic writing;
• a unique selection system for senior government posts, which allowed the intellectual elite to concentrate power and make education a synonym for prosperity.
Thus, in China, human well-being was ensured by high education. For these purposes, the personality was gradually standardized, instead of searching and emphasizing the individuality of each. Education was a powerful way to influence natural abilities in order to use them for the public good.
For modern Chinese universities, five methodological principles have been developed in textbooks:
1. "Yin Tsai Shi Jiao" - "to teach, given the ability of the student";
2. “Wen gu ji xin” - “learns from the past”;
3. “Yu Bo Fan Yue” - “out of complexity, simplicity is born;
4. “Jiao soe xiang zhang” - “students learn from the teacher, and the teacher learns from the students;
5. “Qi fa yu dao” - “management of trainees' heuristic activity.
With strict adherence to the principles, it affects Chinese education most favorably, combining the appearance of tradition and conservatism, along with innovation and openness to specialists from all over the world, studying the works of foreign reforms and the experience of educators, introducing them into their national system (Sergienko A.Yu. 2015, P. 127-128).
Over the past half century, China has become the most popular place in order to graduate for students who are residents of other countries. Knowledge of culture and the Chinese language contributes to high-quality higher education. The main requirement in the education of traditional Chinese culture was state exams, for which applicants were preparing.
Considering the country's billionth population, it forced the government and educational institutions to switch to the system of radio television universities, Internet Academies, which fulfill the options of mass distance learning.
A similar reason is provoking the initiative of the Chinese government in encouraging study abroad. Funding comes from various private foundations and the diaspora. In parallel, the balance is replenished at the expense of qualified personnel from other countries, providing them with full financial support, up to financing their share capital for running their own business (Borevskaya N.E., 2002, p. 100-101).
Based on these facts, it can be concluded that the educational model of China, along with the ritual and Confucian ideas of educating a citizen in a synthesis with new conceptual reforms and renewing society in general, forms harmony and a high coefficient of performance, giving the country's development vector the right direction. Combining the principles of trust in printed sources, and in general to philosophical and historical literature, the authority of teachers, and the priority of knowledge in society, which ensure the well-being of the country, creating a unique, comprehensive gene pool.
To continue the analysis of the concept of education in the philosophy of Asian countries, you can explore the development of Japan, as one of the oldest and most experienced nations, which has long been isolated from residents of other countries and continents. From this, it is of particular interest to investigate the history of the formation of the educational process. Everything began to change in the second half of the 19th century, when Emperor Mutsuhito, who is also known as Meiji, began to rule Japan. The slogan of his reign was the complete openness of the country to the whole world and the “oath of five points” was adopted, which completely ended the feudal period of isolationism, creating a democratic government and adopting liberal traditions throughout the Western world.
By that time, there was an important issue of the regulatory framework, which also shaped the educational system, starting to use really new, innovative means in education that had not been characteristic of all a thousand years.
The first reform of education took place in 1872 after the adoption of the "Basic Law on Education". The educational system created in those years helps to strengthen the will and initiative of the people to accelerate the modernization of Japanese society and achieve the main goal - “enrichment and strengthening of the state”.
The next most characteristic stage of development was in the pre-war period. The main vector of development is military training and strict control of state bodies at educational institutions, programs and educational figures. The course on military training becomes mandatory for children. A feature was that this educational course becomes normative, including for girls.
After the defeat of Japan in World War II, the educational paradigm is changing. In 1947, the "Basic Law on Education" was adopted. In it, compulsory education lasts up to 9 years and from that moment the process of decentralization of school leadership and the formation of self-government begins to take shape. In the future, it becomes compulsory, including higher education, associated with the vocational education system (Kaori Okano, 1993, p. 150-151).
Actualizing the current state of Japanese education and philosophy, we can distinguish such characteristic historical features for each link in education.
Japanese elementary school brings the virtues of family education to the school atmosphere. However, there is another feedback: self-discipline, which is brought up at school, introduced from the first years in the family. Thus, family pedagogy is reinforced. There is an interaction of family and school education of students. Both here and here, students encounter a cult of authority. Home is the authority of parents; in school, the authority of a teacher. Both authorities are undeniable. Primary school students are persistently taught to respect these authorities indefinitely. As a result, for example, the authority of the teacher is so deeply embedded in the consciousness of the child, it remains forever in the form of an ideal image (Peter Cave, 2007).
Japanese adolescents and youths study at a school of group behavior. There they form sprouts of group work, which then develop into stable stereotypes. To do this, students are attracted to group discussions, where everyone is obliged to open up before the others and explain about the misconduct.
Typically, conflicts arising from childish pranks are settled between peers themselves. The teacher takes care of solving only the most difficult issues. Often, parental class tips are also included. This is the difference between the paradigms of education, in which control over children's and teenage activities is left to the children themselves. Their activities are influenced solely by their parents.
Here the main contradictions of the Asian world are noticeable, with conservatism and deep respect for the teacher, full submission to the authority of adults, there is variability in the choice of ways to achieve the goal and methods for self-regulation among peers.
Therefore, the concept of education in Japanese philosophy includes peremptory respect for elders and people of certain social classes, in particular, education workers and other social professions. In content and spirit, it is Japanese education that is considered a unique and unconditional phenomenon in world history. The educational process lasts a lifetime and is not only a formal aspect, but also a real lever of influence on the activities of each citizen.
forming a community that respects work and perseverance, as two characteristic features of a successful person.
Moving to the most interesting and unique country, which literally in twenty years has been able to radically transform from a backward developing country to a thriving global oasis, which currently has a high level of prosperity. It's about Singapore.
In Singapore, as in many countries, there are several educational levels - from preschool education to studying at a higher educational institution. Of greatest interest is the system of training future teachers for educational activities.
Each year, the Singapore Ministry of Education opens as many job opportunities for teacher education as it takes to fill future vacancies. A unique feature of the teacher training system in Singapore is that teachers are trained in one place - at the National Institute of Education, which operates on the basis of Nanyang Technological University. At the same time, the institute conducts research work on the synthesis and analysis of the world's best teaching practices. The results of this work are actively being introduced into training programs for teachers, which updates their content.
Before submitting an application for training at the National Institute of Education (NIO), a candidate must spend at least five weeks at school to get acquainted with its activities. As a rule, he works as an assistant teacher or administrator, receiving a minimum wage. After completing the internship, the school principal and cluster superintendent evaluate the potential candidate. Upon receipt of a positive opinion after the internship, the candidate enters the first stage of selection, which consists in evaluating his resume. The minimum requirements stipulate that the applicant must be in the top 30% of the performance rating in his / her age group, must have a pre-university or higher education corresponding to the direction of the desired pedagogical activity (Sergienko A.Yu., 2015, c. 134-135).
On average, one of six candidates overcomes all stages of selection for a profession. The term of study in research and development is one year for specialization and three years for a bachelor's degree. During training, the scholarship is equivalent to 60% of the salary of a novice teacher. In NIO different training programs for future teachers are presented. In the period from 2 to 5 years, you can get a diploma in higher education in the field of pedagogy (Diploma in Education), a diploma in second higher education in the field of pedagogy (Postgraduate diploma in Education) and a bachelor's degree in humanities / exact sciences (Bachelor of Art / Science Education).
Teachers with other certificates of education, such as a certificate of successful passing the level A exams (an exam with advanced requirements, which is taken after graduating from high school) or about a polytechnic education, must also be trained in research and development. The curriculum in research centers is aimed more at the study of pedagogy and intersubject communications, rather than academic education in the subject. The content of educational programs is constantly updated depending on the needs of the educational system of Singapore (Alishev TB, 2010, p. 230-231).
Teacher competencies are usually described as skills that are directly related to his professional activities. In Singapore, it is customary to understand competencies as special features of a teacher's personality (way of thinking, feeling, acting, speaking style), which make it possible to be successful in a profession. At the same time, the competencies of high-class teachers and school principals are not identical.
Therefore, observing how the training of teachers takes place in Singapore, it can be emphasized that before vocational training, the candidate is given the opportunity to take an internship in a comprehensive school. This will make it possible even before the educational process to understand how this profession is suitable for the candidate. A similar principle is lacking as in the CIS countries (where the practice for students of pedagogical universities starts from the 3rd year and provides an empirical experience by observing the educational process). Up to this point, the student does not have a practical understanding of the teacher's activities, and builds an understanding of the profession solely from outdated textbooks and teachers, who by no means always have experience in high school. Such a practice will allow you to immediately show future applicants all the activities from the inside.
The next Asian country, which is provided with a stable market economy, is South Korea. Experiencing constant assimilation and denationalization attempts by Japan and China, it became a separate state after the Second World War, and in 1948 it was divided into two states, with completely different ideological principles.
Most agree that the successes of South Korea in economics and technology are the result of skillful investment in “human resources”. The traditional public respect for an educated person, preserved from Confucian times, has survived to this day, and today it is also used by scientists and workers of various technical professions. The jerk in economic development can almost entirely be attributed to highly educated technocrats and economists who have had access to governing the country since the 1960s. Science professions are considered the most prestigious in South Korea since the 1980s.
The successes of the South Korean national educational program are confirmed statistically. In 1945, 22 percent of citizens were literate; by 1970 - 87.6, and in the late 1980s - 93 percent. South Korean students perform well in international competitions in mathematics and the exact sciences. Despite the fact that only primary education (up to grade 6) was compulsory, the percentage of students at higher levels of education was comparable to similar indicators in developed countries, including Japan. Approximately 4.8 million students enrolled in primary school in 1985. The percentage of those who continued their optional education at the second level school was more than 99 percent. Approximately 34 percent of students passed university exams, which is comparable to Japan (30 percent) and higher than the British (20 percent) rating.
Impressive government spending on education. In 1975, they amounted to 220 billion won, which corresponds to 2.2 GDP, or 13.9 percent of the total budget. And in 1986 it was already a figure of 3.76 trillion won, or 4.5 percent of GDP and 27.3 percent of the budget.
Thus, reinforcing the general impression of the priority of education, one can see that the success of the human resources of Asian countries also manifests itself in financing, which in some cases can make up more than 10 percent of the budget of the whole country. Do not hide the fact that the formation of a successful education depends on the appropriate capital, which does not require savings and costs. And in this case, all of the above countries have a similar approach.
Given all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:
1. The uniqueness of the Asian educational system in the synthesis of conservatism of historical traditions and flexibility in the development of new technologies and professions that will be most relevant in the next several decades. The Asian mentality directly affects a person's personality, and for thousands of years humility, respect for age and authority of adults have been invested in him;
2. In parallel with this, in the last two centuries, the Asian world has gradually integrated into the world community and the development trends of international relations, launching highly qualified specialists on the market who easily find highly paid jobs in any countries;
3. In Asian countries, education is one of the most important sectors, which is financed by the state with ever-increasing amounts every year. With similar economic
trends, investing the necessary information and educating the person necessary for the state. With such a historical past, this is the most productive and profitable form of investing money in the direction of educating teachers and shaping the moral and worldview of students who become heirs and a generation that will continue to strengthen traditionalism in their family.
4. Diligence and readiness for monotonous work made it possible to ensure the country's technological industry. In addition, any area of activity for which Asian countries undertake is being improved thanks to the representatives of a particular state. Therefore, one can observe that Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and China occupy leading positions and leadership, which adapt, train internships in leading Western companies, and subsequently, on the basis of technology, make their product, eliminating shortcomings and cheapening production, which in turn introduces a new wave of competition in the global market.
Thus, we can conclude that Asian society easily integrated into the world community in a few years. And in many respects this was facilitated by the historical aspect, which brought up patience, respect for older and educated people and perseverance in any work.
Thus, we can conclude that the educational system of the four countries is highly developed and innovative. Common mental values and personal qualities make it equally successful to achieve success on the world stage, being favorites in economic development. The success of countries began to manifest after the Second World War, when Western technology and the openness of Asian countries were combined into a single mechanism, which led to accelerated economic development and the development of raw materials and human potential, which quickly masters the latest technologies that produce a competitive product at a reasonable price. All these factors have led Asian technical products to cease to be of poor quality, and now sales volumes are growing exponentially.
1. Peter Cave. (2007). Primary School in Japan: Self, individuality and learning in elementary education - New-York: Routledge Taylor&Francis group. - 244 c.
2. Kaori Okano. (1993). School to work transition in Japan - Bristol: Multilingual matters LTD Clevadon, Philadelphia, Adelaide. - 287 c.
3. Alishev TB,(2010). Gilmutdinov A.Kh. Singapore's experience: creating a world-class educational system // Educational Issues. No. 4. S. 227-246
4. Borevskaya N.E.(2002). Essay on the history of the school and pedagogical thought in China. M: Institute of the Far East, RAS.146 s.
5. Grebenik I. A. (2001).The education system of Japan in historical and contemporary contexts of development based on the concept of “humanity” in education / Igor Anatolevich Grebenik.// Bulletin of the Lugansk National University. Shevchenko. - No. 2.
6. Kalenyuk I (2005).Republic of Korea Education in the Context of the Strategy for Social Development 11 Higher Education of Ukraine №2 - P. 117-122. lyxomanka
7. Sergienko A.Yu. (2015). Designing a teacher's professional development using an internship in Singapore's education system // Man and Education. No. 4. S. 134-138 Suvorova EA (2012). The formation of the education system in China in the second half of the twentieth century // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, No. 3, P. 126-130
1. Peter Cave. Primary School in Japan: Self, individuality and learning in elementary education - New- York: Routledge Taylor&Francis group, 2007. - 244 с.
2. Kaori Okano. School to work transition in Japan - Bristol: Multilingual matters LTD Clevadon, Philadelphia, Adelaide, 1993. - 287 c.
3. Alishev TB, Gilmutdinov A.Kh. Singapore's experience: creating a world-class educational system // Educational Issues, 2010. No. 4. S. 227-246
4. Borevskaya N.E. Essay on the history of the school and pedagogical thought in China. M: Institute of the Far East, RAS. 2002.146 s.
5. Grebenik I. A.The education system of Japan in historical and contemporary contexts of development based on the concept of “humanity” in education / Igor Anatolevich Grebenik.// Bulletin of the Lugansk National University. Shevchenko. - 2011. - No. 2.
6. Kalenyuk I Republic of Korea Education in the Context of the Strategy for Social Development 11 Higher Education of Ukraine - 2005 - №2 - P. 117-122. lyxomanka
7. Sergienko A.Yu. Designing a teacher's professional development using an internship in Singapore's education system // Man and Education, 2015. No. 4. S. 134-138
8. Suvorova EA The formation of the education system in China in the second half of the twentieth century // Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2012, No. 3, P. 126-130
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