The evaluation of international sportsman special school coaching program
Quality assessment of the International School of Athletes in East Kalimantan. Analysis of the relationship between school success, coaching, training and management of the International Sports School with human resources (athletes, coaches, teachers).
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.12.2021 |
Размер файла | 252,3 K |
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State University of Surabaya
The evaluation of international sportsman special school coaching program
Heri Wahyudi, Hari Setijono, Edy Mintarto
Це дослідження проводиться з метою оцінки якості Міжнародної школи спортсменів у Східному Калімантані. Воно містить контекст, вступ, процес та результат. За метод використовується модель CIPP, розроблена компанією Sufflebeam. Результати виявили, що контекст, пов'язаний з історією та метою створення закладу, відповідає потребі тренування молодих спортсменів. Відбір вступників проводили з районів та міст Східного Калімантану, що свідчить про те, що розподіл спортсменів у 10 районах ще не рівномірний. Крім того, інфраструктури потребують більш інтенсивного вдосконалення та модернізації. Оцінка процесу показує, що реалізація навчального процесу та коучинг досягнень відповідали чинним критеріям. Оцінювання результату дослідження на підставі ступеня закінчення навчання показує, що він є хорошим. Але для певних видів спорту необхідним видається ширше вдосконалення певних аспектів. Отже, можна зробити висновок, що успішність школи, коучингу, тренувань та управління Міжнародною спортивною школою не можуть бути відокремленими від її людських ресурсів (спортсменів, тренерів, викладачів та управлінських кадрів), а також від іншої системи підтримки (фінансування та інфраструктури). Якщо всі компоненти будуть враховані, це сприятиме максимально ефективному тренерському процесу і приведе до значних досягнень спортсменів.
Ключові слова: CIPP, коучинг, оцінювання, Міжнародна спеціальна школа спортсменів Східного Калімантану.
Heri Wahyudi, Hari Setijono, Edy Mintarto
This research is conducted to evaluate the quality of International Sportsman School in East Kalimantan. The evaluations include context, introduction, process, and result. CIPP model developed by Sufflebeam is used as a method. The results found that context related to the history and purpose of establishment creation has been in accordance with the need of training young athletes. Entrants were selected from East Kalimantan districts and cities indicating that athlete distribution in 10 districts is not yet uniform. In addition, infrastructures need more intensive improvement and modernisation. Process evaluation shows that the implementation of the educational process and the coaching of achievements met the current criteria. Evaluating the outcome of the study based on the degree of graduation indicates that it is good. However, for certain sports events, a wider refinement of certain aspects seems necessary. Therefore, it can be concluded that the success of the school, coaching, training and management of the International Sports School cannot be separated from its human resources (athletes, coaches, teachers and management staff), as well as from other supporting systems (funding and infrastructure). If all components are taken into account, this will contribute to the most effective coaching process and will lead to significant achievements of athletes.
Keywords: CIPP, coaching, evaluation, International Sportsman Special School of East Kalimantan.
The Indonesian Government has established national regulation in sport coaching and development through the National Sport System Law Article 21 Number 3 of 2005, “The National and Regional Government are obligated to perform coaching and development based on its authority and responsibility. The coaching and development stated is that sport, staffing, organizing, funding, methods, infrastructure and facilities, and sports awards.” Based on National Sport System Law mentioned, related components to develop sport that will produce sport system achievement are needed.
International Sportsman Special School exist in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The school has been established from 2010 which is aimed to regenerate young athletes with achievements in East Kalimantan. In addition, Singapore also has sport school namely Singapore Sport School which is aimed to develop the athletes' ability optimally.
Thailand also established some sport schools in almost of the provinces. The famous three schools which become sport school icon are Suphanburi Sport School, Lalu Nakhon Ratchasima Sport School, and Chonburi Sport School. Suphanburi Sport School has trained the athletes since 10 years old by performing coordination to the society and parents for the requirement system.
The existence of sportsman school either in region or country can be viewed as an alternative to get professional athletes through education and early coaching. Therefore, it is needed a study dealing with the implementation and management of the school, so that it become truly school which regenerate young athletes with achievements.
From a glance evaluation, there are several things that need to be considered: 1) no achievements achieved by several sports as like football, hockey, karate and so forth, 2) not supported infrastructure, 3) lowering on budget due to budget deficit, 4) some coaches in certain sports are currently resign.
In order to get clear and responsible answers, hence this research is performed to evaluate the quality of the International Sportsman School in East Kalimantan.
In doing this evaluation study, CIPP will be used as method evaluation. However, there are some previous studies that have been conducted using CIPP model. Karatas and Fer (2009) has been performed evaluation research using CIPP model to evaluate the English curricula at Yildiz Technical University. Moreover, Al-Shanawani (2019) also has been conducted evaluation research using CIPP model with kindergarten as its subject of the research. Although, this research is using the same model with the two previous researches, but this research is different since the subject involved is an International Sportsman School.
Method. The method used in this research is evaluation research with mixing method as an approach. Mix method here is tried to elaborate qualitative and quantitative. Then, the design chose is CIPP developed by Sufflebeam. The evaluation using CIPP model consists of context, input, process, and product.
Moreover, this research is conducted in International Sportsman Special School located in East Kalimantan. The process of questionnaires taking and interview is performed in July 17-22, 2017. To obtain primary data, the data collection tools used is observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. Meanwhile, texts are used as supporting data. These instruments can be used to get more data about program implementation in International Sportsman Special School in East Kalimantan. For data analysis, descriptive quantitative and descriptive qualitative are used.
Context Evaluation
The existence of International Sportsman Special School of East Kalimantan. The abundance of sports support infrastructures in East Kalimantan, as well as appropriate infrastructures for the sports development of the event from National Sports Week XVII became the beginning of the establishment foundation of International Sportsman Special School with the aim of fostering potential young athletes in East Kalimantan.
The existence of International Sportsman Special School is well-considered by the school leader and administrator, as well as the athletes. The establishment of International Sportsman Special School is aimed to create religious athletes, well-knowledge and ability, and could compete in International, either in academic or non-academic. If all of the components in International Sportsman Special School in East Kalimantan has understood and synergized in implementing all of the programs, thus achieving successfulness will be more ease.
The International Sportsman Special School is intermediary for young athletes coaching to improve the achievements for the sake of East Kalimantan in national or even international.
It is in line with the National Sport System Law Number 3 of 2005 Article 20 verse 1-4 which stated that 1) Sport achievements means as an effort to improve ability and potential of sportsman to raise Indonesian price and dignity, 2) Sport achievements is conducted by every person who has ability and potential to achieve the achievements, 3) Sports achievement is obtained through well-planned coaching and development, tiered and continuously with the support of knowledge and sport technology, 4) central government, regional government and/or society are obligated to organize, observe, and control sport activities achievements.
Factual Condition in International Sportsman Special School in East Kalimantan. International Sportsman Special School has been through a lot of progress and development since the first establishment in 2010, in terms of the number of sports and the number of students. The increasing number of sports and students should be balance with the improvement of coaching, either exercise program, infrastructures and the roles of all components in International Sportsman Special School in East Kalimantan. The importance of coordination with all parties in charges of students sports coaching such as Youth and Sports Agency (DISPORA),
Indonesian Sports Committee (KONI) and the sports management in regen- cies/cities in East Kalimantan.
Factual condition of International Sportsman Special School is currently need improvement in the management system as well as the addition of infrastructure in academic and non-academic (in this case is sports coaching). Thus, comparative study is necessary such as comparing to Thailand, Singapore in case to improve quality, system improvement, and reference in determination of new regulation of International Sportsman Special School.
The Government Support towards International Sportsman Special School in East Kalimantan. Currently, International Sportsman Special School is experiencing deficit in Local Government Budget (APBD). Hence, there are several programs that not well-implemented. It should be overcome as soon as possible since the budget problems are quite crucial.
The support from the central government is necessary because the funding budget responsibilities is contained in Law Number 3 of 2005 about National Sport System Article 69, namely: 1) sports funding become together responsibilities between central government, regional government and society; 2) central government and regional government are required to allocate sport budget through State Budget and Local Government Budget.
Due to the deficit of Local Government Budget (APBD), hence school administrator should looking for new source in case to manifest the implementation program from any obstacles in achieving achievements. Figure 1 will show a funding source for sport. school athlete international sport
Input Evaluation
Human Resources in International Sportsman Special School, East Kalimantan. Human resource is an important thing in determining the successfulness of a system. The sport coaching program system that will be implemented is depended on the quality of human resource. So therefore, the existence of human resource should be optimizes more in its role and functions.
According to Kristiyanto, et al., (2012), human resource is basic requirement for development in all of fields. The productivity aspects of development can be manifested by the quality and quantity of human resources.
The human resource in International Sportsman Special School, East Kalimantan has several human resources who oriented in the subject study and sport coaching achievement (in this case are athletes and coaches) (fig. 2).
Athletes. Based on the result research, the dominated athletes come from several regions and cities in East Kalimantan. Thus, it is recommended in every opening for students registration, socialization from stakeholders and talent test directly in each of region and city in East Kalimantan.
Sports' Coaches. The success of sport coaching process cannot be separated from coaches' role. Since, the coaches will be determined and give direction for the athletes. The coaches are not should not merely dominate certain sports, but they should be suggested to have knowledge more in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, sports psychology and others. According to Ambarukmi (2007), the achievement is defined as collaboration of athletes and coaches' effort. Hence, both of them are having responsibility towards the implementation of coaching program.
Figure 2. Recommendation to Obtain Well-Quality and Professional's Human Resources Athletes
Figure 3. Recommendation of Professional Trainer
Afterwards, based on the result of research, the coaches has made annual program that will be awarded to the athletes. The coaching program is conducted in order to make the coaching to be wel- lorganized. However, the evaluation program should be performed as well to investigate what program that should be added and should be performed more. Moreover, program evaluation is important to know the progress achievement. The coaches also must have ability in organizing the short coaching program and long coaching program as preparation in such tournament.
Then, to be able to find out the professionalism of coaches, it can be proved by the amount of certificates awarded to the coaches. Based on the document study conducted in the administration office, there are still less of certificates owned by the coaches. In the figure below, there is recommendation in obtaining professional trainer to train the athletes (fig. 3).
The trainers criteria should be a bachelor on sports or former athletes who mastering one of sports, and willing to follow the selection in International Sportsman Special School, East Kalimantan. After passing the selection, the trainers are recommended to improve their professionalism and following some training to fulfil the minimum standard. These standards are divided into 4 groups based on the trainer level, including: training for basic trainers, training for young trainers, training for intermediate trainers, and training for ultimate trainers.
Afterwards, the trainers should following continuous training to get more insight in accordance with the periodic sports training development.
Teachers. The human resource in the academic field here can be defined as teachers of subject study. As the combination of formal school and sportsman school, the curriculum used in the International Sportsman Special School here is different with common school, yet it still referring to the governments' regularity.
For teachers recruitment itself, the selection is very compete in case to get well-quality and professional teachers. In accordance to the research's result, 90% of the teachers who teach in International Sportsman Special School are currently only as ho- nourer and contract teachers.
In the case of teachers' ability improvement, there is insurance for teachers to continue their master or doctoral study. The improvement is needed since the sportsman school is already an international school.
Based on the research's result, the amount of teachers is not comparable to the amount of students. The amount of teachers should be added and adjusted with the amount of students. Sunhaji (2014) states that teachers has important role in education development, especially in the learning process, and is the most impacted on the education quality.
Infrastructures in International Sportsman Special School, East Kalimantan. The infrastructures in academic field of International Sportsman Special School are considered to be less. Therefore it is necessary to add the laboratory tools for Science, Social, and Language Class. However, the addition on books in library and computers in the computer laboratory is quite important.
The deficit on Local Government Budget in 2017 has been inhibited the fulfilment of infrastructures and services. Therefore, it is need involvement of sponsorship parties to fulfil the amount of services and infrastructures. In the following figure, it is presented the recom-mendation in facilities fulfilment used in International Sportsman Special School, East Kalimantan (fig. 4).
Based on observation result in International Sportsmans Special School, the infrastructure should be added and intensive treatment to keep the infrastructures not damaged quickly. The cost for sport infrastructures is considered as expensive, hence special management and treatment for the infrastructures should be done properly. It is in line with Har- suki(2012) statement that sports management facilities is planning, administration, coordination, and evaluation of daily implementation from sports facilities. Therefore, management of special facilities for sport facilities is necessary to make the treatment and accountability become clear.
Process Evaluation
Academic Field Implementation. In the class learning process, all of the teachers has made learning tools such as syllabus and learning planning as guidelines for teaching based on Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 22 of 2016. The learning planning includes the preparation of plans for learning and media preparation, learning resources, learning assessment tools, and learning scenarios.
The used of module and online learning-based using website for athletes has ease the students. Hence, the sophisticated facilities are also needed but learning process using this media should be in the supervision of school's supervisors.
The Implementation of Sport Achievement Development. The implementation of the developing process of sports achievement has been well programmed, the training schedule carried out in the morning and evening is in accordance with the existing schedule. The trainer has made a shortterm and long-term fostering program in accordance with the goals and objectives to be achieved, although there are still a number of trainers who are not fully in preparing the training program and only refer to the training experience alone.
The solution for trainers, who are not yet proficient in arranging training programs, is necessary to join training activities both on a national and international scale to improve the trainer professionalism. Mutohir & Maksum (2007) stated that sports cannot be developed based on intuitive knowledge. Achievement in sports is actually something observable and measurable. It means that if sports coaching are carried out with a scientific approach starting from talent scouting to the coaching process accompanied by efforts to observe competitors, then the success rate can be ascertained. The imp-lemen- tation of promotion and degradation must be carried out regularly and periodically both for athletes and coaches, to be used as material for evaluation, so that athletes become more motivated for achievement.
Product Evaluation
The Report on Academic. The results obtained from International Sportsman Special School of East Kalimantan in the academic field viewed from the level of increase in class and the graduation rate of students has been stated as good. As a suggestion, students in addition to gain achievements in the academic field, for example in the fields of science, art, mathematics, language and other fields of scientific studies. Hence, it needs more intensive handling for students who have high academic ability to achieve academic achievements both on a national and international scale.
The Report on Sports' Achievements. The results of sports achievements at International Sportsman Special School of East Kalimantan both nationally and internationally have been achieved. Thus, the existence of sports schools is very important in achieving sports achievements. Since, in the school, the process of nursery and sports coaching is carried out systematically. According to Irianto (2009), sportsmanship achievement is an accumulation of physical quality, technique, tactics and psychological maturity. This can be learned and trained at International Sportsman Special School of East Kalimantan.
For certain sports that still do not carved achievements both at the National and International level, it is necessary to improve athletic resources, trainers quality, training processes and training programs, as well as other supporting facilities and infrastructure. For the achievement improvement, it is recommended that a match training test be held with athletes who are already performing as a measure of the athlete's ability.
Based on the research's results pf sports coaching in International Sportsman Special School of East Kalimantan, which includes: context, input, process, and productcan be concluded as follows:
1. Context:
a) Based on the factual conditions, the existence of East Kalimantan International Sportsman School in accordance to the background, purpose of its establishment, and its vision as well as mission, it has fulfilled the needs in developing potential young athletes in East Kalimantan;
b) The local government fully supports the East Kalimantan International Sportsman School, since all of the funding comes from East Kalimantan Regional Budget. However, the budget deficit has caused some coaching processes both academic and sports performance become constraints, thus requiring immediate completion.
2. Input:
a) The athletes' resources in International Sportsman Special School come from different districts in East Kalimantan who have achievements in sports. The athletes also have been participated in the selection or as recommendations from Indonesian National Sports Committee. However, the origin distribution of the athletes in 10 districts of East Kalimantan is less evenly distributed;
b) Several facilities and infrastructure in the East Kalimantan International Sportsman Special School have been damaged, hence it requires more intensive repairs and maintenance, while for infrastructure that does not yet exist should be immediately followed up to be completed.
3. Process:
a) The implementation of the academic process has been in accordance with the criteria, based on the curriculum set by the government that is syner- gized with the training schedule;
b) The Implementation process in the field of sports achievement development has already in accordance with the existing criteria. The program and training schedule are in accordance with the existing schedule, but there are still a number of trainers who are not complete in preparing the training program, as well as periodic and periodic promotion and degradation processes.
4. Product:
a) The results obtained in the academic field which based on graduation rates and the level of grade increase has reached 100%;
b) The results of sports achievements in several sports has been in accordance with expectations number of medals obtained both at the National and International levels, but for certain sports that have not yet achieved, the achievement, improvements from all aspects are needed.
After all, based on the results of the research that has been conducted, the researcher comes to the conclusion that in order to achieve the expected achievements both at National and International levels, the concept of sports achievement model in International Sportsman Special School of East Kalimantan includes understanding the school's vision and mission, optimizing the management of sports schools, increasing professionalism and standardization of trainers, improvement of the quality of human resources of athletes through a rigorous selection process, improvement of the completeness of infrastructure, support and cooperation with relevant institutions, and the involvement of experts from multi-disciplines.
1. Al-Shanawani, H. M. (2019). Evaluation of Self-Learning Curriculum for Kindergarten Using Stufflebeam's CIPP Model. SAGE Open, 9(1), 2158244018822380.
2. Ambarukmi, D. H. (2007). Pelatihan pelatih fisik level 1. Jakarta: Kemenpora.
3. Harsuki, H. (2012). Pengantar manajemen olahraga. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
4. Irianto, D. P (2009). Pelatihan kondisi fisik dasar. Asdep Pengembangan Tenaga Dan Pembina Keolahragaan: Kementrian Pemuda Dan Olahraga.
5. Karatas, H., & Fer, S. (2009). Evaluation of English curriculum at Yildiz Technical University using CIPP model. Egitim ve Bilim, 34(153), 47.
6. Kristiyanto, A., Mutohir, T C., Rohmadi, M., & Sari, R. C. A. (2012). Pembangunan olahraga untuk kesejahteraan rakyat & kejayaan bangsa. Yuma Pustaka.
7. Mutohir, T C., & Maksum, A. (2007). Sport Development Index. Jakarta: PT Indeks.
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