Actuality of interaction of pedagogues in the formation of valuable attitude to the own health of children of the preschool educational establishments and elementary schools

The aspects of the actuality of the interaction of pedagogues in the formation of valuable attitude to the own health of children of preschool establishments and elementary schools. The ideas of partnership of the subjects of the educational process.

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Primary Education National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine

Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова, Україна

Actuality of interaction of pedagogues in the formation of valuable attitude to the own health of children of the preschool educational establishments and elementary schools

Актуальність взаємодії педагогів у формуванні ціннісного ставлення до власного здоров'я дітей закладу дошкільної освіти і початкової школи

Larysa Piechka, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate

Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of

Лариса Пєчка, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки

та методики початкового навчання,

The article highlights the theoretical aspects of the actuality of the interaction of pedagogues in the formation of valuable attitude to the own health of children of preschool establishments and elementary schools. Emphasis is put on modern scientific research on this issue. The basic concepts of "value" are substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the ideas of interaction, cooperation, dialogue, partnership in the relationship of the subjects of the educational process. The importance of interaction of pedagogues of educational institutions in the formation of a valuable attitude to the own health of children is determined.

Key words: interaction, value, children, preschool educational establishment, elementary school.

pedagogue health school educational

General formulation of the problem

The purpose of the article is to determine the problem of the actuality of interaction of pedagogues in the formation of valuable attitude to the own health of children of the preschool educational establishments and elementary schools.

The concept of "valuable attitude to the own health" is defined as a systematic and dynamic mental formation of a person based on a set of knowledge about health, sphere of emotions and values which is necessarily reflected and realized in a consciously chosen lifestyle (Ezhova, 2011). The holistic, conceptual comprehension of the valuable attitude to the health is facilitated by the research of philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, educators, who are devoted to the study of different components of personal health and informational approach to this category. However, the formation of valuable attitude to the own health of children of six-seven years of life at a pre-school education institution and elementary school has not yet been disclosed in the context of solving pedagogical problems.

Analysis of the research and publications. The study and analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources shows that the problem of preserving and formation of the health of children and young people is constantly in the center of attention of scientists, namely: the formation of the culture of health of the participants of the pedagogical process is the subject of O. Ezhova's study (2011), O. Kirichenko (2007); the issues of preserving health, forming healthy lifestyle of children and adolescents through physical culture are explored by L. Volkov (2008), D. Solopchuk (2008). Scientists V. Kotyrlo (2014), O. Dubogay (2005) consider this problem in the perspective of age peculiarities.

The scientific works that reveal the dependence of the state of human health not only on external factors but also on one's own attitude towards it: T. Andryushchenko (2014), N. Lisnevskaya (2016) are important for the presented research. In particular, scientists say that a child of preschool age should not only be acknowledged about his own health, but also treat it as a value, preferring to the positive effects of the environment and avoiding harmful and destructive effects.

Works of L. Goryana (2016), N. Kozak (2016) and other academicians are dedicated to the questions of methodological support of the educational process on health formation, determination of the content and volume of relevant information to be addressed to older preschool and primary school children, preparation of teachers for health care activities.

However, despite the considerable number of scientific researches on the problem of formation of valuable attitude to the own health of children of preschool and elementary school ages, there are practically no works investigated in which the unity, crosscutting and stage of formation of bases of valuable attitude to the health of six-seven year old children in the interaction of preschool educational establishment and elementary school.

The problem of formation of the valuable attitude to one's own health remains relevant throughout the history of human development, gaining particular importance in the period of socio-economic, social and political transformations, when priority values change, which, in turn, is reflected in the reform of education. The conceptual understanding of the value of health is facilitated by studies devoted to the study of various components of the health of the individual, as well as the determining components of the content of education - values. In particular, the problem of philosophical and methodological approach to the definition of value was considered by: C. Stevenson (1963), R. Frondizi (1971). In the context of this problem are also relevant developments of national philosophers M. Kagan (1997), L. Stolovich (1994) and others.

The concept of "value" is semantically consistent with such categories of psychology as "setting"

- according to D. Uznadze (2001), "significance" - according to M. Dobrynin (1954), "personal meaning"

- according to O. Leontiev (1999), "psychological attitudes" - according to V. Myasishchev (1957). According to I. Bech's definition (1999), personal value is a "psychological neoplasm that expresses the most directly generalized sphere of environmental reality to the subject through which they identify, realize and assert themselves, and as a result, this sphere becomes the space of their activity" (p. 11).

It is revealed that in psychological and pedagogical researches of V. Orzhekhovskaya (2006) the health of children is defined as the state of their life activity, corresponding to biological age, unity of development of physical and intellectual characteristics, as well as adequate formation of adaptive and compensatory capacities of the infant organism in the process of its development. The essence of health is interpreted as the dialectical interaction and interdependence between the physical condition of the individual, their mental manifestations, emotional reactions and the social environment in which they remain (I. Beh (2010b), T Titarenko (2016)).

The current state of studying the problem of the formation of the bases of valuable attitude to the own health of children (Babyuk (2015), Dudko (2015)) shows that the 6-7 year period is considered to be sensitive for forming a healthy lifestyle and pursuing health-saving activities. The six- and seven-year-olds identify the necessary prerequisites for the formation of a valuable attitude to the health. During this period there is a rapid development of all physical, mental processes, and openness of the child to external influences contributes to their effective involvement in the process of health. The continuity of educational activities in formation of the foundations of value-based attitude to the one's own health will ensure the continuity of development of relevant skills and abilities on the basis of preservation and transfer of essential elements of the already acquired experience to a new, higher stage of development.

Presenting main material. In the context of the research, the idea of interaction, cooperation, dialogue, partnership in the relations between the subjects of the educational process is significant. A wide range of studies develops different aspects of interaction: pedagogy of interaction (I. Isaev (2006), M. Podberezsky (2011)), support pedagogy (V. Kirichenko, G. Kovganich (Kirichenko, Kovganich, 2015) and others). Interaction with children by M. Bayer (2015), O. Kononko (2009) and other scientists are considered as a social- psychological process. Interaction in education is traced in cooperation as a form of joint, aimed at achieving the overall result of the activity and communication and is defined as a continuous process of upbringing and education of the child.

It is found that educational interaction involves taking into account and optimal use of children's age and psychological abilities, as well as the amplification and self-worth of each age period.

The following organizational peculiarities of interaction contribute to the implementation of the principle of continuity in the upbringing of children: combining the educational process of the institution of preschool education and elementary school with a common material and technical base; joint organizational and methodological work of the teaching staff; carrying out various activities of children during the day. At the same time, it was found that there is currently no system of education that would ensure the integrity of the process of forming the basics of valuable attitude to one's own health during the transition from preschool to school level of education.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study are: theoretical provisions on the nature and structure of valuable attitude of the individual to the own health, covered in the scientific works of philosophical (V. Kremen (2010), V. Ognevyuk (2003)), psychological (S. Ladivir (2012), O. Marchenko (2013)), pedagogical (O. Bilobrova (2012), L. Omelchenko (2008)); in particular, studies on the definition and comprehension of the essence of the category "value", the disclosure of the significant impact of value newformations on the development and vital activity of the individual (O. Lazursky (1924), N. Chavchavadze (1981)); scientific theories that substantiate the specifics of valuable attitude to health, especially during childhood (L. Pechka (2017b), T. Shakhnenko (2015)); scientific works in which the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is considered (O. Boginich (2013), N. Denysenko (2008)); scientifically determined bases of interaction in the educational process (O. Bezdugan (2014), N. Semenova, A. Silchuk, (Semenova, Silchuk, 2015)).

An important prerequisite for the

formation of the basics of valuable attitude to the own health of children 6-7 years of life is the enrichment of their knowledge of the basics of health, which provides valeological education. Valeology (from the Latin "valeo" - being healthy and the Greek "logos" - science) is a science of individual human health, its formation, preservation, strengthening and restoration; researches problems of introduction of a healthy lifestyle, education of a culture of the person in all spheres of activity which influence their health.

The general issues of the implementation of the valeological approach, the substantiation of its systemic role for pedagogical theory and practice are covered in the works of N. Samoilova (2011) which deals with the preparation of educators for health care activities as one of the most important components of professional activity. V. Nesterenko (2003) expands on the concept of "future teacher's health-saving activity", which is interpreted as a holistic and multifaceted process aimed at transforming the intellectual and emotional spheres of the teacher's personality, enhancing the valuable attitude to the own health and the health of schoolchildren on the basis of the teacher's awareness of personal responsibility for it.

In the research of S. Kondratyuk (2009) the content and methods of valeological education of younger students are revealed. The author emphasizes the need to involve children in a healthy way of life, to form a valuable attitude to their own health because, in his opinion, the level and life expectancy of a person are determined by the pattern of behavior formed in childhood.

According to T. Andryushchenko (2014), the valeological education of children aims to create an information environment that would enable them to know themselves and their physical, physiological, intellectual characteristics and create conditions for finding ways to preserve and promote health . Valeological education is a prerequisite for understanding the essence of health and healthy lifestyles, the need to acquire health-saving skills. Since the result of the assimilated information is a personal attitude to it, which finds its expression in the form of ideas about healthy lifestyle, orientation to it, purposeful development of valeological consciousness should become an important element of pedagogical influence on the younger students.

Valeological consciousness as a system of personality beliefs determines the child's views on a healthy lifestyle and is embodied in his ideas, orientations, feelings, attitudes to his own health. Valeological consciousness acts as an add-on that realizes the use of knowledge about healthy lifestyles and practices of valeological behavior as a quality of personal lifestyle, orientation to preservation and promotion of one's own health.

In the process of formation of the skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a valuable attitude to the health, there are three main valeological interrelated elements: valeological education, valeological consciousness, valeological behavior.

L. Mazurenko (2008) emphasizes that for the sake of convenience of study, simplification of methodology of research of a phenomenon of health science differentiates notions of physical, mental, social and spiritual health. The dramatic deterioration of the health of modern youth, which is caused by the influence of socioeconomic and environmental factors, determines the relevance of the problem of forming healthy lifestyle skills. However, one of the most pressing problems nowadays is the need to preserve and promote the health of primary school students.

It is important to mention that information about health and how to keep it in a good state influences the development of consciousness, determines their attitudes and behavior. Valeological education views the child as a subject of upbringing, when nature's predetermined principles and the need for self-development, selfimprovement, self-affirmation become the dominant principles. It should promote their diverse development, natural and social adaptation.

Modern science at the junction of age-related physiology, pediatrics, pedagogy, child psychology is developing a new interdisciplinary scientific and practical area as a developing pedagogy of health, one of the founders of which was the pediatrician, the pedagogue Yu. Zmanovsky. He is characterized by: the idea of a healthy child as an ideal standard and practically achievable norm of child development is in the center of attention; healthy child is studied as a whole bodily-spiritual organism; improvement is treated not as a set of therapeutic and preventive means, but as a form of development of psycho-physiological capabilities of children; health development work cannot be done entirely by medical methods alone. The effectiveness of their application increases with the addition of psychological and pedagogical methods; the key principle of health-improving work with children is the individualdifferential approach. Wellness pedagogy defines the following principles: 1) The development of creative imagination, which becomes a necessary internal condition for the construction and implementation of health work with children. 2) Formation of meaningful motor skills. 3) Creation and consolidation of a holistic positive psychosomatic state when performing various activities. 4) Formation in children the capacity for complicity and empathy (Zmanovsky, 1995).

V. Yanova emphasized that the effectiveness of the teacher and students in any school is determined by the interaction of many external and internal conditions of organization of the educational process. Formation of valuable attitude to the health will be most successful if it is carried out on the basis of ideas of pedagogy of cooperation which involves joint developmental activity of adults and children and is strengthened by mutual understanding, penetration into the spiritual world of each other, joint analysis of the course and result of this activity. (Yanova, 2012).

The analysis of the scientific literature revealed three conditions on which pedagogical cooperation is built on the formation of the basics of the valuable attitude to the own health of children of 6-7 years of life: a proactive approach in the teacher-child relationship; dialogical form of providing educational material; collective cooperation of all participants of educational and cognitive activity.

The pedagogy of cooperation using dialogue assumes equality of psychological positions of participants of pedagogical process, creation of psychological atmosphere of mutual respect. This allows to create optimal conditions for the development of the child, forming a valuable attitude to the own health of 6-7 year old children.

The research of O. Boginich (2013) is relevant for our work. Scientist emphasizes the creation of a healthsaving environment in the PEI, which will provide conditions for health promotion and preservation: physical, mental and social well-being, to make life preschool children optimally active , full of various activities, interesting and useful for comprehensive development and health. N. Lisnevskaya's (2016) scientific works are devoted to this problem. The researcher emphasizes that an optimally organized environment in the direction of health preservation provides favorable conditions for the development of the child, their upbringing, realization of their own opportunities and is the basis for their self-development, improvement of the functional state of the organism, formation of a culture of health, enhancement of adaptive capacity (Lisnevka, 2016 ).

The main trend in the development of this area of pedagogical research is the search and development of integrative, comprehensive ways of health care activities in educational institutions for the formation of valuable attitude to health in general.

In the process of reforming education, changes in priority areas are primarily concerned with preschool and primary schools. The realities of today encourage scientists and practitioners to creatively rethink the content, tasks, structure of the educational process with children of 6-7 years of life in the interaction of the preschool and primary school. Ensuring that the child is ready for further changes in his or her social position should become one of the leading areas of teacher's work. The problem of continuity becomes natural at this stage. The succession of the first two links is considered not only by the coherence of the programs of education and upbringing, but also by the perspective of each component of education, which ensures the effective development of children, that is, the goals, tasks, means of working with them and forms of its organization. This age is the basic stage of physical, psychological and social formation of a child's personality, and therefore the priority of health care activity at this age is obvious.

Succession is a common law of social development. As a rule, this law is in the progressive movement of each new stage of development of social consciousness, directly removed from the previous and closely combined with it, keeping everything valuable, positive. Thus, continuity is a prerequisite for any development, since it represents the transition of the old to the new.

The consistency of the first two units of education does not mean that there are no more problems with the implementation of the principle of continuity between the institution of pre-school education and the school. Preschool education has changed qualitatively in terms of understanding the goals of preparing a child for school and realizing their age opportunities in the sixth year of life. Despite the comfortable conditions created for a child in a pre- sch ool setting, thei r further development depends on the next stage of development - primary school. In recent years, elementary school has made some shifts in creating the conditions for further development of early childhood achievements.

Researcher T Erokhina (2001) has divided the process of continuity into the following stages: formation of readiness of children in preschool educational establishment to study and adaptation, to conditions of education in elementary school, development of students in elementary school on the basis of use of elements of formation of readiness and pedagogical technologies of institution of preschool education. The scientist determines the main components in formation of the readiness of children to study in primary school:

- maintaining and strengthening the health;

- psychological preparation for schooling;

- formation of knowledge and skills;

- development of cultural skills (p. 105).

According to T. Erokhina (2001), "this direction creates the basis for successful implementation of the continuity of education in primary school and begins to be realized in older preschool age" (p. 32).

Conclusions and perspectives of further studies

Modern scientists, preschool educators, physical education instructors, elementary school teachers, day care group teachers, heads of sports clubs who take care of preserving and promoting the health of pupils should consolidate, join forces, ensure perspective and success realization of tasks, pedagogically appropriate selection of content, forms, methods, means, technologies of formation of a healthy lifestyle; quenching the child's body, mastering vital motor skills; increasing the level of development of physical qualities; education of moral virtues and strong-willed qualities of the child; mastering the technique of special sports exercises (Eremenko, Ostryanska, 2013).The result of the interaction of pedagogical teams is their cooperation: long-term, inseparable, with common complex and integrated tasks.

The problem of studying the professional orientation of prospective pedagogues of preschool educational establishments and elementary schools in the formation of children's values to their own health as the most important factor in personal development is promising.


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  • About University of Oxford. The University consists of 38 faculties and colleges, as well as the so-called six dormitories - private schools that do not have the status of college and belonging, as a rule, religious orders. Structure of the University.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 11.11.2014

  • Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.

    реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • Approach - one’s viewpoint toward teaching. The set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Learner, performance and competency based approach. Teacher’s and student’s role in the teaching.

    презентация [447,5 K], добавлен 21.10.2015

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • All children, who live in the United Kingdom, according to law, are obligated to learn and to obtain formation. System of management and financing of schools. Elementary, secondary, specialized, private schools. Training program in the British schools.

    реферат [25,1 K], добавлен 18.10.2010

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