Communicative approach in teaching foreign language to students
Examines and characteristic of content of the communicative approach as one of the most successful methods of teaching English nowadays. The basic principles are aimed at teachers and students, efficient classroom activities and styles of learning.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.01.2022 |
Размер файла | 23,8 K |
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Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Communicative approach in teaching foreign language to students
Olga Mykoliuk, Lecturer
Donetsk, Ukraine
Ольга Миколюк, викладач, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса (м. Донецьк, Україна)
У статті розглядається комунікативний підхід як один із найуспішніших методів викладання англійської мови на сьогоднішній день. Досліджуються головні принципи застосування цього методу як з боку викладачів, так і з боку студентів. Надаються певні рекомендації для викладачів, наводяться приклади видів діяльності студентів на заняттях, розглядаються типи навчання іноземної мови, що асоціюються з комунікативним підходом. Стаття містить навіть критику та недоліки такого підходу. Організації ефективної мовленнєвої діяльності на уроці сприяє комунікативний підхід у навчанні, що передбачає необхідність побудови навчального процесу як моделі спілкування. Суть даного підходу в тому, що правила, слова і вирази не вивчаються через спеціальні вправи, а засвоюються в процесі комунікативної діяльності. Тут одночасно розвивається швидкість мовлення і відпрацьовуються мовленнєві зразки і структури. Комунікативний метод, в першу чергу, потрібен для того, щоб зняти страх перед живим спілкуванням. Людина, у якої відсутні побоювання з приводу того, що його не зрозуміють, легко зможе знайти спільну мову в чужій країні, володіючи стандартним набором граматичних конструкцій і маючи словниковий запас до 1000 слів. Сучасні вимоги до підготовки кваліфікованого спеціаліста перш за все потребують від нього бути учасником міжкультурної комунікації та мати необхідні комунікативні спроможності в сферах професійного та ситуативного спілкування в усній і письмовій формах, навички практичного володіння іноземною мовою в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності в обсязі тематики, що обумовлена професійними потребами; та бути спроможним оволодіти новітньою фаховою інформацією через іноземні джерела. Все це підвищує попит на кваліфікованих випускників (фахівців), які вільно володіють іноземною мовою, зокрема мовою міжнародного спілкування, та обумовлює необхідність вивчення курсу “Іноземна мова”. Останнім часом більшість викладачів ставлять перед собою питання, який підхід у навчанні іноземній мові буде найкращим. Необхідно виділити комунікативний підхід, тому що головним його напрямом є навчання мовлення в умовах спілку-вання. Цей підхід визначився в результаті осмислення наукових досягнень в галузі лінгвістики, зокрема комунікативної лінгвістики, психології та теорії діяльності. Комунікативний підхід є досить ефективним, тому він потребує подальшого вивчення та розвитку.
Ключові слова. Комунікативний підхід, іноземна мова, методи викладання англійської мови, розмовна англійська мова, вільне володіння іноземною мовою, типи навчання іноземної мови, комунікативна компетенція, цільова мова, носій мови.
This article examines the communicative approach as one of the most successful methods of teaching English nowadays. The basic principles are aimed at teachers and students, efficient classroom activities and styles of learning. Furthermore, there are some guidelines for teachers and even a critique of communicative language teaching in this article.
Key words: communicative language teaching, communicative approach, target language, native speaker, first language, fluent command of the language.
Problem statement. Nowadays English language teaching reforms have been carried out in schools. Some teaching reforms have become successful but there are still some problems to be solved. The students who have had several years of training in English are still unable to actually use the language. For example, the students can't understand what the teachers have said and therefore they can't express themselves - their ability to listen and to speak is not up to standard. They can't communicate with others in English and what they have learned is only used in examination. Many people believe that this situation exists because the teachers do not do their job properly. Actually, many teachers ignore the importance of the students' ability to listen and to speak. Now the teachers have been faced with the need to solve these problems.
Research relevance. English teaching reform is carried out on a nation-wide scale, so how do we evaluate it? It seems that some students have got high marks in examination but their listening and speaking skills are poor. They cannot communicate using what they have learned. Secondary school students have taken years to master the essentials of English and still are not able to speak the language adequately in many cases. Actually, the students' linguistic ability is incomplete.
Analysis of recent publications. The issue of communicative language teaching was studied in the works of J. C. Richards, R. W. Schmidt. D. Nunan, Wilga M. Rivers, M. Berns and many other authors. But the problem of how to make students speak English fluently at English lessons has not been completely discovered.
Objectives of the research. The research aims at studying the essence of the communicative language teaching, basic principles of common work for teachers and students, the PPP approach to communicative language teaching, the types of learning associated with the CLT approach, some advices to teachers, classroom activities used in CLT and even critiques of CLT.
Results of research
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), also known as the Communicative Approach, emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. Despite a number of criticisms it continues to be popular, particularly in Europe, where constructivist views on language learning and education in general dominate academic discourse. Although CLT is not so much a method on its own as it is an approach.
In recent years, task-based language learning (TBLL), also known as task-based language teaching (TBLT) or task-based instruction (TBI), has grown steadily in popularity. TBLL is a further refinement of the CLT approach, emphasizing the successful completion of tasks as both the organizing feature and the basis for the assessment of language instruction. Dogmatic language teaching shares a philosophy with TBL, although differs in approach. Dogma is a communicative approach to language teaching as it encourages teaching without published textbooks and instead focuses on conversational communication among the students and the teacher. [5] communicative teaching english student
Investigating the western educational approach to foreign languages, we can find that the teachers never divide the four abilities in their teaching. They always put the training students' speaking ability first. They drill the students' listening ability in the whole communicative process. So, our teachers are faced with the problem of changing our teaching methods to improve the students' ability to listen and to speak. [2]
Here are the main core principles which make it the most successful language learning approach in use today.
Basic Principles for Teachers
1. A teacher's main role is as facilitator and monitor rather than leading the class. In other words, "the guide by the side" and not "the sage on the stage".
2. Lessons are usually topic or theme based, with the target grammar "hidden" in the context e.g. a job interview (using the Present Perfect Tense).
3. Lessons are built round situations/functions practical and authentic within the real world e.g. asking for information, complaining, apologizing, job interviews, telephoning.
4. Activities set by the teacher have relevance and purpose to real life situations - students can see the direct benefit of learning.
5. Dialogues are used that centre around communicative functions, such as socializing, giving directions, making telephone calls.
6. Emphasis on engaging students in more useful and flowing language rather than repetitive phrases or grammar patterns.
7. Emphasis on communication and meaning rather than accuracy. Being understood takes precedence over correct grammar. The fine tuning of grammar comes later.
8. Emphasis is put on the "appropriation" of language. What is the most appropriate language and tone for a particular situation?
9. Communicative competence is the desired goal, i.e. being able to survive, converse and be understood in the language.
10. Emphasis is put on correct pronunciation and choral (group) and individual drilling is used.
11. Authentic listening and reading texts are used more often, rather than artificial texts simply produced to feature the target language.
12. Use of songs and games is encouraged and provides a natural environment to promote language and enhance correct pronunciation.
13. Feedback and correction is usually given by the teacher after tasks have been completed, rather than at the point of error, thus interrupting the flow.
Basic Principles for Students
1. Students are often more motivated with this approach as they have an interest to communicate, as the lesson is topic or theme based.
2. Students are encouraged to speak and communicate from day one, rather than just barking out repetitive phrases.
3. Students practice the target language a number of times, slowly building on accuracy.
4. Language is created by the individual, often through trial and error.
5. Students interact with each other in pairs or groups, to encourage a flow of language to maximize their exposure, rather than just teacher to student and vice versa.
6. Unless the focus is on the accuracy stage of the lesson, students are corrected at the end of an activity so as not to interrupt their thought processes. [4]
The PPP Approach to Communicative Language Teaching "PPP" (or the "3P's") stands for Presentation, Practice and Production - a common approach to communicative language teaching that works through the sequential progression of its three stages.
Presentation represents the introduction to a lesson, and necessarily requires the creation of a realistic (or realistic-feeling) "situation". This demands the target language to be learned and can be achieved through using pictures, dialogs, imagination or actual "classroom situations". The teacher checks to see that the students understand the nature of the situation, then builds the "concept" underlying the target language to be learned using small chunks of language that the students already know. Having understood the concept, students are then given the language "model" and practice using choral drills to learn the target language's forms of statement, answer and question. This is a very teacher-orientated stage where error correction is important.
Practice usually begins with what is termed "mechanical practice" open and closed pair work. Students gradually move into a more "communicative practice" involving procedures like information gap activities, dialogue creation and controlled role plays. Practice is seen as the frequency device to create familiarity and confidence with the new language, along with a measuring stick for accuracy. The teacher still directs and corrects at this stage, but the classroom is beginning to become more student-centred.
Production is seen as the culmination of the language learning processes, whereby the students have started to become independent users of the language rather than just students of the language. The teacher's role here is to somehow facilitate a realistic situation or activity where the students instinctively feel the need to actively apply the language they have been practicing. The teacher does not correct or become involved unless students directly appeal to him/her to do so.
The PPP approach is relatively straight forward, and structured enough to be easily understood by both students and new or inexperienced teachers. It is a good place to start in terms of applying good communicative language teaching in the classroom. It has also been criticized considerably for the very characteristic that makes it the easiest method for "beginner" teachers, that is, it is far too teacher-oriented and overcontrolled. [6] Types of Learning Associated with the CLT Approach Interactive Learning
This concept goes right to the heart of communication itself, stressing the dual roles of "receiver" and "sender" in any communicative situation. Interaction creates the "negotiation between interlocutors" which in turn produces meaning (semantics). The concept of interactive learning necessarily entails that there will be a lot of pair and group work in the classroom, as well as genuine language input from the "real world" for meaningful communication.
Student-centred Learning
This kind of instruction involves the giving over of some "power" in the language learning process to the students themselves. It also strives to allow for personal creativity and input from the students, as well as taking into account their learning needs and objectives.
Co-operative Learning
This concept stresses the "team" nature of the classroom and emphasizes cooperation as opposed to competition. Students share information and help and achieve their learning goals as a group.
Content-based Learning
This kind of learning joins language learning to content/subject matter and engages them both concurrently. Language is seen as a tool or medium for acquiring knowledge about other things, instantly proving its usefulness.
An important factor in this kind of learning is that the content itself determines what language items need to be mastered, not the other way around. When students study math or science using English as the medium, they are more intrinsically motivated to learn more of the language.
Task-based Learning
This concept equates the idea of a "learning task" to a language learning technique in itself. This could be a problem solving activity or a project, but the task itself must have a clear objective, appropriate content, a working/application procedure and a set range of outcomes. [7]
Some advice to teachers
1. Communicative methods focus on languages as a medium of communication. They recognises that all communication has a social purpose and that the student has something to say or find out.
2. Communication embraces a whole spectrum of functions (e.g. seeking information/apologising/expressing likes and dislikes, etc) and notions (e.g. apologising for being late/asking where the nearest post office is).
3. New syllabuses based on communicative methods offer some communicative ability from an early stage.
4. Hitherto languages were taught in a vacuum - language for the sake of language/passing exams - rather than language for true communication. Prior to National Curriculum, teaching was left almost totally at the 'medium' level. There is a very little scope to test true communicative ability or to use the language spontaneously.
5. Classroom activities maximise opportunities for students to use the target language in a communicative way for meaningful activities. Emphasis on meaning (messages they are creating or task they are completing) rather than form (correctness of language and language structure) - as in first language acquisition.
6. Use of target language as the normal medium for classroom management and instruction - reflects naturalistic language acquisition.
7. Communicative Approach is much more pupil-orientated, because it is dictated by the pupils' needs and interests.
8. Accent is on functional/usable language. Students should be able to go to a foreign country, prepared for realities that they encounter there. They need to be able to cope/ survive in a variety of everyday situations.
9. Classrooms should provide opportunities for the rehearsal of real-life situations and provide opportunities for real communication. Emphasis on creative role- plays/simulations/surveys/projects/plays stimulates spontaneity and improvisation - not just repetition and drills.
10. More emphasis on active modes of learning, including pair work and group work - not often exploited enough by teachers fearful of noisy classes.
11. Primacy of oral work. Emphasis is on oral and listening skills in the classroom. Contact time with the target language is all-important and paves the way fora more fluid command of the language's facility and promotes ease of expression, i.e. not just hearing the teacher, but having personal contact with language, practising sounds themselves, changing sentence patterns and getting the chance to make mistakes and learn from so doing.
12. Errors are a natural part of learning a language. Students trying their best to use the language creatively and spontaneously are bound to make errors. Constant correction is unnecessary and even counter-productive. Correction should be discreet and noted by the teacher - let them talk and express themselves - the form of the language becomes secondary.
13. Communicative Approach is not just limited to oral skills. Reading and writing skills need to be developed to promote pupils' confidence in all four skill areas. By using elements encountered in a variety of ways (reading/summarising/ translating/discussion/debates) - makes the language more fluid and pupils' manipulation of language more fluent.
14. Grammar can still be taught, but less systematically, in traditional ways alongside more innovative approaches. It is recognised that communication depends on grammar. Disregard of grammatical form will virtually guarantee breakdown in communication.
15. Language analysis and grammar explanation may help some students, but extensive experience of target language helps everyone. Pupils need to hear plenty said about the topic in the target language at regular and recurrent intervals, so they are exposed to the topic and can assimilate it. (Not mere passive acquisition of certain lexical items).
16. Communicative Approach seeks to personalise and localise language and adapt it to the interests of the pupils. Meaningful language is always more easily retained by students.
17. It is possible to use idiomatic/ everyday language (even slang words). This is kind of language used in communication between real people - it is not always a 'medium'/grammatical/exam-orientated/formal language !
18. Communicative approach makes use of topical items with which pupils are already familiar in their own language - this motivates pupils arousing their interest and leads to a more active participation.
19. Avoid age-old texts - materials must relate to pupils' own lives to be fresh and real. Changing texts and materials regularly keeps teachers on their toes and pupils interested.
20. Languages need not be laboriously monotonous and "medium" oriented. They can be structured but also spontaneous and incidental. Language is never static. Life isn't like that - we are caught unawares, unprepared, "pounced upon”! Pupils need to practise improvising in an unrehearsed and natural manner.
21. Spontaneous and improvised practice helps to make minds more flexible and inspire confidence in coping with unforeseen, unanticipated situations. Sometimes, we need to "go off at a tangent"/ use different registers/develop alternative ways of saying things.
22. Communicative Approach seeks to use authentic resources. They have to be more interesting and motivating. In foreign language classrooms, authentic texts serve as a partial substitute for a community of native speakers. Newspaper and magazine articles, poems, manuals, recipes, telephone directories, videos, news bulletins, discussion programmes - all can be exploited in a variety of ways.
23. It is important not to be restricted to a textbook. Never feel that a textbook must be used from cover to cover. It is just a tool, a starting point. With a little inspiration and imagination a textbook can be manipulated and rendered more communicative. The teacher must free himself from it, rely more on his own command of language and his professional expertise as to what linguistic items, idioms, phrases, words, need to be drilled /exploited/extended.
24. There has to be a use of visual stimuli - OHP, flashcards, etc - important to provoke practical communicative language. (3 stages of presentation /assimilation/ reproducing language in creative and spontaneous way). Visual resources can be exploited at whatever level one wishes - helping to motivate and focus pupils' attention. [1]
Classroom activities used in CLT
Example Activities:
- Role Play
- Interviews
- Information Gap
- Games
- Language Exchanges
- Surveys
- Pair Work
- Learning by teaching
However, not all courses that utilize the Communicative Approach will restrict their activities solely to these. Some courses for instance, will have the students take occasional grammar quizzes, or prepare at home using non-communicative drills.
Critiques of CLT
Often, the Communicative Approach is deemed a success if the teacher understands the student. However, if the teacher is from the same region as the student, the teacher will understand errors resulting from an influence from their native language. Native speakers of the target language may still have difficulty understanding them. This observation may call for new thinking on and adaptation of the communicative approach. The adapted communicative approach should be a simulation where the teacher pretends to understand only what any regular speaker of the target language would and reacts accordingly. [3]
Out of the many approaches and methodologies available to the language teacher, the Communicative Approach has proven one of the most successful in providing confident students, who are able to make themselves effectively understood in the shortest possible time. It is therefore the teacher's responsibility to create situations which are likely to promote communication, and provide an authentic background for language learning.
Prospects of further research. The Communicative Approach initially prioritizes communicative competence over accurate grammar. Grammar is hidden within the body of a lesson and highlighted and focused upon once the context has been set. Let your students communicate first - build on their accuracy after. For example, do not start by frightening your adult students off with: "Today we are going to learn about the Present Perfect Simple", instead just say: "Today we are going to learn how to do a job interview in English". It is important to remember that as individuals most of us do not leam a language in order to communicate. First we try to communicate, and in doing so, we leam. Methods of teaching foreign languages via communicative approach are efficient, they are still to discover, develop and to implement in classes to the biggest extent.
1. Communicative Approach. Retrieved from:
2. Communicative Approach in English Teaching. Retrieved from:
3. Communicative Language Teaching. Retrieved from:
4. Gill Hart. English Teaching: What is the Communicative Approach? Retrieved from:
5. Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages. Retrieved from:
6. The PPP Approach to Communicative Language Teaching. Retrieved from: http://www.
7. Types of Learning Associated with the CLT Approach. Retrieved from: http://www.
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