Concept of forming professional and pedagogical mobility of the future lecturer in the master's degree

Training of a professional-mobile teacher who is able to quickly get involved in educational activities, conduct quality training and meet the requirements of modern legislation. Success of adaptation of the future teacher to the educational process.

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Department of Pedagogy and Social Management of Lviv Polytechnic National University

Concept of forming professional and pedagogical mobility of the future lecturer in the master's degree

Oleksandr Iyevlyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor


The concept of the formation of professional and pedagogical mobility of the future teacher in the conditions of the magistracy is substantiated in the article. Such conceptual provisions: the leading direction of the education system should be the preparation of a professional mobile teacher capable of quickly becoming involved in educational activities, conducting high-quality training sessions, meeting the requirements of modern legislation and regulations in a teacher, providing for the development of a scientifically-based system of a higher education institution with the formation of a vocational and pedagogical mobility of future teachers; successful adaptation of the future teacher to the educational process is determined by the level of professional and pedagogical mobility through the development of relevant competences are proposed and based on certain scientific approaches and organizational and pedagogical conditions.

The object: is to substantiate the concept of formation of professional and pedagogical mobility of the future lecturer in the conditions of the magistracy.


Олександр ІЄВЛЄВ, кандидат технічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогіки та соціального управління Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"


У статті обґрунтуванні концепції формування професіно-педагоічної мобільності майбутнього викладача в умовах магістратури. На основі визначених наукових підходів та організаційно-педагогічних умов запропоновано такі концептуальні положення: провідним напрямом системи освіти має стати підготовка професійно-мобільного викладача, здатного швидко включатися в освітню діяльність, якісно проводити навчальні заняття, відповідати вимогам сучасного законодавства та нормативних актів до педагогічного працівника; успішність адаптації майбутнього викладача до освітнього процесу визначається рівнем професійно-педагогічної мобіль-ності через сфор- мованість відповідних компетентностей; формування професійно-педагогічної мобільності майбутніх викладачів передбачає розробку відповідної системи роботи закладу вищої освіти, що враховує необхідність мотивування їх до роботи над собою.

Ключові слова: професійна мобільність, професійно-педагогічна мобільність, педагогічна мобільність, соціально-професійна мобільність, викладач, магістратура, концепція.

Problem statement in general form. Mobility throughout history has been the driving force behind humanity. At different historical stages, its various species become relevant. So the revolutions that took place in the early twentieth century. in Europe and the Russian Empire, attached particular importance to social mobility, which was accompanied by the collapse of the empires and the partial destruction of the ruling classes. At the same time, India still retains the caste structure of society, which impedes the social mobility of members of society.

The formation and development of an industrial society, accompanied by industrial revolutions (I: the middle of the eighteenth century - the first half of the nineteenth century, the second half: from the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century) attached particular importance to professional mobility, which should become one of the leading principles of modern professional education, based on the classical principles of fundamentalism, scientific, systematic, professional-subject orientation [4, р. 7].

Professional mobility is the quality necessary for a successful life of a person in a modern society [8, р. 570].

Modern scientific research is devoted to various types of mobility: social, labor, personal, cultural, educational, intellectual, communicative, informational (virtual), intellectual, mathematical, academic, etc. At the same time, these types of mobility under certain conditions can be considered as components of professional mobility. professional educational training

At the same time, the emergence of a post-industrial (informational) society taking place against the backdrop of crisis phenomena in the economy caused, not least, qualitative changes in the professional activities of representatives of traditional professions (lectuers, teachers, etc.), leads to the need for research of combined types of types of professional mobility, pedagogical.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Integration of the education system into the European educational space is one of the modernization of the educational system of


Crisis in the education system manifests itself in the reduction of wages of educators, including in comparison with the salaries of educators in the countries of the European Union; insufficient funding for educational institutions; reduction of the authority of the work of the pedagogue in society; lag in informatization, including due to insufficient number of technical means and lack of qualified technical personnel and pedagogical staff in this area, etc.

Due to this, the outflow of qualified pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical personnel has increased significantly, which has led to the emergence of vacant places in educational institutions.

There are certain requirements of the current legislation for future pedagogical workers. For these positions, persons whose "physical and mental state allows them to carry out pedagogical activities and who have an educational and / or professional qualification that corresponds to the established legislation, in particular a professional standard (if available), qualification requirements for corresponding positions of pedagogical workers are accepted" [1].

Due to the possibility of cross-entry into the pedagogical specialty, the study of the magistracy acts as the leading form of training (retraining) of specialists with basic non-pedagogical education for the education system. At the same time, the legislation provides for the awarding of a pedagogical professional qualification and "graduates of non-teaching specialties, if provided by the relevant educational program" [Ibid.].

It should be recalled that the "traditional" training (retraining) of persons with basic non-pedagogical education envisaged undergraduate studies (in full or in short terms), and then, as a rule, in the master's degree.

It should be noted that "professional qualifications of a pedagogical worker are recognized in the established procedure and certified by a corresponding document, a standardized set of competencies (learning outcomes) acquired by a person that enable them to carry out professional pedagogical activities" [2, p. 1 ].

In studies of professional mobility, the following types of professional mobility of pedagogue are distinguished.

Professional mobility of teacher is an integral dynamic quality of the individual that ensures the success of its adaptation to the ever-changing conditions of professional education and acts as a condition for successful professional self-development [3, p. 20].

Social-professional mobility of the pedagogue, which is considered as a personal characteristic, indicating that the pedagogue is ready for transformations in the broad educational space of modern society. This is the internal (motivational-intellectual-volitional) potential of the individual, actualized by it for solving professional and life problems, an integral dynamic personal entity capable of self-development [7, p. 6].

Pedagogical mobility It is the ability of the individual (pedagogue, andra- gog, education manager) to organize joint activities with other subjects of the educational process in accordance with the goals and objectives of the modern conception of education, the values of world, national, regional and national culture, realizing its own socio-cultural and socio-professional competence, including in the process of comprehension and forecasting of the results of the organized subj ect of subject relations [6, p. 21].

At the same time, when acquiring the specialty of a lecturers in a magistracy, the formation of professional and pedagogue mobility, which determines the success of the graduate's professional activity, becomes of particular relevance.

The professional and pedagogical mobility of the future lecturer is integrative quality of the individual, which allows to combine theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical activity, to be socially active, competitive, professionally competent (have profound knowledge in the chosen specialty), adaptive, capable of self-realization, self-development, self-education, creativity in the conditions of acquiring a pedagogical specialty and modernization of own professional activity as a strategic goal of life.

Firstly, this is due to more concise terms of study and, as a result, fewer psychological and pedagogical disciplines (their credits), which must be mastered by the student.

Presentation of the main research material.

The expediency of developing a concept for the formation of professional and pedagogical mobility is that this type of mobility in modern conditions is a necessary component of lecturer training in a master's degree.

The urgency of the formation of professional professional and pedagogical mobility is determined by the need to resolve such contradictions between:

a decline in the number of teaching staff in the education system and the availability of labor market specialists with basic non-pedagogical education, which, in accordance with the current legislation, may occupy these positions;

the emergence of new requirements for the formation of competence for future lecturers, with their preparation in the short term in the conditions of the magistracy (especially when joining the conditions of the cross-entry) and the discrepancy in the content of their studies;

the emergence of new requirements for the formation of competences for future lecturers, with their preparation in the shortest terms in the conditions of the magistracy (especially when j oining the conditions of the cross-entry) and the discrepancy in the content of their studies;

an objective need for training specialists with the formed professional and pedagogical mobility and the lack of proper scientific and methodological, regulatory, legal and organizational support for this process.

Formation of professional and pedagogical mobility is related with the acquired competencies and corresponding programmatic learning outcomes.

Based on the results of our research, we have identified the following components (competences) of professional and pedagogical mobility [5]:

activity component:

pedagogical (the ability to organize own professional activities and educational activities of students),

professional (a set of special knowledge and skills that are determined predominantly by basic education, the ability to use them in professional activities),

project (the ability to design own professional-pedagogical activity, educational and cognitive activity of students),

psychological (to know the patterns of mental processes and states of personality, the ability to use this knowledge in the educational process).

personal component:

motivational (installation for professional development, ability to know own motivation for professional activity),

reflexive (the ability to comprehend own professional and personal capabilities)

adaptive (the ability to adapt to the conditions of professional activity)

creative (creative attitude to professional activity, ability to master the ways of creativity in it).

Formation of certain competencies is not identical to the formation of professional and pedagogical mobility, since each discipline (topic) forms in fact only some of its components. At the same time, the future lecturers must "understand" the essence of the concept of "professional and pedagogical mobility" and master the practice of its formation.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve such problems:

to develop common approaches to the training of future professional and pedagogically mobile lecturers in a master's degree;

to involve heads of educational institutions, leading experts in the education system to participate in the training of future professional and pedagogically mobile letuters,

to increase the qualification from the letuter's professional and pedagogical mobility during the pedagogical internship,

make clarifications in the content of disciplines (classroom and independent work) of educational programs, content modules in accordance with the essence of pedagogical and pedagogical mobility,

to introduce innovative and interactive learning technologies into the educational process,

to introduce in the educational process of higher educational institution such author's courses and educational-methodical complexes: "Professional mobility of a graduate of an educational institution" (for specialization "Management of an educational institution" specialty "Management"), "Professional-pedagogical mobility of a specialist" (for a specialty "Educational, pedagogical science").

to hold a series of methodological seminars for scientific and pedagogical workers on the problem of formation of lecturers' professional and pedagogical mobility in the conditions of a magistracy.

Theoretical analysis of scientific literature testifies that formation of professional and pedagogical mobility of future lecturers in the conditions of a magistracy can be carried out on the basis of general-didactic and specific scientific approaches. The first should be attributed: personality-activity, competence, event, synergetic, systemic, axiological, humanistic-oriented (humanistic) scientific approaches. To others - mobility, approaches to the educational process, etc.

According to the results of our studies, the training of a future lecturer in a master's degree, with an appropriate level of professional and pedagogical mobility, will be effective in introducing such organizational and pedagogical conditions into the educational process:

integration of basic and psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the preparation of a future lecturer in a master's degree;

introduction of innovative and interactive pedagogical technologies into the educational process (system of methodological work) of higher educational institution;

formation in the participants of the educational process the ability to use methods of manipulative influence in the subject-subject interaction;

the orientation of the educational process to the formation of the students' competences determined by us;

taking into account the profile of the future educational activities (specialization) graduates of higher educational institutions;

realization of the model of the process of formation of a professional and pedagogical mobile lecturer;

organization of methodical work with the pedagogical team on the formation of psychological and pedagogical readiness of pedagogical workers for the formation of lectuer's professional and pedagogical mobility in the conditions of a magistracy.

The choice of pedagogical technologies is determined in accordance with the orientation and the main focus of the educational program of the specialty (specialization) in which the training of future professional and pedagogically mobile lecturers in the master's degree is carried out..

The development of technology for the training of a professional and pedagogically mobile lecturer in the conditions of a magistracy should be carried out taking into account the orientation of his personality; basic specialty; the level of formation at the moment of admission to the magistracy of the established competencies (components of professional and pedagogical mobility); educational, production and educational situations, provided by the relevant educational disciplines and practices of the educational program.

In order to form the lecturer's professional and pedagogical mobility in a relatively short period of study in a master's degree, in our opinion, it is expedient to use methods of indirect pedagogical influence.

In this case, the manipulative style of the pedagogical subject-subject interaction will correspond to the modern tendencies of humanization of the educational process.

The leading role in shaping the professional and pedagogical mobility of future lecturers is played by the teaching and methodological complexes to the author's special courses "Professional mobility of a graduate of an educational institution", "Professional and pedagogical mobility of a specialist".

Conclusions from the research and perspectives of further exploration in this direction

Thus, based on the purpose and conditions for the implementation of the concept on the basis of definite scientific approaches, organizational and pedagogical conditions, which are put forward to the formation of professional and pedagogical mobility of future lecturers, the following conceptual provisions are proposed:

the leading direction of the education system should be the training of a professional mobile lecturer able to quickly become involved in educational activities, qualitatively conduct training sessions, meet the requirements of modern legislation and regulations for a pedagogical worker,

the successful adaptation of the future lecturer to the educational process is determined by the level of pro- fe ssional and pedagogical mobility through the formation of the respective competencies.

the formation of professional and pedagogical mobility of future lecturer involves the development of an appropriate system of work of the institution of higher education, which takes into account the need to motivate them to work on themselves.


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