Development of communicative competence of 1st grade students by means of educational games
The peculiarities of formation of communicative competence of first grade students with the help of educational games is analyzed. The initial level of formation of communication skills and abilities of schoolchildren is experimentally researched.
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Дата добавления | 26.01.2022 |
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Development of communicative competence of 1st grade students by means of educational games
Maria Ivasyuk, Master, teacher of Mykulychyn Secondary School of I-III levels Ivano-Frankivsk region
Розвиток комунікативної компетентності в учнів 1 класу засобом навчальної гри
Марія Івасюк, магістр, вчитель Микуличинської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів Івано-Франківської області
У статті розглянуто проблему особливостей формування комунікативної компетентності учнів першого класу за допомогою навчальної гри. Експериментально досліджено початковий рівень сформованості комунікативних навичок і умінь школярів.
Визначено різницю між поняттями «комунікативна компетентність» і «мовна компетенція». Проаналізовано особливості та визначено основні способи використання гри в освітньому процесі з метою формування комунікативної компетентності учнів початкової школи.
З'ясовано вплив навчальних ігор на рівень сформованості комунікативної компетентності. Доведено, що комунікативна компетентність впливає не тільки на оволодіння необхідною кількістю мовних і мовленнєвих знань, але й на процес формування у молодших школярів умінь практичного використання мови в процесі мовленнєвої діяльності та відображає рівень їх майстерності у спілкуванні з іншими людьми і здатність обирати стратегію спілкування та застосовувати комплекс відповідних умінь. Процес формування комунікативної компетентності учнів першого класу передбачає оволодіння уміннями і навичками користування засобами вербального і невербального мовлення; розвиток діалогічного і монологічного мовлення; оволодіння культурою усного і писемного мовлення та розвиток умінь орієнтуватися у різноманітних комунікативних ситуаціях.
Встановлено, що навчальні ігри за рахунок багаторазового сприйняття й відтворення матеріалу забезпечують міцне запам'ятовування лексичних одиниць і граматичних структур та впливають на мотивоване перенесення й вживання в нових ігрових ситуаціях. Саме у грі молодший школяр здобуває основні навички та уміння спілкування, у нього формуються якості, необхідні для встановлення контакту з однолітками.
Визначено педагогічні вимоги до використання дидактичних ігор на ранкових зустрічах і уроках в початковій школі. Зокрема, з'ясовано, що ігри повинні відповідати віковим, індивідуальним особливостям і освітнім, зокрема, мовним можливостям; форма і зміст гри повинні бути обґрунтовані педагогічно й дидактично; обов'язкове залучення якомога більше дітей до участі в грі та використання ігор з метою розвитку всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності.
У статті описано власний педагогічний досвід та подані методичні рекомендації щодо використання навчальних ігор в освітньому процесі початкової школи.
Ключові слова: учень початкової школи, освітній процес, комунікативна компетентність, мовна компетенція, навчальна гра.
In the article the problem of peculiarities of formation of communicative competence of first grade students with the help of educational games is analyzed. The initial level of formation of communication skills and abilities of schoolchildren is experimentally researched. The difference between the concepts of «communicative competence» and «language competence» is determined. The peculiarities are analyzed and the main ways of using games in the educational process for developing primary school students' communicative competence are determined.
The influence of educational games on the level of formation of communicative competence is characterized. It is noted that communicative competence affects not only mastering the required amount of language and speech knowledge, but also the process of forming primary school students' skills of practical use of language in speech and reflects their skills of communicating with others and ability to choose communication strategies and apply a set of relevant skills. The process of formation of communicative competence of 1st grade students involves mastering the skills and abilities of using means of verbal and nonverbal speech; development of dialogic and monologue speech; mastering the culture of oral and written speech and development of skills to navigate in a variety of communicative situations.
It has been proved that educational games, because of repeated perception and reproduction of the material, provide strong memorization of lexical units and grammatical structures and influence motivated transfer and use in new game situations. It is in the game that the primary school student acquires basic communication skills and abilities, develops the qualities necessary for establishing contacts with peers.
The pedagogical requirements for the use of didactic games during morning meetings and lessons in primary school are determined. In particular, it has been researched that games must correspond to age, individual characteristics and special educational and, in particular, language abilities; the form and content of the game must be substantiated pedagogically and didactically; it is obligatory to involve as many children as possible in the game and to use games in order to develop all kinds of speech activities.
The article describes the author's own pedagogical experience and provides guidelines for the use of educational games in the primary school educational process.
Key words: primary school student, educational process, communicative competence, language competence, educational game.
Formulation of the problem. The urgency of the problem of forming the communicative competence of primary school students is due to modern requirements for the organization of the educational process in primary school. Today in Pedagogy the main thing is the choice of such forms and methods of student-centered teaching, which take into account his/her interests, creative abilities, capabilities.
Primary school age is extremely favorable for mastering communication skills, because children of this age easily develop listening abilities and articulation, they like to learn new words and phrases, master linguistic constructions, strive to communicate and quickly gain speech experience.
The New Ukrainian School aims at introducing communicative competence, stating that «knowledge and skills, interrelated with student's values, form his/her life competencies necessary for successful life self-realization, study and work» (New Ukrainian School, 2016, p. 10).
Analysis of research and publications. Some psychological and pedagogical aspects of communicative competence and its formation, including in primary school, were studied by N. Bibik, M. Vashulenko, M. Zhynkina, T. Ladyzhynska, O. Marushchak, L. Matsko, M. Oliyar, O. Khoroshkovska, etc.
The principle of competence approach to the organization of the educational environment using educational and game activity for primary schoolchildren was researched by domestic scientists and methodologists - M. Bogdanovych, O. Gaishtut, L. Koval, M. Kozak, L. Kochyna, M. Levshyn, N. Lystopad, G. Lyshenko, S. Logachevska, O. Mytnyk, O. Savchenko, S. Skvortsova and others.
Philisophers F. Schiller, G. Spencer, and W. Wundt were the first to consider the role of the game. In particular, F. Schiller noted that «Man only plays when he is in the fullest sense of the word a human being, and he is only fully a human being when he plays» (Schiller, 1957, p. 15).
According to the outstanding educator V.O. Sukhomlynsky: «Without game there is no and can not be a full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which the life-giving stream of ideas, concepts about the surrounding world flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the fire of curiosity and interest» (Sukhomlynsky, 1977, p. 95).
The purpose of the article is to analyze the influence of game on the formation of communicative competence of primary school students.
According to the purpose the main tasks of research are defined: to analyze conditions of formation of 1st grade students' communicative abilities and skills and to define basic ways of using games in the educational process for the purpose of formation of communicative competence of primary school pupils.
educational game communicative competence
Research results
The analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature contributed to the consideration of communicative competence of primary school students as an integral quality of a personality, which «is manifested in the ability to form motivational and value basis of communication; master and apply language skills, establish and maintain contacts with other people, using different ways of interaction; work effectively in groups; play different social roles» (Marushchak, 2017, p.16).
To specify the concept of communicative competence, it is necessary to define the concept of «competence». We agree to the analysis of dictionaries carried out by I. Cherezova, who notes that a competent person is a person who has sufficient knowledge in a certain field, i.e. knowledgeable, intelligent, qualified, who has certain powers, full-fledged in solving problems with competence. Competence, the author notes, is a range of issues in which someone is well aware (Cherezova I., 2014, pp. 103-104).
Thus, the process of formation of communicative competence of primary school students involves:
• mastering skills and abilities of using means of verbal and nonverbal speech; development of dialogic and monologue speech;
• mastering the culture of oral and written speech;
• mastering the norms of speech etiquette in situations of educational and everyday communication;
• getting the skills of navigating in various communicative situations;
• development of skills of using abilities of constructive communication in everyday life;
• acquiring skills of working in a group, team and developing the skills of educational interaction and cooperation;
• formation of the ability to critically evaluate other people' opinions and actions.
Thus, communicative competence affects not only the acquisition of necessary amount of language and speech knowledge, but also the formation of primary school students' skills of practical using of language in speech and reflects the level of human communicative skills and the ability to choose communication strategies as well as apply the appropriate set of skills.
It should be noted that it is at the primary school age that a personality is formed, and easiness and skillfulness of the student's communication with people, establishing contacts, will influence his/her further studying at school or university, work, in general, his/her lot and position in life. It is during this period that a person get to know how to be responsible, to give and fulfill promises in order to establish contacts with the environment.
The study of the process of formation of 1st grade students' communicative competencies is at the initial stage. Therefore, we analyzed the level of formation of communicative skills and abilities of 1-B students Mykulychyn Secondary School of I-III levels (Ivano-Frankivsk region) using the adapted classification (Finogenov, 2016, p. 61). The class consists of 33 students. Observation and questioning of students in the process of morning greetings and lessons and their total combination made it possible to determine the average percentage of the formation of communication skills.
Chart 1. Rate of formation of communication skills and abilities of 1-B students of Mykulychyn Secondary School of I-III Level (Ivano-Frankivsk region)
№ |
Group of skills and abilities |
List of basic skills and abilities |
Rate of formation (%) |
1 |
Information and communication skills and abilities |
ability to start the communicative process (expressions of greetings, invitations,polite communication); |
70 |
ability to navigate between partners and communicative situations (starting a conversation with a stranger or an acquaintance, observing rules of communication culture with friends, parents, teachers; |
60 |
ability to perceive situations; |
30 |
ability to operate with verbal and nonverbal means of communication; ability to use additional means. |
40 |
2 |
Regulatory and communication skills and abilities |
ability to coordinate own actions, opinions, concepts with needs of communication partners; the ability to help those in need; to compromise, be honest, communicate intentions, give advice and listen to other people; |
50 |
use own communication skills when completing collective tasks; ability to evaluate the results of collective communication, to critically evaluate oneself and communication partners; |
40 |
3 |
Affective and communicative skills |
the ability to show feelings, interest, mood and assess the emotional state of the partner. |
40 |
In order to form communicative competence it's worth:
1. During language and reading lessons to use basic vocabulary, which contributes not only to the development of students' active vocabulary and their speech activity, but also affects the in-depth understanding of the theoretical material under study.
2. To use tasks that encourage students to work creatively.
3. To teach children to use reference and additional literature.
4. To create a favorable, comfortable microclimate in the classroom for interaction, cooperation, co-creation.
5. To determine the motivation of learning.
6. To create situations of success.
7. To introduce modern interactive technologies, because a creative personality can be educated only by a creative teacher.
The game plays an important role in the formation of communicative competence of primary school students.
It is well-known that play is an important activity for primary school children. On one hand, it takes away psychological barriers in communication, increases initiative and activity, stimulates positive emotions, has a positive effect on the cerebral cortex, promotes lasting interest and love of primary school students to language learning.
Educational (didactic, cognitive, intellectual) games due to repeated perception and reproduction of the material provide a strong memorization of lexical units and grammatical structures and affect the motivated transfer and use in new game situations. It is in the game that the child acquires basic communication skills, he/she develops qualities necessary for establishing contacts with peers.
However, in the process of using didactic games the following requirements should be observed:
1. Games must correspond to age, individual characteristics and special educational and, in particular, language abilities.
2. The form and content of the game must be justified pedagogically and didactically.
3. Involve as many children as possible in the game.
4. The use of games to develop all types of speech activity.
When organizing the educational process in primary school, teachers use didactic games, which are expressed in:
• verbal forms;
• can combine words and real objects;
• can combine words and didactic material;
• can combine words and actions.
Let's analyze ways of using games for developing communicative competence in the first grade educational process.
Already in the 1st grade during Ukrainian language and reading lessons it is necessary to teach children to use both dialogue and monologue. After all, cultural dialogic speech is an integral part of the communicative competence of primary school students.
1st grade students are already involved in dialogic speech at the household level. However, in order to involve all students in the dialogue, the following techniques should be used:
• common work planning and choice of a common work partner;
• use formulas «think - discuss with a friend - share with the class»;
• defining the collective opinion;
• construction of evaluative judgments according to the basic scheme, etc.
In order to develop the communicative competence of primary school students, we believe that during the first grade at all stages of the lesson you can use elements of a game. I propose to consider the games that I use in practice using the Standard educational program developed under the guidance of R. Shyyan (2018).
Using the textbook «Ukrainian language. ABC book» by G. Ivanytsa (2018), in the educational branch «Linguistic and Literary» it is advisable to use such games.
During the conversation I introduce students to the following groups of words: (greetings - good afternoon, good evening, good morning, hello; apology - sorry, I apologize; farewell - goodbye, all the best, good night; thanks - thank you, very grateful; making a request- please, will you be so kind).
Introducing children to the topic «Story-telling. Role -play games. Using voice for creating an image. Improvisation» I use the game «Telephone conversation». The teacher offers to play a dialogue over the phone. Students speak for the caller and the teacher for the responding person. Mistakes made during the conversation are discussed and corrected collectively.
When studying the topic «Oral remarks. All information in the dialogue. Monologue expressions. Usage of exclamatory when addressing» it is advisable to use the game «What happened next?» Children make a semicircle. The teacher (leader) picks up a stone (cone, chestnut, acorn) and says:
- I have a stone. Who to give it to? My question will be answered by... (child's name).
- Natalia, we came to school in the morning, entered the classroom. And what did we do then? (gives a stone to Natalia).
Natalia answers: «We had a morning meeting. Michael, what happened next? (passes the stone to the next player). The exercise continues.
Working on the topic «Dialogic speech: improving communication skills. Culture of communication. Expressing different views on the topic of discussion» I offer children the game «Gardeners». Students play in pairs. Taking one card (image of a fruit tree), they have a dialogue:
- I'll plant an apple tree.
- And I'll plant a pear tree.
-1 will grow juicy, sweet, red apples.
- And I will grow tasty, yellow, delicious pears.
- I'll make an apple pie.
- And I will cook pear jam.
The teacher makes sure that if the child does not make language mistakes, he/she can «plant» a tree. The winner is the one who plants more trees.
I use the following game to study the topic «Development of coherent speech. Reproduction of dialogues. Making questions and answers to them». Game «Where does a color live?» Students make a circle. In the center - the leader with the ball. The leader throws the ball and asks:
- What is your favorite color?
- Guess.
- Does your favorite color «live» in a banana?
- No, it doesn't.
- Does it «live» in strawberries?
-Yes, it does.
- Is it red?
- Yes, it's red.
If the color is correct, children change roles. The game continues.
Working on the topic «Story-role games. Using vocabulary and non-verbal means appropriate to the situation of communication» we use the game «Conversation in the basket». The teacher offers students to praise themselves on behalf of the fairy-talecharacter. For example:
- I am Sister Fox. I am so beautiful, smart, cunning and clever.
-And I am crooked-legged Duck. I know how to do everything, I help with the household, I am kind- hearted.
I also offer several games that should be used during morning meetings and studying the integrated course «I explore the world», which also contribute to the formation of primary school students' communicative competence.
• Game «Presentation». The rule of the game is to make a performance for, for example, grandparents, in order to demonstrate students' products or reading a poem. This game promotes the formation of the ability to speak up for the audience. It helps to cope with the fear of public speaking, that is common with children.
• Game «What's going on in the picture?». The rule of the game promotes the development of a student's communication skills. The task of the game is to describe in detail what he/she can see in the picture: colors, people, actions, etc.
• Game «Finish the story». It is necessary to start the story and ask the children to finish it. The game promotes the development of students' vocabulary.
• Game «Improvisation». We offer students to analyze several topics that are written on sheets of paper, folded and put into a box. Then, in turn, students choose topics and improvise on them.
• Game «Create a story». Before the game, students are told the contents of any book and shown illustrations from the book. Tasks for children: to put the pictures in the correct order and retell the story using them.
• Game «Emotional Charades». Different emotions are written on cards: happiness, sadness, anger, boredom, fear and others. Ask your students to take a card and, without using words, express an emotion. This game is especially useful for children who do not recognize emotions by facial expression.
• Game «Leader change». The game teaches students to pay attention to nonverbal cues. One child plays the role of a leader, standing in the center of the circle. She/he does simple actions, such as clapping hands or stamping feet simultaneously expressing an emotion: smiling, frowning, and so on. Everyone in the circle must repeat the actions after the leader. Then the leader have to find a replacement and give a sign: wink or nod. The leader changes, and now everyone must repeat actions after the new leader.
• Game «Phone». This is a classic communication game. Children make a circle. The first player whispers a phrase to his/her neighbor. The same phrase is transmitted along the chain. After that, the first player pronounces the phrase he/she passed to the second, and the last - the phrase heard. Most often, these phrases differ from each other.
• Game «Twenty Questions». This game teaches students to ask direct questions. Players sit in a circle, one sits in the center of the circle. The person in the center must imagine the person, place or object, and the other players have to guess it. Players can ask the child in the center of the circle 20 general questions that can be answered only "yes" or "no". If after 20 questions no one can guess the intended object, the child in the center of the circle is considered the winner.
Thus, educational games effectively promote the development of communicative competence of primary school students and its formation is based on such priority principles as humanization, democratization of the educational process, replacement of authoritarian pedagogy with the pedagogy of tolerance.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
The formation of communicative competence directly depends on the suitability of selection and use of various, most appropriate to the educational topic teaching methods, as well as on the activation of the entire educational process. This can be achieved by using various tools and games as means of organizing the educational process majoring in the formation of primary school students' communicativeness. They make it possible to fully take into account the age characteristics of children, develop initiative, create an atmosphere of freedom, independence, creativity and create conditions for self-development.
In the future, this study should be organized defining the system of formation of communicative competence in primary school educational process.
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