Фахова підготовка перекладачів в умовах міжкультурної комунікації

Особливості професійної підготовки перекладачів в умовах міжкультурної комунікації. Врахування специфіки перекладу, де в смисловому значенні різних культурних термінів обов'язково присутня відмінність. Переоцінка контактів між різними спільнотами.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.01.2022
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Кафедра іноземних мов та інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

Фахова підготовка перекладачів в умовах міжкультурної комунікації

Ольга Царик

доктор педагогічних наук, професор

Наталія Рибіна

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Наталія Кошіль

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент

Ольга Гирила



професійний перекладач міжкультурний комунікація

Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей професійної підготовки перекладачів в умовах міжкультурної комунікації. Автори обґрунтовують доцільність при навчанні фахівців перекладацької діяльності в майбутньому враховувати правильність інтерпретації не лише конкретних слів і словосполучень, а й змісту кожного речення цілком у контексті загального сенсу матеріалу. У доробку наголошується на необхідності врахування специфіки перекладу, де в смисловому значенні різних культурних термінів обов'язково присутня відмінність, і фахово-підготовлений перекладач в більшості випадків повинен витлумачити сказане іншою мовою, уникнувши грубих помилок, неточностей та інтерпретації понять у протилежному значенні. Інтеграційні процеси, що охопили більшу частину людства, зумовили інтенсифікацію комунікацій, у тому числі в міжкультурній сфері. Водночас у статті зазначено, що щільність, інтенсивність та тривалість таких стосунків, які складаються між представниками різних культурних спільнот, значно зросли і продовжують збільшуватися з кожним роком. Автори стверджують, що поява такого діалогу зумовлює об'єктивну необхідність переоцінки контактів між різними соціокультурними спільнотами та їх власною культурною ідентичністю, які базуються на ідеях толерантності, адекватного сприйняття культурних відмінностей, які за цих обставин є необхідними передумовами для ефективних взаємин між культурами та взаєморозуміння між суб'єктами-носіями. За таких умов актуальність перекладу у світлі міжкультурної комунікації значно зростає. Автори наголошують, що, розглядаючи питання перекладу, надзвичайно важливим є розуміння, що спілкування - це різновид взаємодії між індивідами, за умов якого особи, що спілкуються між собою, виступають як суб'єкти культури, представники певної лінгвосоціокультурної спільноти, а переклад - це свого роду медіація, а отже, не лише засіб міжмовної, а й міжкультурної комунікації.

Ключові слова: перекладач, міжкультурна комунікація, навички бізнес комунікації, білінгвізм.

Professional development training of the interpreters under the effective intercultural communication

Olha Tsaryk,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

Professor of the Foreign Languages Department,

West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil, Ukra^)

Nataliia Rybina,

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department,

West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil, Ukra^)

Nataliia Koshil,

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department,

West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil, Ukra^)

Olha Hyryla,

Lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department,

West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil, Ukra^)


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of professional training of interpreters in the framework of intercultural communication. The authors substantiate the expediency of training translation specialists to take into account the correct interpretation not only of specific words and phrases, but also the content of each sentence in the context of the general meaning of the material in the future. The work emphasizes the need to pay attention to the specifics of translation, where there is a difference in the semantic meaning of different cultural terms, and a professionally trained translator in most cases must interpret what is said in another language, avoiding glaring errors, inaccuracies and interpretations in the opposite sense. The authors claim that when considering translation, it becomes important to understand that communication is a kind of interaction between individuals, in which subjects communicating with each other act as subjects of culture, representatives of a certain linguo-socio-cultural community, and translation, being a kind of mediation, is not only a means of interlingual, but also intercultural communication.

Keywords: translator, intercultural communication, business communication skills, bilingualism.


The problem formulation. In the modern world, due to the trends of internationalization and globalization, the importance of effective intercultural communication is essentially increasing. The professional training of an interpreter lasts a lifetime. The better the interpreter, the less it is visible in the text, and with oral translation it is completely invisible. There is a growing need for qualified interpreters with both general cultural and specialized knowledge.

To maintain a high level of a team of professional interpreters require constant training. A team of interpreters, like a special team, must have the full range of knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as a sense of team spirit. Knowledge of the language is important, but it is even more important to have experience in language proficiency and skills of the intercultural communication.

Aim and tasks research

The objective of our work is to distinguish the peculiarities of professional development training of the interpreters in conditions of effective intercultural communication.

Results of the research

In the variety of skills for effective intercultural communication, the following skills can be distinguished that are necessary in the field of business communication:

the ability to properly organize the translation process, which includes setting the goal of the translation, drawing up the necessary list of terms, consulting with the customer and specialists, and, if necessary, consulting with representatives of another culture, writing the translation and its editing;

the ability to express thoughts clearly, clearly, concisely;

the ability to find the necessary information about the cultural characteristics of different countries and cultures independently;

the ability to adapt the text of a document, letter or technical instruction depending on the culture of the country or group of people for whom this document, instruction or letter was written;

the ability to write in a style that can be easily translated into another language, while avoiding problems associated with an inadequate understanding of cultural characteristics;

the ability to work in a multicultural team, when communication with other team members occurs using various means of telecommunications (Koksala O, Yuruk N., 2019).

The choice of teaching methods for translation is due to the need to bring the learning process as close as possible to reality (Sokol, Tsaryk, Rybina, Kosovych, Sushko, Bodnar, 2020), therefore, such teaching methods are used as a combination of group and individual work, the implementation of real projects and others.

When translating a specialty knowledge and use of generally accepted terminology allows you to make the text of the document as informative as possible and as neutral as possible, from the point of view of cultural differences.

Interpreters usually work at negotiations, conferences, exhibitions, seminars, film screenings, and so on. Typically, in such cases, two main types of interpretation can be used i.e. sequential and synchronous. Usually translators specialize in one of them, since each translation method requires special language and psychological training. For consecutive interpreters, it is important possession of "holding memory", which allows them to memorize the meaning of sufficiently long statements while thinking about the translation. It is also important to be able to notice and quickly record in writing the most difficult moments, as well as numbers, dates, names, titles. For this, a special translation cursive is used.

An interpreter, in addition to excellent knowledge of the language, must also have a number of qualities that he needs. We mean the initiative, the ability to work with people, resistance to stress, the ability to respond quickly to changes in the situation, a flexible approach to the situation, efficiency, the ability to learn quickly, the ability to instantly analyze the situation (Rybina, 2019).

A professional interpreter must know the specifics of interaction with partners, clients and the audience based on modern technical means of communication; requirements for the design of business cards and their use in the course of business contacts; ethical and psychological rules for organizing and holding international conferences, seminars, symposia, informal meetings, business etiquette, etc.

The interpreter must be able to use the psychological and ethical norms of interaction in a team at different levels of the service hierarchy; observe the rules for meeting and receiving guests, organizing their business and cultural programs, their personal time, wire etiquette, maintaining and consolidating existing contacts.

As a specialist in intercultural communication, he should also be able to apply knowledge of typical stereotypes presented in situations of interethnic and international communication and business negotiations of representatives of different faiths and cultures, ways to overcome typical conflicts during negotiations and achieve mutual understanding and consensus.

A bilingual interpreter is a "doubled" language personality (Rybina, 2019). He perceives foreign language textual activity from the position of the linguistic culture of a foreign language society. And then he switches to his native language and socio-cultural codes. The responsibility is colossal, but this is the main function and task of the translator. The tasks of the translator include not only the "transfer" of information, but also, he must make sure that both the "transmitting" and "receiving" parties understand what the speech is about. This is the essence of intercultural communication, the instrument of which is translation. And the opinion that "it is easy to be a translator if you know the languages" is by no means fair.

The profession of an interpreter consists in tireless work and constant readiness, constant learning, self-education, reading any literature, not only related to the subject of translation studies, but also a seemingly meaningless brochure of a cosmetic company, or a technical description of a hydraulic crane. The translator must be erudite. He's unique "accumulator" of information about different areas of human knowledge and human activity, and it is equally important for him to know the essence of a process or phenomenon, and how all this is called in his native and accordingly foreign language (Koksala, Yuruk, 2019). Another important aspect is the ability to express yourself beautifully, competently, that is, knowing a foreign language is great, but not being able to speak, expressing yourself in your native language is a big mistake. It is important that the translator has oratory skills. Thus, by increasing his level of linguistic knowledge, the translator paves the way for the future of the specialty.

To avoid mistakes, the interpreter should:

to delve into the semantic content, structure and communicative task of the text;

to determine the main thoughts, accents, relationships;

to identify the connections of the text with extra-textual phenomena, with reality;

define and take into account the style / register of speech;

proceed from the context;

attract (and constantly expand and deepen) your background


use dictionaries, reference books, expert advice;

check all proper names unknown to him;

proceed from the logic of the statement and the entire text as a whole.

The interpreter should not:

to judge the meaning of a word in the source text by its main value.

trust bilingual dictionaries unconditionally.

leave unverified "doubtful" cases and semantic "discrepancies";

rely only on guesswork and intuition where possible check their correctness;

* translate literally expressions and phrases.

Translation is a complete replacement of the source material with a text similar in content and semantic meaning in a foreign language (Katan D, 2009). In translation, it is important to take into account the correct interpretation of not only specific words and phrases, but also the content of each sentence as a whole in the context of the general meaning of the material. The linguist is obliged to study the cultural nuances of the target language, be aware of the specifics of working with a specific audience and clearly define the purpose of the information presented in writing or orally. It is important to take into account that there is always a difference in the semantic meaning of various cultural terms, and a competent translator in most cases can only approximately interpret what is said in another language, avoiding gross errors, inaccuracies and interpreting concepts in the opposite sense.

Translation is the literal transfer of information into a foreign language and cultural rethinking of all the facts that come from two participants in communication when interacting with a translation specialist (Katan, 2009). A translator should not ignore the semantic differences of languages when working on a translation - this also applies to live dialogue in an informal setting, and professional teamwork on any project. How can a specialist choose the appropriate tactics for professional interaction between people? Transformation - changing the original text (speech) by transferring words in a single order from the original source to the second language. In this case, the word is transliterated - it is made out with letters of a foreign language in order to become understandable to a native speaker. Component analysis is aimed at a deep understanding of the meaning of the content of a text or oral message and its competent interpretation, understandable in the target language. In this case, the cultural features of the language are erased, and only the informative content of the original message comes to the fore. Which way to use to translate a specific material? It is best if this issue is decided by the customer - having prioritized what kind of meaning of the text will play a primary role in its presentation. It is worth considering the orientation of the content, the purpose - for whom the material is translated and on whose behalf the information is presented in the original source. A specialist who manages to maintain a balance between the semantic and cultural components of the translation will be able to successfully neutralize any problems inherent in communication within the framework of intercultural communication.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

Integration processes that have engulfed most of humanity have predetermined the intensification of communications, including in the intercultural sphere. At the same time, the density, intensity and duration of such relationships that develop between representatives of different cultural communities have grown significantly and continue to increase every year. The emergence of such a dialogue predetermines the objective need to reassess contacts between various socio-cultural communities and their own cultural identity, which are based on the ideas of tolerance, adequate perception of cultural differences, which, in these circumstances, are necessary prerequisites for effective relationships between cultures and mutual understanding between subjects-carriers. In such conditions, the relevance of translation in the light of intercultural communication increases significantly.

Thus, when considering translation, it becomes important to understand that communication is a kind of interaction between individuals, in which subjects communicating with each other act as subjects of culture, representatives of a certain linguo-socio-cultural community, and translation, being a kind of mediation, is not only a means of interlingual, but also intercultural communication.


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