Interactive methods of teaching English in a summer camp

Consideration of interactive methods of teaching a foreign language. Educational interaction between student and teacher. Use of experience in the learning process. Research on the benefits of personality-oriented teaching of English in summer camps.

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Дата добавления 27.01.2022
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Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University (Melitopol, Ukraine)

Interactive methods of teaching English in a summer camp

Svitlana Shevchenko, Assistant professor,

Foreign languages department,


Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного (м. Мелітополь, Україна)

Інтерактивні методи викладання англійської мови у літньому таборі

Світлана Шевченко,

старший викладач кафедри «Іноземні мови»

Статтю присвячено дослідженню переваг викладання англійської мови у літніх таборах з урахуванням особистісно орієнтованого напрямку методики викладання, що є невід'ємною частиною інтерактивних методів навчання іноземної мови. З'ясовано, що інтерактивне навчання - це навчання, засноване на теоріях навчання, висловлених низкою психологів освіти, наприклад Еріксоном. Його ідеї були реалізовані в програмі під назвою «Супер навчання». Ця програма базується на дослідженнях, які вказують на те, що навчання стає тоді ефективним, коли учень перебуває у стані розслаблення та коли матеріал подається за допомогою різноманітних методів навчання. Було виявлено, що максимальне навчання відбувається тоді, коли інформація сприймається різними органами почуттів і найкраще інтегрується, коли використовується як досвід у процесі навчального процесу. На основі цих теорій викладачам англійської мови пропонується створювати та представляти класи, що передбачають інтерактивне навчання. Інтерактивна спрямованість занять з іноземної мови - це один з головних компонентів, методичних та педагогічних прийомів, завдяки яким можна досягти якісних результатів. Авторка акцентує увагу на важливості та ефективності застосування інтерактивних методів у процесі викладання англійської мови в умовах реалізації програм роботи літніх таборів, які пропонують відпочинок, оздоровлення та заняття англійської з волонтерами країн світу. У статті розглянуто дидактичні передумови організації інтерактивного навчання під час літнього відпочинку, проаналізовано ефективність кожного наведеного прикладу інтерактивного завдання. Доведено, що інтерактивні заходи є дуже ефективними і їх легко запровадити з-поміж учнів будь-якої вікової групи. Окрім того, інтерактивні заходи приносять задоволення; вони стимулюють дітей до легкого вивчення мови. Інтерактивні заняття мають атмосферу освітньої взаємодії між учнем та викладачем, що добре впливає на якість вивчення англійської мови.

Ключові слова: інтерактивні методи, літні табори, викладання англійської, творчий підхід, інтерактивні завдання, заняття інтерактивної спрямованості.



Svitlana Shevchenko,

Assistant professor,

Foreign languages department,

Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University (Melitopol, Ukraine)

The article deals with the problem of interactive methods introduction in the process of teaching English in summer camps with the programs of realization the tasks of recreation, recovery and learning English. The author gives an outline of the main tasks and types of interactive activities which are popular in a summer camp to reinforce autonomy and motivation of children. All the examples given in the article were introduced in the summer camp “Forest song”, Yakymivka district Zaporizhzhia region by the members of international organization AISEC. Brainstorming technique, pair work, role play, quests, mingle tasks, project work, outdoor games are the most popular interactive tasks and activities in a summer camp. Interactive tasks and activities are considered as effective methods to improve the quality of foreign language teaching and learning. Besides, the role of the interactive methods of teaching is stressed as to their positive effect not only at language competence but some personal characteristics and interrelations within a group of children as well. Interactive methods enable not to forget that every learner is unique and brings to the process of education his/her personal opinion, point of view and attitude. Interactive classes have atmosphere of educational interaction between a learner and an educator that, in its turn; effects positively at the quality of learning English language. Interactive methods of teaching English in a summer camp with foreign volunteers, capable to remove communication barriers, help to overcome psychological discomfort, raise self-assessment, improve memory and creative way of thinking, develop respect for the representatives of different cultures, tolerance and ethical behavior.

Keywords: interactive methods, summer camps, teaching English, creative approach, interactive activities, interactive classes.


According to European Council recommendations and educational program demands of communicative competence of students set the goals of getting skills of expressing their own point of view in logic and consistent way. Students should learn how to agree or disagree with the opponent in polite and proper way.

Introduction of interactive methods of teaching English will help to make the process of education more effective and perfect.

Analysis of current research. There are a lot of research and scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign methodologists, scientists and linguists about effectiveness of interactive methods of teaching (Dziuba L.A., Kots' M.O., Borzova Ye.V., Nikolaieva S.Y., Brown D., Karel L.). All these methodologists and scientists have proved that interactive methods of teaching English are capable to remove communication barriers, help with psychological discomfort, raise self-assessment, improve memory and creative thinking. The aim of classes with interactive methods of teaching English is to organize comfortable atmosphere where every student feels his/her success and necessity; the process when a student and a teacher are equal entities of education.

The aim of the article is to prove that interactive activities in the process of learning and teaching English play one of the main roles for making this process cognitive, exciting and effective one.

Atmosphere of interaction enables to become a real leader to a teacher among his or her students. A teacher should organize the work of children in a way that they would like to be initiative participants. Using interactive methods change the role of a teacher. Now a teacher is an advisor, partner, coordinator, and a student becomes a rightful participant of education process. The main requirement to interactive methods application is creativity of a teacher that will provide nonstandard, effective and interesting classes.

Formulation of the task. Interactive learning is learning based on theories of learning expressed by a number of educational psychologists, for example, Erickson. His ideas were realized in the program called super learning. This program is based on the studies which indicate that learning and retention are maximized when a learner is in a state of relaxation and when material is presented through a variety of learning modalities. It has been found that maximal learning occurs when information is taken through a variety of senses and is best integrated when used as an experience during the learning process. Based on these theories the teachers of English are encouraged to create and present classes involving interactive learning (Bobkov V., 2002, p. 23).

There are a lot of types of interactive activities for little kids, teenagers and adult learners. The teachers can choose specific interactive activities for their learners taking into account the age, interests, level of English, even emotional state. Using interactive methods of teaching English in the classroom has some psychological barriers and restrictions. Usually, in the classroom the learners are afraid of making mistakes, misunderstanding; getting bad mark, to making fun of themselves. The teacher should create the atmosphere of confidence among the learners. The learners should relax and believe in their success. The atmosphere of summer camps is ideal for realizing the goals of interactive classes. Attending English classes in the camp the children can relax and enjoy the process of learning English. They know that they will not get bad marks for their mistakes, their parents are far away and attending classes is not compulsory.

Research methods and results

Nowadays there are a lot of summer camps with English learning programs in Ukraine. The greatest advantage of these programs is teaching English with native speakers or volunteers from different countries. Besides, the atmosphere of summer camps is ideal for informal communication. Everyday classes with foreign volunteers and interactive activities help children to overcome language barrier and become fluent users of English.

It is not a secret that in a summer camp children would like to relax that is why not all interactive methods are good for realizing there. My experience of teaching English in the summer camp proves that the most popular and famous interactive activities among children and teenagers are the following:

- brainstorming;

- mingle;

- role play;

- project work;

- quests;

- outdoor games;

- pair work.

All the above mentioned interactive activities have different goals, tasks, approaches and methodology of teaching.

Brainstorming is an activity used to generate ideas in small groups. The purpose is to generate as many ideas as possible within a specified period of time. There are a lot of brainstorming activities but, as it was mentioned above, not all interactive activities are good for summer camps. The examples of the most famous among children are the following:

Our friend Fred

Language focus: daily routines using verbs make, do, take, have and get in Present Simple.

Level: Upper beginner to intermediate.

Number of students needed: two or more.

Task: to talk about a typical day in the life of “Fred”. Write the verbs make, do, take, have and get on the board. Let the children call out the verbal phrases and/ or combinations they know. Write their suggestions under the appropriate verb. Then with each child in turn, describe Fred's day.

Then children work in pairs or small groups and describe their daily routines to one another (Dzhennifer L., Lebedev R., 2001, p. 31).

Matching pictures

Language focus: describing physical appearance (eyes, hair, height, weight, etc.)

Level: Upper beginner to intermediate

Number of students needed: an even number

Task: to describe the appearance of “Messy Mel” or “Neat Natalie” to one's partner. Each student has a blank sheet of paper. Student A must describe and draw one of the characters in as much detail as possible in two minutes. Student B must listen carefully and draw the character according to the description. Student B must not look at Student A's drawing. When the task is complete, the partners may compare drawings (Dzhennifer L., Lebedev R., 2001, p. 36).

There are some variations of this activity with describing clothing, body positions, and prepositions of position.

Mingle tasks are an effective way to involve students actively in communicative interactions and increase their talking time. A mingle is an activity where a student approaches a class or a group mate, talks for a while, and then moves on to speak to another one. The distinctive features of a mingle activity are that all the students work simultaneously, in pairs or small groups, and switch from one class(group) mate to another while speaking, listening, and taking notes. Face-to- face interaction with at least a few other students is the principal goal (Borzova E., 2014, p. 20). During mingle tasks the teacher cannot control every student and usually focuses on those who need special support.

There are three types of mingle tasks. All of them have different goals. For example, form-focused mingles help learners practice grammar and vocabulary in simple situations with a focus on communicative functions, such as asking for advice, expressing regret, or making suppositions (Borzova E., 2014, p. 23). This type of mingle activity is very popular among the children in the summer camp. The example of such type of mingles is the task “Find someone who ...” (Sarkisian V., Pylypenko, K., Hartigan R., 2016, p. 10). This task helps children to practice different English grammar tenses. For example, to practice the Present Simple tense the students complete a survey on how their friends spend their holidays, days off, evenings, free time, etc. The example of the task is in Table 1.

Table 1 Find someone who ...


Details (write down three details)

... is into winter sports.




... enjoys acting or performing.




... is fond of dancing.




... plays a musical instrument.




... is a great cook.




Project work is another interactive activity which can be realized in a summer camp successfully. The methodologists of International education center Pearson-Dinternal in Ukraine have created some projects for summer camps. The level of English of these projects is different for all age groups of school children. The main tasks and goals of these projects are the following:

- to activate the knowledge of children on the specific topic;

- deep the knowledge of children on the specific topic;

- improve research skills of children;

- improve speaking skills of children;

- improve writing skills of children;

- use of individual approach, role plays and work in a team;

- develop critical and creative thinking of children.

First, it is necessary to choose the topic of the project, taking into account the level of English of children, time limit and the final goals. Then, prepare all necessary things for making a project: paper, poster, glue, scissors, felt-tip-pens and so on. The teacher should be a moderator, an advisor of the work with the project. Every participant of the project work should have a chance to realize his or her role. For example: finding information, designing of the project, drawing and gluing the pictures, presenting the project and so on. The methodologists of International education center Pearson- Dinternal developed the stages of work with the project. The work with every project includes 8-10 classes.

All projects of International education center Pearson-Dinternal in Ukraine have a lot of helpful materials for realizing this kind of interactive activity in a summer camp effectively and successfully.

Learning history of another country is very important for better understanding the culture, customs and traditions of that country. The volunteers from Egypt, for example, can tell Ukrainian children about Egyptian gods and goddesses, main historical events, important dates of their country, and about the meaning of ancient symbols of writing - hieroglyphs. After that during evening classes children can have such activity as quest where all the notes are written with the help of the ancient hieroglyphs. All the notes should contain the information of previous morning classes. The task of the evening quest is to decode the notes with the help of English alphabet and find the presents. This activity is so exciting and really perfect for communication skills improvement.

Table 2 The stages of work with a project (Sarkisian V., Pylypenko K., Hartigan R, 2016)


Organizational stage

Setting the task, warm-up and lead in


Speaking practice

Language input and skills development


Communicative preparation

Functional language


Active stage

Project work, stop-and-check, project finalizing


Presentation stage

Project presentation


Assessment stage

Feedback session

Outdoor games are good interactive activities for communication skills improvement. Besides, outdoor games with foreign volunteers help to realize intercultural aspect of education and tolerant upbringing of children to the people of another culture and worship.

Here are some examples of outdoor games from different countries:

Elephant (Egyptian game)

Children make the circle; the leader of the game is in the center of the circle. Then, the leader points to any child and say “Elephant!” The child, who was pointed to, imitates a trunk of an elephant with hands, and his neighbors in the circle should make him big ears. The leader does it so quickly that children can make mistakes. If a participant makes a mistake, he or she will be out. The game is so funny and children usually like it very much.

Tipi-tipi-top what colour do you want? (Indian game)

First, the children choose the leader. Then, they ask the leader “Tipi-tipi-top what colour do you want?” The leader should name any colour and the participants of the game should find and touch this colour. If a participant cannot find the colour, he or she will be the next leader.

Bomb (Turkish game)

Children make the circle and start passing the ball. Every participant should catch the ball and count 1, 2, bomb, 4, 5, bomb, 7, 8, bomb... Instead of every third number a participant should say “Bomb!” If a participant makes a mistake, he or she will be out.

This game is good for learning numbers. Little kids can play counting up to 20, for example, but teenagers can count up to 100 or so.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Interactive activities are very effective and can be easily introduced among the learners of any age group. In addition, interactive activities are fun; they stimulate children to learn language easily. Moreover, interactive methods allow not to forget that each learner is unique and brings to the process of education her or his personal opinion, point of view and attitude. Interactive classes have atmosphere of educational interaction between a learner and a teacher that influences well the quality of learning the English language.

To sum up it is necessary to stress that use of interactive methods of teaching English helps to organize interaction among all the participants of education process. Also, interactive activities encourage learners to find individual decisions of vital problems. Besides, interactive classes improve communication skills, learn to work in a team, and help to find mutual decisions. Moreover, the interactive classes in a summer camp with foreign volunteers foster developing of self-respect and respect for others, tolerance, ethical behavior and personal growth. Interactive methods of teaching English in a summer camp are key points of successful teaching and learning English in the atmosphere of summer holidays.

teaching summer camp english


1. Bobkov, V. (2002). Innovative Programs in Teaching ESL, Goals for ensuring access to high quality teaching and learning: Conference Papers. Ostroh.

2. Dzhennifer, L., Lebedev R. (2001). 24 topics for discussion. Moscow.

3. Borzova, E. (2014). Mingles in the foreign language classroom. English teaching Forum, 52 (2), 20-27.

4. Sarkisian, V., Pylypenko, K., Hartigan R, ta in. (2016). Methodological aid for teaching English in summer camps with “The young and talented” Talented youth of Great Britain and Ukraine, Electronic Resource. Retrieved from: Maslyko, E., Babinskaia, P., Bud'ko, A., Petrova, S. (1997). Handbook of a foreign language instructor: reference book. Minsk.: Vysh. shk.

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