Education in women's Galician incomplete secondary schools: methodical aspects (late XIX - early XX centuries)

Getting acquainted with methods of regulating the organization of educational activities in women's incomplete secondary schools. Reveal the main directions, forms and methods of girls' education at these types of institutions. Analyze their curricula.

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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Education in women's Galician incomplete secondary schools: methodical aspects (late XIX - early XX centuries)

Galyna Sivkovych, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Alla Boichuk, PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer

Oksana Tytun, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

The article presents the main aspects of the organization and the content of educational procedures in incomplete secondary schools for women in Galicia (late 19th - early 20th centuries). The authors show that the organization of educational activity in incomplete secondary schools for women was regulated by the state, regional, and land legislative and normative acts. They reveal the main directions, forms and methods of girls' education at these types of institutions; analyze their curricula, programs and regulations. Special attention is paid to "female" subjects (women's handicraft, housekeeping, hygiene) and establishment of distinct forms of national, religious, moral education of girls.

Key words: content of education, curriculum, incomplete secondary schools for women, school law, school subject, women's education.


Галина СІВКОВИЧ, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент ДВНЗ "Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника" Алла БОЙЧУК, кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач ДВНЗ "Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника"

Оксана ТИТУНЬ, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент ДВНЗ "Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника"


У статті розкриваються основні аспекти організації та змісту навчально-виховного процесу в жіночих виділових школах Галичини (кінця ХІХ - початку ХХ століть). Автори показують, що організація навчально-виховної діяльності в жіночих виділових школах регулювалася державними, регіональними та крайовими законодавчими й нормативними актами. Вони розкривають основні напрями, форми та методи навчання і виховання дівчат у цих закладах; аналізують їхні навчальні плани, програми та статути. Особлива увага приділяється "жіночим" предметам (жіночі ручні роботи, домогосподарство, гігієна) та становленню чітких форм національного, релігійного та морального виховання дівчат.

Ключові слова: зміст навчання і виховання, навчальна програма, жіночі виділові школи, шкільний закон, навчальний предмет, жіноча освіта.


Formulation of the problem in general. A comprehensive analysis of educational activity in the Ukrainian territories administrated by the former foreign regimes (especially Russian, Austrian and Hungarian Empires), is one of the modern scientific approaches to historical and pedagogical researches. It is caused by the necessity of maintenance, multiplication and active usage of the best school practices and pedagogical ideas, based on past experience, as the main provision of legislative and normative documents on Education in independent Ukraine at the turn of the 21st century.

It should be noted that general provisions and mechanisms concerning the process of reforming and modernizing today's education, revising the principles of work organization and function at schools of various types and the content of education procedures, creating new models of behaviour related to eliminating the imbalance in opportunities for representatives of both sexes in the political, social, economic, cultural and educational spheres are enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine 'On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men' (2005). That is why the scientific interest in researching this problem is still inherent to the domestic pedagogical thought.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. The issue on women's education has become the subject of scholar close attention. The area of pedagogic research is devoted to formation and development of female schooling in the former territories under Russian Empire (O.Anishchenko, V. Dobrovolska, L.Yershova, L. Smolar, T Sukhenko). Some peculiarities of the education organization and the content of education procedures in various types of institutions for women in Western Ukraine have been partially described by such pedagogues as A. Ignat, I.Kurliak, O. Penishkevych, B. Stuparyk. But their works do not reveal all the aspects of the problem. The aim of the article is analysis of the main directions, forms and methods of girls' education at incomplete secondary schools for women (late 19th - early 20th centuries).

Main body

The fundamental principles of organizing educational activities in incomplete secondary schools for women in Galicia were determined by the Law 'On Galicia Region Schools' (1873). The document stated that the term of studying at all female educational institutions of that type was eight years. However, the curriculum for the first five years of studying was accepted as a curriculum for elementary schools.

In accordance with the curricula of 1875, during the last three years of studying the pupils of incomplete secondary schools for women studied Religion, the Teaching language, the second regional and German languages, Geography and History, Natural History, Physics, Arithmetic, Geometry, Drawing, Writing, Singing, Gymnastics, Women's Handicraft and a Foreign language as an optional subject. It's worth mentioning, that much attention was paid to language learning. Thus on mastering Polish and German the girls had 4, 5 and 4 hours a week; the second regional language was taught only 2 hours a week. Besides, the real sciences (geography and history, natural history and physics) were given 7 hours every academic year; mathematical disciplines - 5 hours a week. In addition, much attention was paid to Women's Handicraft (4 hours in every academic year) [11, p. 109].

In 1893 the Region School Authority approved another curriculum for incomplete secondary schools for women. According to it two new academic disciplines as hygiene and housekeeping were added to teach during the fourth year of studying except those ones taught there before. Concerning the second regional (Ukrainian) language, the necessity for its studying was explained by the regulations of each school, which had to be approved by the regional Sejm [10, p. 3].

Taking into account the fact that in Galicia the number of Polish schools for women prevailed, it can be affirmed that there was a reason for the increased discrimination against Ukrainians regarding the possibility of young generation to master their native language. incomplete school woman

Considering the desire of young women to gain deeper knowledge, in 1 895, in accordance with the Law 'On Galicia Region Schools', curricula for three-year, five-year and eight-year studying in incomplete secondary schools for women were approved. A thorough analysis of school documents confirms that the curriculum for the three-year studying is the same for both a three-year elementary and a five-year incomplete school; and the curricular for the fourth and fifth forms met the requirements of girls and parents from intelligent families. At the same time, the curriculum for the sixth form in incomplete school took into account the needs of wealthy people, helped to get "completed education", and in its content resembled the curricula of gymnasiums [7, p. 2].

Researching the programs of incomplete secondary schools for women, as an important component of education, it becomes possible to conclude that they fully achieved the goal - to give the schoolgirls the knowledge, which went beyond elementary folk schools, and to prepare them to future life. For example, the study of the Polish language was directed at learning stylistics and writing, in particular getting skills of writing business papers; proper intonation reading; acquaintance with the main types of poetry and prose; formation of the religious, patriotic and aesthetic feelings [10, p. 4]. At the same time learning the second regional language the main attention was paid into "cognition" of its forms and properties. The German language mastering included getting oral and written language skills and proper reading skills of printed and handwritten texts [10, p. 5].

Geography aimed to give students some facts from geography of Europe on the whole and Austrian and Hungarian monarchy in particular, of native lands, and also in the most general features - of other parts of the world [10, p. 7].

At History lessons the girls had to learn some information about the major events and the best known historical figures of native land as well as Austrian and Hungarian monarchy, to study the bases of its constitution, the rights and duties of its citizens [10, p. 8].

The task of Natural Science education was to get acquainted with the basic laws of nature paying attention to their benefit or harm, use in practical life, in housekeeping, industry and trade, as well as to the learning human body and the most important principles of health protection. The aim of the subject was to develop the children's ability to nature observation and admiration.

At the lessons of Physics the girls were taught the main physical phenomena and chemical processes depending on their significance for everyday life and housekeeping [10, p. 9].

The main stress of Housekeeping lessons was laid on giving the girls, as future wives and mothers, the necessary practical instructions; developing their interest in women handicraft, mastering the essence of the concept "a good housewife" and learning how to achieve such status; forming the abilities to keep their houses in order; cooking food and drinks rationally; knowing the prices, properties and qualities of food, peculiarities of its storage [10, p. 10].

Thanks to the lessons of Women's Handicraft schoolgirls were ready to do ordinary and most necessary work in everyday life skillfully and independently; got love to manual labour, cleanliness, economy and thrift; developed their feelings of beauty [10, p. 13].

Specifically "female" was educational material on Hygiene, which provided students with the main principles of healthy lifestyle and methods of life-saving in emergencies. The education was based on the knowledge of anatomy of human body and health care, obtained at the previous lessons [10, p. 10].

While acquiring writing and drawing skills the schoolgirls "trained eyes and hands" to make their handwriting beautiful, learnt the main geometrical forms and figures, got the most important knowledge of colours, tried to apply the set patterns in the process of making all kinds of handicraft (appliqu?s, monograms, etc.); developed their imagination, formed aesthetic tastes [10, p. 12].

Singing also performed an important aesthetic function, in the process of which the girls developed their voice and hearing, at the same time they "ennobled their mind" by studying of religious, folk and patriotic songs, they formed national and mental values [10,p. 14].

Now we can state, that the school subjects which had been included to the curricula of incomplete secondary schools for women, served not only to give young girls a certain amount of knowledge, they were the main source of their education - mental, religious, moral, labour, patriotic and aesthetic.

Interesting, from the view on originality of this form of girls' education, was the supplementary course. It contained theoretical and practical components: the theoretical one included the study of Polish and Ukrainian literature, world history of the new times, aesthetics, hygiene, theory of education and didactics, housekeeping; its practical part included dressmaking, mastering the techniques of operating a machine and hand sewing, making things on the basis of learning some information about colours and styles, merchandizing and others. In addition, the practical course provided such subjects as merchant accounts combined with book-keeping, trade stylistics, trade geography were taught. The amount of academic hours, as well as the duration of the course, was determined by the regional school authorities [5, p. 8-9].

The data of the scientific research confirm that in the 19th century the teaching methodology at all primary schools, including the incomplete secondary schools for women of Galicia, offered the following methods of education:

1) explanation, that was based on continuous explanation of the subject [9, p. 68];

2) heuristic, that meant independent ''digging'' by the schoolgirls to the facts;

3) 3 ) descriptive, the essence of which was in the perception of real samples of objects, models, illustrations or drawings, that sharpened curiosity of schoolgirls, motivated attentive supervision, caused formation clear images and concepts [12, p. 45-47].

The elements of educative teaching were used in women schools at the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries. For example, to develop the girls' attention and quick wits the teachers applied for exercises in calculations, riddles, charades, telling interesting stories, and statement of judgments, didactic games [2, p. 26]. Studying poetry, religious songs and parables assisted pupils in their memory development. As a result the pupils not only got "precious treasure for their hearts, that supported them during their lives", but also received better attention focusing [2, p. 29-30].

The educational process was directed at pupils' characters formation. For example, mathematics helped them to get rid of dreaminess, absent-mindedness and excessive feelings. Piety was better formed by means of learning Religion and Natural History. Propensity to superstitions was removed in the process of mastering Physics; in fact with the help of this subject the pupils studied the laws and "forces" of nature [1, p. 106].

A thorough analysis of theoretical sources of different types of schools for girls confirms, that their teaching and educational activities served some social purpose: formation of a good wife, a kind mother and a woman-patriot [1, p. 106].

Saying that "the mind, the heart and the feelings" of girls had to be developed similarly to the boys' ones, but in a different way, the pedagogues of the end of the 19th century, paid much attention to religious education as the ground for development of moral personality [1, p. 118]. Except for ostentation of worshipping God (as participating in church services, piety), much attention was paid to the inner aspect of religiousness, the essence of which was formation of such feelings as modesty, honesty, truthfulness, sympathy, mercifulness, sacrifice and others. At the same time in the process of religious education of girls it was stressed on the necessity of getting rid of superstitions and timidity [1, p. 122].

The basis of moral education of girls was obeying the God's Commandments [2, p. 174]. In the second halfofthe 19th century one of the main tasks of moral education was formation of a free personality [1, p. 130].

The teachers of the given period considered decency and dignity as the substantial factors of girls' morality and the ground for fighting down their feelings and passions. These qualities helped girls to develop their abilities to listen to other people attentively; not to talk much about themselves and not to tell bad things about others; not to laugh loudly, not to whisper to one another, not to speak foreign languages in the presence of the persons, who did not understand them [1, p. 150].

To get good mental education the girls had to master reading, writing and grammar of mother tongue (at the same time to broaden their education they had to study other languages - German, French, Polish) [2, p. 6]. It was necessary for a girl-woman to be taught to count (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). An important part of mental education was studying Geography and Natural History (some knowledge about plants and animal world) it facilitated girls' perception of beauty of nature, provided them with knowledge about their future independent housekeeping [2, p. 10].

Learning History had to protect their mind from frivolity and freethinking; Natural Science provided them general education of; drawing and embroidery formed their tastes and assisted achieving inner perfection; studying the basis of housekeeping and women handicraft formed their love to skillfull and thrifty housekeeping [2, p. 14; 39].

National education was connected with awakening the girls' sense of belonging to their nation, learning the mother tongue and using it in their families and society, acquaintance with the most prominent dates, events and personalities of native history, traditions and customs. On the edge of the 19th and 20th centuries centuries national and patriotic orientation was firmly established first of all in Polish women schooling. Individual and group conversations, praise, encouragement and punishment were the main methods and techniques of girls' education were individual and group conversations, praises, encouragements and punishments [12, p. 120].

The main aspects of the education organization in elementary schools of West Ukrainian region were determined by the official documents of the end of the 19th century. On August, 20 1870 the Austrian Ministry of Religion and Education published "The school and educational order for general folk schools". For example, the 4-th article of the document outlined the main principles of pupils' education in folk schools; it contained some orders, which were connected with incomplete secondary schools for girls as well. In accordance with the order, the aim of education was "noble character" formation. Moral behaviour was the ground to its achievement by pupils, the feelings of duty and honour, humanity and love to motherland. Special attention was paid to hygienic education: "Every student must be used to cleanliness and order, to obedience and decent behaviour"; it was marked in the document that pupils had to keep their bodies and clothing, school equipment and classrooms clean [4,p. 57].

§ 24 of the document defined the following methods and means of maintening of proper discipline in schools: praise, reward, warning, reproof, detention under supervision, invitation of a child to the staff conference, temporal expelling from school. It was marked that choosing the methods of teaching, a teacher had to take into consideration the peculiarities of the child's character, not to hurt "the child's moral feelings or health" [4, p. 57-58].

The instructions to the curricula for folk schools of Galicia (1893) pointed out that the task of the primary school, except for providing the representatives of "every social status" with the most necessary information, was to form religious and moral character of children, understanding by them their duties as citizens; acquaintances with professions, which they, depending on their residence and their status, would be able to choose [12, p. 42]. The achievement of this aim served learning, discipline and personal teacher's example, as well as application of the following methods and means of education, as encouragement, discipline, advice, warning, remark, order, reward and punishment [12, p. 43].

The peculiarities of educational were reflected in their regulations. For example, "The regulation for 5-class incomplete secondary school for women named in honour of Queen Jadviga in Stanislav" included the articles connected with organization of girls' education: "About the duties of schoolgirls at school"; "About the religious duties of schoolgirls at school"; "About behavior out of school" [6, p. 510].

The personal teacher's example was one of the most important ways to proper education of children during the analyzed period. The personal qualities of a "good" folk teacher, for the first time in Ukrainian pedagogical science were described by О. Duhnovych in his famous book "Folk pedagogy for village schools and their teachers" (1857): every teacher must have true calling for his profession; sufficient and correct knowledge of the subjects he wants to teach; must be pure and innocent, virtuous, gentle, respectable and strong- willed; must love his pupils and develop their love to him; teach easily and accessibly; have facilities necessary for teaching [3, p. 2]. An important role in the organization of educational process at establishments of primary women education of Galicia was played by the "hostesses" of classes. In accordance with the regulations of all schools for women, they had to supervise the pupils' activities and behavior, to maintain the necessary order in class-rooms before the teachers coming, etc. At the same time the educational function of a "hostess" was to be a "maternal friend" of their pupils [8, p. 7].


Taking into account all mentioned above we can conclude we can conclude that in the period under the Austrian and Hungarian Empire, the educational in incomplete secondary schools for women of Western Ukrainian lands developed in the direction of gradual providing the unity of teacher and pupil's activities. It was intended to put into practice a set of educational documents revealing vivid presence of "female" subjects ( women's handicraft, housekeeping, hygiene), establishing distinct forms of national, religious, moral and ethical education of girls. Thus, the main means of the development of children's thinking, formation of spirituality, will and character, religious and moral virtues was learning itself.


1. Афорисмы въ справі выхованья дівчать (Рускимъ матерямъ посвящается). Учитель. 1870. Ч. 26. С. 102-103; Ч. 27. С. 106; Ч. 28. С. 110; Ч. 30. С. 118; Ч. 31. С. 122; Ч. 33. С. 130; Ч. 34. С. 133134; Ч. 35. С. 138; Ч. 37. С. 146; Ч. 38. С. 150; Ч. 39. С. 155.

2. Гл.(инський) Т Умственное выхо- ванье дєвчать / Т Гл.(инський) // Учитель. 1872. Ч. 41. С. 162-163; Ч. 42. С. 166; Ч. 43. С. 170-171; Ч. 44. С. 174-175; Ч. 45. С. 178-179; Ч. 46. С. 182; Ч. 47. С. 186; Ч. 48. С. 190; Ч. 49. С. 194; Ч. 50. С. 198; 1873. Ч. 2. С. 6; Ч. 3. С. 10; Ч. 4. С. 14; Ч. 5. С. 14; Ч. 11. С. 39; Ч. 6. С. 26; Ч. 7. С. 29-30; Ч. 8. С. 40.

3. Духновичъ А. Народная педагогія въ пользу училищъ и учителей сельскихъ. Ч. I: Педагогія общая / Алексан- деръ Духновичъ. Львовъ: Типомъ Института Ставропигіянскаго, 1857. 92 с.

4. Збірка законів і розпорядків най- важнійших для народних шкіл на Буковині. Чернівці: Накладом т-ва "Руска школа", 1902. 92 с.

5. Ц Д І А У, м. Львів. Ф. 178. Оп. 2. Спр. 2987. Справа про реорганізацію початкової школи в м. Коломиї, 18 арк.

6. Ц Д І А У, м. Львів. Ф. 178. Оп. 2. Спр. 3547. Справа про діяльність початкової жіночої школи ім. Пірамовича у Львові, 1888-1912 рр., 131 арк.

7. Anketa szkolna w sprawie reformy szkol wydzialowych zenskich. Lwow, 1910. 68 s.

8. Der Lehrplan der vierclassigen hoheren Tochterschule in Czernowitz. Czernowitz, 1872. 23 s.

9. Der Lehrplan der vierclassigen hoheren Tochterschule in Czernowitz. Czernowitz, 1872. 23 s.

10. Kelner L. Pedagogika. W urywkach, obejmujаca sprawy szkoly poczatkowej i wychowania domowego. Krakow: Nakl. ksiagarni J. M. Himmelblaua, 1872. XXIV, 342 s.

11. Plan naukowy dla szkol ydzialowych zenskich. Lwow: С. k. Rada szkolna krajowa, 1893. 15 s.

12. Plany nauki dla szkol ludowych pospolitych i wydzialowych wyd. przez c. k. Rada Szkolna Krajowa. Lwow: c. k. Rada szkolna, 1875. 119 s.

13. Plany naukowe dla szkol ludowych pospolitych piecio- i szescio-klasowych meskich, zenskich i mieszanych wraz z instrukcya. Lwow: Nakl. Rady Szkolnej krajowej, 1893. 196 s. + VII.


1. Aforismy v spravi vyhovania divchat (Ruskim materiam posviashchaetsia) // Uchitel. 1870. Ch. 26. S. 102-103; Ch. 27. S. 106; Ch. 28. S. 110; Ch. 30. S. 118; Ch. 31. S. 122; Ch. 33. S. 130; Ch. 34. S. 133134; Ch. 35. S. 138; Ch. 37. S. 146; Ch. 38. S. 150; Ch. 39. S. 155.

2. Hl(ynsky) T. Umstvennoe vyhovanie dievchat. Uchitel. 1872. Ch. 41. S. 162-163; Ch. 42. S. 166; Ch. 43. S. 170171; Ch. 44. S. 174-175; Ch. 45. S. 178179; Ch. 46. S. 182; Ch. 47. S. 186; Ch. 48. S. 190; Ch. 49. S. 194; Ch. 50. S. 198; 1873. Ch. 2. S. 6; Ch. 3. S. 10; Ch. 4. S. 14; Ch. 5. S. 14; Ch. 11. S. 39; Ch. 6. S. 26; Ch. 7. S. 29-30; Ch. 8. С. 40.

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4. Zbirka zakoniv i rozporiadkiv naivazhniyshyh dlia narodnyh shkil na Bukovyni. Chernivtsi: Nakladom t-va "Ruska shkola", 1902. 92 s.

5. TSDIAU, m. Lviv F. 178. Op. 2. Spr. 298 7. Sprava pro reorganizatsiu pochatkovoi shkoly v m. Kolomyi, 18 ark.

6. TSDIAU, m. Lviv F. 178. Op. 2. Spr. 3547. Sprava pro diyalnist pochatkovoi zhinochoi shkoly im. Piramovycha u Lvovi, 1888-1912 rr. 131 ark.

7. Anketa szkolna w sprawie reformy szkol wydzialowych zenskich. Lwow, 1910. 68 s.

8. Der Lehrplan der vierclassigen hoheren T?chterschule in Czernowitz. Czernowitz, 1872. 23 s.

9. Der Lehrplan der vierclassigen hoheren Tochterschule in Czernowitz. Czernowitz, 1872. 23 s.

10. Kelner L. Pedagogika. W urywkach, obejmujaca sprawy szkoly poczatkowej i wychowania domowego / Dr. L. Kelner. Krakow: Nakl. ksiagarni J. M. Himmelblaua, 1872. XXIV, 342 s.

11. Plan naukowy dla szkol wydzialowych zenskich. Lwow: С. k. Rada szkolna krajowa, 1893. 15 s.

12. Plany nauki dla szkol ludowych pospolitych i wydzialowych wyd. przez c. k. Rada Szkolna Krajowa. Lwow: c. k. Rada szkolna, 1875. 119 s.

13. Plany naukowe dla szkol ludowych pospolitych piecio- i szescio-klasowych meskich, zenskich i mieszanych wraz z instrukcya. Lwow: Nakl. Rady Szkolnej krajowej, 1893. 196 s. + VII.

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  • Підготовка фахівця, затребуваного на ринку праці як одна з головних задач системи вищої освіти в Україні. G Suit for Education - популярна платформа, що використовується в освітньому процесі, в тому числі для організації проектної роботи студентів.

    статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017

  • About University of Oxford. The University consists of 38 faculties and colleges, as well as the so-called six dormitories - private schools that do not have the status of college and belonging, as a rule, religious orders. Structure of the University.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 11.11.2014

  • Порядок проведения урока "Education in Great Britain" в 10 классе. Коммуникативная компетенция как один из основных принципов преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе. План-конспект мероприятия "Valentine’s Day" по английскому языку.

    контрольная работа [17,0 K], добавлен 06.12.2011

  • Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.

    курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013

  • Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.

    реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • What is the lesson. Types of lessons according to the activities (by R. Milrood). How to write a lesson plan 5 stages. The purpose of assessment is for the teacher. The students' mastery. List modifications that are required for special student.

    презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 29.11.2014

  • Great Britain during the early Victorian period. The Parliament in the early Victorian period: Liberals and Conservatives. Lord Palmerston. Gladstone and the revival of parliamentary reform. Disraeli and acceptance of the principle of reform.

    лекция [14,6 K], добавлен 03.12.2002

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