Socio-communicative and information aspects of training of documentaries in the conditions of distance learning

The distance learning - one of the priorities of the higher education modernization program in Ukraine. Synchronous - one of the main form of learning, when the course is taught to students in real time by a teacher. Goals of the information portal.

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Socio-communicative and information aspects of training of documentaries in the conditions of distance learning

Olena Isaikina, Alla Zlenko

Olena Isaikina, Ph.D. in Historical sciences, Associate professor of Document Sciences and Teaching Methodology Department SHEI «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University». Alla Zlenko, Ph.D. in Historical sciences, Associate professor of Document Sciences and Teaching Methodology Department SHEI «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University»


Significant impact on society is caused by new information and communication technologies, which make additional demands on the modern system of higher education. However, classical approaches to the provision of educational services are still used in Ukraine, which do not fully address important issues.

In the conditions of adaptive quarantine caused by COVID- 19, when there was an urgent need to move to online learning of all educational institutions in the country, the organization of distance learning has become a real challenge for Ukrainian education. Forced distance learning has given higher education institutions the daunting task of organizing learning when the teacher cannot be around and when traditional ways of presenting information and assessing knowledge are not available. The need for active use of the opportunities of the virtual environment, a wide range of modern innovative learning models, including distance learning, has become urgent.

However, the implementation of a distance approach provides a number of advantages: the ability to learn anytime, anywhere, without separation from the main activity, at your own pace; availability of educational materials; mobility; individual approach. Such innovations not only create comfortable conditions for learning, they help to solve the problem of saving money, combining work and study by students. Distance learning provides an opportunity to reach a much larger audience of students, creates conditions for the effective use of educational space and technical means, which leads to a much higher profitability compared to traditional. These advantages confirm the relevance of the introduction of distance learning in the domestic system of higher education.

The main purpose of distance education is to provide equal access and equal educational opportunities to the population in any part of the country through information and telecommunications, as well as improving the quality of education through more active use of scientific and educational potential of leading universities, academies, institutes, research centers and other educational institutions.

Keywords: distance learning, online education, Internet, information technologies, information and educational environment, distance learning platforms and services, e-courses.


На сучасний соціум значною мірою впливають нові інформаційно-комунікативні технології, які висувають додаткові вимоги й до вітчизняної системи вищої освіти. Проте, в Україні й дотепер використовуються класичні підходи до надання освітніх послуг, які не в повній мірі дозволяють розв 'язувати важливі проблемні питання.

В умовах адаптивного карантину спричиненого COVID- 19, коли виникла гостра потреба переходу до онлайн-навчання усіх освітніх закладів країни, організація дистанційного навчання стала справжнім викликом для української освіти. Вимушене дистанційне навчання поставило перед закладами вищої освіти непрості завдання організувати навчання за умови, коли викладач не може бути поруч і коли традиційні способи подачі інформації та оцінювання знань недоступні. Потреба активного використання можливостей віртуального середовища, широкого спектру сучасних інноваційних моделей навчання, зокрема дистанційного навчання, стала нагальною.

Разом з тим, реалізація дистанційного підходу забезпечує низку переваг: можливість навчатися в будь-який час, у будь- якому місці, без відриву від основної діяльності, у своєму темпі; доступність навчальних матеріалів; мобільність; індивідуальний підхід. Такі нововведення не просто створюють комфортні умови для навчання, вони сприяють вирішенню проблеми економії коштів, поєднання студентами роботи й навчання. Дистанційне навчання забезпечує можливість охоплювати значно більшу аудиторію студентів, створює умови для ефективного використання навчальних площ і технічних засобів, що й обумовлює значно вищу його рентабельність порівняно з традиційним. Зазначені переваги підтверджують актуальність впровадження дистанційного навчання у вітчизняну систему закладів вищої освіти.

Головною метою дистанційної освіти є надання рівного доступу та рівних освітніх можливостей населенню в будь- яких місцях країни за допомогою інформаційних і телекомунікаційних засобів, а також підвищення якісного рівня освіти за рахунок більш активного використання наукового й освітнього потенціалу провідних університетів, академій, інститутів, наукових центрів та інших освітніх установ.

Ключові слова: дистанційне навчання, онлайн-освіта, мережі Інтернет, інформаційні технології, інформаційно- освітнє середовище, платформи та сервіси дистанційного навчання, електронні курси.



Значительное влияние на социум вызывают новые информационно-коммуникативные технологии, которые выдвигают дополнительные требования и к современной системе высшего образования. Однако, в Украине до сих пор используются классические подходы к оказанию образовательных услуг, которые не в полной мере позволяют решать важные проблемные вопросы.

В условиях адаптивного карантина вызванного COVID- 19, когда возникла острая необходимость перехода к онлайн-обучению всех образовательных учреждений страны, организация дистанционного обучения стала настоящим вызовом для украинского образования. Вынужденное дистанционное обучение поставило перед вузами непростые задачи организовать обучение при условии, что преподаватель не может быть рядом и когда традиционные способы подачи информации и оценки знаний недоступны. Потребность активного использования возможностей виртуальной среды, широкого спектра современных инновационных моделей обучения, в частности дистанционного обучения, стала насущной.

Вместе с тем, реализация дистанционного подхода обеспечивает ряд преимуществ: возможность учиться в любое время, в любом месте, без отрыва от основной деятельности, в своем темпе; доступность учебных материалов; мобильность; индивидуальный подход. Такие нововведения не просто создают комфортные условия для обучения, они способствуют решению проблемы экономии средств, сочетанию студентами работы и обучения. Дистанционное обучение обеспечивает возможность охватывать гораздо большую аудиторию студентов, создает условия для эффективного использования учебных площадей и технических средств, что и обуславливает значительно более высокую его рентабельность по сравнению с традиционным. Указанные преимущества подтверждают актуальность внедрения дистанционного обучения в отечественную систему высших учебных заведений.

Главной целью дистанционного образования является предоставление равного доступа и равных образовательных возможностей населению в любых точках страны с помощью информационных и телекоммуникационных средств, а также повышение качественного уровня образования за счет более активного использования научного и образовательного потенциала ведущих университетов, академий, институтов, научных центров и других образовательных учреждений.

Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение, онлайн-образование, сети Интернет, информационные технологии, информационно-образовательная среда, платформы и сервисы дистанционного обучения, электронные курсы.

Formulation of the problem

Over the last two decades, Ukraine has been in the process of transitioning from traditional to computer-based learning. This became possible mostly with the development of the Internet, which made it possible to send the required number of melons from one end of the world to another, freely discuss with other users online and post information on Internet sites, making it available to anyone. As a result, one of the priorities of the higher education modernization program in Ukraine has become distance learning.

Analysis of recent research and publications

In recent decades, the scientific and methodological foundations of distance learning are developing rapidly. The works on the development of distance education are devoted to the works of many domestic scientists, such as: N. Andrusenko (Андрусенко), R. Gurevich (Гуревич, 2013), E. Dolynsky (Долинський, 2010), G. Sosna, T. Shmatkovska (Сосна Г. & Шматковська Т.) and others. But despite the large number of scientific studies, modern distance education in Ukraine resembles traditional forms of distance learning, and requires the use of all possibilities of fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching.

The purpose of the article - research of modern information technologies and methods of distance learning in the process of professional training of future document managers.

Presenting main material

Distance education is characterized as a qualitatively new, progressive type of learning that emerged in the last third of the 20th century thanks to new technological opportunities that have emerged as a result of the information revolution based on the idea of open education. This type of education is based on independent interactive work of the student with specially developed educational materials.

Distance learning is a technology based on the principles of open learning, widely uses computer training programs for various purposes and creates with the help of modern telecommunications information educational environment for the supply of educational material and communication (Андрусенко).

The distance education system has proven itself well and is already ingrained in public use. In particular, it has long been used abroad on a permanent basis. Thus, at the end of 1997 in 107 countries there were about 1,000 distance learning institutions. At the end of 2000, the number of people with higher education in the distance education system was over 90 million.

At the same time, in Ukraine this type of training is only gaining momentum. That is why, in the conditions of nationwide quarantine caused by COVID-19, when there was an urgent need to move to online learning of all educational institutions in the country, the organization of distance learning has become a real challenge for Ukrainian education. Forced distance learning has given higher education institutions the difficult task of organizing training in quarantine conditions when the teacher cannot be around and when traditional methods of presenting information and assessing knowledge are not available.

In terms of distance learning, the receipt of educational materials and communication between the participants of the educational process takes place by transmitting video, audio, graphic and textual information in synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Asynchronous form of distance learning is the most common form. Materials, lecture notes, teaching tasks are prepared and posted in advance by the teacher on the appropriate resource, and the student, according to their plans and time requirements, learns the topics.

Synchronous is a form of learning similar to the usual fulltime learning, when the course is taught to real students in real time by a real teacher. The difference is that they interact at a distance.

As practice has shown, the effectiveness of the rapid transition to distance learning depends on each specific institution of higher education, each specific teacher, their willingness to flexibly and quickly restructure their work and the quality of information support of the educational process. One of the main problems of introducing innovative forms of education is the choice of the optimal ratio of the best traditions of the existing educational system, modern pedagogical innovations and tools of information and communication technologies.

The basis for creating an information and educational environment of a higher education institution is the implementation of its information and educational portal.

Information and educational portal is a portal for receiving educational information, training, creation, transfer, control of knowledge and confirmation of the achieved educational qualification (Гуревич, 2013: 80). Goals and objectives of the information and educational portal of HEI (Гуревич, 2013: 82):

- integration of information, technological, reference, educational resources and services involved in the educational process into a single information space;

- integration and streamlining of all educational resources of HEI departments;

- providing structured, unified access to all information and educational resources of the departments of HEI;

- support for the continuous growth of teachers' qualifications;

- formation of a single information and educational environment for the purpose of exchanging experience, accumulation and use of knowledge;

- prompt satisfaction of information needs of users;

- providing students with opportunities for self-improvement, self-development, independent learning, training and level of knowledge;

- operational control of the educational process;

- creation of a personal virtual workplace for each participant of the educational process;

- ensuring the effectiveness of the use of accumulated knowledge;

- high level of students' involvement in the process of knowledge exchange.

Electronic educational and methodical complexes of disciplines should become one of the components of the information and educational portal of HEI. Electronic educational and methodical complex (EEMC) - didactic system in which in order to create conditions for pedagogical activity, information interaction between teachers and students integrate applied software products, databases, as well as other didactic tools and teaching materials that provide and support educational process (Гуревич, 2013: 76). The EEMC of the discipline / course should include the following list of study materials:

- methodical materials: annotation, program, working program, thematic plan;

- educational materials: lectures, laboratory / practical works, dictionary of terms / glossary;

- knowledge control: criteria for assessing the knowledge of applicants for higher education (current and final knowledge control), tasks for self-preparation, tests, questions to prepare for the test / exam, sample tickets, etc.;

- literature: basic, additional, Internet resources;

- research work of students: a list of topics for the preparation of reports, presentations, abstracts, coursework, essays, recommendations for research work.

In addition, important educational and information-methodological resources of the information-educational environment of HEIs should be:

- website or portal of HEI;

- structured media library (TaBpHnroK) - thematic collection of photo, video, audio materials, web resources, printed products, which provides maximum visualization of educational, scientific and methodological activities of the institution, satisfies the interests of real and potential consumers of educational services on the content of educational activities of HEI;

- virtual library - electronic library with educational, educational-methodical, methodical literature, catalogs of other electronic libraries;

- distance learning courses or their elements as a form of organization and implementation of educational activities and self-education of students using information and communication technologies.

Distance courses are developed by teachers before the start of training. In the process of teaching courses can be changed and supplemented. Each teacher has the opportunity to decide for themselves what the distance course will look like and what multimedia elements will be used in it. The course is divided into sections that need to be completed at a certain time. Based on the material of the sections, teachers create and assign tests and tasks that also need to be passed in time. Interaction between the subjects of the distance learning system is carried out through a system of individual guest books, forums, chats and e-mail.

E-learning courses are rational because:

- expand the possibilities of traditional learning;

- make the learning process more diverse;

- allow to increase efficiency of independent work of students, level of motivation to study, to stimulate development of their intellectual potential;

- automate the process of monitoring and evaluating student achievements.

The advantages of distance learning courses are:

- flexibility - the ability to present the course material, taking into account the training, abilities of students. This is achieved by creating alternative sites to obtain more detailed or additional information on unclear topics, as well as a number of questions - tips, etc .;

- relevance - the possibility of introducing the latest pedagogical, psychological, methodological developments;

- convenience - the ability to study at a convenient time, in a certain place, getting an education without leaving the main job, no time constraints for learning the material;

- modularity - the division of material into separate functionally complete topics, which are studied as they are mastered and correspond to the abilities of an individual student or a group as a whole;

- cost-effectiveness - the method of teaching is cheaper than traditional, due to the efficient use of educational facilities, easier adjustment of electronic learning materials and multi-access to them;

- possibility of simultaneous use of a large amount of educational information by any number of students;

- interactivity - active communication between students of the group and the teacher, which significantly increases the motivation to learn, improves the assimilation of the material;

- greater opportunities for quality control of education, which include discussions, chats, the use of self-control, the absence of psychological barriers;

- lack of geographical boundaries for education. Different courses can be studied in different educational institutions around the world.

Modern distance learning is based on the use of information transmission medium (mail, television, radio, information communication networks) and methods that depend on the technical environment of information exchange.

An important component of the information educational environment are distance learning platforms and services. In particular:

Prometheus. Project of mass open online courses. This is the first and largest free education project for everyone in Ukraine, whose mission is to make the best courses from leading teachers, universities and organizations around the world available to all.

ED-ERA. Project that creates online courses, interactive textbooks, educational special projects and models for integrating modern educational solutions into the traditional educational process using IT.

Moodle. Free learning platform that will help create effective online learning through collaboration in your own environment.

Padlet. It is a multimedia resource for creating, co-editing and storing information. This is a virtual wall to which you can attach photos, files, links to web pages and notes. The teacher gives access to the wall to the students and enters their e-mail addresses, opening the possibility to write or moderate the board.

Learningapps. Designer of interactive tasks, which allows you to conveniently and easily create electronic interactive exercises, which promotes activity, independence, efficiency, connection of theory with practice, a combination of collective and individual forms of educational work and more.

Classtime. Online service for communicating with students and conducting their surveys in real time remotely.

Equity maps. Tool for conducting a discussion club, conducting classes in the format of lectures, involving students in active discussions. All data is converted into statistics and recorded by the application in the form of graphs and charts.

Google classroom. Free web service created by Google for educational institutions to make it easier to create, distribute and classify tasks paperless.

Google sites. Popular service for creating sites. On the site you can place both text documents, presentations, videos, photos, survey forms, and links to them. The information can be organized by classes in the form of site pages.

Google forms. Service of cloud technologies for formation of system of tests of control of educational activity of students. The use of forms provides new opportunities for creating dynamic and relevant applications based on information and digital technologies for use in distance learning.

The use of network technologies allows the student to build their strategy for studying the discipline and contributes not only to the acquisition by students of knowledge, skills, forms of professional behavior, but also the formation of a certain structure of personal qualities.

The study of the conditions of formation of professional competence of future document specialists by means of network technologies allowed to establish that the introduction of educational and methodical complex, which contains distance courses developed by Moodle using a modular approach, presentation of knowledge as a dynamic, multimodal structure. selfreplenishment and updating of professional knowledge, personal involvement in this process and responsibility for it (EonmSam).

Using distance learning, you need to diversify its types. The most common are the following types of remote technologies:

- distance learning courses;

- web pages and sites;

- e-mail;

- forums and blogs;

- chat and ICQ;

- TV and video conferencing;

- virtual classrooms, etc.

Distance learning, carried out with the help of computer telecommunications, has the following forms of training.

- chat classes - training sessions that are carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are conducted synchronously, ie all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Within the framework of many distance educational institutions there is a chat school, in which the activities of distance teachers and students are organized with the help of chat rooms;

- web classes - distance lectures, conferences, seminars, business games, laboratory work, workshops and other forms of training conducted with the help of telecommunications and other Internet opportunities. Web classes use specialized educational web forums - a form of user work on a specific topic or problem with the help of records that remain on one of the sites with the appropriate program installed on it. Web forums differ from chat classes by the possibility of longer (multi-day) work and the asynchronous nature of interaction between students and teachers;

- teleconferences are held using e-mail. There are forms of distance learning, during which educational materials are sent by mail to the regions.

In the case of distance learning, the active role of the teacher is not reduced, as he must determine the level of knowledge of the applicant, and decide to adjust the curriculum in order to achieve the best mastery of the material. If necessary, the student can get advice from the teacher, communicating with him online, directly using the Internet as a means of communication (web-chat, IRC, ICQ, interactive TV, web-telephony, Telnet).

If we consider the features of distance education in terms of communication between teacher and student, we can identify the following characteristics:

- self-education as a basis for distance learning, which involves the student's self-motivation for their own learning, as well as a certain level of self-organization of the individual;

- communication between teacher and student on the principle of «to each other», which corresponds to the form and content of individual counseling;

- communication and interaction «to each other» does not preclude the interaction of «one to many», because the teacher, according to a pre-arranged schedule, works with many students at once. This form of interaction resembles traditional learning in classrooms;

- interaction «many to many» means that it is possible to simultaneously communicate with many students who share experiences and impressions.

Based on this, distance learning has a number of advantages over traditional learning: advanced educational technologies, availability of information sources, individualization of learning, convenient counseling system, democratic relations between student and teacher, convenient schedule and place of work (flonHHCtKHM, 2010).

The introduction of distance technologies in the educational process is aimed at a deeper understanding of the educational material; formation of such competencies as: communicative (direct communication by means of a network), informational (search of information from various sources and possibility of its critical comprehension), self-education (ability to study independently). As practice shows, if a student does not learn to make decisions independently, determine the content of their educational activities and find ways to implement it, he will not be able to master a particular discipline. In addition, distance learning has an educational function - contributes to the formation of leading personality traits: activity, independence, self-improvement, creativity.

Distance learning gives higher education document specialists access to non-traditional sources of information, increases the efficiency of independent work, provides completely new opportunities for creative self-expression, finding and consolidating various professional skills, and teachers in turn allows to implement completely new forms and methods of conceptual and mathematical learning, modeling of phenomena and processes.

Any form of training needs to determine its effectiveness. Effective learning, based on the etymology of the word «effective», means effective (for a particular industry, field of activity). In the education system, the concept, method, means of learning can be called effective if they contribute to a better, easier, faster implementation of learning goals. The concept of «quality of education» includes two main components: «quality of education» and «quality of teaching». The quality of education in pedagogy means:

- creation of a democratic system of education, which would guarantee the necessary conditions for full and quality education at all levels;

- individualization of the educational process due to the variety of forms and types of educational institutions and educational programs that take into account the interests and capabilities of the individual;

- competitive level of education, both in terms of educational programs and the quality of educational services (TOC).

In the case of assessing the quality of education (including distance), the main consumers are students, employers, the state and society.

The quality of education should be understood as an organization of the educational process that meets the basic principles of the concept of education, reflects the demands of modern society and the projected competencies that graduates must have to be competitive in a developing society.

The quality of education is determined by the degree of achievement of certain tasks at each stage of education, in each individual educational institution. However, there are general concepts that characterize the achievement of a certain level of qualification (competence):

- level of knowledge acquisition in the subject area (quality of knowledge and skills);

- ability to independently improve their professional and cultural knowledge and skills;

- ability to work with information;

- ability to make informed and reasoned decisions.

Requirements for educational institutions vary depending on the distance learning technology used by the institution (case, information-satellite or Internet technology).

Among the measures to ensure the quality of education using distance learning technologies include the availability of training jobs for subjects (computer with Internet access) and educational and methodological complexes in all disciplines, as well as the mandatory organization of training or professional retraining of teaching and support staff.

In accordance with ISO 9000-9004 standards, quality indicators are divided into general and subject. Common indicators include: curricula and educational programs (in accordance with existing state standards of vocational education); technical support; methods and technologies of training (the degree of accessibility of teaching, the convenience of communication between the subjects of the educational process, the objectivity and completeness of the examination of knowledge in the control); opportunities of the production sphere; staffing (percentage of teachers with academic titles, authorship in distance learning courses, availability of publications).

Subject indicators include: the availability of textbooks and guidelines for independent work of the student in the network; availability of a base of auxiliary training materials and provision of a cycle of laboratory works.

At the same time, these approaches to assessing the quality of educational services and distance learning institutions do not take into account such important indicators as employer satisfaction, which is determined by the demand for graduates of a particular institution, and student satisfaction, which is determined by their ability to influence learning. as well as the success of their professional careers. Despite the complexity of measuring these indicators, excluding them from the system makes it incomplete to interpret the concept of «quality».

From the standpoint of quality management of distance learning can be divided into two main participants in the process of providing educational services:

Customer (the learner) participates in the learning process from the beginning and largely determines the quality of the final product. Therefore, an important aspect of quality management of the educational process in the distance learning system is the motivation through which the learner becomes a stakeholder in the learning process.

The most significant motivating factors include:

- prestige of the chosen level of education, specialty, profession, qualification;

- rating of higher education institution as an educational complex;

- degree of equipment of the educational-scientific-innovative complex and the effectiveness of the implementation of the latest educational technologies in the educational process;

- level of providing the necessary scientific and scientific- methodical literature;

- providing opportunities for students to participate in research and innovation;

- opportunity to receive additional education, including continuing education in graduate school, graduate school;

- appropriate conditions for communication and adaptation.

In addition, there is no doubt that the motivation of such educational institutions as:

- availability of flexible multilevel training programs;

- availability of a significant number of specialties and specializations;

- volume and breadth of library funds;

- accessibility for students of telecommunication networks, first of all the Internet;

- level of use of multimedia technologies, computer training programs;

- individualization of training; the possibility of using intensive educational technologies, etc.

Performer. In a broad sense, it is an institution of higher education as a set of specific material elements, conditions and personnel. In a narrow sense, the performer can be understood as a teacher who directly carries out the learning process.

The quality of distance education is influenced by a number of factors, among which the following should be noted:

The concept of learning. To assess the quality of the learning process, you must first consider the concept of learning that is used, as far as it meets the objectives of learning.

Organization and structural content of education, which take into account the peculiarities of distance learning, the peculiarities of the concept of learning used.

Methods and organizational forms used

They should be in tune with the concept used and take into account the individual abilities and interests of the learners.

Organization of information and educational environment of the educational process, which is necessary for the full educational process on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies.

The use of technical means, taking into account their didactic properties and functions.

Professionalism of a teacher who has not only knowledge of his subject and to some extent related fields of knowledge, but also psychological knowledge, features of the concept of learning used, information and communication technologies, the specifics of the educational process in distance form.

It is impossible to evaluate the quality and efficiency of distance learning without taking into account at least one of these factors. This is a system and it should be evaluated as a system.

To determine the level of pedagogical effectiveness of distance learning, it is necessary to use two types of indicators: indicators of pedagogical effectiveness for learners and indicators of pedagogical effectiveness for those who teach. Accordingly, indicators of the first type include:

- indicators of the level of education, upbringing, intellectual development;

- indicators of study time for those who study;

- performance indicators;

- indicators of motivational stability of educational activities.

Indicators of the second type characterize the activity of the teacher:

- indicators of rationality of use of this or that concept of training, these or those pedagogical technologies, means of training;

- indicators of time spent on the transfer of educational information;

- indicators of the teacher's efficiency;

- indicators of motivational stability in the work of the teacher [8].

Indicators of the cost of students' study time characterize the speed of assimilation of information, the formation of the necessary concepts, skills, decision-making, performance of independent work.

Performance indicators of learners characterize the degree of intensity of their work, maintaining attention and well-being.

Indicators of motivational stability of students' learning activities characterize the degree of influence of methods and means of cognitive activity used on satisfaction with learning outcomes, the need to perform tasks, the ability to maintain interest in the process and results of cognition.

Indicators of rational use of modern concepts of teaching, pedagogical technologies, means of information and communication technologies by the teacher characterize their influence on achievement of the purposes of training, on completeness of information maintenance of educational process.

Indicators of the teacher's time spent on the transmission of educational information characterize the time spent by the teacher on the learning process in different models of distance learning, on the preparation of additional information material, on students' answers by e-mail or in another way.

Indicators of teacher performance characterize the impact of information and communication technologies used on the complexity and quality of the teacher's work, the degree of change in his physiological and emotional state.

Indicators of motivational stability of the teacher characterize the impact of the use of information and communication technologies on teacher satisfaction with the process and results of work, motivation to perform tasks and interest in the results of work.

Analysis of the most successful projects for the implementation of distance learning has shown that to improve the quality and efficiency of distance learning it is necessary to use a number of universal approaches, including:

- system approach - involves consideration of any phenomenon in the form of a system of interconnected components, followed by analysis of the quality and efficiency of its operation by components and as a whole;

- project approach to the organization and planning of any activity;

- technological approach - bringing theoretical models in the field of education to specific pedagogical technologies for their implementation.

The system approach, according to domestic and foreign experts, is a convenient conceptual apparatus that helps to understand and comprehensively analyze any process and, accordingly, can be applied in the practice of distance learning at any level. However, regardless of the form of education, the learning process proceeds according to a certain didactic scheme, which includes: the purpose of learning; content; the learner; the one who teaches; teaching aids; forms of training organization; teaching methods and learning outcomes. Analysis of the didactic system suggests that components such as «goal», «content» and «results» should be invariant regardless of the remote technologies used. At the same time, it is in distance learning, which is mainly based on the independent activities of learners, there is an opportunity to implement an individual approach to learning and set priorities for choosing innovative, creative, active learning models at the stage of goal setting. determines the choice of appropriate teaching methods, the development on their basis of special educational materials that focus on active independent work of students and the choice of acceptable pedagogical and information technologies.

Well-known specialist in the field of open distance learning Michael Moore offers the following composition of the components of the distance education system (Вовна &Фалалеев, 2000):

- learning environment subsystem - a place where learning subjects transfer and acquire knowledge (traditional stationary classrooms, regional distance learning centers);

- interaction subsystem - interaction of teachers, methodologists, administrative staff and students;

- knowledge subsystem - the provision of printed, audio and video materials, radio and television broadcasts, computer software, audio and video conferencing, computer network;

- subsystem of educational programs - development of educational courses (methodical instructions, multimedia materials, programs and systems of an estimation of knowledge, etc.);

- management and leadership subsystem.

The project approach is an important component of quality assurance. It provides the technology of the educational process, including methods of teaching and development of didactic materials, as well as ways to assess the intermediate results of educational and pedagogical activities (Гринчук, 2001). To plan innovative educational systems and projects, it is proposed to use methods that have proven their effectiveness in other areas. One such universal method is the logical-structural approach developed by the United States Agency for International Development in the late 1960s to assist in the planning, management, and evaluation of development-promoting activities. There are eight stages of application of the logical-structural approach in project planning (Овсянников, 2002):

Stakeholder analysis. Identify groups, individuals and institutions whose interests may be affected by the project, as well as identify key issues, constraints and opportunities.

Analysis of problems. The collection and analysis of information on the current situation, as well as the formation of tasks to be addressed by the project.

Analysis of goals. Derivation of goals from the previously identified problems. These goals must be realistic.

Defining the logic of participation. Isolation of the components of the project, verification of its internal logic, the formation of goals in terms of their measurement.

Indication of assumptions and risk factors. Identification of conditions that may adversely affect the process and outcome of the project, especially those that are not subject to sustainable control by the project manager.

Definition of indicators. Identify ways and means of measuring the progress made in project implementation.

Preparation of a schedule of events. Establishing the sequence and interdependence of events, determining their duration.

Indication of resources. Determining the necessary resources, developing a cost schedule, drawing up a detailed budget.

Technological approach. The implementation of an effective distance learning system is directly related to the technology of the learning process. Technology means a description of the algorithm of actions for the implementation of tasks.

Learning technology can be interpreted as a certain way of carrying out pedagogical activities to achieve educational goals with a previous, conscious division of activities into procedures and stages with their subsequent coordination.

One of the principles of open learning is the joint formation of the curriculum by teacher and student. To implement the principle, to identify existing «white spots» in knowledge and skills, an entrance questionnaire is conducted, the purpose of which is a preliminary assessment by students of the usefulness of the proposed content of the course. The structure of the entrance questionnaire for the distance course consists of three parts (Троян, 2003):

Part 1. Information about the listener.

Part 2. Table of knowledge and skills in the subject area. The left part of the table presents a detailed program of the course. For each question, the answerer can choose one of three answers: I know, I want to know, irrelevant.

Part 3. Comments on the questionnaire.

To self-assess the acquired knowledge after completing the course, students are asked to fill in Part 2 of the entrance questionnaire, which includes a table of knowledge and skills (possible answers «know» and «do not know»). In addition, the open-ended questionnaire offers to provide your version of the course content, which in the opinion of the student is relevant. Thus, the learner can independently assess the level of knowledge acquired in the learning process and express their views on the course program. This approach, together with control measures, allows to implement the principle of joint evaluation of learning outcomes and take into account the views of consumers to improve the quality of the course.

Thus, the application of a technological approach allows to implement innovative principles of learning in practice and improve the quality of distance learning.

The experience of European countries shows that equipping educational institutions of all levels with computers and providing access to the global computer network is undoubtedly a basic and necessary condition for the implementation of distance technologies and the basis for creating a modern open education system.


distance learning teacher student

At the same time, it can be concluded that the problems of quality and efficiency of distance learning are related not only to the quality of the information infrastructure of the educational institution and the whole country, but, first of all, to the didactic quality of educational services. Improving the quality of distance learning is associated with the implementation of innovative creative learning models, careful planning of the educational process taking into account the established quality criteria, development and implementation of pedagogical technologies that allow guaranteed implementation of the principles of open education.

Thus, within the framework of distance education it is possible to create such an educational environment in which the student-documentologist feels more comfortable, becoming an active participant in the educational process, when the habit of selfstudy, self-planning, learning and processing large amounts of information using modern technologies lifelong learning.


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