Implementation of multicultural ideas in the educational space of higher educational establishments

Research of educational and cultural traditions of Ukraine. The specifics of the implementation of multicultural ideas in the modern educational space of the university. Formation of communication skills, competencies and culture of youth communication.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 09.02.2022
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1Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

2Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

Implementation of multicultural ideas in the educational space of higher educational establishments

1Inna Chervinska, Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education,

1Oksana Derevianko, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor,

Department of English Philology, Faculty of Foreign Languages,

1Andrii Chervinskyi, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor,

Faculty of Natural Sciences,

2Nadia Haliuk, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


The article emphasizes that the study of processes and phenomena that occur in the modern educational and cultural space are the most important pedagogical and cultural issues.

The authors point out that the globalization processes which take place in the modern world community determine the formation of new systemic phenomena and events in society.

Such innovative phenomena in the educational space include multicultural education, which since the beginning of the XXI century has acquired special significance becoming one of the priority trends in the cultural and educational development of civilization.

It is noted that the leading ideas of multiculturalism become especially relevant and important for the educational community in connection with the developent of migration processes, urbanization and border expansion.

Therefore, for a young person, the knowledge of several languages, history and culture of other nations is urgent, as it characterizes their role in society and determines their place in the educational space.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the specifics of the implementation of the ideas of multiculturalism in the modern educational space of higher educational establishments on the basis of a profound content analysis of the scientific literature, the study of practical experience of higher educational establishments.

The authors state that the multicultural component of the educational space of the higher educational establishments is determined by the mutual influence of many cultural components, the direct carriers of which are students from different regions of Ukraine and abroad.

Under these circumstances, the importance of multicultural education and upbringing in the formation of young people is increasing.

Depending on historical, political, socio-cultural factors, the components of the educational space, the educational and cultural traditions of a region, various models of multicultural education are built, which determine the priorities of readiness of a growing individual to live in a multicultural society.

Keywords: multiculturalism, educational space, higher educational establishment, multicultural education, globalization.


Реалізація ідей полікультурності в освітньому просторі закладів вищої освіти

Інна Червінська, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Оксана Дерев'янко кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри англійської філології, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м.Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Андрій Червінський, кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри географії та природознавства, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м.Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Надія Галюк, кандидат медичних наук, доцент, Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет (м.Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

Автори вказують, що глобалізаційні процеси, які відбуваються у сучасній світовій спільноті, зумовлюють формування нових системних явищ і подій у житті суспільства. До таких інноваційних явищ в освітньому просторі по праву відноситься й полікультурність освіти, яка з початку ХХІ століття набула особливої значимості, ставши однією з пріоритетних тенденцій культурно-освітнього розвитку цивілізації.

Зазначено, що провідні ідеї полікультурності набувають особливої актуальності та значимості для освітянської спільноти у зв'язку з поширенням міграційних процесів, урбанізації та розширення кордонів. Тому для молодої людини знання декількох мов, історії та культури інших народів є визначальним, оскільки характеризує її роль у суспільстві та визначає місце в освітньому просторі.

Мета статті полягає в тому, щоб на основі ґрунтовного контент-аналізу наукової літератури, вивчення практичного досвіду діяльності ЗВО, розкрити специфіку реалізації ідей полікультурності в сучасному освітньому просторі університету. Авторами увиразнено, що полікультурний компонент освітнього простору ЗВО детермінований взаємовпливом (конвергенцією) багатьох культурних компонент, безпосередніми носіями яких виступають студенти з різних регіонів України, близького й далекого зарубіжжя. За вказаних обставин зростає значимість полікультурної освіти й виховання у формуванні молодої людини. Відповідно, залежно від історичних, політичних, соціокультурних чинників, сформованих компонентів освітнього простору, від освітніх і культурних традицій певного регіону вибудовуються різноманітні моделі полікультурної освіти, що зумовлюють пріоритети готовності зростаючої особистості до життєдіяльності в полікультурному соціумі.

Ключові слова: полікультурність, освітній простір, заклад вищої освіти, полікультурна освіта, глобалізація.


The problem formulation. The globalization processes taking place in the modern world community determine the formation of new systemic phenomena and events in the lives of people and the development of society. Such innovative phenomena in the educational space include multicultural education as well, which since the beginning of the XXI century has acquired special significance, becoming one of the priority trends in the cultural and educational development of civilization. Leading ideas of multiculturalism acquire special relevance and significance for the educational community in the modern educational space due to the migration processes, urbanization and expansion of borders, language areas, cultures and traditions. Since the polylogue of cultures is a universal form of coexistence of their different areas it is usually interpreted not only as a way of cooperation but also as a means of interaction of different peoples, cultures, countries. It is also a way of knowing various objects, artifacts, traditions and historical events in their historical retrospective. The processes of informatization and globalization, which are intensively developing in the modern world, contribute to the strengthening of cultural diversity, generate new artistic trends, lead to the formation of innovative educational paradigms.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of processes and phenomena which have taken place in the field of modern education and culture are among the current problems of culturology and pedagogical science. At present, the population of the Ukrainian Carpathians region lives in conditions of social and economic discomfort, accumulated in many environmental, economic and socio-cultural spheres.

The issue of multiculturalism was studied by many foreign (J.-L. Amsell, R. Bernstein, A. Borisov, S. Gavro, M. Glaser, A. Mamonov, Z. Malkova, L. Suprunova) and some Ukrainian scientists (O. Hryva, O. Hukalenko L. Holik, L. Honcharenko, M. Krasovytsky, V. Kuzmenko, G. Levchenko, etc.).

Nowadays there is no clear definition of multicultural education in the scientific literature. However, scientists have considered various aspects of this phenomenon. The ideas of multiculturalism are reflected in scientific terms formulated by various researchers: multiculturalism (L. Arutiunova, A. Kuropiatnyk, E. Markarian), the concept of multicultural education (D. Banks and others); intercultural relations (M. Zhigalova, A. Pankin); intercultural communication (M. Ikonnikov, R. Lewis,K. Stortita, etc.), multicultural education (N. Bordovska, A. Rean); migration pedagogy (O. Hukalenko, G. Soldatova, etc.); ideas of multiculturalism in higher education (V. Roshchupkin).

In response to new socio-cultural realities (globalization and internationalization of the world, processes of ethnocultural self-determination, problems of multicultural society and migration), the pedagogical community of the world develops an appropriate educational strategy, which is reflected in the UNO, the UNESCO, the European Council and the European Union documents. In particular, in 1995 the General Conference of UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, the guiding principles of which in the context of our study are reflected in Art. 18 “Everyone has the right to the freedom of thought, conscience and religion”, Art. 19. “... on the freedom of belief and their free expression”, Art. 26 “Education shall promote mutual understanding, tolerance and friendship among all peoples, racial and religious groups” (Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, 1995).

The purpose of the research. On the basis of the conducted content-analysis of the scientific literature, the study of practical experience of the activity of higher educational establishments, the specifics of realization of multicultural ideas in the modern educational process of university is revealed.

Research methods. In the article the following research methods are used: general scientific analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, classification, generalization, which allow arguing and justifying.

Results of the research

Modern conditions of the society determine new vectors and dynamics of the development of its main components - education, culture, society, which interact closely with each other, because during their development they have always been closely linked with other social institutions. The complex processes of transformation of the society caused by aggravation of cultural and educational problems affect the development of many countries and the fate of a great number of people, the life of each individual and the community as a whole. After all, the external manifestations of globalization can be seen as complex and contradictory internal processes taking place in the educational process.

In the 90s of the twentieth century two progressive tendencies in the development of the world community are gaining popularity: multiculturalism and globalization. The supporters of globalization theories emphasize that the most progressive path of the development is the unification of peoples, the integration of efforts in all spheres of people and governments' lives. Conversely, the multicultural model of the development presupposes the formation of a multicultural space by joint efforts, the creation on this basis of favourable conditions for preserving the cultural diversity and identity of different peoples, and the development of integration processes.

Progressive ideas of multiculturalism in the educational space have been spreading since the proclamation of a new cultural and educational policy based on universal values by the United Nations. Accordingly, the educational space of the early XXI century is characterized as the space of multiculturalism.

The study of educational space as an integrative phenomenon of the modern model of an innovative higher educational establishment, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, is actual nowadays, as it allows to solve a number of difficult questions that need consistent solution:

• to capture the unique and inimitable values of traditional national education and culture, which form the basis of the mentality of a young person;

• to promote the positive entry of domestic education into the world cultural and educational community;

• to realize their cultural and educational needs in professional, creative and other activities in the context of national and world culture.

In modern scientific discourse there is a tendency to consider the educational space of higher educational establishments as a holistic system which is able to influence the formation of the space of other social institutions. After all, the diversity of cultures and their interaction in some way affects the formation of an individual and the whole nation. In this context, V. Yasvin's assertion that the educational space is “a process of specially organized formation of a personality according to a certain pattern.” (Yasvin, 2001) is consistent.

Multiculturalism is based on the fact that education in a polyethnic society, taking into account national differences, should contain a plurality of types, models and educational programs that will be adequate to the worldview and requirements of different ethnocultural groups in accordance with certain educational contexts.

We share the opinion of G. Filipchuk that “one of the most democratic models of education operates in European countries. This is when one part of ethnic groups has the opportunity to master basic secondary school education in their native language, the second implements the national-cultural educational component, the third group studies the native language optionally (Filipchuk, 1999, p.56). Such experience should be in the national education system. The introduction of European educational standards in Ukraine, gives grounds to say that multiculturalism is one of the basic standards of modern educational space, based on the values of European democratic society: human rights, equality, peace, social justice, democracy, freedom, personal security, pluralism of opinions, cultural diversity, responsibility, partnership, respect for the environment.

In the context of the implementation of the ideas of multiculturalism in the educational space of higher educational establishments, it is advisable to introduce the educational training program, curricula, syllabi of academic disciplines to the students. The students should become acquainted with the national and world history from the first year of studying, comparing and summarizing common and different periods in their formation, should study the history and culture of the native land, traditional way of life, national cuisine, clothing and architecture. The profound knowledge of history, literature and art will help students to better understand the place and role of native culture, history and traditions in the general educational process, contribute to the formation and development of a socio-cultural space, form social and professional mobility of future professionals.

The innovative model of multicultural education should include national and regional components, the integration of which will ensure the implementation of educational functions aimed at forming young people's worldviews and motivation to interact and work closely with representatives of different ethnocultural worldview values, norms and rules of behavior, communication. Therefore, the leading functions of multicultural education include:

- philosophical and ideological;

- culturological;

- ethnosocial;

- socio-cultural

- educational;

- research and cognitive.

The introduction of the functions of multicultural education in the educational process will contribute to the realization of the tasks of the regional educational contents, which under favourable conditions can act as a link for the implementation of tasks at both regional and national levels because multiculturalism is considered as “respect, understanding and objective assessment of cultural diversity, mutual support of traditions, customs of a multiethnic society” (Pankin, 2006). In general, the process of implementing the ideas of multicultural education is characterized by the involvement of young people in the globalization processes of mankind, the formation of tolerant behaviour, adequate attitude to other nationalities, cultures, religions. A good example of the implementation of innovative ideas of multiculturalism is the education of students from the Middle East and other regions of the world in the educational institutions of Precarpathia. According to the Migration Service (Information resource: the Public Carpathians, 2021), 1,694 students from 53 countries attend higher educational establishments in Ivano-Frankivsk. The largest number of foreign students is at Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University: 817 people, natives of India, 150 citizens of Nigeria, 119 students from Poland, 64 - from Ghana, 50 from Jordan and 20 citizens of the Republic of Maldives. Also, more than 1,500 foreign students attend the National Technical University of Oil and Gas. To increase the efficiency of education at the university, the Center for the Organization of International Students' Education has been established, where students from 37 countries in Asia and Africa receive higher education. At Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University the Department of International Cooperation is in charge of teaching students from other countries. educational cultural multicultural university

The university has developed special educational programs for studying (Bachelor and Master's Degree), within the existing license for admission of foreign students. These are educational programs: “Applied physics and nanomaterials”, “Secondary education (physics)”, “Physics and astronomy”, “Computer engineering”, “Management (business administration)”, “Law”, “Psychology”, “Primary education” and others. Such a large number of students attend higher educational establishments of Precarpathia because of the high level of training, high qualification of teachers and appropriate conditions of studying.

The above mentioned facts confirm that the multicultural component of the educational space of higher educational establishments is determined by the interaction of many cultural components, the direct carriers of which are students from different regions of Ukraine and abroad. This correlates with the “model of humanity-oriented specialist, the development of his personal and creative qualities” (Petruneva, Dulina, Tokarev, 1998). The selected indicators, according to V. Kazarenkov, correspond to the main functions of higher education:

• humanistic, axiological (preservation of values of world and home multinational culture);

• socio-cultural (mastering the culture of their people in a variety of relations with the national cultures of other peoples and world culture in general);

• socially adaptive (adaptation to the surrounding society and professional activity);

• socially mobile (acquisition of a new status by a person);

• innovative (updating the range of knowledge and ways of human activity);

• social-integrative (involving a person in integrative educational-scientific, industrial activity);

• prognostic (disclosure of prospects for professional development and personal growth) (Kazarenkov, 2000).

The educational space of the university is “a set of components of socio-cultural and object-spatial environment, which are hierarchically structured by a set of different environments, corresponding conditions, factors, resources, various types of interaction of pedagogical processes aimed at achieving goals and objectives of higher education ”(Yasvin, 2001).

That is why an important indicator of the quality of educational space is to ensure a high level of educational services and equal access of all categories of students to quality education, creating favorable conditions for preserving ethnocultural traditions of local residents of the Ukrainian Carpathians, and demonstrating cultural heritage and traditions of students from other regions of Ukraine and abroad. Such educational and cultural events as “Galytsky Ball”, “Rodoslav”, “Christmas Meetings”, “Shevchenko Readings”, excursions to museums and monuments of Precarpathia, etc. have become very popular among students.

Assimilation of cultural experience by the subjects of educational space does not happen spontaneously and quickly. This process requires great efforts, appropriate motivation, certain incentives for educational activities. After all, for foreign students and those who came to study from other regions of the country, along with the need to master the native culture in a multicultural environment of educational space of higher educational establishments, cognitive processes related to mastering another culture, language, history and traditions, through the formation of intercultural competencies and tolerant behavior, attitudes towards representatives of other peoples and cultures are becoming increasingly important.

Accordingly, in order to form intercultural competencies and develop tolerant behaviour in the educational space of higher educational establishments, where a multicultural environment predominates, it is recommended to create various circles, societies, establish innovative forms of interaction that will promote better communication and cooperation between students belonging to different nations and nationalities. In this regard, the main task is to ensure a high level of teaching the Humanities and vocational disciplines by integrating two or more courses, or the preparation of multidisciplinary courses, with the basics of multiculturalism.

Under certain conditions, the emphasis should be placed on students' mastering the basic concepts of cross-cultural literacy, knowing the mentality and national identity, intercultural competence and tolerance of local people. This will greatly facilitate the process of entry of foreign students into the multicultural environment of Precarpathia and Ukraine in general. The main task of these forms of interaction is to expand students' knowledge of the material and spiritual culture of the society and various peoples, the ability to generalize common and highlight the special cultural heritage, history, language of different peoples.

One of the tasks of multicultural education in higher educational establishments is to create the necessary conditions for training professionals who will live in a space of global cooperation, intensive exchange of information and products of labour, interact through the development of joint cultural, research and production programs. In this case, educational institutions become culturally diverse (young people belonging to different ethnic, religious, racial groups, social layers, speaking different languages, having different moral and spiritual values, adhering to different norms of behaviour study together). Implementing the ideas of multiculturalism, teachers must solve an important professional problem, that is to determine how to respond during the organization of pedagogical activities to the cultural changes and innovations inherent in a multicultural region. Since the multicultural factor determines the need for an appropriate response to the intercultural diversity of students who are in a single educational space of higher educational establishments, they periodically should take into account the specifics of cultural and linguistic characteristics of students or remain neutral.

The teachers'aim is to instill in students respect for representatives of other nations and nationalities, to ensure equal access to quality educational services for all students, regardless of their legal, social status, physical strength and mental abilities. Therefore, the importance of multicultural education and upbringing in the formation of a growing personality in such circumstances is increasing.

Depending on historical, political, socio-cultural factors, the components of the educational space, the educational and cultural traditions of a particular region, various models of multicultural education are built, which determine the priorities of young people's readiness to live in a multicultural society.

This problem is extremely relevant for the region of the Ukrainian Carpathians, where there are centuries-old traditions of coexistence of peoples and ethnic groups. For example, more than 100 ethnic groups and nationalities live Transcarpathia and Bukovyna. Therefore, the priority in the educational space of higher educational establishments of these regions is given to multicultural education and upbringing, so new strategies are built, mechanisms for their implementation are determined.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

The multicultural nature of education in the modern world, the multiplicity of functions assigned to it make this field the most important mechanism for sustainable development of the society. Nowadays, consolidation of the society, preservation of the single socio-cultural space of the country, formation of a system of values - from universal to family and personal are connected with the effective educational space.

Under the conditions of significant aggravation of interethnic relations all over the world, the need to substantiate and implement multicultural education, which will contribute to combating xenophobia and ethnic strife, is especially important. We believe that the development of innovative forms of multicultural education in modern higher educational establishments are the prospects of further scientific research.


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3. Kazarenkov, V., Kazarenkova, T (2000) Higher school: social and pedagogical interaction. Pedagogy. No. 5.

4. Pankin, A. (2006). Formation of ethnocultural personality: textbook. Voronezh: Publishing house of NPO MODEK. 306 p.

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    дипломная работа [574,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2016

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PPT, PPTX и PDF-файлы представлены только в архивах.
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