Formation of oral speech skills in future primary language teachers of primary school in english language classes

Substantiation of the communicative aspect of the formation of oral skills of the future teacher of English in primary school as a component of his language competence. Organization of active educational process, work with educational and didactic base.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2022
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Formation of oral speech skills in future primary language teachers of primary school in english language classes

Наталія Мартин,

старший викладач кафедри англійської філології та методики викладання іноземних мов, Мукачівський державний університет (м. Мукачево, Україна)

Natalia Martyn,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of English Philology and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages, Mukachevo State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine)


Формування навичок усного мовлення в майбутніх учителів іноземної мови початкової школи на заняттях з англійської мови

Сьогодні відбувається істотне оновлення змісту навчання іноземних мов у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах України, що пов'язано насамперед із упровадженням Концепції Нової української школи. З-поміж 10 ключових компетентностей стратегічний освітній документ виокремлює спілкування іноземними мовами. Тому формування комунікативних умінь майбутнього вчителя англійської мови початкової школи в системі вищої освіти є одним із пріоритетних завдань.

Мета статті - обґрунтувати комунікативний аспект формування навичок усного мовлення, підготовки майбутнього вчителя англійської мови початкової школи як складник його мовної компетентності.

Зміст навчання англійської мови студентів ґрунтується на таких основних характеристиках: воно відповідає актуальним комунікативно-пізнавальним інтересам майбутніх учителів англійської мови, відбиває реальні потреби використання мови як засобу спілкування, є максимально наближеним до умов і цілей реальної міжкультурної комунікації; стимулює розвиток інтересів та позитивного ставлення до англійської мови, здійснює вплив на їхню мотиваційну сферу; ґрунтується на досвіді оволодіння рідною мовою; ураховує загальнонавчальний досвід студентів, набутий ними під час оволодіння шкільним курсом іноземної мови, а також іншими предметами (міжпредметні зв'язки); стимулює самостійну діяльність студентів, спонукає до рефлексії щодо якості власних навчальних досягнень і бажання їх удосконалювати.

Щоб розвинути в майбутніх учителів англійської мови навички усного мовлення (говоріння), викладачеві насамперед необхідно створити передумови для організації активного освітнього процесу, підготувати відповідну навчально-дидактичну базу, дібрати оптимальні навчально-методичні матеріали тощо. Доречним буде застосування інноваційних освітніх технологій, до прикладу, використання відеоматеріалів, що дасть змогу істотно інтенсифікувати навчальний процес, підвищити рівень мовної компетенції майбутніх учителів англійської мови, розширити діапазон використання методичних засобів у навчанні.

Ключові слова: навички усного мовлення, процес говоріння, англійська мова, майбутні вчителі англійської мови початкової школи, комунікативна компетентність.


oral skills communicative teacher english

Today, the content of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools of Ukraine is being significantly updated, which is primarily due to the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. Among the 10 key competences, the strategic educational document distinguishes communication in foreign languages. Thus, the formation of communicative skills of the future primary school teacher in the system of higher education is one of the priority tasks.

The aim of the article is to substantiate the communicative aspect of the formation of oral skills, training of future primary school teacher of English as a component of his language competence.

The content of English language teaching of students is based on the following main characteristics: it corresponds to the actual communicative and cognitive interests of future teachers of English, reflects the real needs of the use of language as a means of communication, is as close as possible to the conditions and goals of real intercultural communication; stimulates the development of interests and positive attitude to the English language, influences their motivational sphere; based on the experience of mastering the native language; takes into account the general educational experience of students which has been acquired during the mastering of the school foreign language course, as well as other subjects(interdisciplinary links); stimulates students' independent activity, encourages reflection on the quality of their own academic achievements and the desire to improve them.

In order to develop the skills of oral speech(speaking) in future teachers of English, the teacher, first of all needs to create preconditions for the organization of an active educational process, to prepare the appropriate educational and didactic base, to choose the optimal educational and methodological materials etc. It will be appropriate to use innovative educational technologies, for example, the use of video materials, which will significantly intensify the learning process, to increase the level of language competence of future teachers of English, to expand the range of use of methodological tools in teaching.

Keywords: oral skills, speaking process, English, future primary school teachers of English, communicative competence.


The problem formulation. Nowadays, there is a significant update of the content of foreign language teaching in secondary schools of Ukraine, which is primarily due to the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. This document, in particular, states that educational activities will be organized taking into account the skills of the XXI century in accordance with the individual styles, pace, complexity and learning trajectories of pupils: from communicative types of tasks (find common ground with friends, teachers, classmates, parents, strangers) to creative (artistic and innovative). Among the 10 key competencies, the strategic educational document distinguishes communication in foreign languages. This includes the ability to understand properly what is said in a foreign language, to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and views in oral and written forms (through listening, speaking, reading and writing) in a wide range of social and cultural contexts. Skills of mediation and intercultural communication (Kontseptsiia, 2016, p. 10-11).

Therefore, an important place in the training of students - future foreign language teachers - is given to communicative training. Exactly communication skills as an important component of the general and professional culture of the teacher will help the English teacher, among other things, to effectively organize the pedagogical process, build convincing communication with children, their parents, colleagues, the public etc. These professional skills are necessary for a teacher, because communication, speech - are his main tools in the activity.

The analysis of recent research. The problem of preparation for professional activity was studied by O. Abdulin, F. Gonobolin, M. Yevtukh, V. Krutetsky, Z. Kurland, N. Talyzina, etc .; O. Bigich, O. Bondarenko, I. Maksak, S. Nikolaeva, V. Plakhotnyk, S. Roman, etc. studied the issues of training future English teachers, however, some aspects of the training of English language specialists, in particular the communicative aspect of their language competence, remain insufficiently covered in the scientific literature.

THE AIM AND Research Tasks

To substantiate the communicative aspect of the formation of oral skills, training of future primary school English teachers as a component of his language competence.

Research methods

The following research methods were used in the study: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, classification, generalization), which allow to argue and substantiate the experience of training future teachers of English in primary school on the formation of oral skills; search and bibliographic for systematization of research sources; historiographical-interpretive for studying the state of the researched problem, comprehension of conceptual approaches to its solution and its categorical-conceptual apparatus; comparative and descriptive - to characterize the process of formation of oral skills in future English teachers.

Results of the research

Changes in the strategic directions of development of modern school education are connected with the direction of educational activities to develop the necessary life competencies in students, which in the future would allow school graduates to feel comfortable in today's global multinational space. This is objectively due to a number of factors, among which the priority is the trend of constant globalization and intensification of international contacts in various spheres of life. An important place in these transformational processes belongs to the issue of defining and implementing the updated content of education. First of all, this is ensured by the active reorientation of school foreign language education to the communicative-activity, personality-oriented and culturological direction of the educational process. This aspect forces a comprehensive rethinking of theoretical approaches to the choice of effective technologies and means of teaching a foreign language (Inozemni movy, 2017; Linhvodydaktychni zasady, 2018, p. 3-5).

As the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School today has entered the second phase (2019-2022) it is characterized by: development and approval of standards of basic secondary education on a competency basis, formation of a new system of professional development of teachers and heads of educational institutions, ensuring high- quality study of foreign languages in high school in accordance with the Sustainable Development Strategy "Ukraine 2020". Therefore, educational activity will be organized taking into account the skills of the XXI century in accordance with the individual styles, pace, complexity and learning trajectories of pupils: from communicative types of tasks (to find common ground with friends, teachers, classmates, parents, strangers) to creative (artistic and innovative). In the field of formation of such competence as communication in foreign languages, the task of a foreign language teacher is to form in students the ability to properly understand what is said in a foreign language, to express in oral and written forms and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and views (through listening, speaking, reading and writing) in a wide range of social and cultural contexts. The skills of mediation and intercultural communication are important (Kontseptsiia, 2016, p. 11).

Thus, the task is to develop the same skills in future foreign language teachers (in our case, English). In other words, to form an appropriate level of communicative competence of current students who are preparing to become English teachers in primary school.

It is known that competence is a dynamic combination of knowledge, ways of thinking, views, values, skills, abilities, other personal qualities, which determines a person's ability to successfully conduct professional and / or further educational activity. Key competencies are those that everyone needs for personal realization, development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment and that are able to ensure personal fulfillment and lifelong success (Kontseptsiia, 2016, p. 10).

It is important to emphasize that the main purpose of teaching a foreign language in primary school is the formation of students' communicative competence, which is provided by linguistic, speech and socio-cultural experience, consistent with the age capabilities of primary school pupils, at the end of primary school pupils achieve level A1 (pupils of specialized schools with in-depth study of foreign languages - level A2), which corresponds to the European recommendations of language education (Inozemni movy, 2017; Zahalnoievropeiski Rekomendatsii, 2003).

Communicative, educational, upbringing and developmental goals of mastering the content of education are realized through educational materials (texts and dialogues) as basic speech units, which contain semantic and linguistic information and serve as certain means of generalizing foreign language experience of future English primary school teachers. Acquaintance of students with the sound system of a foreign language is based on innovative technologies in communicative situations, necessary and sufficient for speech actions, and is considered the main in the production of foreign pronunciation, formation of rhythmic and intonation skills and sound-letter relationships.

Mastering a foreign language by primary school pupils involves the interconnected learning of all types of speech activities (speaking, listening, reading, writing), when each type is seen as a goal and as a means. To do this, use appropriate exercises and tasks, the implementation of which provides a comprehensive mastery of oral and written speech.

The content of English language teaching for students is based on the following main characteristics: it corresponds to the current communicative and cognitive interests of future English teachers, reflects the real needs of using the language as a means of communication, is as close as possible to the conditions and goals of real intercultural communication; stimulates the development of interests and a positive attitude to a foreign language, influences their motivational sphere; attaches not only to a new language code for them, but also to the culture of people, the bearer of this language, which is provided by a clear understanding of the most important communities and differences between foreign and native culture, according to which learning should be gradually organized as "dialogue of cultures"; based on the experience of mastering the native language, providing advanced study of the latter; takes into account the general educational experience of students acquired during the mastering of the school course of a foreign language, as well as other subjects (interdisciplinary links); provides educational, upbringing and developmental needs of students, in particular stimulates their independent activity, encourages reflection on the quality of their own academic achievements and the desire to improve them (Kalinina, & Samoiliukevych, 2014; Frolova, & Aleshchanova, 2009).

The content of English language teaching is determined by the learning objectives and meets the interests of students. In this regard, linguistic, speech, socio-cultural material becomes important. Therefore, the main principles of selection of educational material are as follows: communicative value and sufficiency for the implementation of goals and objectives of teaching communication within each topic; authenticity of language (phonetic, lexical and grammatical), speech (sentences, texts) units, illustrative socio-cultural materials used to teach communication, in particular speaking; typicality of speech patterns and their compliance with the norms of communication adopted in the country whose language is studied; frequency of use in modern speech; minimization, which corresponds to the goals and objectives of training and allows you to successfully organize the process of mastering the process of speaking English within each topic, in accordance with the requirements of the current educational programme, etc. (Kalinina, & Samoiliukevych, 2014; Frolova, & Aleshchanova, 2009).

According to the main provisions of the communicative-activity approach to teaching English, the optimal means of assimilation of educational content by students are language exercises, providing them with mastery of phonetic, lexical and grammatical material and thus prepare them for the process of speaking; conditional speech exercises that give students the opportunity to understand the peculiarities of the use (function) of language units in direct speech acts as a result of their use in micro-expressions; speech exercises that promote the formation of communication skills in four types of speech activity; communicative tasks that promote the development of creative abilities of students, independence and ensure the formation of readiness for communication due to the integrated use of language skills, speech skills and learning experience (general learning skills) (Frolova, & Aleshchanova, 2009).

Learning to speak is one of the most important areas of teaching English in higher education. This follows from the fact that speaking performs in human life the function of a means of communication; speaking - is one of the main types of human activity, as a result of the activity of speaking there is a product - expression. In other words, to teach speaking is to teach the art of communication. Thus, mastering speaking at a sufficient level means mastering communicative competence (Kalinina, & Samoiliukevych, 2014; Frolova, & Aleshchanova, 2009, p. 161-162). This competence provides the student to establish and maintain contact in conversation with the ability in the most typical situations of everyday communication; report and request information; to encourage the communication partner to non-verbal and verbal actions; to express the opinion and to motivate the interlocutor to the corresponding reaction; substantiate the opinion and invite the interlocutor to express their own point of view; express feelings (attitude to the subject of speech, situation, etc.) and encourage the interlocutor to express their feelings (relationships).

Therefore, in the process of planning practical classes in English, in our practice we adhere to the above principles, as well as such a pedagogical condition as the constant speaking of students; orientation of language exercises on speech activity; use of communicatively valuable material; constant activation and motivation of students to speak. Scholars point out that it is quite difficult due to a number of reasons, in particular, due to the insufficient number of teaching hours devoted to learning a foreign language. In addition, the lecturer's participation in a 90-minute lesson (one pair) should be a maximum of 45 minutes. However, the practice of the educational process shows that the teacher's share in the practical lesson is 55-60 minutes. In accordance with the presence of students in a subgroup of 12-15 people, each is given only

1.5-2 minutes to speak, or even less, if time does not increase or decrease due to collective (group) work (Frolova, & Aleshchanova, 2009, p. 161-162).

Therefore, the success of the whole learning process should contribute to the successful development of speaking skills. The teacher usually chooses ways to intensify learning under the specific working conditions. One of such ways is the correct selection and use of effective methods of language processing. Thus the textbook (as the basic means of training of foreign languages) demands competent use and deeper understanding of its functions, features of its maintenance and structure, understanding of significance of exercises, ability of the teacher to be well guided in them. Exercises become the main direct material means of organizing students' learning activities (there are many of them), exercises can be divided into the following groups: those which prepare oral communication; build and structure the communication process; model communication; build and structure the communication process; model communication. It is advisable to use exercises to develop skills and exercises to develop speech. Such exercises are conditionally linguistic and speech. Each type must be adequate to the educational purpose it serves (Nikolaieva, 2010, p. 12-15; Frolova, & Aleshchanova, 2009, p. 163).

The difficulty in learning the process of speaking is that the language material should be used as a means of communication. Moreover, the speaker must convey the expression of thoughts and feelings by means of non-native language. Therefore, he should possess not only of the morphological structure of the language, but also a complex system of word combination, correct pronunciation of sounds, word stress, and so on. In addition, the speech of the future primary school teacher of English should correspond to such quality as the culture of speech, be meaningful, consistent, literate, should reflect the clarity of thought, the richness of language means; the language must be correct, without word-parasites.

It is necessary to provide training in the use of vocabulary on the topic in order for the speaking process to correspond these requirements; language cliches; learn to build statement according to a certain scheme. In practice, we also emphasize to students that they should not be afraid to make speech mistakes: it is better to start talking with mistakes in order to correct them later than to be afraid to speak at all. Hence the teacher's task - to teach students to overcome fear of the audience. We have noticed that many of them become emotionally uncomfortable thinking that their classmates will think of him / her when he / she makes a mistake in the process of speaking.

Under such conditions, students can be offered the right to correct utterances, for example, to listen to audio recordings of another speech and correct it; correction of utterances by reformulation or restructuring; common completion of incomplete or completed statements; explanation of some unfamiliar words or expressions; conscious slowing down of the tempo of speech; use of non-verbal means of communication, such as facial expressions, gestures, demonstrations, etc. (Frolova, & Aleshchanova, 2009).

It will be advisable and effective method of listening as it forms the auditory image of speech. To develop the process of speaking, it is very useful to repeat the patterns of speech after the speaker. Speaking and reading aloud provide the practice of saying longer phrases. In order to speak English well, it is necessary to create conditions for students to develop spontaneous language. It is also necessary to work constantly on expanding the vocabulary of future primary school teachers of English.

Our practical experience of teaching English in a higher educational institution shows that an effective form of educational activity is video films / video materials, which not only stimulate attention, but also contribute to the improvement of speaking skills, provide an opportunity to solve important educational problems, improve the quality of knowledge, etc. Video as a component of English language perception contributes to the effective training of listening skills (Kalinina, & Samoiliukevych, 2014). The use of videos opens unique opportunities for teachers and students in the field of mastering a foreign culture, in particular on the formation of socio-cultural competence as one of the components of communicative competence, and, consequently, will contribute to the acquisition of students' skills of intercultural communication. In this situation, there is a requirement to comply with pedagogical conditions: videos must correspond to the level of knowledge of students; video materials should be used sparingly and expediently, offered at the appropriate time in class; it is necessary to identify clearly the key, most important points for review; videos must be thematic, comply with the normative English language; if possible, have a pedagogical content; perform educational, developmental, upbringing functions, etc.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

The formation of communicative skills of the future primary school teacher of English in the system of higher education is one of the priority tasks. Firstly, a teacher should create the conditions for the organization of an active educational process, to develop students' speaking skills in foreign (English) classes, to prepare the appropriate educational and didactic base, to choose the optimal educational and methodological materials, which contain necessary set of exercises, etc. It will be appropriate to use innovative educational technologies, for example, the use of video materials, which will significantly intensify the learning process, to increase the level of language competence of future teachers of English, to expand the range of use of teaching methods.

Further study requires the problem of analysis and diagnosis of the current content, forms and methods of communicative training of future teachers of English in the process of their education under the bachelor's degree, the state of formation of their communicative skills.


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2Frolova, N. A., & Aleshchanova, I. V. (2009). K voprosu o metodakh innovatsyonnoho obuchenyia inostrannomu yazyku [On the question of methods of innovative foreign language teaching]. Pedagogical sciences, 1(34), 161-164. [in Russian].

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  • The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014

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