Територіальний вектор українських студій про розвиток іншомовної освіти в зарубіжжі

Аналіз основних територіально-географічних векторів дослідження іншомовної освіти у зарубіжжі на базі вивчення дисертацій, монографій та статей. Характеристика спрямованості територіально-географічного вектору в зв’язку з євроінтеграційним курсом України.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 09.02.2022
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Територіальний вектор українських студій про розвиток іншомовної освіти в зарубіжжі

Любов Гарапко,

аспірант кафедри англійської філології та методики викладання іноземних мов,

Мукачівський державний університет (м. Мукачево, Україна)


У статті проаналізовано територіально-географічний вектор українських студій про розвиток іншомовної освіти в зарубіжжі. Для предметного репрезентативного вивчення цієї проблеми методом головного масиву було охоплено близько 70 дисертацій і двох десятків монографій, а вибірковим методом - близько сотні статей. На основі аналізу їхніх назв і змісту визначено чотири основні територіально-географічні вектори дослідження іншомовної освіти у зарубіжжі: 1) регіональний - у вигляді державно-політичних об'єднань та історико-культурних регіонів світу; 2) країнознавчий - визначає спектр і пріоритети вивчення освітніх систем в окремих країнах; 3) українознавчий - відображає вивчення зарубіжної іншомовної освіти крізь призму адаптації її досвіду в Україні.

Аналіз наукових студій про розвиток іншомовної освіти в зарубіжжі виявив вузькість їхнього територіально- географічного вектору. Це проявилося у зосередженні уваги на п'яти-шести країнах західноєвропейського регіону (Велика Британія, Німеччина; Франція; Швеція, Польща) та США. Меншою мірою вивчався розвиток іншомовної освіти у ще близько десяти державах. Таким чином, абсолютна більшість інших країн світу залишилася поза увагою українських науковців. Означені тенденції і пріоритети зумовлені євроінтеграційним курсом України.

Ключові слова: педагогічна компаративістика, іншомовна освіта, зарубіжна освіта, історіографія педагогічної науки, зарубіжна система освіти.



Liubov Harapko,

doctoral student of the Department of English Philology and Teaching Methods of Forein Languages,

Mukachevo State University,

(Mukachevo, Ukraine)

The article analyzes the territorial and geographical vector of Ukrainian studies on the development of foreign language education abroad. For the subject representative study of this problem, the method of the main array covered about 70 dissertations and two dozen monographs, and the selective method - about a hundred articles.

Based on the analysis of their names and content, four main territorial and geographical vectors of research of foreign language education abroad are identified:1) regional - in the form of state and political associations and historical and cultural regions of the world; 2) country studies - determines the range and priorities of the study of educational systems in individual countries; 3) Ukrainian studies - reflects the study of foreign language education through the prism of adaptation of its experience in Ukraine.

The analysis of scientific studies on the development of foreign language education abroad revealed the narrowness of their territorial and geographical vector.

This was reflected in the focus on five to six countries in the Western European region (UK, Germany; France; Sweden, Poland) and the United States. The development of foreign language education in about ten other states has been studied to a lesser extent. Thus, the vast majority of other countries in the world have escaped the attention of Ukrainian scientists.These trends and priorities are due to the European integration course of Ukraine.

Keywords: pedagogical comparative studies, foreign language education, foreign education, historiography of pedagogical science, foreign education system.


Ukraine's integration into the European and world educational space has highlighted the need to study foreign experience for its use in reforming the national education system and improving the content of the educational process. The problem of foreign language education has become especially important in this area, as knowledge

of foreign languages is an important prerequisite for adaptation in new ethnocultural environments, expansion of intercultural contacts, successful employment abroad and so on.

During the 90's of the XX - early XXI century in Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies has accumulated a significant array of research that reveals the development of theory and practice of teaching foreign languages in different countries and regions of the world. In the historiography of this problem of particular interest is its territorial and geographical perspective It largely reflects the general trends of development and priorities of Ukrainian historical and pedagogical science. This problem has not yet been the subject of scientific research, but due to its importance, requires special analysis.

Analysis of scientific research. Our study is directly devoted to the historiography of foreign language education, so we outline the important features and features for its analysis. First, we note the interdisciplinary nature of research on foreign language education. It is manifested in their training at the intersection of pedagogy, linguistics and some other humanities. Secondly, the study of this problem is accompanied by terminological discourse, which is manifested in the use of the terms "bilingual", "polylingual", "foreign language" and others. The authors often invest in them different meanings, which affects the understanding of the nature and character of the studied processes and phenomena. Third, with the growing scientific pluralism, the topics of studies are expanding and the interpretation of certain educational phenomena that correspond to the essence of individual national educational systems is diversified. All this necessitates the subject analysis of the territorial-geographical vector of the specified array of studies as an important prerequisite for the creation of its holistic scientific reception.

AIM AND TASKS RESEARCH - are to carry out a substantive analysis of the territorial-geographical vector accumulated by Ukrainian pedagogical comparative studies in the late twentieth - early twentieth century. representative scientific studies on the development of foreign language education abroad.

Research results

Based on the studies of Ukrainian and foreign scholars (Batsevich, 2007; Gusevskaya, 2011; Vetchinova, 2009; Nikolaeva, 2016; Passov, 1998, etc.), foreign language education is defined as a specially organized pedagogical process of learning, education and development of the learner content and means discipline "foreign language". Its important characteristics are revealed in aspects of integrity (enrichment with knowledge, skills, experience of dialogic interaction in the process of mastering the discipline and ability and readiness for further self-education with the help of a foreign language); axiological orientation (language and culture become instruments of preservation, development, translation of traditions of a certain people, country).; efficiency and effectiveness (cognitive, value- oriented, aesthetic activity provides the formation of socio-cultural, linguistic-communicative, educational-cognitive competencies of the linguistic personality).

Territorial and geographical boundaries of studies on the development of foreign language education determine an important section of their overall architecture.

For the subject representative study of this problem, the method of the main array covered about 70 dissertations and two dozen monographs, and the selective method - about a hundred articles.

Analysis of their names and content allows us to identify four main territorial and geographical vectors of the study of foreign language education abroad: 1) regional - in the form of state and political associations and historical and cultural regions of the world; 2) country studies - determines the range and priorities of the study of educational systems in individual countries; 3) Ukrainian studies - reflects the study of foreign language education through the prism of adaptation of its experience in Ukraine.

It is necessary to recognize a certain conditionality of such a division, because the defined territorial vectors cover the same states and groups of countries, which a priori intersect and overlap. This determines the territorial and geographical "multidimensionality" of studies on the development of foreign language education abroad. It is manifested primarily in a comparative study of its development in two or more countries, among which, as a rule, is Ukraine.

The analysis of the regional vector revealed the absolute concentration of Ukrainian scholars in studying the development of foreign language education in the European cultural and educational space

This natural situation is explained by the priorities of Ukraine's integration into it. It actualizes the study of theoretical and practical principles (principles, requirements, criteria, standards, etc.) of language education development, which are developed by the governing bodies and institutional structures of the European Union. In addition, the general trends in the development of sectoral language policy are being actively studied, which, in particular, concerns the formation of language competence of certain groups of professionals and youth and adults.

In this territorial perspective, thorough comprehensive research on trends in the development of school foreign language education in the member states of the Council of Europe (Tadeeva, 2001); on multilingual education of schoolchildren in Western Europe in the second half of the XX - early XXI century. (Pershukova, 2016); on the formation of language personality in the history of the formation of the European socio-cultural educational space (Makhinov, 2012) and others.

These works present conceptually important for our study scientific experience in identifying and implementing comparative characteristics of the main areas and important aspects of the development of foreign language education in different groups of countries.

From the analysis of the names and content of the studies it follows that scientists raise the question of studying the foreign language educational situation in "Europe", "Western Europe", sometimes in some groups of European countries. However, despite such a formal declaration of territorial boundaries, the focus is usually on three to five "top countries", which will be discussed below.

We consider justified and promising scientific approach to the study of groups of countries close not only in territorial but also geopolitical, ethnocultural and other relations. As an example, we note the study on the development of school foreign language education in Central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary). Since the 80's of the twentieth century. they experienced similar shifts in its development due to the adherence to the conceptual basis for the transformation of multilingualism from a linguistic phenomenon to a core principle of language policy. This principle is in line with the general challenges of a multilingual, multinational Europe (Talalai, 2017).

The question of foreign language training of young people in the context of the implementation of the concept of "lifelong learning" in the Scandinavian countries is justified and well thought out. For example, some studies on this issue show that Finland, Sweden, Norway were among the first to draw attention to the need to provide every citizen with equal educational opportunities. Due to similar social and educational policies and high living standards, they have for many years demonstrated high performance in international rankings of the level and quality of language and foreign literacy of the population (Zagoruyko, 2012).

This regional "Eurocentrism" expands and complements the second country study vector with "American centrism." To determine it, a scientometric analysis of the outlined higher basic array of studies (dissertations, monographs, textbooks, articles) was performed according to the criterion of the frequency of recording the country in the title of the study. The calculation and ranking is based on a scale according to which 10 points is compared with the largest number of works devoted to a particular country, etc.

The calculations performed in a formal mathematical way allow us to present the country study vector of research in various areas and aspects of the development of foreign language education in certain countries (only the works of one author about one country were taken into account): USA - 10 points; Great Britain and Germany - 8-7 points; France - 6-5 points; Canada, Sweden, Poland - 4-3 points; Austria, Venezuela, Mexico, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, and others. - 2-1 points.

These indicators are difficult to consider absolute and exhaustive, however, given the sufficient representativeness of scientific sources for a sample analysis, we can say that they most likely reflect the general priorities of the study of foreign language education in individual countries. The results show that the main focus of most (about 2/3) studies was only five or six countries. The other quarter of the studies covered about seven to eight more countries, and only a few authors (5-7% of the studies) addressed the development of language education in other countries in fragments. Thus, Ukrainian historiography has not, in fact, subjected the absolute majority of the world's states to scientific examination in order to clarify their experience in the organization and development of foreign language education.

This situation is generally natural, because, given the desire to identify and explore the most interesting and valuable for Ukraine experience in organizing and developing didactic principles of foreign language education, scientists focused primarily on countries that have proven effective in this area.

This conclusion also confirms the analysis of the content and thematic focus of research and the dynamics of changes in research priorities.

It was found that the main attention (about 60-70% of works) of Ukrainian scholars was focused on the study of problems related to the language component of multicultural education, training of future foreign language teachers and bachelors and masters in translation and applied linguistics in universities and other types of institutions. higher education in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, and France. We observe moderate activity in the study of the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools of these countries. It was expedient and justified to focus on understanding the unique and productive experience of introducing the principles of bilingualism into the educational process of certain groups of the population - immigrants, ethnic minorities, etc.

Another productive and natural tendency for the development of pedagogical comparative studies to cover the subject of study of certain groups of countries that had similar approaches and traditions of development of certain areas and components of foreign language education. Combinations for parallel study and comparison in this case are based on three main principles: dualistically homogeneous "country - country"; dualistically heterogeneous "country - region"; "Multicomponent", when the subject of the study are several countries that are compared according to certain criteria and characteristics.

Examples of such scientific approaches are comparative studies on the development of bilingual education in secondary schools in the United States and Europe based on its priority goals and the content and methods of teaching a foreign language (Buzovsky, 2010). Along with works on language training of students in higher education institutions in the USA and Western Europe (Paliy & Petruk & Mykulenko, 2014), studies on poly- and linguocultural principles of higher education in Great Britain, USA, Canada and Australia and implementation of conceptual principles of bilingual education are of interest. in Canada and the United States (Ogienko-2014, 2015).

Substantiating the social significance of foreign language education, scientists reveal the prospects and opportunities for using foreign experience to develop activities in this area in Ukraine. Bilingual education is argued to be an adequate response to the global challenges of today, including the pervasive processes of integration and population perturbations. The necessity of a comprehensive approach to the study of bilingualism as a component of the state educational policy is proved; as an interdisciplinary phenomenon that requires subject pedagogical characteristics; as an effective mechanism for harmonizing different cultures and languages, characterized by openness and alternative models and flexibility and variability of multilingual programs and learning technologies.

These approaches are manifested in the scientific work, which presents the third Ukrainian geographical-territorial vector, which reflects the approach to understanding the experience of foreign language education in the "opposite direction", ie through the prism of opportunities and prospects for its application in Ukraine. According to our analysis, the array of works in which this problem is posed in this perspective, quantitatively overlaps the studies of the two previous, regional and regional, vectors.

According to the content and target features in the work on the Ukrainian studies territorial vector we distinguish three subgroups of studies. The first includes comprehensive research (dissertations, monographs, etc.) on the development of foreign language education in foreign countriesTheir authors summarize the possibilities of using their experience to develop the theory and practice of foreign language teaching in Ukraine.

The second subgroup includes works whose subject is a direct comparative analysis of the development of foreign language education in Ukraine and foreign countries. As illustrative examples, we note the monograph on bilingual education as a factor and means of implementing the principle of multiculturalism in Ukraine, Romania and Moldova (Antonyuk, 1999); experience of complex comparison of theory and practice training of future English teachers in universities of Ukraine and Poland (Karichkovskaya, 2011); an article on the historical aspects of the development of the system of foreign language teacher training in Ukraine and the United Kingdom (Makhaeva, 2012); scientific and methodological development of trends in the development of early foreign language learning in the United States and Ukraine (Smelyanskaya, 2008), etc.


Thus, the analysis of scientific studies on the development of foreign language education abroad revealed the narrowness of their territorial and geographical vector. This has manifested itself in the focus of five or six countries in the Western European region and the United States. The development of foreign language education in about ten other countries has been studied to a lesser extent, so the vast majority of other countries in the world have escaped the attention of Ukrainian scholars. These trends and priorities are due to the European integration course of Ukraine.


територіально географічний дослідження іншомовна освіта

1Antoniuk, R. I. (1999). Dvomovne navchannia yak realizatsiia pryntsypu polikulturnosti v Ukraini, Rumunii ta Moldovi. Kyiv: Lyst.

Bazhenova, I. V. (2009). Do problemy rozvytku zmistu inshomovnoi osvity na suchasnomu etapi. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Pedahohichni nauky. 44. 84-87.

2Batsevych, F.S. (2007). Slovnyk terminiv mizhkulturnoi komunikatsii. Kyiv: Dovira. 205.

Buzovskyi, A. V. (2010). Dvomovna osvita v shkolakh SShA ta Yevropy. Visnyk Luhanskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. 9. 92-104

3Vetchynova, M. N. (2009). Teoryia y praktyka ynoiazbichnoho obrazovanyia v otechestvennoi pedahohyke vtoroi polovynbi XIX - nachala XX veka.

(Dyssertatsyia doktora pedahohycheskykh nauk. Moskva. URL: nauka-pedagogika.com > pedagogika-13-00-01.

Husevskaia, N. Yu. (2011). Inoyazychnoe obrazovaniye kak istoriko-obrazovatelnyj fenomen. Uchenyie zapiski Zabaikalskoho hosudarstvennoho universiteta. URL: cyberleninka.ru>article>inoyazychnoe

Zahoruiko, L. O. (2012). Stratehii zabezpechennia rivnykh osvitnikh mozhlyvostei molodi u skandynavskykh krainakh. (Dysertatsiia kandydata pedahohichnykh nauk). Sumy.

Karychkovska, S. P. (2011). Pidhotovka maibutnikh vchyteliv anhliiskoi movy v universytetakh Ukrainy i Polshchi (porivnialnyi analiz). (Dysertatsiia kandydata pedahohichnykh nauk). Kyiv.

Makhaieva, M. S. (2012). Istorychni aspekty rozvytku systemy pidhotovky vykladachiv inozemnoi movy v Ukraini ta Velykii Brytanii. URL: masters. kubg.edu.ua/index.php/gi/article/download/40/42

4Makhinov, V. M. (2012). Stanovlennia movnoi osobystosti v istorii rozvytku yevropeiskoho sotsiokulturnoho osvitnoho prostoru. Kyiv.

Nikolaieva, S. Yu. (2016). Kontseptsiia inshomovnoi osvity v Ukraini: rozrobka i realizatsiia: International Scientific and Practical Conference “WORLD SCIENCE”. 4. 60-61.

Ohiienko, O. I. (2014) Polikulturni zasady vyshchoi osvity Velykoi Brytanii, SShA, Kanady i Avstralii. Pedahohichni nauky: teoriia, istoriia, innovatsiini tekhnolohii. 10. 173-181.

Ohiienko, O. I. (2015). Realizatsiia kontseptualnykh idei bilinhvalnoi osvity u Kanadi i SShA. Osvita doroslykh: teoriia, dosvid, perspektyvy. Kyiv; Nizhyn. 1. 167-176.

Palii, M. V., Petruk, A. M., & Mykulenko, D. V. (2014). Movna pidhotovka studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv SShA ta Zakhidnoi Yevropy. Humanizm ta osvita. URL: http://conf.vntu.edu.ua

5Passov, E. Y (1998). Kommunykatyvnoe ynoiazbichnoe obrazovanye. Kontseptsyia razvytyia yndyvydualnosty v dyalohe kultur. Lypetsk. 6Pershukova, O. O. (2016). Tendentsii rozvytku bahatomovnoi osvity shkoliariv u krainakh Zakhidnoi Yevropy (druha polovyna KhKh -- pochatok KhKhI st.). (Avtoreferat dysertatsii doktora pedahohichnykh nauk). Kyiv.

7Smelianska, V. V. (2008). Suchasni tendentsii rozvytku rannoho navchannia inozemnykh mov u SShA ta Ukraini (porivnialnyi analiz). Metodychni rekomendatsii. Nizhyn. 48.

8Tadeieva, M. I. (2011). Suchasni tendentsii rozvytku shkilnoi inshomovnoi osvity v krainakh-chlenakh Rady Yevropy (porivnialnyi analiz). (Dysertatsiia doktora pedahohichnykh nauk). Luhansk.

9Talalai, Yu. O. (2017). Modernizatsiia navchannia inozemnykh mov u starshykh shkolakh krain Tsentralnoi Yevropy v umovakh multylinhvizmu. (Dysertatsiia kandydata pedahohichnykh nauk). Drohobych.

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  • Розвиток освіти на Слобожанщині під час Другої світової війни та у повоєнний період. Педагогічна діяльність Б.Д. Грінченка. Х.Д. Алчевська та її внесок розвиток народної освіти. Харківська школа-клініка для сліпоглухонімих дітей І. Соколянського.

    курсовая работа [108,9 K], добавлен 14.06.2014

  • Аналіз ролі післядипломної педагогічної освіти. Визначення мети, завдань і функцій вітчизняної післядипломної педагогічної освіти. Характеристика особливостей функціонування післядипломної освіти вчителів початкових класів в Україні на сучасному етапі.

    статья [22,0 K], добавлен 18.08.2017

  • Історичний огляд розвитку дошкільної освіти в Україні. Розвиток дошкільної освіти у ХІХ столітті та після 1917 року. Реалії та перспективи розвитку дошкільної освіти в Україні. Географічні особливості розвитку дошкільної освіти на Кіровоградщині.

    курсовая работа [4,3 M], добавлен 24.12.2013

  • Вивчення структури і основних компонентів системи освіти в Україні. Аналіз організаційних засад діяльності загальноосвітніх навчально-виховних закладів, методів управління шкільною справою. Поняття про альтернативні школи. Нові типи навчальних закладів.

    презентация [5,6 M], добавлен 17.03.2014

  • Результати термінологічного аналізу поняття "стратегічна компетенція". Порівняльний аналіз понять "компетенція" та "компетентність". Пошук шляхів визначення цілей і змісту освіти. Формування компетентностей майбутнього викладача іноземної мови.

    статья [118,4 K], добавлен 21.09.2017

  • Рівні підготовки фахівців. Сутність ступеневості вищої освіти. Нормативний, вибірковий компоненти змісту освіти. Складові державного стандарту освіти. Форми навчання: денна, вечірня, заочна. Ознаки громадсько-державної моделі управління освітою в Україні.

    реферат [16,9 K], добавлен 18.01.2011

  • Аналіз системи управління вищою освітою в Україні. Основні завдання Міністерства освіти і науки України: сприяння працевлаштуванню випускників вищих навчальних закладів, здійснення державного інспектування. Характеристика системи стандартів вищої освіти.

    реферат [49,1 K], добавлен 30.09.2012

  • Дослідження сучасних принципів побудови освіти у вищих навчальних закладах Індії. Огляд особливостей економічної, технічної та гуманітарної освіти. Аналіз навчання іноземних студентів, грантів на освіту, які видають ученим і представникам наукової еліти.

    реферат [27,9 K], добавлен 17.01.2012

  • Ступневість професійно-технічної освіти України, її концепція, сучасний стан, державне регулювання, проблеми та необхідність удосконалення. Суть та структура системи професійно-технічної освіти України, її адаптація в європейський освітній простір.

    курсовая работа [149,0 K], добавлен 20.04.2011

  • Загальна характеристика та особливості трьох основних систем освіти, що використовуються в сучасній Німеччині: шкільна, професійна та вища. Схема на напрямки взаємодії між системами. Умови присвоєння звання доктора наук. Вдосконалення української освіти.

    презентация [558,2 K], добавлен 14.05.2014

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