Professional formation of the psychologist's personality in the system of special education

Fundamentals of the theory and practice of professional development of a psychologist's personality in the special education system. Current state of formation of components of the studied professional training in accordance with the process system.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2022
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Professional formation of the psychologist's personality in the system of special education

V. Syniov, M.Sheremet

Обґрунтовано концептуальні засади теорії та практики професійного становлення особистості психолога в системі спеціальної освіти. Розкрито теоретичну та практичну сутність новітніх тенденцій зазначеної професійної підготовки. Окреслено особистісні якісні пріоритети її поетапної реалізації на компетентнісно- орієнтованих засадах мегасистеми цілісного освітнього простору, де компетентнісний підхід розглядається як домінуючий вектор оновлення змісту вищої освіти в умовах багаторівневої підготовки кадрів. З'ясовано, що забезпечення в навчальному процесі сукупності визначених педагогічних умов уможливить ефективність і результативність процесу професійної підготовки психологів в системі спеціальної освіти як результат належного її функціонування в умовах сьогодення. Ідентифіковано сучасний стан сформованості компонентів досліджуваної професійної підготовки відповідно до функціональної системи зазначеного процесу.

Ключові слова: професійне становлення, професійна підготовка, психологи в системі спеціальної освіти, компоненти професійної підготовки, між- та трансдисциплінарність, система професійної підготовки психологів в галузі спеціальної освіти.

Супрун Д.М. Профессиональное становления личности психолога в системе специального образования.

Обоснованы концептуальные основы теории и практики профессионального становления личности психолога в системе специального образования. Раскрыто теоретическую и практическую сущность новейших тенденций указанной профессиональной подготовки. Определены личностные качественные приоритеты ее поэтапной реализации на компетентно-ориентированных принципах мегасистемы целостного образовательного пространства, где компетентностный подход рассматривается как доминирующий вектор обновления содержания высшего образования в условиях многоуровневой подготовки кадров. Установлено, что обеспечение в учебном процессе совокупности определенных педагогических условий позволит поднять уровень эффективности и результативности процесса профессиональной подготовки психологов в системе специального образования как результат надлежащего ее функционирования в условиях сегодняшнего социума. Идентифицировано современное состояние сформированности компонентов исследуемой профессиональной подготовки в соответствии с функциональной системой указанного процесса.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное становление, профессиональная подготовка, психолог в системе специального образования, компоненты профессиональной подготовки, меж- и трансдисциплинарность, система профессиональной подготовки психологов в сфере специального образования. psychologist special education professional

Suprun D. Professional formation of the psychologist's personality in the system of special education. The conceptual foundations of the theory and practice of the professional formation of the psychologist's personality in the system of special education are substantiated. The personal qualitative priorities of its phased implementation on competency-oriented principles of the megasystem of a holistic educational space are defined, where

the competency-based approach is considered as the dominant vector of updating the content of higher education in the context of multi-level training. The methodological aspects of this professional training have been developed and the training itself has been presented as a holistic systemic phenomenon in the educational space of higher pedagogical education: the essence of the given training is considered in various ways, on the basis of which its qualitative and classification characteristics, levels and systemic and structural components are determined; the content, organizational and pedagogical conditions and criteria for assessing the levels of formation of these components are defined.

The following components of psychologists'professional training are defined: professional and motivational, cognitive and competence, operational and active, productive and reflexive. It is indicated that the given structural components are interrelated, interdependent and complementary to each other. The essence of the modern technologies in higher educational institutions is determined. Theoretical paradigm is scientifically substantiated, the structural-functional, organizational-didactic model of the system of psychologists' professional training in the field of special education is developed and tested and the dynamics of the formation of its components according to the results of the implementation of this system is highlighted. Particular attention is paid to finding and developing of the optimal set of methods of its providing, developing programs and definition of developed program's efficiency. The prospects for further research in the context of improving the psychologists' professional training in the field of special education are outlined.

Keywords: professional development, professional training, psychologists in the system of special education, components of psychologists' professional training, inter - and transdisciplinary, system of psychologists' professional training in the field of special education.

Formulation of the problem

The concept of modern education requires a new orientation purposes, principles, content, methods, evaluation obtained knowledge according to defined educational qualification characteristics of specialists, skills to solve typical problems and their application in practice. Thus, the interpenetration of knowledge of methods and theories and their practical application becomes so important. Incarnation in life of personallyoriented paradigm of education proposes new requirements for training in high educational institutions. Therefore there is a necessity of forming a new generation of psychologists in the field of special education that can provide expert help for individual with disorders of psychophysical development to create the conditions for successful socialization and self-realization (V. Syniov, D. Suprun). The problem of scientific and theoretical substantiation and development of functional system components of psychologists' professional training in the field of special education, that takes into account practical needs of modern society and integration of the national education system into the international educational space is not completely solved, and this, in turn, negatively is reflected on the level of professional training and is not contributed for competitiveness of the domestic and international labor markets [20] .

Analysis of researches and publications

Various scientific researches are devoted to numerous issues of psychologists' professional training (T. Grygorenko, O. Dubovyk, S. Maksymenko, V. Panok, N.Poviyakel, L. Rudenko, V. Syniov, M. Suprun, D. Suprun, M. Fedorenko, S. Fedorenko, N. Chepeleva, etc.). Particular attention is paid to the psychologist' personal qualities as they are related to the specifics of training in higher educational institutions and are characterized by a prolonged period of formation and motivation, selfactualization and self-realization as indicators of the effectiveness of professional activity.

Sufficient results of scientific researches have been accumulated in the countries of the European Union, the USA, Canada, the countries of the post-Soviet space, Ukraine that provide scientific prerequisites for theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of psychologists' training in the field of special education for professional activity in the conditions of inclusive education, including: theoretical and methodological and philosophical aspects of inclusive education are outlined, strategies for supporting inclusive education of children with special educational needs are developed (J. Andrews, T. Brandon, J. Charlton, J. Deppeler, A. Dyson, L. Florian, C. Forlin, J.-R. Kim , T. Loreman, J. Lupart, U. Sharma, A. Kolupaeva, etc.); the ways of professional training, retraining and advanced training of special pedagogues and psychologists in the field of special education and in the conditions of inclusive educational space are identified (I. Demchenko, M. Sheremet, L. Florian, H. Linklater, etc.).

So, systematic theoretical and methodological, historical and empirical analysis of the problem in the psychological and pedagogical domain has been conducted and the evolution of trends in the development of principles of theory and practice in professional psychologists' training in the field of special education has been monitored and this made it possible to determine the relevance of the study of the identified problem and allow to certify the following:

— theoretical questions of pedagogical staff training in the field of special education (of different profiles) have been significantly developed, however, the work of national experts in the field of special psychology contains only a few scientific studies in relation to specific issues of professional training of specialists of this profile;

— despite the fact that the system of training defectological personnel has had a long history, the training of specialists in the field of special psychology began only in the modern period of national history;

— the coverage of the foreign experience in psychologist professional training in the field of special education shows that the modern system of training specialists of the psychological profile in different countries has significant developments in the theoretical and practical field of study, which must be fully used for national higher education. This should be provided by means of a rational combination of foreign advanced pedagogical experience in the field of psychological education along with the innovative pedagogical work of Ukrainian scholars.

At the same time, the theoretical analysis of literary sources showed that, despite the diverse scientific spectrum of the phenomena connected with investigating problem, it was not the subject of a special holistic scientific research. So, the outlined evidence of the theoretical and sociopractical importance of special psychologists' training and insufficient theoretical and practical development has given us the grounds for conducting our own scientific research.

The main goal of the research was to determine the state and level of the future psychologis ts' training and readiness to work with children with psychophysical disorders in novadays conditions. Theoretical and methodological analysis and experimental solution of the problem of psychologists' professional training in the field of special education in the difficult conditions of Ukraine's entry into the international community of modernization of the international order in the context of the determined priorities of the future world order requires from higher education to gradually implementate the components of the existing megasystem of holistic educational space, where an indicative trait of its content is development on a competency-based basis, the study of the said professional training acquires proper relevance.

Presentation of the research material

In government documents on national education policy defined priority content ideas of personality education: the ideas of freedom, equality, national and personal dignity; formation of hard work, mutual aid and self-discipline; attitude to life and the lives of others as the highest value. Scientists of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University gained considerable experience with practical implementation in students' and listeners' educational process of the theoretical foundations of various education areas.

Content tasks of education are defined with humanistic position in the «Convention on the Rights of the Child» and «Declaration of Human Rights». Article 29 of that Convention stated that the education of the child shall above all be directed to: development of the personality, talents, mental and physical abilities in full volume; development respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter; development respect for parents, cultural identity, language and national values of the country in which the child is living, the country of origin and for civilizations different from own; preparation of the child for responsible life in a modern society in the spirit of understanding, peace, patience; development of respect for nature.

The means of implementing these objectives, in the opinion of Academician V. Syniov is the assimilation of fundamentals of culture as a sphere spiritual life that promotes individual abilities to produce their own principles of the activity, behavior, communication, focusing on the best examples of universal and national culture [19].

It is necessary to mention the theoretical and practical essence of the modern technologies of psychologists' professional training in higher educational institutions which is revealed. A thorough analysis of application of modern innovative technologies in the psychologists' training in the field of special education has been conducted, which revealed the following trends:

- universal interaction of various pedagogical systems and teaching technologies, the introduction of new forms of practice and integrated pedagogical systems in practice provides the effectiveness of the pedagogical process;

- significant growth of the role of the communicative orientation of learning. The possession of a foreign language is a professional and cultural base for a specialist in any specialty, which gives him the opportunity to be an equal partner in international co-operation;

- active use of technical means;

- increasing in the role of student mobility as a participant in the learning process in the conditions of internationalization.

Thus, the effective means of forming the key psychologist's competences are pedagogical technologies that are considered as a combination of teaching methods through the prism of relevant features of educational results, their effectiveness in determining the quality of higher education.

So, it is proved that the introduction of a new approach to education involves the use of the modern methods of psychologists' professional training. Practically, a pedagogical mechanism based on a competency approach should include teaching programs and guidance with professional workshops, trainings and special courses for students and practicing psychologists. An important should be feedback, diagnostics using psychological and sociological research methods that would cover the views of the students who studied this course and have ideas for innovation, taking into account the innovative development of technologies and labor market requirements for the practical use of specific modern programs that used in the work of the studied specialty. The practical component of the training should be in line with the modern needs of the information society in order to create the really needed and demanded psychologists' educational and professional competences in the field of special education.

Among the various directions of education leading is mental, because the mind along with human morality underlying the formation of human consciousness. Today total volume of scientific knowledge is fast growing. Thus, the formation of human preparedness to fulfill their social roles, including professional requires education of commitment and ability to work on a relentless through constant self-education, self-enrichment of knowledge, abilities and skills. In practice, this task is realized through mental (intellectual) education.

From the point of modern psychology, the mind is a combination of human cognitive processes, among which the most important is thinking. Intellect is considered by psychological and pedagogical science as a set of cognitive abilities of the person, the willingness to theoretical search; the ability to think, that is to compare, correlate, refine, analyze through connections and laws of phenomena, events, objects, facts, evaluate them comprehensively and based on generalizations do own conclusions. Following the mentioned methodological approaches, we have all reasons to believe that «mental» and «intellectual» education is synonymous concepts that covers the formation of cognitive activity [19; 25].

According to the results of experts' research in pedagogy and psychology, whatever area of education we are not analyzed, cognitive component is always one of the most important for achieving the goal of education. Thus moral education necessarily requires human understanding knowledge of moral standards, the ability to analyze a situation in which it can get and, based on some knowledge to make adequate moral choices, and the ability to provide moral consequences of their behavior and so on. A person is able to achieve this only through the implementation of mental activity.

Among the most important tasks of mental training the first necessary to identify the tasks is to form an active, independent, creative thinking. Signs of such thinking are very interrelated, but not identical. Active thinking may not always be independent. For example, when a person listens carefully what he/she is explained, trying to understand the information - he/she thinks actively, but still goes on explaining the evidence for others. So, initiative does not belong to him/her. And only under the condition where the person is trying himself (for someone's task or on own initiative) to understand the material, find the answer to a particular question to recognize it as the original, and not one that exists in the completed form in certain sources of information we can affirm about the existence of an independent and, of course, active thinking. However, and this process is not creative. Only when a person's own mind, comparing different information come by its own conclusions and generalizations to fundamentally new knowledge, before it was known, that such thinking can already be considered as creative. In educational situations when a person discovers something he/she is still unknown, use the term «productive thinking», what in the first place indicates that person produces the product of cognitive activity. The principal difference «creative thinking» is in that it is produced by mental activity, is a fundamentally new not only for the person but also for others.

The next task of mental training is formation person's Fund of effective knowledge from different fields of person's culture. Effectiveness is the main feature of such knowledge. Presence of a large stock of knowledge is not a sign of efficiency, because some people most of their potential remains unrealized, it is, so to speak, «dead capital» In such cases, the media only significant unrealized knowledge recreate them if necessary in memory, but can not independently acquire on this basis new knowledge, do not know how to apply their knowledge in practice, are not able to move them to new conditions.

So, only effective knowledge show intellectual developed person, and actively and adequately can be used in the intellectual and practical activities can creatively be redone, serve for person as «appertseptyv mass» for arming by new knowledge to enrich intellectual culture.

Another task of mental education of the individual in shaping the culture of intellectual work, which should include: ways of thinking, memory, individual work with sources of information, presentation of results of their activities and so on. Leading place in this task should be discharged for rationalization of training activities. As specific, let's select the creating a culture of oral and written language.

Development of cognitive interests as the main reasons of intellectual activity are the essence of this problem in intellectual education. The varies set of basic qualities of individual's complex mind is formed on a base of resolution of Common tasks. We stopped on their characteristics.

The most crucial of these is characteristics of depths of the mind, that is, firstly, a person's ability to penetrate into the most significant of what she learns, to separate it from the side, and secondary, to abstract, to generalize the point. The opposite is this quality of mind is superficiality when man met only a few superficial knowledge without revealing the nature of the underlying processes of the mind.

Next to the depth of the mind great importance for the affirmation of the human personality has a flexibility of mind that manifests itself in the human capacity to abandon familiar mental activities, from standards consolidated in past experiences, if they do not lead to a successful solution of the problem, the willingness to look for other original ways its solution. The opposite to flexibility of mind is such quality as inertia, that tendency to pattern, inability to switch to new actions, new perspectives consideration of phenomena as required by modern life.

The constancy of mind is a person's ability to focus and targeted to solve mental tasks, keeping in mind the totality of the the essential, the main features of the phenomenon over which reflect without being distracted by minor, accidental, which can detract from the correct path to the truth. The opposite of sustainability is instability - frequent distraction, avoidance of tasks under the influence of random components.

Conscious mental activity, unlike the unconscious, is the person's ability to express in language (verbalize) the process of their mental activity - that substantiate the the process of solving intellectual challenges. The main condition in this case should understand causal relationships between their mental actions and their results.

Autonomy mental activity is manifested in the active searching for new knowledge, new ways of solving problems in a light perception of help when person himself has difficulty in choosing the right solution, taking into account own mistakes and mistakes of others, self-correction of mental activity. The opposite categories to independence of mind is such a thing as imitation, shown in trying to copy known, rely on outside help without seeing other people's mistakes.

Criticality of mind, closely related to the independence and evident in efforts to ensure in the correctness of the material that is perceived, under any circumstances is «doubt». Additional important

characteristics of the mind is its speed, sense of humor as integrated features and others.

In order to more fully highlight the importance of mental education for the formation of personality, let's consider three key components of intellectual and creative development: meaning mental activity, i.e. fund of knowledge of the individual; active component of intellectual development; personal options of mental activity.

Reasoned to the knowledge really «worked» on the mental development of the individual so they should become internal controls of activity and behavior, they must meet a number of qualities. Let's consider the main characteristics of them: objective, ie correspondence subjective of learning knowledge to reality (correct knowledge); awareness, when knowledge worked by thinking, but not mechanically learned; unity of generality and specificity observed only when certain specific kind of thing a person can associate with the general concept, generalized pattern, and, conversely, when the generalized rule or law can be confirmed by concrete example; completeness of knowledge (as opposed to fragmentation) is characterized not only the volume but also versatility to a particular object or whole areas of knowledge; systematic, that is knowledge ordering based on the establishing links between them; special role in the systematic characterization belongs to presence or absence of causal relationships; strength of knowledge is the ability to store in memory and play for a long time necessary knowledge; dynamic, is the ability to use knowledge, transfer them to similar or entirely new situation.

Formation of the activity component of intellectual and creative development is realized: formation of correct and conscious ways to perform intellectual and creative activity, individual action and receptions; purposefulness and planning formation to intellectual and creative activity, manifested in the ability to plan activities so that it led to a specific purpose; formation of self-control and self-correction skills.

The process of personal education options of intellectual and creative activity, ie factors determining the attitude, sold through a scientific system. Manifestations of this process occur through:

- formation of positive motivation (internal needs) to intellectual and creative activity, including cognitive interests, the constant need for new information. On the positive motivation to intellectual and creative activity should influence and other needs - communication, selfimprovement, overcome difficulties and etc. Great importance has motivation of indirectly-social character, which manifests itself primarily in recognizing the social significance of acquiring knowledge and culture of intellectual and creative work. Equally important is the creation of direct and short motivation is a struggle to succeed both outside and inside by «selfpraise» successfully resolved by intellectual and creative tasks;

- formation of criticism and self-criticism of mind, which is associated with the development of sensitivity to false or not sufficiently reasonable information, attempts to reach the truth, to find persuasive arguments, and the development of demanding attitude to their own mental activity and its adequate selfesteem;

- formation of intellectual independence, the need for regular forms of their own position. The foregoing does not deny foreign aid in the process of cognitive activity, creativity, but provides a consistent reduction in such assistance.

Let's consider the basic pedagogical conditions of intellectual and creative personality education:

The main condition is that the educational process should holistically influence the content, activity, personal intelligence components in their systematic unity. Especially we must emphasize the role of psychologist (educator), whose functions should not be limited by outlining ready knowledge of the discipline. Teaching experience and special researches show that learning efficiency is greatly enhanced when the educator, along with traditional forms of presentation, and makes the process of self-discovery disciples by students, listeners of «secret knowledge» based on their mastery of knowledge technique. Only properly organized training can develop a personality.

Not less important for the previous condition is pedagogical account of individual and age students' characteristics. In pedagogical process it is expedient to organically combine the principles of accessibility of information for understanding and mastering with the principle of a high level of difficulty of teaching material [5; 21].

The most reasonable methodically pedagogical assimilation of knowledge condition is that, on the one hand, the material is adapted to the capabilities of students, on the other - their ability to develop and improved, to enable assimilation of the material in a non-adaptive. Mental education should focus on the «zone of proximal development» (that student already performs, while using other), taking into account the «current level» of students. Under these conditions the pedagogical process stimulates development.

Compliance with the conditions direction of the educational process in forming the personality of higher mental functions, characterized by arbitrary and awareness is one of the main keys to educational success [12].

Another condition is the formation of productive (creative) thinking. It occurs due to a given problem in the proposed informaltask, which has no ready-made solutions, and encourages people to go through the thinking. Development thinking performance is provided for students staging those types of cognitive tasks that require: analyzing information in order to highlight the main, setting its logical structure (subject and predicate); comparing objects and phenomena (similarity and difference); selection of objects to study the essential features and their separation from minor; transfer of knowledge in increasingly remote conditions than those in which they were studied.

Maintaining constant positive reinforcement of successful students in mental activity, the development of their cognitive independence, which is the essence of another important condition for successful education.

Progress in implementing the tasks of intellectual and creative training will be felt only on condition that it will be completely subordinated to the idea of development of cognitive mental processes of the future psychologist personality (perception, feeling, thinking, speech, memory, imagination, etc.). This condition is realized only in circumstances of creative collaboration of the main areas of activity education (family, school, education, universities, etc.).

In conditions of a system of social changes and spiritual values, the economic crisis in the country quality psychologists' training becomes of paramount importance, because psychological doctrine that provides stability, prudence becomes imperative in time of modern scientific technology in all aspects of civilized society.

Thus, the effective means of forming the key competences of the psychologist are pedagogical technologies that are considered as a combination of teaching methods through the prism of relevant features of educational results, their effectiveness in determining the quality of higher education.

It is established that the present stage of the development of pedagogy and psychology is characterized by the active use of modular trans- and interdisciplinary technologies, which is due to changes in educational reform, the influence of new pedagogical concepts, the search for analogues of modern educational interdisciplinary integration processes. Consequently, the search for modern pedagogical technologies led to the revision and updating of the existing system of professional training, supplemented it with a new non-traditional content and attracted new approaches in the introduction of educational material. Modern pedagogical teaching technologies at this stage of development require the use of such mechanisms as a set of tools, approaches, actions through which the process of mastering the information space, provided that the target installation is reinforced with innovative approaches. The problem of modular trans- and interdisciplinary training is aimed at the introduction of new innovative techniques that are intensively developing in the field of special education. These approaches to organization of educational process in higher school, embodied in various didactic forms, allow fulfilling the requirements of the third generation's science, formulated in terms of competences. It is the interdisciplinary connection that is responsible for the integrity of the modern educational process [21].

Therefore, an essential component of psychologists' training is the introduction of special education courses «New trends in psychologists'training in the field of special education» [2 2] and «Management - a component of psychologists' professional training», in which can be seen trans- and interdisciplinary connections [24]. Also, based on the results of research and based on studies of this problem have been developed and applied in practice methodical complexes training sessions «Components' formation of professional and personal growth of psychologists in the field of special education» and «Development of motivation of psychologists' professional self-realization in the field of special education» an experimental technique of which was calculated on psychologists in the field of special education [21].

The results of the study with the theoretical element of the discussion

Based on the above- mentioned analysis of the conceptual foundations of the content, methodological and organizational components of professional psychologists' training in the field of special education on the problem under consideration, the following components of psychologists'professional training in the field of special education are defined: professional and motivational, cognitive and competence, operational and active, result and reflexive.

According to each structural component criteria and indicators of levels of their formation are established. In order to diagnose the basic levels of the formation of these components and to assess the effectiveness of the experimental model of the system of psychologists' professional training in the field of special education, this set of criteria and indicators was developed, which should be considered as a criterion model.

On the basis of definite criteria and indicators and with the help of selected organizational forms and diagnostic methods, four levels of formation of these components are distinguished: high (innovative), sufficient (productive), middle (reconstructive), and low (reproductive).

In order to determine the effectiveness of the system of professional training of psychologists in the field of special education at the control and analytical stage, a comparison as well as its analysis have been performed to illustrate the indicators of the level of formation of components of professional training of the participants of the experimental and control samples prior to the formation stage and at its final phase. Also, the statistical hypothesis of the study has been verified [23].

According to the relevant criterion of future psychologists in the experimental (E1 and E2) and control groups (C), the dynamics of changes in the indicators of the level of formation of the professional and motivational component are: High (Innovation) level: + 27.1%, + 27.5%, +17.1%; Sufficient (Productive) level: + 13.1%, + 12.6%, + 2.8%; Middle (Reconstructive): -31.7%, -28.5%, -6.2%; Low (Reproductive): -8.5%, - 11.6%, -3.7%. The group of psychologists is: High (Innovative) level: + 1.4%; Sufficient (Productive) level: + 30.0%; Middle (Reconstructive): -22.4%; Low (Reproductive): -19.0%.

According to the cognitive and competence criterion, the dynamics of changes in the indicators of the level of formation of this component are respectively: High (Innovation) level: + 30.2%, + 28.5%, + 7.3%; Sufficient (Productive) level: + 13.1%, + 15.0%, + 4.4%; Middle (Reconstructive): -29.7%, -27.8%, -6.9%; Low (Repro- ductive): -13.6%, -15.7%, -4.8%. The group of psychologists is: High (Innovative) level: + 5.3%; Sufficient (Productive) level: + 25.7%; Middle (Reconstructive): -9.6%; Low (Reproductive): -21.4%.

According to the relevant criterion, the dynamics of shifts in the indicators of the level of formation of the operational and active component are: High (Innovation) level: +19,6%, +20,4%, +1,2%; Sufficient (Productive) level: +41.2%, +40.8%, +18.7%; Middle (Reconstructive): -4,5%, -7,8%, +3,6%; Low (Reproductive): -56.3%, -53.4%, -23.5%. The group of psychologists is: High (Innovative) level: + 8.1%; Sufficient (Productive) level: + 7.6%; Middle (Reconstructive): -5.7%; Low (Reproductive): -10.0%.

According to the relevant criterion, the changes in the level of formation of the productively and reflexive component are: High (Innovation) level: + 17.6%, + 17.7%, + 0.9%; Sufficient (Productive) level: + 41.2%, + 38.1%, + 16.3%; Middle (Reconstructive): -15.1%, -10.9%, -3.7%; Low (Reproductive): -43.7%, - 44.9%, -13.5%. The group of psychologists is: High (Innovative) level: + 8.1%; Sufficient (productive) level: + 20.0%; Middle (Reconstructive): -9.5%; Low (Reproductive): -18.6%.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experiment results and the statistical material which has been obtained on their basis made it possible to conclude that the introduction of the system of professional training of psychologists in the field of special education in the pedagogical process of higher education institutions and in the context of postgraduate education has provided positive results. The students (psychologists) - participants of the experimental group, compared with those who followed the traditional teaching system (participants of control group), have demonstrated a higher level of formation of the components of the specified training [23].

It has been established that the effectiveness of the system of professional training of psychologists in the field of special education depends on the methodical foundations of its implementation, the sequence and integrity in the formation of the aforementioned components, their ability to evaluate and practical use in diagnostics, rehabilitation, and correctional and pedagogical work.

In addition, using correlation analysis of the research data, the main correlative relations between the criterion characteristics of components formation of psychologists' professional training in the field of special education have been established. The results have shown that the motivational and professional factor of the formation of the components in vocational training as well as the educational environment forms and methods of educational activity at the higher education institution are essential during the formation of these components. The system of acquired psychological and pedagogical knowledge, development of professionally important qualities, and intellectual, perceptual and communicative abilities of an individual play an important role in the process of professional training. During the pilot study pedagogical conditions have been distinguished; they determine the success of the system training described in this paper. What is more, they facilitate perfect mastery of professional knowledge, latest methods and means of correction of psychopedagogical, efficient use of remedial teaching techniques, methods and technologies in practical activities and promote professional self-realization in the future.

In the course of the experiment, the polyfunctionality of the components of the psychologists' professional training in the field of special education was fully confirmed. It is found that processed organizational and didactic system refers to a flexible, adequate natural and humanistic technology is an integrated system of multilevel, interrelated components. The analysis of the organization process of psychologists' training in the field of special education led to the conclusion that it should be based on individually-oriented educational paradigm in education. The increase of the abovementioned components among students of experimental groups and practicing psychologists has shown the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical model.

The results of the experimental research have confirmed that the introduction of a developed system in the professional training of university students and psychologists in the context of postgraduate education ensures the effectiveness of psychologist training in the field of special education. Thus, these are serious prospects in terms of a search for effective ways and methods of implementation and further improvement in the area of training psychologists by means of various specializations in special education.

Conclusions, prospects for the further research

Reasonable and methodologically justified is professionally directed training of psychologists in the field of special education, the ultimate goal of which corresponds to outlined concepts of the student about future professional activity (objectivity activities), stimulates appropriate measures needs to obtain knowledge (motivation activity), leads to accordance training activities for personal use (purposeful activity) and also promotes the comprehension of the actual necessity of professional training as a guarantee to become educated, cultural, professional, competitive and successful person (awareness activities). Specified development occurs in the following psychological conditions: overcoming psychological barriers and protections, reduce symptoms of anxiety; forming a system of knowledge and skills as the basis for the development of professional motivation; promote self-actualization as the basic precondition of the mentioned motivation [23] .

So, the state and components of psychologists' professional training in the system of higher education of Ukraine are identified. It is proved that proper diagnostic provides a scientific approach to the organization of work with students, their professional development and self-development.

The analysis of the results of the preliminary stage of the research determined the objective condition of the formation of these components, which made it possible to conclude that the general hypothesis of the study on the tactics of the molding experiment, taking into account the peculiarities and potentialities of its participants. Consequently, the theoretical and methodological principles of content, methodological and organizational components of psychologists' professional training in the field of special educati on have been confirmed and proved the basis for the development of the system of this process.

Functional system of psychologists' professional training in the field of special education was scientifically substantiated, developed and experimentally checked, organizational and pedagogical conditions of its implementation were revealed and its effectiveness was determined.

Guided by the conceptual and methodological principles defined system of psychologists' training in the field of special education as a complex system of targeted educational influence on the process of acquiring professional knowledge and skills, the formation of professional competence and professional development, which is noticed on the ability of the individual to the playback system of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and self-development, self-realization in professional activity. This definition of a comprehensive conceptual theoretical and methodological substantiation of the organization of psychologists' training in the field of special education enables understanding the place and role of psychologists' training in special education as a system in the general educational process of higher education. But any psychological and pedagogical process, activity or influence does not make sense without identifying ways of practical implementation, realization of real professional training. Understanding the professional training of psychologists in the field of special education in higher educational institutions in projection on the practical implementation of level definitions has been defined as an optimal intensive use of traditional and innovative forms, methods and means of training aimed at effective and efficient assimilation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and methods of obtaining it at the level of professional psychological and pedagogical, professional and subject, methodological, general-cultural and managerial aspects.

Therefore, the study does not cover all aspects of the theory and practice of psychologists ' training in the field of special education in high school and does not purport to be complete and completeness of research coverage of this issue. To further areas of study of this training attribute comprehensive study of this phenomenon in various fields of knowledge, justification modern concept of competency modern personality psychologist in the field of special education, development of teaching systems, models and technology psychologists' training in the field of special education with the peculia rities of their functioning in the system of psychological and pedagogical education.


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