Diagnostics of professional preparedness of future teachers to humanization of educational environment in elementary school
Аpprobation of diagnostic method for determining the professional readiness of future teachers to humanize the educational environment of primary school. Criteria for professional training of students: motivational-value, information-knowledge, activity.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 29,0 K |
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Vasyl Stefanyk precarpathian national university
Diagnostics of professional preparedness of future teachers to humanization of educational environment in elementary school
Mariya Oliyar,
Doctor of Education, Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Pedagogics of primary education,
Liliya Kopchak,
Senior lecturer of the Chairof Foreign
Languages and Country Studies
The article is devoted to the issue of professional training of future primary school teachers to humanize the processes of training and education of junior pupils. The education that has developed in Ukrainian school stends to authoritarianism, where the power of the teacher dominates, and the pupil remains in the state of subordination.
That is why pedagogical activity of humanistic direction is determined by significant qualities and potentialities of future teachers. The purpose of the article is to test the diagnostic method of determining the future teachers'professional preparedness for educational environment humanization of elementary school.
The following criteria of professional preparedness of students are outlined: motivational and value; informational and knowledgeable; activity. Each of the criteria corresponds to a series of indicators aimed at identifying the content and educational achievements of future teachers in preparing for humanization of educational process. According to the indicators diagnostic tools for studying professional preparedness of students in the specified direction have been developed. For implementation of these tasks, theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research issue; observation and analysis of pedagogical practice in the institution of higher pedagogical education; the ascertaining experiment and statistical methods for processing its results were used.
Preparedness of future teachers to humanize educational environment of primary school is differentiated in three levels: high, medium and low. The results of the study made it possible to forecast effective measures to improve students' training for humanization of future professional activities in elementary school: expanding knowledge about theory and technology of organizing humanistic environment; involving students in humanist-oriented pedagogical activity; development of the need for professional self-improvement.
Keywords: future teacher of elementary school, institution of higher education, humanization of educational environment, professional preparedness of students, diagnostics of professional preparedness, diagnostic method.
teacher school educational
Марія Оліяр,
доктор педагогічних наук, доцент,
завідувач кафедри педагогіки початкової освіти, ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника»
(м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Лілія Копчак,
старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов
і країнознавства,
ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника»
(м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Діагностика професійної підготовленості майбутніх учителів до гуманізації освітнього середовища в початковій школі
Статтю присвячено актуальній проблемі професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи до гуманізації процесів навчання і виховання молодших школярів. Виховання, яке склалося в українських школах, тяжіє до авторитаризму, де домінує влада вчителя, а учень залишається в становищі підлеглості. Саме тому педагогічна діяльність гуманістичного спрямування зумовлюється значущими якостями та потенційними можливостями майбутніх педагогів. Мета статті полягає в апробації діагностичної методики визначення професійної підготовленості майбутніх учителів до гуманізації освітнього середовища початкової школи. Виокремлено критерії професійної підготовленості студентів: мотиваційно - ціннісний, інформаційно-знаннєвий, діяльнісний. Кожному з критеріїв відповідає низка показників, спрямованих на виявлення змісту і навчальних досягнень майбутніх педагогів у підготовці до діяльності з гуманізації освітнього процесу. Відповідно до показників розроблено діагностичний інструментарій для дослідження професійної підготовленості студентів в означеному напрямі. З метою реалізації визначених завдань використано методи діагностики: теоретичний аналіз наукової літератури з проблеми дослідження; спостереження й аналіз педагогічної практики в закладі вищої педагогічної освіти; констатувальний експеримент і статистичні методи обробки його результатів. Підготовленість майбутніх педагогів до гуманізації освітнього середовища початкової школи диференційовано за трьома рівнями: високим, середнім і низьким. Результати дослідження дали можливість для прогнозування ефективних заходів щодо покращення підготовки студентів до гуманізації майбутньої професійної діяльності в початковій школі: розширення знань про теорію і технологію організації гуманістичного середовища; включення студентів у гуманістично спрямовану педагогічну діяльність; розвиток потреби в професійному самовдосконаленні. Ключові слова: майбутній учитель початкової школи, заклад вищої освіти, гуманізація освітнього середовища, професійна підготовленість студентів, діагностика професійної підготовленості, діагностична методика.
Teacher's pedagogical activity is characterized by the focus on creating environment favorable for upbringing, development and self-development of the pupil's personality.
Modern social demands and radical changes in the labor market require dynamic changes in the activities of the teacher as a person oriented to life and professional activity, which enables to combine requirements and goals of the teacher with capabilities, needs and goals of the pupils. However, the education that has developed in our schools tends to authoritarianism. In it, the power of the teacher dominates, and the pupil remains in the state of subordination and dependence. Sometimes this kind of education is called a policy-making (supervisory) education, because the educator makes a decision and organizes the whole process, and the pupil is only required to fulfill the requirements.
That is why pedagogical activity of the humanistic direction, which is determined by significant qualities and potential of future teachers, is of particular relevance today. According to V. Bilousova, humanization of the pedagogical process is its humanizing and providing children love, attention and respect for their dignity by those who educate. At the same time, one should take into account the state of health, age, needs, interests, level of development, gender, individuality, create conditions for versatile and full-fledged development [1].
On the way to humanizing pedagogical process in elementary school, the advice of Sh. Amonashvili, the author of the humanistic-personality school, the school of life is appropriate. A humane teacher believes in the pupil's ability, supports his efforts in difficult situations, and expresses confidence in achieving a positive result. On condition of humanization of pedagogical communication, priorities in assessing the pupil's personality actions change, The teacher directs his efforts to support, strengthen and develop all those positive, good qualities and intelligence, that each pupil has, and not to fight with bad and negative ones [5].
O. Savchenko offered an effective way of organizing cooperation at the lesson, that is creation of a situation for pupils' free choice of a learning assignment, in which the child perceives the task as his own favorite [6].
L. Bogatyryova reveals the techniques for working with children from the perspective of building a humane approach to organization of educational process in elementary school. The author believes that the subject-developmental environment in elementary school should be built according to certain rules: 1) developing character (taking into account individual abilities of children); 2) the required level of informative environment (stability and dynamism); 3) variability; 4) compliance with the principle of functional comfort. The basis for quality and prospective education update L. Bohatyryova sees in the paradigm shift of pedagogical consciousness: if the teacher's consciousness is on the path of high spirituality as a decisive postulate, then gradually there will be a reorientation to the new values of education, on the values of humane pedagogy [2, p. 6].
Thus, the indicated aspect of scientific research of the teacher's professional activity is recognized today as actual and promising one in the development of the theory and methodology of vocational pedagogical education. This is evidenced by attention of domestic and foreign scholars to the problem of humanizing educational process at school. However, the researchers point out inconsistencies between the need for teaching practice in humanization of educational environment and the actual conditions of dehumanization of different areas of modern life in the conditions of market economy, a high level of theoretical development of issues of education humanization and lack of their implementation in practice of training future teachers.
Thus, the problem of diagnostics of preparedness of future primary school teachers for humanization of educational environment is relevant, since its results will help to supplement and correct the curricula of professionally directed disciplines.
Aim and tasks research
The aim of the article is to test the diagnostic method of determining professional preparedness of future teachers for humanization of educational environment in elementary school.
Tasks of the study:
1) to reveal the criteria and indicators of preparedness of future teachers for humanization of educational environment in elementary school;
2) to develop a diagnostic-methodical toolkit and to carry out diagnostics of the levels of students' preparedness for the specified activity.
Research methods
For implementation of these tasks, theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research problem; observation and analysis of pedagogical practice in the institution of higher pedagogical education; the ascertaining experiment and statistical methods for processing its results were used.
Research results
120 graduate students of the Pedagogical Department of the State Higher Educational Institution «Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University» took part in the experimental work.
The ascertaining experiment was aimed at identifying future teachers' knowledge, skills and individual qualities corresponding to their professional activities aimed at humanizing educational environment of school. We have developed a variety of questionnaires, diagnostic tasks provided for external evaluation and self-assessment by students of their readiness for humanization of educational environment in elementary school according to the following criteria: motivational and value; informational and knowledgeable; activity.
Professional motivation of future teachers is a determining factor in their effective training to the professional activity, forming of professional competence and culture [8; 9].
Motivational and value criterion included the following indicators: positive motivational and value attitude to pedagogical activity; a steady motivational need for a teacher to update the content and structure of work on humanization of educational process; satisfaction with the process of professional training in higher educational institutions; readiness to perform new tasks related to the implementation of the principle of humanization in educational environment of school; activity when performing tasks; development of the need for professional self-improvement.
The method of studying the level of development of the motivational and value component of readiness provided for the formulation of the following questions: Do you want to realize yourself in the future in pedagogical activities? Do you consider yourself internally ready to implement humanization of educational process in school? Do you feel you need constant professional self-improvement?
According to the results of the study, only 58.3% of students are confident that in the future they will work as teachers, 25.8% have not been finalized and 15.8% do not plan to engage in teaching activities. 48.3% of students consider themselves internally prepared to implement humanization of educational environment at elementary school. Since self-education can significantly enhance confidence of the future teacher in his abilities, it was important to identify students' need to continuous professional self-improvement.74.2% of respondents believed that they needed self-education, 16.6% pointed to its absence, and the same number was hesitant about the answer. Thus, a quarter of the surveyed, in whole or in part, do not need to raise the level of their competence on their own. At the same time 65.8% of respondents want to get another professional education in addition to the existing one.
So, 30.8% of students expressed anambition to get additional psychological education. 10.8% of them would like to enter the postgraduate studies. Graduates also showed interest in studying history of humanization of national education (56%) and experience of foreign schools of humanity (41.7%).
In the course of the research, the following indicators of the information and knowledge criterion were singled out: development of general and professional competence; mastering the method of humanization of the teacher professional activity; possession of appropriate professional knowledge system.
To find out the level of information and knowledge background of students, they were asked to answer the following questionnaire: Do you have sufficient theoretical knowledge about the process of humanization of education and upbringing of junior pupils? What are the methods of humane education of junior schoolchildren? Evaluate the effectiveness of the verbal methods of humanizing educational process (sufficient, insufficient, unsatisfactory).
Answering the question, most students (81.7%) indicated that they had sufficient theoretical knowledge on the issue of humanization, while the rest noted that they possessed such knowledge partially.
Although the choice of methods of humane education is quite broad, students mostly named the verbal methods (conversation, advice, explanation, warning, etc.).Obviously, this is due to the fact that for a long time in the domestic pedagogy special emphasis was made on the education of conscious discipline and appropriate methods, mainly verbal ones. However, study participants, evaluating the effectiveness of these methods, defined it as sufficient (55%), insufficient (31.7%), and unsatisfactory (11.7%).
Indicators of the activity criterion are as follows: development of individual and professionally significant personal qualities of the teacher (cooperation, responsibility, pedagogical optimism, tolerance, empathy, etc.); forming work capacity in dynamic development and self-education of humanistic qualities in subjects of education; ability to operate the information received; knowledge of modern methods, techniques, pedagogical technologies [7].
At this stage of the pilot study students were asked to evaluate their readiness to work on humanization of educational environment on a 5-point scale. Carrying out this task, only 6.7% of students assessed their readiness with a score of 5, the majority (61.7%) scored 4, 12% scored 3, and 19.9% did not decide on the answer.
Then the students were asked to answer the question: Does the university practice teaching students active humanitarian actions? Name the difficulties of the teacher's profession.
The findings of the ascertaining experiment give reasons to conclude that in the university there is no practice of teaching students active humanitarian actions; 82.5% of future teachers think so.
There remains unsolved the task of forming students' inner readiness to humane actions.
Let's take a more detailed look at the description of the directions associated with the students' knowledge of difficulties in the future teachers' work.
From our point of view, the indicator of progressive changes in the professionally significant qualities of the teacher is that over 80% of the students noted: the source of difficulties in teaching is, first of all, the teacher himself, his incompetence, lack of necessary personal qualities. It's above all a failure to communicate and wrong behavior leading to mutual distrust between teacher and pupils, alienation, sense of dissatisfaction, serious conflicts.
Among the most common complications arising in the process of student-teacher communication, from the point of view of students, there are threats and intimidation, anger and abuse. Threats and intimidation destroy closeness, open and honest relationships. Anger and abuse are characteristic of the characters' struggle, in which nobody is looking for a solution, nobody is compromising.
The integrity of the process of humanizing professional activity of the teacher in the field of education and upbringing of pupils involves changing the paradigm of pedagogical consciousness toward high spirituality, the values of humane pedagogy (Bogatyryova, 2016, p. 67), and overcoming typical difficulties in the teacher profession. The participants of the experiment identified the following difficulties: lack of pupils' discipline (28.3%), difficulty in interacting with pupils' parents (24.2%), need to have high self-control and endurance (23.3%), lack of ability to understand pupils (14.2%); problems in communicating with management (8.3%), etc.
Among the factors that reduce effectiveness of teachers' professional activities in the field of humanizing educational environment in elementary school, participants of the pilot study noted: the need to combine teaching of several subjects; the need to respond fast to rapidly changing situations; the complexity of combining work with children at classes and in extra hours; inadequate salaries; significant loss of time; unsatisfactory working conditions; unfavorable conditions for self-improvement; personal problems and others.
To diagnose readiness for humanization of educational environment in elementary school students were asked to perform the following tasks:
Task 1. Develop a chart of the main professionally relevant indicators (characteristics) of the individual and effectiveness of the teacher's professional activity, evaluating the results of the diagnosis in three levels: optimal, acceptable, critical (Tabla 1).
Table 1. Chart of professionally significant personal qualities of the teacher
№ |
Optimal qualities |
Acceptable qualities |
Critical qualities |
1. |
Strong balanced type of the nervous system (sanguine, phlegmatic) |
Strong unbalanced type of the nervous system (choleric) |
Weak inert type of the nervous system (melancholic) |
2. |
Tendency to leadership |
Authoritativeness |
Despotism |
3. |
Self-confidence |
Arrogance |
Narcissism |
4. |
Perfectionism |
Intransigence |
Cruelty |
5. |
Kindness and sympathy |
In sufficient independence |
Excessive conformism |
Task 2. Develop the table
Table 2. Teacher in the structure of interpersonal relations
№ |
Optimal qualities |
Acceptable qualities |
Critical qualities |
1. |
Predominance of authoritarian and democratic style of communication with colleagues and pupils |
Predominance of democratic and authoritarian style of communication with colleagues and pupils |
Predominance of a liberal style of communication in combination with authoritarian or authoritarian-liberal |
2. |
Only constructive conflicts on fundamental issues |
Complete absence of conflicts with pupils and colleagues |
Constant destructive conflict on most issues |
3. |
Eagerness to cooperate with colleagues |
Eagerness to compete with colleagues |
Permanent adapting and compromises |
4. |
Normal self - assessment of your own personal qualities and results of your own work |
Undervalued self-essessment of your own qualities and results of your own work |
Excessive self-essessment of your own qualities and results of your own work |
5. |
Isolation in the team is zero |
Isolation in the team is within 10% |
Isolation in the team is more than 10% |
At this stage of the pilot study students were offered by means of the method of independent characteristics to set the level of availability of the listed and other qualities of their personality on three sources: self-esteem, assessment of fellow students and the teacher's evaluation. All independent grades were summed and divided into three, giving the most objective results. The tentative text-form allowed participants of the pilot study to analyze systematically the results of education and self-education.
The experiment participants associated perspective of self-development of their professionally significant personal qualities with preservation and enrichment of such important professional and personal qualities as: civic qualities (social responsibility, readiness of the person to promote solution of social problems actively and vigorously); love for children (humanism, kindness, sympathy, attentiveness, sincereness, politeness, etc.); optimism (faith in the aptitude and ability of pupils' positive development); justice (honesty, conscientiousness, ability to act impartially); sociability (pedagogical tact, people skills); demanding for themselves and for children (responsibility, self-discipline, selfcriticism, conscientiousness, truthfulness, discipline, pride, dignity, rationality, modesty, initiative, activity); volitional qualities (purposefulness, endurance, self-control, emotional balance, persistence, vigor, determination, patience, courage); tolerance-leniency, indulgence to people; pedagogical observation skills (shrewdness, pedagogical vigilance); empathy (ability to understand internal mental (emotional) state of the pupil and to empathize with him this condition not only in words, but in practice, emotional sensitiveness); intellectuality (charm, spirituality); modernity (teacher's feeling of belonging to one epch with pupils); organizational skills (business ability, ability to lead, taking responsibility for others, ability to manage); creativity.
Describing professionally meaningful personal qualities, future teachers used different techniques: they named a quality and confirmed its manifestation in different pedagogical situations; gave examples of pedagogical situations in which the main personal qualities of the teacher were revealed; chose some personal quality of the teacher and created conditions in which this quality contributed to humanization of education.
Student s considered some personal qualities affecting negatively professional activities of the teacher. They are as follows: bad habits (drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.); moral depravity; violence; rudeness and cruelty; unprincipled behavior; irresponsibility; poor knowledge of a school subject; low level of sociability.
The analysis of the results of the pedagogical experiment allowed creating a «portrait» of the teacher who optimizes successfully possibilities of his life and professional activity and provides humanization of pedagogical activity in the field of training and education of junior pupils. We list these qualities in the order of their rating significance determined by the students:
1. Stability of positive attitudes to the pedagogical profession.
2. Stability of the ambition to work as a teacher.
3. High level of professional training in higher educational institutions.
4. Satisfaction with work at school during pedagogical practice.
5. Completeness of creative approach in professional activity.
6. High level of interest in educational work.
As a result of use of the above described diagnostic methods, 3 levels of students' readiness for humanization of educational process in elementary school were revealed - high (positive motivation, profound system knowledge of the problem, formed skills, pedagogical creativity, focus on self-improvement, ability to reflect), average (positive motivation, sufficient knowledge of the problem, certain difficulties in performing experimental tasks) and low (lack of interest to the problem, fragmentary knowledge, passivity in the execution of experimental tasks).
Levels of students' preparedness for humanization of educational environment in elementary school according to all indicators are shown in Table 4.
Table 3. Ascertaining of the levels of students' preparedness for humanization of educational environment in elementary school
Experimental group |
High level |
Average level |
Low level |
Number of students |
% |
Number of students |
% |
Number of students |
% |
12 |
10% |
55 |
45,8% |
53 |
44,2% |
Performed experimental work confirmed the findings of the scientists [3; 4; 7] that pedagogical diagnostics provides necessary information about the gaps in educational process, helps to find ways to overcome them.
The findings of the scientists [1; 2] that under the conditions of implementation of the New Ukrainian School Concept, the focus of future teachers on humanization of educational process should be the key factor in their professional training, were confirmed. To do this, it is necessary: to increase students' motivation to cultivate their humanistic qualities; provide them with psychological and pedagogical support for the process of development and self-development of the skills of organizing and managing the processes of humanization of school educational environment; to promote constructive interaction of theoretical and practical training of future teachers in the specified direction.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
1. In the course of the research, the criteria (motivational and value, informational and knowledge, activity) and the indicators, the quality measurements of high, medium and low levels of preparedness of future specialists for humanization of educational environment in primary school were determined, necessary diagnostic tools were developed. As a result of the study, it was found that only 10% of graduates were characterized by high level of preparedness for humanization of school educational environment, 45.8% - average level and almost half (44.2%) - low.
2. The results of the scientific research show insufficient attention to the phenomenon of humanization of the teacher's professional activities. This process should be directed primarily at psychological and pedagogical support and optimization of his life and professional activity, forming the personality of the teacher that is characterized by a continuous desire to detect and develop his potential better. Exactly such personalities are capable of creativity, full interaction and active self-development.
3. The experimental diagnostics confirmed our assumption that pedagogical guidance of professional training for humanization of educational environment in elementary school should include: improving knowledge about theory and technology of organizing humanistic environment; involving students in humanistic pedagogical activity; development of need for professional self-improvement.
The basis of this work is implementation of the principles of organization of pedagogical management: socially valuable positive direction of the process of professional training; its link with requirements of modern society to the teacher's personality; implementation of professional self-education in meaningful for the future teacher pedagogical activity; integration of professional education and self-education; unity of purpose, content, tools and techniques of self-education; sense of purpose, regularity and continuity of pedagogical management, change of its functions depending on individual characteristics and level of students professional training; control, stimulation and correction of the future teacher's activity on self-education; integration of pedagogical requirements and actions of all participants of students professional training.
Further research will provide for the development of the system of training students of pedagogical faculties for humanization of educational environment in elementary school.
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