Conceptual approaches to physical education of youth in the studies of European scientists
Analysis of little-known foreign literary sources regarding the problem of physical education of young people. Comparison of the views of leading Polish scientists on this problem. Characteristics of the concept of physical education of modern youth.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 19,4 K |
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Conceptual approaches to physical education of youth in the studies of European scientists
Dolgova Natalia A., Ph.D., Associate Professor
VoznyiAndriy P., Ph.D., Associate Professor
IndykPavlo M., a senior teacher Sumy State University, Sumy
Dolgova Natalia, VoznyiAndriy, IndykPavlo. Conceptual approaches to physical education of youth in studies of European scientists. The article analyzes the little-known foreign literary sources concerning the problem of physical education of young people and presents the results of the researches of European scientists. Within the research, the funds of the main library of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (Lublin), the libraries of the University of Silesia and the University of Economics in Katowice, Bytom pedagogical college (Bytom), e-catalogues of the University of Warsaw of the Republic of Poland have been processed. The views of the leading Polish scientists on the identified problem are revealed and compared. Contemporary modern conceptual approaches to the physical education of youth are systematized. It has been found out that in Polish scientific thought there are three basic approaches to physical education of youth, namely: humanistic (which emphasizes upon the harmony between the body and the mentality, upon the interconnection of physical and mental health of the person), axiological (which interprets the concept of “physical education” through the conglomerate of such values, like “health”, “work capacity” and “body beauty”) and valeological (under which the physical education, sport and health recovery system function together). It is proved, that the physical education is aimed at achievement of two purposes, in particular educational and pedagogic. Herewith, the education purpo se of physical education is aimed upon the rational use by person its own movement abilities; pedagogic purpose influences upon the complex of nature peculiarities of the body. It is established, that each separate concept of physical education modern youth is aimed at illuminating its health aspect, in which physical education, sport and valeology interact as a whole. It is exactly what ensures the education and upbringing of the health nation, and the health related fitness becomes the life attitude sense.
Keywords: physical education, conceptual approach, youth, studies , health aspect.
Долгова Н. О.,Возний А. П., Індик П. М. Концептуальніпідходидофізичноговихованнямолоді у дослідженняхєвропейськихнауковців. У статтіпроаналізованомаловідомізарубіжнілітературніджерелащодопроблемифізичноговихованнямолодітаподанорезультатидослідженьєвропейськихучених.Розкрито і зіставленопоглядипровіднихпольськихученихнаозначенупроблему.Систематизованосучасніконцептуальніпідходидофізичног о вихованнямолоді.З'ясовано, що в польськійнауковійдумцііснуєтриосновніконцептуальніпідходидофізичноговихованнясучасноїмолоді, а саме: гуманістичний, аксіологічнийтавалеологічний. Установлено, щокожнаокремаконцепціяфізичноговихованнясучасноїмолодіспрямовананависвітленняїїоздоровчогоаспекту, в якомуфізичневиховання, спорт і валеологіявзаємодіютьякєдинеціле, щозабезпечуєосвіту й вихованняздоровоїнації, а фізичнаактивністьстаєціложиттєвоюустановкою.
Ключовіслова: фізичневиховання, концептуальнийпідхід, молодь, дослідження, оздоровчийаспект.
Долгова Н. А.,Возный А. П., Индык П. Н. Концептуальныеподходы к физическомувоспитаниюмолодёжи в исследованияхевропейскихученых. В статьепроанализированымалоизвестныезарубежныелитературныеисточникиотносительнопроблемыфизическоговоспитаниямолодежи и представленырезультатыисследованийевропейскихученых.Раскрыты и сопоставленывзглядыведущихпольскихучёныхнауказаннуюпроблему.Систематизированысовременныеконцептуальныеподходы к физическомувоспитаниюмолодежи.Выяснено, что в польскойнаучноймыслисуществуеттриосновныхконцептуальныхподхода к физическомувоспитаниюсовременноймолодежи, а именно: гуманистический, аксиологический и валеологический. Установлено, чтокаждаяотдельнаяконцепцияфизическоговоспитаниясовременноймолодежинаправленанаосвещениеееоздоровительногоаспекта, в которомфизическоевоспитание, спорт и валеологиявзаимодействуюткакединоецелое, чтообеспечиваетобразование и воспитаниездоровойнации.
Ключевыеслова: физическоевоспитание, концептуальныйподход, молодежь, исследования ,оздоровительныйаспект.
The formulation of the problem
In the context of the educational tasks of the 21st century, physical culture, as well as aesthetic, spiritual, moral, forms the system of values, the basis of which is physical activity, aimed at preserving and strengthening of health [2; 3]. The question of physical culture should be considered as one of the priority issues, which has a sig nificant value, due to objective processes. Scientific and technological progress generates a deficit of human activity, especially of young peop le, and requires decisive action in developing a mechanism to fill this deficit, which could threaten the health, well-being and the lives of millions of people [4; 5]. However, the coverage of scientific research by Western scholars on the physical education of youn g people is fragmentary, which limits the possibility of creating a coherent picture of scientific views on this problem.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The analysis of actual research has shown that the issues of physical education and sports of young people are the subject of scientific research of such domestic and European researchers as V. Basilchuk, V. Gorashchuk, Y. Dashikovskaya, G. Ivanova, T. Krusevich, B. Kunitsky, Y. Lipets, H. Mushinsky, E. Rudzik, B. Shiyan and others. Considerable meaning in the European scientific space was obtained by the issue of a health -improving, in particular valeological approach to physical education, to which such Polish scientists as B. Voynarovska, G. Grabovsky, M. Demel, K. Zukhora, A. Kravansky, V. Osinsky, A. Sovinsky, Z. Yavorsky and others have devoted their works.
Connection of work is with the scientific programs
The research was carried out according to the plan of research works of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of Sumy State University.
The purpose of the article
To systematize conceptual approaches of leading Polish scientists to the youth physical education. In order to achieve the research purpose, the following tasks were needed to be resolved: 1) to analyse Polish scientific literature; 2) to compare the views of Polish researchers on the problem of physical education of youth; 3) to distinguish c onceptual approaches to the phenomenon under research.
To solve the problems set in the study, we used the following methods: analysis and systematization of literary sources, terminological analysis, comparison and generalization.
Results of the research and their discussion
The search for conceptual approaches to the physical education of youth was carried out as a result of the analysis of Polish scientific thought and showed that there are several basic approaches to solving this problem. The methodological orientation to the humanistic approach has allowed to isolate a group of researches of Polish scientists in which the emphasis is on the harmony between the body and the psyche on the interconnection of physical and men tal health of the individual. The founder of the modern concept of physical education, the Polish researcher M. Demel, emphasizes that physical education is not the sum of individual sports disciplines and the preparation for professional sport. M. Demel is convinced that in the theory of physical culture, physical education is realized on the basis of the formula "education of the body" provides for the education "through" physical culture, education "in" physical culture and education "for" physical culture [1]. Agreeing with M. Demmel, his colleague A. Sowinski notes that the attitude of an individual to his own body manifests itself in his/her conscious and active concern for his/her own physical development, biological and spiritual health. The scientist is convinced that it is i n this interaction that harmony is achieved between the body and the psyche and leads to a healthy lifestyle [9, p. 55-56].
Polish scholars H. Grabowski, M. Demel, W. Osinski believe that according to their scientific orientation, the theory of physical education is a subdiscipline of pedagogy and is based on the fundamental principles of social, psychological and bio logical sciences. Scientists prove that physical education, as well as education in general, is the process of solving certain educational tasks, which is characterized by general features of the pedagogical process [1; 6; 8]. Characteristic features of physical education are determined primarily by the fact that it is a process aimed at the formation of motion skills and the development of physical qualities of human. Thus, the notion of "the theory of physical education" is used within a certain ideology and system of values. It is used in the name of practical discipline, the main tasks of which are: comprehension of the essence of physical education, th e laws of its development and functioning; generalization of practical experience; formation of goals, tasks, principles, optimal ways of managing the process of physical education.
The axiological approach to the analysis of scientific thought in Poland made it possible to isolate the research for which the category of values becomes central. Polish scientist H. Grabowski notes that the interpretation of the concept of "physical education" is a combination of values that belong to the health, working capacity and beauty of the body, which is the main g oal of education, in which the individuality of a person is a determinant [6, p. 20-21]. The scientist believes that the concept of "physical education" should be studied in the context of his concepts, namely:
• body education;
• education through the body;
• body formation and education;
• education with body care.
The first three concepts are the traditional view that physical education belongs to the biological reference points in the general theory of physical education. H. Grabowski is convinced that only the concept of "education with body care" /wychowanie w trosce o ciato/ is modern oriented (pedagogically and axiologically) in the theory of physical education, and only this concept corresponds to the actual directions of modernization of physical education. The scientist is convinced that physical educati on needs to be interpreted as positive changes in the minds of people in relation to their attitude to their health and their own physical state. H. Grabowski claims that physical education and sport are factors that influence the formation of the value-attitude of students towards their health. Physical education is the main component of a holistic process of personality development [3; 5; 6]. Th e researcher claims that physical education and sports are a form of conscious human activity, in which the physical, psychophysical, moral and social qualities of the personality in their combination are manifested and improved.
Known scholar and promoter of the values of physical culture K. Zuchora claims that physical education is an effective factor in influencing the formation of a value relation to one's own body. It is the value approach that allows you to overcome the physical defects of a person. K. Zuchora is convinced that the world of physical culture is a part of important and valuable things for the everyday way of human existence and guarantees personal success and personal happiness [4; 5].
The methodological orientation to the valeological approach has allowed to distinguish the group of works for which the category of health is the most important. Thus, the leading Polish specialist in the theory of physical education V. Osinsky is the author of a thorough monograph "Essay on the Physical Education Theory" / "Zarysteoriiwychowaniafizycznego" /, which details the problems of physical education that find their solution in the theory of pedagogy. V. Osinsky believes that the theory of physical education is the subject of designing and researching the processes of physical education and training in their totality, in particular the definition of goals, methods, means and conditions for the most effective implementation of successful physical education among children, pupils, students and youth in general [8, p. 23-24]. The scientist argues that in the concept of "physical education" it is expedient to distinguish two specific aspects, in particular, the teaching of motion activity and the upbringing of the physical qualities of the individual. In addition, teaching motion activities involves the systematic mastery of man rational ways of managing their movements, the acquisition of the necessary for life list of motion skills, skills and related knowledge [8, p. 24].
V. Osinsky claims that physical education is aimed at achieving two goals, namely, educational and upbringing. At the same time, the educational goal of physical education is directed at the rational use of man's own motion ability, and the educational goal of physical education affects the complex of natural properties of an organism that belong to the physical qualities of a person, particularly, stimulates and regulates their development with the help of normalized functional loads (physical exercises) associated with motion activity, and ensures their constant improvement [8, p. 28].
Instead, in another context, V. Osinsky points out that the concept of "physical education" is a deliberate activity of the individual aimed at creating a certain range of positions and orientations, the transmission of basic information, as well as the ability of a person to adapt to environmental challenges, acquisition of motion skills, increased stamina and posture of the body, etc. The scientist emphasizes that the concept of "upbringing" refers to the social qualities of the individual in contrast to the con cept of "learning", which depends on the physical capabilities of the person, his health and the natural forces of the organism [6, p. 41-42].
V. Osinsky is convinced that the term "physical education" includes certain forms and means of physical culture, which are the most valuable for the development of conscious caring about his body, physical development and human health. Physical education is a discipline aimed at promoting health and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The scientist believes that the competences of valeological and physical education are interrelated. It is revealed that the realization of physical education takes place in a combination of several concepts, in particular, the sports concept (enforcing and improving the performance of the organism), the biomedical concept (management of growth processes), the concept of motion therapy (compensating for lack of physical activity and therapeutic effect), pedagogical concept (change the attitude towards his body through education). It becomes clear that the hierarchy of the goals of physical education shows that the theory of physical education goes beyond the narrow traditional model of youth education [4; 5].
Polish researcher A. Krawanski in the work named "Body and Human Health in the Modern System of Physical Education"/«Ciatoizdrowiecztowieka w nowoczesnymsystemiewychowaniafizycznego»/ notes that all authors of the new concept of physical education apply to the category of health. In Poland, M. Demel was one of the first to introduce the category of health in the theory of physical education. The researcher is convinced that the modern theory of physical education should be based on recreational reflection. At the end of the twentieth century there appears the author's project of his successor Z. Jaworskiego, in which the valeological emphasis of physical education on the person's health is realized [4; 7, p. 46]. concept physical education polish youth
A. Krawanski argues that until recently, physical training was decisive, combined with sport, technical and tactical skills. The researcher emphasizes that health-related fitness in the context of life is becoming important today. A. Kravansky and Z. Yavorsky are convinced that the theory of physical education of the twentieth century and its modern interpretation combine o ne component, namely human health. Each author in his writings on physical education turned to the health (valeological) aspect. Thus, the pedagogical paradigm of physical education consists in a careful attitude towards his body and forms part of the social p rocess of valeological education [7, p. 63-75]. That is why modern didactics in the process of physical education should set the task before itself to formulate a person's attitude to his body and health, which has educational, social and political levers.
Comparative analysis of modern conceptual approaches to the physical education of the leading Polish scientists has shown that each separate concept of physical education is aimed at illuminating its health aspect, in which physical educatio n, university sport, valeology interact as a whole and provide education and education of a healthy nation.
Thus, the analysis of researches of foreign scientists makes it possible to systematize modern conceptual approaches of leading scientists to the physical education of youth, in particular: humanistic, axiological and valeological.
1. Humanistic - which is focused on the harmony between the body and the psyche, on the relationship of physical and mental health of the individual
2. Axiological - within which the notion of "physical education" is interpreted through the conglomerate of such values as "health", "workability", "beauty of the body".
3. Valeological - according to which physical education, sport and the system of recovery function as a whole, providing education and upbringing of a healthy nation, and health related fitness becomes a life-long objective.
Prospects for further research are the study of modernization processes in the field of physical education and sports in the universities of European countries. Focusing on the current trends in the development of education in order to form a culture of health at the level of world standards will help us to develop an effective method for the formation of the health cultu re of student youth in Ukraine.
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