Management of professional competence development of teachers of educational institutions: methodological aspect

The phenomenon of methodical work as a form of management of professional competencies of teachers. The main functions of management of the system of scientific, methodical work. Activities for the practical development of a pedagogical idea, technology.

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Дата добавления 16.02.2022
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Management of professional competence development of teachers of educational institutions: methodological aspect

Protsenko Iryna Ivanivna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Pedagogy Sumy State Pedagogical Makarenko University

Bykova Maria Nikolaevna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy Sumy State Pedagogical Makarenko University

Kuzmenko Natalia Mykolayivna - senior lecturer at the Department of DPD and Ukrainian Studies Sumy National Agrarian University

Defining of the problem and the analysis of the last researches and publications. Socioeconomic development of Ukraine in the new millennium determines the definition of new priorities and prospects for the development of modern school and makes high demands on the education and pedagogical activities of teachers, whose professional competence becomes a necessary condition for urgent social transformation. The Laws of Ukraine «On Education» and «On General Secondary Education» emphasize that it is through the activities of teachers that the state educational policy is implemented and the quality of students' education is ensured, which directly depends on their professional and personal qualities, their ability to apply effective teaching methods and tools. education. The importance of the role of the teacher is emphasized in such strategic state documents as the National Doctrine of Education Development of Ukraine (2002) and the State Program «Teacher» (2002).

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of professional activity of a teacher has always been in the field of view of scientists and researchers: Y. S. Alferov, R. Burns, D. Bekha, N. M. Bibik, M. I. Burda, S. U. Goncharenko, L. F. Ivanova, A. Zyazyun, S. Korchynsky, V. M. Madzigon, M. Mitina, O. G. Moroz, O. I. Pometun, J. Raven, V. V. Radula, O. Ya. Savchenko, O. V. Sukhomlinskaya and others. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in research on the problem of improving the professional competence of specialists in various fields due to the urgent need for qualified personnel capable of creative work and professional development. In pedagogy, this is confirmed by the works of T. V. Dobudko, N. M. Lobanova, M. I. Lukyanova, A. K. Markova, L. M. Parashchenko, V. V. Serova, L. L. Khoruzha, E. M. Shiyanov and others.

Thus, the purpose of our study is to consider the phenomenon of methodical work as a form of management of professional competencies of teachers; in clarifying the main functions of management of the system of scientific and methodical work.

The main material of the study

American management theorist P. Drucker emphasizes that modern management (management) is a specific type of management activity that revolves around a person in order to make people capable of optimal interaction, to give them effective efforts, developing potential aptitudes and abilities [9, p. 229]. German experts W. Siegert and L. Lang came to the conclusion that «management - is the leadership of people that allows you to perform humane, economical and rational tasks facing the organization» [7, p. 3].

We proceed from the definition that «personnel management is a process of planning, selection, training and continuing education, aimed at their rational use, improving efficiency, job satisfaction» [12, p. 162].

In our opinion, another very important concept, the meaning of which should be focused on - the system.

Regarding the interpretation of the concept of «system», we share the opinion of M. Mykhnyuk and focus on its interpretation that it is «a set of objects, the interaction of which determines the presence of new integrative qualities not inherent in the parts and components that form them» [8]. Since the study of a holistic system objectively determines the identification of its qualitative specifics, components, relationships between them, so the definition of integrative, system-forming factors, the study of the internal structure of the system, its organization, relationships with the environment and other systems. Therefore, the following characteristics of a holistic system are especially important for us: the presence of multilevel connections (structural and genetic, coordination and subordination); qualitative changes of its parts in the process of development; constant development and renewal of components as the main condition for the stability of the system.

Management, as we know, is inherent only in complex integrated systems. By regulating and maintaining the level of their integrity, it has a pronounced antientropic orientation and is carried out through the interaction of control and managed subsystems.

Of all the tasks performed by the management, the most important are: ensuring the stable operation of the system; progressive development of the system itself.

In the field of education, this requires that each teacher, head of the educational institution in his place and in agreement with colleagues perform the functions assigned to him, while directing their activities to achieve the common goal of the system.

A systematic approach in the study of managing the development of professional competence of teachers was first used by T. Masterkova [7]. The author studies the mentioned system as a certain orderly set of interconnected institutions, organizations, governing bodies, which should ensure its development by performing certain functions. At the same time, the author characterizes the management system for the development of professional competence of primary school teachers as an orderly set of institutions and organizations (teacher training institutes, faculties of advanced training of public education organizers, methodical offices of educational institutions, lyceum methodical associations, etc.), which is a continuous improvement of ideological and theoretical training, professional skills of heads of educational institutions, «public education workers» [6]. It should be noted that a systematic approach to the analysis of managing the development of professional competence of primary school teachers at different levels (all- Ukrainian, regional, city, district, internal in the school) allowed researchers to identify its main components, stable links between them, to study driving forces of development.

Spivakova notes that the management of the development of professional competence of a teacher, as a rule, is carried out at several levels:

hierarchical management (arises in

connection with the order, instruction,

requirement, formation of regimes and restrictions, which are part of the basic documentation of the educational institution);

parity management (provides democratic, interested, equal participation in the life and activities of the educational institution, in the process of which there are no leaders and subordinates, but there is a useful joint activity focused on the use of personal interests and qualities in joint work; namely parity interaction provides an opportunity to discover the hidden abilities of the teacher, there is mutual learning).

latent management (aims to use a large amount of information and opportunities from the outside to stimulate the creative search for a teacher, to push him to independently invent an idea or solution) [11].

Methodical work in an educational institution is a holistic, based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience and on a specific analysis of the educational process system of interdependent actions and activities aimed at comprehensive professional development of each teacher and educator (including measures to manage professional self-education and selfeducation of teachers), to develop and increase the creative potential of the teaching staff, and ultimately to improve the educational process, achieve optimal levels of education, upbringing and development of specific students.

The direct, immediate goal of methodical work in the educational institution is to increase the level of professional competence of teachers and teaching staff. The most important and essential in the methodical work in the school is to provide real, effective assistance to teachers, class teachers, educators in managing the development of professional competence of teachers as a combination of professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a modern teacher.

The main components of methodical work as a holistic system: the interaction of people - participants in methodical work (teachers, educators, class teachers, parents, activists of student government, members of the public); goals and objectives, content, organizational forms, methods and tools, conditions for managing the development of professional competence of primary school teachers, the results obtained during the work.

The structure of scientific and methodical work that has developed today is an integral part of the overall system of professional development of teachers. Its organization is provided by scientific and methodical services (institutes), each of which at its level performs a certain function and implements a task of improving the professional skills of teachers.

Activities for the practical development of a pedagogical idea, recommendation, pedagogical technology takes place directly in the teaching staff of educational institutions. It determines the content of intra-school methodical work. M. Mykhniuk [8], analyzing the views of scientists on scientific and methodological work, concluded that in pedagogical science it is considered: a component of the system of professional development of teachers, which is implemented in the intercourse period; a component of the organizational structure of educational process management; a form of study and implementation of the achievements of advanced pedagogical experience; structural link of the system of continuing education.

Problems of development of methodical service, dynamics of formation of system of methodical work are considered in researches of I. Androschuk [1], G. Yelnikova [3], N. Mukan [9]. They emphasize the role of the Methodist Institute of Postgraduate Education in improving the skills of teachers,analyze the technology of the Methodist in the management of the process of continuous professional development of teachers.

M. Rostoka [12] presents the professional profile of a methodologist as a reference model of his activity in accordance with the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of functional responsibilities, reveals the content of innovative approaches to managing the process of professional competence of methodological services. V. Dudnikov [3] offers a diagnostic system with different categories of employees for planning and organizing methodological work in the city.

M. Mykhniuk [8], analyzing the management of the system of scientific and methodical work, identifies eleven functions.

Analysis of the management of the system of scientific and methodical work makes it possible to identify the following traditionally inherent basic functions: planning, organization, diagnostic, prognostic, modeling, computer sensory, restorative, corrective, coordinating, advocacy, control and information. They are all closely interconnected and interdependent.

Among the main functions of management of the system of scientific and methodical work the leading place is occupied by planning - an important preparatory stage of each management cycle, the basic function of management of the system of scientific and methodical work. The process of managing the system of scientific and methodological work at all levels begins with justifying the purpose and objectives of the system in the near and long term, identifying measures that ensure their implementation, achieving the best results. This function covers all aspects of the development of scientific and methodological work in their unity and relationship.

Organizational function (or function of the organization) is manifested in activities related to improving the structure of the system of scientific and methodological work. The organizational function is carried out during preparation and realization of plans of scientific and methodical work, definition of contingents of advanced training at all levels and in all forms. Of particular importance for the successful functioning of the system of scientific and methodological work is the coordination of work with institutes of teacher training and scientific and methodological centers, courses at educational institutions, departments of universities and pedagogical institutes, involvement in the development of problems of competence of scientific departments and carriers of best practices.

Diagnostic function is one of the fundamental in the system of scientific and methodical work with pedagogical staff in the conditions of education renewal. It requires regular study of the degree of gap between the real level of competence of teachers and managers, which is reflected in the generalized result of their work, and society's requirements for the quality of specific educators in the development of Ukrainian national laws. The implementation of the diagnostic function necessitates the mastery of modern methods of psychological and pedagogical research and their regular use to collect and process information about the knowledge, skills and abilities of educators.

The prognostic function of the system of scientific and methodical work, constantly evolving, acquires special significance in the conditions of restructuring of education and increase of skill of pedagogical shots. It requires the definition of knowledge and skills needed by teachers in the future.

The modeling function of the system of scientific and methodical work with teachers is to develop fundamentally new provisions for educational work and management of educational institutions, in the formation and implementation of models of best practices, their experimental testing, after which they can be used as samples for implementation. Models can be the achievements of individual teachers, the experience of educational work, the leadership of nav. They should reflect the current level of science and the objective requirements of Ukrainian society, formulated in government policy documents.

The compensatory function of the system of scientific and methodical work involves providing teachers with information and the formation of skills not acquired by them in the process of basic professional education.

The restorative function of the system of scientific and methodical work is to restore those knowledge and skills that after graduation could be partially forgotten or lost by teachers.

The corrective function is aimed at correcting the shortcomings in the activities of teachers, associated with the use of outdated methods that do not reflect the increased requirements, capabilities of society. This function involves the introduction of relevant knowledge to scientific and methodological information, taking into account the needs of each region of Ukraine, aimed at destroying conservative stereotypes of thinking and ways of action, the abandonment of outdated skills.

The coordinating function of scientific and methodological work is aimed at overcoming duplication, parallelism of semantic, temporal and scientific and methodological nature. It provides for the rational unification of information activities of all bodies of direct and indirect action at the theoretical, psychological, pedagogical, administrative, general cultural level of employees of vocational schools.

The advocacy function is aimed at informing employees, their agitation for the implementation of scientific achievements, advanced pedagogical experience. The media (television, radio, press), special editions (collections, recommendations, information and methodical materials, booklets, posters), organization of exhibitions, appropriate orientation of courses and seminars of teachers- researchers, concrete work experience, etc. help with its realization.

The control and information function of the system of scientific and methodical work consists in the formation and maintenance of stable feedback, in the assessment of the conformity of the consequences of scientific and methodical activity to the planned tasks and normative requirements.

Management of the system of scientific and methodical work and its components can be effective only control of the control factor. The consequences of control, on the one hand, make it possible to identify the causes of deviations in the functioning of the system of scientific and methodological work, and on the other hand, are the basis for an objective assessment of current and final results.

Despite the diversity of views of researchers on the place of scientific and methodological work in managing the development of professional competence of teachers, it can be argued that the proper level of its organization is a guarantee of improving the efficiency of the entire educational process. To achieve the purpose of the studied system, it is advisable, in our opinion, to identify the following management functions of methodical work: planning, organization, diagnostic, prognostic, modeling, compensatory, restorative, corrective, coordinating, advocacy, control and information. They are all closely interconnected and interdependent.

Conclusions and prospects for further explorations

Thus, the management of the formation of professional competence of teachers is a holistic continuous process, which is implemented not only in the educational environment of professional training, but also effective in terms of: a comprehensive approach to modeling the educational environment by the school principal and his deputy, ie taking into account changes; occurring in social conditions, in the developing personality itself; system approach, which is associated with the unity and diversity of pedagogical processes, their interaction, relationship; continuity in the organization of pedagogical design of the environment; continuous improvement, introduction of additional conditions that would allow to improve the system, excluding from it the conditions that create obstacles to development; optimality, which determines the consideration of priorities in the design process, the definition of the main link at one stage or another, the focus on the end result - the formation of professional competence; nonlinear development of the educational environment, which causes dynamism, diversity of pedagogical phenomena and processes.

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phenomenon management pedagogical technology

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