Modern understanding of foreign language teacher training system

To determine the conceptual role and qualitative impact of profile schools professional training in the process of post university period. Special trends in the professional development of teachers in the countries of the European Union and the USA.

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Modern understanding of foreign language teacher training system

Chernionkov Yaroslav Olexandrovych, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Linguodidactics and Foreign Languages, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University

Formulation and justification of the problem topicality

Ukrainian education today is on the verge of a grand change in the field of training of future teachers of different specialties. Outdated methods, ways of teaching and means of training future education professionals are being reassessed by improving training programs and plans, tools and techniques. New Concept for the Implementation of State Policy in the Sphere of Reforming the General Secondary Education «New Ukrainian School», approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 13, 2017 № 903 and the new Concept of Development of Pedagogical Education of July 16, 2018 № 776 should be the starting point of all these processes.

Analysis of previous studies and publications

The purpose of the Concept of Development of Pedagogical Education is: to improve the system of pedagogical education; to create a base for training pedagogical workers of the new generation; to create conditions for involvement the specialists of other professions in the pedagogical activity and to provide conditions for the formation and development of modern alternative models of continuous professional and personal development, which, including, will become a key condition for the implementation of the Concept of Public Policy Implementation in the Field of Reform of General Secondary Education a «New Ukrainian School» for the period up to 2029. Reforming of pedagogical education involves actions in the following areas: I. Development of a modern model of the teaching profession in the context of the needs of society, prospects for the development of the national economy and global technological change. II. Transformation of higher and professional tertiary education in pedagogical specialties. III. Determination of perspective ways of continuous professional development and training of pedagogical staff [3].

All these qualitative changes have caused a chain reaction of the corresponding changes in other areas of pedagogical education, in particular in the field of training of the future foreign language teacher. Decree of the President of Ukraine «On declaring 2016 the Year of English in Ukraine» (2015), the project of improving the professional skills of English teachers «Postgraduate Teacher Education of Foreign Languages» (2016), the MES of Ukraine Concept on the Development of English at Universities (2019) created the basis for improving the training of not only the future foreign language teachers, but also the specialist of any pedagogical orientation (recently changing conditions for admission to universities: mandatory exam in foreign language for all school-leavers of the Independent External Evaluation (IEE), the obligatory requirement for the entrants is the level of proficiency in the foreign language B2, the compulsory examination of the foreign language when entering the magistracy); at institutions of higher education (IHE) the number of hours for studying a foreign language at non-language faculties is increasing, courses and special courses are being improved, there is a transition to a digital platform, some professional disciplines are taught in a foreign language.

In the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the organization and training of foreign language teachers who taught first-year pupils in the 2018/2019 academic year in accordance with the Concept of «New Ukrainian School» of 27.02.2018 №2 08 the Program Objective had been defined as «Improving the methodological and practical levels of professional competence of English teachers to teach the first grade pupils in the 2018/2019 academic year on the implementation of the objectives of the State standard of primary education».

The main goals of the Program are to: promote the professional development of English teachers through reflection on their own professional activities, as well as through selfassessment and collaboration with their colleagues; overcome the established stereotypes of the role of the teacher in the educational process as a repeater of information and promoting their awareness of their own role as the organizer of the educational process, which focuses on the learning outcomes. Expected Results. At the conclusion of the Program, English language teachers will: understand the role of the teacher as a facilitator of the educational process; identify the latest approaches to content selection and organization of the learning process; understand the essence of the developmental, activity direction of the learning process; be able to apply effective pedagogical technologies in a communicative context (for example, games, songs, rhymes, etc.); promote the development of 21st Century students' mental skills and competences; be able to select teaching materials in accordance with the communicative situation and to use them effectively during training [4].

Modern approaches to the problem of creating an effective system of professional training, the development of methodology of pedagogical mastery and modern technologies for the training of the future teacher, the formation of the personality of the modern teacher have been indicated in scientific works of: E. Pomytkina, S. Sysoyeva, M. Soldatenko, M. Leshchenko, O. Padalka. The works of: O. Dubasenyuk, L. Karamushka, V. Molyako, V. Rybalka, T. Yatsenko, connected with the problem of professional suitability as a combination of psychological and psychophysiological features of a person, cause a special interest for us. The problems of the higher school's activity, its focus on the training of teaching staff of the new formation are solved in the works of: V. Kremin', I. Bekh, S. Honcharenko, N. Kuzminina, S. Maksymenko, V. Semychenko, O. Sukhomlynska, O. Soloduhova. Especially important for reflection the aspect of personal formation can be considered the concepts of I. Bekh, M. Borshevska, I. Dubrovina, O. Kononko, V. Kotyrlo, M. Kruleht, V. Kudryavtseva, O. Shagrayeva.

The purpose of the article: to determine the conceptual role and qualitative impact of profile schools in the process of post university period; to analyze the essence of the concepts of «profile school», «profile school professional training»; to investigate theoretical and practical conceptual foundations of the studied theme in the conditions of pre-high school period - high school period - post-high school period.

The main material of the study

Considering the problem of profile training, we cannot but analyze related concepts, such as: «profile school», «professional improvement». As stated in the electronic dictionary «Slovopedia», «professional improvement is a professional, qualified improvement of knowledge and improvement of self» [5].

We understand professional improvement as the highest level organized process of improving all the psychological-pedagogical processes of a future foreign language teacher, which is characterized by a certain number of conditions and criteria.

It goes without saying that professional improvement/advancement can only take place in specially created conditions and environment. We regard profile schools as such an environment. «Profile school is a differentiated educational institution, which takes into account the educational needs, inclinations and abilities of pupils and creates conditions for the education of high school students in accordance with their professional self-determination, which is ensured by changes in the goals, content, structure and organization of the educational process» [2].

We consider a foreign language profile school as a professional educational institution where teachers, trained in special conditions, work. The process is aimed at professionally- oriented studying by taking into account the principle of individualization, the principle of differentiation, the principle of flexibility, the principle of consistency and the principle of continuity. The result of the training should be a high level of preparation for entry into the IHE. The main purpose of such a school, in its priorities, is to diminish the value of the link between the profile preschool and the profile IHE.

Before embarking on this experiment in the Ukrainian educational space, we have analyzed in detail how this problem is being addressed in different countries of the world. It turned out that the results of our study on the main points coincide with the results of the experiments of such scientists as N. Avshenyuk, L. Dyachenko, K. Kotun, M. Marusinets, O. Ogiyenko, O. Sulyma, N. Postrygach.

The general tendencies of professional development of teachers are: organizational- structural - «universitization» of pedagogical education - priority of the university level of pedagogical education (Finland, France, Italy, Spain); diversification of forms and methods of professional development of teachers, diversification of types of educational and training providers (professional associations of teachers) (Spain, Italy); professional development schools (Canada, USA); professional associations of teachers and high school teachers (UK); private companies; training centers.

Essential-determinative: humanization and humanitarization in the methods and content of pedagogical education; internationalization of the content of professional training; strengthening the role of non-formal education in the professional development of teachers; (trainings (Austria), training workshops (Poland), study visits to Germany (Germany), participation in international educational programs and projects, teacher exchange between schools and international exchange (United Kingdom)).

Content-procedural: informatization of the educational process (Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, the USA), integration of the content of pedagogical education (Germany, Spain), monitoring of the quality of pedagogical education, which is a priority issue in the development of strategies for development, providing teachers-novices with psycho- pedagogical support school levels (Finland, the USA); introducing a social partnership or consensus-based approach to managing pedagogical education that encourages government, educators and other stakeholders to work on quality issues.

Special trends in the professional development of teachers in the countries of the European Union and the USA were attributed to: increased access to teaching profession (Hungary, Slovenia), decentralization of management (Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, France), centralized type of management (Great Britain, Poland, Italy, Greece), finding the optimal balance between centralized and decentralized management (Germany); widespread use of alternative ways of acquiring pedagogical profession (the USA, Switzerland) [1].

Our understanding of this system can be seen in such a way:

1. Pre-school education - Initial study of a foreign language: alphabet, songs, game activity;

2. 1 grade (New Ukrainian School) - First-grade school, one-on-one group lessons;

3. 2-4 grades (New Ukrainian School) - Individual group classes, different research circle activities, increasing the number of hours for studying English;

4. 5-9 grades (New Ukrainian School) - Increasing the number of hours for learning a foreign language; second language (categorically not Russian); different research circle work; individual classes, various "English Speaking Clubs", partial profiling;

5. 10-12 grades (Concept of Profile Education at Senior School) - Full Profiling (increasing the number of hours for foreign language courses; individual classes on the selected profile, research circles work, various communicational clubs, preparation for the B1 exam at the IEE);

6. University / bachelor degree (New Concept of Developing English Language at Universities) - Increasing hours and changing the content of language subjects, exams to confirm the level of English at B2, a mandatory requirement that a bachelor's student, regardless of specialty, must acquire a foreign language at B1 + level if he/she wants to get a diploma, the Unified Entrance Exam (UEE) - i.e. Independent External Evaluation (IEE) in Foreign Language to Master's Degree;

7. University / magistracy (New Concept of Developing English Language at Universities) - the Unified Entrance Exam (UEE) - i.e.

Independent External Evaluation (IEE) in Foreign Language to Master's Degree; scientific work in a foreign language as a component of the Unified State Qualification Exam (USQE) for most specialties, passed / failed; recommend that universities assess their English proficiency during masters certification;

8. Postgraduate education (improvement work in a profile school) - creating of material, technical, methodical and didactic base of the model; working out different circles, minitextbooks, electronic manuals, other materials; teaching about the history and culture of the countries in which the language is prevalent; organizing special events that help their pupils gain a better grasp of the language and culture, such as hosting language dinners, assigning independent projects, creating cultural displays, and arranging dance/song performances; providing individual support; conducting classes, open sessions and workshop-type classes.

Having used all the previous experience of development and improvement of the process of forming a high-quality foreign languages teacher-professional, the results from the introduction of all the recent processes of change of the Ukrainian educational system and many years of pedagogical experience in the higher education system, we emphasize that, in our opinion, the process of training should be complex, gradual, cyclical, interrelated, profile, professional. Job openings for foreign language teachers require a fluency in a specific language, as well as holding at least a bachelor's degree and possessing state-mandated credentials to teach, which varies according to school districts, colleges or universities.

Conclusions and prospects for further research of the direction

Therefore, the chances for motivating children for later language study will be increased when early language study is engaging and rewarding. The benefits of language learning will come only when sufficient time is invested in language study. The best way to promote continued study is to treat language as a core subject from the start. We understand that our observation is only part of the research program we have created for this issue. Further studies we see in the analysis of the practical-methodical system of profile English school.

profile school teacher professional

Список джерел

1. Зарубіжний досвід професійної підготовки педагогів: аналітичні матеріали / [Авшенюк Н.М., Дяченко Л.М., Котун К.В., Марусинець М.М., Огієнко О.І., Сулима О.В., Постригач Н.О.]. - Київ: ДКС «Центр», 2017. - 83 с.

2. Концепція профільного навчання в старшій школі, затверджена рішенням колегії МОН України №1456 від 21.10.2013 року

3. Наказ Міністерства Освіти і Науки України про затвердження Концепції розвитку педагогічної освіти

4. Наказ МОН України про організацію та проведення підготовки вчителів іноземних мов, які навчатимуть учнів перших класів у 2018/2019 навчальному році

5. Словник «Словопедія»


1. Zarubizhnyi dosvid profesiinoi pidhotovky pedahohiv: analitychni materialy. (2017). [Foreign experience of teacher training: analytical materials]. Kyiv.

2. Kontseptsiia profilnoho navchannia v starshii shkoli, zatverdzhena rishenniam kolehii MON Ukrainy №1456 vid 21.10.2013 roku. (2013). [The concept of profile education in high school, approved by the decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1456 of 21.10.2013].

3. Nakaz Ministerstva Osvity i Nauky Ukrainy pro zatverdzhennia Kontseptsii rozvytku pedahohichnoi osvity. (2019). [Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on Approval of the Concept of Development of Pedagogical Education].

4. Nakaz MON Ukrainy pro orhanizatsiiu ta provedennia pidhotovky vchyteliv inozemnykh mov, yaki navchatymut uchniv pershykh klasiv u 2018/2019 navchalnomu rotsi. (2019). [Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the organization and training of foreign language teachers who will teach first-year students in the 2018/2019 academic year].

5. Slovnyk «Slovopediia». (2019). [Slovopedia Dictionary].

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