Principles of training of pedagogical staff under the paradigm of the new Ukrainian school
Key principles of pedagogical training: philosophical and pedagogical content of activity, field of professional development through the identification to creative self-realization, organization of a positive humane environment, the teacher's personality.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.04.2022 |
Размер файла | 28,0 K |
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National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Department of Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Education and Educational PolicyНаціональний педагогічний університет імені Драгоманова, вул. Пирогова, 9, 01601
Київ, Україна
National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Pirogova st., 9, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
Under the concept of the New Ukrainian School, requirements for modern teachersare higher. The basic competencies of the new teacher comprise openness, dedication to the profession, the ability to work on the basis of the subject-subject principle, social activity and unindifference. In addition, it is important to be able to apply the latest teaching technologies, be creative and strive for self-improvement. What should be the key principles of training such teachers remains the key question posed in the article. The subject of research is training of teachers in the context of the new paradigm. The purpose of the article is to determine the principles of training of the basic competencies in a new teacher according to the paradigm of the New Ukrainian School.
The methodology of studying the attractiveness of the school is based upon the use of systematic, logical, historical and dialectical approaches and methods. The results of scientific research. Key principles of pedagogical training: meaningful (philosophical and pedagogical content of activity), dynamic (field of professional development through the identification to creative self-realization), institutional (organization of a positive humane environment), technological (adequate forms, methods and means of professional development of the teacher's personality, based on cooperation). Professional development of the teacher is impossible without constant self-education, participation in programs of training and any other kinds and forms of professional development. The practical value of the results. Professional competence of the teacher is a prerequisite for the improvements in education and successful development of the New Ukrainian School. In order to prepare a quality competitive specialist, the teacher must react quickly to changes in the socio-economic environment and adapt their professional activity to new conditions.
Key Words: New Ukrainian School, competence, teacher training, education reform
КИТ, М. И. - аспирант кафедры социальной философии, философии образования и образовательной политики Национального педагогического университета имени М. П. Драгоманова (Киев, Украина)
По концепции «Новой украинской школы» к педагогам современной формации предъявляются повышенные требования. К базовым компетенциям нового учителя относятся открытость, преданность профессии, способность работать на основе субъект-субъектного принципа, социальная активность и неравнодушие. Кроме того, важно уметь применять новейшие технологии обучения, быть креативным и стремиться к самосовершенствованию. Какими должны быть ключевые принципы подготовки таких учителей - ключевой вопрос статьи.
Предметом исследования является подготовка педагогических кадров в дискурсе новой парадигмы. Целью статьи является определение принципов подготовки базовых компетенций нового учителя по парадигме «Новой украинской школы». Методология изучения привлекательности школы основывается на использовании системного, логического, исторического, диалектического подходов и методов. Результаты научного исследования. Ключевые принципы подготовки педагогических кадров: содержательный (философско-педагогическое наполнение деятельности), динамический (поле профессионального развития через идентификацию к творческой самореализации) институциональный (организация положительной гуманной среды); технологический (адекватные формы, методы и средства профессионального развития личности учителя, основанные на сотрудничестве). Профессиональное развитие педагога невозможно без постоянного самообразования, участия в программах повышения квалификации и любых других видах и формах профессионального роста. Практическая ценность результатов. Профессиональная компетентность учителя является необходимым условием повышения эффективности процесса обучения, успешного развития «Новой украинской школы». Чтобы качественно готовить конкурентоспособного специалиста, педагог должен быстро реагировать на изменения в социально-экономическом окружении, адаптировать свою профессиональную деятельность к новым условиям.
Ключевые слова: «Новая украинская школа», компетентность, подготовка учителей, реформа образования.
КІТ М. І. - аспірант кафедри соціальної філософії, філософії освіти та освітньої політики Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова (Київ, Україна)
За концепцією «Нової української школи» до педагогів сучасної формації висуваються підвищені вимоги. До базових компетентностей нового вчителя відносяться відкритість, відданість професії, здатність працювати на основі суб'єкт- суб'єктного принципу, соціальна активність та небайдужість. Окрім того, важливо вміти застосовувати найновітніші технології навчання, бути креативним та прагнути до самовдосконалення. Якими мають бути ключові принципи підготовки таких вчителів - ключове питання, що ставиться у статті.
Предметом дослідження є підготовка педагогічних кадрів в дискурсі нової парадигми. Метою статті є визначення принципів підготовки базових компетентностей нового вчителя за парадигмою «Нової української школи». Методологія вивчення привабливості школи ґрунтується на використанні системного, логічного, історичного, діалектичного підходів та методів. Результати наукового дослідження. Ключові принципи підготовки педагогічних кадрів: змістовний (філософсько-педагогічне наповнення діяльності), динамічний (поле професійного розвитку через ідентифікацію до творчої самореалізації); інституційний (організація позитивного гуманного середовища); технологічний (адекватні форми, методи і засоби професійного розвитку особистості вчителя, засновані на співпраці). Професійний розвиток педагога неможливий без постійної самоосвіти, участі у програмах підвищення кваліфікації та будь-яких інших видах і формах професійного зростання. Практична цінність результатів. Професійна компетентність вчителя є необхідною умовою підвищення ефективності процесу навчання, успішної розбудови «Нової української школи». Щоб якісно готувати конкурентоспроможного спеціаліста, педагог повинен швидко реагувати на зміни у соціально-економічному оточенні, адаптувати свою професійну діяльність до нових умов.
Ключові слова: «Нова українська школа», компетентність, підготовка вчителів, реформа освіти.
Problem Statement
The new decentralized model of education can be implemented by pedagogical staff trained according to the new pedagogical standards or by staff who have undergone appropriate retraining. New standards and technologies methods of this process are determined by the project titled as the New Ukrainian School. For a general understanding of the problem, the article analyzes the main parameters of the educational process according to the model of the New Ukrainian School. The question is what qualitative characteristics should distinguish a modern teacher who will be able to educate young people in a democratic, free, subject-subject, tolerant and peaceful style.
Analysis of the Development of the Problem. In the process of studying the problems of training the new Ukrainian teacher in terms of quality and style of work, scientific, pedagogicaland philosophical-educational achievements of such researchers as V. Andrievska, I. Anosov, Y. Atamanchuk, V. Vityuk,T. Korostiyanets, A. Kramarenko,N. Polishchuk, M. Prykhodko, O. Usova, O. Khoma, D. Yaylo and others turned out to be quite at hand. At the same time, it is necessary, from our point of view, to actualize the problem of training the new teacher in view of the decentralization processes taking place in the Ukrainian society, including in the field of education. For this purpose, a comprehensive analysis of the conceptual paradigm of the New Ukrainian Schoolis relevant.
The Purpose of the Study. Determination of basic characteristics, competencies and directions of teacherdevelopment, which corresponds to the conceptual provisions of the paradigmatic document of the New Ukrainian School.
Results. In the context of the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian School, the innovative activity of educational institutions and individual teachersbecomes important. Suchactivitiesare characterized by systematic experimentation, testingand application of innovations in the educational process. Reforming the national education under to the above model involves application of the competency-based approach and leads to refreshing the content and methods of teaching, its reorientation from the process to socially significant results. It is impossible to achieve such ambitious goals without high-quality training of teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the new teacher as well as the requirements for them from the perspective of the New Ukrainian School.
Experts rightly say that the modern school is impossible without teachers who reflect on their own work, develop it and in turn make their lessons the most important factor in educating their students. Modern society need a professionally competent teacher who has great creative potential, high spiritual and moral qualities and new pedagogical thinking as well as a new vision of the school, student and world around them. The teaching profession makes a number of specific requirements to its subject. All of them can be classified according to two criteria. First, among them the main are the requirements without which it is actually impossible to become a qualified teacher and educator,as well as additional, thecompliance with each is not only mandatory for the teacher but increases their teaching and educational potential and expands their ability to influence students. Secondly, among the requirements for the teacher there are constant, inherent in the teacher of any historical period in any society, and variable, due to the peculiarities of this stage of development of society in which the teacher lives and works [11, p.134].
In general, to the key components of the professional competence of an employee of the educational field which are relevant today the majority of researchersinclude the following - intellectual, psychological, motivational, projectiveand methodological. However, only a few single out the managerial component of the professional competence, and only at the level of basic skills. As a rule, it means the ability to plan, organize and control the educational process and their own professional activities to achieve the predicted result and specify the objectives of training in academic disciplines and education. This is manifested in managing students in the classroom, organizing their independent educational and research work, assessing their level of knowledge and using various forms and methods of control. That is, the managerial competence of the teacher or lecturer is deemed as the ability to organize a team of students and show leadership skills [8, p. 96].
It is obvious that for a modern teacher, according to the objectives of the project of the New Ukrainian School, it is extremely important to be not only a carrier of knowledge but also an effective methodologist and organizer of the educational process.
In this context, V. Vityuk notes that the effectiveness of an education system largely depends on qualified teachers. One of the most important strategic tasks at the current stage of modernization of education in Ukraine is to ensure the quality of training at the level of international standards. The solution to this problem is possible on condition of changing pedagogical methods and introducing innovative technologies of teaching. In particular, attention should be paid to issues of innovation and creative search for educational institutions that are ready to implement the change [4, p.6].
In turn, the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian Schoolinvolves the following requirements for teachers: 1) the ability to apply the pedagogy of partnership based on communication, interaction and cooperation between the teacher, the student and the parent. 2) The ability to work on the basis of personality-oriented model of education and competence approach. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the new role of the teacher as a mentor, a leader of the student with their individual trajectory. 3)The ability to use academic freedom, continue their own professional education, prepare author's curricula, develop and implement new technologies, methods, strategies, methods and means of teaching; actively articulate their own professional opinion. 4) The ability to collaborate with other teachers and students by creating digital resources, presentations and projects. 5)The ability to teach students to be global - communicate with the world through modern digital tools. 6)Possession of developed skills of an innovator [7, p. 18-20].
Thus, it is clear that the professional development of the teacher is impossible without continuousself-education, participation in training programs and any other types and forms of professional growth. In order to qualitatively train a competitive specialist, the teacher must respond quickly to changes in the socioeconomic environment, adapt their professional activities to new conditions [6, p. 290].
The tasks formulated in the project of the New Ukrainian Schoolupdate the following main provisions for the professional development of teachers: 1) learning is a lifelong process, the development of teachers is closely linked to the development of students; 2) the development of the ability to observe, analyze the consequences and impact of the use of various methods and materials; ability to adapt to the individual characteristics of students; ability to correlate their experience with the experience of colleagues; 3) a modern school should become a place of personal and professional development; 4)professional development of teachers is closely related to the relations that exist at the level of the school, between the teacher and the principal, as well as those between teacher and other adults (colleagues, parents); 5) professional development of the teacher is determined by what category of teachers they belong to: a) those that do not want and cannot critically evaluate their practice and, accordingly, do not perceive the role of others in this task; b) those who can and want to analyze their practice and make changes based on the conclusions drawn. Their plans for tomorrow are based on how the learning process is carried out today. However, they do not like it when others observe their practice; c) a small number of teachers who cannot, but are willing to, analyze their practice and appreciate the contribution of others to its improvement; 6) forms of professional development of teachers: methodical meetings, standards for teachers as a form of self-esteem, mentoring, etc. [5, p. 14-15].
It is obvious that one of the basic characteristics of a new teacher is the ability to master modern learning technologies, methods of intensification of the educational process, creativelyapply innovations. As an example, researchers argue theneed to introduce STEM education and training of teachersfor its implementation (STEM teachers).
STEM education is carried out through an interdisciplinary approach in the construction of curricula of educational institutions of different levels. Theacronym STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) defines the characteristics of the didactics the essence of which is manifested in a combination of interdisciplinary practice-oriented approaches to the study of sciences and mathematics. At the same time, creative, artistic disciplines united by the general term Arts are actively included in the STEMeducation. Current STEM and Arts areas are industrial design, architecture, industrial aesthetics and more. The Institute for Educational Content Modernization website defines STEM education as a series or sequence of courses or programs that prepares students for successful employment, after-school education, or both, requires different and more technically complex skills, including mathematical knowledge and scientific concepts. This is a direction in education in which the curriculum enhancesthe natural science component +innovative technologies. Technologies are used even in the study of creative, artistic, disciplines. It is also important that all the disciplines are studied not separately but in combination [9, p. 59]. The introductionof STEM education is in-depth and includes solving problems of training the teacherwho is aware of their social responsibility, constantly cares about personal and professional growth and is able to achieve new pedagogical goals. Training of teacherswhose activities are not limited to teaching their own subject is becoming dominant focusing on preparing a specialist capable of interdisciplinary connections and aware of the importance of professional knowledge in the context of socio-cultural space. Their ability to organize the educational process as a pedagogical interaction aimed at the development of the child's personality, its preparation for solving the problems of life is a must.
Continuing the above logic, we note that the modern teacher must use information technology and exploit them creatively in the process of teaching. In the context of the reform of the Ukrainian school, the experience gained during the implementation of the first stage of the project of the New Ukrainian Schoolsignificantly increases the need for future and current teachers to gain a set of knowledge on the use of ICT (information and communication technologies).
V. Andrievska formulated a series of tasks to appropriate training of future elementary school teacherswith the use of ICT: 1) to shape the future teachers' motivation and value attitude to the use of ICT in education, particularly as a tool for qualitatively new skills to the younger generation - metasubject ICT skills; 2) to shape personal qualities of the student which will provide their independence and persistence in mastering of the newest means of ICT and productive directions of their use; 3) to form the necessary set of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of innovative areas of using ICT in primary school; 4) to form the ability to objectively assess the level of their own preparation for the use of ICT, the ability to identify ways of their own professional development [1, p. 73-74].
Obviously, a well-trained primary school teacher actually lays the foundation for further success in the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian School. Their professional skills and knowledge require transformation in connection with the new tasks of reforming the national education. A teacher working in the system of the renewed education is required to have a deep knowledge of substantive aspects and new scientific concepts of the material taught as well as a high level of pedagogical skills. It is the pedagogical skills that is an extremely important factor that influences the formation of the appropriate level of the general culture of a society, and hence, anindividual. Consistent introduction of the philosophical principle of anthropology in the pedagogical analysis of personal and professional development of teachers in the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian Schoolis manifested in the priority consideration of individual life, internal conditions of its development, focusing on its needs, abandonment of functionalism in assessing its activities. In the process of personal and professional development of a teacher, the principle of anthropologism allows to choose a direction - the concentration on considering the student's personal needs. This may be a special type of tasks that must be performed within the anthropological paradigm: to identify and analyze the mechanisms of human transformation of natural and social preconditions, cultural and spiritual conditions to the means of their development and self-development [3, p. 211-212].
In general, in the process of implementing the concept of the New Ukrainian School, I. Anosov and M. Stanishevska distinguish four main areas of personal and professional development of teachers: meaningful, dynamic, institutional and technological. The component of the content direction is the philosophical and pedagogical content of the activity; dynamic is the field of professional development through identification to creative self-realization; institutional is the organization of a positive humane environment; technological implies adequate forms, methods and means of professional development of the teacher's personality based on cooperation [2, p. 20].
Summarizing the basic requirements for the new teacher of the modern national education, we note that their professional competence is a necessary condition for improving the efficiency of the learning process and the successful development of the New Ukrainian School. From the point of view of O. Usova, a professionally competent teacher is a person who: 1) successfully solves the problem of teaching and education, prepares the necessary “social product” for the society - a graduate with the desired psychological qualities (objective criteria); 2) personally committed to the profession, motivated to work, satisfied with the profession (subjective criteria); 3) achieves the desired results of society in the development of students' personalities (performance criteria); 4) masters the norms, standards of the profession, achieves mastery in it (normative criteria); 5) seeks to individualize their work, as well as consciously develops individuality by professional means(individual-variable criteria); 6) reaches the required level of professional qualities, knowledge and skills today (criteria of the existing level); 7) at the same time has and is aware of the perspective, the zone of their immediate professional development, doing everything for its implementation (prognostic criteria); 8) opentocontinuous professional training, accumulation of experience (criteria of professional training); 9) enriches the professional experience of the profession through personal creative contribution (criteria of creativity); 10) is socially active in the society, seeks reserves for solving problems within the profession and is not aristogenic to the competitiveness of educational services (criteria of social activity); 11) devoted to the teaching profession, seeks to maintain honor and dignity as well as professional ethics even in difficult circumstances (criteria of professional commitment); 12) ready for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of their work, is able to do it independently, ready for differentiated evaluation of their work in points, categories, readily participates in professional exams and tests (qualitative and quantitative criteria) [10, p. 98-99].
Accordingly, the realities of the 21st century, the reform of the national education system and the implementation of the project of the New Ukrainian School put on the agenda the problem of training the new teacher. Today, the professional development of the teacher is impossible without constant self education, participation in in-service training programs and any other types and forms of professional growth. In order to qualitatively train a competitive specialist, the teacher must respond quickly to the changes in the socio-economic environment and adapt their professional activities tone conditions.
pedagogical professional teacher realization
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