The pedagogical conditions for the formation of readiness of future tourism managers for innovative activity
The article highlighted the problems of professional training of tourism managers and their acquisition of relevant competencies during the studies at a higher education institution. Also the innovation and investment component is characterized.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.04.2022 |
Размер файла | 24,5 K |
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The pedagogical conditions for the formation of readiness of future tourism managers for innovative activity
S.V. Kostiuchyk
The article highlighted the problems of professional training of tourism managers and their acquisition of relevant competencies during the studies at a higher education institution.
In the current conditions of rapidly changing circumstances and the rapidly developing world, it's worth paying attention to the training of future managers of tourism, in particular the formation of their relevant competencies that can ensure successful activity in the modern tourism industry.
The opinions of scientists engaged in research and study of the concept of "competence" and "competency" are analyzed, certain competencies and competences for specialists in the field of tourism are considered. The importance of supplementing competencies with an innovative component for further training of future tourism managers is determined.
The innovation and investment component is characterized as the presence of special training in the field of Internet marketing and management theory - the ability to apply economic methods and models to optimize innovative solutions.
Innovative training is primarily a competence in the direction of innovative development of the enterprise, firm, institution, organization, which involves knowledge of the creation and implementation of innovation processes, theoretical and practical aspects of innovation, and their impact on enterprise development at different levels.
The main competencies have been supplemented with innovative components for the successful preparation of the future manager for innovation and investment activities in tourism which includes competence in the field of innovative specialization of the enterprise, which provides knowledge of technology of innovation processes, psychological and pedagogical training to understand the specifics of teams and groups, solving various problems in production and service teams.
The main competencies for the manager of the tourism expert who will carry out innovative activity are defined: moral and psychological competence, pedagogical competence, professional and business competence. Also, the pedagogical conditions of preparation of the future manager for acquisition of the corresponding competences are accordingly considered.
Key words: competencies, competences, readiness formation, professional training, innovations, innovative activity, innovative investment activity.
С.В. Костючик
У статті висвітлено проблеми професійної підготовки менеджерів туризму та набуття ними відповідних компетентностей протягом навчання у ЗВО. У сучасних умовах швидкозмінних обставин та стрімко розвиваючого світу, варто звернути увагу на професійну підготовку майбутніх менеджерів туристичної діяльності, зокрема на формування у них відповідних компетентностей, що здатні забезпечити успішну діяльність в сучасній індустрії туризму.
Проаналізовано думки науковців, що займалися дослідженням та вивченням понять "компетенції" та «компетентність», розглянуто визначені компетенції та компетентності для фахівців сфери туризму. Визначено важливість доповнення компетенцій інноваційною складовою, для подальшої підготовки майбутніх менеджерів туризму.
Для розгляду та дослідження компетентностей готовності до професійної діяльності майбутніх менеджерів туризму, нами було досліджено і компетенції, адже на нашу думку ці поняття є взаємопов'язані між собою і їх набуття утворює певний симбіоз якості підготовки спеціаліста.
Компетенція тісно переплітається із компетентністю, компетенція це попередньо вивчений та визначений заздалегідь, набір знань, умінь, навичок, проте варто зазначити, він може змінюватись в силу впливу часу, розвитку суспільства, введенню інновацій та геополітичних чинників.
А компетентність - являється якісним рівнем особистості щодо їх засвоєння і проявляється в процесі практичної діяльності.
Відповідно, готовність менеджера туризму до інноваційної діяльності розглядається нами як інтегроване, особистісне набуття, яке виражається в наявності у менеджера туризму комплексу знань, умінь, навичок та особисто-професійних якостей, що є результатом особистого становлення, спеціальної підготовки, освіти і самоосвіти, що спрямовані на вирішення професійних завдань з використанням новітніх, інноваційних, нестандартних підходів, методів та думок.
Охарактеризовано інноваційно-інвестиційну складову, як наявність спеціальної підготовки в галузі інтернет-маркетингу і теорії управління - уміння застосовувати економічні методи та моделі для оптимізації інноваційних рішень. Інноваційна підготовка - це в першу чергу компетентність в напрямку інноваційного розвитку підприємства, фірми, установи, організації, що передбачає у собі наявність знань з питань створення та реалізації інноваційних процесів, теоретичних і практичних аспектів здійснюваних інновацій, їхнього впливу на розвиток підприємства на різних рівнях.
Доповнено основні компетенції інноваційними складовими, для успішної підготовки майбутнього менеджера до інноваційно-інвестиційної діяльності в туризмі. Куди можна віднести компетентність у галузі інноваційної спеціалізації підприємства, що передбачає наявність знань з питань технології інноваційних процесів, психолого-педагогічна підготовка на розуміння специфіки колективів і груп, вирішення різного роду проблем у виробничому та обслуговуючому колективах.
Визначено основні компетентності для менеджера туризмознавця, що здійснюватиме інноваційну діяльність: морально-психологічна компетентність, педагогічна компетентність, професійно-ділова компетентність. Також, відповідно розглянуто педагогічні умови підготовки майбутнього менеджера для набуття відповідних компетентностей.
Ключові слова: компетенції, компетентності, формування готовності, професійна підготовка, інновації, інноваційна діяльність, інноваційно-інвестиційна діяльність.
Introduction of the issue
pedagogical tourism manager innovative
Today's tourism education defines its main task as a multifaceted, multi-layered professional training of specialists who will be able to be productive and successful in various tourism institutions, organizations, enterprises and institutions of the hotel industry. In today's changing conditions of the society worldwide, the education system faces the question - to timely prepare young people for new living conditions and professional activities in the environment of information and communication and innovative technologies, to teach them to act independently, effectively use its capabilities and competently organize and carry out professional activity.
Socio-pedagogical conditions of preparation of tourism managers for professional activity are based on strategic consideration of the concept "New Ukrainian school” (2016), "Concepts of development of professional education and training in Ukraine" (2010-2020), strategies of sustainable development "Ukraine 2020" and practically-appropriate ideas of other regulatory-legal documents.
For the past year, Ukraine's tourism market (both domestic and foreign) has been in crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies have ceased operations, some companies have been forced to significantly reduce their staff and many tourism workers have been forced to look for new job, mainly in other areas of activity. However, it should be noted, that the pandemic has affected not only the tourism industry, but also other areas of business.
However, a significant number of companies were able to transform, renew and initiate internal and external changes under modern working conditions. Company executives and managers were forced to do a tremendous job, which includes: reformatting and adjusting the workflow in remote mode, moreover, adjust the processes so, that the remote work mode was as efficient as possible. With the help of innovative technologies to establish cooperation between offices in remote mode, to continue selfeducation and development, to research and adapt to the modern market, to find alternative ways of profit, to introduce budget innovations for further development in crisis conditions, to think over creative advertising and marketing decisions.
It's worth noting, that managers and executives were ready for such changes, who were aware of the innovations of modern business processes, conducted innovative activities, engaged in continuous self-education and selfdevelopment, were ready for changes and some transformations in their own activities. Which, as the practice of modern events has shown, is a very important component of modern business and modern tourism education in general.
Given the circumstance that tourism professionals deal primarily with people, their professional training must take into account in addition to innovation and "anthropological" component, which is provided by psychological and pedagogical training. So, the content of modern professional education involves the acquisition of competencies that go beyond the professional skills directly required to perform the content of production functions in their workplace, but also ensure the effectiveness of their implementation.
Today, the effectiveness of modern professional education is interpreted as a multidimensional system characteristic. In which the result, that is the readiness of the specialist, is considered as the leading component. The quality of the result of professional training is understood as the correspondence of the university graduate's readiness to the modern challenges of time and is considered through the concept of competence.
Current state of the issue. As it can be determined, there is certain dependence between the professional successes of tourism managers and the quality of their training. This is mainly determined not only by the amount of knowledge they obtain in the process of learning, which changes rapidly, but also by creativity, interest and ability to self-study throughout life. Continuous self-improvement and the ability to keep up with current innovations and changes, provide the formation of professional competence for future activities.
It is certain that the need for highly competent specialists of the new format is obvious, thus proper appropriate theoretical and practical basis for the development of the tourism sector in conditions of fierce social and economic competition should be provided. Today it is necessary to prepare managers for the production environment and activities, where operating conditions are constantly changing, information comes through many channels, and productivity depends on the ability to navigate, anticipate and solve a range of problems. A modern tourism manager can not be a one-sided specialist with limited professional capabilities (e.g. with the knowledge of tours and prices of a particular region), therefore multisidedness is strongly required [6: 455].
A modern specialist in the tourism industry will be able to be competitive in his field only if he/she masters the knowledge in the field of innovation, tourism economics and investment, sociology, pedagogy and psychology, marketing and information technology, including good command of foreign languages. In addition, the manager must be able to establish effective relationships within the team as well as use a creative approach in solving problems and achieve goals and results, through sufficient mastery and investigation of pedagogical and psychological aspects of tourism.
This is what determines our focus on solving the issues of forming professional competencies for the readiness of the future tourism manager to innovation and investment activity within the industry.
Among Ukrainian scientists V. Andrushchenko [1; 2], N. Bibik, P. Bachynsky, I. Drach, G. Hryban [5], Ya. Kodliuk, V. Luhovy, O. Ovcharuk, O. Savchenko, S. Sysoeva, T. Smagina, Yu. Talanova, G. Tereshchuk and others addressed the above-mentioned issues of competence.
Research on the concept of "competence" was also carried out by: T. Svirchuk, O. Gura, Yu. Vasyutinska, N. Kuzminska, V. Lunyachek, S. Pilova, R. Mills.
The formation of professional competencies of a tourism specialist was covered in the works of V. Lozovetska, I. Saukh, D. Bank, Ya. Kazarnytska, O. Litvinova-Golovan, V. Obozny [10], V. Lyubarets, O. Shapran [17], L. Scherbak [19].
Aim of research is to theoretically substantiate professional training of future tourism managers, with a precise focus on formation of perfect professional competencies for innovation and investment activities in the sphere of tourism.
Results and discussion
The introduction of innovations in the process of forming the readiness of future managers for professional activity in the tourism industry is caused by a certain market changes and socio-cultural demand.
Considerable attention is paid to the professional training of skilled and competitive personnels at the labour market, apt at professional activity, ready to the sustainable professional growth and constant self-improvement, as well as wide use of innovative and creative mobility.
The introduction of modern pedagogical technologies envisages a study, development and system use of principles of organization of educational process on the basis of the newest achievements of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, computer science, theory of management and so on. Under these circumstances, the pedagogical condition of providing of professional training of specialists of tourist management are development and use of innovative facilities of studies, which can positively influence on the results of educational process.
The main purpose of the search for new methods and ways of organizing the learning process is the maximum involvement of students in independent work with the immenent acquisition of new knowledge. It is necessary not to forget about a problem-based method of training which implies independent search, decision making and coming to certain conclusions in order to solve particular professional tasks set, for if the knowledge is shaped and given in a ready-to-use form, and not acquired by active search and trial-and-error method, students lose their interest in applying this set of knowledge while performing corresponding activities and motivation to conduct sustainable selfeducation and self-development substantially [11: 112].
Moreover, the aspects of the creative thinking remain undevelop, therefore students can't gradually use a creative approach to solve the problem, as well as they are not motivated to search for improvement and non-standard solutions of their own. Accordingly, they do not form the most important competencies for further professional activity in the rapidly changing environment of the tourism market.
The concept of "competence" features a number of differences scientific interpretations, which are based on multiple approaches to its understanding and use.
Term "competence' (lat., competentia - mutual desire; answer, approach) - is universally defined as good knowledge of something"; "the scope of authority of any organization, institution or person"; "a list of issues in which a certain person has the appropriate authority, knowledge, experience", etc. [4: 560].
A. Khutorsky interprets the concept of competence as a set of interconnected semantic orientations, knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of an individual in relation to a certain range of objects that are necessary for productive activities.
Competence is a person's readiness to mobilize knowledge, skills, external resources for effective activity in a particular life situation [15: 152].
In opinion of most researchers, competence is a broader concept that shows the level of professionalism of the individual in general, and the achievement of this level is due to the acquisition of the necessary competencies, which is the purpose of training future professional [3: 61].
Some scholars emphasize that the concept of "competence" is related to the subject of activity, and "competency" refers to a particular person and shows his/her ability to perform his/her work professionally. These concepts are "in different planes."
Scientist O. Kuchai defines that competence is the acquisition by a person of certain competencies that are necessary for professional activity and a sense of personal comfort and confidence at work. The author is inclined to think, although the concept of "competence" is divided in its essence, but in general shows one holistic process, the essence and result of education and professional activity [7: 45].
F. Sharipov affirms that competence is a set of personality traits (characteristics) that allow it to qualitatively perform certain activities aimed at solving problems (tasks) in a particular industry, direction, company, enterprise.
Competency is what a specific specialist has achieved, it characterizes the degree of development of competence and is determined by the ability to solve set of problems at the moment [18: 73].
It is impossible not to take into account the arguments of S. Leiko on the delimitation of the concepts of "competence". According to the scientist's opinion, competence is mainly determined by the target organization, firm and institution by the state as a certain level of previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Accordingly, competency is the personal achievements of an individual, showing the level of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of training and the ability to apply them in practice in the process of their own activities, based on personal experience and awareness of working issues [8: 130].
To consider and study the competence (readiness for professional activities) of future tourism managers, it makes sense to explore the competencies, because in our opinion, these concepts are interrelated and their acquisition forms the symbiosis of the quality of specialist's training. Competence is closely intertwined, competency is a previously studied and defined in advance, a set of knowledge, skills, abilities, but it should be noted that it may change due to time, society, innovation and geopolitical factors, and competence is a qualitative level of personality to master and is manifested in the process of practical activities.
K. Durai-Novakova, M. Dyachenko, L. Kandibovich. V. Slestyonin consider readiness as the main condition for successful performance of any activity, as a degree of mobilization of internal resources of the person for the purpose of the most effective decision of certain tasks.
Considering readiness as a system of competencies, it can be described as a unifying in a certain direction quality (trait) of personality, aimed at rapid, correct and adequate response to various professional and educational tasks using the acquired in the educational process system of competencies.
Accordingly, the readiness of the tourism manager to innovative activity is considered by us as an integrated, personal acquisition, which is expressed in the presence of the tourism manager a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal professional qualities that are the result of personal development, special training, education and self-education, to solve professional problems using the latest, innovative, non-standard approaches, methods and ideas.
Accordingly, the formation of professional competencies in future tourism managers is a very important problem of modern training. After all, in the rapidly changing tourist space, it is worth focusing on the acquisition of competencies that will allow being a multidisciplinary specialist in the field, which will be formed pedagogical, psychological, innovative, creative, managerial, economic and tourism professional traits.
According to the educational program of the direction of preparation "Tourism", educational and professional characteristics of the future specialist of tourist activity, are defined in concepts of professional competence. In the relevant constituent documents in this area of training, competence is characterized as a list of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities of the student's personality in professional matters, professional terminology and the presence of features of culture and education in this field [12: 20].
The program of competencies, in particular professional ones, consists of the competencies of a tourism manager. Researcher N. Stepanets identifies the following competencies: theoretical and technological; production and technological; social-communicative, social-methodical competence; pedagogical competence.
In the period of formation of professional competencies in students of tourism, future professionals in the field of tourism should be considered in stages, as an important pedagogical condition [14: 131-137].
Modern scientists also emphasize that basic competencies are variable and can change their components and structure, it may depend on socioeconomic changes in society, innovative changes in education and other areas of activity, the priorities of society [16: 75].
Without denying the views of N. Stepanets on certain competencies for tourism professionals, we want to emphasize the need to update them and emphasize their features, given the changing structure of society's priorities, goals of education and tourism market in general, it is necessary to add innovation and investment component to these competencies which in modern is considered a top priority for the readiness of future tourism experts to innovation and investment activities.
Innovation and investment component envisages the presence of the special preparation in industry of internet-marketing and management theory - the ability to apply the latest methods and models for implementing innovative solutions and the ability to communicate with people and work in a team that needs the business and tolerant relationships of manager with colleagues, subordinates, leaders in order to achieve the goals of innovation.
During the studies at a higher education institution this training should consist of educational orientation and pedagogical components, namely the future manager should be focused on the development of personal psychological and pedagogical qualities, such as: attentiveness, speed of perception, memory, efficiency and ability to selfimprovement. In addition, the profession of manager of innovation and investment activities in tourism involves creativity, knowledge of the laws and technologies of the modern market and the ability to apply them in practice.
We define the readiness of the future tourism manager for innovation and investment activities as - modernization of program, practical, situational tasks and an indicator of his ability to unconventionally solve a number of management and educational problems and a set of special competencies and relevant competencies aimed at improving and developing the tourism industry, region, firm, institution.
So, in our opinion, in theoretical and technological competencies, except the presence of the system of professional knowledge, a modern tourism manager, should focus on innovative knowledge and today's innovations, for successful and productive activities in the modern tourism industry. In production and technology competence, the future manager should not only be aware of innovative changes, but also know how to use them in practice, moreover understand how innovations and experience of innovations from other industries can be produced in the tourism industry and get a positive result. Social communicative competence determines the manager's ability to be responsible for innovation and take the innovation process under his/her own control and be responsible for its results. Social methodological competence is a key component of formation of the future tourism manager in addition to the ability to establish communications in the team, but also to create a positive mood and strategy for the whole team to personal, professional and collective growth. Pedagogical competence for the readiness of the future tourism manager to innovation and investment activity, in our opinion, is one of the most important, for in addition to the above-mentioned abilities, the future tourism manager must be able to conduct team-building, be a good psychologist withing the formed entity, take into account individual characteristics, manage teams and groups, have pedagogical traits to motivate, communicate and solve various problems in the production and service teams, during the development of innovations and investment policy.
Exactly during acquisition of the future manager of tourism, the above competencies, he will form a set of key competencies for innovation and investment activities in tourism.
Moral and psychological competence is a set of stable life principles, namely: humanity, justice, responsibility, politeness and emotional restraint, ability to accept criticism and work on oneself, politeness, authority, business and personal reputation.
The pedagogical competence of the manager is the ability to teach subordinates and colleagues, to argue and explain their views and actions, to organize the cultural, physical, recreational period of leisure.
Professional and business competence - is the art of leadership, creativity, ability to work with people, the ability to create ideas and implement them in practice, computer and innovation-technological skills, active life position, culture of communication, knowledge of foreign languages. Quickly implement nonstandard solutions, be able to motivate and develop staff, optimize work, create a positive microclimate and be able to maintain work discipline in the team, activate conversation activities in the team and business negotiations, the ability to respond quickly and act in crises and risks.
In order for future managers to acquire the relevant professional competencies that will be aimed at innovation and investment activities in the field of tourism, it is necessary to consider the pedagogical conditions for the training of future managers.
Scientist V. Manko defines pedagogical conditions as an interconnected set of internal parameters and external characteristics of functioning, which ensures high efficiency of the educational process and answer the psychological and pedagogical criteria [9: 153].
Scientists, A. Semenova and V. Stasiuk understand pedagogical conditions as circumstances on which depends and in which there is a holistic productive pedagogical process of professional training, which is mediated by the activity of individual, groups of people [13: 193].
Under the pedagogical conditions of preparation of future tourism managers for innovation in the context of our study, we understand the list of pedagogical processes and actions that are relevant for use in today's educational environment, the implementation of which can ensure readiness for innovation of future tourism managers.
Based on the theoretical analysis, we have identified and substantiated a list of pedagogical conditions for quality training of future managers of tourism:
- motivation to acquire theoretical knowledge and skills in innovational activity in the future tourism manager;
- focus on education and selfeducation throughout life;
- organizational combination of different educational forms of pedagogical process, in order to strengthen the process of formation of professional competencies in future managers of tourism experts;
- creative involvement of students in writing scientific and research works related to innovations and innovative activities in tourism;
- creation of innovation and information educational environment: site, blog, page, to prepare future managers of innovation activity to use the latest technologies and processes.
- supplementing the content of professional disciplines in the context of preparing future tourism managers for innovation activity;
- formation of the teacher's orientation to master pedagogical values and technologies by future specialists, as well as orientation of teachers' activity on positive attitude of students to mastering the content of education with receiving feedback from students, assistance in selfdetermination of professional growth for future activities.
Conclusions and research perspectives. As a result, it can be argued that in order to create highly competent specialists of the new generation, which are trained to provide an appropriate theoretical and practical basis for the development of a certain area of activity in conditions of market competition, managers need to be prepared for an environment where responsibility and job duties can often change, information comes from a variety of sources, and productivity directly depends on a willingness to rapidly solve a number of problems.
The modern specialist of the tourist industry will be able to carry out competitive activity only under conditions of exhaustive mastering of knowledge in the field of innovation, economy of tourism and investment, pedagogic and psychology.
In addition, due to sufficient mastery and study of pedagogical and psychological aspects of tourism, he/she must be able to build interpersonal relationships in the team, solve problems with a creative approach, build a strategy and gradually achieve the goals.
A modern tourism manager should master the following competencies: be aware of innovative knowledge and innovations of today, for successful and productive activities in the modern field of tourism. He / she should know how to use them in practice. Such a specialist should be responsible for the innovation and take the process under his/her own control and be responsible for the final results. The future tourism manager must be able to create, be a good psychologist in the team, have pedagogical traits to motivate, communicate and solve all sorts of unexpected problems in the team, during the development of innovations and investment policy.
The acquisition of relevant competencies of future tourism managers should be ensured by the introduction of appropriate pedagogical conditions that are relevant for use in today's educational environment, the implementation of which will ensure the acquisition of professional competencies and readiness for innovative activities of future tourism managers.
This is the content of training the future manager of tourism, the unity of theory and practice, pedagogical component and innovative orientation, aimed at the formation of professional competencies provided by general, pedagogical, innovative, economic, marketing and other professional components. It can determine the ability of a specialist to work and get positive results that answer the social requirements of modernity and scientific development, both in the context of globalization and sustainable development, and in the current uncertainty in the tourism industry that caused by the crisis phenomena.
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