The child-centered ideas of S. Baley in comparison with the same ideas of other scholars

Present the child-centered ideas of the Central and Eastern European scholar Baley. Determining the possibility of practical application of child-centered ideas and practical advice of a scientist in the process of reforming the modern Ukrainian school.

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The child-centered ideas of S. Baley in comparison with the same ideas of other scholars

Mykhailo Podoliak PhD, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

50 Pekarska Str., Lviv, Ukraine

The aim of the article is to present and analyze the child-centered ideas of the Central and Eastern European scholar S. Baley. The scholar comprehensively researched a child, using his knowledge not only in psychology and pedagogy but also in medicine as well. The article presents S. Baley's child-centered ideas i. e.: he considered a child as a personality with his own interests, willing and fears; he regards the child using psychology of a mature person; the scholar emphasizes on the adaptation of educational and teaching process to the child's needs and interest; education of children should be based on their needs and interests, taking into account intellectual and physical abilities as well as their individuality; the scholar emphasized on the adaptation of teachers and educators for features of child's psyche. The article presents the comparison of ideas and views of S. Baley with other famous scholars who regarded a child as a central object.

Keywords: child-centered approach, S. Baley, Child's Education, Child's Individuality, Educational process, Poland, Ukraine.

МИХАЙЛО ПОДОЛЯК кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент Львівський національний університет ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій ім. С. 3. Ґжицького вул. Пекарська 50, м. Львів, Україна


Проаналізовано дитиноцентричні ідеї С. Балея, відомого педагога, психолога і філософа в Центральній і Східній Європі, та дано їх порівняння з дитиноцентричними ідеями відомих українських та світових науковців. Актуальність роботи полягає в можливості практичного застосування дитиноцентричних ідей та практичних порад вченого у процесі реформування сучасної української школи. Здобувши грунтовну освіту в Галичині і за кордоном, С. Балей присвятив своє життя дослідженню та висвітленню проблем виховання, навчання і розвитку дітей. Чимало польських та українських науковців займалися дослідженням його наукової спадщини, проте небагатьма з них була висвітлена тема дитиноцентричних ідей вченого. Центральним об'єктом його дослідження були: дитина і дитинство, процес розвитку психіки дитини, виховний вплив на дітей і т. д. С. Балей всебічно досліджував дитину, використовуючи свої знання з психології, педагогіки та медицини. Викладено погляди С. Балея щодо дітей та їхнього виховання в школі і сім 'ї, організації процесу навчання в школі, важливості і практичної діяльності вчителя, практичні поради щодо укладання шкільної програми і вибору тематики уроків, наголошував на виключенні зі шкільної програми тих предметів, які не будуть потрібні учням як членам суспільства в майбутньому. Науковець відзначав важливу роль шкільного психолога у школі, наголошуючи на його участі у виховному процесі та навчанні учнів. С. Балей вважав дитину особистістю з власними інтересами, бажаннями і страхами, розглядав її, використовуючи психологію зрілої людини. Вчений наголошував на адаптації навчально-виховного процесу до потреб та інтересів дитини, досліджував питання втомлюваності дитини в школі та шляхи її уникнення, виховання дитини має грунтуватися на її потребах та інтересах, враховуючи 'її інтелектуальні та фізичні здібності, а також індивідуальність, акцентував увагу на адаптації вчителів і педагогів до особливостей дитячої психіки, наголошував на адаптації шкільного матеріалу до віку учнів. Для досягнення вищезазначених цілей С. Балей підкреслював детальне вивчення та дослідження кожної дитини в класі та визначення її психічних особливостей, залучаючи до цього процесу шкільного психолога. Представлено порівняльний аналіз ідей та поглядів С. Балея з іншими відомими вченими- дитиноцентристами, зокрема такими, як І. Сікорський, О. Музиченко, Т. Лубенець.

Ключові слова: дитиноцентризм, С. Балей, виховання, індивідуальність дитини, навчальний процес, Польща, Україна.


кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Львовский национальный університет ветеринарной медицины и биотехнологий им. С. 3. Гжицкого ул. Пекарская 50, г. Львов, Украина


Цель статьи заключается в представлении и анализе ребенкоцентрычных идей С. Балея, известного педагога, психолога и философа в Центральной и Восточной Европе и сравнении их с ребенкоцентрычнимы идеями известных украинских и мировых ученых. Актуальность работы заключается в возможности практического применения ребенкоцентрычных идей и практических советов ученого в процессе реформирования современной украинской школы. Получив хорошее образование в Галичине и за рубежом, С. Балей посвятил свою жизнь исследованию и освещению проблем воспитания, обучения и развития детей. Много польских и украинских ученых занимались исследованием его научного наследия, однако немногими из них была освещена тема ребенкоцентрычных идей ученого. Центральным объектом его исследования были ребенок и детство, процесс развития психики ребенка, воспитательное воздействие на детей и т. д. С. Балей всесторонне исследовал ребенка, используя свои знания не только в психологии и педагогике, но и в медицине. Изложены идеи С. Балея в отношении детей и их воспитания в школе и семье; организации процесса обучения в школе; важности и практической деятельности учителя; практические советы по заключению школьной программы и выбора тематики уроков; отмечал исключении из школьной программы тех предметов, которые не потребуются ученикам, как членам общества в будущем. Ученый подчеркивал важную роль школьного психолога в школе, подчеркивая его участия в воспитательном процессе и обучении учащихся. С. Балей считал ребенка личностью с собственными интересами, желаниями и страхами; ребенка он рассматривает используя психологию зрелого человека; исследователь отмечает адаптации учебновоспитательного процесса к потребностям и интересам ребенка; исследовал вопрос утомляемости ребенка в школе и пути ее избежание; воспитание ребенка должно основываться на его потребностях и интересах, учитывая его интеллектуальные и физические способности, а также индивидуальность; ученый акцентировал внимание на адаптации учителей и педагогов к особенностями детской психики; акцентировал внимание на адаптации школьного материала возрасту учащихся. Для достижения вышеуказанных целей С. Балей акцентировал на детальном изучении и исследовании каждого ребенка в классе и определение его психических особенностей, привлекая к этому процессу школьного психолога. Дан сравнительный анализ идей и взглядов С. Балея с другими известными учеными-ребенкоцентрыстамы, в частности такими, как И. Сикорский, А. Музыченко, Т. Лубенец.

Ключевые слова: ребенкоцентрызм, С. Балей, воспитание индивидуальности ребенка, учебный процесс, Польша, Украина.

The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century is characterized by the formation and development of the Child-centered approach in pedagogics. This notion presupposes that a child is thecentral element of the educational-teaching process. All materials, methods, and activities are created and adapted to the child's interests, needs, and demands according to this approach all. The main element of the child-centered approach is the pedagogics that comes from a child. Education and learning process should not be conducted on the basis of already prepared and set school syllabuses, schedules, manuals, books, and rules. They should be oriented to the child's interests and needs. Child- centered ideas presuppose that the organization of educational process in a school should be conducted in such a way that the personality of a child could have the greatest possibility to show itself through games, talks, quizzes etc.

Child-centered ideas are present in pedagogical ideas and scientific publications of O. Decroly, J. Dewey, J.-J. Rousseau etc. The approach was presented in Ukraine by such famous pedagogues as:

І. Sikorsky, T. Lubenets, O. Muzychenko etc as well. The child-centered approach is shown in publications and research activities of the Ukrainian and Polish scholar, pedagogue, psychologist S.Baley. His child-centered ideas were researched by the following Ukrainian scholars: O. Honcharenko, Yu. Vintiuk, M. Vernykov, A. Iatyshchuk, N. Fanenshtel, and others. The great contribution towards the research of child-centered ideas of the scholar was done by O. Kvas in her monograph concerning the history of child-centered ideas.

The novelty and the actuality of the article lie in the research and publication of S. Baley's child- centered ideas that can be widely used nowadays, especially in the current process of the schooling system reforming. His ideas concerning the personal approach of the learning process, the personality of a teacher and a school psychologist, table of child psyche development, the organization of lessons conducting etc. can be widely used nowadays.

S. Baley was born on February 4th, 1885 in the village Velyki Birky, in Ternopil region, Ukraine. Having finished his study in elementary school, he continued in Ternopil gymnasium, where he obtained a maturity certificate. Then he studied psychology and philosophy at Lviv University. He was one of the best students of Professor K. Twardowski. Having graduated the University, he began to work as a teacher of logic and elementary psychology in Ukrainian gymnasia in Lviv, Ternopil, and Przemysl. S. Baley got a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Lviv University in 1911 under the scientific supervision of K. Twardowski. He was awarded a scholarship from the Austrian Ministry of Education aimed at further education of scientists in 1912. Thus, he left Lviv and headed for Germany and then France and Austria [11].

Upon his returning to Ukraine, the professor actively worked in different scholarly circles, such as: Polish Philosophy Community in Lviv, T. Shevchenko's Scientific Circle, Lviv Institute of Normal and Pathological Psychology (1921-1928). He worked as a lecturer in Ukrainian Secret University (1922-1924) in Lviv as well. He began to work at the Department of Psychology of Education at Warsaw University in 1927. S. Baley was a director of the Institute of Psychology of Education of Warsaw University, State Teacher's Institute, Pedagogical Institute of Polish Teachers Union etc. S. Baley was a member of Warsaw Philosophy Community, Warsaw Scientific Community, Head of the Committee of Pedagogical Scientific Community. He was a member of Polish Academy of Sciences, awarded the Order of the Rebirth of Poland [10].

S. Baley wrote a decent number of scholarly works on philosophy, pedagogy and psychology, including: “Osobowosc” in 1939, “Zarys psychologji w zwi^zku z rozwojem psychikidziecka” in 1935, “Psychologia wychowawcza w zarysie” in 1938,“Wprowadzenie do psychologii wspolcznej” in 1959, “Нарис психольогії” in 1922, “Нарис логіки” in 1923, “3 психології творчості Шевченка” in 1916 etc [9].

Child-centered ideas were predominant in S. Baley's scholarly work. This assumption is made due to thorough analysis of his scholarly achievements, works, ideas and views. It is present in such works as: "Educational psychology in notes" and "Notes on psychology in relation to the development of a child's psyche". The key object of these books is a child. S. Baley described a child as well as its psyche development, taking into account all aspects of education. It included the educational influence of a family, school class, parents, environment etc. The scholar described the process of the child's psyche development taking into account even the fact whether the child is from a rich or poor family; whether the child is from the countryside or from city etc. Not only had he described the child's psyche development, but the physiological processes as well. S. Baley wrote in detail about the process of development of different human organs and parts of the body at different life stages. While describing them, he mentioned the influence they have on the psyche development and educational process.The educational activity of S. Baley was mainly around child and his education. Due to his publications, initiative and efforts, centers of school psychological service, psychotechnical schools, centers of psychological hygiene were introduced. The aim of these institutions was to monitor children in schools, take care of their psychological health etc. S. Baley was the director of the Pedagogical Institute of Polish Teachers for more than 15 years. He organized training and improving qualification for polish teachers with the aim to better the process of children education. A child began to be treated as a personality with its own interests, psychological needs and thoughts owing to the scholarly publication of S. Baley: “Different psychological phenomena, which we can observe in a child are not only less stronger than in mature human, but qualitatively different” [8, p. 318].

A child, in his publications, become one of the key elements in family life. S. Baley stressed upon the fact that parents must take into account the needs of children as well as their interests. Parents educate their child through everyday behavior and the way this child is treated in a family according to the scholar. The attitude of a child towards its parents, which occurred at early age, is transferred later towards teachers and educators. The same happens with, for example, opposition to adults. Therefore, S. Baley stressed on the importance of the earliest psyche development and education of a child, which are conducted by parents. The scholar gave advice to parents who have two or more children. He mentioned that parents should distribute their attention to all children equally [7, p. 490]. Moreover, he described the feelings that occur in a child of different age group, i. e. younger, middle and oldest child. S. Baley worked on the question of heredity of certain features of character from parents, mentioning that it also influences the process of personality formation in a child [1]. baley child ukrainian school

S. Baley's child-centered approach is present in the description and analysis of the educational influence of a school on a child. The role of psychologists in the process of school program compiling was emphasized by the scholar. He stated that psychologists know the child's needs and interests better and therefore he suggested that they should take an active part in the process of school program creation [6]. The efficiency of the educational process will rise when taking into account the needs and interests of a child. The scholar proposed considering the stage of a child's psyche development in the compilation of a school program: “Psychologist can mention that the program is dedicated to certain age or is not truly too complicated, taking into account child psyche hygiene. However, it can too overloaded concerning the possibilities of perception of a pupil's psyche on a certain phase of development” [8, p. 495]. Concerning the quotation, it is worth mentioning that S. Baley composed the Table of the stages of a child's psyche development according to the age criteria. The Table describes the process of a child's psyche development according to different age period, starting from infant and ending 24 y. o. person. The Table is divided into different stages and phases of a child's psyche development with the detailed description of features of character, behavior, and feeling of a child in each phase [8, p. 330].

The role of the psychologist in the process of school program composing was emphasized by S. Baley in his works. This process should be done in such a way, says the author, that the school program not only give knowledge to pupils, but also educate them. Owing to this, the school program should be developed according to the psychological needs of children. Thus, this is not a child who must adjust to the school program. The role of the psychologist in a school program composition lies in the determination of the psychological needs of a child, its interests and behavior so that to adjust the school program to them [5].

S. Baley emphasized on the excluding from the school program materials and subjects that will be useless for a child in the future. He stressed on the principle of connection of the degree of difficulty, interest and appropriate degree of child's psyche development in the process of a school program composition as well. It is important to take into account the interest of pupils since children will learn material, which poses interest for them. The principle of formal education was of interest to S. Baley as well. According to the principle, he proposed to teach children such subjects, which will improve their thinking abilities and quality of knowledge. Thus, the main idea of S. Baley is to adjust the school program and subjects to the child's needs and interests [7, p. 501].

S. Baley researched tiredness of children in school as well. That is the other evidence of his child-centered approach. He based his statements on the previous studies on this problem while studying the influence of tiredness on an educational and learning processes in school. The author advised on methods of avoiding tiredness of children in learning new material and its usage in practice. Hisadvice is actual even nowadays. One of the best examples on this topic is the advice for teachers to avoid giving pupils unnecessary material i. e. that will be useless for them in the future [7, p. 501].

The other issue is the describing of the role of teacher or educator in the process of a child teaching and educating proposed by S. Baley. Considering the problem he noted that the teacher should cognize in detail personalities of his pupils and it can be done while closely working with the school psychologist. The teacher should evaluate his pupils appropriately meanwhile observing how this pupil succeed in learning. The scholar noted that such observation could help the teacher to manage the educational process in a better way and adjust himself to the educational and learning process of a pupil [4].

The process of pupil's personality cognition S. Baley included in the activity of psychological care of pupils that should be done in every school by a psychologist. This kind of psychological care adapt the educational and learning process in a school to the individual possibilities of pupils as well as their individual features of character. This activity helps a teacher to select the appropriate intensity of the teaching process this way avoiding pupils overload, tiredness and dropping out. The cognition of a pupil's personality includes the research of their desire, preferences, and ideals of pupils. This information is of great help to teachers and can be used in school program composing and material selecting. Considering the abovementioned, S. Baley emphasized that the task of the school is to develop and increase the intellectual abilities of children, educate them and make them useful members of a society and good personalities [7, p. 630]. He emphasized upon the statement that a teacher should know child psyche, its components, and development features at a certain age perfectly. The physical development of a child poses great importance as well since it is closely interconnected with psychological. Owing to this, the scholar has developed the Table of child psyche development according to age periods.

A child was the central object of S. Baley's research concerning the investigation of society influence on a child education and development. He described the child as an active member of society and presented in detail the educational influences it has on a child [3]. He regarded them from the point of view of a child, while describing such influences, especially it is seen in such an element of the society as a family. For example, he noted that parents react very strictly for some naughty behavior of a child and express their reaction through threats, reproaches or anger. In this case, the child would be forced to rein in some psychological impulses inside its mind and adapt to the rules of adults. All these factors would slow down curiosity and initiative in children and thus, it can have negative effects [7, p. 328]. The scholar emphasized on the importance of the understanding of a child's psyche by adults. Such understanding presupposes excellent knowledge about the child's psyche, its development, and elements, the understanding of the emotional sphere and child's needs [7, p. 331]. This understanding allow adults to better adapt the educational process in order to increase its effectiveness.

Thus, one can conclude that the child-centered approach is one of the key issues in his scholarly ideas, thoughts, and works having analyzed ideas and works of S. Baley. They mainly concern the educational process in a family and educational-teaching process in school. Child-centered ideas of the scholar presupposed the obligatory consideration of a certain stage of a child's psyche development, its interests, and needs. He treated the child as a personality with its own needs and feelings while researching a child, physiological and psychological sphere and their relations.

However, for a better understanding of the child-centered approach of S. Baley, it is necessary to use a comparative method. Therefore, it was decided to compare ideas of S. Baley with other famous Ukrainian pedagogues, who are considered to have a child-centered approach.

The similarity of the child-centered approach is observed in both, S. Baley and famous Ukrainian pedagogue I. Sikorsky. The scholarly views of I. Sikorsky were based on the idea of the complex study of a child - the research of its physical, psychological and spiritual development [2, p. 130]. The similar views are seen in S. Baley, since he researched the development of a child, including both, physiological and psychological. However, S. Baley did not research spiritual development, contrary to I. Sikorsky. I. Sikorsky emphasized on the fact that all learning and educational processes should be concentrated around the psychological features of every child. The similar statement was mentioned by S. Baley, who noted that the educational process in a school should be based on a child's needs and interests [7, p. 495-496]. Common points in the scholars lie in the fact that they approached towards the study of a child as a unity, researching emotional, physiological and psychological developments, a process of personality formation etc.

The similarity in child-centered views is seen between Ukrainian pedagogue O. Muzychenko and S. Baley. Both scholars emphasized the importance of the organization of learning and educational processes according to the abilities and interests of a child [2, p. 133]. In addition, S. Baley underlined the role of pupil's interest in learning and educational processes. He noted that if pupils were interested in the presented material, they would learn it willingly and know it better. The result would be in the increased efficiency of learning and educational processes [7, p. 503].

However, there is a difference between the child-centered views of T. Lubenets and S. Baley. T. Lubenets stated that the child's soul is not a soft wax out of which a certain model can be made or not a blackboard on which an educator can write anything he wants. S. Baley, on the other side, considered a child's psyche as a clean sheet of paper or clay, out of which a personality can be made, using appropriate pedagogical influences [5, p. 134].

Thus, having analyzed scholarly ideas of S. Baley, their development and due to numerous publications of the scholar, it is assumed that the scholar used a child-centered approach. A child becomes one of the key objects in his studies and publications. He regards the child and its psyche comprehensively, describing in detail every aspect of a child's development i. e. physiological and psychological. Moreover, he considered the child as a personality with its own interests, needs, and ambitions. S. Baley noted that the process of a child's development and education should be based on the child needs and interests, taking into account its individuality, possibilities, state of psychological development etc. S. Baley emphasized on the fact that teacher and educator, as well as school programs, should adjust to the features of a child, to its psyche. In addition, having compared scientific ideas of S. Baley with ideas of Ukrainian scholars with child-centered approach one can see similar approaches, i. e. child and childhood are regarded as the main subject in the process of education.


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11. Zebrowska M. Wspomnienia posmiertne: S. Baley (1885-1952) / M. Zebrowska // Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego. - 1952. - № 45. - S. 89-92.


1. Vintiuk Yu. Teoretychne pidhruntia psykhologichnykh pohliadiv S. Baleia [Theoretical basis of psychological views of S. Baley]. Pedagogika I psykhologia profesiioni osvity, 2016, № 1, pp. 169-180.

2. Kvas O. Dytynotsentryzm u naukakh pro vykhovannia: istorychnyi aspekt [Child-centered approach in the educational sciences: historical aspect]. Drohobych, PH of Drohobych University n.a. Ivan Franko, 2011, 300 p.

3. Kvas O. Vplyv syspilstva na vykhovni procesy u dytyny u doslidzheniakh Stepana Baleia [The influence of society on educational processes of a child in research and publications of S. Baley]. Drohobych, Molod i Rynok, 2016, № 6(137), pp. 6-12.

4. Baley S. Drogi samopoznanie [Ways of selfcognition]. Krakow, Wiedza. Zawod. Kultura, 1947, p. 147.

5. Baley S. Psychologja kontaktu wychowawczego [Psychology of educational contact]. Warszawa, Koto Pedagogiczne Studentow Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1931, 72 p.

6. Baley S. Psychologja wieku dojrzewania [Psychology of the maturation age]. Lwow; Warszawa, Ksi^znica-Atlas, 1932, 262 р.Baley S. Psychologia wychowawcza w zarysie [Essay on educational psychology]. Lwow; Warszawa, Ksi^znica-Atlas, 1958, 415 p.

7. Baley S. Zarys psychologji w zwi^zku z rozwojem psychiki dziecka [Essay on psychology with the relation of a child's psyche development]. Lwow; Warszawa, Ksi^znica-Atlas, 1935, 424 p.

8. Jadczak R. Z miзdzywojennej dzialalnosci S.a Baleya (1885-1952) na polu psychologii i pedagogiki [On the international activity of S. Baley (1885-1952) in the sphere of psychology and pedagogics]. Warszawa, Psychologia wychowawcza, 1995, № 3, pp. 204-215.

9. Podoliak M. Stefan Baley - a cross-cultural scientist. Warszawa, Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 3 (237), 2015, pp. 92-102.

10. Zebrowska M. Wspomnienia posmiertne: S. Baley (1885-1952) [Afterdeath rememberings: S. Baley (1885-1952)]. Warszawa, Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego, 1952, № 45, pp. 89-92.

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