Educational policy in the field of sport during the covid-19 pandemic: challenges, threats, development trends

Analysis of the current problem situation in the sports field related to the covid-19 pandemic. Study of the essence of sport as an educational policy aimed at overcoming the negative effects of the covid-19 pandemic and suspending sports activities.

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Дата добавления 14.04.2022
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Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Lithuanian sports university

Prydniprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport

Educational policy in the field of sport during the covid-19 pandemic: challenges, threats, development trends

Bilohur Vlada

Andriukaitiene Regina

Makieshyna Yuliia

20, Hetmanskaya str., 72300 Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia region Ukraine

6, str. Sporto, Kaunas municipality, 44221 Kaunas, Lithuania

10, Naberezhna Peremohy str., 49094 Dnipro, Ukraine


The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that educational policy in sports field during the COVID-19 pandemic comes to the fore, because the tasks in this area depend on the formation of a physically healthy and spiritually hardened personality. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the place and sports role in human life and society, which is becoming the largest self-organization indicator of physical, social and spiritual health, directly restores the vital forces of human nature. The aim of the research is to conceptualize educational policy in sports field in the context of COVID-19 in the context of the main challenges, problems and development forecasts of educational policy in sports field. Objectives of the research: 1) analysis of the current problem situation in the sports field related to the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) analysis of problems of educational policy in the sports field during the COVID-19 pandemic; 3) study of the essence of sport as an educational policy aimed at overcoming the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and suspending sports activities; 4) research of overcoming the problems and risks of educational policy in the sports field in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and identifying areas for improving sports activities that shape the personality and is expressed in physical, spiritual and mental principles harmonization. An educational policy conceptualization in the sports field of in the COVID-19 context is still insufficiently studied, but an influential force for the personality formation, its hardening and impact on health.

The results of the research. The issue of preserving the health of young people is a strategic task of the state, especially given the unfavorable situation that occurs in our country during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, everyone should not only be aware of their personal responsibility for their health, but also make an effort to maintain and constantly strengthen it, looking at it from four angles - physical, mental, social and spiritual. Human health is an important prerequisite for achieving vital goals related to the successful formation of the educational space (quality education, professional development).

Key words: educational policy, sports, COVID-19 pandemic, educational policy issues, health. Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks.


БІЛОГУР, В. Є. - доктор філософських наук, професор кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання та спортивних дисциплін, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (Мелітополь, Запорізька область, Україна)

АНДРЮКАИТЕНЕ, РЕГІНА - доктор, лектор кафедри менеджменту спорту і туризму, Литовський університет спорту (Каунас, Литва)

МАКЄШИНА, Ю. В. - кандидат філософських наук, доцент, кафедра соціально-гуманітарних наук Придніпровська державна академія фізичної культури і спорту (Дніпро, Україна)


Актуальність теми дослідження визначається тим, що освітня політика у галузі спорту під час пандемії COVID-19 висувається на перший план, тому що від завдань у цій сфері залежить формування фізично здорової і духовно загартованої особистості. Пандемія COVID-19 привела до зростання місця і ролі спорту у житті людини і суспільства, який стає найбільшим показником самоорганізації фізичного, соціального і духовного здоров'я людини, дозволяє відновити безпосередньо життєві сили людської природи. Метою дослідження є концептуалізація освітньої політики у галузі спорту в умовах COVID-19 у контексті основних викликів, проблем і прогнозів розвитку освітньої політики у галузі спорту. Завдання дослідження: 1) аналіз сучасної проблемної ситуації у сфері спорту, пов'язаною з пандемією COVID-19; 2) аналіз проблем освітньої політики у галузі спорту під час пандемії COVID-19; 3) дослідження сутності спорту як освітньої політики, направленої на подолання негативних явищ пандемії COVID-19 та призупинення спортивної діяльності; 4) дослідження подолання проблем та ризиків освітньої політики у галузі спорту в умовах пандемії COVID-19 та виявлення напрямів підвищення спортивної діяльності, що формує особистість та виражається у гармонізації тілесного, духовного і душевного начал. Концептуалізація освітньої політики у галузі спорту в умовах COVID-19 є ще недостатньо вивченою, але впливовою силою для становлення особистості, її загартування та впливу на стан здоров'я.

Результат дослідження. Проблематика збереження здоров'я молоді є стратегічним завданням держави, особливо з огляду на несприятливу ситуацію, яка має місце у нашій країні під час в умовах пандемії COVID-19. Проте кожна людина повинна не тільки усвідомлювати особисту відповідальність за своє здоров'я, але й прикладати зусилля, щоб його зберігати та постійно зміцнювати, розглядаючи його з чотирьох сторін - фізичної, психічної, соціальної й духовної. Здоров'я людини є важливою передумовою для досягнення життєво важливих цілей, пов'язаних з успішним становленням освітнього простору (якісна освіта, професійний розвиток).

Ключові слова: освітня політика, спорт, пандемія COVID-19, проблеми освітньої політики, збереження здоров'я.


БИЛОГУР, В. Е. - доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры теории и методики физического воспитания и спортивных дисциплин, Мелитопольский государственный педагогический университет имени Богдана Хмельницкого (Мелитополь, Украина)

АНДРЮКАИТЕНЕ, РЕГИНА - доктор, лектор кафедры менеджмента спорта и туризма (Каунас, Литва), Литовский университет спорта (Каунас, Литва)

МАКЕШИНА, Ю. В. - кандидат философских наук, доцент, кафедра социально-гуманитарних наук Приднепровская академия физической культуры и спорта (Днепр, Украина)


Актуальность темы исследования заключается в том, что во время пандемии COVID-19 на первый план выдвигается образовательная политика в области спорта, от постановки задач в этой сфере зависит формирование физически здоровой и духовно закаленной личности. Пандемия COVID-19 привела к росту места и роли спорта в жизни человека и общества, который становится крупнейшим показателем самоорганизации физического, социального и духовного здоровья человека, позволяет восстановить жизненные силы человеческой природы.

Целью исследования является концептуализация образовательной политики в области спорта в условиях COVID-19 в контексте основных вызовов, проблем и прогнозов развития образовательной политики в области спорта. Задачи исследования: 1) анализ современной проблемной ситуации в сфере спорта, связанной с пандемией COVID-19; 2) анализ проблем образовательной политики в области спорта во время пандемии COVID-19; 3) исследование сущности спорта как образовательной политики, направленной на преодоление негативных явлений пандемии COVID-1 и приостановление спортивной деятельности; 4) исследование преодоления проблем и рисков образовательной политики в области спорта в условиях пандемии COVID-19 и выявление направлений повышения спортивной деятельности, направленной на формирование личности, что выражается и в гармонизации телесного, духовного и душевного начал. Концептуализация образовательной политики в области спорта в условиях COVID-19 еще недостаточно изученная, спорт является влиятельной силой для становления личности, ее закалки и влияния на состояние здоровья.

Результат исследования. Проблематика сохранения здоровья молодежи является стратегической задачей государства, особенно учитывая неблагоприятную ситуацию, которая имеет место в нашей стране в условиях пандемии COVID-19. Однако каждый человек должен не только осознавать личную ответственность за свое здоровье, но и прикладывать усилия, чтобы его сохранять и постоянно укреплять, рассматривая его с четырех сторон - физической, психической, социальной и духовной. Здоровье человека является важной предпосылкой для достижения жизненно важных целей, связанных с успешным становлением образовательного пространства (качественное образование, профессиональное развитие).

Ключевые слова: образовательная политика, спорт, пандемия COVID-19, проблемы образовательной политики, сохранения здоровья.


The relevance of educational policy in sports field in COVID-19 as a socially responsible state factor is determined by the fact that educational policy in the sports field in this period comes to the fore, because the tasks in this area depend on the formation of a healthy physically and spiritually hardened personality. The urgency of the topic is determined by the emergence of an increasing number of problems related to human health, objective processes that indicate instability, uncertainty, crises in society; secondly, the involvement of a value-based approach to the definition of sport in the context of COVID-19 as a complex social and cultural phenomenon that affects the development of a holistic personality; thirdly, the formation of educational policy in the field of modern sports trends - professionalization, commercialization, development of sports at the international and regional levels [1].

The main problem of educational policy in the sports field in the context of COVID-19 is the hardening of the individual and the preservation of his health, which is associated with the growth of sports in society, which allows to restore the vital forces of human nature. Education policy in the sports field in the context of COVID-19 is related to the main challenges, problems and forecasts of development [2].

The relevance of the topic is determined by those objective processes that indicate qualitative changes in human life; secondly, objective processes that indicate instability, uncertainty, crises in social life and the need to involve a value-based approach to the definition of sport in the context of COVID-19, which affects the development of sport and personality; thirdly, the formation of educational policy in the field of modern sports trends, when the coronavirus pandemic forced the suspension of sports competitions, which led to an increasing number of problems of professionalization and commercialization of sports; fourth, the pandemic caused panic in world sports as a result of the postponement of games and competitions, forcing competition organizers to take responsibility and wait for instructions from national authorities and the World Health Organization. Some starts have been canceled, others have been moved to other cities and are postponed indefinitely, and still others are held without spectators or with a limited number [2]. It is known how important physical and mental health is, especially in unusual stressful situations.

Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies

The development of sports has taken place at all times: in the ancient period it was physical exercises, games, martial arts of a sports nature; in the XVIII- XIX centuries. gymnastics was reduced to the rank of education of the individual as a whole. According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the theory of "natural education" can heal the shortcomings of his time. In the modern sense, sport is a person's effort to expand the limits of human capabilities, which are realized through a system of exercise and participation in competitions. Important for our study is the problem of the game, which is the basis of competitive sports, which is based on the ontology of the game as a subject of philosophical reflection, among which are Plato, Aristotle, I. Kant, F. Schiller, J. Huizinga, E. Fink, X.-G. Gadamer, J. Mead, J. Baudrillard, M. Bakhtin, J.-M. Brom, M. Weber, A. Guttmann, David E Dunning, N. Elias. It is necessary to allocate works which are devoted to possibilities of the philosophical approach to the analysis of influence of sports activity on the person and a society, to the analysis of bases of understanding of a phenomenon of a sports event as a philosophical category. These are such works as R. Gruno, H. Lenko, G. Luchen, P. Weiss; on the other hand, in the twentieth century. The tendency to analyze sport as a social institution, as a part (structure) of the social system world, in which sport performs certain functions: the works of P. Bourdieu, K.L. Stevenson, N. Elias, E. Meinberg, and others. The conceptualization of educational policy in the sports field in the context of COVID-19 is still insufficiently studied, but an influential force for the formation of personality, its hardening and impact on health [3].

Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted

Education policy in the sports field in the context of COVID-19 is related to the main challenges, problems and forecasts of development. In modern conditions of crises and catastrophes, human nature has proved powerless in the face of excessive loads of the technical (industrial) century on the human body and soul - psychological, mutational, chemical, extreme and crisis factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting human consciousness. indicates that the human body loses in competition with technology (increased stress, mental illness, drug addiction, COVID-19). Sport as a socio-value and physical-spiritual system is a normatively regulated activity of people, which is expressed, first, by the competitive comparison of physical, technical and intellectual abilities of people; secondly, it consists of a set of social relations of people that are formed in the sports process activities and sports trials; third, the implementation of sports activities in the form of competition [4].

Therefore, the current problem situation is to study this complex social phenomenon, which is of particular importance as a value for the formation of physical health, value orientations of the individual and society, the spiritual and aesthetic sports dimension in the pandemic COVID-19 [5]. The sports place still does not correspond to its role, which would be aimed at achieving a high cultural and harmonization level of modern civilization vectors, as it is sport that harmonizes body and soul, spirit, freedom and human nature. The challenges in the sports field are related to the pandemic. Restrictive measures in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic have led to changes in normal life, including sports and physical activity.

Mass sports proved to be the most sensitive to the effects of COVID-19. However, the pandemic affected professional sports and interested stakeholders: athletes, coaches, instructors, administrative staff (employees of sports organizations), volunteers, officials involved in competitions (judges, members of delegations), businesses, especially micro and small businesses (fitness clubs), gyms, retailers, event organizers, marketing agencies, sports manufacturers), which led to new challenges and expectations. There is hope that the sport will return in the form in which we know and love it [6].

Formulation, purpose and tasks of the research.

The aim of the research is to conceptualize an educational policy in the sports field in COVID-19 context, analyzing the main challenges, problems and forecasts of educational policy development in the sports field.

Objectives of the research:

- to analyze the current problematic situation in the sports field related to the COVID-19 pandemic;

- to reveal the problems of educational policy in the sports field during the pandemic COVID-19;

- to explore the basic sports essence as an educational policy aimed at overcoming the negative COVID-1 pandemic effects, the sports activities suspension;

- to explore the overcoming problems and risks of educational policy in the sports field in COVID- 19 pandemic context and to identify areas for improving sports activities that shape the personality and is expressed in the physical, spiritual harmonization and mental principles.

Presentation of the main research material with an obtained scientific results substantiation

1. The current problematic situation in the sports field related to the COVID-19 pandemic

In modern conditions of crises and catastrophes, human nature has proved powerless in the face of excessive technical (industrial) loads on the human body and soul - psychological, mutational, chemical, extreme and crisis factors affecting human consciousness, indicating that the human body loses in competition with technology (increased stress, mental illness, drug addiction, COVID-19). Educational policy in the sports field as a social value system is a normatively regulated activity of people, which is expressed, first, by the competitive comparison of physical, technical and intellectual people abilities; secondly, it consists of a set of social people relations that are formed in the sports process activities and sports trials; thirdly, the sports activities implementation in the form of competitions, today deprived of these activity forms [7].

Therefore, the current problematic educational policy situation in the sports field is to explore the complex postcocious situation, which acquires special significance as a value for the formation of physical health, value orientations of the individual and society, spiritually healthy sports dimension in the COVID-19 pandemic. How sport allows you to harmonize body and soul, spirit, freedom and human nature. Educational policy in the sports field philosophy is aimed at forming a person capable of achieving high sport results and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, but it is outside this activity [8]. The functions of sports are aimed not only at the development of the culture of movements, body structure and moral health of people, but also at the improvement of the sensory-emotional sphere, the development of universal sensuality and spirituality. The main essence of sport as an educational policy is the socio-philosophical understanding of sport as the most important prerequisite for the formation of culture aimed at strengthening physical health and combating various mental illnesses, including depression and neurosis, which are a neurotic state associated with basic human conflicts, which do not contribute to the formation of a holistic personality concept, but are accompanied by a social and natural conflict [9].

Modern educational policy in the sports field is aimed at cultivating such sports that grow out of the spirit of competition, model the situation of human self-determination, aimed at overcoming various destructions and possible in the situation of forming a holistic "I". Sport is a set of the most effective means and physical education methods, one of the main ways to prepare a person for socially necessary human activities [10].

Thus, COVID-19 pandemic context, world sports competitions were suspended, sports competitions were postponed, some starts were canceled, some were moved to other cities or postponed indefinitely, and others were held without spectators or with a limited number of spectators. The pandemic caused a real panic in the sports world, as the organizers of the competitions were not ready to take responsibility and waited for instructions from the national authorities or the World Health Organization. Sports organizations lost profits, so they were unable to provide citizens with the full range of their own services. Not all sports organizations were able to overcome the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and declared the organizations bankrupt (US Rugby Federation). Therefore, only a socially responsible state will be able to overcome all the difficulties associated with the pandemic and reach the level of financial and sporting achievements before the pandemic. The most significant event is the transfer of the 2020 Olympic Games to Tokyo. Ukrainian sport is also going through extremely difficult times in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. Sports - as well as, for example, restaurants - are unfortunately the victims of a pandemic [11].

2. An educational policy problems in sports field during the pandemic COVID-19

The educational sports field in the current situation has several vectors of its formation and development: 1) personal (a person who plays sports); 2) institutional (sports activities of business entities); 3) organization of free time, which is aimed at holding various kinds of sports competitions; 4) organization of classes during the COVID-19 pandemic and transition to distance education. The principle of competition simulates the modern educational situation of human self-determination in one's personal life and testifies to the survival of sport as such, placed in a situation of isolation [12]. Sport as a realization of human existence is associated with the self-affirmation of the athlete's own "I" as a unique creative spirit that unfolds outside the gym and requires modeling the creative potential of the athlete. Educational policy in the sports field in the context of post-development should be aimed at resuscitation of sports competitions, sports goals restoration, able to achieve high sports results and the formation of a healthy lifestyle [13]. pandemic sport educational

The human-creative function of sport, which has general cultural and objective significance, is realized through such functions as: socio-cultural, evaluative-normative, symbolic, humanistic, axiological, integrative, communicative, hedonistic, socio-emotional, socialization, protection function, social mobility. The functions of sports are aimed not only at cultural movement development, body structure and moral health of people, but also at the improvement of the sensory-emotional sphere, the development of universal sensuality and spirituality. However, under COVID-19, these functions are underdeveloped [14]. Sport as a system of education and one of the scientific directions is brought to life by the fact that in the context of understanding the problems of sports of the covid and postcovid period there is an expansion of the modern horizon of socio-philosophical understanding of sport. In our opinion, the educational policy of sports develops in the context, on the one hand, of social pedagogy, and on the other, - social philosophy which accumulates social-communicative and existential- personal dimensions.

The main essence of the philosophy of sport as an educational policy is the socio-philosophical understanding of sport as the most important prerequisite for the formation of culture, aimed at overcoming the destructive phenomena of sport, cultivating the moral foundations of sport, strengthening physical health and counteracting various psychological perversions, including depression or neurosis. which are a neurotic state of man associated with the basic human conflicts of the COVID-19 situation, which do not contribute to the formation of the concept of personality, but is accompanied by a conflict of social and natural, doping in sports [15].

The problem of destructive phenomena was developed by the American researcher of German origin K. Horne, who developed for the first time in world practice a systematic study of the theory of destructive phenomena (neuroses), the causes of neurotic conflicts, their development and treatment. She sees the main motivation in the emergence of anxiety "fundamental or basic anxiety", which arises in a person as a result of isolation, helplessness, when a person's desire for self-realization is blocked by external social influence, resulting in neurotic conflict or depression when a person gets in the way destructive deviations. K. Horney identifies the protective mechanisms that she developed in the form of "certain strategies" of behavior: 1)"movement towards people"; 2) "movement from people"; 3) "movement against people" [16].

3. Overcoming the problems and risks of educational policy in the sports field in COVID-19 pandemic context

Educational policy in the sports field in COVID-19 pandemic context is aimed at cultivating such sports that grow out of the spirit of competition, model the situation of human self-determination, aimed at overcoming various destructions and possible in a situation of forming a holistic "I". Sport is a set of the most effective means and methods of physical education, one of the main ways to prepare a person for physical labor, socially necessary types of human activity. Sport is one of the most important means, the social significance of which is beginning to grow and is caused by the fact that, first, sport is a means of ethical and aesthetic education; secondly, meeting the spiritual needs of society and the individual; third, sport is a whole world of emotions, experiences generated by successes and failures in competitions; fourth, sport is a complex set of interpersonal relationships in sport [17].

Educational policy in the sports field philosophy in COVID pandemic context has a humanistic orientation only if the sport realizes the creative potential of the individual, rather than narrowly pragmatic and career interests, if sport remains a fact of culture and enriches the spiritual life of the individual in terms of saturation. various sporting events of the original "I" - the individual athlete. Moreover, sport as a socio-value and physical- spiritual system has the ability to self-organization. Socio-communicative and spiritual-existential dimensions of sport allow to deeply understand the value nature of sports activity as one that forms the personality and is expressed in the harmonization of physical, spiritual and mental principles [18].

Society must become different, so that it realizes the ideal of high-achievement sports as a harmony of man and society, to overcome the attitude to sports only as a form of commercialization. Sports organizations lost income because they were unable to provide citizens with a range of their services:

- sports organizations have also lost a significant part of their permanent income from various payments, including membership fees, licenses, and subscriptions;

- athletes lost the entire season and, as a result, certain financial benefits, as well as coaches and the opportunity to participate in sports and compete;

- for some it means losing the opportunity to upgrade their status and receive funding from private and public sources (at the local, regional and national levels);

- athletes did not receive financial support (scholarships) due to falling incomes of sports organizations; organizations had difficulties with financial resources, they still had liabilities for fixed payments, regardless of loss of income; the problem of unemployment has worsened: the dismissal of employees, athletes, coaches and other employees, especially those whose wages depended on the above sources of income;

- organizations have lost much of their unpaid workforce because volunteers have limited mobility during the pandemic. Industries that are directly or indirectly related to the sports industry are witnessing the failures of current business models. As a result, there is a need to change business strategies in the short and long term, which will affect a large number of jobs as well as entrepreneurs.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, sports in many countries are only available to a limited extent. In the long run, this could negatively affect the health of the population, experts warn. Coronavirus is particularly dangerous for at-risk groups - the elderly, overweight, smokers, as well as diabetics or patients with cardiovascular disease. But due to the lockdown introduced in many countries around the world to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people at risk may increase further. The risk of infection when jogging together in the fresh air is still different than, for example, when training in the gym. And the risk increases with each additional training participant [20].

Educational policy in the sports field philosophy in COVID-19 pandemic context should be aimed, on the one hand, at forming an interpersonal sports concept as a substantial individual value, and, on the other - at overcoming the destructive sports reality phenomena - sport commercialization, its politicization and monopolization, market nature of sports competitions, insufficient financial support from the state [21].

Therefore, modern state regulation policy of sports should develop an effective interaction mechanism of state, commercialization and civic structures in sports to solve sports problems related to further improvement of children's, youth, mass sports, which in general can contribute to the development of sports science in general. Sport is a significant sector in the economy of the world and individual countries. For example, in the EU, the share of GDP related to sports is 279.7 billion euros, which is equivalent to 2.12% of total EU GDP. The number of people involved in sports is 5.67 million, which is 2.72% of those employed in the EU. Every 37th employee is employed in sports. The non-profit European Platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI) identifies a number of challenges facing the European sports industry that are common to all regions in the world [21].

Conclusions of the research and prospects for further development

Thus, educational policy in COVID-19 pandemic sports field context the should effectively contribute to cultural values formation of planetary society, and this requires not only informational but also broad socio-pedagogical activities in this direction:

1) the use of international sports meetings and ties to strengthen peace, friendship, conflict mitigation, to implement the integrative sports function as a human mutual relations model between people, to enhance the image of Ukraine in the international arena;

2) the use of sports behavior patterns in "fair play" context principles, the system of symbolic sports values;

3) the use of sports to solve educational pedagogical problems;

4) development and intensification of the attitude to sports as an important direction of formation and development of world culture within international activity framework.

Therefore, the question arises whether sport will lose its significance in society due to this forced weaning of the population. Ingo Frobes sees two main problems. "First, we assume that a third of the ten million members of fitness centers have either terminated or will terminate their membership in the nearest future.

The second problem is children and teenagers can't play sports, they switch to other things," they say. According to the scientist, to interest them again in sports will be a big problem. "It seems to me that we will lose at least a third of our people here as well," said Frobes. However, sports for children and young people should be allowed in order to strengthen prevention and facilitate social contacts.

Prospects for further research

In the further scientific work the sports research as one of revealing directions of the limit possibilities of the human organism will be continued; the sports impact on the education of intellectual, moral qualities and social activity of the individual in a pandemic COVID-19. The issue of preserving the health of young people is a strategic task of the state, especially given the unfavorable situation that exists in our country now in the context of the COVID- 19 pandemic. However, everyone should not only be aware of their personal responsibility for their health, but also make efforts to maintain and strengthen it. You need to look at health from four sides - physical, mental, social and spiritual. After all, good health is an important prerequisite for achieving vital goals - quality education, professional development, etc.

Список використаних джерел

1. Andriukaitiene, Regina, Cherep A., Voronkova V., Punchenko O., Kivliyk O. Managing organizational culture as a factor in organizational change. Humanities Bulletin of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications / Ed. V. Voronkova. Zaporizhzhie: EPD of ZSEA. 2018. Issue 75. P. 169-179.

2. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina.. Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophicalcultural and anthropological analysis. Humanities Studies. 2020. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. 2020. Випуск 6 (83). С. 136-152.

3. Akranglyte Gintare, Andriukaitiene Regina, Bilohur Vlada (2019). Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. Випуск 2(79). С. 115-136.

4. Bilohur Vlada, Andriukaitiene Regina. Theoretical methodological sports reflection as a human dimension area of sports activity and possibilities of its humanization in the society. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. 2020. Випуск 5 (82). С. 132-146.

5. Akranglyte Gintare, Andriukaitiene Regina, Bilohur Vlada. Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article №2, 2019). Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. Випуск 3 (80). С. 92-111.

6. Bilohur Vlada. Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine. Humanities Studies. Запоріжжя: ЗНУ. 2019. Випуск 1 (78). С. 27-38.

7. Oleksenko Roman. Position and role of modern economic education as the main megatrend of innovative development of Ukraine. HUMANITIES STUDIES: Collection of Scientific Papers / Ed. V Voronkova. Zaporizhzhiа: Publishing house “Helvetica”. 2020. 2 (79). С. 169-181.

8. Олексенко Р.І., Воронкова В.Г. Освіта як флагман прогресу людства та основа конкуретоспроможності закладів вищої освіти. Удосконалення освітньо-виховного процесу в закладі вищої освіти. Випуск 24 / Збірник науково-методичних праць / ТДАТУ: ред. кол. В.М. Кюрчев, О.П. Ломейко, В.Т. Надикто [та ін.]. Мелітополь: ТДАТУ, 2020. 590 с. С. 202-210.

9. Punchenko Oleg, Voronkova Valentina, Vodop'yanov Pavel. New enlichtemment new fractality in transformation process of education. HUMANITIES BULLETIN of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications / Zaporizhzhia: EPD of ZSEA.2019. Issue 77. P. 144-159.

10. Cherep Alla, Regina Andriukaitiene, Valentyna Voronkova, Oleksenko Roman. Formation of the concept of digital economy and digital management in the condition of new technological breaks HUMANITIES BULLETIN of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications / Zaporizhzhia: EPD of ZSEA. 2019. Issue 77. P. 223-237.

11. Buhaichuk Oksana. Strategies of information and innovation activity development at enterprise in digital conditions. Humanities Studies. 2019. Вип. 1 (78). 75-85.

12. Venherska N., Kalantarova A. The export potential of food industry of Ukraine. Ekonomika rozvytku-Economics of Development. 2014. 72.

13. Венгерська Н. С. (2014). Регіональна сервісна політика як необхідна умова розвитку сфери послуг. Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Економічні науки. Вип. 2. 142-152

14. Voronkova Valentyna, Punchenko Oleg, Azhazha Marina. Globalization and global governance in the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0). Humanities Studies. 2020. Вип. 4 (81). 182-200.

15. Воронкова Валентина, Кивлюк Ольга, Нікітенко Віталіна, Рижова Ірина. Stem-освітa як фактор становлення і розвитку smart-суспільства Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції 23-24 листопада 2017 року «Становлення і розвиток інформаційного суспільства як основи забезпечення конкурентоспроможності України у світі та сталого розвитку суспільства і держави». Запоріжжя. 2017. 23-24.

16. Nikitenko V. Problem field of the geocultural phenomenon: scientific approaches. G'ileв (Research Bulletin): Col. Sciences. Ave: publishing SCIENCE LLC NVP. 2013. Вип. 71. 500-504.

17. Nikitenko V. Modern geokultura as a geokulturnij phenomenon. Humanitarian Bulletin of Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy/M-of education and science of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy. Zaporizhzhia. 2013. Вип. 53. 261-270.

18. Олексенко Р. І. Глобальні проблеми філософії від Античності до сьогодення в дискурсі ринкових трансформацій. Придніпровські соціально-гуманітарні читання: у 6-ти частинах. Ч. 2: матеріали Дніпропетровської сесії ІІ Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. з міжнародною участю. 2013. 148-150.

19. Рижова І. С. Формування потреб та інтересів в дизайнерській діяльності. Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії. Випуск 42. Запоріжжя. 2010. 247-258.

20. Шваб Клаус. Четверта промислова революція, Формуючи четверту промислову революцію. Харків: Клуб сімейного дозвілля, 2019. 426.

21. Cherep A., Voronkova V., Andriukaitiene R., Nikitenko V The concept of creative digital technologies in the tourism business in the conditions of digitalization. Humanities Studies.2020. Вип. 5 (82). 196-209.


1. Andriukaitiene, Regina, Cherep A., Voronkova V., Punchenko O. & Kivliyk O., (2018). Managing organizational culture as a factor in organizational change. Humanities Bulletin of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications / Ed. V. Voronkova. Zaporizhzhie: EPD of ZSEA. Issue 75. 169-179.

2. Bilohur Vlada & Andriukaitiene Regina (2020). Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophicalcultural and anthropological analysis. Humanities Studies. 2020. Zaporizhzhie: ZNU. Issue 6 (83). 136-152.

3. Akranglyte Gintare, Andriukaitiene Regina & Bilohur Vlada (2019). Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media. Humanities Studies. Zaporizhzhie: ZNU. Issue 2 (79). 115-136.

4. Bilohur Vlada & Andriukaitiene Regina (2020). Theoretical methodological sports reflection as a human dimension area of sports activity and possibilities of its humanization in the society. Humanities Studies.2020. Zaporizhzhie: ZNU. Issue 5 (82). 132-146.

5. Akranglyte Gintare, Andriukaitiene Regina & Bilohur Vlada (2019). Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media (continuation of the article .№2, 2019). Humanities Studies. Zaporizhzhie: ZNU. Issue 3 (80). 92-111.

6. Bilohur Vlada (2019). Formation of the concept of innovative sports management in Ukraine. Humanities Studies. Zaporizhzhie: ZNU. Issue 1 (78). 27-38.

7. Oleksenko Roman (2020). Position and role of modern economic education as the main megatrend of innovative development of Ukraine. HUMANITIES STUDIES: Collection of Scientific Papers / Ed. V. Voronkova. Zaporizhzhia: Publishing house “Helvetica”. 2 (79). 169-181.

8. Oleksenko Roman & Voronkova Valentyna (2020). Education as a flagship of human progress and the basis of competitiveness of higher education institutions. Improving the educational process in higher education. Issue 24 / Collection of scientific and methodical works / Tavriya State Agrotechnological University: ed. count V. Kyurchev, О. Lomeyko, В. Nadikto [etc.]. Melitopol: TSATU, 2020. 590 p. 202-210.

9. Punchenko Oleg, Voronkova Valentena & Vodop'yanov Pavel (2019). New enlichtemment new fractality in transformation process of education. HUMANITIES BULLETIN ofZaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications/. Zaporizhzhia: EPD of ZSEA. Issue 77. 144-159.

10. Cherep Alla, Andriukaitiene Regina, Voronkova Valentyna &Oleksenko Roman (2019). Formation of the concept of digital economy and digital management in the condition of new technological breaks. HUMANITIES BULLETIN of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy: Proceedings Scientific publications / Zaporizhzhia: EPD of ZSEA. Issue 77. 223-237.

11. Buhaichuk Oksana (2019). Strategies of information and innovation activity development at enterprise in digital conditions. Humanities Studies. Issue 1 (78). 75-85.

12. Venherska N., Kalantarova A.(2014). The export potential of food industry of Ukraine. Ekonomika rozvytku- Economics of Development. 72.

13. Venherska N. (2014). Regional service policy as a necessary condition for the development of the service sector. Bulletin of Zaporizhzhia National University. Economic sciences. Issue 2. 142-152

14. Voronkova Valentyna, Punchenko Oleg & Azhazha Marina (2020). Globalization and global governance in the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0). Humanities Studies. Issue 4 (81). 182-200.

15. Voronkova Valentina, Kivlyuk Olga, Nikitenko Vitalina & Ryzhova Irina (2017). Stem-education as a factor in the formation and development of smart-society Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference November 23-24, 2017 "Formation and development of the information society as a basis for ensuring Ukraine's competitiveness in the world and sustainable development of society and state". Zaporizhzhia. 23-24.

16. Nikitenko V. (2013). Problem field of the geocultural phenomenon: scientific approaches. G'ileв (Research Bulletin): Col. Sciences. Ave: publishing SCIENCE LLC NVP. Issue 71. 500-504.

17. Nikitenko V (2013). Modern geokultura as a geokulturnij phenomenon. Humanitarian Bulletin of Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy/M-of education and science of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy. Zaporizhzhia. Issue 53. 261-270.

18. Oleksenko Roman (2013). Global problems of philosophy from antiquity to the present in the discourse of market transformations. Prydniprovsky social and humanitarian readings: in 6 parts. Part 2: materials of the Dnipropetrovsk session I and All-Ukrainian. scientific-practical conf. with international participation. 148-150.

19. Ryzhova I. (2010). Formation of needs and interests in design activity. Humanitarian Bulletin of the Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy. Issue 42. Zaporozhye, 247-258.

20. Schwab Klaus (2019). The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Forming the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Kharkiv: Family Leisure Club, 426.

21. Cherep A., Voronkova V., Andriukaitiene R. & Nikitenko V. (2020). The concept of creative digital technologies in the tourism business in the conditions of digitalization. Humanities Studies. Issue 5 (82). 196-209.

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