On the improvement of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching

A professionally oriented approach to teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic universities from the standpoint of developing a student's abilities for personal and professional self-development. Motivation to study a foreign language by profession.

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On the improvement of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching

Zhamaliyeva Aliya Karatayevna Senior lecturer of the Department of Philological Disciplines

Astana Medical University Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan ShaimerdenovaGulsanaOralovna Senior lecturer of the Department of Philological Disciplines

Astana Medical University Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan TazhibayevaZhanagulEshmanovna Senior lecturer of the Department of Philological Disciplines

Astana Medical University Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan


The article analyzes a professionally-oriented approach to teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic universities. It helps the development of students ' abilities to self-development of the material, personal and professional development. All this makes it possible to increase the motivation to learn a foreign language, to enrich the foreign language information environment in the field of professional activity

Key words: professionally-oriented training, foreign language communication, foreign language of specialty


teaching foreign language professional student

Жамалиева Алия Каратаевна Ст. преподаватель кафедры филологических дисциплин НАО Медицинский университет Астана Нур-Султан, Казахстан

Шаймерденова Гульсана Ораловна Ст. преподаватель кафедры филологических дисциплин НАО Медицинский университет Астана Нур-Султан. Казахстан Тажибаева Жанагуль Ешмановна Ст. преподаватель кафедры филологических дисциплин НАО Медицинский университет Астана Нур-Султан, Казахстан


В статье анализируется профессионально-ориентированный подход к обучению иностранного языка в неязыковых вузах, который помогает развитию способностей студента к самостоятельному освоению материала, личностно-профессиональному саморазвитию. Все это позволяет повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка, обогатить иноязычную информационную среду в области профессиональной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: профессионально - ориентированное обучение, иноязычное общение, иностранный язык специальности.

Professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language is now recognized as a priority direction in the renewal of education, since in modern conditions of the development of society, foreign language communication is becoming an essential part of the professional activity of a competitive specialist. The practice of working in non-linguistic faculties shows that the level of a foreign language teaching is still quite low. It's necessary to take into account modem requirements for teaching specialists- acquisition of information, exchange skills, mastering skills of professionally-oriented communication in a foreign language (oral or written) the ability to analyze, synthesize and critically evaluate information, apply knowledge in a new situation, develop and defend your point of view. the ability to perform and justify your opinion on professional issues in English.

Foreign language skills are currently among the core competencies of a competitive specialist. A competitive specialist should have theoretical knowledge, practical skills in a selected area of study, readiness to solve professional tasks in relevant professional activities, as well as general, cultural and professional competencies in the studied branches. A foreign language is an important tool, opening new horizons of professional training, access to a wider range of knowledge, the ability to communicate and exchange views with colleagues from different countries. The state educational standard of higher vocational education requires taking into consideration professional specificity when learning a foreign language, its focus on the implementation of the objectives of the future professional activity of graduates.

Professional-oriented education is understood to be training based on the needs of students in learning a foreign language dictated by the features of their future profession or specialty [1.c.5] According to Hutchinson T. any professionally- oriented foreign language teaching implies the active cooperation of all participants in the educational process , in which there is a beneficial general exchange of information in a foreign language, acquirement of communicative interaction for tackling professional problems[5].

There is an urgent need for a new look at the process of learning a foreign language the problem of forming a system of professional language training for future specialists in non-linguistic higher educational institutions is currently characterized by multidimensionality. In the scientific and methodological literature, a foreign language as an academic subject, in the system of higher vocational education is revealed by the authors from various positions. Professionally-oriented foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities requires a new approach to the selecting content for training. Professional orientation of the activity firstly demands the integration of the discipline «foreign language» with the main disciplines; secondly it sets the task of a foreign language tutor to teach a future specialist to use a foreign language as a means of systematically replenishing their professional knowledge on the basis of interdisciplinary connections as well as a means of building professional skills; and third. involves the use of forms and methods of training that can ensure the formation necessary professional abilities of the future specialist [2.c.39].

A modern professionally -oriented approach to teaching a foreign language involves the formation of students' ability to communicate in a foreign language in specific professional, business, scientific areas and situations, taking into account the peculiarities of professional thinking when organizing motivationally stimulating and tentative research activities. The training of specialists in non- linguistic specialties consists of the formation of such communicative skills that would allow the creation of professional contacts in foreign language in various fields and cases. In the condition of fast development of a foreign language in the life of medical students, the principles of teaching the subject of English in connection with this science play an important role. Since teaching medical terminology in English becomes an immediate task, the near future will demonstrate the impossibility of fully preparing doctor without knowledge of the language.

At present, the significance of teaching medical students the foreign languages is increasing due to the rise of academic mobility, as well as the ever closer cooperation of doctors from different countries, their professional cooperation, the exchange of scientific knowledge and practical experience. In this regard, the organization of classes and the educational process itself should be aimed at this intensification, should be interdisciplinary and have a marked communicative and professionally -oriented direction since the fulfillment of these conditions guarantees the student an effective internship abroad and successful presentations at scientific conferences. Language comes to the forefront as a means of exchanging information and professional communication. Intensively developing in recent decades, the integration processes, the growth of professional and academic exchanges, the deeping of international cooperation have stimulated the ongoing development of a foreign language communication. The modern concept of teaching and studying a foreign language at an advanced stage presupposes a personal and activity -oriented approach. One of the competencies that any professionally successful person should possess today is the ability to work with texts of various types and formats.

Knowledge of a foreign language should not be reduced to memorizing linguistic units and learning the rules of their combination. Students need not just linguistic knowledge, they should be proficient in working with a foreign language text, which allow them to elicit effectively basic information from foreign sources and use it in their future activities. The task of improving the reading skills of authentic texts remains relevant since the use of Internet resources has become an integral part of modern reality. Text materials thematically represent a wide range of scientific areas that may be in the field of professional interests. It should be noted that teaching to read authentic medical literature is hampered by such factors as: indepth study of specialized subjects begins in the third year and foreign language training is scheduled for the first and second years, therefore, students lack of knowledge of their specialty and lack of personal professional experience while reading authentic medical texts; at first year students study all basic lexical and grammatical material and translate adapted texts from textbooks. The transition from academic to authentic scientific texts is significantly complicated since the authentic texts contain complex grammatic structures and terms and professional-oriented vocabulary; hence reading and understanding is difficult for undergraduate students. Therefore, reading and understanding a scientific text is difficult for junior students.

The essence of professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language is in its integration with special disciplines in order to obtain additional professional knowledge and the formation of professionally significant personality traits. In teaching specialists, a foreign language acts as a means of increasing vocational competence, personal and professional development of students and is a prerequisite for successful activity of a graduate of a modern higher school who is able to make business contacts with foreign partners. The main and final aim of training is to ensure the active knowledge of a foreign language by students of non-linguistic specialties as a means of forming and formulating thoughts in the field of corresponding specialty and in the field of everyday communication.

Thus, professionally-oriented learning is understood as learning based on taking into consideration the needs of students in studying a foreign language, dictated by the features of the future specialty, which, in turn, requires its study. The term professional-oriented education is used to denote the process of teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic high school, focused on reading, studying professional vocabulary and terminology and more recently on communication in the field of professional activity. Teaching students to read the texts of medical topics, we use all forms of work with a student group: individual, pair, group work, frontal questioning, conferences. It is quite difficult to separate the re-erased forms of work, since in the classroom they complement each other. For example, an individual reading of a text can turn into its paired or group discussion. Individual work is applied where the student takes full responsibility for the result of work with the text that will be evaluated later, for example, when applying a certain type of reading, as well as when abstracting text, translation. Paired and group types of tasks are applicable in the formation of communicative competencies, reading plays an auxiliary role. These types of activities in the classroom help the student to coordinate their own pace of work with the text, individual special perception of the read information with other students, which is an important factor in optimizing the formation of the ability to read foreign language. At the same time, the educational tasks are formulated in such a way that all members of group are interconnected and simultaneously self-sufficient in mastering the material and solving problems. The teacher can pay more attention to individual students or a group or at the right time combine all students into groups, give the necessary insights. And with individual work on abstracting the text, and in group work, for example, on the implementation of a project, the student must understand the relationship of the readable text with various fields of medical knowledge, distinguish the existing from the non-existent, and also present the results of what they read arising from the present for others. Thus, the organization of training students in reading medical topics in a foreign language in the main professionally oriented approach involves familiarizing the future specialty with the professional aspect of a particular activity. This allows us to expand the possibilities of achieving and maintaining a certain level of professional and language competence.

The training of foreign-language professionally oriented reading of medical students will be more professionally significant and effective, if it is organized taking into account the interdisciplinary knowledge of linguistic, extralinguistic and psychological, pedagogical nature, which are integrated into a three-level model of management of the training process. The special medical literature is distinguished by its informativeness, logic and accuracy of presentation of the material. Linguistic knowledge is determined by linguistic factors influencing the formation of concepts of a foreign-language professional area among medical students, and includes:

a) Greek-Latin terms that are characteristic of modern medical terminology;

b) international medical terms that provide "predictability" of the content of the medical text.

In addition, doctors around the world use elements of "dead" languages to form hybrid terms when designating new medical forms, drugs, enzymes, methods of detection. At present, there are about 350 such elements of term formation. Since the analysis of medical terminology shows that the majority of Greek-Latin termsderivatives, the pre-fictional model (hyper- - hyperactivity, hypo-hypometabolism, sub-) prevails, therefore, one of the ways of effective development of medical terminology as the basis of foreign language professionally-oriented reading is the development of an understanding of the "system" terminology, i.e. the ability to establish links between homogeneous phenomena and counteracting differences between heterogeneous ones.

The organization of professionally-oriented activities with the use of interactive teaching methods helps to develop the student's abilities independently master the material, personal and professional self-development, allows to increase motivation to learn a foreign language, enrich the foreign language information environment in the field of professional activity, maintain the continuity of education throughout the course of study, to actualize the interactivity of learning, to apply information technologies and Internet resources. All this allows to use a foreign language as a means of professional communication.


1. Obraztsov P.I., Ivanova O.Y. Professionally-oriented training in a foreign language at non-linguistic faculties of universities. Eagle: OGU, 2005. 114 s.

2. Zinnurova F.M. Formation of professional and linguistic competence of SSUZ students in the polyethical region (on the example of construction specialties): Avtoref.dis.... cand. Ped. Sciences. Yoshkar-Ola, 2006. 25 s.

3. Concept of development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2015. - А.,2007 г. 4. Harmer, Jeremy/ How to teach English/ - Longman, 2012 г. 5. Sam McCarter. Essential skills for doctor-patient

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