The peculiarities of the use of semantic maps in the formation of high school students’ lexical competence

The role of graphic learning tools in the holistic awareness of the subject of knowledge. The concept of semantic map, its role in teaching students to speak openly on a particular topic. The use of semantic maps in the practice of teaching English.

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Дата добавления 16.05.2022
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In order to make fuller and more active use of students' natural abilities, their experience, the logical component of teaching high school students should have strong support from visual thinking. Graphic learning tools play an important role in the holistic understanding of the subject of knowledge, help to highlight its essential provisions, neutralize the «blurring» of the overall vision of relationships, which is inherent in verbal presentation, as well as develop skills of processing condensed information, form creative and critical thinking and speaking styles. Active use of semantic maps is considered by modern didactics as an important method of deepening the cognitive activity of subjects. Therefore, their application becomes relevant in the learning process, in particular in the process of forming the high school students ' lexical competence in secondary school. Modernization of the content of education in Ukraine at the present stage of development of society is not least associated with innovative processes in the organization of foreign language learning.

Key words: semantic maps, lexical competence, high school students, teaching method, modernization.


Заверуха Христина.

Науковий керівник - канд. пед. наук, доцент Зубрик А.Р.

З метою більш повного й активного використання природних можливостей учнів, їх досвіду, логічна складова навчання учнів старших класів повинна мати потужну підтримку з боку візуального мислення. Графічні засоби навчання відіграють важливу роль у цілісному усвідомленні предмета пізнання, допомагають виділити його суттєві положення, нейтралізувати «розмивання» загального бачення взаємозв'язків, яке властиве вербальному викладу, а також розвивати навички опрацювання ущільненої інформації, формувати креативний та критичні стилі мислення та мовлення. Активне використання семантичних карт розглядається сучасною дидактикою як важливий метод поглиблення пізнавальної діяльності суб'єктів навчання. Тому актуальності набуває їх застосування у процесі навчання, зокрема у процесі формування лексичної компетентності учнів старших класів загальноосвітніх шкіл. Модернізація вмісту освіти в Україні на сучасному етапі розвитку суспільства не в останню чергу пов'язана з інноваційними процесами в організації вивчення іноземних мов.

Modernization of Ukrainian education determines the social requirements for the school education system. A developing society needs modern, educated, ethical, hardworking people who can make responsible decisions in the situation of choice, predicting possible consequences, capable of cooperation, are mobile, dynamic, constructive, have a developed sense of responsibility. In recent years, the question of the use of new information technologies in schools has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main purpose of learning a foreign language is the formation and development of communicative culture of students, learning the practical mastery of a foreign language [2].

The aim of the article is to consider the peculiarities of the use of semantic maps in the formation of lexical competence of high school students. The strategy of learning with the help of semantic maps encourages students to think freely and speak openly on a particular topic, aimed at stimulating thinking about the connections between individual concepts. A semantic map is an information model that has a graphical form, the vertices of which correspond to the objects of the subject area, and the arcs (edges) define the relationship between them. Objects can be concepts, events, properties, or processes.

Peculiarities of work are the basic word, concept, phrase, then words on certain communications are selected to it. This strategy is used at the stage of updating knowledge, checking homework, submitting new material, consolidation, lessons of testing and control of knowledge.

According to the task of the teacher, it is desirable to build associative links of the semantic map. Associative bushes are single- and multilevel. Each of the types of such a bunch has its own tasks and features, and should be used at the appropriate stage of the lesson [2]. Associative cluster is at the stage of actualization and awareness of knowledge, which is based on the search for associations that arise in students. Associative clusters are not commented on or evaluated. Working on them helps to accumulate the thoughts and reasoning of students around the concepts. Informative cluster is used to test students' knowledge, i.e. at the stage of checking homework, the level of knowledge acquisition, in lessons to identify the level of competence of students on the topic. Words are introduced into the informative cluster, which are easily explained by the author of the work at the level of connection with the topic (key word, phrase). The informative word is allowed to be questioned (by the teacher) and in accordance with the defense (by the student). It is assessed as a separate activity in the lesson. The peculiarity of a single-level cluster is that all connections in its construction occur at the same level, i.e. from one starting word. In a multilevel cluster, each word of the next level becomes a reference for the selection of information. A multilevel cluster is a destructive support on a topic based on a method of hyperlinks [7].

Thus, the semantic map is one of the ways to present knowledge. The name combines two terms: semantics in linguistics studies the meaning of language units, and a map is a graphic image, a set of vertices connected by arcs (edges). In a semantic map, the role of vertices is performed by the concepts of the knowledge base, and arcs (usually directed) define the relationship between them. Thus, the semantic map reflects the semantics of the subject area in the form of concepts and relationships [6, p. 49].

The educational activities of high school students should be research and exploration. It requires a special style of thinking, the ability to make decisions, evaluate the result and the degree of reliability of conclusions, predict developments, etc. This is possible only if the formation of holistic thinking by harmonizing the development of its abstract-logical and visual forms. According to modern scientists, the elevation to the absolute of only discursive-logical thinking caused its crisis. In order to make fuller and more active use of students' natural abilities, their experience, the logical component of teaching high school students should have strong support from visual thinking.

Graphic learning tools play an important role in the holistic understanding of the subject of knowledge, help to highlight its essential provisions, neutralize the «blurring» of the overall vision of relationships, which is inherent in verbal presentation, as well as develop skills of processing condensed information, form creative and critical thinking and speaking styles [1, p. 178].

Thus, there is no doubt about the need for widespread use of visual aids at different levels of education, in particular, in secondary schools. Admission training is an element of the method, which is a set of learning situations aimed at achieving its intermediate goal. If the method is a method of activity that covers the entire path of its course, then the reception is a separate step, an action in the implementation of the method. It is necessary to distinguish between methods of mental activity (logical methods) and separation of the main, analogy, concretization, comparison, etc.

The same techniques can be part of different teaching methods, but in combination with other techniques form a completely different method. For example, memorization techniques are involved in both reproductive and problem-solving learning methods; however, in the first group of methods it dominates, and in the second it is auxiliary, because it helps to remember the main results of problem considerations [4, p. 202].

A semantic map is a visual representation of what a word means, it shows a clear concept of the connection between a broad meaning of a word and a narrower one, and which adjectives, or other parts of speech, are used with the narrower meanings. Semantic maps are valuable learning tools, the ability to create which increases the ability to independently acquire knowledge and develop critical thinking [5, p. 10].

Semantic maps can be applied to any topic, in monologues or discursive essays, they help in group discussion. Different types of semantic maps create different types of writing, because a map such as a picture can stimulate better than a hundred words, stimulates thinking more broadly and critically. It helps to solve such a problem as the lack of words and ideas when writing your own opinion in the work. Semantic maps can be of different types: bubble, line, contrast diagrams, to generalize synonymous combinations, to select the main word from the synonymous nest and its derivatives, and others.

Visual learning tools are a highly effective approach to improving the quality of education at various levels. The visual approach has different types and performs many functions in the learning process. However, the effectiveness of the use of visual aids in the educational process depends not only on the quality and didactic capabilities of the relevant tools, but also on the teacher's willingness to independently design and practical use of these tools in the learning process. Such lessons are always interesting, full of information, different tasks, there are conditions for various activities in the process of obtaining, consolidating and controlling knowledge, growing interest of students in the subject [3, p. 20]. And the teacher himself, having tried this form of work, will feel its effectiveness. Thus, graphic teaching aids help to summarize, classify, analyze, explain the necessary material, but it should be remembered: the use of these tools does not replace the teacher, but only complements his activities. knowledge semantic map student

Thus, the use of semantic maps in the practice of teaching English will undoubtedly contribute to a better mastery of this subject, expanding knowledge about the language, the peculiarities of its functioning, the lexical vocabulary of students. On the other hand, their study plays an important role in the holistic understanding of the subject of knowledge, helps to highlight its essential provisions, to neutralize the «blurring» of the overall vision of the relationship. Students' creative activity is effective provided the use of semantic maps, which helps to increase the level of creativity and success of students. One of the important factors influencing the result of students' learning activities is the atmosphere in the classroom, the creative climate when learning a foreign language, and performing such creative exercises allows achieving positive results and helps to reveal the creative potential of students.


1. Allen V. E. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. Oxford University Press, 1983. 136 p.

2. Brumfit Ch. J. Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990. 166 p.

3. Бурлаков М. О. Зорова наочність як засіб семантизації іншомовної лексики. Іноземні мови. 2005. № 1. С. 20-21.

4. Ellis G., Sinclair B. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994. 386 p.

5. Єрмоленко Л.П. Комунікативний підхід до навчання англійської мови в середній школі. Іноземні мови. 2002. № 3. С. 10-11.

6. Коломінова О. О. Формування англомовної лексичної компетенції у молодших школярів. Іноземні мови. 2005. № 2. С. 48-50.

7. Scrivener J. Learning Teaching. 2003. URL:

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