Communicative method of teaching English of students in monologue speaking
Consideration of the features of using the communicative method and principles that can mobilize the learning process. The study of communicative exercises that influence the formation of students' monologue speech skills in foreign language classes.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.05.2022 |
Размер файла | 19,0 K |
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The article analyzes the peculiarities of using the communicative method. The main principles that can mobilize the learning process are considered. Communicative exercises affecting the formation of students' communicative skills in monologue speech in classes from foreign languages are explored.
Key words: foreign language, communicative, communicative competence, interactive technologies, dialogue speaking, monologue speaking.
Formulation of the problem
The communicative approach develops in parallel with the development of communicative linguistics, social psychology and sociology on the basis of obtaining experience in the educational process, which makes it possible to investigate this issue.
Thema in purpose of teaching foreign language students is to form and improve their communicative competence, which involves mastering the language as a means of communication, the development of skills to use them as an instrument in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world within the content determined by the current higher education curriculum. Communicative competence is the basis of the communicative approach to the study of foreign languages. The communicative approach to learning foreign languages is based on the fact that the learning process is a model of communication [3, p. 44].
Research analysis. Methodical literature has repeatedly raised the issue of teaching communicative competence. Communicative method started by Y.P. Shubin. The ideas of the communicative method of training were developed by other authors (G.V. Rogov, Y.I. Passov, V.L. Skalkin, E.O. Maliko, L.P. Malyshevskaya, I. L. Pluzhnik, A.P. Starkov). This method developed on the basis of the ideas of linguists, psychologists and methodologists (V.A. Artemov, L.S. Barkhudarov, I. M. Berman, I.L. Bim, V.A. Buchbinder, P.B. Gurvich, I.O. Zimnya). The communicative method is actively investigated by foreign scientists specifically, various interpretations are reflected in works by K. Bleck, E. Joyner, G. Besse, A. Amata, E. Kononenko. The analysis of these studies shows that solving the problem of activating the process of learning a foreign language can be done with the help of a communicative method.
The development of a communicative approach was practiced by many methodologists among whom are R. Lengs (USA), who is the author of the idea of this approach, W. Littlewood (Great Britain), G.E. Pifo (Germany), O. Leontiev, O. D. Karpyuk, N. K. Sklyarenko (Ukraine) and others who made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of this method, developed and defined its basic principles, methods and forms of work.
The aim of the article is to identify the features of the communicative method in teaching speaking in higher education institutions.
Methods of teaching are defined as «ordered methods of activity of the teacher and students aimed at the effective solving educational and educational tasks.» The method of teaching acts as «an instrument of the teacher's activity to perform a leadership function - learning» [5, p. 150].
The term «communication» is expressed in a broad and narrow sense. In the narrow sense, communication is a complex process, during which not only information is exchanged but also its formation, receipt, sending, refinement, processing, discussion, development.
Communication as the key concept of a communicative approach is synonymous with «communication», since the Latin «communicattio» means «communication», «transmission», - a universal concept used by all sciences [13, p. 154]. Philosophical dictionary defines «communication» as «communication, exchange of thoughts, information» [14, p. 269].
The essence of the communicative approach is to convey students not knowledge of the language as a system, but to equip them with speech skills and skills for practical application in any other language speech situation. Thus, the communicatively-oriented method of teaching foreign languages is intended to bring those who study a foreign language closer to the real conditions of communication [4, p. 1].
The main purpose of this technique is to teach the student first to speak fluently, and then to think about it. To do this, you need to reproduce the various situations in which the student can think.
The main function of the communicative method of teaching foreign languages is the implementation of the principle of communicative orientation. The purpose of communicative learning is to master pupils' communicative competence, which allows practically to realize the learning skills and skills for the successful solving of communicative tasks [8, p. 126].
Communicative competence includes such competences:
1. Speaking is included into the discourse competence.
2. Speaking is divided into monologue and dialogue.
Dialogue speaking, in turn, has the following features: emotional color, situationality, spontaneity (unpreparedness).
Monologue speaking is an oral language form of communication that involves a coherent and continuous expression of one person who is addressed to one or several listeners, interlocutors [2, p. 242]. Correspondingly, competence in monologue speaking is the ability to realize oral communication in a monologue form vital to a certain age spheres and situations in monologue speaking.
S. Nikolayeva defines the following skills: general skills, special skills, intellectual skills, educational skills, organizational skills and compensatory skills [7, p. 359].
General skills:
1) to combine speech samples in accordance with the communicative intention and based on a logical scheme;
2) pass the contents of the sample of the connected monologue speaking:
a. close to the text;
b. in their own words;
c. with abbreviations;
g. with expansion;
3) to relate to the variation of the supports:
a. the content and partly linguistic form are given;
b. a linguistic form is given;
c. only the content is given;
4) communicate coherently on the basis of combining several sources of information, for example, materials of various texts:
a. on the basis of this teacher's sample;
b. without the support of a sample;
5) express their own opinion and their own attitude to the subject speech;
6) describe images, drawings, etc .;
7) to retell different ways perceived by hearing or read text;
8) make a message or story by topic by combining material inside one or more sources of information [6, p. 169-170].
The methodology of teaching foreign languages distinguishes three stages of the formation of monologue skills. The basis of each of them is the quality of the student's statement, and this quality necessarily leads to an increase in the volume of samples of speech used by the student [1, p. 124].
We distinguished such 3 stages of teaching English of students in monologue speaking:
1. The task of the 1 stage is to teach students to combine speech samples of the level of the phrase into one beyond phrasal unity. For example, on the topic «Weather» students can connect the following speech samples:
It's cold today.
It isn't snowing now.
The sky is blue.
The sun is shining.
2. At the 2 stage, students learn to build expressions of a super-level level independently. The teaching of monologue speaking at this stage is carried out with the help of various supports: pictures, verbal, and combined.
An important aspect is the substitution table that can provide a logical connection of the sentences, their grammatical correctness, the proper choice of all the necessary linguistic means for constructing their own statement.
For example, describe one of your family members using the tables:
My mother's My father's My brother's My sister's |
Name is ... |
He |
Is |
Small |
She |
isn't |
tall |
He |
Has |
An oval |
face |
She |
a round |
His |
Eyes |
Are |
Grey |
Her |
Blue |
Green |
In teaching monologue speaking, such an effective verbal support is widely used as a logical framework that ensures the consistency of expression.
Teacher: Tell us about yourself using the scheme.
My name is ...
My surname is ...
I am ... years old.
I am a student of the ... course.
3. The main task of the 3 stage is to teach students to create monologue statements of the text level of various functional-semantic types of speech in the amount provided by the program for this class.
The 3 stage of teaching monologue speaking is characterized by the development of the ability to express their personal attitude to the facts or events that the student expresses; formulate a critical evaluation and prove the correctness of any fact; include elements of reasoning, argumentation in their speech. At the same time there should be an increase in the volume of utterance. Students must pre-assimilate a number of phrases and stamps characteristic of monologue speech. The inclusion of such phrases in a monologue statement enables students to convey their personal attitude to the events and facts discussed [11, p. 39].
For example, the teacher says:
If you agree with this statement, give your evidence that it is fair.
Lever is one of the six simple machines identified by Renaissance scientists.
Wheels, in conjunction with axles, allow heavy objects to be moved easily [9, p. 22].
In our opinion, the following interactive learning technologies such as work in pairs, triplets, triplets, «carousel», «aquarium», «large circle», «microphone», unfinished sentences, «brainstorming» are effective in studying the English language. «Problem analysis» «mosaic», an array of ideas, playing a role in the roles (role play, simulation), discussion, talk show, etc. The proposed techniques and their components can be effectively used both in the presenting material and the application of knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition, elements of interactive techniques can be applied immediately after teaching the new material, instead of the survey, in the lessons that are devoted to the application of knowledge, skills and abilities.
Consequently, communicative methods contribute to the intensification and optimization of the learning process. Students of the foreign language have the opportunity to:
- analyze educational information and creatively approach the learning material;
- to formulate own opinion, correctly to express it, to prove own point of view, to argue and discuss;
- to model their own social experience through inclusion into different life situations;
- develop skills of creative and project activity, independent work.
The use of communicative learning is not an end in itself but a means to achieve the atmosphere in the classroom, which best favors cooperation, understanding and benevolence, allows for the full implementation of personality-oriented learning. monologue speech learning foreign
Communicative approach at the process of teaching speaking at university means the following. While practicing at university, students perform the exercises that help them express their thoughts, as well as realize their mistakes. They talk exclusively in English so that they could adapt to the linguistic environment. There are also tasks where they need to find various phrases that are most often used abroad. After that, they share the information and create a story on the subject: «My first trip abroad», where everyone uses the words or expressions, in their sentences, and another student complements it. Supporting E. Pasov, who emphasizes that «exercises should be speaking exercises when a speaker has a certain linguistic task and when he / she exercises a certain linguistic influence on the interlocutor» [10, p. 123]. Such exercises contribute to solving cognitive, educational and developmental tasks.
We identified the features of the communicative method in teaching speaking in higher education institutions. We formed and improved the students' communicative competence of teaching foreign language in higher education institutions to use it in the dialogue and monologue speaking.
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