Criteria, indicators and levels of formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art

The essence of the concepts of "Criterion", "indicator", "level". Analysis of criteria apparatuses of modern research in the field of professional training of teachers - musicians. Characteristics, content of professional competence of teachers-musicians.

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Дата добавления 29.05.2022
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Criteria, indicators and levels of formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art

P.M. Yalovskyi

Nowadays the problem of improvement of technologies of professional development of applicants of the higher musical pedagogical education acquires special urgency. In order to develop the effective model of professional training of teachers, it is important to assess their educational results. Therefore, the aim of our study is to substantiate the criteria, indicators and levels of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of music.

The article clarifies the essence of such concepts as «criterion», «indicator», «level(s)». The criterion tools of modern research in the field of professional training of music teachers are analyzed. It is emphasized that the professional competence of future teachers of music is an integrative education that combines personal qualities, experience, values, knowledge, skills and abilities formed in the process of studying professional disciplines during the course of higher pedagogical education, as well as the ability to carry out music-pedagogical, creative and instrumental activities. The content of this phenomenon as the unity of value-motivational (motivational sphere, value orientations, personal qualities and abilities), cognitive (psychological, pedagogical, music-theoretical, methodological knowledge), activity-creative (psychological, pedagogical and musical-practical skills, experience of professional activity) and reflexive- evaluative components (reflection, artistic reflection) is highlighted. Based on the analysis of the essence and content of professional competence of music teachers, as well as scientific works of modern scientists, the following criteria for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art are substantiated: personal-motivating, cognitive, functional and reflective. Three levels of formation of the studied phenomenon are singled out and described in detail: high, average and low.

Key words: professional competence of future teachers of music art; criterion; indicator; level; personal-motivating criterion; cognitive criterion; functional criterion; reflective criterion; formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art.


П. М. Яловський

У сучасних перманентних умовах особливої актуальності набуває проблема удосконалення технологій професійного розвитку здобувачів вищої музично-педагогічної освіти. Для розробки ефективної моделі фахової підготовки педагогів важливим є діагностування їхніх освітніх результатів. Тому мета нашого дослідження - обґрунтувати критерії, показники та рівні сформованості професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. professional competence musician teacher

У статті з'ясовано сутність понять "критерій", "показник", "рівень". Проаналізовано критеріальні апарати сучасних досліджень у сфері фахової підготовки педагогів- музикантів. Наголошується на тому, що професійна компетентність майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва є інтегративним утворенням, яке поєднує особистісні якості, досвід, цінності, знання, уміння і навички, сформовані у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін у закладі вищої педагогічної освіти, а також передбачає здатність до музично- педагогічної, творчої та інструментально-виконавської діяльності. Висвітлено зміст означеного явища як єдність ціннісно-мотиваційного (мотиваційна сфера, ціннісні орієнтації, особистісні якості та здібності), когнітивного (психолого-педагогічні, музично- теоретичні, методичні знання), діяльнісно-творчого (психолого-педагогічні та музично- практичні вміння, досвід здійснення фахової діяльності) та рефлексивно-оцінювального компонентів (рефлексія, мистецька рефлексія). На основі аналізу сутності та змісту професійної компетентності педагогів-музикантів, а також наукових праць сучасних учених обґрунтовано такі критерії сформованості професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва:особистісно-спонукальний, знаннєвий, функціональний та рефлексивний. Виокремлено та детально охарактеризовано три рівні сформованості досліджуваного явища: високий, середній та низький.

Ключові слова:професійна компетентність майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва; критерій; показник; рівень; особистісно-спонукальний критерій; знаннєвий критерій; функціональний критерій; рефлексивний критерій; сформованість професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва.

Introduction of the issue

Modernization of the content of music education of the younger generation leads to increased requirements for the professional competence of future teachers of music art, thus, there is a need to develop new effective technologies for professional training of the mentioned group of specialists. One of the key prerequisites for the implementation of this process is the substantiation of the criteria apparatus for diagnosing the formation of the necessary competencies and attributes of the applicants, including individual potential and professional competence in general.

Current state of the issue.

Numerous issues of professional training of future teachers are viewed and studied by V. Bosa, S. Vitvytska, M. Mykhaskova, O. Rudnytska, H. Padalko, T. Pukhalskyi, M. Shevchuk, aspects of the of professional Hura, I. Drach, O. Dubaseniuk, Ziaziun,O. Krasovska, Marushchak, V. Shahov and other. In the works of O. Bilostotska, L. Havrilova, N. Murarovana, L. Pastushenko, Poluboiaryna, Jiang Heping, N. Yudzionok various problem of formation competence of teachers of music art are covered.

Outline of the unresolved issues brought up in the article

However, despite a number of presented works, a set of diagnostic tools requires clarification in order to establish the level of development of professional knowledge, skills, personal qualities, abilities and value orientations of higher music and pedagogical education.

Aim oftheresearch isto substantiate the criteria, indicators and levels of formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art.

Results and discussion. In the modern scientific and pedagogical literature many interpretations of the concept of «criterion» are outlined: a sign on the basis of which the assessmentofthepedagogical phenomenon, its definition or classification is carried out [6: 299]; characteristic of the object, which allows to assessandevaluateits (his/her) achievements [3: 159]; a list of requirementsthatcanbe usedto analyze the levels of knowledge, skills and abilities of students on different disciplines [8: 111]. Thus, summarizing the views of scientists and taking into account the specific features of our research, we identify the criterion as the features, on the basis of which the analysis of the level of professional competence of future teachers of music art and the dynamics of its changes in the process of professional training is conducted.

Each criterion is disclosed through a system of indicators. According to V. Shakhov, the indicator is a characteristic of the formation of quality or property, the specific features of the object under study [8: 111]. Thus, the indicators are qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the formation of certain criteria.

Modern scientists highlight different approaches to the selection of diagnostic tools to establish the developmentofprofessional competence of future teachers of music art. Thereafter, the content of the criterion apparatus of Jiang Heping's dissertation research is formed by methodical (teachers' ability to realize musical education of schoolchildren, availability of methodical knowledge and need for self-education), pedagogical-educational (development of musical erudition, communicative skills, independence in preparation for pedagogical-educational activity) and performing(action-conducting) competencies(musical-performing knowledge, skills and abilities) [7: 10].

Criteria for assessing the formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art in the context of the author's model of managing the process of professional development of applicants, which is offered by M. Shevchuk, are the presence of music teachers' prognostic orientation, as well as the appropriate degree of formation of cognitive independence, creative activity orientation extention, certain level of reflexive skills [9: 7].

To analyze the effectiveness of the author's technology for the development of professional competence of future teachers of music L. Pastushenko uses the following groups of criteria:

- motivational (establish the level of professional motivation of educators);

- cognitive (determine the level of theoretical training of applicants);

- activity-creative (determine the willingness of teachers to implement musical and educational activities) [4: 81-82].

T. Pukhalskyi determines the level of professional competence of future teachers of music art by means of conducting-choral disciplines according to motivational-reflective (level of development of motivational, reflective and self-regulating components of professional competence), cognitive (the degree of formation of educator's abilities and their further use in musical-educational activities) and activity-creative criteria (level of development of professional skills, abilities, personal qualities; amount of experience gained) [5: 8].

According to O. Bilostotska, there are the following criteria of future music teachers' professional competence formation:

1. Aim-motivational:formation of positive professional motivation; stable interest in professional activity; understanding the value of pedagogical knowledge and skills, including the art- based ones; zeal for self-improvement and self-development; certain level of developmentofprofessionalconsciousness.

2. Search-cognitive:thoroughness,

systematization and effectiveness of professional knowledge; ability to perform professional tasks; appropriate level of education and erudition in the field of various arts; development of artistic and associative complex.

3. Activity-creative:formation of professional-pedagogical and musicalprofessional skills, personal qualities of a teacher; development of stageperforming sphere.

4. Prognostic-reflective:mental independence and ability to think critically, as well as to conduct critical judgments; adequacy and objectivity of self-assessment of professional qualities, opportunities, artistic abilities and the ability to compare them with regulatory requirements; ability to perform self-analysis in professional and personal situations; possession of a wide range of tools for self-diagnosis and self-development; ability to differentiate the factors of achievements and shortcomings; the ability to predict the results of his/her activities; executional reflection [1].

In the process of development of the criterion apparatus of our research, we relied on the essence and structure of professional competence of music teachers. Analysis of scientific sources, as well as taking into account the specifics of music education, allow us to identify the professional competence of future teachers of music art as an integrative entity that combines personal qualities, experience, values, knowledge, skills and abilities, which are formed during the educational process in higher pedagogical educational institution and includes mastering professional disciplines, and also provides the ability to perform music-pedagogical, creative and instrumental activities [10: 173]. In accordance to our point of view, the content of this phenomenon is formed by a combination of such interrelated components as:value-motivational, cognitive, activity-creative, reflexive- evaluative.

The value-motivational component is a fundamental integral part of the professional competence of future music teachers, as it implies the presence of stable motives, needs, interests, goals, values, positive attitude to the chosen profession, which become the driving force of professional growth and development of a music teacher, which is based on his/her natural abilities and personal qualities.

The cognitive component is formed by psychological-pedagogical knowledge (awareness of the basics of the educational process in general secondary education, modern music and pedagogical technologies, erudition), music theory cognizance (knowledge of musical expression, biographical information of prominent composers and performers, program- based music material) and methodological attainment (knowledge of methods of realization of musical education of schoolchildren, features of the organization of various kinds of their musical activities). The set of specified knowledge forms the theoretical and methodical basis of professional competence of future teachers of music art.

The content of the activity-creative component of the professional competence of music teachers is formed by professional skills, abilities and experience. Thus, among the professional skills we distinguish general pedagogical (pedagogical communication, organizational skills, pedagogical techniques, skills and abilities of independent work, pedagogical creativity), musicalperforming (instrumental-technical, concertmaster, choreographic, vocal- choral), musical-creative (interpretative, improvisational, skills of instrumental and choral arrangement), methodical skills (ability to plan and creatively implement the content of music education of schoolchildren, skills and abilities of instrumental, vocal and choreographic training of students of different ages).

The reflective-evaluative component of the professional competence of future music teachers provides the ability of applicants to self-improvement, selfassessment, artistic reflection, selfanalysis and adjustment of their own professional activities. This component is a regulator of professional and personal development of music teachers, which helps them maximize their professional activities, and enables creative self-expression in music and interpretive activities.

Based on the analysis of the essence and content of professional competence of music teachers, as well as the standards of modern research in higher music education, we have identified the following criteria for the formation of professional competence of future music teachers:personal-motivation,

knowledge-based, functional and reflective.

Personal-motivational criterion is aimed at establishing the degree and measure of development of applicants' professional motivation, goals, needs, interests, professional-pedagogical and professional-musical values; moreover, it provides an analysis of the availability of necessary musical art based skills and abilities in teachers of music, which are necessary for their professional activities. Indicators of this criterion are the level of development of the motivational sphere (formation of stable motivation to study professional disciplines, the need for self-realization and self-development, developed musical interests), value orientations (value attitude to the chosen profession, domestic and foreign culture, art, musical taste), personal qualities, musical and pedagogical abilities.

The knowledge-based criterion makes it possible to diagnose the thoroughness,systematization, effectiveness of theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired by future teachers of music in the process of studying professional disciplines. This criterion is characterized by such indicators as:

- formation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge: awareness of the scientific foundations of the organization of the educational process in general secondary education, psychological characteristics of students of different ages, modern achievements in the field of pedagogy;

- the level of knowledge of professionalmusic-theoretical

disciplines, which include awareness of the history of domestic and foreign music, as well as musical works intended for perception and performance by students;

- availabilityof methodical knowledge in the field of musical art (awareness of methods of realization of musical education of schoolchildren, features of preparation of children for musical performances during extracurricular activities).

The functional criterion reflects the degree of formation of the activity- creative component. Among the indicators of this criterion are the development of general pedagogical (pedagogical supervision, organizational skills, pedagogical communication, skills and abilities of independent work, pedagogical techniques and pedagogical creativity), musical and practical skills (methodical, musical-analytical, ability to perform improvisation and creative interpretation, music performance skills); availability of professional experience in the implementation of music education of schoolchildren in music lessons and extracurricular music education.

The reflective criterion is a critical regulator of the professional activity of future music teachers. Its indicators include the ability to self-improvement, self-diagnosis, self-control, selfknowledge, as well as the formation of artistic reflection.

The implementation of the criteria and indicators offered allows to determine the level of formation and dynamics of changes in the professional competence of future music teachers, as well as to identify its underdeveloped components and to design on its basis an effective applicants' training model in the higher music education institutions.

The concept of "level" is identified as "the magnitude, the degree of quality of achieving something" [2: 1123]. Thus, the level is a means of analyzing the degree of development of certain criteria and indicators.

In the works of modern researchers there are different approaches to the classification and characterization of the levels of professional competence of future teachers of music art. Thus, T. Pukhalskyi distinguishes high, medium and low levels [5: 9]; Jiang Heping identified self-productive, interpretive-independent, reproductive- independent and reproductive-imitative [7:10-11]; L. Pastushenko and O.Shevchuk, in their turn, allocated low, medium, sufficient and high levels [4: 82-85; 9: 7].

According to the results of the analysis conducted, we believe that a comprehensive assessment of the development of the phenomenon under study and each of its components is possible on the basis of a three-level measurement system. Therefore, in our research we distinguish the following levels of professional competence of future teachers of music art: high, medium and low. Let's describe each of them.

The high level implies a positive attitude to the chosen profession, awareness of the pedagogical potential of music, the formation of professional motivation to develop his/her own professional competence in the process of studying core professional disciplines, the development of personal potential; also it is characterized by strong psychological and pedagogical, music-theoretical and methodological knowledge,developedgeneral pedagogical and music-practical skills, as well as the ability to maintain constant self-development, pedagogical and musical creativity, adequate assessment of his/her professional activity.

Medium level is typical for applicants who have a certain interest in mastering the future profession and studying professional disciplines, possess the necessary personal qualities and abilities for music and educationalactivities,however, demonstrate situational ability to develop them; the other important indicator is the ability to implement sufficient knowledge of professional disciplines together with the partially formed professional skills; moreover, it is characterized by poorly developed reflection, the ability to implement music education of schoolchildren using pedagogically appropriate, however, non-creative methods.

Applicantsof lowlevel are

characterized by unstable professional motivation, undeveloped personal potential, lack or weak interest in professional development and further music and educational activities; superficial, disparate knowledge, unformed skills and abilities. They are also unable to adequately assess the results of their activities, including selfimprovement, as well as effectively implement music education of the younger generation as a whole.

The following table highlights a detailed description of the levels of professional competence of future teachers of music art on the basis of our selected criteria and indicators.

Table 1

Criteria and levels of formation of professional competence of future teachers of music












Formation of professional motivation,musical

interest; the need for approvalasa

professionally-competent specialist,the

development of personal potential,the

implementation of the competencies acquired in theHEI(Higher

Educational Institutions); the desire to understand the world and national musicculture;

professional-pedagogical and professional-musical values. Development of professionaland


constructive, designing, communicative, organizational)and

musical abilities (musical hearing,emotional


universal-professional and personal qualities (empathy,pedagogical

tact, love for children, etc.).

Partial desire of the applicant to professional development and growth,

development of competencies necessary for the effective implementation ofmusic


schoolchildren, universaland


qualities, his/her professional competencein


Sufficient formationof



Unstable professional motivation, lack of his/her own goals, interestin

studying professional disciplines,the


professional development and self-development. Unformedvalue

orientations. Lack


underdevelopment ofpersonal




Strong, deep, structured knowledgeofthe






educational process in generalsecondary


formation of a system of music-theoretical(key

knowledge about music,

Presence of a theoretical basis ofprofessional

competence - a systemof

psychological- pedagogical, musical-

theoretical and methodological knowledge-

which will allow thefuture



knowledge of the specifics,goals,

objectives, essence, approaches, features of the organizationof



education of the younger

mu sic-historical knowledge)and

methodological knowledge (knowledge of the purpose, principles, essence,approaches,


realizationof music


schoolchildren; methods oforganizationof




musical-rhythmic activities of students during music lessons andextracurricular

musical-educational academic engagement).


perform professional tasksata

sufficient level.

generation; lack of theoreticaland

methodological readinessfor

professional activity.




pedagogical techniques, skills and abilities of pedagogical supervision, independentwork,


communication, ability to pedagogicalcreativity.

Development of skills andabilitiesof

instrumental (technical concertmasterskills,

skills of reading notes fromasheet,



(vocal and choral skills, ability to perform vocal works of various genres) andchoreographic

performance (skills of selection of pedagogically appropriatedance

movements for lessons), art(theabilityto

reproduce elements of various dances, mastery of the positions of the arms, legs, torso, etc.),

Partial formation of psychological and pedagogical skills:the

applicant experiences certain

difficulties in the processof

communication withstudents,

demonstrates insufficient developmentof

pedagogical techniques; has a sufficient level of proficiencyin

playing musical instrument(s), skillsand

abilities of vocal and



He / she is not always accurate in characterizing musicalworks

and performing

Unformed psychological and pedagogical, musicaland

creative skills and abilities. Ability to reproduce at the elementary level of instrumental and vocalmusical

works. Lack of ability to carry out a holistic artistic andpedagogical


musical works is identified. Insufficiently developedor

missing methodological skillsare


the ability to artistic and interpretive analysis of musicalworks,


improvisation. Formation of skills to creatively implementmusic


schoolchildren, as well as toapplymodern

information technologies, works of related arts and the latest achievements of music pedagogy in the process of performing professionaltasks.


professional experience gained, first of all, during differenttypesof

pedagogical practice is observed.

musical- analytical activities. Insufficiently formed skills and abilitiesof


pedagogical creativityare

vividly obseved. Existenceof



educational activitiesis



Well-developed ability to self-assessment of the results of his/her own educational and further professionalactivity,

steady aspiration to selfimprovement,self

knowledge, self-control. Formation of the ability to delve into the content of musical works and correlate their artistic content with his/her own feelings and emotions.

Situational capacityfor

reflection, selectiveself

improvement. Sufficient development of artistic reflection.

Undeveloped ability to reflect, the need for selfdevelopment and self-knowledge. Absence of artistic reflection.

Conclusions and research perspectives

Thus, the level of professional competence of music teachers (high, medium, low) can be diagnosed by personal-motivational, knowledge-based, functional, reflective criteria, as well as the corresponding indicators that characterize the component structure of the phenomenon. This criterion apparatus is the basis of further research, the aim of which is to substantiate the pedagogical conditions and develop an effective model for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art in the process of studying professional disciplines.


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    реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

  • Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.

    курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013

  • Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012

  • Основы обучения лексике в средней школе. Особенности активного, пассивного, потенциального словарных запасов. Рассмотрение этапов формирования лексических навыков. Комплекс лексических заданий по теме "My future profession" в 11 классе средней школы.

    курсовая работа [184,9 K], добавлен 21.06.2015

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

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