Diagnosis of social and moral activity formation of primary school age children
The results of diagnosis of levels of social and moral activity formation of 6-year-old children. Social and moral activity is a form of activity connected with the entry of a child into society, the acquisition of socially and approved forms of behavior.
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Дата добавления | 29.05.2022 |
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Diagnosis of social and moral activity formation of primary school age children
M.А. Fedorova, O.О. Maksimova
The article deals with the results of diagnosis of levels of social and moral activity formation of 6-year-old children. Social and moral activity is a form of activity connected with the entry of a child into society, the acquisition of socially acceptable and approved forms of behavior, the assimilation of moral norms. Formation of social and moral activity of 6 year-old first graders who was assessed by the following indicators: the formation of ways of social behavior and ability to interact with others; ability to make moral choices; ability to expand moral standards; observance of the moral norm of generosity (humanity); observance of moral standards of honesty in behavior; observance of the moral norm of responsibility. The analysis of the methods conducted allowed us to determine the general levels of social and moral activity formation of first graders. Zero level was demonstrated by 31,2% of first graders, elementary level was revealed by 18,8% of children, sufficient - by 38,5% of children, high level was demonstrated by 11,6% of first graders. Diagnostic results have shown that first graders are not sufficiently active in establishing interaction, and have difficulty coordinating their actions with the actions of their peers. Most of them occasionally show the ability to make moral choices, but are in capable of extending moral standards. Humane behaviors were detected only when the violation threatens a joint interaction (a game) that was of great interest to the child at the moment (when they want to satisfy their own interests). As a rule, first graders display generosity norm only after reminders and requests from others. Honesty standards in neutral and rewarding situations are observed; when punished, the standard of honesty is almost always violated. Discipline in most 11,7 cases is only formed at elementary level. This situation proves the need for purposeful work with 6-year-old first graders in order to educate them in social and moral activity.
Key words: 6-year-old first grader, socio-moral activity, social behaviour, interactions with others, moral choice, ability to expand moral norms, responsibility, humanity, honesty.
М.А. Федорова, О.О. Максимова
У статті проаналізовано результати діагностики рівнів сформованості соціально- моральної активності дітей на початку навчання в школі. Соціально-моральна активність - це форма активності, що пов'язана з входженням дитини у соціум, з оволодінням соціально прийнятними і схвалюваними формами поведінки та діяльності, засвоєнням моральних норм. Сформованість соціально-моральної активності шестирічних першокласників оцінювалась за такими показниками: сформованість форм соціальної поведінки та умінь взаємодії з оточуючими; здатність до здійснення морального вибору; здатність до розширення моральної норми; дотримання моральної норми щедрості; дотримання моральної норми чесності; дотримання моральної норми відповідальності. Обґрунтовано рівні сформованості соціально-моральної активності у дітей сьомого року життя: нульовий рівень продемонстрували 31,2% дітей, елементарний - 18,8% дітей, достатній - 38,5% дітей, високий - 11,6% першокласників. На основі результатів діагностики доведено, що шестирічні першокласники недостатньо активні при встановленні взаємодії, відчувають труднощі при узгодженні своїх дій з діями однолітків. Більшість з них епізодично виявляють здатність до морального вибору, проте нездатні до розширення моральної норми. Гуманні форми поведінки виявляють лише коли порушення норми загрожує спільній взаємодії, яка дуже цікавить дитину на даний момент (тобто для задоволення власних інтересів). Як правило, діти демонструють норму щедрості лише після нагадувань та прохань оточуючих. Дотримуються норми чесності у ситуаціях з можливістю отримання винагороди; у випадку, коли загрожує покарання - норма чесності майже завжди порушується. Дисциплінованість у більшості дітей сформована на елементарному рівні. Доведено необхідність проведення цілеспрямованої роботи з метою виховання у шестирічних першокласників соціально- моральної активності. social moral activity children
Ключові слова: шестирічний першокласник, соціально-моральна активність, соціальна поведінка, взаємодія з оточуючими, моральний вибір, здатність до розширення моральної норми, відповідальність, гуманність, чесність.
Introduction of the issue
The Law of Ukraine On Secondary Education claims that the educational process in educational institutions should be aimed at forming "responsible and honest citizens who are capable of conscious social choice and directing their activities for the benefit of other people and society; ... feelings of kindness, mercy, tolerance, care, justice, respect for family, responsibility for their actions". Naturally, the socio moral development of a child is manifested in his socio-moral activity. Current state of the issue. The problem of upbringing of social and moral activity is partially covered in psychology and pedagogy I. Bekh, O. Zaporozhts, D. Leontiev, O. Maksimov, O. Smirnov, V. Holmogorova etc. O. Kravtsiva, O. Smirnova, S. Zabolotskaya, O. Kononko, L. Lokhvitskaya, T. Pirozhenko, V. Ternopilska, Scientists (I. Bekh L. Lokhvytska,
T. Pirozhenko) outlined features of moral behavior formation of 7-year-old children. Psychological mechanisms of this process, pedagogical conditions, forms and methods of their upbringing in childhood.
Outline of the unresolved issues brought up in the article. The problem of diagnostics of social and moral activity of children who are about to enroll in school remains insufficiently covered.
Aim of research
The purpose of the article is to diagnose the levels of social and moral activity formation of first graders.
Results and discussion
O. Kononko notes that social and moral activity is a form of activity connected with the entry of a child into society, the acquisition of socially acceptable and approved forms of behavior, the assimilation of moral norms [1: 101]. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, we have singled out the following indicators of socio-moral activity of a 7-year-old child: the formation of forms of social behavior and skills of interaction with others, the ability to make moral choices, the ability to expand moral norms, observance of the moral norms of humanity and responsibility. The study was carried out at Zhytomyr Ecological Lyceum № 24, Educational complex № 11, comprehensive school in Dyvochki, Chernyakhiv district, Zhytomyr region. The study involved 118 children of first graders.
As 7-year-old children belong to senior preschoolers based on psychological features, at diagnosis of levels of development of their social and moral activity we used the methods intended for children of senior preschool age.
Indicator: Formation of skills of interaction with others was evaluated by the results of pedagogical observations. We used the methodology "Monitoring the interpersonal relationships of children" (E. Smirnova, V. Holmogorovа) and the technique "Map of observations of manifestations of communicative abilities of children" (A. Shchetinina, M. Nikiforova).
The indicators of interpersonal relationships (initiative, sensitivity to peer influences, predominant emotional background), communicative qualities expressed during communication (empathy, friendliness, sincerity, openness in communication, confrontation), communicative qualities (organizational, operational, perceptual) were closely observed for a long time. The results of observations were recorded and evaluated according to the points defined in the method.
The analysis of the results of the observation showed that 9,7% of first graders had a high level of interaction skills formation. Children were active in establishing interaction: they themselves sought to attract peers to their activities, and responded positively to their suggestions for joint interaction. The predominant emotional background was positive. 53,7% of 6- year-old first graders (a sufficient level) were active in interaction, but it was still difficult to reconcile their actions with those of their peers. This required the help of an adult who explained the actions of peers and therefore helped to evaluate them. They did not always respond to the suggestions of peers to play together, it depended on the situation and mood. Predominant emotional background was positive or neutral.
31,7% of children (an elementary level) were rarely active when establishing interaction. When working together, each person did his or her own part of the task. When interacting, these first graders pursued their own interests, in case of a conflict of interests - compromises were not sought and the interaction was terminated. Peers' desires and interests were only realized with the help of an adult, which was why they often disrupt other children's games.
Predominant emotional background was positive or neutral business. 4,9% of first graders (a zero level) had almost no activity during interaction. In case of conflict situations or in the manifestations of verbal and destructive aggression by others, they also revealed verbal or destructive aggression. The predominant emotional background was positive, neutral-business and negative.
During the observation of manifestations of communicative abilities of first graders advanced characteristics were noticed: the formation of communicative qualities of the individual (empathy, friendliness, sincerity and openness in communication, initiative, confrontation), the formation of communicative actions and abilities.
According to the results of observation of a high level of communication skills of first graders was not noticed. A sufficient level was demonstrated by 21,1% of children. Those children also demonstrated a high level of such communicative qualities as empathy, friendliness, sincerity, openness in communication, operational communication skills. Elementary or sufficient levels were noticed when it came to initiative in communication, as well as organizational and perceptual communication skills. Children were sincere in their statements, in expressing their feelings. They did not always understand the emotional states of their peers, bit if they did, they showed an emotional response to the feelings and experiences of the communication partner and were capable of expressing sympathy, empathy. The child tried to prevent aggressive behavior, they sought to resolve conflicting situations constructively, although it was still difficult to defend their position without conflict.
52,6% of children demonstrated an elementary level of communicative ability formation. Their communicative qualities such as empathy, kindness, sincerity, openness in communication were average. Other qualities (initiative in communication, confrontation), as well as all communicative skills (organizational, perceptual and operational) were formed at a low level. Zero level was demonstrated by 26,3% of first graders. They had low levels of communication skills and skills which were associated with the lack of emotional decentralization.
We also conducted observations which showed the formation of social norms of behaviors of first graders (the method "Assessment of the formation of social behavior of the child" (A. Shchetinina, L. Kirs). Observations of the peculiarities of behavioral manifestations in children were observed (they are able to play amicably, without conflicts with other children; they sympathize with others, try to help; show kindness, etc.). The intensity of detection of indicators was assessed on a scale of points: from -10 to +10.
14,3% of first graders showed a high level of social behavior. These children adhered to social norms and rules; were able to play together with other children, without conflicts, show kindness, compassion, help others. They tried to solve conflicts on their own while limiting their negative manifestations; able to reconcile their interests with those of their peers; manifestations of destructive behavior were almost non-existent. 28,5% of first graders showed a sufficient level of social behavior. Compared to high levels, these first graders were more likely to experience destructive behavior, verbal and physical aggression.
38,1% of 6-year-old first graders demonstrated an elementary level of social behavior formation.
Manifestations of social behavior slightly outweighed the manifestations of antisocial behavior. Social behavior was situational and depended on many factors: mood, degree of affection for the peers they interact with, presence of an adult, and so on. When their interests and desires were not taken into account during interaction and they had lack of adult control, then they did not restrain their own negative manifestations, quarreled with peers, accompanied by manifestations of verbal and physical aggression. As a rule, such manifestations were demonstrated by children, who had low and elementary levels of understanding of emotional states of others. First graders with a zero level of social behavior (19,1%), asocial manifestations prevailed over social behavior. If their position and their point of view were not taken into account, they showed physical and verbal aggression (they beat, insult, push others), often quarreled with other children; they were unable to coordinate their actions with those of others, they insisted on their own because they did not understand the needs of their peers.
According to the results of the observations, the following pattern was observed: if a group of children (2-3 children) was characterized by a high and sufficient level of positive peer orientation, then their joint activity was successful, they were able to achieve the intended result. If there were children with zero or low levels of focus on peers, the interaction was often disrupted through conflict and the result was not achieved.
Indicator: the ability to make moral choice (the method "Divide toys”).
During the procedure, children were asked to share 5 toys with each other and two other play partners. The teacher thus did not interfere in the situation, but watched at a distance and recorded the results.
Inability to moral choice (zero level) was demonstrated by 51,6% of 6-year- old children. The children left three toys for themselves and gave only one to their friend. That showed that they acted for their own advantage. An elementary level was demonstrated by 17,7% of first graders and a sufficient level was demonstrated by 14,6% of children. These children left 2 toys for themselves, and gave away the rest to their peers (one child got two toys and another child - one). First graders who demonstrated a sufficient level later in the game were sharing their toys with their mates, but children with elementary levels refused to share.
16,1% of first graders showed a high level of making moral choices. They divided the toys the following way: one was left to them, and two were distributed among peers. Some of them hesitated and wanted to keep two toys, but eventually gave their peers most of the toys. It should be noted that at moral actions are not yet sustainable and depend on the situation, mood of the child, attractiveness of toy, etc. Thus, further focused work of educators and parents is needed to consolidate this ability.
Indicator: observance of the moral norm of humanity. For diagnostics we used the method "Ability to expand the moral norm as an indicator of moral development, Stage I" (E. Smirnova). The method was carried out as follows: an adult had a casual conversation with children and suddenly, during the conversation, found a candy in his pocket. One child lacked the candy. The children solved this problem situation on their own, recording the nature of children's behavior, their emotional manifestations and language expressions.
A high level was demonstrated by 17,6% of first graders who, without the encouragement and reminders of an adult, shared a candy with a child of the same age who did not have enough candies and who looked upset. Some of them even gave away their candies (for example, Vika said, "Take mine, I like chocolate candies more than these ones"). A sufficient level was demonstrated by 21,5% of children.
They did not want to share, but they did not hide their candies. They shared candies after their friends started asking them to: "Are you a greedy kid?", "I gave you my car to play with", "I will not share with you either". Consequently, social motives and generosity are shown when there is additional influence of peers. Elementary level was demonstrated by 23,6% of children. First, they hid the candy in a closet or pocket, and later shared it on a walk or while playing together with a friend. Children shared candies not to quarrel or stop their interaction. As we can see, in this case, they demonstrate selfish motives rather than social ones. A zero level was demonstrated by 37,3% of children who hid candy and did not want to share it even after requests from their peers.
Indicator: the ability to expand the moral standards. For diagnosis, we used the methodology "The ability to expand moral standards as an indicator of moral development, stage II" (E. Smirnova). During the first stage of the procedure the first graders were given candies for no particular reason, then during the second stage candy had to "earn" it by guessing the riddle. Therefore, during the first stage, we observed compliance with the norm of generosity / humanity ("We must share with those who have nothing"). During the second stage, the teacher monitored whether the child was able to adhere to the norm in atypical situations (when the award was earned and not necessarily given).
62,7% of first graders were generous during the first stage of the method, but 67,6% of 6-year-old children (a zero level) did not fulfill this standard in atypical circumstances. Children, receiving the prize, did not share with their peers, despite their upset appearance and numerous requests. They said, "Prizes are not shared" or quickly ate candies. The remaining first graders (32,4%) shared candies with their friends. For most of them, this decision was not easy: they hesitated, asked if more riddles could be solved, they found it inconvenient to look at the sad peers and listen to their requests to share, but still they shared. Only 12,6% of first graders immediately shared candy with mates. The methodology described above proves that most first graders are not yet able to apply the learned norms of behavior to atypical situations.
Indicator: observance of moral norm of honesty in behavior was diagnosed with the help of the methods of "A lost lottery" (M. Burke-Beltran), "An honest maze" (T. Avdulova). To obtain more credible results, we also used the results of the projective technique "Unfinished Stories". When carrying out all the techniques, we observed how the norm of honesty was observed in different situations: in a neutral situation, when the child perceived the norm in its purest form (when the task is finished - tell us); when a prize in the form of a candy could be awarded for completing a task; when punishment for misconduct was possible.
We carried out "A Lost lottery" technique twice. During the first attempt children did not fully understand the rules of the game and the conditions of its implementation (that the adult did not watch them playing and they could tell the truth or could lie to get a candy). As a result, 81,4% of children told the truth and only 18,6% lied (zero level). When playing the game again, 61,5% of the children told the truth and 38,5% lied to get a candy. During "An honest maze" methodology, 51,7% of first graders told the truth about the task, 48,3% of children lied. The projective methodology of "Unfinished stories" showed quite different results. When a child committed an offense and realized that he was in danger and had to be punished, only 9,8% of children (a high level) adhered to the standard of honesty. Most first graders (90,2%) violate the standard of honesty to avoid punishment.
The methods conducted showed that 9,8% of first graders adhered to the norm of honesty in different life situations, even when they were threatened with punishment; 51,7% of children adhered to standards of honesty in neutral and rewarding situations; 19,9% of first graders violated the standard of honesty when they were threatened with punishment and often did so in order to be rewarded; 18,6% of first graders violated the standard of honesty in different situations in order to obtain the desired result. Therefore, honesty did not regulate behavior.
Indicator: observance of the moral norm of responsibility (discipline) was checked by the method of "Politeness" (N. Gutkina). In pedagogy it is noted that responsibility as a quality of personality begins to emerge only after 5 years and up to 7 years is manifested as discipline and the ability to subordinate actions to the established rule. The essence of the technique was that the host offered to play a game where the commands are executed only if he says the word "please". The content of the commands is related to physical exercises ("hands forward", "hands on the belt, please", "sit down", "hands to shoulders, please"). The success of the task depends on the arbitrariness of behavior, discipline, namely everything that defines the concept of "rule". Processing of results is carried out by calculation of points which were given for errors. To accurately capture the results the game was played several times.
A zero level of discipline was demonstrated by 24,2% of first graders. Due to lack of attention, they made a lot of mistakes when executing commands (out of 12 commands they made more than 8 errors). 36,7% of 6- year-old children demonstrated elementary level of discipline and 26,3% of first graders demonstrated a sufficient level. These children were more attentive and made less mistakes (6-8 mistakes - an elementary level, 3-5 mistakes - a sufficient level). Children with high level of discipline (12,8%) made 1-2 mistakes and quickly corrected them.
In order to determine the levels of social and moral activity of the individual, we calculated the arithmetic mean of the obtained indicators. A zero level of social and moral activity of the personality was demonstrated by
31,2% of first graders. These children had little or no activity during the interaction, pursuing their own interests. Social manifestations prevailed over social behaviors: if their position was not taken into account, children exhibited physical and verbal aggression, quarreled with other children. First graders were unable to coordinate their actions with the actions of others, insisted on their own, because they did not understand the needs of peers.
Children demonstrated an inability to make moral choices and expand moral standards. They did not show humanity (generosity) in interaction, pursued their own interests. They violated the norm of honesty in different situations in order to obtain the desired result for themselves. Discipline was not formed.
18,8% of first graders demonstrated an elementary level of social and moral activity formation. Activity was rarely used to establish interaction: even when working together, they worked separately on their own part of the task. During interaction, first graders pursued their own interests, in case of a conflict of interests - they did not seek compromises and stopped interaction. Manifestations of social behavior slightly outweighed the manifestations of antisocial behavior. Social behavior of these school children was situational and depended on many factors: mood, attachment to peers, presence of adults, etc. If in the process of interaction their desires were not taken into account, children did not restrain their own negative manifestations, they quarreled with their peers, accompanied by manifestations of verbal and physical aggression.
Children demonstrated an inability to expand moral standards. Humane behaviors were detected only when the violation threatens a joint interaction (a game) that was of great interest to the child at the moment (when they want to satisfy their own interests). They violated the standard of honesty when they were threatened with punishment or in order to receive rewards. Foundations of discipline were formed.
38,4% of first graders showed a sufficient level of social and moral activity formation. Children were engaged in interaction, but it was still difficult to reconcile their actions with those of their peers. This required the help of an adult who explained the actions of peers and thus helped to appreciate them. Children were able to express sympathy, sympathy for the interlocutor, but it was still difficult for them to defend their position without conflict, to justify it.
Occasionally exhibited the ability to make moral choices in joint activities (in the game, etc.). The ability to expand the moral norm was also revealed sporadically, after repeated exposure of peers. They demonstrated humane behaviors (norm of generosity) only at the request of others. Honesty standards in neutral and rewarding situations were observed. Discipline was sufficient.
A high level of social and moral activity formation was demonstrated by 11,6% of 6-year-old children. Children were active in establishing interaction, adhered to social norms and rules of behavior; showed kindness, compassion, desire to help others. They were able to reconcile their interests with those of their peers; manifestations of destructive behavior were almost non-existent.
They demonstrated the ability to make moral choices, although moral actions were not yet sustainable. They showed the ability to expand moral norms (norms were applied to different situations). They demonstrated humane behaviors (in favor of another person, contrary to their own interests). They adhered to standards of honesty in different situations of life, even when they were threatened with punishment. They were characterized by advanced discipline.
Conclusions and research perspectives
The conducted experiment confirmed that half of the 7- year-old first graders had zero and elementary levels of social and moral activity formation. It was proved that six-year-olds are not active enough when establishing interaction with others; they experience troubles when correlating their actions with the ones of their peers. Help of an adult is needed to optimize interaction, to explain actions of peers, evaluate the situation and to find a behavior pattern suitable for it. Most first-graders occasionally show the ability to make moral choices, but are unable to expand the moral norm. As a rule, children show the norm of generosity only after reminders and requests of others. Observance of norms of honesty is only possible in situations with a possibility of receiving a reward; in the case of impending punishment - the rule of honesty is almost always violated. The majority of children have discipline formed at an elementary level. Thus, the need for purposeful work to educate six-year-old first- graders of social and moral activity has been proved.
The prospect of further research is the development of a program to educate the social and moral activity of children of primary school age in adaptation and play period.
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курсовая работа [48,0 K], добавлен 16.11.2010The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.
курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.
презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.
курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.
курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.
курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.
презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011