Pedagogical conditions of maintaining teachers’ good professional health in preschool educational institutions
The highlights the problem of maintaining teachers’ good professional health in preschool educational institutions by means of creating effective pedagogical conditions, as it affects the development of the health-maintaining competence of children.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.05.2022 |
Размер файла | 21,8 K |
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Pedagogical conditions of maintaining teachers' good professional health in preschool educational institutions
L.F. Kuchynsk
The article highlights the problem of maintaining teachers' good professional health in preschool educational institutions by means of creating effective pedagogical conditions, as it affects the development of the health-maintaining competence of children in preschools and becomes the basis for the health of the future nation. It outlines the scientific essence of pedagogical conditions, namely organizational-pedagogical, social-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical ones, which are created purposefully and implemented in the educational environment aiming to maintain teachers' professional health. It describes the content of motivational, cognitive, activity, emotional and reflexive components of pedagogical conditions.
The article gives brief analysis of such relevant conceptual categories as "professional health", "pedagogical conditions", "maintaining good health", "self-preservation", "recreation".
It stresses the importance of recreational activity, as a form of spare-time activities and a certain social phenomenon related to the reproduction and development of physical, neuromental, spiritual and intellectual capacities of the individual.
In general context the article describes the essence of self-preservation, which consists in developing a conscious and caring attitude to a person's own health and its self-preservation on the basis of a recreational approach, as the teachers' health is one of the factors of efficiency and an indicator of the quality of professional activity.
It proves the necessity to actualize the problem of maintaining good health because its most important determinant is a healthy lifestyle that combines four of its basic components, namely: physical, mental, spiritual and social health.
It organizes the pedagogical process in preschools according to sectors, as it provides the gradual submission of theoretical and practical material.
The article presents a set of methodological and informational measures aiming at encouraging teachers to maintain good personal health and to develop positive inner motivation.
Key words: professional health; pedagogical conditions; pedagogical staff; pedagogical process; maintaining good health; self-preservation; recreation; specialists; preschool educational institution.
Л.Ф. Кучинська
У статті розкрито проблему збереження професійного здоров'я фахівців закладів дошкільної освіти через створення ефективних педагогічних умов, оскільки вони формують здоров'язбережувальну компетенцію дітей дошкільного віку та закладають основи здоров'я майбутньої нації.
Викладено наукову сутність педагогічних умов, а саме організаційно-педагогічних, соціально-педагогічних, психолого-педагогічних, які створюються цілеспрямовано й реалізуються в освітньому середовищі з метою збереження професійного здоров'я педагогів. Висвітлено зміст мотиваційного, когнітивного, діяльнісного, емоційного та рефлексивного компонентів педагогічних умов.
Здійснено аналіз актуалізованих понятійних категорій: "професійне здоров'я, "педагогічні умови", "здоров'язбереження", "самозбереження"; "рекреація".
Деталізовано значимість рекреаційної діяльності, як однієї із форм дозвілля, певного суспільного явища, пов'язаного з відтворенням і розвитком фізичних, нервово-психічних, духовних та інтелектуальних сил особистості.
Розкрито у загальному контексті суть самозбереження, яка полягає у формуванні свідомого і дбайливого ставлення до власного здоров'я, його самозбереженні на засадах рекреаційного підходу, оскільки здоров'я педагогів є одним із факторів працездатності і показником "якості" професійної діяльності.
Доведено необхідність актуалізації проблеми здоров'язбереження, адже найвагомішою його детермінантою є здоровий спосіб життя. при поєднанні чотирьох його основних складових, а саме: фізичного, психічного, духовного й соціального здоров'я.
Систематизовано за блоками організацію педагогічного процесу в закладі дошкільної освіти з педагогами, оскільки це забезпечує поетапну подачу теоретичного та практичного матеріалу.
Викладено комплекс методично-інформаційних заходів у напрямку заохочення педагогів до збереження особистого здоров'я та формування позитивної внутрішньої мотивації.
Ключові слова: професійне здоров'я; педагогічні умови; педагогічні працівники; педагогічний процес; здоров'язбереження; самозбереження здоров'я; рекреація; фахівці; заклад дошкільної освіти.
Introduction of the issue
Reformation and modernization of the preschool education in Ukraine has led to the fact that preschool educational institutions require now highly skillful and competent staff as a key factor in developing health maintaining competence of children, therefore, affecting the health of the future nation. In modern market conditions, the success of teachers' professional selfrealization and their competitive ability depend not only on professional awareness, but also on their physical, mental, spiritual, social health and responsible attitude to it. There is a reason to believe that this approach requires a change in the thinking and behavior of every teacher as well as a high level of readiness to maintain personal health, an awareness of its importance as a prerequisite for the quality professional activity and the ability to develop self-discipline and self-restraint habits.
Such researchers as V. Bekhteriev, P. Kapterev, Ya. Komenskyi, P. Leshaft, Y. Pestalotsi, M. Pyrohov, JeanJacques Rousseau, H. Skovoroda, V. Sukhomlynskyi, K. Ushynskyi, S. Frene, R. Steiner, V. Bobrytska, E. Vainer, T. Volchenska, H. Zaitseva, O. Ionova, H. Sierikov, T. Savustianenko, N. Bashavets, F. Bielienka and others, analyzing the issue in question, have all agreed to believe that the solution of the problem of maintaining teacher's good health is in organizing educational process in accordance with the goals and principles of humanistic education.
In this regard, it is obvious that the effectiveness in developing teachers' readiness to improve their ability to work and maintain good professional health, to a large extent, depends on clearly formulated and implemented pedagogical conditions.
Current state of the issue
pedagogical professional health educational
A thorough analysis of the researches and publications on the topic shows that some aspects of the outlined problem have been studied by such researchers as R. Berezovska, E. Zeier, N. Zymyvets, E. Ivanov, O. Krainiuk, H. Meshko, L. Mitina, V. Orzhekhovska, N. Patkova, V. Ponomarenko, V. Sukhomlynskyi and others.
However, it should be noted that the concept of professional health integrates the complex relationship between the individual and the professional environment and measures the coherence of the society's social needs and a person's capabilities in terms of professional activity.
In general context of performing professional activity such notion as "professional health” is distinguished and is considered as:
- an integral component of general health, consisting of all its basic aspects and including the characterization of the functional state of the human body by physical and mental indicators in order to assess a person's ability to effectively perform a certain professional activity during a certain period of time; (V. Bodrov, E. Vainer, E. Zeier, M. Korolchuk, V. Krainiuk, R. Krychevskyi, A. Markova, L. Sushchenko, etc.);
- complex characteristics of human health in specific conditions of professional activity (R. Berezovska, O. Dovhopolova, A. Maklakov, H. Nikiforov, V. Podliashanyk, V. Ponomarenko, B. Smirnov, etc.);
- the teacher's ability to preserve and activate the regulatory mechanisms that ensure the capacity, efficiency and development of the individual (L. Mitina);
- integral multidimensional dynamic state of the human body allowing the teacher to maximize his creative potential in professional and pedagogical activity (B. Dolynskyi).
The outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. Some scientists, in particular O. Anishchenko, V. Yefimova, L. Mitina, H. Nikiforov, consider professional efficiency as the main indicator of the teacher's professional health and the maximum possible efficiency of the teacher's activity, determined by the functional state of their body.
That is why the important aspects of maintaining teachers' good professional health in preschool educational institutions by means of creating favorable and effective pedagogical conditions in the pedagogical process remain insufficiently studied today.
Aim of research is to scientifically explain and practically solve the problem of maintaining teacher's good professional health in preschool educational institutions by creating favorable pedagogical conditions, as well as to analyze the basic categories of the actualized problem.
Results and discussion
Based on the goal of the research, modern meaning and definition of such concepts as "pedagogical conditions", "professional health", "maintaining good health", "self-preservation" and "recreation" should be analyzed.
In scientific and pedagogical sources the concept of "pedagogical conditions" is considered in various aspects, to be exact in philosophical, didactic and educational ones, and is defined as a significant part of the educational process, which determines its success, efficiency and effectiveness.
Therefore, the term "pedagogical conditions" is very common in the scientific and pedagogical literature. None of the existing pedagogical dictionaries provides a precise definition of this term, so it is necessary to clarify it.
The common issue of all definitions is that pedagogical conditions are defined as a system of certain forms, methods, material conditions, real situations that are objectively or subjectively created and are necessary to achieve a specific pedagogical goal (A. Aleksiuk, A. Aiurzanain, P. Pidkasystyi, L. Karpenko, O. Petrovskyi, M. Yaroshevskyi, etc.)
Such researchers (mainly Russians) as V. Andreiev, Yu. Babanskyi, V. Belikov, V. Berkov, A. Verbytskyi, O. Halkina, M. Danylov, S. Dynina, A. Diomin, V. Zahviazynsky, M. Zvierieva, I. Ziaziun, N. Ippolitova, N. Kuzmina, B. Kupriianov, N. Mikhailova, A. Nain, I. Pidlasyi, O. Piekhota, S. Rubinstein, V. Slastionin, N. Sterkhova, I. Frolov, A. Khutorskyi, N. Yakovlieva and others have dedicated their works to the problem of defining the term "pedagogical conditions”.
A thorough analysis of scientific works provides the evidence of the multi-vector nature in defining the concept and essence of pedagogical conditions. Some definitions are the following: a set of objective possibilities, content, forms, methods, pedagogical techniques that are purposefully created and implemented in the educational environment in order to provide successful solutions of the certain pedagogical tasks (R. Sieriozhnikova, N. Parkhomenko, L. Yakovytska) [8]; a set of measures that contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process, as well as the necessary and sufficient mandatory circumstances that determine the existence and development of the certain educational space (A. Lytvyn) [3].
It's relevant for the current research to study the works of those scientists who have been analyzing organizational-pedagogical (O. Havryliuk, D. Horobets, I. Sereda, B. Chyzhevskyi), social-pedagogical (I. Karpova, Ya. Kichuk, M. Tchaikovskyi) and psychological- pedagogical conditions (S. Miroshnyk). Thus, B. Chyzhevskyi believes that organizational and pedagogical conditions are a functional dependence of the system of pedagogical components on the set of phenomena and objects (things, their states, processes, interactions) in their various manifestations. He divides the organizational and pedagogical conditions into such groups as interrelated necessary and sufficient, objective and subjective, as well as external and internal ones [10].
The other researchers define social and pedagogical conditions as a sequence of professional actions aimed at achieving a certain social and pedagogical effect, as well as socializing the participants of the educational process.
Based on the analysis of the researches on the identification of psychological and pedagogical conditions it's necessary to state that the majority of scientists (Ye. Hanin, V. Moshkin, A. Tulehenova) distinguish between three main groups of the conditions mentioned above:
informational (content of the education; cognitive basis of the pedagogical process); technological (forms, means, methods, stages, ways of organizing educational activity) and personal ones (behavior, activity, communication, personal qualities of the pedagogical staff, psychological basis of the educational process).
The researcher S. Miroshnyk distinguishes between motivational, cognitive, activity, emotional, reflexive components of pedagogical conditions. The description of some components is presented below.
There are reasons to believe that the development of a motivational component of the teacher's willingness to maintain personal health and inner motivation consists in creating a favorable educational environment, which is characterized by:
- taking into account teachers' personal potential, interests and preferences in order to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process in preschool educational institutions;
- identifying the personal health- maintaining aspect as a priority for teachers in the prospect of their professional activity and professional longevity, the development of a valuable attitude to health as a necessary factor of human life, which is the basis of health-maintaining competence;
- modernizing the material and technical base for physical education, active recreation of teachers in accordance with the current world trends and maximizing the effective use of the existing tools;
- implementing the methodological and informational activity aiming to encourage pedagogical workers to maintain personal health and develop a positive inner motivation through the use of the certain measures in order to achieve the set tasks, namely: active exchange of new information, presentation of methodological models concerning implementation of the modern health-maintaining techniques in the educational process.
The scientific material in analysis made it possible to determine that the organizational and pedagogical condition of developing the cognitive component of the teacher's willingness to maintain personal health is in the effective planning of the methodical work structure and content through various collective and individual forms by ensuring the unity of theoretical and practical components. The characteristics of this pedagogical condition are the following:
- the teacher's awareness of the importance of theoretical knowledge about human health as a necessary factor in human life and their use in daily practice;
- the use of the traditional and innovative health-maintaining techniques (high level of teachers' competence, creative atmosphere in preschool educational institutions and the pragmatic approach to maintaining professional health).
The pedagogical condition in developing the reflexive component of the teacher's willingness to maintain personal health is the identification of individual programs with respect to individual needs, abilities, opportunities, anthropological and psychophysiological features of professional activity. This pedagogical condition has the following features:
- self-assessment of a person's own psychological, physical, professional and personal capabilities and potential;
- development of self-diagnosis, self-examination, self-reflection and self-preservation skills.
But the decisive role, according to such scientists as M. Amosov, V. Kulinichenko, M. Honcharenko,
Ye. Pomytkin, belongs to the spiritual component of human health, its morality, the consciousness level, the personality level as well as a person's attitude to their own health and the health of others.
In the course of professional activity, teachers can maintain and strengthen their health only through selfimprovement as well as developing selfdiscipline and self-restraint habits.
Moreover, the scientific research shows that maintaining good health, including professional one, can occur at the biological (physiological), psychological, social and spiritual levels.
It is found out that in modern pedagogical science the concept of "maintaining good health” is interpreted by researchers ambiguously, namely as:
- solving educational tasks with respect to the health status of the educational staff in order to maintain health and, if possible, to strengthen it (H. Sierikov) [8];
- implementing the teaching methods and means in accordance with physiological and psychological principles of maintaining health (V. Suvorova) [10];
- the process of maintaining and strengthening health aimed to transform the intellectual and emotional spheres of the individual, improve a person's attitude to their own health and the health of other people based on the awareness of personal responsibility (O. Hlebov) [2];
- the system of pedagogical actions, which allows the teacher not to waste and not to destroy their physical, mental and social well-being and is implemented through educational techniques with respect to the age and psychophysiological characteristics of those who study or work (V. Yefimova) [3: 45].
Based on the aforementioned information, it should be noted that in order to solve the key tasks on this issue, there is the need in fundamentally new approaches to maintaining professional health and protecting pedagogical staff from professional stress, in particular, the development of teachers' readiness for recreational activity as one of the pedagogical conditions that is relevant in today's conditions.
In accordance with the analysis of scientific sources the notion "recreation", as a basic concept of recreation, is considered as a form of spare-time activities, a certain social phenomenon related to the reproduction and development of physical, neuro-mental, spiritual and intellectual abilities of a person and provided by a system of the appropriate measures used by the individual in their free time. The important item of the recreation is its restorative function [12].
It is worth noting that the social development nowadays is characterized by an increase in the importance of recreation as part of a person's recovery process. Among the objective factors that influence teachers' recovery are:
- fixed free time and the variety of forms and methods of using this time;
- teachers' awareness of the importance of recreational activities in the personal development, maintaining and improving health as well as enhancing their social and professional potential;
- realizing the need to scientifically define the phenomenon of "recreational activity" as a set of many new processes for society and the development of recreational competence with respect to the teachers' recreational needs.
In the process of realizing the teachers' recreational needs it is necessary to develop a proper attitude towards their own health and an active outlook and health position based on the following principles: "know yourself", "create yourself", "help yourself", "be healthy"," health through a healthy lifestyle".
One of the main recreational processes is self-preservation aiming at developing a conscious and caring attitude to a person's own health, protecting the environment, developing healthy lifestyle habits and ensuring personal safety.
It's important to analyze the works of the prominent philosophers and public figures on the concept of selfpreservation and health. Thus, N. Freik and Y. Tsymbrykevych believe that human nature has eternal motivating force - self-preservation (the principle of self-preservation unites nature, society and human) [11: 1083-1088]. The famous philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau has emphasized that the feeling of self-preservation, concern for a person's own health and satisfaction of a person's own interests were, are and will be in people's lives because they are inherent in human nature, and will disappear if humanity ceases to exist on the earth [6].
In the process of analyzing the essence of the concept of "selfpreservation", it is proved that its most important determinant is a healthy lifestyle when combining with its four basic components, namely: physical, mental, spiritual and social health. From the point of view of the practicing education specialists, the main problem in building a health self-preservation system is the motivation to rationalize healthy lifestyle behavior in both professional and personal life.
Thus, in order to solve the key tasks of maintaining and restoring teachers' professional health, it is necessary to plan and organize not only the system of appropriate measures, but also the space in which they are realized (V. Stafiichuk, I. Hrodzynska, S. Nezdoiminov, O. Husieva) [9].
It should be clarified that the actualization of the above-named problem requires a practical system of educational work in the preschool educational institutions, the creation of the favorable pedagogical environment, which includes a variety of effective methods, forms and techniques (startups, trainings, workshops, colloquiums, brain-rings etc.), which are realized both during and in between pedagogical activity.
In the general context, all forms, methods and techniques should be aimed at developing teacher's inner strength, expanding his professional self-awareness, reducing mental stress, forming sanogenic thinking, harmonizing the teacher's inner world, reducing the risk to get sick and maintaining good professional health.
In our opinion, using the method of "immersion" in the preschool educational institutions as part of realization of the integration principle in the pedagogical process is extremely effective, since in this way the professional health-maintaining theoretical and practical material is presented in blocks, namely: block I - self-preservation; block II - psychophysical training; block III - physical training; block IV - emotional wellbeing.
The realization of the block I addresses the effective use of diagnostic techniques for determining the potential capabilities of the teacher's own body, namely: verbal and schematic drawings ("I am a teacher - agent of change", "I am an ideal teacher", "What I am", "What I am in my colleges' eyes", etc.); role-playing games to solve problematic pedagogical situations, psychological and pedagogical games ("Thoughts on character", "Inner ray", "The medley of my life", "The focus on self-preservation and maintaining good health", etc.) pedagogical show "Self-preservation +"; pedagogical message "I know and I can" and others.
The realization of the second block includes the effective use of creative exercises such as "Write a non-sent letter about your negative emotions", "Draw what affects your life the most", "The steps of my professional life", "Magic wand", etc. and relaxation as a step to mental health (self-training, meditation, creative attempts to express oneself, etc.).
The essence of the block III is physical health through recreational activity. In our opinion, the most important and relevant types of recreational activity are those that are realized in between pedagogical activity, in particular, physical activity (gymnastics, breathing exercises, walks outside, sport), social activities (theaters, movies, museums, exhibitions, excursions, amateur art activities), intellectual activity, entertainment (active, passive), travels for pleasure, etc.
The forth block is important for maintaining good emotional health of pedagogical staff and it includes making check lists by the teachers on the basis of previously read and worked material. The topics are as follows: "Medicine for professional stress”, "How not to burn out at work", "How to achieve a balance in everything", "The steps to professional longevity", "A professional career without stress". The other element of this block is the catharsis as a step to spiritual health including music, visual arts, connection with nature, etc.
The implementation of the aforesaid pedagogical conditions and life strategies will help maintain the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of teachers in preschool educational institutions and provide psychological comfort in the pedagogical process.
Conclusions and research perspectives
The analysis of the scientific and pedagogical researches on the problem in question proves the relevance of the issue, since pedagogical activity is quite dynamic in terms of social and economic development of the society.
Therefore, it is safe to say that a practical system of methodical and informative measures to create the above-mentioned pedagogical conditions and fundamentally new approaches of maintaining teachers' good professional health contributes to:
- high self-preservation level among pedagogical staff, that means a conscious and caring attitude towards their own health;
- developing the need for teachers to maintain their health and to build positive inner motivation as well as the ability to reflect, correlate and combine professional work with leisure;
- engaging in recreational activity which is extremely important in the current environment.
Thereby it's important to emphasize that the analysis of the problem of maintaining teachers' good professional health in preschool educational institutions is not fully analyzed by the researchers and there is the room for further detailed study.
The prospects for further research is in specifying and explaining the certain health-maintaining pedagogical conditions and highlighting the results of this pedagogical experiment.
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реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.
курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.
реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012University of Cambridge is one of the world's oldest and most prestigious academic institutions. The University of Cambridge (often Cambridge University), located in Cambridge, England, is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world.
доклад [23,1 K], добавлен 05.05.2009Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.
курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.
курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.
курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011