Empirical Research of the Self-education Motivation of Students

Components of motivation of self-education (motivation to succeed, learning, self-education, self-actualization). Diagnosis of motivation for success, fear of failure in a group of first and third year undergraduate students. Self-education of students.

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Empirical Research of the Self-education Motivation of Students

Емпіричне дослідження мотивації самоосвіти студентів

Nataliia Shevchenko

Dr. in Psychology, Professor of the Department of Psychology, Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine)

Наталія Шевченко

Доктор психологічних наук, професор кафедри психології, Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя (Україна)


The aim of the article is to present results of an empirical research of self-education motivation of students.

The following methods are used: empirical: «Method for studying the motivation for success and avoidance of failure» by A.Q. Rean, «Method for studying the motivation of higher education» by T.I. Iliina, «Test for assessing the ability to self-development and self-education» by VI. Andreev, «Personal Orientation Inventory» by E. Shostrom; mathematical and statistical methods of data processing.

The results of the research. The data of studying the components of selfeducation motivation (motivation for achieving success, motivation of learning, the ability to self-education and self-actualization) have been presented. Diagnostics of the motivation for success and avoidance of failure has shown that in the group of the first and third year undergraduate students, motivation for success prevails, but it is not marked, and in the 1-2nd year of magistracy, most students have a stable motivation for success. An empirical study of the motivation of educational activity has shown that the motive «Acquisition of knowledge» is the leading motive for students, and the motives «Mastering a profession» and «Getting a diploma» are almost at the same level. This demonstrates that students show curiosity, interest in acquiring knowledge, but still formally assimilate them. It has been found that the motivation for self-education of students grows during the course of study - from the level below average (at the 1st year of the higher education level «Bachelor») to above the average (at the 1st year of the higher education level «Master»). Diagnostics of the degree of self-actualization has shown that students of the first and third years of the baccalaureate have an average degree of self-actualization, and the first year of the magistracy - a high one, which indicates the desire to develop personal capabilities.

Conclusions. Results of the empirical research and correlation analysis of components of the self-education motivation have confirmed the research hypothesis in that part that the self-education motivation of students increases during the course of education; it has been stated the ability for self-education leads to the desire to achieve success and depends on self-actualization.

Key words: self-education, self-education motivation, motivation for achieving success, motivation of learning, self-education ability, self-actualization.


Шевченко Наталія. Емпіричне дослідження мотивації самоосвіти студентів

Мета статті - презентувати результати емпіричного дослідження мотивації самоосвіти студентів.

Методи дослідження. Емпіричні: «Методика вивчення мотивації успіху і остраху невдачі А.О. Реана, «Методика вивчення мотивації навчання у закладі вищої освіти» Т.І. Ільїної, «Тест оцінки здатності до саморозвитку та самоосвіти» В.І. Андреева, «Опитувальник особистісної орієнтації» Е. Шострома; математико-статистичні методи обробки даних.

Результати дослідження. Представлено дані вивчення складових мотивації самоосвіти (мотивація досягнення успіху, мотивація навчання, здатність до самоосвіти та самоактуалізація).

Діагностика мотивації успіху й остраху невдачі показала, що у групі студентів першого і третього курсів бакалаврату переважає мотивація на успіх, але не яскраво виражена, а на 1-2-му курсах магістратури більшість студентів мають стійку мотивацію на успіх. Емпіричне дослідження мотивації навчальної діяльності засвідчило, що для студентів основним є мотив «Набуття знань», а мотиви «Оволодіння професією» та «Отримання диплома» знаходяться майже на одному рівні. Це демонструє те, що студенти виявляють допитливість, зацікавленість у здобутті знань, але все-таки засвоюють їх формально. Установлено, що мотивація самоосвіти студентів зростає упродовж навчання - від рівня нижчого за середній (на 1-му курсі рівня вищої освіти «Бакалаврський») - до вище середнього (на 1-му курсі рівня вищої освіти «Магістерський»). Діагностика ступеня самоактуалізаціїпоказала, що студенти першого і третього курсів бакалаврату мають середній ступінь самоактуалізації, а першого курсу магістратури - високий, що свідчить про прагнення до розвитку своїх особистісних можливостей.

Висновки. Результати емпіричного дослідження та кореляційного аналізу складових мотивації самоосвіти підтвердили гіпотезу дослідження у тій частині, що мотивація самоосвіти студентів зростає упродовж навчання; встановлено, що здатність до самоосвіти зумовлює прагнення досягнення успіху та залежить від самоактуалізації.

Ключові слова: самоосвіта, мотивація самоосвіти, мотивація досягнення успіху, мотивація навчання, здатність до самоосвіти, самоак- туалізація.


motivation self-education undergraduate student

Шевченко Наталия. Эмпирическое исследование мотивации самообразования студентов

Цель статьи - представить результаты эмпирического исследования мотивации самообразования студентов.

Методы исследования. Эмпирические: «Методика изучения мотивации успеха и избегания неудачи» А.А. Реана, «Методика изучения мотивации обучения в учреждении высшего образования» Т.И. Ильиной, «Тест оценки способности к саморазвитию и самообразованию» В.И. Андреева, «Опросник личностной ориентации» Э. Шострома; математико-статистические методы обработки данных.

Результаты исследования. Представлены данные изучения составляющих мотивации самообразования (мотивация достижения успеха, мотивация обучения, способность к самообразованию и самоактуализация).

Диагностика мотивации успеха и боязни неудачи показала, что в группе студентов первого и третьего курсов бакалавриата преобладает мотивация на достижение успеха, но не ярко выражена, а на 1-2-ом курсах магистратуры большинство студентов имеют устойчивую мотивацию на успех. Эмпирическое исследование мотивации учебной деятельности показало, что для студентов ведущим является мотив «Приобретение знаний», а мотивы «Овладение профессией» и «Получение диплома» находятся почти на одном уровне. Это демонстрирует то, что студенты проявляют любознательность, заинтересованность в приобретении знаний, но все же усваивают их формально. Установлено, что мотивация самообразования студентов растет на протяжении обучения - от уровня ниже среднего (на 1-ом курсе уровня высшего образования «Бакалаврский») - до выше среднего (на 1-ом курсе уровня высшего образования «Магистерский»). Диагностика степени самоактуализации показала, что студенты первого и третьего курсов бакалавриата имеют среднюю степень самоактуализации, а первого курса магистратуры - высокую, что свидетельствует о стремлении к развитию личностных возможностей.

Выводы. Результаты эмпирического исследования и корреляционного анализа составляющих мотивации самообразования подтвердили гипотезу исследования в той части, что мотивация самообразования студентов возрастает на протяжении обучения; установлено, что способность к самообразованию порождает стремление к достижению успеха и зависит от самоактуализации.

Ключевые слова: самообразование, мотивация самообразования, мотивация достижения успеха, мотивация обучения, способность к самообразованию, самоактуализация.


In today's conditions, education is becoming a major factor in development of an individual and society. Ideas of education are changing, as society is begining to recognize the need for lifelong learning. The development of society at the present stage requires a revision of the higher education strategy; the educational process is understood not only as external to the student activities, but also as a process and result of a student's own activity. Instead of the former concept of «education» a new concept is forming: «education of a personality» as a process and result of personal responsibility, failures and merits.

According to the new educational paradigm, regardless of specialization and type of work, any specialist must have fundamental knowledge, professional skills and abilities of own profile, experience of creative and research activities of solving new problems, experience of social evaluation activities. The last two components of education are formed in the process of self-educational activity of students in the process of professional training.

A student's self-educational activity is intended not only for acquiring knowledge in each discipline, but also for developing skills of independent work in general, in educational, scientific, professional activities, the ability to take responsibility, solve problems, find constructive solutions, crisis management and more. That is why students' self-education is considered as the most important component of their cognitive educational activity, a powerful reserve for improving the quality of education, strengthening the effectiveness of the educational process.

Various problems of modern students have been highlighted in the works of Ukrainian researchers. In particular, features of development of students' autonomy (Івашкевич & Онуф- рієва, 2021), psycholinguistic features of students' acquisition of visual-semantic image of a hieroglyph in studying Japanese (Долинська, Наумова & Шевченко, 2020), formation of communicative culture of students by means of project teaching in higher educational establishments (Maksymenko, Bei, Khim- chuk & Vovchok, 2020), influence of the professional orientation of students of different gender on their ideas of happiness (Stroianovska, Dolynska, Shevchenko, Andriiashyna, Mel- nyk & Tsybuliak, 2020), psychological characteristics of using Internet by students (Онуфрієва, Дідик, & Чеканська, 2019), students' ideas about life success (Stroyanovska, Dolynska, Shevchenko, Yermakova, Matiash-Zaiats & Kriukova, 2021).

General didactic foundations of self-education have been substantiated in classical scientific works. P.I. Pidkasistyi (Пидкасистый, 1980) has carried out a psychological and didactic analysis of independent cognitive activity of students and submitted the program of its improvement for the purpose of formation of students' personality. Yu.K. Babanskyi (Бабанский, 1977) has identified conditions for optimizing the educational process, which are specified on the example of preventing student failure, as well as the organization of the learning process, in particular, independent activities, of the most trained students.

Analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of self-education has shown that the vast majority of researches is devoted to the issues of self-education of future teachers. Scientists have studied: self-educational activity of students of art and pedagogical specialties (Сергеенко, 2019; Заббарова, 2014) and future primary school teachers (Смолюк, 2018), formation of readiness for self-education (Светлова, 2015). Self-education is considered by researchers in the context of a continuous process of professional improvement (Berry & Kitchen, 2020; Sagitova, 2014; Kazarenkov & Kazarenkova, 2015).

Recent researches have highlighted issues of student self-education and self-development in the dynamics of civilization processes (Горбань, 2020), development of the blended learning technology (Geng, Law & Niu, 2019), correlation between students' self-directed learning skills and learning trends throughout life (Tekkoll & Demirel, 2018), studying the effectiveness of self-paced learning (Tullis & Benjamin, 2011; Hill, Peters, Vinnedge, Salvaggio, Vinnedge & Darden, 2020).

Analyzing a number of works on the problem of self-education of youth, students, teachers, we can conclude that despite the noted importance of self-education to guide personal development and training of future professionals, its research is quite fragmentary, particularly in terms of the self-education motivation.

The aim of the article is to present results of an experimental study of the self-education motivation of students.

Methods of the research

In accordance with the theoretically substantiated ideas of peculiarities of the self-education motivation of modern students we have chosen the following psychodiagnostic tools for the empirical research: «Method for studying the motivation for success and avoidance of failure» by A.O. Rean (Реан, 2008), «Method for studying the motivation of higher education» by T.I. Iliin (Ильин, 2008), «Test for assessing the ability to self-development and self-education» by V.I. Andreev (Андреев, 2015), «Personal Orientation Inventory» by E. Shos- trom (Реан, 2008); mathematical and statistical methods of data processing (IBM SPSS-20: descriptive statistics, correlation analysis).

The study has been conducted on the basis of Zaporizhzhia National University. The total sample of respondents consisted of 121 students, including 81 students of the 1st and 3rd year of the higher education level «Bachelor» and 40 students of the 1--2nd courses of the higher education level «Master».

Results and discussions

In psychological literature self-education is seen as a subjectively significant conscious process of disclosure of an individual's own capabilities and abilities in activities and relationships; this process is based on cognitive needs. The cognitive needs necessitate the constant, purposeful self-education, which does not end after achieving the result (goal of self-education), but continues each time in a new round of productive activity, forming new motives, creating new problems and finding solutions (Kazarenkov & Kazarenkova, 2015; Sagitova, 2014).

Self-educational activity is associated with self-organization -- individuals' ability to organize themselves and their activities: independently set goals and objectives, choose ways to achieve them, determine own behavior over time, cause self-control and self-analysis (Tekkoll & Demirel, 2018). The goal can be given to the person from the outside: in the form of requirements, instructions, or produced by the person himself or herself. In the first case the effectiveness of implementation depends entirely on its internal acceptance by the individual, when the proposed goal coincides with the individual motivational sphere. In the self-education, there is a second option for the goal setting, as self-education is a self-governing process of cognition (Tullis & Benjamin, 2011).

Self-education is a result of education and a prerequisite for its effectiveness. Relationship between the processes of education and self-education is caused by the fact that: selfeducation contributes to the accumulation of knowledge, formation of the intellect, development of the mental strength and abilities; self-education is an informative process, is a component of the mental self-education, which produces the qualities necessary for the successful knowledge acquisition (Geng, Law & Niu, 2019).

Researches indicate that self-education is a special activity that has its own specific structure, different from the structure of educational activities and its independent forms in that its main components are motives, tasks, methods of action and methods of control. But, of course, the motives of self-education belong to the educational activities. The defining component of the organization of educational activities is motivation. Motivation of educational activity is connected with the age features. At the stages of preparation in the secondary school, the social motivation of educational activity prevails. Adolescents, as well as younger students, still have a poorly developed understanding the need of training for future professional activities, but after graduation and at the stage of the higher education, the motivation of educational activities changes, namely there are changes in motives due to professional self-affirmation. Student age is the most important period of development of self-awareness and mature self-esteem. Namely at the student age there arise the motives of self-education, which are aimed at self-improvement of ways of acquiring knowledge (Hill, Peters, Salvaggio, Vinnedge & Darden, 2020; Tekkoll & Demirel, 2018).

Let's consider results of an empirical study of students' self-education motivation. Starting the research, we suggested that the motivation of students' self-education increases during their studies, and the ability to self-education determines the desire to succeed, acquire knowledge, master a profession and self-actualization.

Self-education assumes the independent setting of goals and objectives, choosing the ways of its achievement. Both the desire to succeed and the fear of failure can be an impetus to activity and learning. According to the results of the method by A.A. Rean (Реан, 2008) it has been found that in most of the 1st course students of the higher education level «Bachelor» is dominated by the motivation to succeed -- 40%, 35% are not sufficiently motivated to succeed, the tendency to avoid failure is observed in 20% of respondents and only 5% -- motivation to avoid failure. That is, most respondents have a motivation to succeed; individuals of this type are usually active, proactive. If there are obstacles these persons search for ways to overcome them. Such respondents differ in persistence in the purpose achievement, tend to plan their future for long periods of time. They prefer to take on medium difficulty or slightly inflated duties.

The total score on the scale of motivation to achieve success is 12.45, but the motivational pole is not marked. This allows us to conclude that the representatives of this group are generally motivated to succeed, but do not reflect on the future, are not fully conscious of their status. They are quite calm about the fact that they may not know anything yet. But in general, the productivity and degree of their activity depend on external control less. The respondents tend to re-evaluate their failures in light of their successes. When performing tasks of a problematic nature, as well as in conditions of time shortage, effectiveness of the activity is usually improved. Such persons tend to perceive and experience time as «purposeful and fast».

According to the results of the method conducted in the 3rd course, it has been found that 50% of respondents have motivation to succeed, 25% have an unexpressed motivation to succeed and 25% have a tendency to avoid failure. Thus, most students have motivation to succeed; the average score is 13.25 points, which also indicates that the inherent motivation for success, but the motivational pole is not marked, as in the first group of respondents.

Data obtained in the 1--2nd course of the higher education level «Master» have shown that 65% of students are motivated to succeed, 30% of respondents do not express motivation to succeed and 5% -- have the tendency to avoid failure. That is, most of the respondents are motivated to succeed, which is also confirmed by the average score for this group -- 14.35.

Analyzing results obtained in the experimental groups, we can observe that the motivation for success and avoidance of failure changes during the professional training. Thus, in the first year, less than half of the respondents are motivated to succeed, and some students are motivated to fail, but in the end the average score allows us to conclude that in general the group is motivated to succeed, but not marked. In the third course, half of the students are motivated to succeed; the respondents with motivation of failure avoidance are not identified. The total score leads to the conclusion that compared to the first year there are positive changes and most third-year students have motivation to success without a marked pole, but the overall score is higher than in the first year. Also, analyzing results in the fifth course, we can see how the motivation has changed compared to the first course. In the fifth year, more than half of the students have a clear motivation to succeed, and the overall score indicates that the motivation to succeed prevails in the group. Thus, from the first year of the baccalaureate to the 1--2nd year of the magistracy, students' motivation changes and the older they get, the more they are motivated to succeed, not to fail.

Let's consider results of the study of motivation in higher education institution. In our research, we rely on the theoretical foundations of the study of student's self-education motivation (Горбань, 2020; Сергеенко, 2019; Geng, Law & Niu, 2019). In these works self-education is considered as one of the main activities in the educational process which is inextricably linked with educational activities, because the professional orientation of the educational process determines the main content of students' self-education; prerequisites for self-education are the motives for entering a higher education institution. In this regard, we have investigated the study motivation of students according to the method of T.I. Iliin (Ильин, 2008).

Analysis of the results of the 1st year students of the higher education level «Bachelor» has shown the following. According to the scale «Acquisition of knowledge», the average ratio, which reflects the desire of students to acquire knowledge and level of their curiosity, is 7.56 points. On the scale «Mastering a profession», which reflects the desire of students to master professional knowledge and skills, professionally important qualities, the average ratio is 4.35 points. On the scale «Getting a diploma», which reflects the desire of students to «get» a diploma in the formal acquisition of knowledge and find workarounds when passing exams and tests -- 4.95 points.

Thus, it can be observed that the leading positions are occupied by the motive of «acquisition of knowledge» and the motive of «getting a diploma», which indicates students' dissatisfaction with the chosen profession. This suggests that students are curious, interested in acquiring knowledge, but still formally get the title, at an opportunity to find workarounds when passing exams and tests. Many of students do not internally agree with the choice of profession, some -- with the choice of educational institution.

Analysis of the results of the 3rd year students has shown the following. According to the scale «Acquisition of knowledge», the average ratio, which reflects the desire of students to acquire knowledge, the level of their curiosity, is 7.25 points. On the scale «Mastering a profession», which reflects the desire of students to master professional knowledge and skills, professionally important qualities, the average ratio is 5.65 points. On the scale «Getting a diploma», which reflects the desire of students to «get» a diploma in the formal acquisition of knowledge and find workarounds for exams and tests -- 5.57 points.

Thus, the leading position among the 3rd year students is occupied by the motive of «acquiring knowledge», «mastering a profession». This indicates that students are constantly curious, ask a lot of questions during lectures, read a lot, pay more attention than others to seemingly insignificant scientific facts. They also strive to master professional knowledge as much as possible, to form professionally important qualities and skills. The choice of these two motives also indicates an adequate choice of profession.

Analysis of results of the 1-2nd year students of the higher education level of «Master» has shown the following. According to the scale «Acquisition of knowledge», the average ratio, which reflects the desire of students to acquire knowledge, the level of their curiosity, is 9.72 points. On the scale «Mas- tering a profession», which reflects the desire of students to master professional knowledge and skills, professionally important qualities, the average coefficient is 6.85 and on the scale «Getting a diploma», which reflects the desire of students to «get» a diploma in formal learning and to find workarounds when passing exams and tests -- 4.62 points. Thus, as in the third year of baccalaureate, in the magistracy the leading position is also occupied by the motive of «acquiring knowledge», «mastering a profession». This indicates that in the magistracy, students have already decided their priorities, the choice of profession was conscious and they strive to master the necessary knowledge to become qualified specialists.

Thus, compared to the first year, in the third course and 1--2nd courses of magistracy, students understand why they entered the university for the specialty they chose. They decided what motivates them and what is important for them. It can be concluded that in the magistracy and in the 3rd year of baccalaureate the main motives are to get as much knowledge as possible, to fully master the profession and become a specialist, rather than get a diploma and formally acquire knowledge, as can be seen in the first course.

Let's consider results of the study of the ability to selfeducation and self-development. As noted above, when analyzing the features of the processes of self-development and self-education of students, first of all, it is about their professional orientation as the desire for self-realization in the future profession. Abilities for self-development are defined as individual psychological features that provide independent acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities to solve specific life problems. In order to determine whether students have the ability to self-education in general and self-development, they were offered a «Test for assessing the ability to self-development and self-education» (Андреев, 2015).

According to the test results, it has been found that the majority of respondents in the 1st year of baccalaureate had a slightly below average level of ability to self-development and self-education (30% of the total number of respondents). 20% of respondents have an average level, 10% -- slightly above average, high level -- 10%, 15% -- below average, 15% of students -- low level. The total score is 34.5 points: this indicates that the level of ability to self-development and self-education is slightly below average. It can be assumed that first-year students have such a level of ability to self-development and self-education, because they are still adapting to higher education, looking out for the chosen profession.

The results in the third course have shown a slightly below average level of ability to self-development and self-education in most respondents (30% of the total number of respondents). 15% of students have an average level, 25% -- slightly above average, 10% -- above average, 10% -- very low, 5% -- low and 5% -- a high level. The total score is 35.15 points, which indicates an average level of ability to self-development and self-education. It can be concluded that 3rd year students have a higher level of ability to self-development and self-education than 1st year students of baccalaureate -- they are already more adapted and ready to master the profession, relevant knowledge and self-development.

Considering the data obtained at the 1--2nd course of magistracy, it has turned out that most respondents had a high level of ability to self-education and development -- 30%, 20% -- a very high level, 20% -- above average, 20% -- average, 5% -- slightly above average, 5% of students have slightly below average level. The total score is 42.3 points, which indicates above average level of ability to self-education and self-development. Thus, master students are able to purposefully and systematically organize the process of acquiring knowledge, acquiring skills and abilities through independent educational and cognitive activities, they are concious of and accept their own experience and personality.

Analyzing the results, we can state that the level of ability to self-development and self-education is changing during professional education. In the first year of baccalaureate the level is below average, in the third year -- an average, and in 1--2nd year of the higher education level «Master» -- above average. It can be stated from the percentages of the «very high» and «high» levels that most students have a high level of ability to self-development and self-education.

Let's consider results of the diagnostics of the self-actualization degree of students. Self-actualization is an integral attribute of self-consciousness and self-development of an individual, and therefore associated with self-education. Selfactualization is manifested in the motivational structure, in personal and semantic formations, life orientations, which are further embodied in professional activities, communication and personal life. In order to identify the degree of self-actualization of students, we have used the method of E. Shostrom (Реан, 2008).

The analysis of the obtained results has shown that the majority of the first-year students of baccalaureate had an average degree of self-actualization (80%); 20% have a high degree of self-actualization; a low degree of self-actualization in this group has not been detected. The total score is 41.45 points, which indicates the predominance of an average degree of self-actualization. Such persons genelally have expressed spontaneity, self-esteem and self-perception.

The results obtained in the 3rd year of baccalaureate have revealed an average degree of self-actualization -- 100% of respondents. The total score is 35.25 points, which coincides with the results in the group of the 1st year. But, compared to the first-year students, in this group there are no indicators of high and low degree of self-actualization.

The results of the 1--2nd course of magistracy have shown that the majority of students have a high degree of self-actualization -- 65%; 35% have an average degree; low degree in this group has not been detected. The tatal score of 45.15 points also indicates that the group has a high degree of self-actualization.

It is obvious that students with a high degree of self-actualization have internal support, which is guided mainly by internal principles and motivation. Such individuals are less prone to external influences, are free in choise, they are characterized by a certain ratio of self-orientation and orientation to others.

Thus, compared to the results of the first and third year students of baccalaureate, who have an average degree of self-actualization, the results of magistracy students are dominated by a high degree of self-actualization. Probably, among the contradictions in the development and formation of personality at this age (in the first and third year of the higher education level «Bachelor») there is a contradiction between the natural desire of a person to self-assertion and the lack of necessary physical and spiritual capabilities. This contradiction is one of the driving forces of inner self-development of an individual. In students, it manifests as a contradiction between ideas about the profession and its real essence, on the one hand, and between ideas about themselves as subjects of future professional activity and their real capabilities, on the other hand. At the 1--2nd course of magistracy there appears the most important ability that a student must acquire at university, and which can significantly increase his or her professional competence. This is the ability to self-education, which is accompanied by a high degree of self-actualization.

Thus, considering that the motivation for self-education is the desire to succeed, a high degree of self-actualization, the desire to acquire knowledge and master the profession, the research assumption has been confirmed in the part that the motivation of students' self-education increases during the professional training.

Now we turn to results of the correlation analysis of the components of self-education motivation. We have used Pearson's correlation coefficient (IBM SPSS-20) to confirm or reject the second part of the study hypothesis.

When calculating the correlation coefficient of indicators on scales of the methods «Ability to self-development and self-education» and «Motivation for success and avoidance of failure» we have received values of R = 0.34. This indicates a moderate correlation between the studied parameters. Thus, a statistically significant direct correlation indicates that the ability to self-education determines the desire to succeed. This confirms the data of researchers (Tekkoll & Demirel, 2018) that a student who has self-educational competence based on the experience of self-educational activities is able to set a goal, has intrinsic motivation, has a high level of ambition, purposeful and confident, that is motivated for success.

When calculating the correlation coefficient of indicators of the methods «Ability to self-development and self-educa- tion» and «Motivation of higher education» (scale «Acquisi- tion of knowledge»), the coefficient R = --0.04 has been obtained. This suggests that the correlation between the ability to self-education and the desire to acquire knowledge is inversely weak. Thus, the dependence of the parameters is not statistically significant and the ability to self-education does not depend on the desire to acquire knowledge. Thus, a student who studies well at the university does not always have the ability to self-education and self-development.

Calculating the correlation coefficient on scales of the methods «Ability to self-development and self-education» and «Motivation of higher education» (scale «Mastering a profession») we have obtained a coefficient R = --0.13. This result indicates that the correlation between the studied parameters is inverse, with a weak link. That is, the dependence of the parameters is not statistically significant and the ability to self-education does not determine the desire to master the profession. Thus, we can assume that students who want to master professional skills and abilities, do this only within the walls of higher education institution.

When calculating the correlation coefficient on scales of the methods «Ability to self-development and self-education» and «Personal Orientation Inventory» we have obtained R = 0.32. The coefficient indicates that there is an average direct relationship between these parameters. Based on these data, we can assume that students who have the ability to self-education also have a high level of self-actualization, because self-education, self-development and self-actualization are processes aimed at ensuring personal and professional growth. Self-actualization is an integral attribute of self-education and self-development of an individual. The tendency to self-actualization is the essence of personality -- the desire to reflect, know, reveal, and then realize themselves in action. It is manifested in the motivational structure, in personal and semantic formations, life orientations, which are further embodied in professional activities, communication and personal life.

The results of the correlation analysis of the components of self-education motivation allow us to conclude that the ability to self-education is not significantly dependent on the desire to master the profession and acquire knowledge, but the ability to self-education determines the desire to succeed and depends on the self-actualization.


The article presents results of an empirical study of selfeducation motivation of students. The data of studying the components of self-education motivation (motivation for achieving success, motivation of learning, the ability to self-education and self-actualization) have been presented. Diagnostics of the motivation for success and avoidance of failure has shown that in the group of the first and third year undergraduate students, motivation for success prevails, but it is not marked, and in the 1--2nd year of magistracy, most students have a stable motivation for success. An empirical study of the motivation of educational activity has shown that the motive «Acquisition of knowledge» was the leading motive for students, and the motives «Mastering a profession» and «Getting a diploma» were almost at the same level. This demonstrates that students show curiosity, interest in acquiring knowledge, but still formally assimilate them. It has been found that the motivation for self-education of students grows during the course of study -- from the level below average (at the first year of the higher education level «Bachelor») to above the average (at the 1st year of the higher education level «Master»).Diagnostics of the degree of self-actualization has shown that students of the first and third years of the baccalaureate have an average degree of self-actualization, and the first year of the magistracy -- a high one, which indicates the desire to develop personal capabilities.

The results of the empirical research and correlation analysis of components of the self-education motivation have confirmed the research hypothesis in that part that the self-education motivation of students increased during the course of education; it has been stated the ability for self-education led to the desire to achieve success and depended on self-actualization.

A promising direction of future research concerns elaboration and implementation of the development program of self-education motivation of students.


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